Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 13, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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    OKKflON CITY ENTKUPHTSK. 1 ItTDA V. HKi-rhaimMi i.,
Th burden woman has to carry through HI r many hot they no t
tightened if h will turn to Lr. Piero' l-'avonle Prescription, A southing and
strrnitheninl Brvin subduing ncrvout excitability, proatralioa, byMeria, ho(.
fjuhn and lh many symptom which may h caused by diitmtinf ill peculiar
to women. Tor thoa " draK(in-don " paint or dnlnu ami for Ilia derange
menu and Irregularities the " lavorit Prescription " hat had many thoutamla ot
trflimoniali from people living in every part of America. Another impt.rtjnl
thing to tmy wourn is that lliia medicine la ma.le from rlhcient medicinal root,
iihnut ihe iM o( alcohol, narcotics, or any iniuriona aiire.lt. l ull lut t incrcdi-
entt liven on bottle-wrapper and tworn
ol the Invalida'
Hta, Xoaaau. Dis PI ere'
The little son of Frank Prush, who
has been suffering from a broken leg,
is getting will fast.
Mr. Baldwin received a very pleas
ant visit from Mr. George Walsh and
his children Tuesday.
The Infant son of Mr. and Mr. Will
Koth, who was dangerously ilk last
week, i quite well now.
Hop picking has gone on In some
of the yards notwithstanding the dis
comfort caused by the dripping Tinea.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank; Hilton, with
their family, were Sunday visitors at
the home of Mitts, Mrs. Hilton's fa
ther. Marshall ScranUton, who has been
at school in Seattle, is home for his
vacation. He is accompained by bis
cousin, Fred Johnson.
Following a week of rain, the sun
Is shining, bringing gladness to the
hearts of all who are concerned In
the hop and the grain Industries.
The Walsh and Heppler thresher Is
to resume work on Thursday at the
ranch of Ferdinand Kraxherger where
they were obliged by the rain to quit
work on Saturday.
John Rrush and Henry Schwangara,
John Kemmers and Clarence Collins
went for a huckleberrying trip into
the mountains, but were driven back
by the rain.
The sound of the donkey engine at
work on the Canby and Molalla R. R.
is plainly heard through all the storm.
It is listened to with pleasure by the
residents of Macksburg. whom it as
sures that their isolation from the
outer world will soon be a thing of
the past
Chris. Roth met with a serious ac
cident on Sunday while returning
from church. His horse suddenly be
came unmanageable, and Mr. Roth re
ceived a blow from one of the shafts,
that it is feared may lead to serious
results. He was taken to the home
of Mr. Driver where he will remain
till he is well enough to be brought
to his own home.
The results of the Children's Fair
in Canby last week were most gratify
ing to Macksburg Several first prizes
were taken, and many exhibits were
sent to Salem for the State Fair.
Fred LaMone and Leonard WTehms
have returned from the Hot Springs.
Chris. Knofziger, who has been
quite ill, is able to be at work again.
If you knew of the real value of
Chamberlain's Liniment for lame back
sorenesa of the muscles, sprains and
rheumatic pains, you would never
wish to be without it For sale by
Huntley Bros. Co, Oregon City, Hub
bard, Molalla and Canby.
Sam Elmer is threshing for Mr. F.
Miss Ida Bottemiller spent Sunday
with Mifs Irene Lee.
Dave Moehnke threshed for Mr.
Tallman last week.
Mrs. J. T. Grace and son, Dewey,
were in town Monday.
Gustave Haag is improving from
his illness.
Dave Moehnke threshed for Wil
liam Marshall last week.
G. Marpuardt was In town last
Mrs. C. H. Bergman was in town
Quality not Quantity
Seed Wheat, Vetches, Rye,
Barley, Oats, Cheat, Or
chard Grass, Timothy, Clo
ver, Etc.
Mill Feed, Grain, Hay,
The celebrated Conkey Stock
and Poultry Foods and Sup
plies always on hand.
See us before ordering your
winter's supply of flour.
Oregon Commission Co.
to by Lr. R. V. I'ieroe who it I'rwtdcnt
Hotel and Surgical liMtitutc, at lluflulo,
N.Y. r.vcry woman la iSnitod to write totlua Inttitute and
receive confident lal and som.d iiuo.cul advice, entirely
without cot from one who r.a'.ca the diea of women
hit ipcciuliy.
"1 can rlnvrf'ilV rv,-imn'cr.o Vmir remedies imperially
wnr'KavuriWi i l:: , i ..' it i 11 f.-mnltiilisnixb r,"ril.-
Mas. M. M. lui;! mi.i 1 lull ( Itv, Tciin., K'iiiI." , "During
tli. p:it w vi n vv.;i 1 Mi.7vnl from pains In tho kick and
ovarii-. Tried rianv r nnxliv hut found olilv tr:inlcnt
r-lnf until I wi in rsnaitxl by a friend to try Dr. Pleree'i
V'avoriio lrvcriiilon. Aiivr giving this remedy a fair trial.
I found that It would do Just what it l nvomjnvndcd to
ito. 1 ii"t In all w-wn bottle. I rannot speak too highly
of Dr. l'tvrcv'a remedies for all female dorangenieuU.
Ptemtemt Ptllet rttmUf Urtr lit.
last Saturday to get her sister where
she has been on a short vilst.
C. Hnag was In town Monday
Sam Knmer threshed for Mr. Hay
ner last w eek.
Mr. and Mrs; Eugene Cumins re
turned to Eastern Oregon last Wed
nesday. Kenneth Lee spent Sunday with
Alva Card.
Grandma Elmer Is on the sick list
W. H. Ilottemlller Is helping F. U
lan thresh.
The farmers are all happy because
the sun is shining again so that they
ran thresh. Threshing is late on ac
count of the rain.
Fall Millinery opening at Miss Gold
smith's. Main street, Oregon City.
The storm that continued for two
weeks has cleared away. The weath
er Sunday and Monday was bright
and bracing, gladdening the hearts of
the grain and hop growers. The
threshers are working in full force,
while the hop yards are filled with
pickers, cheered by the; bright sun
shine after a week of clouds and of
alny weather.
The Juvenile Fair news, as pub
lished in last week's issue of the En
"erprise was most satisfactory to th"
rising generation of Macksburg, who
are gratified by their town standing
second in the competition. The chil
dren have received an impetus from
tfie rest) from their work will awak
en new energy for the coming year.
George Sutherland is building a new
house on the Schwanzara place.
Chris Coth Is still unable to be re
moved from the home of Mr. Trover,
where he was taken after his accident
Sunday September 1st The four at
tending phyisians have found his Injun-
more serious tnan It was at first
thought. It Is feared that some of
1 the splinters of broken bone may
have been driven Into the lungs. We
JR isqi is 01 MaAS.woq 'iddBU. sj
Coth has been easier for the past two
days and that hopes of his recovery
becin to be entertained.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Coth and their
little boy are staying at the senior
Coth home.
Mrs. Jess Hlppler and Mrs. Will
Coth spent Monday at the home of
Mrs. John Hlppler and Mrs. Arthur
Baldwin called on the Hippler's Mon
day afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Klubsky entertalneS
a numbef of their friends Saturday
evening. The dancing continued until
a late hour and seemB to have been
thoroughly enjoyed.
The Hippler & Walsh thresher be
gan at Luther Morrison's on Monday
and finished the day at Mr. Hippler's.
The only out-of-door industry tnat
went uninterruptedly on throughout
the recent rain was the work on the
Canby and Molalla railroad. The
whistle of the donkey engines has
been heard through it all, telling of
steady progress on the road.
j Few, if any, medicines, have met
! with the uniform success that has at
1 tended the use of Chamberlain's Colic,
; Cholera and Dlarrohea Remedy. The
I remarkable cures of colic and diar
rhoea which it has effected in almost
every neighborhood has given it a
wide reputation. For sale by Huntley
Bros. Co., Oregon City, Hubbard, Mo
lalla and Canby.
A. J. Johnston enmo home from
Grmham with an ahscocs on his arm
He was with ti. Corner's threshing
Surely this corner of the globe will
not tiood surviving soon for It has
boon done length lo, erosawls and
every way for the past two months
and still at It.
The natives were treated to n gen
uine surprise Tuesday when S. U.
Kltvhom came, delivering nice fresh
hovf. Come again.
Saturday about thirty members
mot in regular session at Harding
Grange; owing to the busy time the
crowd was not na large aa usual, but
nevertheless the usual program was
carried out and the discussions were
very interesting. A resolution en
dorsing Governor West's antl-vlce
crusade was read and adopted and Is
aa follows: "He it resolved In regu
lar session aseinbled. that we hearti
ly approve of the law enforcement
and anti-vice crusade Inaugurated by
Gov. Oswald West and that we hope
for a great measure of success and
a greater future in the way of bet
ter laws and hotter enforcement
Resolved that a copy of this resolu
i tlon be sent to Gov. West and to the
Oregon City papers for publication,
also to the Oregonlan and Journal."
Creamery patrons received 34 cents
a pound for butter fat for the month
of August.
A. U. Smith has resumed his duties
In the creamery.
A new bungalow Is to be built on
the Casper Moore place and will be
occupied by Mr. and Mrs. George Bad
en. The weather this year Is like the
1912 politics can t tell today what to
morrow will bring forth.
I New hats and new veilings on dis
play at Miss uoiusniim a.
Tom Garret and the Harmon
brothers have finished picking their
hops. They had a fair yield, and
their hops were In good condition. A
number of Warm Springs Indians
arrived a few days ago and stafted
picking In the Hartman yards, as Is
their usual custom, having done the
principal picking of his yards for
number of years past
Thousands of stars are twinkling
Look Up Your
Fall Needs in
Farm Tools
If you need a new
Plows Harrow, Drill,
Feed Cutter, Wagon,
Buggy, anything for
the Farm you will
The Mitchell
Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co.
Portland, Oregon
! this morning at 4 a. m. denoting set
tled weather, which will certainly De
encouraging to all concerned and
duly appreciated by alL
The clover bullers will start up
again In a few days, and the busy bum
of the threahers will again make wel
come music in the land, and instead
of som4 of the farmers losing all,
they will at least save a portion of
their grain and clover.
The Dally Enterprise each day en
ters into many homes and I have no
ticed that it is always the first paper
to be read.
To Mothers and Others.
You can use Bucklen's Arnica Salve
to cure children of eczema, rashes, tet
ter, chafings, scaly and cmaed humors,
as well aa their accidental injuries,
cuts, burns, bruises, etc., with perfect
safety. Nothing else heals so quickly.
For bolls nlcers, old, running of fever
sores or piles It baa no equal 23 eta
a all dniggista.
Mr. H. D. Aden went to Lebanon
Monday to s'pend a couple of weeks
with Mias Hazen at ber borne.
The railroad commissioners of the
Oregon Electric were in our, village
Tuesday, on business.
Mrs. Marlon Young accompanied
some of the juvenile fair children to
the fair at Salem.
Mrs, J. W. Thornton wont to Port
land on Wednesday.
Miss Kate Wolhurt and Mrs. Aden
pent Wednesday In Hi" Hose City.
Mr. Kholmera and family left for
their new home In Idaho this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Stone, of Sacramento,
vl-ltvd Mr, aqd Mra. Black this week.
.lames Say nnd Ithotlia Vincent will
enter New-berg High School on. the
j:trd of September.
Ilp picking Is about over In moat
of the yards near here, Including Mc
Gliinis, Henry WilheUrs. M. 0.
Young's Graham's Thompson's, and
others, and the hops are reported as
very good Indeed.
Wilaonvtlle aonool will not begin
early thla year, on account of the
building not being finished,
The llasselbrlnk baby Is a sure
winner, carrying off imo of the big
prUos at the State Fair.
Several ladles from Wllsonvlllo at
tended the fulr on Mothers' Congress
l'aul Jaeger won second prise on
celery at the State Fair. Menga Hat
algla won a prize for aprons, and sev
eral other prizes coming to our vil
lage are as yet unidentified on ac.
count of the tags tearing oh. We
hope it can be straightened out.
At a recent meeting of the Onion
Grower's Association, J. I Seeley
was elected trustee, and Mr. Rand
secretary and treasurer.
Among state fair visitors from VII
sonvllle were 11. 1). Aden. Mrs. M. C,
Young and family, Mrs. Morris
Young, Mr. and Mrs. R. Graham. Miss
llauman, Andy llasselbrlnk, ttmnia
Stangel, Mr. Urobst and daughters,
Mrs. Gould, tala Melvln. and Mrs.
Walter Drown and children.
Chas. Wagner who has been on the
sick list since the fair. Is somewhat
Miss S. M. Graham and two nieces
will re'urn to I'ortland this week.
The recent rains have kept buck the
harvest somewhat, but the threshing
machines are all going at full blast
again, making up for lost time.
The business men of WIIonvllle,
and farmers, who have subscribed so
liberally to the juvenile fair, held
here recently may b proud of the
fact that we had more money sub
scribed and paid up then any other
I F ' Ml llsli 11 i i
place in the county ouUide of Oregon
For Infants and Children.
The Kind Yea Han Always Bought
Signature of
Mrs. Herrin, of Salem, is spending
a few weeks with ber daughter, Mrs.
A. Davis.
Miss Nina Hays, of Walport, Ore
gon, ia visiting ber sister, Mrs. 7. W.
Mias Carmen ScbmldU, of Oregon
City, spent Sunday with ber friend,
Mls Elzanore Papaun.
Mrs. Theodore gtelnhilber called on
Mrs. 8. lioutz Sunday.
The Thompson Brothers' threshing
machine baa been very busy in Ha
zella the past week, so that now the
work is almost finished.
8. S. Boutz and Mesrs. Wlnfield and
Harold baker, who are still at the
bop fields at Independence, report a
fine crop.
Mra Helms and Mra. H. lUlllli. call
ed on Mrs. II. T. Dunaan Tuesday.
Miss Nlua Hay visited her friend,
Mlsa Sadie Todoiiinn, recently.
Miss Iva Wlttttou baa been living
In Portland with her sister, Mra. Thoa,
Savage, imo (ho death of their
Miss Klhel Pnker nnd Mr. Will
Cook visited Sunday with Mr. nnd
Mra. Dob Wanker.
Mlsa Harriet Huiinuu stayed over
Friday nltiht with Mrs. S ,H, llouts.
Mr. niulj Mrs. Will Wanker and
daughter. I.uln. visited Saturday and
Sunday wtlh friends nnd relatives In
Port land.
Church services at tho llnsella
school house Saturday Hept. 14, at
S p. in. Sunday school at 10:300 a.
in. every Sunday.
This glorious sunshine la certainly
wreathing the farmers' faeea all In
smiles. Some are actuully going to
roimnvnce their spring work, being
under the Impression, that winter la
over at last, while others are nttltctcd
with spring fever that la apparent
throughout the community.
Ilurinau Kllaaon ratal to Salem
John Kosmark made a business trip
to Portland Friday.
8. II. Kaiiffman went to Yamhill
county Saturday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Smith went to
Hubbard Wednesday.
Mr. and Mra. Job.
their daughter, Mra.
Mallett visited
Alice Sconce
Mamie and Ruth Wldatniud
picking bops at Donald.
Joe Drier returned home last week
after being away all summer.
The DuDols girls were up
Portland' last week visited
mother. Mrs. J. W. Noahcr.
Mr uml Mra. Gunderson. of
land are visiting with the latter s
parent. Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Amdahl.
Among those that attended tho
state (air from here were: S. II.
Kanffuiaii, Joe Gottwald. Misses Ma
mie and Ruth Wldstrand, and Cornel
ius nnd Edward Amdahl.
Qive Up.
When a burglar asks the conundrum,
"Where's your money V It la generally
the wisest plan to give It up.
Positive Force Feed
Bloom Manure Spreaders
Double Steel Reach.
The Plow a man Can
The Best Possible.
Hoover Potato Diggers
Die Clean.
Drew Litter Carrier
A Genuine Labor Saver.
Disc and Tooth.
Monarch of the Road.
sent upon request
Nineteen Miles a Second
without a Jar, shock or disturbance, 1
the awful speed of our earth through
space. We wonder at such cases of
nature's movement, and so do those
who take Dr. King s Now Life Pills.
No gripping, no dlstreaa. Just thorough
work that brings good health and fine
feeling. 25 cts at all dniggista.
N.v.r Toucn.d Him.
On day during the South African
war an orderly delivered a mentoge Id
somewhat free and easy language from
Lord Kitchener to General Smith
Dorrlen. "Tell Lord Kitchener I shall
be ready to move In two bonri," re
plied Smith-Dorrlen. "and remember to
say pleas' tb next time you speak to
mel" Returning to Lord Kitchener, the
orderly duly delivered the message.
"And you have to say 'please1 tha next
Mm yon speak to blml" be wound op
"Darling, yours shall be sunny lot
to life,"
"Now, look here, George. Are you
talking of your behavior or of where
we are going to build la th subnrbr
Baltimore American.
V -V""vv
Tlio Kind You Have Alwny Ilouu;iit, ruitl wlilrh lum town
In uno for over 00 yenra, liu borno tlio ultftmturo r
m - nml luiit Iwn inndo under liU wr.
sfJ-r- ll,"'Hlo li,IM;0 ,U toflinry.
7.lCAtti Allow no ono todwolvo you In till.
All CoiinterfVltis Imitation nnd MiiNt-1ia-ifoMl,,ro !ut
UirliiunU tlmt trlllo with nml mmIiuiiht tho lioallw of
InOuita nml Chlluroii-Kxoorlonoo iBulnt KxncrliuonU
Cnatorltt la n hnrmlcaa anbatltiito 1W Cw(r Oil, Pnriw
gorlc, Prop nml Hoothlnjr Hyruia. It I nuiit. It
contain neither Opium, Morphine nor oilier Nreotlo
ubetniu-c It niro I it frunnuiteo. It letroy Worm
nd ftlluy IVverlihncH. It cure Ilnrrhun nnd AMnd
Colic It relieve TVcthlnir Trouble, cure ConMlluitlnn
nnd rintuleney. It iwwliiillute tho Food, reifulute tho
fltouturh nnd IIowcIn, glvliitf lieulthy nnd niUural aleeo.
Tho Children' Piuuu'en-Tho Mother' Friend.
Soars tho
The KM You Have Atejs Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
TM atNTAWft MMJif, n BUiUV TtHtT, lit
Sandy and East Clackamas
A Hot lnt nffulr1 whlh will attract
the many frliMiiis of the (iitrnVltl
Country rlub, will be hold next Hatur
iluy at Katai-uila whon the rluh will
hold a liunki't soclul nnd ilnnre fur
tlio bi-m-tlt of tho bullilltiK fuiula. A
1iuk cake will be awarded to the most
popular womuu after a vote of those
In attendance haa Iwn taken.
In tho evening there will be a
dance, music to be furnished by the
chili on hciilra. Those who attended
the annual iiiectlnK and dance of the
chili laBt month, know thoy may ex
pect excellent music.
I'rcKidtnt ti. T. Hunt announces
that the club, the latter part of the
prcnent month, will becin the Improve
ments planned at th annual meeting.
The addition of 30 by 74 wilt be con
structed and a pole ahinl with shako
roof, for teams, ltl by 100 feet to the
rear of the club hoime.
The cddltlon will be built at rlKbt
angles to the present club house,
which is 21 by 40. This will glvo a
danclnx floor rpac of 24 by 70 feet,
when the wall is removed. 'To the
le(t tho remaining space 36 by SO feet
will bo partitioned oft with a staKo
14 by 14 feet anil dressing rooms on
euch aldo N by 14 feet leaving an aud
itorium 20 by 30 feet. A porch Is to
he erected nlong this section of the
addition, 8 by 00 feet. The auditor
ium may be used by church or
school, or for club entertainments.
Best In th World
J. W. Hyatt merchant of Warren, N.
C, wrltea: I'leaae aend enclosed or
der by mall. Sutherland's Eaglo Eyo
Salve ia the best eye remedy in the
world. For snlo by Harding's Drug
J. W. Dixon wan In Portland ou bus
iness Friday.
C. F. Htiruor Is spending the week
in Portland.
Mrs. McKarrow. of Powoll Valley,
is vlHltlng her dnughtor, Mrs. J. W.
Cnde Joe Wllllg has returned from
a two months' sojourn In France and
Ed limns transacted business In
Oregon City Frldny.
Henri Koch has an automobile.
The Kandv railroad promotora put
up 17000 cash Tuosduy night to buy
right-of-way for tbe propped five and
one-third mile extension from Cotrell
to Sandy. At thla writing the entire
right-of-way haa boon purchased
outright and real construction work
on this bit of road will soon be under
Kd Ilnms Is putting up a bouite for
C. U. Purc.eil.
A. E. Krebs la erecting a achool
building for the Lutheran society.
II. Smith Is building a bungalow
for F. E. llcckwlth. 1
It. E. Esson has received the fix
tures for bis new drug store.
Wallace Curtlcs will live In one of
the Proctor bouses noar the cream
ery. Ulgh Harbor, of Portland, I spend
ing the week In Bandy.
Outa in this section, cut Just prev
ious to the recent rainy spell, are
sprouting In the shocks.
H. E. Krlsler, of Portland, la spend
ing a few days on his place here.
Potatoes are beginning to rot In the
ground on account of the long con
tinued rains.
A meeting to dlxcuss single tax was
held In Melnlng Hall Wednesday
W. A. Proctor and Ed Ilruna are
transacting railroad business In Ore
gon City.
v tr. iiorkwlth I recovering from
an attack of tonsilltls.
The present drying weawer lavery
welcomn to ranchera, who have oats
In the shock.
Merchants Praia
Dr. Hell's Pin-Tar-Honey. J, W. Mc
Danlel, Ethetton, Ills., says: There la
no medicine which equals It for
coughs, colds, Grippe, asthma and
Bronchltl. Look for th Bell on th
bottle. For sal by Harding' Drug
A nna hl bov arrived at tb bom
of William Ooldensop's Wednesday.
Mrs. Ertrkson made a trip to Ore
gon Cltr Friday.
-., " - ' TJ
W"f wp
Signature of
KllKel'S thre.hlna outfit has finish
ed threnhlng the wet and dry grain
in this neighborhood.
AlKred (iunderaon Injured his fluK
cr Inn strnw cutler .and had to have
It taken lift later.
Mr. Joel Jnrw nnd baby Helen at
tended tlm Hint Fair at Haleiu Jast
week and report a line limn.
W, I'. Huberts, of Hover, waa In
Kelto Monday and sold a fine young
horse to (). Uiidotm.
Our Kelso school Marled HepL
with Mr. I'ureell, of Handy as teacher
of the udvaiicedj grade. Miss John
son, who wna lo teach th primary
grade failed to appear. There wor
were about thirty pupils present.
Itooldents or this vicinity have lost
a number of young and valuabl hor
ses by alckneas and accidents.
The Mlases Itale nnd and Marga
ret Canning beenn the Kail term of
acbool at Sandy Monday.
Mlfs Whellcr, the .Ihiver teacher,
punned throUKh Kelno Monday.
Mr. Alt. of Klrwood, was visiting
with her daughter, Mrs. Ned Nelson,
the past week.
Best Evsr Ussd
A. It. Kelnlcln .Harrison. Idaho, says:
I havo lined ir. Hell s J'lne-TaMloney
for couiths and colds and It Is the best
I have ever tried. Look for Ihe Hell
on the I lot He. For sal by Harding's
lrug Store.
! Tho homo of George Hlalr, of Our
field .was destroyed by lire Friday.
Mr. Hlalr was ahucnt visiting In th
East. Taper on the wall back of the
: stove caught lire nnd lo put It out
Mr. Hlalr struck it down with a
I broom, but that merely scattered th
'llro so'lhat It got bevond her control.
, Very lit t lo whs saved from th build
ing. Mrs. Hlalr Ik a nelce of United
Statu Senator Geo. K. Chamberlain.
II. F. James, school supervisor, vis
ited the Garfield and Porter schools
I Miss Itica Anderson opened tha
Gnrlleld school yenterday.
Hev. W. It. llrown leaves next
Sunday evening for Ashland to attend
the annual conference of tbe Motho-
dlat church.
1 O. T. Hunt, road eupervlxor of Dla
trlct 49 resumed work on the Aone-bone-Dnvis
rond today.
Running up and down stairs, sweep
tng nnd bending over making beds will
not make a woman henlthy or beauti
ful. She nniHt get out of doora, walk
a mlln or two every day and take
Cbnmherlaln'a Tablets to Improve her
digestion nnd regulate her bowels. For
sain by Huntley llros. Co., Oregon
City, Hubbnrd, Molalla and Canby.
Mra O. M. Howe hna gone to Port
land to keep house for her aon, Ray
mond, who Is working In a mill In
North Portland.
C'lnlr Corey has returned from eant
ern Oregon, whore be bna been work
ing for several months. Clair thinks
there is no place like home
About 4B Flrwood and Doverltea
attended tho party at Morrison'
Saturday night and spent a moat en
joyable nvenlng.
Mrs. Jool Jnrl of Kelso waa looking
over E. D. Hart hord of Jersey laat
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hosholm mad
a trip to Portland Wednesday In their
Mrs. Marie Wlshon, of Snn Francla
co, Cal., brought her brother John
Maler, who la quit low with consump
tion, to their fnther'a place In Flr
wood. Word has Just been received from
Mr. and Mra. John Hrush, who lived
her two year ago. They are now liv
ing at Mexico. N. T.. and ar trying
to sell out, wishing to return to Ore
gon. Mrs. Phoebe Wager of Portland baa
been visiting Mrs. Thos. McCab th
past' three weeks.
Mrs. Jean Gllmore White, of Port
land but formerly of Sioux City,
Iowa, la visiting Mr. E. D. Hart thla
The Motejl family and Miss Berth
Stuck! have gone to th hop field.
Ruth and Earnest Hart are visiting
their) father In Portland. Ruth will
remain and attend tcnool In that city
thla winter.
Ed. Dyer, of Albany, Oregon, a
eousln of W. L. Wilkin, vlalted the
Wllklna families laat week.
Tho. McCab ha been In Oregon
City for the past two weeks, acting on
the Jury.