OltEflON CITY KNTKUPIMSK. KIM DAY, AUflUHT 30, 1912 News from Jennings JCNNINOS LOD0I. ' Measr. Arthur Hoeslw and Cut Jntmbaon gv bonfire party on Wednesday evening lnt whnn twenty five of their frlcinU responded to an Invitation to ko to tint ( lark Island, which wa very aitrnctlv with lout nn. Mualn mill game wore In iIuIk( In. Th return trip u fad In row boats by iikmiiiIIkIiI Mr. M. Hurt anil Mr. and Mr. itnyul Mover were th ihiipernnes fur tho evening. Mm. W. 8, Kilily mid son, of Ore mm City, spent Tuesday with Mr. Hoi liriim'liurt, Mr. Hoy II. Ki'lly and Mrt. Ankcy, of Portland spent a day Innt week with Mrt. Will Jacobs. George A. Hliaver hit alio beeu vlwliltiac his sls tr, Mr. Jacobs, and renewing ao iiilnim at this place. Mr. Trum-ott nd Ruin returned from Oreshnt for an over Humliiy slay at thidr home her. Mr. Truseott I delighted with Oreabnin, liavld II. Jewntt, of Hoiton, has IioiikIU mi acre on 1 limit oti Hlrenl. Mr. HhvIIImIi I'oyaer ha also pur chased acreage t thl plao. having IxiiiKht one acre of Mr. Nelson. Mr. nd Mr. Robert Cravetl were dinner kuei of Mr. and Mr. Vivian Tlhlwtt on Wedneiday Innt. Mr. Craven being formerly Ml Hmnte JenulliK. A nnmlier of fmiillle from here are contemplating picking hop at the K. Iloardman yard at Aurora, Tbe Hu ll and Ira Hart faiulll" and Mr. iHiw will Ixav thl week for Cauby. Mr. and Mr. U Wilcox apent Bun day with the lloldeii family In I'orl land. Mr. Mabel Mitnon, of I'ortlund. will ipend fortnight with the Hurry ItoliltKon family . Mr. and Mr. McKarlane had the pli'nmire of eiitertulnlng Mr. and Mr. Mrhot and Ml l-eth Nlchole. of Cortland. Hundiiy. Mr. I'. I). Newell Ik enjoying her vacation with her diuinhu-r, Mr, llliuty Watson, at lllwnro. Midaiu J. H. Kobert and Kdd Wehh, of Newborn, were I-odge vUl tor Uurlnil the week. Floyd K. Webb, of Redding. Talifor liln. will teach lb higher tirade In the Cl.irke Hchool the coming year. Mr. Webb hi made hi horn ot thl place fur leverul month. Mr. Iiuldorf I building a barn and a wrehotie at hi new tora on Hull Avenue, Mr. M. Hart will hav her new home ready In about two month. Mr. Miller, of Meldriiui. I the contractor. The excavating for Ilia the bv inrnt for the home of Mr. and Mr. Will Jnrob I makliiK rapid pragma. John JvnuliiK I to ha the builder Of of the Jnrob house. The Amerlran Express Company hveoiened an offic e hire and It. F. Htuver will lie the alien! for thl plnre. Mr. and Mr. (.'has. Redmond hav entertained many of their friend dur um the pant week. Mr. and Mr. K. W. Helm and Mr. and Mr. Merrill, of I'ortlund, Mr. and Mr. Hewitt, of Him Francisco, and l.loyd Uobln, on of Or. (joble, of Medford, will apend orne time at the Redmond borne. Dr. and Mr. Uolile are at preient In Idaho and enroote home will apend a few dnv at the Redmond home. II. II. Mcflovern ba gone to Kails pel, Mont., where hi huslnes Inter eat have railed him. Mr. MvOovern will remain until the middle of (Sep tember. Mr. Kd I'aton ent Tueaday In Portland. A party of eluhteen pent lat Tue day at Hchnoore I'ark. A bountiful plmlc dinner erved and after an hour at the play urounil. The child ren of the party enjoyed thcmelve fishing for crawfish In the Tualatin. Mesdntne McKarlane, Itruechert and ruin Ion were chaperone for the day. Mr. and Mr, rmbdemtock autoed from Portland on Hundny and apeiit the day wlib Mr. and Mr. Urr. Mr. and Mr Dallas Sharps and four aona who have occupied the Kin ley home diirlnit the aummer. will leave on Wedueidny for their home In Itoaton. Mn(. , Mr. Will Jacoba ha none to Tort land to ipend a few duy with her nlere, Mr. Arllnne Kelly. A pretty bench party waa (riven by Mr. F. J. Spooner on Saturday last In honor of HuntlnKton Shnrpe' lxth birthday anniversary and little Jamo Wnldrn's second birthday. The children played game on the beach and the birthday table contained two cake, one with two candle for mai ler Jump and one with all for Hunt- Great Club Sewing Machine Sale of The "White" High Grade Rotary Machine Exclusive Teoturcs White Rotories Self-adjusting TensIon-adapt ilielf lo any size thread into any kind ol material from the lighted chiffon to Ihe heaiest woolen. Freedom from Clogging and Snarling of Thread-It it abio lutely impoirible lo clog the improved White Rotary Convenience In Oiling All working parts may be oiled all from above. The automatic ipring latch gives instant access to the under parts. The Bobbin Winder is simple and strong. Fitted with a throw off device, which act automatically when proper amount of thread has been wound on bobbin. , Improved Presser Foot-thii is so constructed that yon can feed over the thickest Kami with these and will not pucker or mar the finest silk or chiffon. Both prongs extend an equal distance in front of Ihe needle as does the roller-bearing feed. Adams Department Store ASK FOR RED TRADING STAMPS. Lodge and Oak Grove liiKtoit fiharp. Fifteen pent lh hour or from ft till R p. in, returning to their home wUMliK theie little boy inn n y rot urn of the day. Ml Anne Anderson, of Portland, I spending her vacation with her aunt, Mr. J, A, ,Iohiion. The Adult lllble Clual meet' on Thumdny of each weiik whan lh Qo pl or l.uke I taken up. On Hundny afternoon Old Telnment lllitnry will be the l onrno or tudy. ThroiiKh Itev. llerKHtreaiier, who conduct th cliiime, It ha proven very Intenrnt lllK. Mr, Mead, of Carui, wa Inmlne vleltor lit (hi place (hi week, liav lux piin haed the J. K, Bmlth prop erly. Mr, and Mr. C. I', Moraa had the pleaaure of a villi from Mr. and Mr. Tlce, or Mlchliian, over Hundny. Mr. mill Mr. Tlce belnic an uncle and aunt of Mr. Mom. On Monday they vlMlted the Taper Mill at Oregon City mid other polnl of Interest "Wore all medicine nierltoiiou a Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera add Diarrhoea Itemedy th world would be much better off and the percentage of iiffi-ring greatly decreased." write MuUy Hcolt, of Temple. Ind. For a I e by Huntley Ilro. Co., Oregon City, Hubbard, Molalla and Canby. OAK OROVe. T. Cuffll and family moved thl week from Turilmid to the huuie re cently aiated by Mr. Itoaeuberger Mr, t'aflll erpiMM to buy the place and make thl a permanent borne. Theodore Worihlngtoii and family and (.'baric Worthlngton and wife left Hundny evening for the mountain to bo Kono nliout a week. A (unirli party wa given In honor of Kdna and Kdwln Hhubert Haturday evening by a number of the younger ut of Oak (irove. The evening waa pent by varlou gniue and refresh mem went lerved. Thoe prevent were: Kch'ln and Kdna Hbulert, Kob ert Corgrlff. Waller Wetiler, Mnd ny McArthur, Ueorge Hartman, Lilly lliirtman, Huldah Khrower, Madge Kill and Mnrle Kttirk. A very en joyable evening wa pd. A number or Oak tirovo people left Tuesday for the an nun! bop pick ing near Salem. They vxp-ct to be gone about three week. J. II. Martin and Go. Ilarr return ed from an eight day'a bunting trip Sunday evening and Mr, Martlq ha given u a aketch of bla trip which follow In part: leaving Portland they went through Oreaham, Pleasant Home, Powell, on the Sandy Koid, to Powell Toll date, Government Camp; topping one duy at the Summit lloiine. then to Wauplnetta, down the Dcichota Klver to Duffer, Centervllle. (iotdrntlale, Klickitat, Cammon. Here the traveler vlalled friend who have cabin In the mountain and while there they killed aeveral large rattle nuke. From there they wended their way to (Jlonwood and vlalted the Trout like and the Ice Cave. They alio aw what I called the "Mummy," three mountain forming a noe, mouth and chin. They then went down the white Salmon Valley, making the trip by moonlight over the moat lUngerou mountain road, reaching the town of White Salmon they board ed The Dalle City, (hipped to Hto veeon, Waah., thence went to Carton, vliltlng the Sheperd Spring, through Cape Horn and down the Waihougal Itlver to Vancouver and arrived at Mr. Martin home In Oak Orove Sunday nevclng at 10:30. Mr. Philip and Mary Devlne (pent Sunday afternoon In Portland'! City park. Ituth Morton wa an Oak Orove visi tor Tueiday. Mr. Hhubert wa Portland visitor Monday. Mra. Kndlcott ha returned from a four wnek'a vUltlng at the beach. . l-cter Kuki, Jack and Reece Mute left for the hop field Wodneiday. Imogone Itiman, of Portland, vlalted her grnnparenti, Mr. and Mrs. Her!, Monday. Mr. and Mr. Rarchet and Harold Shubert Rpent 8undny with Mr. Shu bert and family. Kdnt Shubert and Lily Hartman kpent Sunday at Council Creit, Mr. Knrl Krnmunn and. ion left Tueaday for a vlalt at Hood River., Oregon. Cbarlea l.urck I building a new hmme in Ouk Crave and expect to move aooif. Mr. Lurck formerly lived at Eugene Station. Best Machines $35.00 Our club plan meant purchas ing the wonderful While Rotary on a $5.00 payment, balance $1.00 a week. Mr. Werner and eon, Otto, were Oak Drove vlaltor Monday, Mr. Oliver Hkoog v lulled Mr. Horn er Mullen In Mllwaukle Tueiday. Ituhy Htromer met with a lerloui ac cident Inat week while taking a kettle or hollliiK water from th stove. Hh dropped the kettle burning one fool very Imilly. While the injury I pain ful It I steadily healing, Mr. Herron and boys returned home Monday from a levernl weeks vlaltlng at the beach. Dr. Marlon II, Ober, of the Open Air Haiillorlum, entertained at dinner Kahirday evening In honor of Mr. N. K. Clckett, of Ikxton, Muaa. Cover were laid for leven. Thoae preient were: Mr, and Mri, Deamond, Mr, and Mr. Chrlillamon, Mn. N. T. Tlck- ett, Mr. ilroadwiy and lir. Ober. Mn. Jiimei Gray, wife or Capt. Gray entertained at a formal reception In honor of her vlater of California, Tuei day afternoon, A large number of Portland gumti were preient, ajio many frof the luimedlute vicinity. Mr. Wayne liiinnel, of Mllwaukle HoIkIiii, wins III ntveral day thl week. Mr. W. P, Clotfeller and Mr. W. Cully and children (pent Hunday with Mr, rim fuller' ileter In camp near HI. Julini. Mri, McArthur, wife or Dr. McAr thur, went to Portland Monday, II, Caffle met with what fight have proven a aerlom accident Hunday, In uimpany with Mr, and Mn. Kondal! and Mm. Callff on a awlmmlng party. while diving Mr. Callff itruck a rock, badly lacerating bl face. Mr. Ken dall rmhed to hi rescue and hurried him to Ihe doctor where aeveral tlt- clu-i were taken and Mr. Callff I do ing nicely at the pretent writing. REAL ESTATE William Bmlth and Harah Hmlth to Joieph Aiped and W .A. llarnuin. land In icctlon 14, township 6 aouth, range 3 eait; $10. Krank and Utile Ilnmmerke to Mary tC. Caie. lota 1 land 17, block IS, Glad- Hone; 10. John and Veronica Kutzenberger to Henry Wleck and Max Hcbmldt, land In inctlon 19, townahlp 8 aouth, range I weit; $1750. M. 0. O'Nell to (Jeorge A. Yexley, It acre at Clackamas County; 1. Henry C. Prudhomme Company to J. W. (Jlbion. 13. J acrea of sec tion 12, lownihlp 2 outh, range 4 rait; $10. fiamuel 8. and Nellie Miller to Mr. Sadie lianlck Tbumton, 7.10 acrea or Allien Kluhcr D. U O. No. 40, lection .10, townahlp 4 south, range 1 eaat; 1 1 M0. Hubert and Kllzabeth McDrlde to P. T. Mcllrlde, 210 acrea of lection SO, towmhlp 6 louth, range 2 eaat; aleo land Including 20 acre of section 80, townihtp 6 south, range 2 eaat; also ICO acre of lection 31, townahlp 6 south, rouge 2 eait; fl. Y. U and Uura Mack to I. T. Hart land In section 30, townahlp 1 south. range 6 eaat; 11. John Beargren to Oregon Swedish Colonlaatlon Company 4and In sec tion 9, township 6 south, range 8 eaat $15. ' I'nited State of America to lienja mln Dunlway, 320 acrea ot section 17, townahlp 5 south, range 1 eaat; Pat ent. E. T. Maaa, sheriff of Clackamas County, to George Wlnfleld, land In Clackamas; County, including 20 ac re or lection 10, township 6 south, rang 2 eaat; fl. T. S. and Lulu McDanlel to J. E. Wolfe, lota 63, 64, 65, 66, Orchard Home; $3000. Ellen M. Rockwood to J. P. Fletcher lot 3, of block 1, Ardenwald; $400. Samuel, L. R and Hertha Dayton to George A. Green and Mable Green, 10 acre of aectlon 20, towmhlp 8 south, range 2 eait; $800. I Mr. H. M. Cahlll. to Samuel U R Dayton, land In lection 20, towmhlp 3 outh, range 8 eaat; $1 ' Wellington Townslte Company to E n. King, 80 acres of section 22, town ahlp 4 south, range 1 east; $7200. Mary T. Bmlth and Thomas Smith to J. M. Smith, 14 acres of township 3 south, range 2 eaat; $1. Rotch E. Dundy to Abraham and Mary E. Hardy, 33.22- acrea ot sec tion IS, towmhlp 8 south, range 3 east; $10. Henry V. Rauer to Joseph Sollle, 6tt acre of aectlon 3, towmhlp 4 outb, range 1 east; $1. Charles and Ida Lucks to Joseph Sollle, 40 acres of aectlon 3, township 4 louth. range 1 east; $1. Gladatone Real Eitate Association to J. J. Kdgren, land In Clackamaa County (Gladstone); $1. Emma and Robert Kern to George C. and Florence Henriot, blocks 36, 37, Flrat Addition to Jennings Lodge; $1200. William R and Emma Jennings to George and Florence Henriot, blocks 34, 35, First Addition to Jennings Lodge; $1200. .George and Florence C. Henrlott to David Jewett, block 34, First Addition to Jennings Lodge; $10. John and Lucy Reed to Etta Dart, 4 acre of section 28, towmhlp 8 couth, range 4 east; $1000. R. A. Gilbert to C. C. Hargrove, lota 16. 17, 18. block 96, Second Subdivis ion of Portion ot Oak Grove; $4000. J. W. and Mary Sauber to Ella 3, Kaston, land In Clackamaa County; $10. J. W. and Mary Sauber to Public; land In towmhlp 8 south, range 1 east. $1. Katie G. Harrington to Ella Kaston, land In Clackamas County; $10. Ella J. Kaston to A. W. Brookings, land In George Crow and wife D. L. C, township 3 south, range 1 east; $10. Ella J. Kaston to Public, land in George Crow and wife, D. L. C, town ship 8 south, range 1 eaat; $1. T. L. Charman and Kate Charman, to Fred Hogg, land In D. L. C of HI ram Straight and wife, townahlp south, range 3 east: $10. Philip Evon to Jennie Evon, land In Gladstone; $1. CLACKAMAS ABSTRACT A TRUST COMPANY. Land Tltlee Examined. AbitncU of Tltls) Mad. JOHN F. OLARK. Mar Offlo over Bank of Oregon City. HE WON'T LIMP NOW No more limping for Tom Moore of Cochran, Ga. I bad a bad aore on my inatep that nothing seemed to help till I nsed Ducklen's Arnica Salve," he writes, "bat this wonderful healer soon cured me." Heals old. running sores ulcers, bolls, burns, cuts, bruises, ene ma or piles. Try It Only 25 cents at Canby and South Clackamas CAN IV, Mr. W. It, Porter I sojourning at long Ileach, Wah , the giieat of her daughter, Mr. Anna Hmllb. A number of peron hav gone to the hop yard this week. I), II. Pop and M, T. Mack finished digging s well for Mr, Frentrlo lat Monday, and will wall the well with tile In the near future. Mr .May Waldron, of Oregon City, waa vlaltlng her mother, Mr. L. T. liallcn, Sunday, Mr, and Mr, V. L. Mack, of Aurora, were ihonnliig In Canby Tueiday. The W. C. T. U. met at the borne of Mn. K, G, Wllion Friday afternoon, quilting was the brder of the day. A mpper wa lerved. Mr. and Mr. Charles Hurlas, Mr. snd Mrs. Wilson Kvsns and Mr. and Mn. Jake Hchmldtt, attended the fun eral of Mr. Hcbmltt iliter, Mr. Mary Hhwh, who died In Oregon City Isit Hunday snd wss burled in th alhollc cemetery Tueiday morning. Mrs. Henoch wa C4 years or sge, she leaves a bmband and rive children to mourn her lots. Mr. Hchoch former ly lived In Canby and waa well liked by all who knew her, O, It. Mack, J. K. Houtherland and M. J. Lee autoed to Portland Satur day returning Monday night . Mr. Hate I III. Dr. Dedman wa called Tuesday morning. We hope for Mn. Itule peedy recovery. Mil Rachel Kpenaer, of Needy, was the gueat of Mr. George Og'e a few day lait week. Mr. J. Hcbmltt and daughter, Ma bel and Agnei, were visiting In Port land thl week. The Young People Convention of the Norwegian church, which was in emlun three day of lait week, wai well attended by delegatee from 811 verton, Portland and leveral amall town Saturday and Sunday. The meeting were held at tbe Fair grouuda. Good (ermoni and pro gram were rendered each day. D. II. Pope and M. T. Mack are wall ing a well with tile for Mr. Collier. The new electric line went through Mr. Collier' place, and it was necea- ary for him to move all or his build ings from tbelr present site to a new locution. In order lo get them off the rl:ht-of-ay. Canby la on tbe boom now, so many concrete buildings going up, and tbe ('. E. and 8. r. comlug Into town. Tbe ties and rail are laid from the crosilng to tbe Collier place, about three quarters of a mile from town. The switch Is also put In. One hun dred men were rushed In Wednesday morning and with the large crew al ready at work. A number of tents have been put up down at the Collier place and work Is progressing rapidly all along the line from here to Mo lalla. Mrs. M. T. Mack and children were dinner guest at the home of L. E. Howera Thursday. Mr. Pfliter went to Portland Wed nesday morning. Grant White took an auto load of hop picker to Aurora Tuesday after noon. Sutherland's Eagle Eye Salve for anything but tbe eyes. It Is a speedy and harmless cure for granu lated lids, scrofulous, sore eyes, styes. weak eyea and dimness of vision. Sold by Harding's Drug Store, 25c. WON G HAS WITH THE COMPLETION OF OUR $20,000 WATER 8YSTEIW, NOTHIWQ IS LEFT FOR THE COMFORT AND CONVENIENCE OF GLADSTONE'S- PROGRESSIVE CITIZENS. HENCE FORTH ALL FLOWERY WORD PICTURES. DREAMY DESCRIPTIONS, ETC.. WCERWIWQ GLADSTONE'S FUTURE ARE UNNECESSARY SO WE COME AT ONCE TO OUR POINT: Between September 1 and $10.00 Down; $5.00 Ranging, In prices from S200.0Q up to $400.00. Of course you have aean such offers beforj but not on Gladstone property. Do you fully reallie what you are getting when you buy a residence site In Gladstone? Portlartopeoujatlnfl realty dealers, no doubt, would make an equally generous offer on their UNDEVELOPED suburban traote, and you would gobble It up, depending wholly on the flokle OoJ of Chance for Improvements and developments. Da youet the idea? In Gladstone property EVERYTHING IS HERE ON THE GROUNDS NOWI Understand? There Is no "probability hitch," no "paper railroad" pending, or any thing of that aort necessary before the town begins to develop. fyoujg.?J!ljnr8 wltn. everyone that Is at all familiar with the beautiful little townslte on the Clackamas, that Gladstone Is head and ahoulders above all other auburban oltlea between Portland and Oro jlty, and that, with telephones, eleotrlo lights, excellent half hour oar aervlce both ways, a $20,000 WATER SYSTEM, and many other comforts that oontrlbute to the making of the Ideal home, why, Just Jump on the Oregon City car, come to our Gladstone office, and our agent will change your way of thinking In about alx minutes. Why? Because we have evcrythlirjj! can see IL touch It. or taste It If you will. We deal wholly In actualities, not possibilities. NOW LISTEN: Doesn't that offer look fair enough? Doesn't It look a little different than UTof the speculator who aervea you "choice lots" from tho silver platter of Prophecy? WhnTunsollolted, eight different partlea grasped this situation for themselves within the p..t u and we nave them their plok of the two hundred lots to be sold. Understand, our offeToW holda un'.ll November 1, and on that day and date we will pull up the reins on both irlceTad Terms. Hadn't you better come Into our office In the Beaver Building at Oregon ciuTRoom 12; or our Gladstone offloe. opposite the postofflce, and talk the matter over? B L A dfal ESTATE ASSOCIATION, BBSS ST CATTLE MARKET SUPPLY IS SMALL There was only a small run of stuff st North Portland Thursday. Ten loads of cattle came forward, nine of these being from eastern Oregon and one from the Willamette Valley, Considering tbe quality of livestock presented for sale (be former market j wa maintained. While iteeri did not I bring above $6.95 at that time, cow went at $6 and heifer at $6.40. Ihe great difference between tbe price or cattle at North Portland and a year aro ha attracted considerable attention. A year ago ateers were quoted no higher thsn $S.C5 at this time, while recent sales have been nude here up to $7.15. Tbe better (lass of stuff tbat ha come forward thl year may make some difference In the price, but tbe wide spresd I due more to the short sxe In the east than to local condi tions. A year ago, while cattle were high In the east, vslues here were eq ually aa good and therefore at com petitive points Portland shared beat in purchases owing to the smaller shrink for stufl coming in this direc tion. CONGRESSMAN'S LIFE SOUGHT; IS REPORT WASHINGTON, Aug, 24. An alleg ed scheme to kill Representative Henlamln Johnson, of Kentucky, chairman or the House committee on the District of Columbia, so as to bead oft certain proposed legislation has been disclosed to Johnson, and a aworn statement has put the Ken tucky man and his friends on guard. "I know all about It," said Johnson today, "but I'd rather no. say what Interests are back of the plot" The affidavit of a Washington man, detailing a conversation be beard on a streetcar In which one ot those talk ing said he had been following John son three nights to kill Mm, la locked up today In the office of Speaker Clark. "The story la true-," said Johnson. "Who are the parties?" he was ask ed. "I don't care to say." "What do you pro post to dor "Nothing, unless there la an at tempt to execute the threat I have all the the facta but I don't want to go Into details." I Mr. Johnson baa been aggressive in his advocacy ot legislation affect ilng the District ot Columbia. He la 'said to have Incurred the enmity ot I many people who Interpret his views j aa hostile to the interests ot the city. ! Miss Nell Caulleld. who has been the guest of Mrs. 3. H. Walker and I family at Cannon Beach, Oregon, for the past three weeks, nas returned to Oregon City. ITS OWN BATTLE November 1 we Will Sell S T GO TO NICARAGUA WA81IINOTON, Aug. 28. American soldiers will be landed In Nicaragua within the next 4J hours. On sdvlces of condition laid to be so serious as ti Justify their being kept secret In Washington, President Taft, at Ilsverly, personally directed today the immediate movement of the Tenth United States Infantry, now on the Panama Canal tone, to Nicaragua, to guard American lives and property. Dlnpatches of last night and early to day pictured the situation as being so acute tnat an Immediate movement of a large force of troops was necessary. Allegations of conditions bordering on barbarism, and acta even worse than those which took the troops of the united powers into China to quell th Inner Kebelllan,' have been re ceived at the State Department with in th last 24 hours.' Tbe deliberate murder at two American, Dodd and Phlllpps, after they had been wound ed and wre helplesa, following the maaiacre at Leon on August 19, focus ed attention on the previous reports of burning of soldier, starvation of political prisoners held In dungeons, and other alleged acts of cruelty. The latest reports made It plain that Immediate protection for Ameri cans was necessary and tbat It prob ably would not be safe to wait for the arrival of marines now enroute. General Francisco Altscbul, the rep resentative of the revolutionist Junta In Washington, denies tbe charge of barbarity brought against the troops flKhtlng tbe Nlcaraguan govern men t. He alleges the burning of bodle of oldler was necessary to proper sanl tatlon and thai It applied alike to the dead of both aides. He contended al so that American Interests would not have suffered if no attempt bad been made by American forces to prevent the capture and operation by tbe revo lutionists of the railway between Man agua and Corinto. Tbe Junta asserts the railroad Is a National Institution and should not be classed as American property, except as It Is being administered to secure a loan by New York bankers. Reports that women were shot are condemned emphatically by General Altscbul, who says the barbarous methods were employed by the rot- ernment forces, when women were sent to the line ss ammunition car riers. Rebel firing upon tbe flags of truce born by loyal Nlcaraguan troops, as well as American marines, 1 said, however, to have been frequent with in tbe lait few dsys. New attacks up on women and children and other non- combatants are reported. FIGHT FOR PLACE METOLTL'S, Or, Aug. 28. Affairs have been assuming quite a lively at titude in Redmond the past two daya. On Sunday evening ex-Mayor Jones returned from Portland and demanded to be reinstated aa Mayor, declaring hia resignation to bave been Irregul ar. On being refused be entered contest on Monday In a straw vote, to toia 200 Choice Residence Lots Per Month FJ IB H. E. CROSS, President. decide whom th council should ap point to fill out bis time. Tbe peo ple who have been working for a clean town refused to bav anything to do with th election, laying that It was up to the council to give them mayor, and If th councilman gave them a bad one they could get rid of him In the same manner aa that used In eliminating Jones. Jones and J. F. Ilosch were the on ly candidate before the people at tbe t raw vote, and by much hustling got out about half the voting population to the election, moat of th ballots ba ng cast for Ilosch. A lively scrap I expected, as Jone I (till contending that he I mayor and the council I most likely to appoint Hosch. Th clean town faction, like the monkey that divided the cheese for the two cats, Is sitting by, looking on ana waiting for the time to come when It shall fcave to step In and settle the fun. SANDY Raymond Gray has gone to Minne sota for the winter. W. L. Wilkins and family are camp ing on Wildcat mountain. W. A. Proctor, Ed. Ilruns and A. L. Deaton attended Mosonlc lodge at Trotitdale Saturday night. H. E. Deckwlth ia moving bis family from Gresham to Sandy this week. Tbe Sandy Concert band gave a dance at H belly's hall Saturday even ing. Hupper was served at the Sandy Hotel. A. L. Deaton spent Monday at Port land. Max and Marshall Davles are camp ing for a week In the mountains. One of the stores In the Shelly hlocTc Is being made ready for the Esson drug company. An auto being towed to Portland by another machine about 3 o'clock Tues day morning ran oft tbe plank road about a mile above Sandy and collided with a fir (tump. Tbe occupant wa thtrown out on the planks on his head and waa rendered unconscious. He was later removed to Portland. The namea of the parties were not learned. The Sandy Juvenile Fair program was carried out In good order Tues day and a rgeat amount of credit la due Mr. Anton Malar and her assist ants tor the management of the enter prise. The exhibits of farm products, canned fruit. Jellies, pastry, flowers, needlework, baked goods, etc., were excellent. Tbe fair was honored by the presence of 8tate Superintendent Alderman of Salem, and County Su perintendent Gary, of Oregon Clty.Mr. McArthur, of Portland, gave an ad dress in the afternoon. The evening waa devoted to dancing; at Shelly's Hall. Great interest waa manifested by the children, teachers and parents from the schools in the Bandy district, and It is generally conceded that tbe fair was a success In more ways than one. Menig's Hall presented a fine appearance when the exhibits were arranged. The oat harvest I practically fin ished in this vicinity. Ed. Ilruns attended F. and A. M. lodge at Gresham Tuesday night Si Deaton has returned from a two week' vacation. Large quantities of huckleberries of exceptional quality are being picked In the bill above Sandy. Casper Junker and daughter Kate and May, spent the latter part of last week in Portland. AN EMERGENCY REMEbTY On That Is Liable to Com In Handy Almost Any Day Reiall Mentholine Balm la for soothing pain and relieving surface inflammation and Irritations. These may arise from headache, neuralgia, toothache, bruises, cuts, insect stings the hives, chilblains, and like ail ments. A soothing cooling, antisep tic preparation like Reiall Mentholine Balm helps greatly In restoring com fort by soothing the Irritated nerves and allaying tbe inflammation. Reiall Mentholine Balm has pene trating and anodyne (pain relieving) qualities derived from the methol and other medicaments It contains, that are often helpful In asthma of nasal origin, and hay fever, nasal catarrh and Itching piles. It may be used on mucous membrane as well aa on the outer skin. For use after shaving and for relieving the smarting pain of sunburn It is especially recommend ed. We want you to take a package home with you, and the first time yon have occasion to use It, If It does not please you, come back to us and get your money. Price, 25 cents. Sold In this community only at our store. The Rexall Store. Huntley Bros. Co. Wants, For Sale, etc FOR SALE A good surrey and dou ble harness for sale at a bargain. ' Inquire at Enterprise office. CHARLES COTTEE ESTATE. Notice la hereby given tbat the un dersigned has been appointed Admin istratrix of the Estate ot Charles Cot- tee, deecased. by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County, and haa qualified. All per sons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me at my residence at Boring. Orgon, with proper vouchers, duly certified, within six months from tbe date hereof. Dated and first published August 30, 1912. ELIZA DICKENSON. Administratrix. E. F. and F. B. Riley, Attorneys. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Olive O. Welch, Plaintiff, vs. Albert S. Welch. Defendant, To Albert S. Welch, above named de fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer tbe complaint filed against you in the above named suit, on or be- , fore tbe 11th day of October, 1912, said date being the expiration of six weeks from the frst publcaton of this summons, and If you fail to appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In her complaint, to-wlt: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and defendant This summons 1 published by order of Hon. R. B. lieatle,. Judge of the County Court, which order was made and entered on the 27th day of Aug., 1912, and the time prescribed for pub lication thereof, is six weeks, be pin ing with the Issue dated Friday, Aug. 30th, 1912, and continuing each week thereafter to and including the Issue of Friday. October 11th, 1912. BROWNELL 4STONE. Attorneys for Plaintiff. All Druggists.