OKEOON CITY ENTERPRT8R. FU1D.VY. A1UUTST 1012 Are the Fty and Mosquito Dangerous?-!?? . U.M3 ua I. . blood medioiaeaod sltsmli. 0r, p.rCa ll.lUouias.Bs. NEWS FROM THE COUNTRY INTERESTS ITEMS FROM ALL PARTS OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY I CLARKES. Misses Dora and Elda Marqua'rdt spent Sunday with Miss Ruby Gard. Peter Kern, of Oregon City, ia In Clarkee visiting frieuds. J. J. Card la on the sick list Misa Ida Haag spent Suuday with Miss Irene Lee, Rudolph Haag waa tn town Satur day and bad some dentist work done. Nr. and Mrs. John Lelchtweise, Ed Lelchtweise and Mr. and Mrs. Prances spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Pottemiller. A. Buol and family were tn Oregon City and attended the wedding ot their daughter, Miss Lydia Buol on Sunday. Misa Erma Lee spent Sunday with Miss Elizabeth Marshall John Marshall haa returned from Eastern Oregon. Mr. Bottemlller la putting up a new fence. Miss Ida Bottemlller and Miss Irene Lee visited Miss Ida Haag Saturday. Alfred and Rupert Marquardt spent Sunday with Alva Gard. Sam Elmer ts building an addition to his barn. Peter Kern visited Mr. Putz and Mr. Banrer In Colton Monday. CROUP People with children should keep a bottle of Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey on hand at all times. Croup is worse at night when it Is sometimes hard to get a physician. Look for the bell on the bottle. For sale by Harding's Drug Store. NORTH LOGAN. Seafred Christiansen is visiting Portland today. Art McGuire went to Portland Sun day morning. Louis Hembar, Clate Pierce and Mr. Wear are driving cotton wood and ties on the Clackamas river. Miss Mary Christiansen and her friends are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Christiansen, near Barton. Miss Helen McMurry and Bertha Houser have returned borne from their vacations. "I was cured of diarrhoea by one dose of Chamberlain's Cocll. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy," writes M. E. Gebhardt, Oriole, Pa. There is noth ing better. For sale by Huntley Bros. Co- Oregon City, Hubbard, Molalla and Canby. MACKSBURG. The recent rains have given Macks burg and, vicinity more the appear ance of early spring that of late sum mer, and, though very heavy, have not damaged the grain as much as the farmers feared. The corn, hops and potatoes have received an Impe tus from the late moisture that has given them a most promising outlook. Hop-picking, tt is expected, will be gin the first week in September. Every week briagst news of prat gress on the Canby and Molalla rail road. The tie drive at Schafer's Mill Is going on, with a full force of men, in order to meet the demand for ties on the new railroad. The Heppler and Walsh thresher began work Monday morning at the Le Mour ranch, from there they went to Nowak's and are expected next at Chris Rothes. , John Hines' wheat yielded thirty bushels to the acre. Mr. Vogel, formerly of Eureka, Cal ' ifornla, sent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Glbecn, where Mrs. Vogel and the children have been spending some time. Mrs. AI McCoy, Miss Marie Bowers and Mrs. Raleigh Bowers were vis itors with Mrs. Gibson last Sunday. Miss Hulda Kraxberger came home from Portland on Saturday to spend Sunday with her people. Mr. and Mrs. George Walsh were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Liebig. The Deutch Vereln met Sunday at Smith's Hall with a large attendance. The exercises concluding, as usual. with a dance. The recent shipments, of potatoes to Alaska from Canby, have decided - the farmers of this region to hold their spuds for higher prices. Services are held every Sunday af ternoon and evning at the new Mln- nonite Church, at the Junction of the Roth and Strahbor ranches. Mr. W. S. Gunsalus, s farmer living near Fleming, Pa., says he has used rh.mherlaln'a Colic. Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy in bis family for four teen years, and that ne nas roura u to be an excellent remedy, and takes ni...nra in recommending it For sale by Huntley Bros. Co., Oregon City, Hubbard, Molalla ana uanoy. CARUS. Threshing Is In full blast In our burg. Mr. Chrtstners ana ar. jus gar's machines are doing the work. The grain is damaged quite uiuiu t . V. ..In J I U 111 .- Mrs. Glen Tergan of Aurora, Is vis iting with relatives ana inena m week. 'Mrs. Tergan's parents own a hop yard at Aurora and will begin picking hops Monday. f Mrs. Fred Spangler made s business trip to town Tuesday morning. Mrs. Lily Holcomb and children, of Clackamas, are visiting with ner sis ter Mrs. Lnla Cssto, of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Tom McCarthy be gan their fall plowing Monday. .ue.cs ot this e.tract i. like N.tur.'. is bsthed la ths tonio which ' life to the Mood -lb vital in ol the ldr hum brighter and their ncrr.J .ctivirrcomum. the tiu. rbbi.h which h.. accumul.ted during lh winter. About WTJww M f N.IilW, tt,iurr H.fc ril"-! ("k" th H rf IJ77 Uj. ck.ll. J ,-in.u, i ... ir. iwi -":-r n, tv pm IWm au Merle Jones returned home from the Coast Thursday. Several attended the dance at Otto Strickner's Saturday night Helen Baker, of Oregon City, is vis iting with Mrs. C. Caseday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Davtes were tn town Saturday. Misses Elsa and Pola, Fisher and Ixnitse Miller spent Monday after noon with Miss Floy Stewart Mrs. C. Castro and ' sister. Mrs. Holcomb. visited with Mrs. Spenc at Beaver Creek Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Howard took supper at Ed Howard's Sunday. Mrs. Ed Howard was on the sick list last week, but Is better now. Miss Maybelle Mills, ot Oregon Clity, was in Cania Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Al Jones went to town Monday. Pell Trullinger. of Vnion Mills, ntade a business trip In his auto to Wm. Davis' Monday. Sutherland's Eagle Eye Salve Is a creamy 'snow whlto ointment put up in air tight screw cap tubes. Will cure any case of sore eyes and will not Injure eyes of a babe. Sold by Harding's Drug Store, 25c HAZELIA Mrs. Riley J. Hays haa returned from Sherwood to the home ot her daughter, Mrs. Frank Whltten. I Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wanker and fami ly spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Cook. Miss lvtf Whltten has been ill the past week. Miss Mabel McCoy, ot Portland, spent Sunday with her friend, Harriet Duncan. George Papoun spent a few days with his relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Will Papoun, during a hasty trip from the East Theodore Stelnhilber had a force ot five mowers at work Monday harvest ing a large field ot alslke for seed. Mrs. William Landy and two little children spent a few days with Mrs. J. O. Tledemari during Mr. Landy 's absence on business. Miss Nina Wanker visited Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Wanker. Mrs. Wanker's nephew, Will Cook .also spent the day there . Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pollard spent Sun day with Mrs. Pollard's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Tiedeman. Miss Ethel Thompson, of Oswego, and Miss Bessie Frances, of Portland, visited for several days in Hazelia re cently. Rev. Robert Brymer was greeted by a large audience at the church services Saturday evening. The next services will be held Saturday, Aug ust 31, at the Hazelia schoolhouse at 8 p. m. Sunday) school meets every Sunday morning at 10:30. Internally Dr. Bell's Anti-Pain cures colic, flux, diarrhoea, cramps and all bowel com plaints. Externally: Cures sore breasts, corns, bunions, toothache, neuraliga, and all pains. Sole everywhere. It is antiseptic. For sale by Harding's Drug Store. MOUNTAIN VIEW. Another death occurred In this vi cinity last week: Mrs. Mary Cook. She was burled Friday afternoon. Mrs. David Grady is spending the week at Sunnyslde among relatives and friends. Mrs. Robert Ballou and two sons, from Goldendale, Wash., are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Van hoy. Mrs. LeRoy and children, ot Glad stone, was visiting her sister, Mrs. Wesley Jackson and family last week. Their mother, Mrs. J. Bruce Is 11L Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Ott purchased a new piano. Misses Pearl and Ruby Francis ,who have entered training school at the Good Samaritan hospital In Portland, spent Tuesday afternoon at home. Mr. Rosenboom, our blacksmith. Is building a cement cellar. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Simpson have moved down town, having sold their property to Isaac Kennedy and family who have taken possession. Charlie Dickey and wife have mov ed Into their house again, which was vacated last week by Mr. Kennedy and family. C. O. R. Ellis, of Portland, spent Sunday with his niece, Mrs. Ray Gra dy and family on Food 8treet Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Jones, of Eldo rado, transacted business In this vi cinity Monday. Mrs. Hamm and daughters, of Glad stone, were callers In this berg last Sunday. Mrs. Margaret Scott of Monta villa, visited Mrs. A. I.. Hickman and other friends last week . Miss Alice Brown, of Salem, is Vis iting school girl friends in this vicin ity this week. Mrs. Claud Hall and baby returned home from Molalla Tuesday, where she had spent a week visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Chapman, and various friends. Archie Fisher, of Wilmore, Kansas, was visiting D. W. GUlett and family last week. Hop picking is the main topic. Harry Culbertson, of Beaverton, Or egon, called on Mrs. Matchet Brown Saturday. They were neighbors In Indiana 15 years sgo. Clark Fuge is building a residence on his property on Taylor Street Walter Yoder Has typhoid fever and was taken to the hospital Monday. RURAL DELL. The recent rains were not as use ful to fanners of this section as they might have been; a great deal of grain that had recently been cut la apt to rprout before the farmers will have an opiHirtunliy to slack It; no little damage was done to the hop yards. Many posts were broken and vermin will continue to spread lu the unsprayed yards. George Sawtell ts building an ad dition to hla house. Mli-s U.iilne Sailer, of Molalla. vis ited with her parents of this place, Monday. Joseph Gottwald and John Gott wald went to Molalla Saturday even ing. Misses Minnie Fosmark and Katie Rllter went to Aurora Monday after noon. Mrs. James Ogle and son, Guy, of Aurora, visited at the home ot Fred Smith a few days last week. lr. Segman and family, of Molalla. visited with J. W. Nosier and family Sunday. Miss Amy Sconce, ot Portland, Is spending her vacation with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Sconce, ot this place. Miss Emma Gottwald visited with Misses Marie, Florence and Katie Yoder Sunday afternoon. Phil Ogle has his ox team broke -now, and coaxes them to do hla farm work. Ole Bergstrom is putting up a wind mill, which Is in accordance with the principle followed by Rural Dell's progressive farmers. Miss Rosetta Eyman, who taught school tn Malheur County Inst year, will tench the Punipklnville school, near Elliott Prairie, this coming year. Fred Sailer, who', It was reported had gone to Eastern Oregon, but only got aa far as Aurora, where he la working for Adam Mlshler, made a visit home Sunday. Austin Dubois, with Ben Jackson, went to Wood burn Saturday, where they took tn the dance during the ev ening. They reported a ftne time. . George Parmer waa out speeding one ot his race horses; a horses Sunday. Go easy. George, a race horse never waa made In one day. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Freeman, of Donald, wh have been spending the past summer tn Europe, visited with Farmers Look Up Your Fall Needs in Farm Tools NOW If you need a new Plows Harrow, Drill, Feed Cutter, Wagon, Buggy, anything for the Farm you will FIND IT IN The Mitchell Line THE BEST IN THE WEST SEE US Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. Rortland, Oregon W. J. WILSON & CO. CANBY HARDWARE & IMPLEMENT CO. OREGON CITT, OREGON CANBY, OREGON Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wldstrand Satur day and Sunday. Mrs. T. IL Sconce was very much surprised last Wednesday, when a group ot her friends made her a so cial call. Refreshments were served and a very nice time was enjoyed by all present v One of the most common ailments that bard working people are afflicted with is lame back. Apply Chamber lain's Liniment twice a day and mas sage the parts thoroughly at each ap plication, and you will get quick relief. For sale by Huntley Bros. Co., Oregon City, Hubbard, Molalla and Canby. LOGAN "Old Sol" Is beaming on us after biding so long, and it la about time too, for we had about arrived at tbe conclusion Jupiter Pluvlus had kid napped him. ' Farmers sre busy trying to save j their grain. Some grain has sprouted! and. yet the damage is not as great j as was expected. This Is an "off , year" as tbe natives say. In spite ot all tbe big tales of bumper crops. Tbej potato crop Is or will be shove the ar erae but not so In other farm pro duels. August 27, is the date set for the school children's fair In Logan Orange hall. W are Informed Professor Al derman will be present. This has been a poor year for fairs and It Is hard to make up nice exhibits. O. R .Freytag was out this way look ing for grain, grasses, etc., for tb comity exhibit at the slals fair. W. P. Klrchem Is Improving and la up. Ilia Injured leg Is giving him trouble. C. 0. Roltblna and family of lort. mud visited relatives here Sunday. J. It. Kense and dniighter, of Staf ford, were callers at the home of W. Kltvhem'a Tuesday. The many friends of Mrs. Philip Kohl were shocked to hear of her ii.ni.Mi death early Tuesday morning. August 20. She waa In her usual health and only complained of a pain In her arm In the evening. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.- lloesly. ot Mllwaukle, Or. Her aged mother was visiting her at the time. She leaves a husband and four sons. Geo. A., Henry, I-oula and Frank Kohl, to mourn. Mrs. Kohl was a member of Harding Grange No. 123 and was held In high esteem by all her friends and neighbor. The funeral will b at Pleasant View cemetery Thureday afternoon. A COLD Is not necessarily serious, provided It Is taken care of. It Is frequently the starting point of man dangerous diseases. When It comes use Dr. Bell's Pine Tar-Honey. 1-ook for the bell on the bottle. For sale by Hard ing's Drug Store. MOLALLA. W. J. E. Vlck Is wearing a pleaaant Smile. Cause A daughter arrived mi SiihirilHV innrnlne. Mrs. II. Engle was taken to the hos pital In Portland on Wednesday to undergo an operation for appendicitis. The new building owned by J. To bin. of Oregon City, is Just about com pleted. Mr. Wood Is moving Into the barber shop and pool room which will soon be In operation. The build ing Is quite an addition to Molalla. It is two stories, the upper story to be used as a hall. Messrs. Lowry and Cooke, of Oregon City, have had charge ot the construction. Waldron's auto stage Is now making two round trips dally and la a great convenience for those desiring to IMPLEMENTS AND OF QUALITY AT RIGHT PRICES make an early start to town, aa It leaves Molalla at 7:30 a. m. and does not start from Oregon City until 4:30 p. m. The crew surveying for the South ern Pacific are seen working In this vicinity. If every survey meant a raldroad, Molalla would soon be a railroad center. Parties returning from the huckle liorrv tin trh re nor t nlentT of berries. but they did not enjoy the weather of the past week. Miss Ila Reed has gone to Seat tle to visit for a couple of weeks. George Case and Jack Vernon are expected home from a two weeks' hunting snd fishing trip this week. F. W. Case and wife, of Portland, are visiting Mr. Case's mother near Liberal. Messrs. Lowry and Cooke will soon start work on a large building for Dr. Todd. There will be room for fnnr itnrM. two of which will be oc cupied by Dr. Todd's office and Hunt ley llros. Drug Store. The other two will be for rent The Juvenile Fair will be held next Wednesday at the Orange hall. Mr. W. Everbart has been working hard to make It a success for tbe children, and nsjnerous prizes have been of fered. From the number of guests and the VEHICLES .... . . . .1. .1- ftM ter (Inge, h finished hauling the grain In Gage'a field, and expwl.nl to thresh Friday. A few oat. It I said, ar sprouted. I. hi nut 1.1111111! h tn damage very much. Mr. Claris Peters returned on Monday from the Const. It rnineti; otherwise, she had a delightful tlm. Anna Nomoc went over to help Mr. Dclkar get dinner for threshers on Wednesday. Mr. (Inge took Mrs. Prludle to call on Mr. Baker and family one day Inst week. Sh knew the family when all h' ,M,!,, ml "Iris were halites and growing school children. Mr. Powell and Mr. Thomas ar somewhat better. Hops ar looking fine, soon the merry pickers will be busy In the yards. SPRINQWATER The Sprlngwaler chorus, under the direction of David uorner. me eiper la .ti.rMlnff hAHUtl H-IH .Him mi, -- . -...m ful compositions to render In the Har vest Festival In the autumn. The church will be decorated with grain . v, - h...,.h.. rf fnilt anH flower Natures bounty and beauty will aid to make grateful hearts. Miss Margaret Schradleck. of New York City. Is enjoying Oregon. She Is staying at tne nome ot oer suit, Mrs. Aue. The Sprlngwaler harvest Is, accord- FALL GOODS THAT NEVER FALL DOWN . H00S1ER DRILLS Positive Force Feed Bloom Manure Spreaders Double Steel Reach. J. I. CASE PLOWS The Plow a man Can Pull. DICKS FEED CUTTERS The Bert Possible. Hoover Potato Diggers Dig Clean. Drew Litter Carrier A Genuine Labor Saver. HARROWS Disc and Tooth. MITCHELL WAGONS Monarch of the Road. FREE CATALOG sent upon request Ing to general reports, very gratify ing. Rev. C. F. Aue will preach In Sprlngwaler In tbe morning and eve ning and In the afternoon at 3 in tne Eagle Creek Presbyterian church. Ev. erbody. Is heartily welcomed. Extra music. James Outtrldge Is recovering from his Illness very rapidly. . Dr. Walllns, our dentist. Is not only busy with his work, but Is pulling po litical teeth ot our candidates. SENTENCED TO DIE, HE WANTS TO BE SHOT RENO, Nev., Aug. 17. Cranted a stay of execution by the supreme court, AndrlJI Mlrkovlch, sentenced to death for the murder of a countryman Is today the problem of tbe Nevada authorities who are endeavoring to get him. to change his selection of tbe mode of execution from shooting to hanging. When given the choice as to how be should die, according to the laws of Nevada, Mlrkovlch decided on tbe bul let but ! guards could be obtained to carry out tbe execution. tnllstled loos, on ineir i dinner, the fame of Aunt Mary Hob bins' cooking must have gun abroad, tine la always sur of a squat deal at her hotel. STAFFORD. Th weather has cleared off grad ually and It I now very pleasant, be ginning Saturday, th local weather prophet says wa will hav fifteen day of good weather; In which cas grain will lie mostly secured and fields ready for the full plowing. W wer sorry to hear that Mark linker's baby was sick with pneumonia and four wer entertained of Infan tile paralysis, but at last reports the child's symptoms were somewhat Im proved. Mr Wed.lle, who was sick last week. Is better. He Is In th harvest field again. On Wednesday, assisted l.v a li.iv crew, among whom was Wal J a I rr BSV BH SK SaV alavr SB BBS. BBI SBB BBSS EASTOIilf viiwu rvrt i svn i , ANrtetoMflVpiraUurAi slmllallit$itdtod.llh;ta ling Us Sumsk lo and 1!mvb i MMsaSSSISBBBHSI rromolr r Diftitlonflwif 'A noss and IVxrunlalni nvUw UjKimi.Morphlnt Mr Miami NotNakcotic. SBBMMSSBSSSS 1 1 SBWaBSBBWSM jbi,touikxinnrma 12 JUSmm lion, Sour Stttth.liUrrtwi ... r. I .... V.wrt.k iots aa! loss or au-tr- hcSm Slfnanw oT cc NEW YORK. Ku Copy ol Wrapper. Sandy and East CJackamas SANDY. Justice Pomcroy has oiwnml a Jewelry store In the llarnstcdt build ing. The iiostofrtce will bo moved Into the now MelnlK ImlldliiK. The Strauss Lumlwr Co. are run ning a full crew at the mill aKalii. Henry Mills has moved his family here from WaiihouKul. Wash., and will carry on the confectionery and clgur store at lahlKren's old stand. Messers Ksson. Iloshulm. Im-a and hlxon siient the fore part of the week In Cortland. II. K. Ileckwlih .of Oresliam. has opened a Jewelry store In the Shelby building. Mrs. J. W. Howard Is visiting In Port land. Oscar Dnhlgren has moved his fam ily to Washougul. Oscar left many friends In and near Sandy who regret his departure . II. K. Krebs Is spending a few weeks In California. Mis Myrtle Muler .of Portland .Is visiting Mrs. C. K. Parber this week. I. .E. Hoffman Is reported to bs In very poor health again. The school board has engaged the Misses Elisabeth and Margaret Can ning to teach the primary and gram mur departments of tho Sandy school for the ensuing year. School will be gin Monday, Heptember 9. Kd Itevenun has rented hla ranch and will locate in Southern Californ ia on account of the health of his wife and duuithler. II. E. Ileckwlth Is building a resi dence In Snndy. Paul Melnlg has received a consign ment of extra fine California peachea. SI Ieaton la spending a week In Portland Ceo. Porustedt Is nursing a) sore foot, resulting from stnppln g on a nail. Attorney Purcell did business lu Portland Monday. Ceo. YYeUht Is sinking a well on his place. C. I). Purcell will act as principal of the Kelso schools for the ensuing year. Mrs. Williams who has been In poor health fur sometime was takon to Portland for treatment Thursday. The Sandy Creamery Is rapidly building up a fine business. Now for dry weather to finish the oat harvest. Very little potato blight Is noticed In this section thus far. Mrs. Newton Schmlnlky Is In Port land. P. T. Shelly and II. Tallmadge have gone over the mountains horseback. WELCHES. Fine weather is making good roads ,and good roads are bringing many people out this way. Hilly Welch returned from Oregon City with a smiling face. Arlle Mitchell Is stationed at Camp Zlg Zag with Roy Garwood for a few days. Mrs. George Williams, of Sandy, was taken 111 while on her vacation, and wis taken to the Uood Samaritan hospital. A Do'igherty, of Knola HIM, Is very busy hauling freight for E. Coal man. Thore are about .10 guests at Welches' hotels, In spite of the rainy weather we have been having. Mrs. Mann and children, and her friend, Mrs. Steelo, have returned to Port land, after a month's stay at the summer cottage near Laurel Ixidge. Vincent Frlel, of Chorryvllle, Is hauling young trout, and putting thorn In Still Creek and Zlg Zag river. Mr. and Mrs. Slg Knighton, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, and son, of Gresham, who have been up to the big meadow finhlng, report fine fishing up there, and also at (')enr Lake. Dr. Severing and family climbed Zlg Zag Mountain Sunday, bringing hack kinds of blackberries. Frank Anderson, wife and brother are now In their summer cottage at Welches. Miss Heat He. of Portland, Is visit ing Bt the home oil C. W. Kern, of Arrah Wanah Park. HE WON'T LIMP NOW No more limping for Tom Moore of Cochran, Ga. I bad a bad sore on my Instep that nothing seemed to help till I used Bucklen's Arnica Salve," he writes, "hut this wonderful healer soon cured me." Heals old, running sores, ulcers, bolls, burns, cuts, bruises, ede ma or piles. Try IL Only 25 cents at All Druggists. For Infnntg nr! Children. The Kind You Hsvo Always Bought Boars tho Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CHERRYVILLI Rev. Wm. Runyan prearhed In the M. E. Church Sunday. Win. .McKemle and Miss Catherine McKsnsle. of Portland, visited lr. John II. lloyd and family last week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Klrby, of Port luud. visited Mr. and Mrs. John T. Frlel, Jr.. last week. Chorryvlllo Commercial Club will give an lie cream social next Satur day evening. August 3 mi lieu rr lloyd and Misa Ixmlss lloyd went to Portland last Monday even ing to attend a party. Earl Itaitcr Is visiting his moth er, Mrs. Wm. O. Rugh. Mrs. J. T. Krlel. Jr.. gave a mus ical Wednesday evening, which was quite largely attended. Mrs. McDowell and Miss Sybil Mrltowell, of Portland, are visiting lu Portland. Mrs. Henry lledensleln returned from a week's visit Id Portland Sun day. An automobile load of people came out from Portland last Sunday and visited Mrs. Henry lledensteln. August lledensteln and Parnell Averlll and Archie Averlll are doing some slashing on the land adjoining Wm. Fischers place. Jaa. T. Edgerton and a party from ' Portland came out and visited hla ranch last Thursday . Miss Viola Frlel la spending the week visiting Miss Marie Sorois. I Miss Jessie Clark visited the Misses (ienevlnve and Mildred Hugh I several days last week. I Frank Rhodes has finished his saw I mill and has commenced the sawing i of lumber and hits nearly finished his I shingle mill. Mr. Rhodes haa Juat ' bought hi in another team of horses and a wagon. EAGLE CREEK. The formers were not pleased to see the storm which occurred , last - week, as It slopped the threshing and also damaged the grain slightly. Mrs. I.. A. Woodle, Miss Mary and ' Joey Woodle were over to the farm last week. I Mr. and Mrs. John Rcld, or Sprlng waler, were over to James Gibson's one day lust week. j Mr. and Mrs. Paul Drlacoll, of Spo kane, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. II. 0. Huntington. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Cooke, ot Da mascus, were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Howlntt last Wednesday. Eagle Creek Grange mot aa usual Saturday with only about ifO membera In attendance, and on account of , there being such a few present the session soon came to a close. I James Hell, a prominent member of ; Sandy Grange was an Eagle Creek Grange visitor Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. IL II. Gibson worsen tertulned at dinner Sunday by Mrs. Cora Udell. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Douglass visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gibson Sun- I day. I Mrs. Lottie Woodle called on Mrs. Naylor Sunday. Mr and Mrs. James DeShaxor and family visited with the Douglass and Howlutt families Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kltzmlllor went to the mountains the first ot the week to pick huckleberries . Mr. and Mrs. Congdon and Mr. and Mrs. Hon Dullard were guesta ot Mr. and Mrs. Howlutt Sunday. Judging from the number of wag on loads of people going from In and near Engle Creek; and If they go from other places accordingly, to the berry patch, there must be quite an encamp ment of berry pickers up near old Wild Cat Mountain this week. Mr. and Mrs. II. U. Huntington, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Driscoll and Dr. Ilanard, the Eastern Doctor, who la spending the summer with Mr. and Mrs. Huntington, called; on Mr. and Mrs. llowlott Sunday afternoon. Mr. Ross, of Portland, was out to see his uncle, Charles Murphy, the first of the week. He took Mr. Mur phy) and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Woodle for an auto ride Monday afternoon In his auto. Mrs. R. B. Gibson called on Mrs. Howlett Monday afternoon. The threshers are.' now threshing for Fred Hoffmelster. Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Naylor wers over to James Gibson's after black berries Monday afternoon. Mrs. Jones was a Portland visitor last week. AW Or CA8T0E1