Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 09, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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Horn. AuRnsl 2. to the wife Of App
Jones, a H pound girt,
Horn, August 4. to the wife of Jake
SoholT, twin girls, one weighed six
snd three-fourths pounds and theoth
l one-fourth Dound.
Dewey Thomas of Portland. was a
visitor In Carus.
Oils Jackson, of Clnlrniont has been
hnlnlns: her sunt. Mrs. C. Spangler.
Kit Hrown and wife made busi
ness trip to OreRon City Tuesday
Dew Purkner and wife went
rnliv Friday.
Mr. Cllne's folks of Heaver Creek,
visited with Mr. Drowns folks Sun
day. News is scarce on account of ev
erybody being busy harvesting and
Prank Jagger threshed for himself
the first of the week.
Is not necessarily serious, provided It
is taken rare of. It Is frequently the
starting point of many dangerous
diseases. When it come use Pr.
Hell s Plue-Tar-Honey. Look for the
bell on the bottle. For sale by Hard
ing's Drug Store.
Harvest Is In full blast The most
of the hay is taken care of and bind
ers are running, cutting wheat and
oats. The crops are rather light In
this part of the county, but will prob
ably be enough to carry us over to
another year.
Walter Waldorf Is building a neat
cottage on his property on the Multno
It is reported that Oscar Daniels
has sold his property at this place.
Mrs. Walker, who was called to
Cheyenne, Wyoming, as a witness In
a murder case, returned last week.
John Carlson tell oft a load of hay
one day last week and was consid
erably shaken up, but no bones were
Work Is progressing as fast as pos
sible on the Clackamas Southern,
though some of our citiiens are do
ing the best to stop it, refusing the
right of way throrgh their farms.
Nevertheless we hope to see the cars
running through Mullno this fs.lL
Mr. Burdine has taken a contract
on the west side road at Bolton and
his son. Harry, is over there oversee
ing the work at that place.
Mr. Jones,of Canby, has been hired
to teach the Mulino school the com
ing fall and winter.
Clarence Mallatt has rented the
place recently vacated by Mr. Long
who Is moving to Mullno, and will
try farming this next year.
Grant Ashby and John Darnell
were business visitors to Mullno Sun
day coming down from Shaw, Marlon
County, in Ashby s automobile.
Miss Ida Burdine, ot Mullno has
been elected to teach the Meadow
brook school this falL
Mr. Christiansen has sold his farm
here and is moving to Willamette
tots week.
The hay balers are In this neigh
borhood baling hay for Mr. Wallace
and Lewis Churchill.
Mr. W. S. Gunsalus, a farmer living
near Fleming, Pa., says he has used
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy in his family for tour
teen years, and that he has found It
to be an excellent remedy, and takes
pleasure in recommending It For
sale by Huntley Bros. Co., Oregon
City, Hubbard, Molalla and Canby.
Harvest is here and the hum of
threshing machine Is heard In our
midst Doc Logan and J. E. Marquam
had some threshing done last Fri
day. John Jerg will thrash Monday.
Grain is not as good as some suppos
ed, lots of straw but little grain.
F. M. Swift held a meeting here
Saturday night to secure more stock
in the Clackamas Southern R. R.
Mrs. Jack Faltner was taken to the
hospital In Portland for an operation
last week and her friends gave an
entertainment for her benefit Pro
ceeds of the evening $29.
Barton Jack and wife and friends
took a trip to Salem in his automo
bile last week.
Willholt Springs Is attracting quite
a large crowd these warm days.
Miss Bell Gray, who was treated
in Portland for appendicitis, came
home last week and is improving.
Clover hulling will soon commence
here. Over 200 acres to be hulled.
Misses Kate Marree and Reta Rid
ings, who have been camping at Will
hoit Springs, have returned.
Mrs. S. A. Baker and daughter
Myrtle of Kingston, Linn Co., have
been visiting with her brother, L D.
Larking, for a week.
'1 was cured of diarrhoea by one
dose of Chamberlain's Cocil, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy," writes M. E.
Gebhardt Oriole, Pa. There is noth
ing better. For sale by Huntley Bros.
Co., Oregon City, Hubbard, Molalla
and Canby.
Mrs. Mary Lee was In Portland
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Maxon came back
with Miss Dora and Elda Marqoardt
Mr. Albert Durst and family from
the t'nion Mills visited with Mr. W.
G. Kleinsmith and family last Sunday.
Charles Marshall Is back from east
ern Oregon.
Buol Bros, are cutting grain.
Miss Hazel Ringo and Miss Edith
Stout spent Sunday with Miss Eliz
abeth Marshall.
Mr. W. H. Wettlaufer purchased a
fine Jersey bull.
Elmer Kleinsmith and Theo. Sager
were In New Era at the Spiritualist
campmeeting last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Marshall are
' back from eastern Oregon, where
they bre been on a short visit
Mr. Sam Is cutting grain.
Laurence and Charles Grace, were
In town on Monday.
Mr. W. B. Bottemlller started to
cut grain
Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan were In town
last Saturday on bnslrew.
Miss Irene Lee s boat again
Mr. Bergman vsji in rwn last
St.nday , ,
Mr. Sullivan has sold his place.
Ever) one 'Js busy harvesting this
One weather and some are threshing.
Wheat for the most part Is turning
out very poor, but oats aro pretty
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Greaves passed
through this burg Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Wallace and chil
dren sient Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. I-outs Sagar are sell
ing everything oft as they are Intend
ing moving to Southern Oregon this
The Misses Sagar, who have been
vistlnx in this burg the past month.
have gone to Cotton to visit their
grandfather, Mr. Noyes.
Will Wallace Is working for L. Sa
gar. shocking grain
Frank Manning Is carrying our mall
during Mr. Udell's vaaction;
We have no teacher as yet for the
school, although they have received
quite a number of applications.
One of the most common ailments
that hard working people are afflicted
with is lame back. Apply Chamber
lain's Liniment twice a day and mas
sage the parts thoroughly at each ap
plication, and you will get quick relief.
For sale by Huntley Bros. Co., Oregon
City, Hubbard. Molalla and Canby.
Misses Esther and Elsie Miller re
turned borne from Springwater where
they were visiting relatives and
friends the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Slmuis and family
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M.
E. Handle.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Larklns and ton,
Ellerd of Clarkea, spent Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Mrs. C. Hlttman. ot Shubel Is visit
ing at the home of her son, and fam
ily, Mrs. F. Hlttman.
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Holmes and
daughter Vera. Mrs. C. P. Holmes and
Mrs. Reed, of Molalla, left this week
for Seaside, where they will spend
few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C Kandle and the
Misses Ethel and Isabella MaEn, left
for the mountains where they have
gone for an outing.
Mr. and H. Hlttman and daughter,
ot Shubel spent Saturday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. F. Hlttman.
Mr. Frank Adams and sister, Miss
Josephine, called on Mr. D. A. Miller
and family Sunday.
Misses Ethyl snd Isabella Mann
and Mrs. C. C. Kandle were callers at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Wallace.
Mrs. R. Pope returned home last
week after a week's visit at Sellwood.
Several people of Highland attend
ed camp meeting at New Era Sun
day. Sutherland's Eagle Eye Salve
Is a creamy snow white ointment put
np in air tight screw cap tubes. Will
cure any case of sore eyes and will
not injure eyes ot a babe. Sold by
Harding's Drug Store, 25c
Farmers ot Rural Dell are all re
joicing over their great crop pros
pects. Fall grain la not quite up to
the standard, but the potatoes do look
good, and the hops couldnot be bet
ter. The ice cream social given by the
Young People's Society of the Beth-
labam church Saturday night was
well attended.
Mrs. F. H. Sconce visited with her
sister, Mrs. Louie Toder Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Widstrand visit
ed with friends at Donald Sunday.
Mrs. F. F. Smith went to Wood burn
Mrs. W. S. Sconce visited Mrs. Fred
Watson Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bergatrom and the
Misses Landers were out autolng Sun
The stork visited the home ot Mr.
and Mrs. Dyland last week.
A pleasant party was given at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brier Sat
urday night
Mrs. Kate Sconce and Mrs. ETtle
Yoder made a business trip to Canby
S. H. Kauffman took a party of fun
seekers to Silver Creek Sunday.
A large number from here went to
Wilboit Springs Sunday. They all re
ported a very good time.
Mr. and Mrs. James Mallett visited
their daughter, Mrs. William Sconce,
Dr. Bell's Anti-Pain cures colic, flux,
diarrhoea, cramps and all bowel com
plaints. Externally: Cures sore breasts,
corns, bunions, toothache, neuraliga,
and all pains. Sole everywhere. It
Is antiseptic. For sale by Harding's
Drug Store.
Mrs. Braughton was the guest of
Mrs. Darling Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hyatt, of
Goldendale, Washington, are visitors
with the parents of Mrs. Hyatt, Mr.
and Mrs. A. Mautr. Mr. Hyatt re
turned home, but Mrs. Hyatt and chil
dren will visit here a motith.
Little Thelma Bryant, of Portland.
is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Mautz.
Frank Bullard and wife were call
ing on friends in this vicinity one day
IaBt week.
Mrs. Hattle Chamberlain, of Gates.
Oregon, spent a few days visiting i
friends here.
Mrs. J. B. Fairclongh and parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Lewellen, visited ;
relatives In Springwater three days j
last week.
J. W. I3aty, of Portland, was In this
vicinity last week.
Miss Gordy, of Beaver Creek, was
In this berg Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Lewellen accom
panied by Mrs. Z. T. Woods and Mrs.
May Fairclough, left for Seaside to
be gone two weeks.
Win Beard, of Tillamook, was
transacting business here this week.
W Guarantee Every Box
of Dr. Bell's Antiseptic Salve to do ,
what we claim. Try It for ulcers.
boils, running sores, tetter, ringworm,
eczema, salt rheum, fever sores, cuts,
bruises, pimples, black heads, chaps,
felons, bums or any skin disease. 25c
a box. For sale by Harding's Drug
I H. Klrvhem Is In busy Ixwan
once more.' lie has Just returned
from Sandy and Mt. Hood districts.
Mr, and Mrs. James Grimth have
gone on their homestead near EuJTftie.
Rev. K. A. Smith held services at
the church Sunday. The church la
undergoing repair and will be paint
ed soon. 1 Hampton wns re-elected
Superintendent f Sunday school.
Henry Hnbler sold his big team re
cently. Saturday wss Grange day, twenty
five wero In attendance. Although
not a Inrse crowd by any means, the
usual good time wns enjoyed by all
present "Domestic Animals for Pro
fit" was one topic. One speaker con
tended that the v.Mul. Elephant and
Moose" are the most profitable nbw.
Surveying crews are on both side
of the Clackamas, making survey
of the water line to determine the
amount of land that will be covered
with water when the dam Is complet
ed. It will be a big lake and an Ideal
pleasure resort some day In the fu
ture. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith, of
Stone, leave for month's outing at
Hot Springs on the Clackamas In the
mountains. Mr. Oily Grader will
have charge of the creamery during
Mr. Smith's absence.
At the last meeting of the Grange
a committee was appointed to Investi
gate some kind of lighting system for
the hall. Mr. T. W. Foster la to make
estimates on cost ot painting the
Louis Kohl Is at North Tlalns.
Washington County, running a thresh
er. Word was received by Mr. John
Shuttel of the accidental shooting of
John Schlappi, his son-in-law while
out on a hunting trip down on Scan
poose. The accident happened at 6
o'clock Monday evening. The remains
will be brought to Portland for burial.
These) air the Points:
VAMK. .t..,....l --- -
taaeaad iaa COMMCtiM yok aad laaar Ko.
Suit in vw Of UM.. IHm MOV pvriOTi.T wm
., .fh, UuiMd mu iuwui aariaal alilaaMai of
bar. kmil a aiuaaa aiwara.
a. Lmi Wrwlkt Knife Head. 17 ukSm ha.
Dna lock at piraua and coaatona takM all Um prntk
aad sail ol Ik aataua wilkoM loat aartioa or alar. Aa
ajalal adiaaftal lor takiM P waar.
1. Extra loas Maa-kardu masvabla KaariaJ alatas.
4. Pawartut, nocxk-rl Drtvtaa; MacfcaaUa.
loltraal dnva tear aacirclea ta ptaiaa, alactaf mora leata HI
Hit aad thai snia troator artaf aarlaaa aad sowar.
5. Main FrajM
oaa pieca aad it
practically wear-
Crmaktad of
aiuaaa baa a aocftet
that ata over a ball
oa taa pbocpaor
broaza alaac oa tba
eraaa pia. Tbt pit
ail coaforau to lha
aala ot lha cottar
bar at all tiaica aad
caaaot ba etanped
Write us for Free Champion Catalog No.
Spokane, Boise, Seattle
CHAMPION means Money Value
The slight rains of the past week
have set the hops, potatoes and corn
forward at a pace most encouraging
to the farmers ot Macksburg and vi
cinity. FiBhing on the Molalla seems to
be Kood. Judging from the experience
of Jess Heppler, who brought home
45 trout from two hours' fishing Bun
day. Frank Hilton and bis party came
1. Wanted A party with good se
curity to borrow $650.00.
2. Wanted A party with farm
property as security to borrow
3. Wanted A party to purchase
a five-roomed house In Gladstone
near ear line price $900.00;
$350.00 cash, balance ,ln 18
4. Wanted A party to purchase
small house and four lots on
Fifth 8treet, Oregon City $1000.
Easy terms.
Attorneys and Abstracters
Besver Building
Oregon City
home s'aturdny with a line supply of
trout, after feasting In Ihelr mountain
('mini till thev were tired.
The threshing machine owned by
John llepplcr and' George Walsh be
gan work with a full crew on the
farm of Charles KrnxUergcr Monday
morning. From there they go to Mr.
Ileppler, Senior,
Work on the Canby and Molalla
railroad goes steadily forward.
George Koch Is showing signs of
recovering from a long and severe
Mrs. Drelr Is recovering rrom a ser
ious Illness.
Mr. Ilert Wallace of Mullno drove
owr with her little son on Friday to
spend the day with her mother, Mrs,
Wilbur Seward is at home spending
his vacation with his mother and sis
ter. The youngest sister, Merle, re
turned on Friday evening.
r Mrs. Seward and daughter, Merle,
were guests ot Mrs. Baldwin on
On Tuesday Mrs. Glade, Miss I.lsil
Glade and Mrs. Baldwin visited Mr.
John Ileppler.
Mrs. Frank Hilton and Mrs. George
Walsh drove to Hubbard to spend the
afternoon on Saturday.
Mrs. Arthur Baldwin, with some of
former pupils, lna l.-ydla and Hilda
Kummer, Gertrude Beth and Char
ley Schwauiara, made a haielnut
party on Friday afternoon. After
enjoying' a fine picnic In the woods
they returned with all the haielnut
they could carry.
The Maxbtirg children are longing
for the opening of the Juvenile Fair.
Many are preparing exhibits for It
People with children should keep a
bottle of Dr. Hell's Plne-Tar lloney on
hand at all times. Croup Is worse at
night when It Is sometimes hard to
get a physician, l-ook for the bell on
the bottle. For sale by Harding's
Drug Store.
If You ara looking
Intha Mower you
Bar m4
I l
Mrs. Landy entertained a number
of children last Wednesday In hon
or of her little daughter, Ruth.
It Is reported that Mr. Fosner has
sold his farm and the purchaser will
take possession in about six weeks.
Mrs. Riley J. Hays, with her lit
tle granddaughter, Irene, has been
spending the past week with her
daughter, Mrs. Frank Whltten. Mrs.
Whltten's sister, Mrs. Leonard Head
rick and her little daughter, Florence,
! have also been visiting a few days at
I the same home.
Clyde Churchill, recently of Hazel
la, and Miss Tucle Todd, of Oswego,
were married last Thursday.
Mrs. H. H. Corey and family, of
Portland, visited recently with Mr.
and Mrs. Papalim. '
Miss Mabel Ford spent Saturday
and Sunday with ber cousin, Iva
Miss Ethel Baker returned homer
from the Peninsula Sunday.
Mr. Zwiney was severely Injured
last Monday and wag found lying In
an unconscious state, by bis son,
Richard. It Is supposed that be was
leading a playful colt to water, the
animal suddenly reared and struck
him to tbe ground, crushing In his
skull. Tbe outcome of Mr. Zwiney s
condition Is still doubtful.
Miss Zeta Andrews, of Oregon City,
spent a few days In Haxella last week.
Miss liertbik Klslon returned to 0
I wego Weilnesediiy.
I Sunday evening a number of young
people gathered at (no Home of nir.
and Mr. J. I', Cook, and went togeth
er to Sunday evening services at the
Oswego M. K. church. The party,
consisting of Misses l.ulu Wanker,
Hertlin Klston, Anna. Harriet and I.U
cllo Duncan, and Messrs. Harold Ma
ker n ml Itny Duncan, reports a good
service mid an enjoyable evening.
Mrs. decker and children spent Sun
day In Monlnvllla.
Mr. ml Mr. J. 1 Cook entertain
ed a merry party of young people
Tuesday evening, to celebrate the
end of the haying season. Cake and
, Ice cream were served at nine. Mlsi'S
Klliel llaker, l.ulu Wanker, Bertha El
'sum, Anna, l.uclln and Harriet Dun-
can. and Messr. Will Cook, Wlufleld
and Harold linker, and Charlie Aus
tin were present.
Church services next week, Satur
day, August Kill. Sunday school
held every Sunday at 10:110 A. M.
"I blamed my heart for severe ill
! tress In my left side for tVo year,"
j w rite W. Kviins, Danville. Vs., "but
I know now It was Indigestion, as Dr.
King's New Life 11 lias completely
cured me." Best for stomach, liver
and kidney troubles, constipation,
headache or debility. 25c at All Drug
Mrs. John Turner who Is In the
Portland hospital Is doing nicely and
If she continues to Improve will be
able to come home In about two
Mr. Hill of Independence Is In Wil
lamette getting bop pickers this week.
Mr. Dreamer has moved Into bis
new bungalow. It Is one of the pret
tiest and most modern houses In
for More Val
buy this year.
described in this ad. rix them ia your annul snd
before you buy arty machine step into th neartit
Champion agency snd see lor yourtell. Thta ia
electing your mower witch thea points. Nut the
difference ol conttruolioa in general ia th Chsmpio
Mower and othtr and you will apprecisi that
The weather continues favorable
for harvesting, and all are busy.
Mr. Weddle and Ed Ruble cut and
set up the wheat they bad on tbe
Gage place, and are roady to flnh
on their own.
News from Mrs. Aden and Minnie
Roekman at Ocean Park, says they
are enjoying tbe sea baths, but will
be home this week.
There Is a new man under the roof
of Mr. Kellar, but we hear, with pity,
that the old grandmother has become
totally blind.
Mrs. Gillette, of Elyvllle, and Mrs.
Prindle, an old resident of Stafford,
visited with Mrs. Gage Wednesday.
It was reported that chicken thieves
had again visited Wm. Sbaltz, also
Mark llaker.
Kthis Athy was coming home Wed
nesday night from Oregon City, when
two young fellows with white hand
kerchiefs over their faces suddenly
appeared and ordered him to throw
up his hands, which he did to ac
commodate them. They took what
I money he bad, which amounted to
two dollars, so yon see, Stafford with
I lis hold ups, chicken thieves, black
I hands, etc., Is getting to be quite
Mrs. Sam Moser drove to Oregon
City Wednesday.
I No news of Mrs. Nllem, who Is still
I at the Sellwood hospital, has been re
ceived this week.
Arden Gage motored out to Staf-
Sandy and East Clackamas
A blrtlidiiy pnrty wns given In hon
or of Perry T, Hlmlley at Ills new
hull on Mnln street, Handy, Krtduy
evening, mid card pliiylng and ilnmi
lug wore the chief amusements.
ii.. ii
1 nose irrsm were; .nr .nmi . ' i,i.1,ili,rlii
T.H..elley . Mr ;''Mr"",,rM!iHH'm M I
and .luanltler. Mr. nud Mrs. II. W. M-1 ' ,,,,.,,, rr i,aVls, of
son and two .lilldren. Mr and Mis. , Trmil,,Kl, Bia.
W. II. Iiarendrl. k. Mr, and Mrs. It. 8. " ,0 , , , belongliig
Smith. Mr. I Mis. Jasper Junker. 1 MM, ,,,,. l0-( ,
Mr. and Mrs. Denton. Mr. and Mrs. u ,
(lenrKo lliirnsteiid mid sun, Mr. sun Nr) w niioads and daugh-
Mrs. IiikuIIs. Mr. and Mrs. Koklesun. (,u,h1i Hi.mM Willis cauie
Mr. mi l Mrs. Albert Hell, M1""""' . , frm Portland In Hii'lr auto Hun
Inch. M. R. .'id K. Smith. I(iy Illlin)K snd spent the day with
Mr. and Mrs. It. S. Smith of Sandy. Mr Ml K t) Unrt The party
entertained at dinner Friday evening ' (rll, o T,irM HlXf uul fouml
Mr. and Mrs. K. F. IHumhue and two 1(mi, Vt,ry r()ll(, B machine,
children. Uila and KreuYle, of Boring Thl ,1.,,1ry (iinnigh llio virgin tint
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Itureiidlik and biir u wr, ,e irip,
two children, Ruth and Orace, and , w j Wrt. of Handy, loetured at
Molvln and Kenelm Bmllh. The oc j,.rw,HMi .uinluy evening and eipwts
melon was the nirtnw annivrrsau
of Mr. Smith.
Attorney Pureed contracted
business In Portland Monday.
The Handy brass band gave an
open air romert at P. . Gray s Sun-
it..tf AVrtinnir.
l W. llownra or l orus m, !"- lung the llxon family.
Sunday at Sandy. Mrs. Wm. luwholiu entertained
Melnlg's ilew double store building 'piin,,,,,, ( her friends at dluner Hun
la nearly completed. I(iiy evening. Among Hie guests was
J. Gruner Is spending fow days h,,P wtntar from Indiana.
In Portland. I A. Millar. Hr.. went to Portland
Attorney J. I. Mann was in town
MmiilnV nn business.
The rase against Hill Hardin for
carrying concealed weapons was dis
missed by Recorder Gray Monday.
Newton Ki'hinlnky and Steve Hoff
man are spending a tew days at Eu
gene and Albany.
At the counrtr meeting Monday
night franchises for railroad right of
way through town, and for lights and
power lines In Bandy were under con -
The Handy Creamery la doing a i t10Uf,i they could v-alk home, die
good business and Is proving to be ! lnnv about seven miles, before
a paying proposition, n. vurus. i
Seattle, has charge of the creamery
and will move bis family here soon.
Rev. Dr. Runyan preached In the
M. H. Church Sunday.
Prof. George Couper Is building a
new barn and garage for Dr. John
Dnve Douulna severely sprained his
back a few days ago when lifting his l.rvp, u,,.r the trees and a very
bay rake over a log and has been ..u itt.rnoon spent
confined to the house slnoe, but Is i Mj,g Mir,u Koetili ka gave a party
now rapidly recovering. Hntiinlny evening to a number of her
Mrs. Hen Reach and daughter have i frinilli several young people from
returned to Cherryvllle. I Dover were present A pleasant ev-
James T. Kdgerton. of Portland. Illlng WM l.nt n Kanies and dano
made a flying trip out to his ranch . lnK
a few days ago. Win. Hosholm accompanied by Ms-
Dr. John II. Hoyd. pnstor of the I r( mi0ltt wolf and Inch drove bis
First Presbyterian church, Portland, ' 1t0 to ,,, mom,!,,!,,, fr a fishing
who Is spending nis vacation on nis
ranch at Cherryvllle, will preach net
Suudny In the M. K. Church at that
Frank Roll, of Portland. Is visiting
Henry Hoyd.
A sacred aong service was held at
the home of Mrs. George H. Couper
Sunday evening.
Three automobile loads of people
came out and visited Dr. John II. Hoyd
and family last week.
George Kden, ot Ixigiin, visited In
Cherryvlllo Hunday.
Dr. John H. Hoyd has called his
new home at Cherryvllle "Chalet
Harold Banford. of Portland, and
six young ladles came out In an auto
mobile a few days ago and visited Dr.
John Hoyd and family.
John Hrown.oT Gresham, has In
stalled a now acetylene lighting plant
in Dr. O. Hotklns new sanitarium.
John Mitchell, of Handy, Is hauling
freight lor K. Coalman ot Government
Francis Stone hna quit driving the
inn 1 1 stsge and Mr. Coats, ot Sandy,
will take his place Motylay.
Mrs. George Wllllnms, of Sandy,
Is spending a fow days In the moun
tains. l.yman Davis, city mnrshal of San
dy, Is ramping at Toll Gate.
N. U, Chapman, of the Wcstorn Ir
rigation Company. Is Inspecting the
telephone line which has Just been
Mr. and Mrs. Huubkee are now In
ford from Hberldnn Monday, arriving
at his father's plnce at noon and went
to Portland Tuesday as a witness In
a case to defraud workmen.
Gus Gerhnrdt and son, Harry, are
still at work on Charlie Thompson's
new bouse.
Workmen have suspended work on
Mr. Wlddle's house 'until the hurry
of harvesting Is over.
The I-adles' Circle meets next
week, Thursday afternoon, the ICth
with Mrs. Gago, and she hopes to
have a full bouse. This society was
formed to get the neighbors acquaint
ed, as since the advent of the tele
phone they rarely meet except at
church or a funeral.
"Were all medicines as meritorious
as Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ami
Diarrhoea Remedy the world would
be much better off and the percentage
of suffering greatly decreased." writes
Lindsay Hcntt, of Temple, Ind. For
sale by Huntley Bros. Co., Oregon
City, Hubbard, Molalla and Canby.
Mr. Cook and Chas. Rldder drove
to Ncwherg Friday on business.
Mr. Hlack spent several days In
Astoria and tang Beach lately,
Mrs. Joe Thornton has been
spending a week with Mr. and Mrs.
Chalupsky on their farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Gould, of Salem, vis
ited Mrs. Molvln and other friends
here last week.
Mrs. Joe Shull and children are
visiting friends In Canby.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walters, who
formerly resided here, drove over
from Oregon City to visit friends.
Mrs. Dawes Is visiting at her old
home In Minneapolis, ber daughter,
Mrs. Will Prahl, accompanied her to
Emma 8tangel and Miss Martha
Stangel spent Sunday In Wood bum.
Miss Ruby Baker la visiting rela
tives In Portland.
Jessie lAwrence visited relatives
here Sunday.
The Onion Growers' Association
lln.lr smmiiiT lioinn "Cnin Rusty."
Wt.lt lies and I at MhiiIiIIiik have
b i ovt-rtiowili'd for llio past two
Mr. ami Mr. t'liarlns Wmisliift and
diumlittT, Mlldrt'd nf Chicago and
lliplr nliM-e, Mnrla F. Voi'lkul, of Bur
llu, (luriiinny, bavo linen visiting Hie
r'ry family ni Hii'lr suutiiior lunmi,
Chimp ill-A -While,
Mrs. Win. Iliialiolm went to Tow-
ell Viilloy lt t'h'kvd snvou
, ,.(lir, again two weeks rrom nun-
Mr. and Mrs. It. A. Cliown and llttlo
daughter, Caroline, made trip to
lUirliK Tuesday.
I Mrs. Kva It. Hart made trips to
I cherry vllle and Hull Run the first of
the week.
Mrs. W. J. I l on's mother, Mrs.
. . i.illi llMtf.in la via.
. it,...
aim ierruw, in mini., .i'w.
, fr, ,)( , wo, (0 visit his son.
Jirhn. who Is In the sniiltorluin there.
Mrs. A. Millars mother. Mrs. Ilea
ox k and slater. Pauline, of Damascus
visited with her over Hunday.
Miss Ma Htuckl went to Damascus
Wed iiesilny.
Two little Cherryvllle boys amlous
for an auto rlda told an auto driver
Hint they were going to Handy for
' ((r,M.(.rll.(i; he Inking pity on them,
Kv) Ihllll , r,M ,tllt Bn,od them lu
I Mainly Tuesday evening. The boys
durk. - Kil Hornatedt, hearing of tbe
episode, hitched up and took the
yoiingstars home.
Mrs. (ius Koessel and several
friends went to Portland Tuesday.
Theodore Koentcka's sister. Mrs.
Hupp, and little son, ot Bau Frauds
co, are visiting bliii.
A number of frleiids of the Frey
family kaihervd at Camp Idle-A-W htle
,..,.,. .f iMrt.iuitt . A ritm lunch was
Mr. K'lllott, the postinsster of Ka-
glu Creek in ii ile a business trip to K.
C. Htrong's Inst week.
Mrs. W. I.. Wllklns, Hr. visited with
Mrs. K. D. Hart Friday and Satur
day. KELSO.
Mrs. Bindull visited with relatives
and friends In Portland during the
past week.
Mrs. Rub. Joiiartid who lias been
very ill for the past month, was tak
en to a hospital In Portland for
treatment. Her ninny friends are
glad to hear that she Is recovering
and la at. present staying with a sis
ter lu Portland.
Mrs. Victor Johnson gave a fare
well party Hunday at her home. In
honor of her sister, Mrs. Clara Mo
Aulay. Among those present were,
Mr. and Mrs. Hlndall, Frank. F.llen,
and It E. Jarl, Joel Jarl and family,
Victor Krlckson and fnmlly and Mr.
and Mrs. Probst and children, of
Mark Pagh formerly ot Kelso, and
a young lady of Hood River, were
married recently.
The new creamery In Bandy Is
gathering the cream In this vicinity.
Mrs Clara McAulay and children
left Monday for their home In Blue
Cnnyon, California, after a month's
visit with relatives,
James Kelly and fnmlly, ot Lents,
were out In the auto visiting with
the Jsrl and Dolan famllle a last
held a meeting at tbe residence ot J.
1.. Heely Wedni'sedny evoulng.
Two new member were takon Into
the ltebekah lodge Wednesday night
The bids for the now school build
ing were opened Monilny evening.
Mllwaukle pnrtles were found to ba
the lowest bidders but the contract
has not yet been given out
Rev. Reeves will prench next Sun
day morning at 11 o'clock. All ara
cordially Invited to. attend.
The members of tbe Rebekah
lodge served Ice-cream and cake to
the Odd Follows at the close ot their
meeting Saturday evening, and a Jol
ly good time Is reported from all who
There was special singing by
Mrs. Frank Hrobst and Miss Elisa
beth Brolist at tbe M. E. Church last
Hunday evening, which Vas much en
Joyed. Jake Peters, our enterprising hard
ware merchant hns been soiling a
great many Implements to the farm
ers this summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Tauchman, Mr.
Brolist, Mr. and Mrs. Filers, were
among Portland visitors this week.
Mrs. Snook and children, of Tort
land, visited Black's several daya
this week.
Rev. Shaw, preached at the Hood
View Congregntlonal church Sunday.
The Parent-Teachers' -Association
held a very Interesting meeting
Thursday at the school house. Mrs.
Chas. Wagner, the President of the
Association, gave a very nice des
cription of the Mothers' Day at tbe
Chautauqua. a
A vast amount of 111 hoalth Is due
to Impnred digestion. When the'stom
ach falls to perform Its functions
properly the whole system becomes de
ranged. A few doses of Chamber
lain's Tablets Is all you need. They
will strengthen your digestion, Invig
orate your liver, and regulate your
bowels, entirely doing away with that
miserable feeling due to faulty diges
tion. Try It Many others have been
permanently cured why not you?
For sale by Huntley Bros. Co., Ore
gon City, Hubbard, Molalla and Canby.