Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 19, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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Edward T. Webb to Frank BmltM
acre ot Jennings Lodge; 1000.
0. V. tu Uroth Trnltxrud to Ma
nilas Krlund, 35 acres of section 16,
township 6 south, range 1 ut; 12000,
J. (I. Mutnpower to L ,1)., Julia A.
Muiupower and Mary J. Dlckeu, land
In auction 13, township 1 aouih, rang
I east; 1.
W. A. and Ma Alcorn to Blanche
AshlmUKh, land In inctlon 83, town
ship 3 aoulh, range 7 east; $10.
Hhlrley and Kllxabalh H. Buck to
W. It. Douglas, tola D, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14,
block 22, lota II, 13, block 13, and lota
7, I, block 24, Mllwaukla I'ark; $2260.
Ma M. and M. (I. Thurston toA. M.
(IHlM.rt, loti 37, 3D, block (7, Mln
Iborn addlllou lo Portland; $100.
Joint A. Dnvls and Km ma Davis to
Charles (I. llerrinan and C. A. Oman,
land In section 32, luwnshlp 1 aouth,
range 2 cunt; flO.
W. II. and Fern Danes to (). W.
Moaaelhlaer, II Oncres of amnion 12,
township 3 aoutb, range 4 aaat; f 10.
Hullle and W. II. Iluoy to Nolsaud
Uirena l.iindgreu, 10 acria of D. U
' C. of Ucorge Crow, township 2 aouth,
Hinge least; flO.
Creed W. Htratton, Carroll K. Btrat
Iron, Milton Raymond Htratton and
l,ld) (I Htratton to Idditu Btrittton,
north half of lot 1 of block I, Oregon
City; $10.
Evelyn II. Warkey to Alice K. Cald
well, lot 8 of block 0, Ardvnwuld; $1.
Helen U Htratton to Uamhrliius
Brewing Coiniiany, north bait of lot
1 of block 2. Orvgon City; $ ICOO.
Charles W. and Alice Itlaloy to
Clarence C. Tripp, tract 15, of Con
cord; $10,000.
(I, A. and Maggie Cobb to Jerome
McCllciu k. lot so ol r'aiiby Uanleim
1 10
W. A. and 1-eora II. Dailies to Clif
ford I ml Winnie plait, lo' 5 of
Mock 17. Untidy Ijind Company addi
tion to h'anily, $1.
U i ueiil, 1.. II. and Kiln II. (lor
bam to II .11. VonDeldner, lota 63, 67,
Candy (iatdens; $1.
M. J. l.et, agent, M. J. l.e and Ber
tba l ee to U It. (iorbatn, lota S3, 67,
Caiiby Gardens; $.1000.
W. I. and N. J. Ferrel to U J. Me
Qtmlil. 4 acres of I). I C. of Thoniaa
II, Forrester, lowuhli 3 aouth, raugo
3 enat; $CI0.
Henry C. Priidhoniine Comiiany to
Hortlne rriiilliotiinie, blocks 10.1, lot
6, Gladstone; $1.
H. I), and Jennie M. Hmulley to John
and J.mIi. Crlm. Iota I'll, 27, 24, Ore
gon Homes; $T50.
Walter and Beatrice Marrlon, land
In aectlon !, lownalilp 4 aouth, range
4 enst; $10.
Thomas Clifford to Oregon Invest
ment Company, lot 7 of block "C,"
Mllwaukla I'nrk; $10.
J. II. and Km ma May lllcka to C.
E. Hlltcs and Anna Htltea, lot 14, or
block M. Mllwaiikle I'nrk; $100.
A. (. Wold and Clara Wold toCehr
lea and Jennie Street, .617 acrea ot
I). I- C. of Wllllain MatUx k, townablp
2 aouth, range 2 eat; $10,
Charles K. Street and Jennie Street
to llnakln (Irabu, .617 acrea or 1). U
C. William Matlock and wife, town
ablp 3 aouth, range 2 east; $10.
T. C. and E. M. Howell to Mra. Sar
ah Klnearaon. Iota 3, 10, block 13,
Meldrum; $10.
T. C. and K. M. Howell and Anna
Howell to (ieorga Itall. lota 4, , ot
block 13, Melilrum: $10.
H. C. and Uulca Wade to U. F.
and Kilts Mitchell, lota 13, 14, 16, 16,
block II. Windsor; $1.
("rank F. Johnaon to Matin Dully,
land In Clackamaa County; $10.
Dorothey K. Walton to Frank II.
Spears, laud In aectlon 6, township 8
aouth, ranga 6 aaat; $10.
It. and Tilda Field to I.ulu Vcason
(0 acrea or inctlona 16, 17, townablp
4 aouth, ranga 4 aaat; $10.
W. K. llnuaer to Clackamaa County,
land In Clnckamaa County; $1.
I'anllno Schwarta to Fred Schwartx
land In Oregon City; $1.
Krcd and Jullna Madison to George
Schlegcl and Violet Schlegol, 20 ac
rea ot aectlon 36, townihlp S aouth,
rnime 2 enat: $10,
Murgarct It. Hrooki to Milton U
Htrean, land In section 6, township S
aouth, range 2 east; $10.
J. I). Henri Tlousquet to Fred V.
Stevens, land In aectlon 16, townahlp
7 south, range 4 east; $2000.
J. D. Henri Ilnusquet to James
Hums, 20 acrea or amnion 16. town
ablp 7 aouth, range 4 east; $2000.
liana and Christina Paulsen to Ab
raham C. Mowrey, land In section
18, township 3 aoulh, range 6 eaat;
Addle White and 8. F. White to M.
C. King, land In township I aouth,
range 1 east; $1.
Minerva Theaslng Oatfield to M. C.
King. Iund In township 2 aouth, range
1 eaat; $1.
Georgia Meldrum and John Mel
drum to Clackamna County, land In
section 19, township 2 aouth, range 2,
aouth; $1.
Kred and Barbara Holmes land In
aectlon 3C, townahlp 3 aouth, range
3 eaat; $1. ,
Georgo K. Waggoner and Margaret
O. Waggoner to U. A. Steel, land In
aectlon 32, township 4 south, range
4 east; $100,
Ulariatone Real Estate Association
to William Uldlaw, 2.15 acea In
Oladstono; $268.
Henry and Clara Hnrkaon to W. R.
Uenderson, 80 acres of aectlon 20,
towaship 8 south, range 6 east; $10.
Leora lft and W. II. Davlea to Ly
man Davlca, lot 3 of block 11, Snndy
J.ati Company's addition to Sandy; $1.
Clnra E. Holllster to Lyman DrtIos
lot 4 or block 11, Sandy Land Com
pany's second addition to Sandy; $1.
M. J. and E. R. Denny to W. A. and
A. A. Pcnrson, 9.96 acres or section
27, township 1 aouth, range 2 east;
2r.oo. '
J. W. and Eliza A. Roots to J. L.
and Nellie Montgomery, Southeast
quarter or Tract 10, Boring Junctlco;
Oregon Iron ft Steel Company to
Charlri A. Krlrk. 'it A of tract IV,
Donltt Mendows px'opdd; $18.
Johrt D. and N:ile Hlbbard, lot C
D. Firm Ad'lltlon in Jennings Lodrc;
Joh.i A. rvcm In Melville J. Byera
tt al, v) nrrea of tertlon 13, township
2 south, ran ftp 12 east; $10,000.
Denhtiiln A .Tlesth snd Clara Peih
to Abr.ihnm 0 Mowrr, land In eect!nu
7, townl!'p .1 a.ntir, range 6eaat; $'.1
CharlM Ncwlnnd to Abraham .'. I
Mowry, land In section 8, townahlp 5
south, range 6 east; $10. , c .
' Alexander I). Ilrooka to Abraham C.
Mowry, land In section 17, township
3 south, range 6 eaat; $10.
81laa W. Thornton and Hilda Thorn
ton to Martha A .Dramshall 80 acrea
of aectlon 11. townshlo I south. ranee !
2 east; $5000.
A. Vester and Ansa Vester to J. O. I
Andnraou, tract 13, Gordon Qlon Home
Tract Deep Creek Junction; $000,
William and Mattle Jacobs to Al
fred and Auiilu llliiinun, lot 22, and
the westerly hair of lot 24, Hoard
man s addition to Jennings Lodge;
Ilmiry Kopp and Theresa Kopp to
Hnlma and H. P. Mattoon, 2.06 ai roa
nf townahlp 8 south, range I east;
Kale Htovens Gingham to T. 3. Lon
ergnn, Iund In section 14, township 2
south, tangs 1 east; $.1000,
F. J. l-oiicrgau to Portland Hallway
Light ft Power Company, land In sec
tion 14, township 2 south, range 1
east; $1.
F. J, luiergiin to Caiadoro neat Es
tate Company, land In section 14,
township 2 south, range 1 oast; $1.
M. C. King el al to J. II. Lord, lota
6 and 7, Arcadia; $10.
P. II. Marlay to Eunice Sargent,
lots 1, 3, section 29, township 1 south,
range 2 east; $1.
Kutiuwda Realty Company to J. W.
Antrim lot 1 of block 8, Terrace Addl
llou, sevtlou 20, township aoulh,
range 4 east; $1,
J. W. and Karnh B. Antrim to Anna
Head, lot 1 ot block 8, Terrace Addi
tion In section 20, township I south,
range 4vast; $10.
Land Tltlsa examined'.
Abstrsots of THIS Mads.
umce ovsr Bank of Oregon City,
In the hopyarda of the Valley gen
erally the work or spraying now Is
.iftlvcly under way, and with the
cut tier fuvorublo the eradication of
vermin la progressing In a eatlsfact
ory way On the whole It la believed
that there la no ground for apprchen
ion on account of Insect pests In this
tute this year, and elaewhere ou the
Coast the Hit unt lon Is said to be sim
ilarly encouraging. Hopmen now aay
there la small danger of weather or
uth tr developments that would pre
vent the state harvesting one ot the
blggeat and beat crops in the history
jf the industry.
What the output of the state will
' amount to ciinnot yet be determined
with anything like accuracy, but figur
ing on the present showing In the
Valley yards dealers say that the
yield In Oregon this year will In all
probability run close to 110,000 bales
In Waahlngton It Is estimated that
the crop will amount to about 33,000
bales, and present estlmstes on the
California product run from 85,000 to
90,000 bales.
Trade tor the time Is all but at a
standstill, very little In the way of
Inialnvsa being reported either In the
old or new hops. In a more or less
nominal way eot goods are quoted
at 25 to 27 cents, but there Is said
to be little demand tor old hops, and
the scantiness or holdings In the state
at this time contributes further to the
quiet of the market
For contracts on the coming crop
the demsnd Is similar slack. Occas
ional desls at 18 to 20 centa are re
IKirtcd, and one contract at the low
figure of 17 centa la said to have been
put through within the past week.
At going quotatlona on the new crop
It ia believed that If the demand were
sufficient considerable contract busi
ness would be possible for the grow
ers in many canes are said to be dis
posed to sell. The buyers, however,
are quite generally Inclined to hold
The expected advance In the sugar
market came Tuesday, the Jobbers In
Portland raising quotatlona on all
grades of the refined product 10 cents
a hundred, and It waa Intimated that
a further lift In prices waa liable to
come at any tlmo. The Eastern mar
ket now Is 20 cents above the range
quoted a week ago.
For two weeks or more there has
been a generally strong reeling In the
sugar market. On the Atlantic sea
boar statistics compiled by the load
ing Importers Indicated that the out
put this year in some of the most im
portant producing countries, notably
Culm, would fall considerably short
of the predictions made a few months
ago, and aa the time passed and the
movement of the commodity seemed
to bcur out those predictions the mar
ket steadily stiffened. That It will go
well above the present level before
the end of the season now Is counted
nil but a certainty.
Another bullish factor of no email
importance In the augar market Is the
uunl heavy Increase In the demand
during the summer months, when re
quirements for fruit canning and pre
serving operations reach tholr maxi
mum. In the Fast the regular sum
mer demand for sugar Is reported to
have set In with a rush. In the face
of supplies available actually short
of the showing at this time a year
Reports from Cuba that the condi
tion of the American marget la felt
In the Island In no uncertain way. In
stciid ot selling freely the big produc
ers there are said to be holding back,
confident that the market from now
on will ahow an upward tendency.
From Europe come reports ot stea
dy to Arm beet sugar markets, which
also tend to keep the American mark
et In a firm position.
The.. Portland Union Stock Yard.
Company reporta aa follows: t ,
Receipts for the week have been.
Cattle H:6; calves 977; hogs 2122
sheep 7000; and horses 2.
NThe rattle market has been strong
and steady
inroupnouu tne wee.
Oood ateera were not plentiful and
buyers had to fill their requirements
from medium grade offerings. Butch-
er slock was a (nature of the cattle
The hog market was characterized
by an advance or 40 per emit on the
week and by the arrival or the first
shipment of eastern bogs since early
In' January. This la the period of the
yeur bul ween the closing of the win
ters' feed snd the appearance of stub
ble fed hogs,- and In consequence the
local uus fulleii off. There are quite
a good many hogs In the country, bow,
ever, and with plenty of grain for Do
lablng purposes an adequate number
or hogs for the markets needs la
looked for from local territory.
Ijirge offerings of sheep caused
breuk In the market 15 rente to 20
cents. Hie first Mount Adams lambs
urrlved Friday and although they sold
at a good price, killers had largely
taken care or their needs In the early
part ot the week from a more Inferior
Prevailing Oregon City prices are as
DIHBD ntUITH (Buying) Prunes
o.n bssls of 6 to 8 cants.
fruits, Veastahles.
IIIDKH (Huylng) ireen hides 6c
to 7c; suiters 7c; dry hldej 12 cents
to 14c; sheep pelts, 30c to 80o each,
Hay, Grain, Feed.
K(l(iH Oregon ranch eggs, 22c case
count; 23o csndeled.
HAY (lluyln) Timothy out of mar
ket; clover, at $X; oat bay, beat,
$10.00; mixed, $9 to $11; alfalfa
$11 to $16.60.
OATH (Huylng) $30.00 to $36.00,
wheat 90c bu.; oil meal, aelllng about
$18.00; Hbay llrook dairy feed, $1.
30 per 100 pounda.
FEKI (Helling) Shorts, $25 bran
$21; process barley, $10 per ton,
FLOL"H-$4.60 to $5.M.
POTATOK3 New about lc lb.
POULTRY (Huylng) Hena llo to
13c; spring, 17c to 20c, and roosters
He. Bisks 11c.
Butter, Poultry, Eggs.
Butter (Hoy.-i) Ordinary coun
try butter, 20c to 25c; fancy dairy,
)c roll. .
Livestock,- Masts
IIKKF (Uve Weight) Hteers, Stt
snd te; rows, 4c; bulls 3c.
Ml'TTTON Hbeep 3c to l0.
VBAly Calves 10c to 12c dressed,
according to grade.
MOHAIR 33c to 35c.
When Tss Wn Mtdicin.
licfore tea bei ume i lu-ap enuugb to
be coualdered a drink II waa largely
osed aa a uivdlclntt A familiar adver
tisement lu the lmdiiii Taller ucd to
proclulin a "fnuioua chyuilcal quintes
sence of Uuhcs tea snd cocoa nuts to
gether, wherelu the volatile salt, oil
snd spirit ot both" formed "the high
est restorative that either rood or phys
ic affords."
In the Circuit Court ot the Slate of
Oregon, for Clnckamaa County.
Charles E. Eaton. Plaintiff,
Mary J. Eaton, Defendant
To Mary J. Eaton, above named de
fendant: lu tho name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appearand
answer the complaint filed against you
In the above named suit on or before
the 30th day or August, 1912, said date
being the expiration of aix weeks from
the first publication ot thta summons,
snd if you rail to appear or answer
said complaint, tor w ant thereof the
plaintiff will apply to the court tor the
relief ' prayed for In hla complaint,
For a decree dissolving the bonds
of matrimony now existing between
the plaintiff and defendant. This
summons is published by order of
Hon, J. I'. Campbell, Judge of the
Circuit" Court, which order waa made
and entered on the 1.1th day ot July,
1 1 2. and the time prescribed for pub
lication thereof Is six weeks, begin
ning with the Issue dated Friday, July
llith, 1912, and continuing each week
thereafter to and including the Issue
of Friday, AugiiHt ,10th, 1912.
Attorneys for plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Catherine toucher and Jennie E. Nob-
litt, plaintiffs,
Nnrclasa A. liowers, Eugenia Smith,
Orena May, Lawrence May and
Ines May, hla wife, Elvln May and
Helle May, hla ware, Lake May and
Luellu May, hla wife, and all heirs
unknown of Harvey 11. May, deceas
ed, defendants.
To Narclsfa A. Howers, Eugonla
Smith , Orena May, Ijiwrence May
and Ines May, his wife, Elvln May
and Helle May, his wife, Ike May and
Luella May, hla wife, and all heirs
unknown of Harvey II. May, deceased
the above named defendants:
In tho name of the state of Ore
son, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you In the above named suit,
on or before the. 30th day of August,
1!U2, said date being the expiration
ot six weeks from the first publica
tion ot this summons, and If you rail
to appear or nnswer complaint, for
want tliereor the plaintiffs will apply
to the court for tho relief prayed for
In their complaint, to-wlt:
To quiet your interest In the follow
ing described real property, situate in
Clucknmas County, Oregon, to-wlt:
HeginnliiR 62 rods south of the N.W.
corner of Sec. 17. T. 4 8., R. 2 E. of
the W. M. running thence South 98
rods, thence east S8 rods, thence
north to Milk Creek, thence aouth-
westerly along the meanderinga of
Mil Creek to the place or beginning.
containing 63 acres more or less, the
legal title of which In fee simple Is
In plaintiffs' to which they are entitl
ed to Immediate possesalon.
This summons Is published by order
of Hon J. U. Campbell. Judge of the
Circuit Court, which order waa made
and entered on the 1.1th day of July,
1912, and the time prescribed for pub
lication thereof Is six weeks begin
ning with the Issue dated Friday, July
19th, and continuing each week there
after to and Including the issue of Fri
day, August 30th, 1912.
Attorneys for Plalntlffa.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, tor Clackamaa County.
Relnhold Weiss, Plaintiff.
Thos. W Ijtne, Defendant.
To Thos. W. Lane, the above named
, defendant: , ,
In the name of the state of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
yon In the above -entitled ault on or
before the 30th day ot August, 112,
said date being the expiration of all
weeks from the first publication of
this summons, and It you fall to ap-
pear or aaswer said complaint, for
want thereof the plaintiff will apply
lo the court for the relief prayed rof
In his complaint riled herein, to-wlt
For a lodgment against you In th
sum or Five Hundred Dollars, the
nine being the amount due on a note
made and executed by you, to one
(;raco Young, dated Hept, 18, 108,
and assigned to plaintiff herein who
la now the legal bolder thereof, and
a decree foreclosing all your right.
title and Interest In the Houth half or
the southwest quarter of the North
west quarter of the Houthwest quar
ter section 18, T. 3 8., of R. 3 E. of
the Willamette Meridian, In Clacka
maa County, Oregon, under and by vir
tue of a certain mortgage ror Five
Hundred Dollars executed by you to
uld (irse Young, to sec ure the pay
ment or the an Id note, plaintiff now
being the assignee and the legal bold
er of tho snld mortgage, which Is dat
ed Hept. 18, 1908; selling the said land
to satisfy the Judgment so obtained,
This summons Is published hy or
der of Hon. J. V. Campbell, Judge of
the Circuit Court, which order waa
made and entered on the 10th day of
July, U12, and the time prescribed for
publication thereof Is six weeks be
ginning with the Issue dated Friday
July lth, and continuing each week
thereafter to and Including the Issue
of Friday, August 3th, 1912.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Notlce of Final Settlement.
Notice la hereby given that the un
dersigned administrator with the will
annexed of the estate of Allen Koch,
deceased, baa filed In the county
court of the State or Oregon, for
Clackamas county, his final report
nd account as such administrator
and that said court baa appointed
Monday, the 26th day of August, 1912,
at nine o'clock A. M. of said day and
the court room of said court In Ore-
noil City. Oregon, as the time and
pbice for the settlement of said ac
count and the hearing of objections
Dated and first published the 19th
day of July 1912.
In the Circuit Court of the State ot
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Anna M. Daker, plaintiff.
Frederick C. Haker. defendant
To Frederick C. Baker, above named
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you In the above named suit on or be
fore the 24th day of August 1912, said
dure being after the expiration otsix
weeks from the first publication of
this summons, and If you fall to ap
pear or answer said complaint tor
want thereof, the plaintiff will apply
to the court for the relief prayed
ror In her complaint, to-wlt:
For a decree dissolving the bonds
ot matrimony now existing bet-veen
tbe plaintiff and defendant This
summons Is published by order of
Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge ot the Cir
cuit Court, which order waa made and
entered on the 10th day of July, 1912,
and the time prescribed for publica
tion thereof Is six weeks, beginning
with the Issue ot Friday, July 12th.
1912, and continuing each week there
after to and including the Issue ot
Friday, August 23rd. 1912.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice la hereby given that the un
dersigned administrator of the estate
of Christian Hornachuch, deceased.
has filed in the County Court, Clack
amas County, his final acount as such
administrator of said estate and that
Monday, the 29th day ot July, 1912, at
the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., has been
fixed by aald Court as the time for
hearing all objections to said report
and the settlement thereof.
Administrator ot the estate ot Chris
tian Homschuch, deceased.
U'Ren ft Schuebel, attorneys for Ad
ministrator. Summons.
In the Circuit Court of the state ot
Oregon for the county of Clack
Jacob R. Cornog and Emma Rip
ley Cornog, husband and wife,
pluintllts, vs. The unknown heirs
of John Murphy, deceased; John
Francis Van den Eynde, Hypolite
Hayes. Mrs. Cath Van den Eynde,
and the unknown heirs ot John
Francis Flerens, deceased; also
. all other persons or parties un
known, claiming any right title,
estate, lien or other Interest In the
real estate described in the com
plaint herein, defendants:
To the unknown heirs of John
Murphy, deceased: John Francis
Van den Eynde, Hypolite Hayee,
Mrs. Cath Van den Eynde, and the
unknown heirs of John Francis Fier-
elns, deceased: aleo all other per
sons or parties unknown, claiming
any right title, estate, lien or other
Interest in the real estate describ
ed In the complaint herein, defend
ants: In the name ot the state ot Ore
gon, You and each of you are
hereby required to appear ana
answer th complaint filed against
you la the above entitled court
and cause within ten days frora
the date of the service ot this
summons upon vou If served
within Clackamas County, or If serv
ed within any other county of this
state, then within twenty days from
.the date ot the service of this sum
mons upon you and If served by
publication hereof, then within aix
weeks from the date or the first In
sertion ot said publication; and If
you fail so to answer, for want
thereof, , the plaintiff will proceed
to tnke a decree , and Judgment
against you and each of you as
prayed for In plaintiff's complaint
to-wlt: For a judgment and decree
adjudging and decreeing plaintiffs
to be the sole and exclusive owners
and holders In fee simple of the
title to the following described real
estate situated In the county ot
Clackamaa, state of Oregon, to-wlt:
The northwest 1-4 of the south
east 1-4 and the west 1-2 ot the
southwest 1-4 of the southeast 1-4
and the southeast 1-4 of the south
west 1-4 of tbe aoutheaat 1-4, aec
. tlon 30, township 2 ot range S eaat
Willamette Meridian Clackamas
County, Oregon: free and clear of
all claim or Interest on the part of
each ot you, the aald defendants.
and also all other persons or parties
unknown claiming any right title,
estate, lien or other Interest In the
said real estate described In the
complaint herein and In tins sum
mons or any persona unknown to
plaintiff, and for such other aad
further relief as to the Court may
Mara equitable and Just
This summons Is ssrved upon
the said defendants by publication
hereof for six successive weeks In
the Oregon City Enterprise, a news
paper ot general circulation printed
and published at Oregon City, Clack
amas County, Oregon, by virtue ot
an order or the Honorable J. V.
Campbell, Judge OT the above en
titled court, dated the 3rd day of
July, 1912, and the aald defendants
by said order are required to appear
and answer within six weeks from
the date of tbe first publication
Attorneys for plaintiffs.
Date of first publication, July 6.
Date or last publication, August
16, 1912.
In the Circuit Court ot the State of
Oregon, for Clackamaa County.
Clara U. Tblel, plaintiff.
Otto D. Thlel, defendant
To Otto D. Tblel, defendant:
In the name ot the State of Ore
gon you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you in tbe above entitled auit
within six weeks from the 21st day
of May, 1912, the date of tue first
publication of this summons, and if
you fail to answer for want thereof,
the plaintiff will apply to the Court
for tbe relief prayed for In her com
plaint to-wlt; for a decree forever
dissolving the bonds of matrimony
now existing between plaintiff and
yourself, tor a decree granting plain
tiff the care, custody and control of
Meryl Tbiel, a minor.
Tbls summons Is puoiisoed In pur
suance to an Order of tbe Hon. J. V.
Campbell, judge of tbe above entitled
Court, made and entered on the 18th
day of June, 1912, directing the same
to be published for six clnsecutlve
weeks In the Oregon City Enterprise,
a newspaper published In said County
and State and ot general circulation
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
First publication, June 21st 1912.
Last publication, August 2nd, 1912.
In tbe Circuit Court ot the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Fred W. Ramser, plaintiff.
Zoe Ramser, defendant
To Zoe Ramser, above named defen
In the name of the State ot Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
and answer tbe complaint filed against
you In the above named auit on or be
fore the 2nd day of August 1912, said
date being tbe expiration of aix weexs
from the first publication ot this sum
mons, and if you fail to appear or an
swer said complaint tor want thereof,
the plaintiff will apply to the court
for he relief prayed for In hla com
plaint to-wlt:
For a decree dissolving the bonds
of matrimony now exlBting between
the plaintiff and defendant This
summons Is published by order of
Hon. J. U. Campbell Judge ot the Cir
cuit Court which order wsa made and
entered on the 15th day of June, 1912,
and the time prescribed for publica
tion thereof Is six weeks, beginning
with tbe Issue of Friday, June 21st
1912, and continuing each week there
after to and Including the Issue of
Friday, August 2nd, 1912.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Sheriffs Sale.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County ot Clack
amas. W. J. McNeil, Plalnlff.
Henry L. Burchell, Defendant
State of Oregon, County ot Clacka
mas, aa.
By virtue of a Judgment order, de
cree and an execution, duly Issued out
of and under the seal of the above en
titled cause, to me duly directed and
dated the 13th day of June, 1912, upon
judgment rendered and entered In
said court on the 20th day of May,
1912, In favor of W, J. McNeil, Plain
tiff, and against Henry L. Burchell,
defendant for the sum of $91.75, and
the further sum of $5.00, as attor
ney's fee, and the further sum of
$6.25 costs and disbursements and the
costs of and upon thia writ command
ing me to make sale of the following
described real property, situate In the
county of Clackamas, stae of Oregon,
to-wit: the S.W. 1 ot the S.w.i oi
Sec. 36, Twp. 2 S., R. 3 E. Willamette
Meridian, and the S. 1 halt or 8. l
half of the N.W. J of the S.W. J of
Sec. 36. Twp. 2 S., R. S E. Willam
ette Meridian, cotainlng 50 acres mrre
or less.
Together with all snd singular the
tenements, hereditaments, and appur
tenances thereunto belonging or In
anywise appertaining.
Now. Therefore, by virtue or saw
execution, judgment order and decree,
and In compliance with tbe commands
of said writ I will, on Saturday, the
20th day of July, 1912; at the hour of
10 o'clock A. Mm at the front door or
the County Court House In the City
of Oregon City, In said County and
State, sell at public auction, subject
to redemption, to the highest bidder,
for U. S. gold coin cash In hand, all
the rlfiht .title and Interest which the
within named defendants or either of
them, bad on the date ot the mortgage
herein or since had in or to the above
described real property or any part
thereof, to satisfy said execution,
Judgment order, decree, Interest, costs
and all accruing costa.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., June 15th,
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Mariam Falling, Plaintiff,
Peter Falling. Defendant
To Peter Failing, above named defen
dant: In the name of the State of Oregon,
yon are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
yon In the above named suit on or De
fore the 26th day of July. 1912, said
date being the expiration of atx weeks
from the first publication ot this sum
mons, snd If yon fail to appear or an
swer said complaint for want thereof
the plaintiff will apply to th court
for the relief prayed for In her com
plaint to-wlt:
For a decree dissolving the bonds
nf n Mmnn v n aw a 1 af n 9 ISjltWMB
the plaintiff and defendant This
Harvey I. Cross. William Hammeeel
We have now moved to our permanent quarters In the Beaver
Building. Next to the Andressn Building.
Rsal Estate Abstracts Main Street,
Loans, Insurance Oregon City, Ore.
summons Is published by order of
Hon. K. I). lieatle. Judge of the Coun-
entered on the 12th day ot June, 1912,
ty Court, which order waa made and
and the time prescribed for publica
tion thereof la six weeks, beginning
with the Issue dated Friday, June 14,
1912, and continuing each week there
after to and Including the Issue ot Fri
day, Jnr 26th, 1112.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the Bute of
Oregon, For the County ot Clack
amas. Carrie W. Dennle, Plaintiff,
Charles A. Dennis, Defendant
To Charles A. Dennis, the above
named Defendant:
In tbe name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you In the above entitled Court and
cause, on or before the 27th day of
July, 1912, said date beng after the ex
piration of aix weeks from the first
publication of this summons; If yon
fall to appear, and answer ,the plain
tiff will apply to the Court for the
relief demanded In the complaint to
wlt; for a decree of divorce dissolv
ing the bonds of nutrtnomy now ex
isting between plaintiff and defendant
on tbe ground ot cruel treatment, non
support and desertion. This sum
mons is published once a week, for
six consecutive weeks by order of J.
U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit
Court of tbe State of Oregon for the
5th Judicial District
Dated the 13th day of June, 1212,
directing the publication there....
Date of first publication, June 14th,
Date of last publication, July 26th,
Attorney for Plaintiff, 616 Dekum
Bldg, Portland, Ore.
Administrator Notice
Notice Is hereby given that tbe un
dersigned haa been duly appointed by
tbe County Court ot Clackamas Coun
ty, Oregon, as administrator of the
estate of Joseph J. Lammers, deceas
ed. AH persons having claims against
said estate are notified to present the
same at the law office of my attor
neys, C. D. and D. C Latourette, In
Oregon City, Oregon, within six
months from this date.
Dated June 20th. 1912.
Administrator of Aforesaid Estate
C. D. and D. C. Latourette, Attorney
for Estate.
Notice- of Final Settlement
Notice la hereby given that the un
dersigned administratrix with the will
snnexed of the estate of J. Philip
Shannon, deceased, has filed her final
account and report In said estate, and
the County Court of Clackamaa Coun
ty, Oregon, haa fixed Monday, the 5th
day of August 1912. at ten o'clock
A. M. at the County Courtroom In the
County Courthouse in Oregon 1ty,
Oregon, as the time and place for
bearing objections to the said ac
count and the settlement thereof.
Administratrix with the will annex
ed of the estate of J. Philip Shan
non, deceased.
JOS. E. HEDGES, Attorney.
Sheriffs Sale.
In the Circuit Court ot the State ot
Oregon, for the County ot Clacka
maa. P. M. Hoist Plaintiff,
J. M. Anderson, C. M. Anderson,
James N. Davis, Trustee In Bank
ruptcy of the estate of J. M. Ander
son, Bankrupt Defendants.
State ot Oregon, County of Clacka
mas ss.
Bv virtue of a Judgment order, de
cree and an execution, duly Issued out
of and under the seal of the above en
titled court In the above entitled
cause, to me duly directed and dated
the 2Sth day ot June, 1912. upon a
Judgment rendered and entered In
Bald court on the 26th day of June,
1912. In fa ror of P. M. Hoist Plain
tiff, and against J. M. Anderson, De
fendant, for the sum of $1,900.00, witn
Interest thereon at the rate of 7 per
cent per annum from the 23rd day ot
November, 1908, to the present date;
and the further sum of $300.00, as at
torney's fee, and Interest on said
judgment at 6 per cent per annum un
11 paid, commanding tee to make sale
of the following descrfbed personal
property situate in the county of
Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wit:
A sawmill formerly owned by Hoist
and Anderson, located on the North
tork of Deep Creek on the Wl of the
N.E.1 of Section IS, Twp. 2 S. R- 4 E.
of the Willamette Meridian, contain
ing two boilers, one engine, edger, and
Dlainer. together with all of the tools
and fixtures now at or near said mill.
Also all fir timber down and standing
on the W.i of the N.E.J of said sec
tion 18 and what is lying North or tne
field on the N.W.i or the S.E.J or
Section 18. Excepting and reserving
all cedar large and email, all maple
trees, and all fir trees that measure
sit feet in diameter one foot above
the ground, or as much thereof as
may be necessary and sumcieni to
raise the amount due on the judg
ment as above set forth and expense
of the sale.
Now. Therefore, by virtue of said
execution. Judgment order and decree,
and In compliance with the commands
of said writ I will on Saturday, tne
3rd dav of August 1912; at the hour
of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door
of the County Court House in the
City of Oregon City, In said County
and State, sell at public auction, sub
ject to redemption, to the highest bid
der for TJ. S. aold coin cash In hand.
all the right title and Interest which
the within named defendanta or eitn
er of them, had on the date of the
mortgage herein or since had In or to
the above described real property cr
any part thereof, to satlary saia exe-
cutlon, Judgment order, decree, Inter
est, costs and all accruing cost.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
Dated, Oregon City., Ore., June 29th,
Phones pacific 62
Home A 151
All legal business promptly attended to
" - - - - ,
Dsutscher Advekat
Will practice In all courts, make
collection and settlements.
Office In Enterprise Bulldlag,
Oregon City, Orefon.
C D.
Commercial, Real EsUte aad
Pro bat oar Specialties. Of
floe In First National Bank
Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
e--ee--e eeeeee
W. I EDDY, V. S H. D. V.
Graduate of the Ontario Veteri
nary College ot ioronto, Canada,
and the McKlllip School of
Surgery of Chicago, has located
at Oregon City and established aa
office at The Fsshion Sublet,
Seveath Street near Main.
Both Telephones.
Farmers' iji Mali l)it
(J 4J 0 i
Notary Public
Eatacada, Oregon.
Clackamas County
810 Chamber of Commerce,
Portland, Oregon,
Full equipment of map, plats,
abstract books and tax rolls.
Agents for Clackamaa County
Lands, Money Loaned, Titles
E. F. ft F. B. RILEY,
Attorneys ft Counsellors at Lavs
e e-
0000 000
We make a specialty of Install-
Ing water systems and plumb-
lng in the country. We carry
the Leader tanks and Stover en- 2
lines We have a full Una of t
Myers pump and spray pump. ?
Price always lowest
720 Main St Oregon City
Phone 2682. I
a D. E B Y
Honey loaned, abstracts furxish-
ed, land title examined, estates
settled, general law business.
I Over Bank of "Oregoa City.
-life sfVMi.iyiiiri
. .
, For sale by