Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 19, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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In the mutter of the Trulltngcr road.
Ordered that said road be accept
ed as a county road, and ordered
opened, and damages assessed In fa
Tor of Roaa Mulvaney having been
paid by W. I. Clark.
In the matter of the Mary Nichols
road No. 722.
Ordered that the Morton road be
and the same la heretiy vacated, anaiJohn lleft h.oo
that thla order be entered nunc projehaa. A. Kartlemay 15.00
tunc at of Auguet 11th, 1J10. I A. J. Monk "... 10.S0
In the matter of the petition of M.
T. Galaroau and otbert for a county
Ordered that aald petition be refer
red to the board of county road view
era to meet on the day of July,
In thematater of the 1L F. Gib
on road No. 778.
Ordered that thhia matter be and
la re-referred to the board of county
road viewers for report en a change
of a certain part of aald road.
Further ordered that petitioners
pay the coats of a reaurvey and the
couuty to be In no way responsible
for the payment of said reaurvey.
In the matter of the Carl Strom
green road No. 7S2.
Ordered that the deed from Fred
Voha and Barbara Vohs be and Is ac
cepted In lieu of the roadway describ
ed In original location thereof.
In the matter of the petition of
He Douglas and others for a county
road and the report of viewers there
on. Ordered that aald road be accepted
and declared to be a county road upon
the payment to E. E. Elliott by the
petitioners the stun of 150.00,
On the matter of the petition of H.
H. Mattoon and others tor a county
road and the report of the viewers
Ordered that same be and same is
hereby declared to be a county road
and ordered opened.
In the matter of the petition of
Mack Huggtns and others for a coun
ty road.
Ordered that said petition be and
hereby Is dismissed.
In the matter of the plat of Lake
View Villas.
Ordered that same be approved.
In the matter of the petition of Fred
H. Ridder and others for a county
Ordered that same be laid over un
til regular August term.
In the matter of the A. C. Tower
Ordered that said petition and all
proceedings had hereunder be dis
missed. In the matter of claim of city of
Oswego tor road tax collected for year
Ordered that the county clerk draw
a warrant In favor of said city of Os
wego for the sum of $1089.87.
In the matter of the petition of
George Suam for vacation of a certain
Ordered that petition be referred to
county road viewers who shall meet
on the day of July, 1913.
In the matter of deed from Fred
Vohs and wife and E. S. Holmes and
wife to Clackamas County.
Ordered that said deed be and Is
accepted. -
In the matter of deed from Georg
ia Meldrum and John W. Meldrnm for
road purposes.
Ordered that same be and Is ac
cepted. In the matter of application of city
of Gladstone for road tax for year
Ordered that said matter be re
ferred to E. B. Tongue, District Attor
ney for opinion.
In the matter of petition of Shaw
Fear Company for tax rebate for years
1910 and 1911 on lots In Jennings
In the matter of Cancellation of
taxes for year 1911 on S.B.J of sec
tion 14, T. 3 8., R. 6 E.
Ordered that taxes unpaid for year
1911 be cancelled and the Sheriff Is
hereby authorized to cancel last half
payment for said year.
In the matter of transfer of $127.30
from the general fund to road district
No. 40.
Ordered that said sum be transfer
red from the general fund to road dis
trict No. 40.
In the mtter of town plat of Mt
Ordered that said plat be and is ap
General Fund.
Tax Rebate.
W. S. U'Ren S
H. L. Scheer 1.32 i
Silver Rock
pe or Bourbon
County Court.
Edith C. Jackson 10.00
M. GroM 0e
N. Walr 1T.40
V. H. Mattoon 1100
Circuit Court
T. M. Miller 15.W
F. t'. Mueller 11.40
F. S. Baker ...
W. 11. Dremer .
John McGetohle
, 9.10
Jaf Rke
Frank llaberlach 10.40
w. H, Stafford 1.20
A. J. Uvli t-60
Pearl E. Miller 4.40
E. F. Glnther 4.00
K. D. Olds 100
Justice Peace Dlst
Geo. IHgham 4.10
Jaa. R. Kahler 160
H. E. Werner 1.70
Otto Werner 120
Fred Vlgela 3.20
Wm. Aeiklna 140
U A. McArthur 3.20
E. T. Mass 1.70
F. A. Miles 1.70
W. W. H. Samson 41.05
E. L. Shaw 110
Geo. A. Drown 21.10
Arthur King 1.70
L. H. Newman 1.70
U H. Andrews 1.70
Cbae. Andrews 1.70
Minnie Clark 1.70
E. T. Mass 1.70
W. J. Wilson 1.70
J. E. Pomeroy 1.20
P. T. Shelley '6.90
A. G. Harberg 135
F. M. Morgan ...
Mary Stiucken ..
Wesley Strucken
J. F. Hodge . 6.00
W. J. Wilson 100
E. T. Mass 15.35
F. A. Miles , 84J5
A. G. Ames 15.80
M. C. Smith , 14.00
W. L. Mulvey 10.00
H. S. Daulton 30.00
A. R. Williams 10.00
Mata Graft 65.00
Edith Smith 65.40
Alice Dwlgglns 38.00
Wm. J. Wilson 30.20
Dr. A. V. Adlx 10.00
Mat Hamilton
2.50 ;
Tom J. Myers 1.20
J. L. Swafford 120
F. C. Burk 1.20
Wm. M. Smith 1.20
M. E. Dunn ; 1.20
H. W. Trembath lJO
M. A. Richardson 4.50
F. L. Kenny 4.50
R. A. Hickman 2.10
R. L. Rawlins 2.10
Dr. M. C. Strickland 10.00
Ernest 'Mass 150
Gilbert L. Hedges 8.70
8upL of Schools.
J. E. Calavan 113.65
The Western Union Tele
graph Co 80
Brenton Vedder 9.00
H. S. Moody 3.00
Edith C. Jackson 50.00
Clara Mitchell 60.00
J. E. Jack
B. L. Hageman
D. Engle
Louis Funk
N. R. Graham .
L. H. Klrchem ..
M. E. Gaffney .
C. E. S pence
D. Thompson Meldrum 13.60
D. Thompson Meldrum 10.00
Fruit Inspector.
Freytag 11.95
O. E.
Board of Health.
W. J. Wilson 2.50
Current Expense.
Pacific Telephone ftTeL Co... 6.95
Home Telephone Co 10.30
Huntley Bros Co 61.15
R. B. Eeatle 6.00
Court House.
V, Harris 80
C. B. Walker ft Co 44.20
Central Door ft Lumber Co. . . 105.00
Oregon City Transfer Co. ...
Board of Water Commissioners
Louis J. Nobel, Jr.
The Peoples Brush Factory ...
J. E. Seeley
Portland Railway, Light ft
Power Co (.00
Chas. Baxter
jCbas. Criswell 53.75
A. Simmons 60.00
Clarence Osborn 62.00
Guy Dwlgglns 64.00
F. P. Wilson 17.50
E. LeMay
J. C. Wright
Williams Bros
Clarence Simmons
East Side Lumber Co. ....
Straight ft Salisbury
Harry Morrell
Clarence Simmons ft Co 15.30
Huntley Bros. Co 429.00
E. T. Mass 65.72
L. Adams
C. R. Thorpe
The Crown Drag Co.
Patton Home S.00
W. 8. May 13.SB
R. U Holman 15.00
1.0111s J. Noble, Jr 17.10
W. 8. Eddy 1.80
Dr." A. V. Adlx ,. 21.00
I'ahu-e Meat Market l.On
F. T. Harlow S0.00
Mrs. W. II. Mattoon S.00
Farr Itroe 11.75
Samuel Smith 10.90
IndlQent Soldier.
J. A. Tufts 10.00
Dr. Guy Mount 6.00
F. A. Miles S.00
Dr. J. V. Norrl 5.00
Jerome Avery 3.75
Straight ft Salisbury .., 18.60
J. U Udell 3.10
Oregon City Enterprise 15.00
Pioneer Transfer Co. S.60
W. 11. Stokes 2.00
Printing and Advertising
Oregon City Enterprise 1S1.00
Oregon City Courleer 57.05
Juvenile Court.
Mrs. C. J. Parker S5.85
District No. 1.
C. W. Schuld ft Sons 1 10.50
C. E. Itattln 4160
O. A. Dattln 70.00
D. Gaffney 75.00
H. A. Batatln 70.00
J. Hoffman 36.00
R. A. Redell t.00
P. Palmer " 20.25
J. A. Davis 46.00
J. Brodle 65.00
District No. 2
Billy Jones 57.50
Norman Lauder 30.00
James Johnson 8.75
E. R. Bennett 20.00
H. P. Langenberg 42.50
Hardy Lamgenberg 22.50
A. V. Wlcklund 30.00
R. M. Noah 7.50
J. W. Bennett 62.50
District No. S
F. O Cooke 60.25
O. K. Lane 60.25
M. V. Newell " 49.75
H. G. Laye 37.25
John Moore 44.50
Walter Secomb 46.75
Herman Ritxean 115.60
Joe Pllster 19.15
Carl Henke 23.50
Lee Stradley 27.25
Chris Hemrich -35.00
Garrett DeToung 6.00
Rodger De Young 17.00
Herman Gerhardus 40.85
W. W. Cooke 43.85
Robert Gustavson 4.75
Joe Pabsch 10.00
Marion Johnson 8.15
Martin Troge 2.00
O. E. Bevan 4.15
Henry Burr, Jr. 4.15
H. Paulson 7.00
M. Alplanalp 4.00
Frank Donley 4.75
Otto Vogal 10.00
Herman Ritzear .
C. Wolfhagen
Grant Mumpower
District No. 4
Portland Railway, Light ft
Power Co 76.30
C. W. Schuld ft Sons 78.30
George Kitching 41.00
F. Boyer 37.00
Attley Erickson 19.00
J. O'Conner 11.00
Chas. Sparks 16.50
Linsey Hale 18.00
N. Sarver 15.00
J. Dowty 13.00
Ed. Sailing 23.00
Robt Currier 13.60
F. Bartholmew 12.50
A. Erickson 9.50
M. Barfiend .'. 10.50
Geo. Walters 9.50
B. Bullard 13.00
D. Matson (.00
R. Coop 6.00
L. G. Congdon 3.50
A. Kitching 16.00
Lester hale 4.00
Chas. Kitching .8.00
John Githens 26.25
District No. S
J. A. lmel 24.00
H. Naas 17.00
C. E. Anderson 2.00
J. F. Wllmorth 4.00
L. Rltzer 30.00
C. C. Wagner 30.00
M. H. Wheeler 33.00
J. W. Root 37.50
Mark Wllmorth 8.00
O. W. Boring 64.00
H. A. Beck 66.00
Wm. Wheeler 64.00
A. Werner 28.00
Ray Rithcey 60.00
H. Fredricka 62.00
L. J. Walters 44.00
B. B. Johnston 36.00
F. M. Morter 3.40
District No. 6.
Sandy Carriage ft Shoeing
Shop 7.60
Gust FIncer 9.00
Nick Schmltx 20.00
Chas. Krebs So 25.80
District No. 7
Paul R. Melnlg '. 62.10
E. C. Truman 8.00
Walter He! ma 12.00
Gus Asehoff 6.00
Jason Clark 8.00
John Maroney 8.00
Henry Ten Eyck 18.00
Henry Asehoff ...
John Vsnderhoff
E. R. Leaf
KM Ten Eyck 88.00
Wm. Oilell ,. S0.50
Fred Gibbons ,
Ilea Pickens ,.
Otto Asehoff .
Henry I'arney
Henry Duck ,.
Andrew Oack
District No.
Peter Huhl 1 00
Win. Meld 1100
Frank Ocke 7.00
Fred I.lns 39.00
U. liwelrman 1600
W. A. Lee 1100
Kd llrafeuhelu 7.00
A. M. Miller 33.00
Frank Ahnert 16.00
N. 8chell 10.00
N. Rath 8.00
Theo. Harden 16.00
Ky Ellis (.00
Ed Guler 4.00
Fred Neltxhmwn 4.00
Henry Rimer 18.00
A. Stelnke
Henry Kllnker 14.00
Robert Miller 12.00
Peter Rath 35.00
District No. 10
Estacada Mercantile Co 4.77
Fv E. Thomas 63.00
A. Yocuni 36.00
J. H. Tracy . ,
C. Duncan ...
D. Crawford ,
O. DeShlelds
U Palmateer
T. Beebo ....
a Callff
O. Ingllah ....
F. Rhodes ...
U Yocura 78.00
J. Duus 36.00
D. Palmateer 24.00
C Morris 24.00
R. Ludlaw S0.0O
R. Mattoon 45.00
F. Crawford 22.00
YV. Rhodea ; 14.00
F. A. Marshall , 22.00
F. Marshall 22.00
C. Wheeler 18.00
N. McKlnxle 22.00
L. McKlnxle 12.00
A. Woolsey 22.00
S. Ellis 12.00
tt Marshall 14.00
E. Ileebe 7.00
C. Beebe 14.00
E. Tracy 22.00
R. Palmateer 22.00
0. Callff 24.00
1. Marks 20.00
J. Inglish 20.0
G. Coupland 24.00
C. McKenney 22.00
I. Wills '. 14.00
J. Nlckleson 9.00
J. F. Lingelbach 2.00
District No. 11
C. Kirk 28.00
L. Lundberg 28.00
O. N. Kimball 28.00
E. Rivera 28.00
Geeo. Clyde 28.00
Percy Jones ...
C. Mann
C. Moak
B. Rivers
Theo. Huerth .
F. A. Jones ....
Ross HIddleson
Pope ft Co. ...
Frank Busch ..
District No. 12
G. Frledrich 2.00
B. Friedrich J1.00
E. H. Gerber lg.oo
T. Kohl 14.00
B. Swales 75,00
A. Llnder 10.00
H. Tschopp n.oo
F. Reelbhoff 22.00
K. M. Gerber 25.00
A. J. Johnston 24.00
J- Moser 20.OO
T. Anderson 25.00
a Gill 25.00
L. W. Lunford 10.00
J. McCubbins 10.00
H. Swalees 60.00
J. Bprague 14.00
W. H. Tomtln j.oo
H. Huber 15.00
PORTLAND, July 13. Two
cars of cattle arrived in the
yards in .North Portland this
morninpr from Sweetwater, Texas,
shipped by A. H. Vreenmaier. They
are feeders. The run was light,
however, the other shippers for
the day being G. E. Luckey, Cond
on, one car hogs and sheep, and
W. E. Eddon, Carabana, Or., two
cars cattle. The markets were
reported steady but sales was con
fined to a few bunches of cows.
Some weakness has been shown
in the lamb and sheep markets
during the week and some predict
a slump in the near future, but
there is nothing to Indicate this
with much of a certainty. The
demand for feeder steers is good.
South Omaha reported hogs lower
this morning.
Alleging that his wife deserted him
January 9, 1911, S. C. Smith, Wednes
day filed suit for divorce against
Charity W. Smith. They were mar
ried In Heppner, Or., December 14,
American All Right
A countryman registered at a hotel
In Kansas City one day. Ee did not
explain on what "plan" be purposed to
become a guest
"European or American 7" asked the
Toe guest looked surprised. "American.-
be said emphatically. "Born and
raised up here In Platte county. I don't
look like 00 foreigner, do IT
: Josh and Saman-:
tha See the Elk
Well, Josh an I got home all right
Tlio' the trip seemed rather long;
I 'epooae some couldn't stood It,
Hut we're both pretty strong,
We drove to Oregon City
From our fnrni out Heaver Creek
Took the covered cars to Portland,
an got back home In a dayt
Hut luw! It was worth the trouble
To see that big parade
The floats, an the thousands marchln
A tine appearance they made!
Josh clean fergot he had growed up,
An tlio't that he win a boy
A satin1 out on the gate post.
An hollerln' for pure joy.
J When marchln Elks grew thirsty
Home folks passed bottles of beer
Wui water. so st are In Portland
Good water, cold and clear?
Hut Josh an I had causa to be proud
Of our Oregon City boys;
They marched right along like sold
iers No breaking ranks, no noise!
They must have been tired an thirsty
On their five mile march that day,
Hut not one of 'em drank a glass of
Or smoked anything on the way!
An' In their nice new uniforms
You're light they all looked fine!
But here comes Josh with the milk to
I'll tell you more next time.
The following dipping from the
Portland papers may be of Interval
waa the marriage of Robert U Cra
vat and Miss Bronte Jennings, who
were married at the country home of
the bride's grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. U B. Fetter, near Myrtle Point
Oregon, on July 3rd. Rev A. It Irwin,
of the Presbyterian rhurrh, officiat
ing. Only relatives were present at
the ceremony. After a short wedding
trip, Mr. and Mrs. Cravat will return
to Ardenwald, their future home.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Morse, of Port
land, and Mrs. Mae Hutchinson, who
recently returned from Ocean Park,
auloed out on Sundny and spent the
day with their brother, George E.
Mr. Madison returned on Monday
from a business trip to Inilopeudeuce.
('has. Truaeott and a Portland friend
left on Sunday by auto to attend the
PotlaU'h at Seattle.
Messrs. Walter Heckner and Ira
Hurt were business visitors at New
berg the first of the week.
A barn beloUKlng to Wm. Gardner,
of Meldrum, burned on Tuesday morn
ing at 3 A. M. Many hurried from
here with buckets, but were too late
to save the building, but aided In keep
ing the fire frfom spreading to adjoin
ing buildings, the origin of the fire
Is unknown.
Chas. Chubb and son. Raymond, of
Oakland. California, who spent the
week of the Elks Convention with Mr.
and Mrs. A. C. MacFarlane, departed
on Saturday for Yellowstone Park.
In Colorado Mr. Chubb will be Joined
by his wife and daughter, where they
will spend a fortnight at the National
Mrs. DeForrest left for Mt Hood
on Sunday.
Mrs. Gussle Stranton, of Ilend. who
haa been visiting Mrs. Pierce, Is spend
ing a few days of thla week st New
berg. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Stover returned
on Monday night from a short stay at
Mrs. Madison had the pleasure of
entertaining on Sunday ' her nieces,
Mrs. F. II. Robinson and children, and
Miss Rayburn, of LeGrande, and her
mother and sister, Mrs. Pollock and
Miss Pollock, of Silver Springs. Mrs.
Robinson and Mlas Rayburn came
down a week ago Monday to attend
the Convention and will visit at Sil
ver Springs and Canby before their
return home, on Friday.
Miss Henderson Is building a new
barn on the Ilritten tract and Cbas.
Harris Is also making preparations to
build on his acreage at Meldrum.
Among others who are building In this
vicinity are Messrs. Alex Gill and
Dr. Eddy, of Oregon City, waa call-
ed to the Painton home on Monday,
as one of their horses received a very
uaa wire cut.
Mrs. Lucy A. Newell snent Mondav
In Oregon City.
Mrs. Sheanan returns to her home
In Chicago on Wednesday after a vis
it with the J. Epstein family.
Miss Archibald formerly of Helena.
Montana, haa also been a guest of
the Epsteins.
Dr. and Mrs. Goble. of Medford.
were 8unday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
lnas. Kedmond, Dr. Goble. Itelnir a
prominent Elk of the above place, was
accompanied uy Ola wife to the re.
cent Elka' Convention.
Edd Webb .accompanied bv Kenrv
Merrltt, of Portland, will drive to Nw.
berg on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Newell suenlron.
ventlon week in Portland, the eno.t.
m niKir sons ana daughter.
Mrs. Chas. Redmond Is rwnnHm
from her Illness, which confined her
10 ntr nome for over a week. Dr.
Melsuier and Mrs. 1. Thomas were
treating and caring for her.
Mrs. Merritt and Miss Franri. .p.
also welcome visitors at this nl...
and are spending a few days at the
Redmond home.
The past week has been a hi,..
one with so many attractions. Cn:iu-
iauqua naa Deen attended by many
from here. Mrs. 8pooner, Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Smith and the H. C. Pain
ton family are camDlne nn h.
grounds. Many attended the Elks'
Convention, and thla fllfLT mam slmnet
deserted on Thursday. Among those
uuiin pan wim the Elka from Oregon
City were Messrs. John Jennings,
(-has. Redmond and Huch Mw
of this place.
wneie nog or r on.
"Whole bog or none' refers to the al
leged custom of Mohammed to allow bla
followers to eat all except one portion
of a pig. wblcb portion, however, was
oot specified. Tbe result therefore, wss
that If a Mohammedan did not wholly
avuid tbe use or pork be might ss well
run tbe risk of eonsnmlng the whole
nog as to eat any portion thereof.
'A. W. Huttorrii'ld returned laat Bun
day from Chicago, where he has been
attending liiiHlnesa pertaining to th
U. 8, Holier Map Co.
Ikut Hutchinson relurnod Tuesday
from Molwlla, where he baa been vis
King friends.
M. J. Lee has sold five acres lu the
Cnnhy Hardens lo l(. II. Von Weldiier.
Mr. and Mrs. John Alsladt return
ed Huiiday from 8llverton, where they
have been visiting friends for a week
and attending the. Norwegian conven
tion. Olio Hclieuliel has purchased the
Canhy Meat Market from Mr. Drue
Chel, who has gone Into partnership
with ItU brother In Portland.
Horn, o the wife of Hoy Donegnn,
July 2nd, an eight pound son. The
baby la getting along nicely but Mrs.
Dotiegan la serloualy lit, but at last
reiHtrta she wss some better.
Mrs. Anna Hutchinson's brother
August Ogrrn Is spending his vsca
tlon In Canity.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ue will leave
Saturday for Georgia, Mrs. Ie s form
er home.
Mrs. Kate Holainan and little
granddaughter. Mildred Foster, were
Portland Visitors Tuesday.
Charles Graham, of Oak Grove, Is
visiting hla brother, Arthur Graham
this week.
C. B. Ileere, while trying to board
the train, was struck, and but for the
quick action of one of the ladles pres
ent, would have been seriously Injur
ed. He was bruised quite badly.
Ir. Murdy, Arthur Graham, Charlea
Graham and Chief Engineer, M. C.
Leamane. drove to Portland Rueeday
evening to attend the Electric par
ade of the Elks.
Tlllle Peterson and Ella Johnson of
Portland visited 'with Anna Krueger
over 8unday.
The Canity High School defeated
the Hubbard boys laat Hiinday at the
Hubbard ball grounds. Hcore T to 1,
In favor of Candy Hlgha.
The Cnuliv Base Bail team waa de
feated at Molalla Sunday, score 8 to
2. In favor of the Molalla boys.
Mr. and Mrs. George Ogle took a
trip to nianon taai weea. meguensn
Mrs. Ogles brother, Arthur Mack. , . . . . .. . ,
Mr.. M. T. Mack and son. Keith, re- Croaa. who has worked his head off
turned Friday from a two weeks visit 'lu the Interest of the Willamette Val
with her aunt, Mrs. Anna Teeters, of,i. rhautauuua Assembly for 20 years.
Cottage Grove. Mrs. Mack also visit -
ed cousins at Springfield. Dorena snd
folium drove She renorta the re-
reut electric storm the worst ever.
known In that part of l-ane County.
Mlsa Anna Krueger returned Thurs
day to the Wonder Millinery Co.,
Portland, to assume her position, after
a two weeks vscallon spent at home.
Mr. and Mrs. I.ee Kckerson and
Mr. and Mrs. Will I.urke auloed to
Portland Tuesday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Yergan. with
a party of friends, went to Gladstone
, Tuesday ukht.
Mrs. Geo. 8tencer and daughter
Francla went to Meadowbrook to
cook for the tle-drivera.
Warren l-e and family have return
ed from the mountains, where M. Lee
spent bia vacation.
Harry Ilalr la painting hla ware
house. Mr. and Mr. Isom Hutchinson st
tended the Elks' parade In Portland
Mr. aud Mrs. Geo. Ogle went to New
Era Wednesday to attend Grange
meeting, held on the New Era camp
ground. ,
There will be a meeting of the
young people at the Central Point
church, at 8:00 P. M., next Sunday ev
ening, for the puritose of organising a
Youug People's league. The topic for
next Sunday evening la: "The Advan
tages of a Religious Home." Every
one Is cordially Invited to come and
take purt In the meeting. The recent
ly organised choir for Sunday school
and church promises to give much
pleasure at our future meetings.
Mrs. Francis Donegun dlod at her
home Sunday afternoon, bealdes her
near family she leaves many friends
to mourn her loss.
The farmers of this vicinity are tak
ing advantage of the sunshine to
make hay.
Mlaa Anna MacDonald has accepted
a poaltion as teacher In the Mountain
Road school.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wbitcomb, of
Portland, were visitors of F. C. China
and family one day laat week.
Miss Ethel Cawthorn, of Portland,
la spending her vacation with her par
ents, Mr. and Mr. Cawthorn, ot thla
Miss Pearl Chlnn has accepted a
position as teacher in the primary
grades of the Harlow school.
Mr. Storm is rushing tho harvest
season this year by being among the
first to cut hla grain.
Russell Chlnn is nelplng Mr. J.
Reettlnger with his bay this week.
Belting Cement
Probably one of tbe most Important
parts connected with the manufacture
f belting Is the composition of the
cement that holds tbe pieces together.
One Orm malntulns a staff of special
ists who work constantly In a well
equipped laboratory, testing and Im
proving this Important cement and the
various other chemical preparations
used In making leather belting.
Portland Office Phones: '
Main 4314
Attorney At Law
Fly Killer prevents horses form worry,
Causes cows to feed better, producing
more milk.
You can spray an animal in 30 seconds.
Be a humane livestock owner.
Eleventh and Main Sti., Oregon City
Sole Clackamas County JUenU
SIiikIb Tax and Hoolnllam go baud
In hand and as their followers be
collie more fanatical Ihey often he
roine aimrt'hlNta. The flag of Amur-
Ira, Hi slurs and stripes, we all love
and stund ready to pruleot, If usees
aary, with our lives, stand for nun of
lliu foolhardy claims of ths slnglo Int
ers, (ho HiHlallsts or the blood red
symbol of the anarchists.
Oregon laws have been for the past
ten years gradually riddled by oursllf
styled Hmlallst who thinks he la do
ing more good under the Dag of the
Iti'pulillcaii party and while we still
stand In the prosperity class our In
dustrial progress has not been any
where uear what tt should be and
would have been had W. S. U'ltouand
hla lieutenants kept Ihnlr hands off
and stayed with the Socialists under
the flag of the Soclullst party as the
Journal sometime ago quoted W. 8.
I' lton ss saying of himself. The only
due which rau probably be lawfully
lniHsed for the Improper use of the
Itepubllt an flag Is that the people can
shows by their votes that they are not
In accord with the principles of their
self appointed leader a prophet, one
apt lo lead the state Into the wilder
ness Instead of Into the promised land
Blngle Tax or any of Us near broth
ers as outlined for the coming election
will drive sway what we now have to
aid and practically pay our taxes,
thus leaving In the end the whole bur
den of carrying a baakrupt state on
the people whom W. 8. U'Ren Is try
ing to make believe he Is their Moses.
W. 8. I) lien uses a quarter of a col
umn In The Oregonlan to explain his
sensational stunt of last Sunday night
at the Chautauqua grounda, but ha
makes a very lame explanation. U'Ren
talks about the "sins of mismanage-
. HlM.nlirtM. , Secretary
; whU) h bN,n ,., lht
, . lt , ...
open a way for his crippled child, dub
bed "Single Tax." It would seem that
one Chris Hchueltel, a member of the
Hoard of Directors of the Chautauqua
would either curb his law partner'
Impatience or resign from the direct
The contract hop market holds to
!0t f 11c, and the demand la strong
Such orders are not alone from Amer
ican sources, but from foreign sour
ces as well. When It Is taken Into
consideration that buyers are accept-
Ing short sale contracts. It clearly
proves that they are unable to secure
' regular contracta with growers, and
I likewise proves their anxiety to cover.
Just how much of these palter sales
have been made to date It la not pos
sible to determine, but It porbably baa
been large.
Ituyers are Just as anxious for con
tracta as they were laat week, and
there are still plenty of unfilled orders
at full prices.
Among those attending the Elks
Convention from here were Mr. and
Mrs. Drisral, Mr. and Mrs. J. It Lew
la, Mr. snd Mrs. Tom Davles, snd the
Davis brothers. All report It a grand
Miss Haxel Mills Js visiting friends
in Car us.
William Davis has his new barn
completed, which Improves the looks
of bis farm very much.
Several from here attended the
dance at Anderson's Saturday night.
A large crowd being preaent and
good II pie enjoyed by all.
Eph Lewis has been suffering with
a carbuncle on his arm.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Howard spent
Sunday with Mrs. Howard's folks.
Mrs. C. Stewart made a business
trip to Oregon City Tuesday.
A Pain Remedy
llotb Internal and external Is needed
daily by almost every family. Keep
a bottle of Dr. Dell's Antl-Paln. Good
for all kinds of bowel troubles. Ex
ternally for cuts, burns, sprains, and
all pains. Strongly antiseptic. For
sale by Harding's Drug Store.
cal agents In every county In Ore
gon to handle a popular-priced Una
of automobiles; a good name and rep
utation for Integrity counts more with
us than money or experience; If you
have $175 and can furnish bond, yon
can procure the agency for our high
grade car and we will furnish you with
demonstrator. For full particulars,
addreaa E. K. Gerllnger, Sales Man
ager, 688 Washington St., Portland,
Oregon City Residence Phone:
Main SM
for Black Bear Axle Grease