OliEdON CITY KNTETtrRTSK. FKTDAY, JULY 10, 1912 NEWS FROM THE COUNTRY INTERESTING ITEMS FROM ALL PARTS OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY 8UNNY8IDE AND ROCK CREEK. Another baby boy cam to Ed. Ott'i to live recently, making four children. Mother and baby doing nicely. Will Sumner, who waa having a sell drilled on hta place, ha about 100 feet of water in It. He aurely had good lurk. People around here ar rushing their nnylng thta tine weather. Grain It rtpetilng 'aat. Mr. Whitney had the misfortune to lone a nice cow taat Saturday. Tney called In several men to learn the cauae of her death, and dissected her, but could liud no clue. She appeared at if poisoned. Mrs. Kllit arrived In Portland from Minnesota last Friday morning. A washout on the line delayed their ar rival a day. They are living at their home now at Kock Creek. Mrs. A. Hunter wat taken to the Good Samaritan Hospital last Monday and underwent an operation for can cer. Report sayt It wat quite success ful, and we are glad to fay the Is do In: as well at possible. The neigh bors are all interested In hearing of her Improvement and hope for a com plete recovery. She It well known and greatly respected by the entire community. BILIOUSNESS Is cured with PODOLAX. The pleat ant tasting, pleasant acting liquid liv er medicine. Try a bottle on our guarantee. Don't forget the name PODOLAX. For sale by Harding's Drug Store. STAFFORD. Farmers are busy this week secur ing their hay, which it not Injured at much as wat expected and they think these tunny dayt will cure it It it said that all thins come to those who "Labor and wait" and the farmers about here mended their fences (not political fences) and did other work whtle they waited for sunshine which they knew would surely shine on Ore gon. - FYed Elllgsen haa Invitations out for a barn raising on Thursday. The picnic in Gages' grove was quite a success. A bountiful dinner and supper wat partaken of with a rel ish, ar.d a delicious punch was made by the girls. The hour sped quickly away with recitations, tinging, cro quet and other games and ail went home happy, feeling wisHed that trey had enjoyed the fourth One wedding la rajJ.Ml for the week that of Mist Mvt Scheiwe and F.ed Sthauber. We exteul our ccn gntiil'" r.a. W nur Fred has got a t:ocd nl-e. AdoIphDelkar I still confined to the house from the effects of the kick from his horse. He ts bearing the confinement as a man can when there it to much to do on a farm just at thia time of the year, and help scarce, but it might have been a broken leg. We heard a few days ago that Mrs. Melia Milem had been taken from her home near Mt Tabor, to the Sellwood hospital for an operation, and the at tending physicians found that she was suffering from a cancer in an advan ced stage, and gave her but a few daya to live, but we still hope to hear that she has rallied and will be with us a while longer. Adolph Delkar Is getting along nice ly, but not able to nse his leg much yet He was kicked by a horse. Mrs. Aerni returned from her two weeks' visit at Trout Lake at the foot of Mt Adams, her old home, Wednes day last much refreshed by her out ing, and accompanied by one of her husband's married daughters with her two little children. Mr. Milem wat out Friday last and made arrangements with Fred Baker to secure hit hay. He reported hit wife at being very low at the Sell wood hospital. - The Stafford hoodlum and ttudent of "hold up literature" tried to get np another Black Hand actuation. It will be remembered that nearly a year ago a letter signed "Black Hand" waa found by Fred Moser one morn ing stuck in his stable door, demand ing $1,500 be left in a certain corner of the grave yard and a failure to ac cede to the demand would result In arson and murder. However, they did not get the gold, as the sheriff and deputies came out jauntily by day light to scare them away. Thia time Mrs. Gebhardt going out to her chick en house early on the morning of the Fourth found a blank envelope stuck into the buggy seat She opened it and found it to be a typewritten some what illy spelled letter of about the same purport as the one received by Moser. After a few days at the ear nest solicitation of hit wife, Gebhardt nnir the letter to Sheriff Mars, who again came cut with a force of men and watched, of course with no result This time the demand had come aown to $1,000, which was to be deposited In the same place as the one selected for Moser's contribution, and was to he placed there at midnight of tne eighth. Beyond making Mrs. Gebhardt a liittle nervous for a few aays, it had no result If these Jobbers could only tcare the fool farmers Into sup porting them in idleness, they seem to think It wouia De easier ior mem than to raise potatoes or hopt, even at the fabulout pricet received; tne past year, but they find the average fanner la a tturdy lot and not easy to separate from hit hard-earned dol lars. Fred Elllgsen raised his new bam Thursday, and nearly all the country side were there, men, women and chil dren, to the number of more man a hundred. A young fellow attending the dance In Mr. Rlttert new barn Saturday nieht had a horse die with what ap peared to be colic. A Cough, A Cold And then no telling what onless you use Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. It is h. hL ask rour neighbor. Look for the Bell on the Bottle. Sold every where. For sale by Harding's Drug Store. WILSONVILLE. Dr Brown attended the Northwest Medical Convention In Portland last week. Wilsonvllle wat deserted on the Fourth of July, most of the residents going to Donald to celebrate. Mrs. Melvin and Loui Tialted friends In Portland this week. Mr. and Mrs. Black visited In the Hose City this week. Mrs. Corby, of Salem. It visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ira Seeley. Misses Ellen and Elisabeth Brobtt arrived on Wednesday, from Prtme- vllle. for a visit with their parent. Mr. Joe Shull and family spent the latter part of the week in Portland. Mrs. John Brobst, of Tillamook, Is visiting relatives In our village, Mrs. Howaro has been visiting her daughter Mrs. Marlon Young.. Mr. and Mrs.Clutter who have been residents of Portland for some time, have come here to locate permanently. Mrs. Jackson, of Roseburg, is visit tiyt her sister. Mr. Aubrey Wood. Mrs. Elchenberger, of Portland, ar rlveed last wck for a short visit with ' her sister. Mrs. Batalgia. John Angus was a Portland visitor on Monday, returning Tuesday. Frank Seeley, a former resident of this place, now of Molalla, has given "Tight of way" to the railroad com pany for a road through his place in the Molalla country. Mrs. G. K. Taurhman hat returned from a pleasant week tent at Auro ra with Mrs. Everly. Mr. Brewer gave a chtcken dinner In her honor. Patrons cf our public school will be pleased to learn that Mist Helen Murray"t sen-ices have been secured for the coming school year. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Young and family, Mr. and Mrs. Norris Young, and Mr. and Mrs. Reed Graham went to Donald on the Fourth, by auto. Quite a large crowd, attended the dance given by Mr. Slickhouser on I the 4th of July. Mr. Galbreath is working at the oil well. The Robekah Lodge members were invited to Newberg on Tuesday ev ening end about fifteen accepted the invitation and went In Mr. Stangel's launch. The company was met In Newberg by members of the lodge there, who accompanied them In auto mobiles to the beautiful new lodge room, where they spent delightful evening. Mrs. Marion Young. Mrs. Norris Young and sister. Miss Hayman, at tended Chautauqua Thursday. The Wilsonville Parent-Teachers' Association held its usual meeting Thursday. Misses Eva and Mae Baker are home for the summer months. Mr. Zumwalt went to Portland Mon day evening. Mrs. Jackson and two children, of Roseburg. who have been visiting Mrs. Dubrey Wood, have returned home. Mr. Patterson, of Madras, has been visiting at the home of Batalgia', Mrs. Corby, of Salem, la enjoying a visit with relatives here. The many friends of the Misses El len and Elizabeth Brobst are delight ed to have them at home again. Mrs.. Melvtn and daughter, Lola, have been enjoying a vacation In Portland visiting relative. Mary Brobst our accomplished pi anist played at Chautauqua this week. Mrs. Charles Wagner, Mrs. Cronin, Mrs. M. Young, Mr. Larsen and Mr. Brobst attended the Mothers' Con gress at the Chautauqua Saturday, and report a delightful time. Mrs. Joe Thornton, Mrs. Jake Pet ers, Mr. and Mrs. Wall, Mr. and Mrs. Aden, Mr. and Mrs. Young and family, Misses Batalgia, Emma StangeL Mr. Cook, Mrs. Melvin, Miss S. M. Gra ham, Mr. and Mrs. Norris Young, Mr. and Mrs. Dill and daughter, Edna, Mr. and Mrs. Brobst were among the residents of Wilsonville who witness ed the grandeur of the Elks' parade in the Rose City. ' The Mothers' Club of Corral Creek school entertained the girls' sewing club and the boys baseball team at the school house Thursday. About 35 were In attendance. Refreshment were served and a profitable and en joyable afternoon epent by the boys and girls. Miss Bettie Batalgia la the competent teacher of the tewing club. Mrs. E. S. Kruse entertained the Wilsonville club members and their husbands at dinner, Sunday. The juvenile fair to be held In Au gust is progressing splendidly, under the management of Mrs. M. Young. The business men and farmer have been very liberal with money, and prizes will be worth getting. Rev. Reeves, of Salem, will preach in the M. E. church Sunday evening, at eight o'clock. There will be special singing upon this occasion. Everyone is cordially Invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Graham enter tained at dinner Sunday last in a de- ligntlul manner. Coveis were laid for twenty of the immediate relatives of the host and hostess. The banquet Utiles were arranged upon the porch beautifully decorated tor the occasion. Those present were Professor Graham and family, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Young, Mr. and Mrs. Norris Young, Doris Young, Miss Hayman, Robert Graham and daughters, Rosetta and Josephine, Miss 8. M. Granau, Mr. Howard, Miss Rose Graham and Wal lace Young. The Reuekah lodge members were invited to Newberg Tuesday evening and about fifteen member who glad ly accepted the Invitation went In Mr. Stangel's launch, and report a very happy evening. The launch made the trip in an hour each way, although quite full of passengers. The com pany was met in Newberg by mem bers of the lodge there, who accom panied them to their beautiful new lodge rooms. A delightful evening was spent lamette and her many friends were grieved to hear of her sudden death. George Rogers, of Portland, was vis iting Mr, tad Mrs. Robert Roger Sun day. ' Robert Baker, of Independence, wa In town visiting frtemla Sunday. Adolph Gross called on friends In Oregon City Sunday. John Moeuke is cutting hay this week. He expects to start next week on another house far R. 11. Roger. August Moenke baa had his mill closed on account of breaking hit planer. Chronic Sore Eyet Are easily cured with Sutherland' Kugle Eye Salve. It I painless aud harmless and guaranteed. 25c a box. For aale by Harding' Drug Store. STONE. The people of this place who have hay to make are busily engaged In haying, and some have already com pleted the task, and are now putting it away for winter's use. There were many automobile In this section last Sunday. The park was the destination of many of the automobile parties, and from all Indi cations the roads need cither sprink ling with water or have good coat of oil so as to settle the dust that is made by the automobile and teams. The parties owning the ttone quar ry on the north tide of the Clacka mas river have sold It to Mr. Hag erman, the price being $3,000. Mr. Hagenuan has a force of men at work on the south side of the Clackamas river removing the debris out of the nay, and from indications It ould look like a dam Is to be constructed across the Clackamas river to manu facture electricity. This I the third time that this project ha been start ed, and this is the most favorable one so far. Parties have secured from Grant Mumpower an option for the secured an option on R. Soragim's 50 aer tract of land, and these partlc were out last week accompauled by prominent capitalist from Pennsylvan ia. A new steel bridge Is being erected across the Cleark Creek at thl place which It greatly appreciated by Ih people of this plnce. The Home Oil Well and Gas Com pony has commenced the drilling of a well, and will go through (he hard stone .The company has secured a California well driller. Mr. Watson has been here recently, and exam ined the oil wells In this part of the county, and state that It looks very favorable at the prem'Ut time. lummir Colds Are harder to relievo than winter ones hut they yield Just as readily to treat ment with Dr. Bell's Plne-Tar-lloney. Sold everywhere. lok for the Hell on the Bottle. For sale by llardlug Drug Store. MARQUAM. Fine hay weather prevail and In farmer are Improving the opportune itv. Charley Mcltohert'a barn Is almost com Dieted. liar I selling at $00 per ton la the field. A crowd of the young people from here went to Butte Creek Sunday, where they spent a very enjoyable day. F. J. Ridings has sold his store, and traded hi properly here for land and town property at Cottage Grove, to Mr. llemenway, who will tak pos session Monday, July ti. Considera tion $17,000. Rev. and Mrs. Buttler, of Hubbard, were calling on friends her last week. Also Mr. and Mrs. tluyer, ot Wood' burn were In town a few day. liny l l-arklns and wits are camp ing at Wllholt Spring. CLARKS. MOUNTAIN VIEW. A number from this berg attended the Elks' Convention In Portland last week. Mrs. Florence GlUon of Seattle It visiting with. Mr. A. U Hickman. Messrs. Ferd Currnn. Garret Mar tin. Ernest Brandt and George Streec returned home from a fishing trip In the mountains above the Molalla liv er. Sunday. Mr. John May. of Aberdeen, Wash-; Gard. Sophie Mueller, Kate Sagar, Ington, wsa calling on friends In this: Pearl Sagar. t. villa Klelnsmlth. llasel vicinity Inst week. 1 Rlngo, llasel Ttllman, Zelma Cumins, Messrs. John and F. M. Darling I F.mma Grossuilller. Minnie Stageman, made a business trip to Mllwaukle Ida IIhsk. Silvia Leo, Dora and Elda Mrs. Kmma Thomas of Oregon City visited her brother and family, W. II. Iloltemiller, last Sunday. Huol brother are making hay. Mr. and Mrs. V. II. Iloltemiller gave a party Wednesdny evening, July 10, In honor of their daughter, Ida' 10th birthday. Refreshment were served. The decorations were sweet peas and sweet William's The evening wa de voted to game. I -a lira Gard, Ruby Friday of last week, J. T. Francl. of lllllsboro. Wash Ington County, visited relative In this berg Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Frank Stlllwell Is on the sick list this week. Harry Haskell and family started to Southern Oregon Sunday morning. Mnriuardt, Ida and Mary Bottemlller, Alva Gard. Clyde Rlngo, Julius and Albert Schlewe. Vernon Ijtrklna.WIH te Klleusmlth, Rudolph Mueller, Will ie Johnson, Dan Smith, Jerome Pare menter, Clarence Parementer, Ed and Otto Buol, Charles and Henry Gross iiilller, Charles Henton, Ed. Mclntyre, MOWER VALUE The ir th Points; 1. YOKC Eur will tm4 MfcuutiaU, with Ur. nf bftrdctwtJ omwctin yoh sJ wwr feo. Ht mJ kfttt mrnrnot tt ov oi (mm. ImmI tV h fcf fffHacttv m tW4 icwt iftftteard ptmm, MkMtrimj orrvstt ilmwwt o4 fcksw, kaii tW pitin tlwaj. 2. Lm WrMKM Half 17 it kM. Derp tucko. at (HtsStia musKtMM tak tJI tW pk MJ p.U at ttv pttswaa wrtfcmM hMt rouo m pUf. A mm Jivaa. lor takiaf jp vtar. 3. Eatr omg CMC-hardMcd nrnonbl WMriaJ pUta. 4. Pmrfwk, mooiTam DrMng Mcli Waam. latent) dmt frrar airct its piatoa, placta aKra taa w wail aad tfca ffvutf fraatar can awrtaca vsa ptmw. 5. Mala FrMM OM pcc ajJ f praattcalty If You ara looking; for Mora Value In the Mower you buy this year. NOTE TUB SIX CHAMPION FKATl'RKS described ia this sd. Fix then in your Blind and belors you buy any Bischio step into th ncsreit Champion agency and c lor yourtelf. The in clectini your mower watch lht pointt. Not lh difference ol construction ia Jenfrnl ia ths Champion Mower and otber and you will appreciatt thai , Cr.nk aad of aitmaa ha a socket that in am a ball mm um phoapaor broaM (Mar oa ins craak aia. Tha stt ana coaforsss ts la aasls ol Ifcs emnmt . . i, .: l m -J i4 The Champion Sandy and East Clackamas ANDY. Mary Mitchell, of Oregou City, pent Thursduy at her home here. Mr. Inch aud children, ot 1'orllanit, are visiting here, The Mt. Hood Creamery of Handy It now fully equipped for business, the liutter insklng machinery was started Wednesday. George Wolf, II. K. Ksson and K. T, lilttert attended the big doings In Portland last week. I'liclo Joe Wllllg left last week for St. Louis, Missouri, and New York. II will sail for F.urop later and spend several months vlslllui rela tives in the Alsace l.oruln district of Germany, Clar.Mice I'ttsslily has returned from Portland. T. U Mm k has (h contract for fur nishing cord wood to the creamery. George G rimer la working for George Wolf. The Sandy brass band had a urso lic meeting Monday nlghL Oscar lchlgren spent Tuesday la Portland. George Hornstnlt attended the Chautiuuiua at Gladstone Sunday. Mrs. George llorustedt Is visiting her parents t Pleasant Home. Railroad enthusiasm has been at a low ehh for several weeks. 'J. II. Hill spent Sunday at Fir wood W. J. Wirt, spent Sunday at G res-ham, CHERRYVILLE. offers you Mower Write us for Free Champion Catalog No. HEADQUARTERS: PORTLAND. OREGON BRANCHES: Spokane, Bolt, Seattle - II s Value 'Smf "Hi VhleU 4y CHAMPION means Money Value IN MOWERS, BINDERS, RAKES, TEDDERS, ETC. LET US SHOW YOU. WHY The entertainment given by the Cherryvllle Commercial Out last Saturday evening was well atlcudod and a success In every way. Miss Olive Averltl has relumed home after several weeks' visit with friends. Mrs. John II. Hoy d spent last week In Portlund. Archie and Parnell Avert 11 are do ing some slashing for Dr. John II. Iloyd on his ranch. Alex 1 1 rook o spent last week In I'ortlnnd during th Klks' Carnival. Vllifcut Frlel left last week for Montana, where be will work during harvest. Mr. I. Martin and daughter, Alllne, came out from 1'orllaird last week aud spent a few days on their rauch. I Mr. and Mrs. V. G. Webber have re. turned from their wedding trip aud have settled down on their ranch j near cherryvllle. Miss Lillian H, Aver 111 took In the Carnival In Portland last week. I Mr. and Mr. Herbert llussock and j Miss llussock, of Portland, are visit ing Mr. J. T. Frlel. Jr. Frances McCabe Is making hay on I the Friel ranch. I Ira Flynn and family have return-! ...I , j'h.r..vlll. .! llvln tin that ' Kuhn much. Dave Douglass's two youngest chil dren have a bad attack ot whooping cough. tSTACADA. Mr. and Mrs. Itoliert Duncan, who were nmrrled lit" seventh of this mouth, paid a flying visit lo Mr. I Min imi's parents at Garfield Inst night. Professor J. K. Htulilis, wife and son, of (IresliHtn, were the guests ot Wm. DhIo Hutiday. F. M. GUI and family were Hi guests or Wm. Mnl" Huiiilay. Kinnmmiel Krlglintim Is completing a flint Imrn on hi farm at Garfield. The mother of II, (I, Trowbridge, Hie Garfield merchant, arrived at lu laiada from WlHconrln on a visit lo her son, The Cascade County Monsters hav a banner across lironilway in Kslaca da with Ilia degend "I'lcase vole for Cascade County," Among the prominent clllaens of F.stui'ailtt precinct who are opposing the creation of Cnacado County are I), M. Marshall, J. F. I.oveline, M. V. Thomas and Frank Thomas. The lead- I era In I lie movement for the new county are J, W, Heed. A. K. 8 parks, i Dr. II. V. Aillx, I,. K. Ilelflls, (). K. U IFollelte, K. V. Urtrtlett, W. A. Hey. 1 man, It. M. Hiamllsli and Mr. idcCur I dey. j An evangelist antl a singer who Is assisting, are hutillnsf revival at Ih t'hrlHtl.in ch urch, in F.slarad. They I are from F.ugene. Frank Thomas vtpocts to complete the new macadam grade at Hlubhe'a thl week. This will provide a run llniious luaiailniii road lo Doc Palm. leer's on the east and to Crawford's on the north. It will lake about all the Npoclul tax voted last winter lo do Ibis work. (1. T, Hunt ha small crow work ing on the Honolulu road this week. Tills road w ill be opened this mouth. Hay making Is In full swing here now. There I a heavy crop. DOVER. K'veryonv Is busy harvesting. Mis Itosemoml Miller left lust week for her home In Colorndti Hprlngs. Miss Mary Hews returned last week from folumiiln City, where tha spent the Fourth of July. Mr. Cupt made a trip lo Portland Suturilay. Ai'gustlne Miller ami wife are go ing cast soon, to make lliuir home at Mi.rU.u, Iowa. Mr. Klleusmlth, of Portland, was out last week looking after hit prop erty. ".Mrs. Hews entertained Mrs. A. J. Kltimlller and son, Waller, lo dinner Sunday. Dr. Hanard from (he Fust, I visit ing II. G. Huntington for few days. Mrs. Cumner Is In Portland this week. IKmald Hoilley, Ham New and Geo. Roberta have gone lo Kaslorn Oregon lo work through harvest. FIR WOOD. VV. J. WILSON & CO. OREGON CITT CANBY HARDWARE & IMPLEMENT CO. CAJfBY, OREGON erection of the dam on hi place, and it now looks as though there It some thing doing. There have been surveyors on the south side of the Clackamaa river commencing at Gladstone and cross ing the river two miles below the Ba ker's Ferry bridge and continuing up through the Lower Logan country. I The parties doing thl surveying have Two In One Dr. Bell Anti-Pain 1 both an inter nal and external remedy. It 1 an an tiseptic remedy and destroy disease germs, bold everywhere on a posi tive guarantee. For sale by Harding's Drug Store. WILLAMETTE Edith, Arthur and Esther Roger re turned Monday from s visit up the Willamette river.' They have been (pending their vacation with their Uncle John Roger and Annt Myra Wood, of Amity. The little ton of Mr. and Mrs. Rush who was badly burned by one of the nnexploded rockets picked np after the picnic at Schnorr't Park the Fourth Is Improving. Mrs. Schonhinger, who died In Ore gon City, was an old resident of WD- WANTED 1. Wanted A party with good se curity to borrow $650.00. 2. Wanted A party with farm property as security to borrow $1000.00. 3. Wanted A party to purchase a five-roomed house In Glsdstont near ear line price $900.00; $300.00 cash, balance in 18 month. 4. Wanted A party to purchase ' small house and four lots on Fifth Street, Oregon City $1000. Eay term. CROSS & HAMMOND Attorneys and Abstracter Beaver Building Oregon City Henry Beard, who ha been at Til lamook with his parent, returned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Beard will remain there two week longer. .Mr. and Mrs. Wilson of Montana, and Mr. and Mrs. McGlease, of Wis consin, are visiting their relatives, J. Iiarto and family, and Mr. Bailey and wife. They are making a tour ot the statJ-t and will go to the coast thl week. Mrs. Mabel Mack (Nee Osman,) of Portland, wa the guest of Mrs. W. O. Hall and family Sunday. Maple Lane Grange wa well repre sented to the Pomona Grange at New Era Wednesday. Mrs. S. L. Smith and two boy spent Wednesday at the New Era Camp Grounds. W. Noble, of Portland, I spending this week here with hi sitter, Mrs. 8. L. Smith. Mrs. A. S. Martin and daughter. Pearl, have gone to Madra to spend the summer. J The regular meetlnv of the Fir De- j partment was held Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lewellen are attend ing the Chautauqua thl season. Buy It now. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy It al most certain to be needed before tha summer it over. Buy It now and be prepared for tuch an emergency. For tale by Huntley Bros. Co., Oregon City, Hubbard, Molalla and Canby. Will Robins, Sam Martin, Rudolph Hodges Lewis Maxson, Archie Cum ins, Albert Buol, Theodore Sager, Ed win and Claud Bottemlller. , Mr. and Mrs. Albert Larkina and son visited Mr. Nichols and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kliensmlth and family went to Molalla Sunday. Mrs. Vlck, of Molalla, visited her brother and family, Mr. Sam Elmer. Rev. Cupp did not preach Sunday morning. He held a funeral at Red land. C. Haag la making hay. Mr. and Mn. C. naag were In town Monday. Archie Cumlnt left for Eastern Or egon last week. Kliensmlth brothers are repairing tbetr bam. Mr. Wettlaufer 1 cutting hay for Mr. Maxson. Miss Ida Haag spent Sunday with Olga and Edna Elmer. Mrs. C. Haag la on the tick list God fried Wallace of Highland 1 very 11L Miss Laora Card I borne from East ern Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Larklns and son Lloyd spent a few dayt at Cbantao-qna. ELWOOD. The order of the day Is making hay. Nearly all vetch hay was eaten by the Aphides. Lucky Is the farmer whose vetch waa untouched. Garrett Martin, of Oregon City, via ited his uncle, W. T. llunderson, last week. Iwis Vallen harvested Elmer Dib ble's hay crop last week. Mr. Andersen bought !000 shingles of Mr. 8tahlnecker to cover his new barn. Mrs. Mellke was In Sprlngwaterlast week. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hoy Inn visited Mrs. Hoy Inn's mother, Mrs. Itlttnor, one day lust week. Mrs. Mary Bauer, of Portland, ac companied by her two little boys, vlt- 11.1 frlun.U In Ihla vif nil Inat WMk Marvin Parks, of Estacada. hauled , " lumber from C. E. Hurfus's mill laat week. Miss rtuth Maplethorpe of Estaca da, visited her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Parkes, last week. Matlle Muplethome spent the week In Eflta- cada. Dan Slahlnecker helped W. T. Hen derson at haying Saturday. C. E. Siirfus attended church at Es tacada, hearing the able evangelist preach snd the Eugene singer. Dan Stnhlnecker helped L. Vallen haul bay Monday. Mrs. M. M. Surfus spent Sunday at her daughter', Mrs. D. Stnhlnecker. Walter Cox and Ernest Vallen con structed a canoe. In which a great many of the young people have sport rowing on the mill pond. Mr. Mellke cut Mr. Johnson's hay. KELSO. Ned Nelson Is building a flue barn on his farm. There haa been three other fine barns completed In this neighborhood since May 1st, John Roberts, who has been attend ing O. A. C. for the past three years, Is now touring through California. Carl Lint, of George, and Mr, Net lel are helping Joel Jurl to harvest his Immense hay crop. Mr. Jarl has cut one crop of oats and three crops of clover from the first five acret be cleared. The clover mowed over three tons to the acre for three years, and there Is a good stand yet. The ground was only plowed once, so the hay has more than paid for the clearing and harvesting. Honrietta Goldensap Is visiting the home folks for the summer. C. A. Johnson's residence waa burn ed to the ground on the night of July 8th between 11 and 12 o'clock. The family were, at the time, sleeping In a tent while the bouse wat being fum igated. It Is thought the fire result ed from the fumigation. Very little of the household goods were saved and the Insurance waa small. Only a week previous a daughter died, and the family have the sympathy of the! entire community In this added misfortune. Miss Mena Frey gave a party to a number of her friends tJtlurday night, among Diem were Misses Allle and Henton Hawyer, Mary and Bessie Hod man, uf Portland. All had a moat en joyable time. Horn, lo the wife of Mr. J. R. Cor nogg, a son. Mrs. Cornogg has been In a Portlund hospital for several weeks aud Is doing fine. Mr. and Mrs C. T. Dickinson and sons, Paul and Walter came out from Oswego In their machine lust week and mailn a visit to old friends. , Mr. and Mr. J. T, Kdgortoo and aunt, of Portlund. passed through Kir wood Monday in their machine on their way to Three Six. K. A. Chown mado a business trip lo Boring. Fred Howe has returned from Tort land where he underwent an operation for appendicitis. Mrs. Kstherlno Bolton aud tworhll- f Kllentburg, Washington, are vlnltlng her mother, Mrs. U. A. Chown. Edwin Meng, of Portland, has been upending part of his vacation with his grandfather. A. Malar. The Mt. Hood Co-operative Cream ery commenced operation Thursday, and In now prepared lo supply first class butter and muttermllk. Lloyd Corey muds a business trip to Dover lust week. Dr. und Mrs. W. E. Cornogg, of Flemlngton. New Jersey, are visiting their son, It. Cornogg. Mrs. Ethel Harper spent tevoral dayt In Portland last week. The German Society had a picnic at Theodore Koenlcku'a last Sunday and report a rine time. Mrs. A.Mulur visited at her old home at (inckamns this week .also spent few days at the Chautauqua. Jerome Howard surprised his many friends a short time ago by bringing a brldn Into their midst. Mr. Howard hud been complaining for some time about tho solitude of bachelor life and tho unpleasantness of having to rook his own meals, after doing a day's work ciutsldn, and It sounded rnther suspicious. Mr. Howard was -married In Portland to Miss Urott Ambler of Detroit, Michigan. The young couple wave the best wishes of the community. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Fischer made trips to Kelso and Dover last week. The Dickson family spent three days In Portland last week attending the Elks' Convention. Mrs. Charles Barber and little noph ew, l4twrence, spent several dayt In Portland last week. EAGLE CREEK. This Is fine haying weather, but a little too hot to be comfortable. Tho runners are busy working In the hayflelds' these fine daya. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Howlett were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Guy Woo dlo Sunday. Mrs. l-ee hat recently purchased a piano. James Gibson was a Barton visitor Tuesday. Chester Dean, II. S. Gibson's hired man, made a trip to Estacada Sunday, Monroe Irish and ton, Dell ,of Un ion Hall, were In this city Wednesday. JF you would know the wonderful pulling and businen getting power of Little adi try one in our classified columns in either the daily or weekly. If you want to tell or trade your automobile, or your house 'or a building lot, or stock, in fact anything you may have, run a, small ad and you will be surprised at the results. " j . ;' On the other hand if you wish to buy anything, think of the number of people you can reach for a sum so small you will never miss it Everyone has something to sell and many times will sell at a sacrifice. Better try one this week. i