OUKflON CITY KNTKRIMUHfl, FRIDAY, JULY 5, 1912 REAL ESTATE I Hhernmn del to Elwood anil lint tit J In tiaon, 20 arret of section illl, township 3 until, ftitiKt 5 east; 110, Elmer Osnian to C, I), mid Zura Hobesnn, lot S, mid 3, liortli half of lot . north half of lot 17, lot IN, block I Fnlrvlow addition to Oregon City; C. I), mid Kuril llohoson to I). L. Torrmii', Imiil In Knlrvlnw addition township 3 south, riiiml east; $10 Henry Slid llonllia Onk to Percy Hliulli.y, 40 acrea of section 30, town' ship 3 ninth, rougo 7 mnt; 11. Jniiu miit Drtinllla Tracy to Ho- phlit Hchoolny. 8.94 acre of WllUm. Tract; $10, W, mid titit Kuppenhoiider to Ho- phln M. Hi'hiioloy, Uni t 4 and lot "A' trait it, Wlllmiiiillo traits; 1$. It. I', mill mill time lirlnliil.ni to Oregon Madge lirlghtblll, IhiiiI In City; llf.uo, II. r. mid Grnc Ilrliththlll to Mnditn Jlrlglitblll Jut 7mid , block 1, Wcs- lyn; $ilo0. J. T. mid Mary Apperson to J. K. mid Clara Jnrk, lot t of block 61, Ore - gun city; $looo. rianin u, HKm-n to Derlck Bkuen to J. . mm Miulne C. Colo, 35 irri of I whlMMl tht emblem to ftw Uttered I). I C Of Jnille Officer NO. 39.1..,. i,,l.,l, n l..n nw-nir. townnhlw 4 south, range I oastm IV .' w ..,a u ....... n ........ ,. ir. .,,i. Z. k.Ti.i7. . . fa Edwards, vast half of lot 3, except 30 feet atrip of Innd; $260. Berths and Charles 1 n to C. W. Michael, lota 14. 18. 1. 17. is. Mount Pleasant lleluhts: 110. Herman and Waunnta Mat BUrknr to Kdward Kooa, 6 ai rra of tacdona 1$. IV, townihlp 1 aoutb, range 1 eaat $700. (Imirglnna Nnrhand to A. C. Wold, 4 acrea or U. U C. of W. T. Matlook; II. l-ntton Home for tht Kriendloaa to Join Cvyna, K0 mrte of aectlon 14, towutlilp 4 toutti, ranite 4 eaat: $1. tliHirat and Mangle Durgan to Ha ah J. Ilarlnn. one half acre of aortlon 3, townihlp S eoutb, range $:'D0. S eaat; U W. and Una Robblm to Clyde Knglo. one half acre of tract 6. Molnl- la: $:)00 A. B. Tnttulo et al to George N. Ituuae, weat half of lot CI, KltiBYon; $10. Arrlillinlil and Hennlo llnword to A. and A. E. Ilorthwlck ,and In aectlon 33, townihlp 3 aouth, rangt 7 eanl; $1. Ano 3 and one-half acre of aeo- uon aj. lownnnip i aoum, ratine t ennl; $t. (1. M. and Kthelene Mrllrlde to Mat. lie Diiiiiu, iv ecren ui necuon in, wwn ahlp 3 aouth, range 1 eaat; $10. II. K and Molllo Brtalnht and II. C. 8allt)iiry to Cornelia, Mabel and An- nleO. Myern, lot 13, b'lock Glndntone $:5oo. Hank of Oregon City to Mra. C. E. Myera, Mabel and Annie O. Myere, lot 11, of block B, Uladntont; $M0 Ma Olme and Jamen llurxenn to Ed llltner, Iota 1, 3. 3, 4, block "J," Clark- amnt HelKtita; $1800. William O. Johnnon et al to Edward Knepper, aoutheant quarter of aectlon 14, townnhlp 3 aouth, rangt S eatt; nied about In tbt ahndowy raftera Ke lt0. Iiecca turned and aorted and nbook una uuauat io -rea Kiwert, land In aectlon 4, townnhlp 3 aouth, range 1 "; I J- Percy T. Bheltey aud lllnnch Hhel- ley to (ieorge Weston, 40 acres of sec- tlon 20. township 3 south, range 7 ant; $). Annie C. and J, J. Bchmltt to Ora- mel It Mack, lota n, n.blockl Lee's Addition to Canny; $1. Peter and Christina Margaretha rauinen io uno l aumen. lanu in soc- lion 21, township 3 aouth, range S . . 1 A I ",' . .... . . Welcome M. Karr to Eaatern Inveat- men Company, southwest quarter of th...i ....i.. r -..i ti i.n. ship 2 south, range S east; $1. n.wnl.i iirinner .nrf iinU. liV.nner to Ferdinand llranner. 20 acrea of soc- tlon 17. townahln 2 aouth. ramie 4 ents: $500. Klla E. Ornff to Merchants Savings A Trunt Company, hind In Edwin T. Htoue I). U C. of township 8 aoutb, range 5 west; $1. Htacy mid Cordelia Hamilton to Mnrttn T. Ouny, lots 13, 14, and south- nair of lot J6, Arcadia Tract; $1. Th, an, fo.fore tne fourth Aunt lie Mapgle and Charles C. Miller to becrn. looking Ured, but very much Orace E. Ix)dor, 100 acres of sections panned with herself, carried some 23, 14, 16, townnhlp 3 south, range 3 I vm ' John W. and Grace E. I -Oder to Mnngle and Charles C. Miller, 100 ac- ret of sections 23, 14, 28, township 3 ....it . m a. uum, renKo a wise, f i. Mount Hood Company to C. Mm- singer, 80 acrct of section 17, town- ship 2 south, range S east; $10. Partholome and Lucy Tscharner to Mrs, Knrtih Elmer, land In D. L. C. of I iMt Wbltcomb and wife, township i aoutb, rnngo 1 enat; $100. h .M. and Anna Howell to llarbara a., nernnra, mna in v-uicKaniaa coun- 'J. x, ......... ........... . .... .. w ; ' v.t.,L. . it..w . Am. w Klnetsch, land In aectlon 21, townnhlp 3 south, range 4 ennt; $337. Moses Eraser to Noah C. Kuhn. 80 acres of section 23. township S south range G east; $650. J. L. mid Hopbla Comba to John and Mary Williamson, land In secUon 34, township 3 south, range 1 east; l. Herman and Ellae Hnrdmelcr to-Ly- dla Tucbolke, lots 5, 6, block 9, Mil- wnukie Park; $1800. , C. I). and Helen Edwards to C. II. Jackson and Harry Gunther, 20 acrea of section 36. township 2 south, range 3 eaat; $.00. " ri.Kina.on io may , h..7 "".T' 0t ,eTtl0nf l"' Robert A. Mlllor to James Wilkin son, lots 1, 2, block 8, Gladstone: $1. Chester A. Elliott and Lydla Elliott to William and Edith Druce, lota 3 and westerly half of lot 4 .block 19, Falls View Addition to Oregon City; $10. Henry Opperman and Hertha Opper man, 8.3 acres of Willamette Falls Acreage Tracts; $100. Frank Hendricks to Vanda Walters land In D. L. C, of Hiram A. Straight and Susan Btra'lght No. 42, township 3 south, range east; $10. Martin and Mabel Chrlatensen to Sophie Ilnrnum, lot 6 ot block 2, C T. Tooxe Addition to Oregon City; $10. CLACKAMAS AMTRACT A TRUST . . , Lane I mew sximmto. i A ...I-.... , Till. U.AI. I JOHN F. OLARK. Mgr Offloe orer Bank ot Oregon City. Uncle Peter's A Fourth of July Story By CLARISSA HACMC n Copjrrlght, Ult, by Amirtou Prwa Ai station. I TLL tit tlia Drat Unit In my lift that ling linnii't flown from Lht pole ou national holiday,' murmured Unci pstor Mason sorrowfully bt squinted up nt tht tnllmt flagstaff In Mtllt Jllvtr. It loud In tht mlilillt of bin frout yard. "" "' s'Ii1m1 "" r"no,',uU lu "" ugni Uljfu iuuti (lie iukuvh irw. lilt wife, Aunt Habere, hold at "' Iw'gth dingy object that one had been an American dag. Now Uit fed mid while stripes had been beaten 1 by went her until they took on unl form gray color, mid Ihcr wii llttlt enough of It, too, fur tht wind bad nu,Ul bad It not been for tht atari "rufully ntltched by hand and tht fuiled fragment of hnnd sewed stripe, .... . .7 .. ,' lt.don 1 ,ouk ttk U'U "c tl,D ,'ot lo"fc r"nrk Auu' - "A'ltr your father alwaya flying t biggest flng In Uttlt River and you "n-ylng out tht aauit Idi I halt llkt poi run up a aiiull, cheap one. but I don t know wbnt to do. That In terent comet dut the lt of July, and thero ain't cent to apart orer, to for nt riot la in know It, lUiberra. 1 baren't dont nwr, ,,, ,lrk, 0llHl bl aullt-tii fur (hit size unleaa 1 gut cambric one. You can alwaya tll what a flag'a !"wta. .of . b' 1' l bjr 'U "!L Job Uttlt olfervd to let me bare tht flag and aald I could pay blin up by mmaiiuienia. cut i aaya io mm mai w" voor painouaw. "A cnmbrle flng la bettor than none,1 oald llvbeoca aemlbty. "I waa telling Ktty atinut It tht other day, and aht aaya, ant ahe, 'If I bad time I'd tnakt ta ling, but I'm alwaya no buiy with the chlMreo'a clothe It aeenia aa If 1 na tired from wonilng to night.' I tottl her If anybody mailt flng It .oui(i iw i)Ut tbe material woufd cant a aight If 'twin made of wool or allk - My mother mndt thin flng, every bit," tnld Uncle I'eter. I wlili I'd thmiuht of It before." h"1 ,M"" io u,,r,,"lf- "l m,K,,t bnve done no met hi tig to get him flng The Kourtb of July It bit birthday. There'a a bull week yet I'll act wbnt 1 enn do In the meantime." Iletiecra Mnnnn went up In the gar ret Unit morning and turned out tht contents of a doaea trutika. Uarmetita of every color were apllled on tbe clean floor, and while tbe wanpo ttmn .ml dlncnnled until a pllt of wblte gnrmeuu lay betide ber. and In her lip wna henped ber wedding gown. brlitht blue delaine. I Hiring the next week Aunt Itebecca wan m.vnterlounly busy. She wanbed (rent o,iiautltU-a of wbltt poplin, and ber dyt kettle bubbled secretly In the eellnr wnnh room. Her bnndn were ntnlned with rvd. and the newliiff ma Lnlm, ,D ,n cn,niber hummed br , et9rJ lllr, Kiment Cncle Peter Mnnon wna busy with the June work In bis gnrden. where h , , , f lfuU . . " ... . ,llr ,u' nded vegetnhles lookeil Junt like the pictures In the need cntnloguen which he studied all winter, lie hnil not men- ,,",",, ' mtitrT ot ",e fl" ,Ba,n' ai Itebecca hnd been too busy with her own plnns and the fenr of disco cry to broach the subject. Her dniigh ter Etta, who lived over the river, was up to ber ears In sewing for her two children, so Rebecca waa quite undle- turned In carrying out ber pleasant plana t ntntljr rolled bandies up to the garret snd stored them away In the trunks There was a roll of blue delntue and mother of white poplin. This latter WB , ,um indeed, for there were ' , pral mtBJ . ,0 U)ak, oow. At supper Aunt Itebecca mentioned the coming annlvernnry for the drat tlmo In a week. "Wbnt you going to do about a fltgT" she asked. "Nothing, except run up tbe old one,' gnia tjn,.0 petor dispiritedly, 8ooiiis too bud you couldn't have a nw ''' "as the big cambric ones. Petcrr "I've forgotten. Kobcccs-inore'n I "fofd yway. I'vt been count 1 d D,,uu tertmccw for three yenrs I might Imvt hnd thnt new H""" - t"10"' bow UJ ht"t wUl trip 7" P "0' " "'Taln't a bad habit the way you smoke." defended Iteliocca warmly, "My land. 1 guess you're entitled to that little comfort the way, you're worked all your llfol' "Taln't no credit to me thnt I've worked. It's what 1 was put 4o the worij for. Never mind about the flag, twi. There'll ha limt much na- Wotlinl ioll when I run her p ,f ihe waf Diul, of tne 0nellt T)at.( , tnnt coumwhaf, ,j b t, "1 suppose you'r suppose you're right, father," said Bobecca, a little smile curling ber lips aa ahe arose to clear the table. After the dlnhes were washed and put away Rebecca tied on ber white apron and went on to the porch, where the set ting sun waa gilding Uncle Peter's wblte bend Into a roseate crown. 'What you doing?" Inquired Rebecca. 'Going to run up the flng. No one in Little River ever got a flng up ahead of me yet," muttered Uncle Peter be tween bis teeth clinched around bis Patera. lie moved across tbe grass to the flag pole and fumbled with the halyards. itebecca bustled Into tbe bouse and came out with a mast of red, white and blue folds In her arms. 8 he stood clone to Peter's elbow before she spoke. ind when tbt opened her lips bsr Tolct trembled. u .... ...... 1 ' Uncle Peter Mason looked and gasp ed:- "What In land, Becky Mnsonl Whiirt did you get 117 It nln't-lt ain't the out thut was down to Utile's, bill It looks llkt Itl Where did you get Itr lie wnn excitedly nlinklng out tht folds of Ihi big flng, mid bin fcvblt old Aimers trembled as lit saw that It waa qnllu as liirge as tht one his mother bud made so iniiiiy years sgo. Aunt llebecca was crying with de light Hht bulMxt blia spread tbt stars and stripes ou Hit grims. '"I'll In blue." aht mild, touching the al itr sprinkled field, "In tnnde from my blue dvlnlne my wedding gown, I'e ter." "Oh, lleckyl" uttered ber buaband reverently. "Aud the alrlpen wna made from all the while poplin dresses I've hid, and there was a light of the stuff -some of It 1 dyed red-aud"- Unele 1'efur hnd her In his arms, and they were kluxlng riicll othif, and Un cle I'eter was trying to tall bis wife that lie would rather bnte hung up bin bent Hunday nblrt tbnn bnve her cut up her wedding gown. "I know b6w wlm men feel about such thliign," be apolo glned, trying to keep bla delight out of bia fueled eyes. "liou't any a word. I'eter. It's tbe bnpplent day of my llful" cried Aunt ilecky warmly. "Let's h'lxt ber up now, i'eter, and show LltUe lliver we're atlll ou durkf' Junt then there wna light atep on tbe graveled path, and Etta came around tht comer of tbe boune with a huge bundle under ber arm. Wbeu ahe taw tbe flng she stopped and atared. Why, where did that come from?" she gasped. Aunt Itebecca proudly explained. "Would you balleva Itr exclaimed poor Ktta. "Look hero, ma and par 8lie unrolled the bundle under ber arm and eprvnd It on the gruna. It wns suotber flng, lust as large as Itcbecca'a, but ninde of new materlnj- US OOT aTlLb ANOTHKH FbAO some sort of cheap bunting nestly sewed lulu a flng L'ucle Peter waa openly crylug. "Did you make thin. EttyT bt de manded. "Every atltchr she snld proudly. "If I'd ouly known uia wsn going to make one but there, mn. If I'd only told you you might bnve nnvt-d your wedding dress, but ain't you smart to make it 7" "I've got two tings." sobbed Uncle Peter, "mnde by the two best women In tbe world." "Look at what's coining:" cried Etta, alert with new Interest "It's Job Lit tie and three men from the lodge." When Job Little's nieech waa con cluded L'ucle I'eter foiiud himself the ponKomuir of another Iniuienne flng, gift from s few of his closest friends who wanted It to fly from the tnllest stuff In Little lliver And thut wun not nil l-uter the ex press wugou drove up and left Peter a box which turned out to contain suotb er fliiif-thlM one mnde of silk that rus tled richly lis it fell from the box. "Who the hind?" giiHHd Aunt Re becca. "Compliments and bent wishes of John lliimlltnu nnd fumlly-for Uncle Peter Miihoii l.ouit miiv nlie wuve!" rend Uncle I'eter brokenly from the enrd In bin hnnd "Who would bnve liclleved them sum mer boarders would Imvt rcmemliered our old tint: mm nine out" com men t ed Ettn pnicticiilly "Xnw, pn. what you going to lo Here you've got four tings. You in n't hung 'em ou the pole all to once without mime being half must" Uncle Peter's hut hnd been removed long nuo. when be hnd brought out the tnttered reiiiiniiit of III mother's flng snd the setting sun gililojl bis wblte bend and glorified the faces of the men and women who stood ubout blm. "I shall use 'em altertinte," announc ed Uncle Peter at last; "first one and then another. Tomorrow, being tbe Fourth of July, 1 shall divide tbt day Into four watches of three hours each and give every flag Its turn. I can't tbnnk anybody yet I'm too happy. 1 hope nobody will be offended, but I feol like I'll run up my mother's flng first with Rebecca's. She mnde It from her wedding dress. ' Nobody object?" "Of course not!" they cried heartily, and In a trice tbe faded bit of bunting that bnd been flung to tbe brcexe so many yenri once more floated over Llt Ue R!vr, and beneath It rippled out the splendid folds of Rebecca's flag. "I think them two tings better float all day tomorrow," said Job Little de cidedly, "and these three otbere-Et-ty'a and Hamilton's and ours we'll Jest drape on the plans. V bat say r 8ummons. In the Circuit Court of the state of Crcgoi. for the county of Clack amaa. Jacob R. Cornog and Emma Rip ley Comog, huaband and 'wife, plnlntiffi, vs. Tbe unknown heirs of John Murphy, deceased; John Francis Van den Eynde, Hypolite Hayes. Mrs. Cath Van den Eynde, and the unknown heirs of John Franclt Flerens, deceased; also all other persons or parties an T" known, claiming any right, title, entitle, lien or other Interest In th real eslute described In the coin' plulnt herein, defendant!: To the unknown heirs of Job Murphy, din-caned: John Francis Van den Kyndn, Hypollle Hayes, Mrs. Cath Van den Kyndu, and the unknown heirs of John Francis Fler- elns, deceased: also all other per sons or parties unknown, clnlrnln any right, title, estate, lien or other Interest In tho real estate deocrlb- ed In the complaint herein, defend anta: In the name of the state of Ore gon, V"o nnd each of you are hereby required to appear ana answer th complaint filed agnlnst you in the above entitled court and cause within ten days train the (lute of the service of this summons upon vou If served within Clackamas County, or If serv ed within any other county of tbl stute, then within twenty dnya from the date of the service of this sum' mons upon you and If served by publication hereof, then within six weeks from the date of the first In' sertlon of suld publication; and if you full so to answer, for want thereof, , tbe plaintiff will proceed b take a decree and Judgment against you and each of you as prayed for in plaintiff's complaint. to-wlt: For a Judgment and decree adjudging and decreeing plaintiffs to be the sole snd exclusive owners and holders in fee simple of tbe tltlo to tbe following described real estate situated io the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wlt: ' Tbe northwest 1-4 of the south cant 1-4 and tbe west 12 of tbe southwest 1-4 of tbe southeast 1-4 and tbe southeast 1-4 of the south west 1-4 of tbe southeast 1-4, sec tlon o0, township 2 of range 6 east. Willamette Meridian, Clackamas County, OreKon; free and clear of all claim or Interest on the part ot each of you, the said defendants, and nlso all other persons or parties unknown claiming any rlgtit, title, estate, lien or other Intureat In tbe said real estate "described in tho complaint herein and In this sum mons or any persona unknown to plaintiff, and for auch other ana further relief as to tbe Court may seem equitable and Just. This summons la served upon tbe said defendant by publication hereof for six successive weeks In tbe OreKon City Enterprise, a newt paper of general circulation printed and published at Oregon City, Clack ainaa County, OreKon, by virtue ot an order of the Honorable J. U, Campbell, Judge f tbe above en titled court, dated tbe 3rd day of July, 1912. and the said defendants by said order are required to appear and answer within tlx weeks from the date ot the first publication hereof. WILLIAM A. CARTER J. L. HAMMERSLY Attorney! for plaintiffs. Dale of first publication, July 6, 1912. Date of last publication, August 16, 1912. ta tbe Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon, for Clackamas County. Clara G. Thtel, plaintiff, va. Otto D. Thiel, defendant To Otto D. Thiol, defendant: In the name of the State of Ore gon you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed agnlnst you in the above entitled suit within six weeks from the 21st day ot May, 1912, the date of tbe first publication of this summons, and if you fall to answer for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for tbe relief prayed for in her com plaint, to-wlt; for a decree forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and yourself, for a decree granting plain tiff tbe care, custody and control of Meryl Thiel, a minor. Tblt summons Is puonsned In pur suance to an Order of the Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled Court, made and entered on the 18th day of June, 1912, directing the same to be published for six clnsecuUve weeks In the Oregon City Enterprise, a newspaper published in said County and State and of general circulation therein. WHEELOCK t WILLIAMS, Attorneys tor Plaintiff. First publication, June 21st, 1912. I-ast publication, August 2nd, 1912. Summons In tbe Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Fred W. Ramser, plaintiff. va. Zoe Ramser, defendant To Zoe Ramser, above named defen dant: In the name ot the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed agalnat you in the above hnnied suit on or be fore the Snd day of August 1912, said date being the expiration of six weens from the first publication ot this sum' mons, and if you fall to appear or an swer said complaint, for want thereof. the plaintiff will apply to the court for be relief prayed for in his com plaint to-wlt: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and defendant This summons is published by order of Hon. J. U. Campbell Judge of the Cir cuit Court, which order wns made and entered on the 15th day of June, 1912, and the time prescribed for publica tion thereof is six weeks, beginning with the Indue ot Friday, June 21st, 1913, and continuing each week there after to and including the issue of Friday. August 2nd, 1912. BROWNELL & STONE, Attorneys for PlalnUff. Sheriffs Sale. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clack amas. W. J. McNeil, Plalnlff. vs. . Henry L. Burchell, Defendant 8tate of Oregon, County of Clacka mas, ss. By virtue of a Judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly Issued out of and under the seal of the above en titled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 13th day of June, 1913, upon a Judgment rendered and entered In snld court on the 20th day of May, 1912, In favor of W. J. McNeil, Plain tiff, and against Henry L. Burchell, defendant, for the sum of $91.75, and the further sum of $3.00, aa attor ney's fee. and the further sum of $6.25 costs and disbursements and the costs of and spon this writ, command ing me to make sale ot the following described real property, situate In tbe county of Clackamas, stae of Oregon, to-wlt: the S.W. 1 of the S.W.J ot Sec. 36, Twp. 1 3, R. 3 E. Willamette Meridian, and the S. 1 half of 8. 1 halt of the N.W. of the S.W. 1 of Hoc. 36, Twp. 3 8., R. 3 E. Wlllam ette Meridian, cotalnlng CO acres mrre or less. Together with-all snd singular the tenements, hereditaments, and appur tenances thereunto belonging or In anywise appertaining. Now, Therefore, by virtue of said execution, JudKinent order and decree, and in compliance with the command of snld writ, I will, on Saturday, th 20th day of July, 1912; at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door of the County Court House In the City of Orexon City, In said County and State, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U. H. gold coin cash In hnnd. all the right .title and Interest which the within named defendants or either of them, bad on the date of the mortgage herein or since bad in or to the above described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, JudKinent order, decree, Interest costs snd all accruing costs. E..T. MASS Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon, liy II. J. 8TAATS, Deputy, Dated, Oregon City, Ore., June IStb, 11MZ. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Marlam Falling, PlalnUff, vs. Peter Failing, Defendant To Peter Falling, above named defen dant: In the name of the State ot Oregon. you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in tbe above named suit on or Be fore tne Ziith day of July, 1912. said date being the expiration of tlx weeks from the first publication of this sum mons, and If you fall to appear or an swer said complaint for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In her com plaint to-wlt: , For a decree dissolving the bonds ot matrimony- now existing between tbe plaintiff and defendant This summons Is published by order ot Hon. R. B. Beatie, Judge of tbe Coun- entered on the 13th day of June, 1912. ty Court which order was made and and the Ume prescribed for publica tion thereof Is six weeks, beginning with the issue dated Friday, June 14, 1912, and conUnuing each week there after to and Including the Issue of Fri day, July 28th, 1912. BROWNELL & STONE, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, For tbe County of Clack amas. Carrie W. Dennle, PlalnUff, vs. Charles A. Dennla, Defendant To Charles A. Dennis, the above named Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed agalnat you in the above enUtled Court and cause, on or before the 27th day of July, 1912, aald date beng after the ex piration ot six weeks from tbe first publication ot this summons; If yon fall to appear, and answer .the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In the complaint to- wlt; for a decree of divorce dissolv ing the bonds of matrinomy now ex isting between PlalnUff and defendant on the ground of cruel treatment non support and desertion. This sum mons Is published once a week, for six consecuUve weeks by order of J, U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court of tbe State ot Oregon for tbt 5th Judicial District Dated the 13th day of June, 1912, directing the pubucaUon there.... Date of first publication, June 14th, 1911. Date of last publlcaUon, July 26th, 1912. ' E. T. REHTIELD, Attorney for PlalnUff, 518 Deknm Bldg, Portland, Ore. Notice to Creditor In the County Court of the State ot Oregon, for tbe County of Chtcka mas. In the matter of the estate of Mary Klrkley, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned are the duly qualified 'ex ecutrixes of the estate of Mary Kirk- ley, deceased, and that all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same properly verified, to the undeinisued executrixes at Mllwaukle, Oregon, with In six months from the date of the first publlcaUon of this noUce, In care ot William A. Carter, attorney for executrixes. 602 Corbett Building. Dated this, the 3d day ot June, 1912. MART. M. KIRKLEY, GERTRUDE M. MAX METER, Executrixes. W. A. Carter, Attorney, 60! Corbett Bldg., Portland, Oregon. Notice to Creditor. Notice is hereby given that tht County Court of the State ot Oregon, for the County ot Clackamas, has ap pointed the undersigned, Mary E. Mo Cormack, administratrix ot the estate of Charles McCormack, deceased. All persons having claims against the said decedent or hit estate, are here by given notice that they shall pre sent them to the undersigned admin istratrix at the office of Jos. E. Hed ges, Esq., in the Weinhard Building, in Oregon City, Oregon, within aix months from the date ot this noUce, with proper vouchers, duly verified. Dated June 14, 1912. MART E. McCORMACK. Administratrix of the estate ot Charles McCormack, deceased. JOS. E. HEDGES. Attorney. Summons In the Circuit Court of the State or Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. Genevelve Rosenberg, Plaintiff, vs. Frederick John Rosenberg, Defendant To Frederick John Rosenberg, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled cause on or be fore the 15th day of July, 1912, and If you fall to so appear and answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in her said complaint to-wlt: For a decree of divorce setting aside the marriage contract existing be tween the plaintiff and the defendant and that plaintiff be restored to her maiden name, namely, which is Gen evelve Kelly. This summons I published by order of tbe Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for Clackamas County, for the Fifth Judicial District made and en tered on th 31st day of May, 1912, and the time described for the publlcaUon of this summons it six weeks begin ning Friday, May list 1412, and end ing with tbe Issue of July 12th, 1912. W. a GLEASON, Attorney for Plaintiff. 2-3 Mulkey Building. Portland, Ore-1 gon. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Hnrvsy K. Cross, WHHsm Hsmmend . CROSS & HAMMOND ATTORN EVS-AT-LAW Wt have now movtd to our ptrmsnsnt qusrttrt In tht Bttvtr Building. Next to the Andrtssn Building. Rial Eitstt Abstracts Main Btrtet, Lotns, Insursnce Oregon City, Oct. JOSEPH E. HEDGES Lawyer MONEY TO LOAN Administrators Notlct Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed by tbe County Court of Clackamas Coun ty, Oregon, ss administrator of the estate of Joseph J. Lammers, deceas ed. All persons having claims against said estate are notified to present the same at the law office of my attor neys, C. D. and D. C. Latourette, In Oregon City, Oregon, within six months from this date. Dated June 20th, 1912. GEORGE LAMMERS, Administrator of Aforesaid Estate C. D. and D. C. Latourette, Attorneys for Estate. Notice of Final Settlement NoUce Is hereby given that the un dersigned sdmlnistrator of tht estate of Christian Hornschach, deceased. haa filed In the County Court, Clack amas County, his final acount as such administrator of aald estate and that Monday, the 29th day of Jnlr, 1912, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., has been fixed by said Court as the Ume for bearing all objections to said report and tbe settlement thereof. C. SCHUEBEL, Administrator of tbe estate of Chris tian Hornschuch, deceaaed. U'Ren Schuebel, attorneys for Ad ministrator. Summons for Publication. In the Circuit Court ot tbe State of Oregon for Cackamas County. Delva Hoover, Plaintiff, vs. Alfred B. Hoover, Defendant To Alfred B. Hoover, above named de fendant: In the name of the State ot Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cause. on or before the 13th day of July, 1912, and if you fail so to appear or answer the plaintiff for want thereof will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in the complaint which is, that the marriage now existing be tween you and the plaintiff be forever dissolved, and for such other and further relief as to the court may seem Just and equitable. This sum- mons is served upon you by publica tion by order of the Hon R. B. Beatie, County Judge, in the absence of the Judge of the above enUtled court, which order is dated May 29th, 1912. The date of tbe first publlcaUon of this summons Is May 31st 1913, and the last date of publlcaUon Is July 12th, 1912. CHAS. A. PETRAIN, Attorney for PlalnUff. Summon. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, For the County ot Clack amas. Flora Pinard. Edward Pinard, An drew Plnard, by Edward Pinard, his guardian, ad litem, Henrietta Pinard Hines, Eva Pinard Matbiot Orelie Pinard Kelly, and J. L. Kelly, Plain tiffs. vs. John W. Ladd, J. W. Ladd, William C. Johnson. Clackamas County and all heirs of John W. Ladd. J. W. Ladd and William C Johnson, and all other unknown persons, defen dants. To John W. Ladd, and J. W. Ladd and all heirs of John W. Ladd and J. W. Ladd and all other unknown per sons, defendants. In the Name of the State of Ore-' gon. you are hereby reaoired to an-1 pear and answer to the complaint fil ed against you In the above enUUed suit on or before July 5th, 1912, and if you fall so to answer, plaintiffs will take decree adjudging that the plaintiffs are the owner in fee sim ple of the N.E.1 of the N.E.J of Sec tion numbered 19 In Township 3 South. Range 1 West of the Willam ette Meridian. That the defendants nor either of them have any right ti tle or claim in and to said property or any part thereof. That power of attorney from John W. Ladd to Will iam C. Johnson be declared null and void and revoked and of no further effect with respect to the property herein described. That tax deed set out in complaint to Clackamas County be declared null and void and of no effect For such other relief as to the Court may seem Just and equit able herein. Service of this summon is made upon yon by publication, in pursuance of an order of the Honorable R. B. Beatie, Judge of Clackamas County, In the absence of the Circuit Judge, made May 23rd, 1912, directing such publication in the Oregon City Enter prise once a week for six success ive weeks, the first publlcaUon being Mar 24th, 1913, and the last July 5th. 1912. HARRT FELDERB ATJM, Attorney for plaintiffs. I. Harry Felberbaura, plainUffs at torney, hereby certify that the above entitled suit was filed In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon on the 21st day of March. 1912, and that the above is a true copy, prepared by me, of the summons in said suit HARRT FELDERBAUM, Summon. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, tor the County ot Cutck a mas. Josie Kennedy, plalnUff. vs. Frank Kennedy, defendant To Frank Kennedy, above named de- denfant: In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above enUtled suit on or before the 5th day of July, 1912, said date being after the ex piration of six weeks from the first publication of this summons; and if you fail to appear and answer said complaint for want thereof, the plain tiff will apply to the Court for th re lief demanded in the Complaint to wlt: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now exisUng between the plalnUff and defendant shove nsmed and for such other and further relief aa to the Court may teem meet and Just This Summons Is published for six successive week by order of the Bon- orable R. B. BeaUe, Judge of th WEINHARD BUILDINQ County Court, Clackamas County, Ore gon, In the absence of the Circuit, Judge, made tbe 23rd day of May, 1912. Date ot first publication. May 24tb, 1912; date ot last publlcaUon, July 5th, 1912. W. D. ORDWAT, Attorney for PlalnUff. Phones Pacific 52 Home A 151 BROWNELL A STONE Attomeys-st-Law All legal business promptly attended to U'REN A SCHUEBEL I Attorneys-stLav Osutschsr Advekat t Will practice In ail courts, make collections and settlement. t e Office In Enterprise Bulldiig, I Oregon City, Oregon. aotees C D. A D. C. LATOURETTE Attorneya-at-Law I e t Commercial, Rial Estate aa Probate our B peel aides. Of flee In First NaUooal Bank Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. t ! W. i EDDY, V, S M. D. V. j Graduate of the Ontario Veteri- J t nary College ot ioronto, Canada, t and the McKillip School ef I Surgery of Chicago, has located e at Oregon City and established is t i office st The Fsshlon Stables, Seventh Street near Msin. ? ' Both Telephones. Farmers' IJJ . Mail I31I 4 CLAUDE W. DEVORE, Attorney-at-Law Notary Public Estacada, Oregon. Clackamas County Headquarters CLACKAMAS TITLE CO, 610 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. I Full equipment of map, plata, I abstract books and tax rolls. I Agent for Clackamas County Lands, Money Loaned, Title Perfected. E. F. A F. B. RILEY, Attorney A Counsellor at Lavs -t--e STRAIGHT & SALISBURY " 1 We mai specialty of install- mg water systems and plumb- 1 Ing in the country. We carry J the Leader tanks and Stover en- J ginea. We hav a full lint ot t Myers pump and spray pumps. Price always lowest. 720 Main St Oregon City Phons 2682. t 7 O, D. E B V I Attorney-at-Lav Money loaned, abstracts furaisa- td, land UUea examined, estate settled, general law business. I Over Bank of Oregon City. DELIGHTFUL AG A SAFE STIMULANT A GOOD MEDICINE For sale by LEADING DEALERS. BEVER-