NEWS FROM THE COUNTRY INTERESTING ITEMS FROM ALL PARTS OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY CARUS Amonft those attending the barbe cu at Aurora Saturday wers Mr. and Mrs. Charley SpanRler, Mr And Mr. Tom Da via and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spangler of this city. Mr. and Mra. O. A. Howard of Clackamas are visiting with tholr daughter. Mra. Charley Caato. Mia Sarah Edwards, of Portland, who baa been visiting with Mr. J. R. Lewis, returned to hor home Tues day. Several from here attended the fun eral of Miss Annie Evans, of Port land. Clyde Driseol who ta working- for Fred Schafer at Me low flrook spent Sunday at home. Clyde Smith and Otla Howard are working for the Mullno railroad. Jlin Puckner and wife are viatting with his brother .Lew Puckner and wife. ! Tom Evans la hauling gravel at Clear Creek. Mr. and Mra. Casseday vtalted with relatives at Needy Sunday. Mr. Schmlser commenced hauling lumber for his new house last week. Miss Olga Peter returned home last week after visiting relatives Jn Oregon City. Chronic Sore Eyes Are easily cured with Sutherland's Eagle Eye Salve. It la palnleea and harmless and guaranteed. S.ic a box. For sale by Harding's Drug Store. CLACKAMAS C. F. Street bought an oulylngacre of land from A. O. Wold Instead of the residence property. The. civic Improvement club ta working to obtain an electric line, al so a warning bell at the station. J. R .Landea and a crew of Ave men put a roof on the east aide of the Congregational church. A number of persons went from Clackamas to the Sunday school pic nic at Gladstone Friday. Raina have about spoiled the late cherry crop but other crops are greatly benefitted. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Haywad left town last Sunday to go to the Alpine ranch rear Carua. They expect to spend two or three months with their daughter. Mrs. Charles W. Casta. A brother of J. H. Johnson has moved to Clackamas. Mr. Johnson has bought a lot east of the station and will begin building immediately. BILIOUSNESS Is cured with PODOLAX. The pleas ant tasting, pleasant acting liquid liv er medicine. Try a bottle on our guarantee. Don't forget the name PODOLAX. For sale by Harding's Drug Store. SHUBEL. David Moehnke and family have moved back into the country after having tried city, life for a while, J. W. Lieser and family of Canby and Mr. and Mrs. C. Sbubel of Ore gon City visited with G. A. Shubel Sunday. Herman Moehnke gave a dance at his home Saturday night There was a Urge crowd present and everybody had a good time. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Glnther spent a few daya in Portland last week. ' We Moehnke has purchased an automobile. The Molalla Stars played the Shu bel nine on the Shubel diamond this afternoon. The Shubel team defeat ed the Stars 7 to 5. Summer Cold Are harder to relieve than winter one but they yield Just as readily to treat ment with Dr. Bell s Pine-Tar-Honey. Sold everywhere. Look for the Bell on the Bottle. For sale by Harding's Drug Store. MARQUAM. Guy C. Larkins of Marquam and Velva Hertzel, of 8cotta' Mills, were married at eight o'clock, June 26th, by Rev. Mr. Spencer of the M. E. Church of Silverton. Many friends of the young couple witnessed the Impressive ceremony. After the cer emony and the congratulation were ever, the guests, about one hundred In number, partook of a delicious lunch eon. The bride and groom left In an automobile for Woodburn, thence by train to Eugene, to be absent a week or ten days. They received a large number of useful and handsome gifts. The bride is an accomplished musi cian and the groom Is a promising and successful young school teacher of Clackamas County. Marquam celebrated the Fourth of July. The Marten tend furnished the music, the committee had the grounds in excellent condition and a good time was bad by alL James Baker of Portland and Miss Minnie Avry of Bridlevale Falls at tended the wedding of their cousin, G. C. Larkln. Mrs. Jewel Marquam Knight was calling on relative and friend last week. The surveyors for the new line of railroad from Canhy via Molalla end Marquam to Silverton, are camped a few miles north of town. Fred Meyers has Just finished plant lng 45 acres of potatoes. Jayniec St Company, 'of Mountain Ridge has a lumber yard in our town. A Cough, A Cold And then no telling what unless you use Dr. Bell' Pine-Tar-Honey. It is the best, ask your neighbor. Look for the Bell on the Bottle. Sold every where. For sale by Harding' Drug Store. COLTON, Mr. Sherman of Portland, who own the Howlen place, came out with hi daughter and two eon last Sunday. f Mrs. Berkly, who ha been vtaiting with Mr. L. Elliott at Elwocd for some time, returned to her home at Portland last week. John Puts ha purchased a new wagon. Archie Bonney made business trip to town Saturday. Cuat Gottberg Is busy bull ding a new barn. Jonas Engstrom, who has been vis iting In different parts of Canada, has returned to Oregon and la staying with his brother John at Colt on. Miaa Nellie Bonney left to work near Oregon City last week. llert Means, of San Francisco, Cal., a former resident of Cotton, waa vis iting with Mrs. Ulx last week. Jake SllHld, of rortland, waa a visitor at Mr. and Mrs. J. ruts' last week. .. Mrs. Alfred Anderson, who has been very alck with pneumonia, waa taken to the hospital at Portland last Thursday. We all hope for a rapid recovery and to soon aee her home. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stromgreen and daughters were visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Gust Gottberg Sunday. W. E. Honney attended the Oregon pioneer meeting last week. Mr. Danielson's store house la near ing completion. Charlie Freeman and sister. Miss Hasel. of El wood, called on their grandmother, Mrs. Dix, last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mautx and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Smith, of North Da kota, were here visiting In Oregon. Mr. Mautx, who has traveled a good deal, and has been over the greater part of the I'ntted States and Cuba, thinks Oregon is O. K. They visited wi;h Mr. and Mrg. J. Puts at Colton and then called on old acquaintance at Highland, where Mrs. Mautx lived a number of years ago. From there they left for Portland to visit Mrs. Mautx' brother. They intend to taKe in Salem and visit other towna before leaving for Canada, where the have friends and relatives, and from there they will return to their homes In North Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. Mautx will probably come back to Oregon and make their home hero. A fina new bridge has been built over the creek on the road between Colton and El wood. Mr. John Jones' onions are looking Dne. Several land buyer were at Colton last week. Everybody Satisfied Who has tried Dr. Hell s Pine-Tar- Honey for coughs, colds, grip or any throat or bronchial trouble. Get a bottle today. Look for the Bell on the Hottle. For sale by Harding's Drug Store. WILSONVILLE. Mabel Toore, of Oregon City and Miss Louise Kemp of Woodburn, vis ited friends in Wilsonville on Tues day. Mr. Goer, corresponding secretary for the M. B. A. Lodge in this state, was in town for a couple of days this week. Misses Bettie and Margaret Rat algia went to Portland on Thursday for a short visit with relatives. The Rebekah Lodge meet every Tuesday evening in the M. B. A. halL Mrs. Walter Brown and children have returned from McCoy, where they have been visiting Mrs. Brown parent. William Black went to Salem Fri day. Mrs. Brobst and daughter Mary were in Portland on Saturday. Mr. Fred Walters, of Oregon City, was In onr village on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Melvin visited their son and family here on Sunday. The Wilsonville Club met with Mrs. Aden on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Mallory visited rela tive here the last of the week. Miss Helen Murray went to her home in Washington on Tuesday. Miss Jessie Murray will keep house for her brothers during Miss Murray's absence. There will be services in the church next Sunday as usual. Everyone is cordially Invited to attend. Prof. Graham spent some time at his farm near Wilsonville last week. H. S. Aden was in Portland Mon day on business. Mrs. Black was In the Rose City on Saturday. Mr. Wall went to Portland on Fri day. J. W. Thornton and Mis Wolburt were Portland visitors on Friday. Miss Mary Brobst ha quite a large class of music scholar. Mrs. Henry Aden was a city visitor on Wednesday. The drug store is a great conven ience and is a nice new building, which improves Main St Miss Lois Melvin entertained nine of her girl friend in a delightful manner on Tuesday afternoon in hon or of her eighth birthday. The young hostess was the recipient of many beautiful gifts. A dainty repast waa served, games were played and a merry time was spent by the happy guest. The prize list for the district fair should be in the hands of each family resident here. If you have not already received one, ask for one at any of the stores, where Mrg. Marlon has left them for distribution. The fair will be held on August 29th, and should be a great success as Mrs. Young has collected and worked most diligently. Two In One Dr. Bell's Anti-Pain Js both an inter nal and external remedy. It Is an an tiseptic remedy and destroy disease germs. Sold everywhere on a posi tive guarantee. For sale by Harding' Drug Store. 8TAFFORD. The weather has been very bad for securing clover hay. A traveler through Yamhill County reports that there are hundreds of acres in that county alone that are already spoiled, a portion of it cut and other fields ctill standing or pros trated by wind or rain, but at the present writing the aun is shining again and hope rise high In the breast of the farmer. Adolph Delkar had the misfortune to be kicked by one of hi horse Sunday morning, the iron shod hoof hitting him below the knee. At first It wa thought the bone was broken, but Dr. Mount was called and found It to be a bad flesh wound. It appears he was riding one horse and leading the other, when It suddenly turned and' kicked in a playful mood with disastrous result Mr. Nossbaum took a four horse load of oats to town for Mr. Gag on Wednesday 6140 lbs., quite a load for one wagon. A man who waa working over In OliKflON CITY KNTEKPUTSK. FK1DAY, JULY what Is called the Day neighborhood, just over the line In' Washington coun ty, and who slept In a barn, wa found Monday, sick with a raging fever, A physician was called but the ioor fel low died about four o'clock. The cor oner was sent for but we have not heard the particular yet I.en Francis went to Mr. Gage' Tuesday evening to execute a deed to a proposed road Ttllumook will build along the edge of the land owned by Mr. Gage. Mr. Fraud I a notary public. Mr. Powell bought a large load of goods for his store Monday, Includ ing flrwracker and the average boy is jubilant The Younger Set of Btaltord are preparing for a picnic In Gages' prove with cwlngs, flags, croquet and other gnmea galore, and of course a dinner in the shade. Misa Lydla Aernl I helping her younger sister keep house while the mother takes a vacation and visits her old home at the foot of Mt Adams. The Ladles' Circle will meet with Mrs. Seedling on the third Thursday of thla month. ' 'A Pain Rsmtdy Both Internal and external la needed dally by almost every family. Keep a bottle of Dr. Hell Anti-Pain. Good for all kinds of bowel troubles. Ex ternally for cuts, burns, sprains, and all pains. Strongly antiseptic. For sale by Harding' Drug Store. MOUNTAIN VIEW Mr. and Mrs. J. Lewellen went to Springwater last week to visit their children and grandchildren. Eugene Lewellen and wife have a son. Mrs. A. Mautx I recovering after her serious Illness. Mis Myrtle Henderson la the proud possessor of a new organ. Roy Brady went to Beaver Creek yMOWER VAIUE.V If You are looking for More Value S . . . In Mitwsr vnu huv this Var. "V Thei These arc th Points 1. YOKE. Eltra wM aad aabuaalMl. wila lari. Mat hantoaea eia anaafctta fok sad iaaac aao. Bar aad aaaaat HIMil Iim. laud aao lata prtrf la taea aacaratf taMeatd piM. iaana asrrKl aluanal at bar, kaifa aad ptuaaa i - I. Lm( WrwcM Knife Ha, 17 lark. Dtca hciM at ailaua Imd coaamioa tak all tat aaak ad pall ol la puna auaaot loat auxua or play. Aata aaati adiaauacal tor Ukta ap waar. J, Eilra loa caM-kardcaad1 ranorabl waaria alataa. 4. Sarfv4,axl.raaaiMDrfetaSfttefcalaa. lanraal dnr frar aaeircl la piaiaa. alalia am IrMa ia Bank aad taaa iiaf (narat anaf ailac aad powar. B. Mate Fraaa a oa pieca aad ta practically Crtmk A ot pittoua bat aoekrt ikat fets over bail aj ttM pkottMr broase lew oa crank piii The Msi oonic usjle o4 taw Miter bar el all time am eaao b tjbpJ. Write us for Free Champion Catalog No. HEADQUARTERS: PORTLAND, OREGON BRANCHES! Spokane, Boise, Seattle CHAMPION means Money Value IN MOWERS, BINDERS, RAKES, TEDDERS, ETC LET US VV. J. WILSON & CO. OREGON CITT Monday on business. Mason Kellogg, ho has been work ing in Washington, returned borne Tuesday to spend tbe rourtn or July with his family. Grandma Preston returned home Sunday from Salem, where he had been taking care of her daughter, who died Friday. WANTED 1. Wanted A party with good e eurlty to borrow $650.00. 2. Wanted A party with farm property a security to borrow 11000.00. 3. Wanted A party to purchase a five-roomed house In Gladstone near car line price (900.00; $350.00 cash, balance In 18 month. 4. Wanted A party to purchase small house and four lot on Fifth 8treet, Oregon City 11000. Eaiy terms. CROSS & HAMMOND Attorney and Abstracter Beaver Building Oregon City D. W. Glllolt weut to Caru Tuesday on business. Misa l.eola Henderson I visiting hor grandparents at Klwnod. also her aunt, Mr. Delia Vallen, and other relatives,', Mr. Ionian Mack, nee Mabel Or man. of Portland, visited Mr. Pearl Kverhart Inst week. Mr. J, Lewellon'a brother, 1-nfnte lloweli: of Medford, Oregon, visited her a few day last week. They had not met In thirty year. The daughter of Mr. and Mr. C. Gorbett, Mrs. Phillips, and three chil dren, of Madras, are visiting here this week. Miss Lillian Glllett Is visiting rela tive near lllllshoro this month. Mr. Cromer and daughter, of Springwater, penl Saturday here with hor mother and family. During the summer mouth mother of young children should watch for any unnatural looseness of the bow els. When given prompt nttentlon at this time serious trouble may be avoided. Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Rentedy can always be depended upon. For sale by Huntley Hro. Co., Oregon City, Hubbard. Mo lalla and Canby. BARLOW At the request of Wm. U. Barlow, before his death, his daughter, Miss M. S. Barlow, ha purchased a drink ing fountain for the city, and It will b erected to the memory of Mr. Bar low. The fountain contain a bub bling fountain, a horse, and a dog watering trough. It will be erected on the northeast corner of Main SL, and will be an ornament to the city. This fountain would have been erect ed long ago, but Miss Barlow has been waiting for the city to have city, water. Misses Clara and Tlllle Knutson, of Canby, and Mis Clara Iron, of In the Mower you NOTR TUB and i4 .i,Trrc'fci-. -lav?"- . SHOW YOU WHY CANBY HARDWARE & IMPLEMENT CO. CAR BY, OREGON Portland, were visiting Mrs. Larson Sunday. A number of our citizens attended the barbecue at Aurora Saturday and report exciting times there. Many of tbe young people attended tbe dance In tbe evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 8. Tull an Ver na Kinsey went to Portland Friday. J. J. Wurfel was surprised Wednes day morning on entering hi tore to find hi store bad been broken Into In the night by breaking a light out of the window. The cash reglater was pried open, but nothing was missing, as there was no money In tbe till. This is the fifth time Mr. Wurfel's store has been robbed, or broken into. Mrs. Wurfel reports she Is slowly Improving in health since she went to Sheppard's Springs. Do not forget the Spiritualist Camp Meeting at New Era from July 6 to August 4. James Erickson and wife have mov ed Into their rooms over the ware house of the store, and Mr. Wrolstad has moved bis family Into Mr. Erick son 's bouse. Mrs. Oak' lister and husband, from Idaho, are visiting Mrs. Oaks. Born, to tbe wife of O. Oaks, son, July 2. Robert Billiard, one of th farmers of Eldorado, was in this city Wednesday. B, 1012 HOOD RIVER. A Very pretty wedding took place at the homo of Mr. and Mra. Virgil lliK'hiinnn. of Hood Klver, June .nth, when tholr daughter, Miss I'loreme liuchaimn was married to Mr. Arthur A. Baldwin, former principal of tits West Oregon Cty schools, The hunt was beautifully decorated with rose, lerns and Indian arrow wood. The bride wore a dress of cream white silk and carried an armful of pink and while rosea. She was attended by her sister. Mlss-Avl Huchaunu, who was dressed In pur white and car nod shasta daisies. The bridegroom was attended by Mr. Arthur Uitta of Hood Klver. The ceremony was performed by Kev. J. II. Margraves, of Hood Klver. After spending a few day In travel Mr. and Mr. Bald win go to tholr hlino In Mackshurg, Oregon. Hie present were numer ous and beautiful. The btidnl pair were showered with rose buds as they left the room. For soreness of tbe muscle, whe I her Induced for violent eiercls or In- ' liirv ttttiA t imlhlitir thnli (Immlierlaln's Liniment. Till lini ment also relieves rhcumallo pains. For sale by Huntley Bros. Co., Oregon City, Hubbard, Molalla and Canby. Eaat Indian Magi. A traveler tells a story of Indian maglo. The'juggler waa a Malay, who stroked with his finger the blade of a long knife or rree The olwerver saw water full drop by drop from th blade, which became flaccid. Ilk a strip of India rubber Thrown on th ground. It Iwuuced about, but was a knife blade agnlu wben lifted by th Juggler. An examination showed that there was no water ou th mat on which the observer saw th droits fall ing. buy this year. SIX CHAMPION FBATVRliS deacrihed in this id. 1'ix them ia your mind and belore you buy any machine sop into th ncereat Champioo cncy nd tea lor youraall. Then in electing your mower watch thete pointa. Note the difference ol conatructioa ia general in the Champion Mower and others and you will appreciate that The Champion offers you Mower Value Implements Vehicles NEW STRENGTH FOR BAD BACK8 Oregon City Resident Ar -Learning How to Exchange th Old Back For a Stronger On Doe your back ache, feel weak and painful? Do you suffer headaches, languor or depression? Is the urine discolored .passages Ir regular? Tbe kidneys are calling for help. Sick kidneys cannot do tbelr work. Give them the belp they need. liackacbe I generally kidney ache. To cure It you must cure the kid neys. Use a tested and proven kidney remedy. Doan's Kidney Pills have stood tbe test A remedy especially for kidney ail ments. Convincing proof in Oregon City endorsement: Mr. L. B. Talley, 901 Eleventh St, Oregon City, Ore., say: "I am glad to say that Doan's Kidney Pill brought me prompt relief from a most annoying attack of kidney complaint and backache. Other members of my family have taken thla remedy with the best of results." For sale by all dealer. Price 60 cents. Foiter-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agent for the United State. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. ftniulv and East Clackamas SANDY rimrl. Bharnkn I pnlntlnl Imnk buildup. . A aiK I Mim ihn Handy livery barn. l II. MolnlK si'init Thursday In Portland. Mr. C. V. Harbour I spi'itdlng a f,.w days In Port nmi. i Harry Thomas Is paliillng the HofT- man bnlldlnu. W .J. Wlrl has received a lame i-onslnnmenl of furniture. Con.lnued wet w-uHier has riuse. a good many strawberries to rot on the vines. v. J. irm ... the M. E. rburrh Hun.lay evening. EAQLK CREEK. An abutiilani'e of rain ha been fall- Iim on old mother Will hem of late. it. .,,,1 tr Walinr Douulnss have1 returned from eastern Oregon and have pitched ramp near his lirtith-, era Will' home. Mlsse Ki'ho and Ilnsel Ollhens were overnight guest of Miss Houg-1 laa Inst Tuesday. MUs Koho tllthens. having secur ed the school In district No. 60. will teach the next tt-rm of school In this ' district. I II. 8. Gibson made a business trip lo Portland one day last week- Mr. Viola DouKlim. Miss Ulna Doimlnis and Mr. and Mr. Kd. Doug las were Portland visitor Inst Fri day. Waller DoiiKlnii boticht a cow and calf from Mr. Hinwell Isat week. Carl Huntington, of Portland, was; the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mr. II. (). Huntington, a part of the week. It, H, Gibson ha a new tepnrntor. Miss Nettle Woodlo Is over this way visiting with relatives. Home of the relative of Mr. Hoy Douglass were visiting with her last week. Mr. and Mr. John Iteld and chil dren were over this way Haturdny I'll klnn cherrle. Ml Hiiia Dmiglna spent last Thursday with Mr. II. G. Huntington. Mr. and Mr. Ed. Douglas visited with Mr. and Mr. Guy ('letter Sun day. Miss Myrtle Wood I o weut lo Hull Run Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. II. G. Huntington and Mr. R. II. Gibson were calling on Mr. and Mr. Howlelt Sunday evening. Mr. Guy Wooillo spent Sunday with her mother. Mr. Kltimlller. Mr. Viola Doughm spent Sunday with Mrs. Cora Udell. Mr. and Mrs. Hay Woodle and Miss Meda Murphy went blac kberrylng Sunday. CHERRYVILLE. Itev. Dr. Itunyan preached In M. K. Church Sunday. The ladles of the M. E. Church gave ', a strawberry social at Mr. Parnell Averill' Inst Wednesday evening and In spite of the rainy weather waa largely attended and wa a fluautlnl success. Mrs. and Mra, Frank Rhodes took a trip to Portland last week. Dr. O. IWitkln ha had bis pension from the government Increased to a month. Dr. Hotklns served as a surgeon for some three years or mors In the late war. Now that the Cherryvllle Commer cial Club has been organised It will add much to the Improvement and social life of Cherryvllle. "Whin a bit of sunshine hits ye After the passing of a cloud. And a lit of Inughter gits ye And yer spine Is fevlln' proud. Don't forget to up and fling It At a soul that's feelln' blue Kor the moment that ye sling It, It's a boomerang to you." John T. Frlel, Jr. expects to soon) enlarge his hotel for the lar-;e and In- creasing business and to a-comodate the tourist traue. Mr. W. O. Wobber, of Chrrryvllle, and Mis Gertrude Clark, of the same place were mart led In Portland last Saturday, Frank Rhado l as bought the Um ber on Dr. O. (totkina' truct of land I.A... - ...11. , -.I. ,...:it . : 7. " i . Z , I' """J. V lumber. Mr. Rhodos h:ts sold bis old engine nnd. holler and bought one of the Averill Machinery Co. of Port land. Fire Warden, Hen Beach, . spent evernl days on his rsnch nenr Cncr ryvllle and will return frjm Portland with hi family In about two weeks. E. U. Bunla and llcr-th Johnson hnve finished honing potatoes for J. T. Frlel. ir. Mrs. Ray Murrr nut riding r few day afro and her ! tM got i -.ght-ent-d at nn autoin.J'iilj and run awnv. but fortunately tho hor-ie ran Into ;t log and Mrs. Murry end the Uvw es caped Injury. Alen Hrook) loft Monday for a cv ernl day busine trip to Portland. Chaunccy C.iif.iinn, directory man ager of :l:o Pacific -telephone nnd Telcgrapn Co, nt Seattle, nnd rcent ly of Cherryvllle left Seattlo for a two weeks visit nmnng old Cherry vllle friends, but on his arrival In Portland, was called hack to Seattle on pressing business. Dr. Thompson, of Greshnm, l ex- Bii in i niTryviiie witn his family to spend the summer on hi. j liiii-acre rnrrn about a mllo from here. We understand It Is Dr. Thorn Intention to subdivide his farm Into s and 10-acre tracts and locate rnl. I Mr waho, pi . . thrn iJ . f1"00'1' ' Putting the finishing touches on Dr. John II. 1 Itoyd s new house. F you would know the wonderful pulling and butine getting power of little di try one in our classified columns in either the daily or weekly. If you want to sell or trade your automobile, or your house or a building lot, or stock, in fact anything you may have, run a. small ad and you will be surprised at the results. On the other hand if you wish to buy anything, think of the number of people you can reach for a sum so small you will never miss it Everyone has something to sell and many tirxes will sell at a sacrifice. Better try one this week. FIRW00D. !mu Corey l'ft Monday fur eastern Ori'itiin. Mr. J. K. CoriinKH I spendlnn t r,.w wt'kks lit Portland. It. A. t'lutwn has moved Into hi new !mii and il lo Improve his raiiili as fust a mllle. Mr. A. MoloJI Jt musiina rirsring 5 !M ai res of land lor Mr. t hawn. w (mn ,.( I'ort- , , ,,, flr,t f lt week. w Ahi- WM imrrM ,t . i.r ,- j,,,,, 'jo, to Hubert . l ai . J . j ; "Mr Mj5, ,,,rrlr ,ttlt ;g ,.111,l,,rp,i une of tba finest young f Uir,.iurg. Mrs. Mill Wfc. ' ' ' . . . rrli'iuU here wish I he ynutig roupln much Implues and prosperity. Walter frost, of Mi'Mlnnvllln, ha been spending the past week with Mr. mid Mr. I'hnwu at K. 1). Hart. The Prey A Koessel fnuillle of .rii,,,i .ri .iMndn the summer at j-,,,,,,, lilloa w lillo. The entertainment and basket So. Kvn , nanir Haturday evening j(0 under the niansniniit ot Mra. A. Malar, wa well attended. There flu assortment of bas sets. Prank MctlulKln ailed aa auc- t(inwr T proceed of th basket Mini sli milk stool that were donated y M jolrmI . ,-,o, The prtixram was line and much enjoyed by all. I tit jr It now. Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera nnd Hlarrhnea Iteuiedy Is al umni certain to he needed before the tiimmer Is over. Huy It now and b prepared for such all emergency. For aule by Huntley Pro. Co., Oregon City. Hulihard, Molalla and Canby. ELWOOO Wnniler when summer will come? A great urn n y iMHiple anticipate go ing to Katacada the Fourth. ' Kd nibble's nephew, Cbarle Dibble visited In till vicinity Inst week. Mis Jessie Phillip of Eastern Ore gun I visiting friends and relative here. Mr. Melltke wss In Kstarad Thurs day. W. T. Henderson and Mra. Italia Vallen picked strawberries near Esla cad Friday, securing berrle. th do llclnu Magmin's. at 7ft renta per crate or to cents and pick thetn. Earnest and Otis Vallen were mak- j Ing hay for Mr. Swan last wee. Mis cox ha tieen visiting relatives and friends In Katarada the past few daya. Jessie Cox Is building a barn on his group of bits In Estacada. The men of Clear Creek Mills were spending few days varallon In the mountains laat week. Mr. Hchwerlne, the storekeeper of Elwood la building a barn. Mrs. I.ydla Park la visiting ber dnughtei, Mr. Ina Hlttner, of Oregon City. Mm. W. M. fhirfu did sewing for Mrs. Mattle Maplethorpe this week. C .R. Purfus wa a guest of the Al len's In Estacada Sunday. Mr. Monllo Coi, Mis Nouna Val len. Mr. Delia Vallen, Ml llaieland Karnn Freeman, Mis Jessl Phillip and Mr. and Mr. W. T. Henderson at tended tbe children's day exercises at Springwater Sunday. Quite a Jolly time was spent at Dan Stnhlnrxkor'a Haturday at a barn raising, only eight men were present but all worked fulltifully and accom plished much. Mr. Ptuhlnecker Is truly thankful to Mr. W. T. Hender son. A. Vallen, J. Mlellke. Ed Dibble, Matt Jagman. I-ewla Vallen and Al bert Melllke for their donated assist ance. I Frightful Polar Winds Iblow with terrific force at the far north and play hnvoc with the akin. causing red, rough and sore chapped hnmla and Hps, that need llurklnn's Arnica Salve to heal them. It make the akin toft and smooth. Unrivaled for cold sores, also burns, bolls, sores, ulcers, cuts, bruises and pile. Only 25 cent at All Druggists. KELSO. R. R. Jnrl has purchased a four - " View Acre. Mrs. C. A. Mndell and daughter. Sibyl and Alice, of Portland, ar spending the week with her sister, Mra. Itoliert Jonsrud. Mrs. Esther Johns, a daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Canning, with i children, are paying the home folks a visit after an absence of 11 yoars. Mr. and Mrs. Johns Intend buying a home In Portland. Mrs. Clara McAnley and children, of lllue Cnnyon, Cal., are hore for a two-months visit with her mothor, Mrs. C. J. Hlndatl. A fumlly reunion wns held at th homo of C. j. sindull Sunday, those present were: Mr. and Mr. Victor Johnson, Mr. and Mr. Jool Jarl, It K. Jarl, Mis Kli-n Jarl, of Portland, Mr. and Mr. O. Ilowno, of llolbrook, Ore., and Mr, McAnley, of lllue Cnnyon, Cal. Hilda Johnson, daughter of C. A. Johnson, died Monday morning, July 1st, nfter a long illness. The be reaved fumlly ha the .ympathy of the enllro community. A Hero In a Lighthouse For year J. 8. Donahue, So. Haven, Mich., a .ll .... house kr. iMlM out. a queer fct Is, he might have been a wrec k, himself. If Electric nit ters had not prevented. "Thnv enrarl ma nf iri,iM... . . ... H . !T .""'""Wla, Indigestion, all atom- ch, liver and kidney trouble, they're without equal. Try them. Only 60c at Ail Druggists.