Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 21, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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Expenditure of County for Iht Month
N - of May.
District No. 1.
Security Vault and M.ilnl W'kl (.40
It. A. Moduli 10.25
C. M. liHttln 13.76
(). A. I'altln 17.00
J. A. Davis 7.60
J. Ilrodl 26.00
I), (iultnuy 35.00
Wm. Htrange J&.00
It. Strang 16.76
II. A. Ilaltln 10.00
Win. Smart 10.00
District No. 2
II, J on ni 142.60
Norman l,audr 10.00
0 ir Dvli rs.oo
A. V. Wlrklund 30.00
James Johnson 10.25
E. It, lleiiilolt 17.60
II. I', (.siigenberg 10 00
II, lnutiiiiiiorg 25.00
J no. W. rinniiolt 46.00
Dlttrlot No. S.
F. O. Cook $ 67.00
J. ! Hung (6.60
J. P. Btradley . 71.00
Martin Trogo 67.00
Wlii-r Beccomb 62.(0
Wilbur Ilrodl 22.00
August Hollar 42.00
Tboo. HclimlUt 10.00
W. HltiKto 27.00
Jl. Pllxoan 139.25
CVII Young 33.00
Marlon Toug 4.00
W. It, Dallas 34.00
Olarner 4.00
O. It. Una 14.60
M. V. Newell 14.60
Eaptnditur of County Road Fund for
tha. Month of May
District No. 1.
Security Vault and Molal
... 03.40
... 20.2G
... 23.75
... 37.60
It A. Hodell
C. E. Hmtlu .
O. A. Huttln
J. A. Davla ..
J. Ilrodle ....
1). Oaffuey ..
... 7.60
... 25.00
... 35.00
Wm. ritrauga 33.00
It. Btrangs
II. A. Hattln
Wtu. Smart
Dlttrlct No 2.
II. Julius
Norman Uudor
Oscar Davla
A. V. Wlcklund 30.00
Jaini-s Johnson 16.25
E. It. Dennett 17.50
II. I'. Langetiberg 10.00
II. Ungenberg 26.0k
Jno. W. Bennett 46.00
F. O. Cook
J. Da Young
J. I', Stradley ....
Mnrtln Trugs ...
Walter Seccbmb' ..
Wilbur Iirodla ....
August Hollar -...,
Thro. Schmidt ....
W. Singlet ........
It. l'lutan ,
Cecil Young ,
Marlon Tong ,
W. R. Dallaa
(Jlnrner . ...
0. It. Una
M. V. Nrwell
Mike lloniich
Herman Uerhardua
Carl Chllcota
tiuas rileln
1. ee Btradley
Carl llenke . .
Qua Slngl
Earl Chllcota
Rudolph Schmidt ..
C. llenrlck
W. Pllster
W. W. Cook
J. rilatur
II. Savo
A. Wellman
F. Wellman
. 67.00
. 66.60
. 71.00
. 67.00
. 62.60
. 22.00
. 42.00
. 10.00
. 27.00
. 139.35
. 32.00
. 4.00
. (4.00
. 4.00
. 14.60
. 14.60
. 24.60
. 18.00
. 17.25
. 86.10
. 2.00
. 17.26
. 64.00
. 66.00
. 36.25
. 26.00
. 40.00
. 55.25
. 36.00
. 61.60
. 29.00
. 12.00
. 12.00
Garrett DeYoung 30.00
Ren Crawford 4.00
8. W. Warner
Clifford Young
Leon Miley .
J. A. Btolt Jr.
Will Donley .
Joe Eherhart .
M. Alhannlp .
M. M. llemrlck 46.00
C. Young 44.00
.Fern Thebo
Frank Eborhart
A. Kaaper
Otto VoruI
Frank Donley
E. Thebo
L. C. Bkellenger 3.00
Roma Donley 8.00
Wm. 8chwarU 27.00
8. Drown 18.00
J. C, Elliott
P. II. Thompson
J. C. Royer
A. M. Sunderland
II. T. Purr f
Henry llurr 13.00
P. II. Thompaon. 8.60
Walter Hall .i....
D. N. Hdldendtlne
W. W. Cooks
H. Uyo
Garrett Da Young . .-
J. Do Young
F. O. Cooks
Gust Single
Clifford Young 7.00
Nick Stlner 5.00
Marlon Tong ....
Walter Seccomb .
J. P. Btradley ...
Rudolph Schmidt
-J. Plltter
Farl Chllcots (.00
H. Rltiean 15.0V
Martin Troge .". 16.00
Glarner 2.00
August Hellar t.00
W, IMIatnr 1,00
M. V. Newell f.OO
O. K. Una 1 00
W, W. Cook , 20.00
II. (latiiardii 6.01
C, llmik 4.00 1
Us Hlradlay
(!, llmnrlrk ,,
4 00 1
Eeurl Chllcota U.ool
It. Couka 2.61
Wilton k Cook ,,. 2.(0
lloilliiin II rot '. 21.66
K. K. Melllon l.io
J. C. Elliott A Co 11.30
Portland lUllwiy, Light k
District No. 4.
'ower Co 1(6.60
C, W. Bchuld k Bona ...
Hubert Currln
(Inorga Kitchen
John O'Conor
Ilulion Coop
Chaa. Spark
linn Mutton
Jonla O'Couer
John Qitheni
J, 8. 1'ayns
11. Ulthvn
Portland Railway, Light
A Power Co.
Nol Rawer
Clld Hawer
Albert Kitchen
It. Coop
(joorge Walter
Uatnr Ilala
Albert Kitchen
John Gltbnna
Martin Ilartiflend
C. Slolnman ,
Joe Held
J. W. lowiy
O. Moteou
. R. lluge
k ConKdou
red Bartholomew
ieorge Kitchen ..
It. Currln
Sparks 38.00
Vvrd EticksoD
J. S. I'ayna ...
K. Barling ....
N. Barrer ....
K. Btelnman ..
Llnaey Halo ..
J. O'Connor ..
R. Dallaa
J. Dowty
Prank Boyer .
It. Mattoun ...
Heart to Heart
Tbs Tlimilc:
You bsvc not forgotten bow ths
great lloer uu ths ISth day of April
crashed Into ths Iceberg that fared
forth from the frown north snd of bow
It slid. Ilk a great colDu. holding It
1.700 dead, down to the beasts and tht
ooao of the aea, two miles below.
Nor of bow ths csptaln of millions
and ths peasant stood together at the
rail aa ths cruel sea carried off their
lorea and boiea.
But already It la a dim memory.
Juat aa that vaat Iceberg In ths mid
dls of ths north Atlantic, towering up
600 feat Ilka a great monument to the
dead below, had drifted Into warmer
waters and melted, ao after the first
shock of the shuddering plunge of the
Titanic waa over ao awlft does one
woe tread upon ntxither'a heels sre we
beginning to forget.
Violent emotion, great aympathy,
quick forgetfiilneaa these ars th
features of our modern life.
Boms there ars wbo never will for
Tbs memory of ths ahlp'a tragedy
baa burned Into their consciousness a
arar that will not disappear, but In
ths general conaclousneaa ths thought
Is aa unmindful as tbs wavea above
the dead.
W are Ilk children.
Scarcely have the leara dried from
our eyea than tbs tiulle appear. Aa
when tbe Titanic went down and the
waves closed togotber above It. mak
Ing smooth waters, ao do ws forget. -Lest
w forgetl
Go to the atunmsblp ticket oflloe.
Will you not find the asms surging
And evon today over the
treacherous watera tourista lounge on
th deck and the owners of dancing
feet find pleasures
It la ouly lbs aurfucs of'our recol
lections Hint geta printed by the day's
vents, and tomorrow' new Imprea
Ion wipe It out
Soms things ought not to be forgot
tenthe criminal carelrssncaa of the
ahlp'a owners, the gambling with
death, the biking of chances to sore
money, the KHeil lunula. All thexe
should Iw remembered, and there
should be exemplary punishment but-
Humnnity must forget!
We cannot always go mourning wlih
regret Mercifully are our memories
mad like children's slates from which
may bs wiped the horror of cataclysm
and cruel visitation. .
And ao the peusnnl lull UN his col
tags on the verge while the crater's
Up la warm And so the smooth sea
mllca. and-
Ws forget.
Ws must forgetl
Hetuit ot nit Joy.
"I bavs bers a reprieve tor you from
tbs boms secretary," aald the governor
Of tbs prison to ths callous murderer.
"AbT replied tbs bitter. "No noose t
food oswa, tbs proverb eava. "Lon
don Answers.
Plenty of Material.
"What ars you atudylug tbers. Cla
rice r
"About bow to make delightful dishes
from left over food. Tbe cook bss left"
"Well, you cso maksaoms nice dishes
from left over food."
"Yes. and I bavs plenty of material.
There's great deal of food left over
sines I begad doing ths cooking."
Washington Herald.
Heart to Heart
- Talks.
By Eowirt a. myu.
It la 8JKI a. in, 'J'ba street car ara
lined up for block. The clerk had
coins Oowo earlier, These car ars
Ailed with the bosses, heads of drart-
menta, profcsnloiisl men. Restless and
fuming, a broker cries out, "What' the
matter ahead 7"
"Coal wagon down."
"A coal wagon! Can't the company
keep these peopl off the track? Must
g man miss an Important engagement
bc.ause of these drivers 7"
Tbs roal hauler. In order to rollers
bit rather weak team, bad turned Into
the car tracks. Warned by tbs clang-
lug bell ha started off. Tba alrale
broke ao axis and the wheel smashed
down. Traffic waa delayed tori min
That waa all, except that the drlvst
would lose two days' work and 13.
A bagatellsT Let's see.
Tbs loe to ths company. Incor
porated at C.ooo.ooo, la a few nickel
But tbs driver's bissf
CaplUIIzs bis entire outfit at (MO.
Wagon, homes and harness ars old.
Uow much baa ha lost 7
One thirtieth of his capital.
A railroad company capitalised at
tluO.000.OtiO haa a disastrous wreck
lose (lOO.ooo. Tbs papers make much
of It Well, the company loaea ons
fifteen hundredth of Its capital. . . ,
Tbs railroad company may cut
email fraction off ths dividends at ths
snd of the yesr or make up tbs loss
la soma other way, but tbs coal hauler
moat make up for ths lose of the ons
thirtieth part of his capital stock by
pinching economy.
Go to bis boine.
Tbs wreck of ths wagon la to tbs
family a real calamity. It meant din
nera without meat It may mean a
failure to pay ths rent And In tbs
snd soms bloodsucker may get a mort
gage on team and wagon.
Ask ths woman.
Little John's coat la getting too worr
and patched for arhool. Ills slater
must needa a pair of new shoes, lief
Id shawl la good enough for "her.'
but father sufferers In ths blesk winds
because bla underclothing bas grown
Ays, drag the old trap off tbs track!
Ws mutt get down to business.
And, alaa for Christian charity nnder
ths sun, no ons of those prosperous
people who passed the sooty faced
driver aa be stood by the aide of bla
battered wreck had perhaps a glim
tuer of thought or pity for bla tremeo
doua loos.
Ws must get down to business.
Out of the way!
Bams Ons Shsuld Tsll Her.
No woniao ever mads a greater mis
ts ks than toot which la mads by tbs
woman wbo thinks aha will plesas bar
husband by sitting op and waiting for
blm until .2 o'clock In tbs morning.
Chicago Iterurd Herald.
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned administrator of the estate
of Christian Honiachuch, deceases,
haa filed In the County Court, Clack
a ma County, bla final acount aa auch
administrator of aald estate and that
Monduy. the 29th day of July. 1912. at
the hour of 10 o'clock A. M haa been
fixed br aald Court as the time for
bearing all objections to Mid report
and the aettlement thereof.
Admlnlttrator of the eatats of Chris
tian Hornachuch, deceaaed.
U'lten A Schuebel, attorneys tor Ao
Administrators Notlcs
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned baa been duly appointed By
the County Court of Clackamaa Coun
ty. Orenon. aa administrator oi me
eatate of Joseph J. Ummersv deceas
ed. . .
All nersons having claims against
egtBte kre notified to present the
ume at the law office of my attor-
neya. C. D. and D. C. Utourette, in
Oregon City, Oregon,
within six
months from this date.
Dated June 20th. 1912.
Administrator of Aforeaold Estate
C. D. and D. C. Utourette, Attorneys
for Eatate.
Sheriffs Sals.
in the Circuit Court of the Stats of
Oregon, for the County or tiaca
nmas. W. J. McNeil, Plalnlff.
Henry L. Ilurchell, Defendant
State of Oregon, County or tiacaa-
maa, sa.
Ily virtue of a Judgment order, de
cree and an execution, duly Issued out
of and under the seal of the above en
titled cause, to me duly directed and
dated the 13th day of June, 1912, upon
a Judgment rendered and entered In
aald court on the 20th day of May,
1912, In tavor of W. J. McNeil, Plain
tiff, and agalnat Henry L. Burcbell,
defendant, for the sura of (91.75, and
ths further sum of (5.00, as attor
ney's fee, and the further sum ot
(6.25 costs and disbursements and ths
coats of and upon this writ command
ing me to make sale of the following
described real property, altuate In tbs
county of Clackamaa, stae of Oregon,
to-wlt: the S.W. 1 of the S.W.l or
8ec 36, Twp. 2 8.. R. 3 E. Willamette
Meridian, and the S. 1 half or S. 1
half of the N.W. ) or ths S.W. of
8ec. 36, Twp. 2 8.. R. 3 E. Willam
ette Meridian, cotalnlng 60 acres mrrs
or less.
Together with all and singular the
tenement, hereditament, and appur
tenance thereunto belonging or la
anywlae appertaining.
Now. Therefore, by virtue of said
execution. Judgment order and decree,
and In compliance with the commands
of aald writ I will, on Saturday, the
20th day of July, 1912; at the hour of
10 o clock A. M at ths front door of
ths Coupty Court House In ths City
of Oregon City, in said County and
Stats, aell at public auction, aubject
to redemption, to tbs highest bidder,
for U. 8. gold coin cash In hand, all
tbe right .title and Interest which the
within named defendants or either of
them, had on the date of the mortgage
i herein or alncs bad In or to ths abovs
described real property or any part
thereof, , to aatlafy aald eiecullon,
Judgment order, decree, Interest, costs
and all accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamaa County, Oregon,
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., June 16th,
In lbs Circuit Court of tbs Stabs of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Clara O. Tblel, plaintiff,
Otto D. Tblel, defendant
To Otto V. Tblel, defendant:
In ths asms of ths Htats of Ors-
gon you ars hereby required to ap
pear and answer tha complaint filed
agalnat you In tha above entitled suit
within six week from th 21st day
of Muy. 1912, ths data of ths first
publication of this sutnmona, and if
you fall to answer for want tbersof.
ths plaintiff will apply to tbs Court
for ths relief prayed for In ber com
plaint, to-wlt; for a decree forever
dissolving ths bonds of matrimony
now sxlstlng between plaintiff and
yourself, for a decree granting plain
tiff the care, custody and control of
Meryl Tblel, a minor.
Tbla summon I puimined In pur
suance to an urder or the Hon. J, u.
Campbell, Judge of tbs above entitled
Court, made and entered on tbs 18th
day of June, 1912, directing tbs same
to be published for alx clnsecutivs
weeks In tbs Oregon City Enterprise.
newspaper published in aald County
ana Mute ana or general circulation
Attorney for Plaintiff.
First publication, June 21st, 1912.
Uat publication, Auguat 2nd, 1912.
In tbs Circuit Court of ths Stats of
Oregon, for Clackamaa County.
Fred W. Ramser, plalntlft
- va.
Zos Ramser. defendant
To Zos Ilamaer, above named defen
Id the name of the State of Oreson.
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed agalnat
you in tns above named suit on or be
fore the 2nd day of AuguaL 1912. aald
date being the expiration of alx weeaa
rrom the first publication of this sum
mons, and if you fail to appear or an
awer aald complaint, for want thereof,
tha plaintiff will apply to tba court
for be relief prayed for In bis com
plaint to-wlt:
For a decree dissolving the bonda
of matrimony now existing between
the plaintiff and defendant Thla
aummons la published by order of
Hon. J. U. Campbell Judxe of tha Cir
cuit Court whic h order waa made and
entered on tbs 16th day of June. 1912.
and the time prescribed for publica
tion tnereor la alx weeks, beelnnlnx
with ths Issue of Friday, June 21at
1912, and continuing each week therea
fter to and Including the lasua of
Friday, Auguat 2nd, 1912.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In ths Circuit Court of ths 8bts of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Marlam Falling, Plaintiff,
Pefcr Failing. Defendant
To Peter Falling, abovs named defen
dant: -
In tha name of the 8tats of Oregon.
you are hereby required to appear and
anawer ths complaint filed against
you In ths abovs named suit on or se
tore tbe 26th day of July. 1912, said
date being the expiration of all weeks
rrom the first publication of this sum
mons, and if you fail to appear or an
swer said complaint for want thereof
the plaintiff will apply to ths court
for ths relief prayed for In her com
plaint to-wlt:
For a decree dissolving the bonds
of matrimony now existing between
ths plaintiff and defendant Tbla
summons Is published by order of
Hon. R. B. Beatle, Judge of the Coun-
entered on the 13th day of June, 1912,
ty Court which order waa mads and
and ths time prescribed for publica
tion thereof Is six weeks, beginning
with ths issue dated Friday, June 14,
1912, and continuing each week there
after to and Including ths Issue of Fri
day, July 26th. 1912.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
8ummona. "
In the Circuit Court of the State ot
Oregon, For tbe County ot Clack
amaa. Carrie W. Dennle, Plaintiff,
Charles A. Dennis. Defendant
To Charlea A. Dennis, the above
named Defendant:
In tbs name ot the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you In tbe above entitled Court and
cause, on or before tbe 27th day ot
July, 1912, said date beng after the ex
piration of aix weeks from the first
publication of thla aummons; if you
fall to appear, and anawer .the plain
tiff will apply to the Court for the
relief demanded In the complaint to-
wlt; for a decree ot divorce dissolv
ing the bonds of matrinomy now ex
isting between plalntlft and defendant
on the ground of cruel treatment non
support and desertion. Thla sum
mona la published once a week, for
six consecutive weeks by order ot J.
U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon for the
6th Judicial District
Dated tbe 13th day ot June, 1912,
directing tbe publication there...
Date ot Brat publication, June 14th,
Date ot last publication, July 26th.
Attorney for Plaintiff, 616 Dekum
Bldg, Portland, Ore.
Notlcs to Creditors
In the County Court ot Ue State of
Oregon, for the County ot Clocks
In the matter ot tbe eatate of Mary
Klrkley, deceaaed.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned are the duly qualified "ex
ecutrixes ot ths estate of Mary Kirk-
ley, deceaaed, and that all persons
having clatmt against said estate are
hereby notified to present ths same
properly verified, to tbe undersigned
executrixes at .Mliwaukle, Oregon, with
In alx montha from the date of the
first publication ot thla notice. In care
of William A. Carter, attorney for
executrixes, 602 Corbett Building.
Dated thla, the 2d day of June, 1913.
W. A. Carter, Attorney, 602 Corbett
Bldg, Portland, Oregon.
Notlcs to Creditors.
Notice Is boreby gives tbst the
County Court of ths Stats of Oregon,
for tbs County of Clackamas, bas ap
pointed ths undersigned. Mary E. Mo
Cormack, administratrix of tbs estate
of Charles McCormack, deceased. AH
persons hsvlng claims against tbs
said decedent or his estate, ars here
by given notlcs tbat they shall pre
sent them to tbs undersigned admin
istratrix at tbe office of Jos. E. Hed
ges, Esq., In .tbs Wsinhard Building.
in uregon City, Oregon, within six
month from tbs dale of this notice,
witn proper vouchers, duly verified.
Dated Juns 14, 1(12.
Administratrix of tbs estate of Charles
McCormack. deceaaed.
JOB. O. HEDGES, Attorney.
In tbe County Court of ths State of
Oregon, For Clackamas County,
In tbe matter of the guardianship of
Francea Anne urran and Adeline
curran, minors.
On this day cams on to be beard
petition of F. F. Curran, the duly ap
pointed, qualified and acting guard-
Ian of Frances Anne Curran and Ade
line Curran, minors, for a license from
tbla Court to sell the real property of
said minors.
And it appearing to tba Court from
tbs Inventory In aald cause filed here
in and from aald petition tbat aald
minors ars tbs owners of all of Lots
4 and 6 in Block of Mountain View
Addition to Oregon City, Oregon,
shown by the duly recorded map and
plat thereof, and tbs next of kin of
aald minors are as follows:
Katie Jotle Curran-8nyder, sister
or said minors, residing at Oregon
City. Oregon; C. C. Hall, Grace Pearl
Everbart and Nora Canico, Aunts oi
aid minors .residing at Oregon City,
Oregon; Alfred Curran, Uncle of aald
minors residing at Oaborn City, Ran
aaa; Frank Currar, Uncle of aald min
ors, residing at Telluride, Colorado,
and F. F. Curran, Uncle of aald min
ors and guardian herein, residing at
Oregon City, Oregon.
That aald minors and the aald Kat
ie Joils Curran-Snyder, above named,
are tbe children and belrs at law of
W. L. Curran and Dora Curran, bit
wife, both deceaaed, who daring their
life time were seized as tenants by
entirety ot real propety above des
Tbat aald Dora Curran died on or
about the 9th day ot September, 1904,
and that by operation of law of the
said eatate by entirety, the aald W. D.
Curran became tbe sole owner in tee
simple of aald property and said W.
, Curran died on March 10, 1908.
Tbat on Max 27, 1911, tbe said Kat
le Josle Curran-Snyder ' being then
Katie Josle Curran, ana having arriv
ed at and being above tbe age of 18
years bad a full settlement with tho
undersigned, ber duly appointed, qual
ified and acting guardian, and in con
sideration thereof made, executed and
delivered to Frances Anne Curran
and Adeline Curran, a quitclaim deed
of the real property herein Oeacribed.
which said deed is now duly record
ed in the deed records of Clackamaa
County, Oregon.
That according to the said Inven
tory the said real property above des
cribed has been appraised at the sum
ot (400.00.
And the Court being fully satisfied
that it wilt be for the best Interest
of Frances Anne Curran and Adeline
Curran .minors herein, that said real
premises De sola ana ue money ae-
rlved therefrom be placd on Interest
for said warda.
Wherefore, it Is Ordered that Katie
Josle Curran-Snyder, C C Hail,
Grace Pearl Everhart Nora Canico,
Alfred Curran and Frank Curran, and
all other persons Interested in said
warda, appear In thla court on or be
fore Monday, the 1st day of July,
1912, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A.
M.. and show cause. If any, why said
guardian ahould net be licensed to sell
the Intereset of said wards in and to
aald real property and U Is further or
dered that a copy of thla order be
published in the Oregon City Enter
prise for at least three weeks suc
cessively, prior to aald date.
Dated May 24, 1912.
In tbe Circuit Court of the State ot
Oregon for tbe County of Clacka-
Gonevetve Rosenberg, Plaintiff,
Frederick John Rosenberg, Defendant
To Frederick John Rosenberg, the
above named defendant:
In the name of the State ot Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
anawer the complaint filed against you
in tbe above entitled cause on or be
fore the 15th day ot July, 1912, and If
you fail to so appear and anawer, for
want thereof the plaintiff will apply
to the Court for the relief prayed for
In her said complaint to-wlt:
For a decree of divorce setting aside
the marriage contract existing be
tween the plaintiff and the defendant
and that plaintiff be restored to her
maiden name, namely, which la Gen-
eveive Kedy.
This summons is published by order
of the Hon. J. U. Campbell. Judge of
the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon for Clackamas County, for the
Fifth Judicial District made and en
tered on th Slat day of May, 1912, and
the time described for the publication
of thla summon is six weeks begin
ning Friday, May 31st 1912, and end
mg with the Issue ot July 12th, 1912.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
2-3 Mulkey Building. Portland, Ore
gon. Summona for Publication.
In tbe Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Cackamaa county.
Detva Hoover, Plaintiff, .
Alfred B. Hoover. Defendant
To Alfred B. Hoover, above named de
fendant: In the name of tbe State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled court and cauae,
on or before the 13th day ot July,
1912, and It you fail so to appear or
answer the plaintiff for want thereof
will apply to the court for the relief
prayed for in the complaint which
is. that the marriage now existing be
tween you and the plaintiff be forever
dissolved, and for such other and
further relief as to the court may
seem Just and equitable. This sum
mons is served upon you by publica
tion by order of the Hon R. B. Beatle,
County Judge, in the absence of the
judge of the above entitled court
which order is dated May 29th. 1912.1
Tbe date of the first publication of this
summons-Is May 31st 1912, and the
last date ot publication is July
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Harvey C. Cross. William Hammond
Ws have now moved to our eermsnsnt quarters In the Isaves
Building. Next te the Andrn Building.
Rssl f stats Abstract Mala) Street,
Loan, Insurance Or son City, Ore.
Notice to Creditors
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned hss been duly appointed by
ths County Court of the State of Ore
gon for the County of Clackamas, Ad
ministrator of th estate of Suaanaab
C. Eversbed, deceased. All persona
having claims agalnat tbe said
eatate are hereby required to pre
sent them to me at the office of
U'Ren k Scbuebel, Oregon City, Ore
gon, properly verified as by law re
quired within six months from tbs
date hereof-
Date ot flrat publication. May 21,
Administrator of the estate of Su
sannah C. Eversbed, deceaaed.
U'Ren k Scbuebel, Attorneys for Ad
In ths Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clack
Josle Kennedy, plalntlft
Frank Kennedy, defendant
To Frank Kennedy, above named ds-
In the name ot the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
agalnat you In tbe above entitled
ault on or before the 6th day of July,
1912, aald date being after the ex
piration of six weeks from the first
publication of this summons; and if
you fall to appear and anawer said
complaint for want thereof, tbe plain
tiff will apply to the Court for the re
lief demanded in the Complaint to-
For a decree dissolving the bonds
of matrimony now existing between
tbe plaintiff and defendant above
named and for auch other and further
relief as to the Court may seem meet
snd Just
Tbla Summons Is published for six
successive weeks by order of tbe Hon
orable R. B. Beatle, Judge of the
County Court Clackamas County, Ore
gon, In tbe absence of the Circuit
Judge, made the 23rd day of May,
1912. Date of flrat publication. Hay
24th, 1912: date ot last publication.
July 6th, 1912.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
8ummo na.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, For the County ot Clack
amaa. Flora Pinard, Edward Pinard. An
drew Plnard, by Edward Pinard. his
guardian, ad litem, Henrietta Pinard
Hlnes, Eva Pinard Mathlot Orelie
Pinard Kelly, and J. L. Kelly, Plain-
John W. Ladd, J. W. Ladd, William
C. Johnson, Clackamaa County and
all heirs of John W. Ladd. J. W.
Ladd and William C Johnson, and
all other unknown persona, defen
To John W. Ladd, and J. W. Ladd and
all heirs of John W. Ladd and J. W.
Ladd and all other unknown per
sons, defendants.
In the Name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and anawer to the complaint fil
ed against you In the above entitled
suit on or before July 6th, 1912, and
you fall so to answer, plaintiffs
111 take decree adjudging that tbe
piainiuis are ue owners in lee sim-i t
pie of the N.E.J of the N.E4 of Seo e
tlon numbered 19 In Township S 1 i
ouuiu, nane 1 neat 01 ue Willam
ette Meridian. That the defendants
nor either of them have any right ti
tle or claim in and to said property
or any part thereof. That power of
attorney from John W. Ladd to Will
iam C. Johnson be declared null and
void and revoked and of no further
effect with respect to the property
herein described. That tax deed set
out in complaint to Clackamas County
be declared null and void and of no
effect For such other relief aa to
the Court may aeem Just and equit
able herein.
Service of this summons !s made
upon you by publication. In pursuance
of an order of the Honorable R. B.
BeAtle, Judge of Clackamas County,
la the absence of the Circuit Judge,
made May 23rd. 1913, directing such
publication in the Oregon City Enter
prise once a week for six success
ive weeks, the flrat publication being
May 24th, 1912, and the last July 5th,
Attorney for plaintiffs.
I. Harry Felberbaum. plaintiff's at
torney, hereby certify that the above
enUtled suit was filed in the Circuit
Court of tbe State of Oregon on the
21st day of March. 1912, and that the
a Dove la a true copy, prepared by me,
of the summons In said suit
In the Circuit Court of tbe State of
Oregon, County of Clackamas,
Anna Joseph Getos, plaintiff
Joseph H. Getos, defendant
To Joseph H. Getos, defendant
In the name of the State ot Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled suit on or be
fore the 29th day of June. 1912,that day
being six weeks from the first publi
cation of tbe summons herein, and if
you rail to appear and answer herein.
the plaintiff will apply to tbe Court!
for the relief prayed in the complaint
on file herein, to which reference is
made herein, and more particularly
as follows: tor a decree annullng and
dissolving the bonds ot matrimony
heretofore and now existing between
the plaintiff and defendant herein on
tbe ground of defendant'a wilful de
sertion ot tbe plalntlft for the period
of more than one year continuously
Immediately prior to the commence
ment of thla' ault and for auch other
and further relet aa may be equitable.
Thla aummona ia served upon you
by publication thereof for not less
than six consecutive weeks In the Or
egon City Enterprise, a paper ot gen
eral circulation published in the City
of Oregon City, Oregon, County of
Clackamaa, State of Oregon, and by
the order of the Honorable J. U.
Campbell, Judge of the abovs entitled
Court which order is dated tbe 11th
day of May, 1912, tbe date of the first
day of publication of thla summona
being May 17, 1912, and the laat day
of publication of thla summons Is the
28th day ot June, 1912.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Phones Pacific 62
Home A-161
All legal business promptly attended to
Dsutschsr Advskat
Will practice In all courts, maks
collections and settlsmeats.
Office In Enterprise Bulldlag,
Oregoa City, Oregon.
. . .
Commercial, Real Estate aad
Probate our Specialties. Of
lee la First National Bank
Bldg, Oregoa City, Oregon.
W. 1 EDDY, V. S M. D. V.
Graduate of the Ontario VeteH- J
aary College ot lorcoto, Canada,
atd the McKlllip School ef
Surgery of Chicago, baa located
e at OrnrOD Cit and etihIUh4 aa I
i office at The Fashion Sublet,
Seveath Street near Mala.
i Both Telephones
e Farmers' IJJ Mali till
Notary Public
Eataeada. Oregon.
ee-ee--s-e -
Clackamas County
S10 Chamber ef Commerce,
Portland, Oregon.
Fall equipment of maps. Plata,
abstract books and tax rolls.
Agents tor Clackamas County
Lands, Money Loaned, Titles
E. F. A F. B. RILEY,
Attorneys eV Counsellors at Law
We make a specialty of install-
lng water systems and plumb-
Ing In the country. Wo carry e
the Leader tanks and Stover en. J
Bines. We have a full line of I
Myers pumps and spray pumps.
Prices always lowest. 1
720 Main St Oregon City
Phons 2682. I
e ' I
e-e ----- -e-----
u. d. a v
Money loaned, abstracts furaas-
e ed, land title examined, estate! e
I settled, general law business.
I Over Bank of Oregon City. .
ee e-e e -- -
For sale by