ROW 1101ES IN SEA TO AID HATES CREW SHIPWRECKED ON ISLAND NEARLY DEAD WHEN SHIP ARRIVES HEAVY SEAS POUND BIG SCHOONER Provision! Run Low And Men Ar Rescued In Nick Of Tim Lon Steamer I Halted SEATTLE, Wash., May 18. Bring Ins Captain Clfarle Foos and th. crew of the codflshlng schooner Jos eph Rubs, wrecked on Ohirikof Inland April 21, the steamship Bertha, of the Alaska Coast Company, arrived In Se attle thli afternoon. Giving a graphia description of the storm which resulted In the loss of the schooner and the death of John Jorpeusen. the vessel's first mate, member of the crew of the Rusa do- clared that only for the heroism oi A. E. Reeve. (Scotty) second mate, and five sailor, who went to Chignik - - . . . two open noats tor assisism. u W UUIU UK ' - 'Vi ouv t In a terifflc pale, with heavy ea breaking over her, the Rus wa driv en ashore at 6 o'clock in the evenins. ... Grounding on the sand she held her . . . . - -1 1 m own for several hours, but finally, a the heay ca continued to pound her, the vessel hatches gave way and , he quickly filled with water. Captain , Fos. and S4 member, of the crew had cimbed high in the mast, and lashed themselves to the rigging to prevent being carried away by the giant wave. Wrf Mute Jnrcensen had started for the main mast to take refuge when a wave hurled him against the side ih. ui tils skull was crushed. Here they hung until 6 a.' m. w hen j the storm subsided and the tide left the Rus. high and dry. J Jorgensen was buried far up on the i sandy beach and a wooden cross marks tne grave. . . II. AHW i 1 1 i 1 1 a captain ross anu uib tc - ; hut of pine boards and in this they ; hut of pine boards and in this tney ; sundav school by goir. ' Becoming vu , for tne purpose oi pew m. "' stored the small amount of provisions j the report prepared by the committee ; (0ngocutlve term, he said that Judge saved and established sleeping quar- on Sabbath observance for presenta-; Xaf,-a name headed the list of mein ri ! tion to the 124th general assembly of ber8 0f a Grant third term club. It' was when the provisions began !,he Northern Presbyterian church to- -Down am0ng the list of member, to run low and ther realized that dav. "Sunday sports blight charac- come the name of 1 1 bright young re Chirikof Island is uninhabited that Ses ,er continue the retort. "Nine- rre,entative of the family. Charles P. Sa e Reeve, and five member, of enths of those who enter prison; Taft.- be said. "The whole Taft fam ine cA volunteered to put out in led that way-by Sabbath breaking. , ,ly was In that movement, wo on boat, for Chignik: 110 mile j largely due to Sunday sport." "I will appeal rom Jo disianV; for assistance, I Kecommendatlons of the commit- j and ask you to "1'' h kre They were fortunate enough to ar-; tee. of hlch James Yearance. of New mon sense . hlch he father s poke , rive at that port before the departure j York. ,, chairman, provide, that the j to the rid culoii. to lly of raising any of the mail steamer Dora, which im- assembly reiterate it. "strong gnd era ,, talk about a thlr iterm. when n mediately proceeded to the rescue. When the Dora arrived on the warmed by a driftwood fire, but scant ily sheltered, were the 30 men. VIGILANTES SCORED AS I. W. W. F I SACRAMENTO. Cal.. May 1S.-& I onel Harris Weinstocg, special coi.r inissioner appointed by Governor Johnson to Investigate the San Diego free speech" fight, now being wag ed by the Industrial Worker, of the World, finds in hi. report, made pub lic todav. that the "vigilante." have been guilty of more culpable offense, than the Industrial Workers, and rec ommends the prosecution of the form- The Governor is counseling with the Attorney-General', office over the ad visability of interfering, as recom. mended by the commissioner and bav in. th state Drosecute the vigilante of San Diego, as the commissioner de- j Clare, the District Attorney ui Du , g FrencD ot r'St? of the Oceanic. v. .v. ifH!i Workers of max. winie i" iiiiiuo... - the Worm consmuic o growing out of European conditlonB : . . . : . Invloa, flUUP I nported from Europe, the vigil-! who punished the Industrial I r. were guilty of greater, antes Worker. wrong. than tney; inai iu ''f"- of free on. of the World disturbances nave cr,- uliired the growing problem of an- nutir dncfrine. which demands . Immediate and careful legislation. UJUltruiaio ."- ' , thinner Weinstock finds from their own Up. and from the literature given to him by member, of the In dustrial Worker, of the World, that they teach and preach the following doct.-ines: . o-v.t workmen are to use any and all tactic, that will get the re-! suits sought with the least possiui , ,u,,,r nf time and energy. I IJThe question of right or wrong 1. not to be considered. C The avenging sword I to be un.healhed with all heart, resolved on victory or death. fclif r Tk. workman 1. to help himself when the proper time come.. iDga than tney; iubi- ''"""the "f Thomson lieatie, a passensei, ree speech has been trampled up-1 the otben those of sailors, and that the Industrial M Mareelle Navitil. of Nice, he World disturbances have con- nt fc 0cpanc t0 E No agreement wuu cu''"'"' i battered down the door, or tne dby of labor i. to be considered by tne : enth reglment arm0ry here for the worker a. sacred or Inviolable. i purnoge of calling the Democratic F The worker i. to produce Inrer-1 county conTentlon a month or wo ago, lor good and kill time In getting , ,n defiance of an injunction issued by tool, repaired and In attending to re- .Qr Jndge McKiniey, fine of $500 Dair work; all by a nent unuerswuu- log GThe worker la to look forward to thenar when he will confiscate the fvtortes and drive out the owners. llThe worker i. to get ready to c,u.e National Industrial para ysi., nh th vie to confiscating all ln 7usU. meanwhile Uklng forcible ion of all thing, that he may need. MOLCOMB SCHOOL HULW"" cutfBTA NMENT TO tlAVC - . The Holcomb School next Saturday ine noiiy" oelal and week will haveoas- The flre.t ever given by th. m. DONT GET FUN DOWN . Fa ss -asm" H regulator it ha no equal AJ ?oTw C.raV. Aromatic-Leaf at Irug w nr mall for 60 ct. Banv S. Tm Addres. Th. Mother Gray Co IeRor. N. T. CLARK CANNOT WIN ON FIRST BALLOT WASHINGTON. May IS. With more than two-thirds of the delegates to the Hemocratlc National Conven tion elected, control of the llnltlmore gathering remains as much In doubt as It did several week ago. Claims made today by the manager of the different rndldatc at the headqurt ers In Washington made it clear that none f them expects to control the convention through Instruction on the first ballot, even thouuh great stride are made for the respective candi dates In the convention and primar ies still to be held. The lVmocmttc convention will consist of 1094 dele gates. I'nder the two-thirds rule au pivlng to residential nomination. T2 vote will be necessary for any candidate who secure the nomination With about 320 delegate still to be elected, the trength of the respect tve candidates was given by their headquarter today a follow: Clark Claimed instructed. 323; pledged, S; total 39. Conceded to Wilson. SO (not Including IS from South Carolina, where the convention Indorsed Wilson ; conceded to I'nd erwood. S4: to Harmon, i; to Bald win, H: to Marshall. SO; to Uurke. in: considered doubtful, 127. IV : I f 1 i ni Instructed. Hi; Clark! and North IMiko- J" r1' l aalm"j favorable ;VlUn 3o! total of Wltson claim- - h ;:3- conceded to Clark - uiunsuu'. vu uuu . . . . . .,-.,, .i InderWOOO l.iaiun-u o ,..,,. nf iiHlmma. Florida. ! . MiiMii .,! 6 from! Totali 0. No other Jenn. 'se. io.a. cta'. h'?.e- h.uouarter. , At the Harmon 1: was said oday that a statement would be mad later M IS CALLED ENEMY TO i.uiiMii-i.h . . , . I 1 .1 . nra kont from 1.01'lSVIL.l.E, May IS. "One hun- area iauuuu auu. sundav school by golf." according to pha,lc disapprova or an suu.r 0f the Sabbath .n"! Na7- all unnecessary traveling nnu iall Mcurslons, and urge upon employ- i t ihr nnd tantains of industry to recognize the laboring man', need. ... . . . .. - n .1 thamhv In- UI UIB ' - . ! n,. oflirienrT and bappl of nis weemy resi uj -- t : suns uio fiow. ! ness. and the greater jrosiierity of I both capital and labor." ' The committee turns the spotlight I ii-.,h.tnn severely scoring the capital for "continued and increasing Sabbath observation." 3 STARVE TO DEATH IN TITANIC BOAT NEW YORK, May 16. Death from starvation tn.rst ana ---, the end of the tnree men i.u steamship Titanic wnose oooies in a collapsible boat picked up last Monday by the steamship Oceanic, in .i,ii. .riaA horo todav. Dr. French . i wuivu .. .-- . . i finding of opinion is based on tne uumm bilg o C0Tl n the mouth, of (he d(ad men whch he believe they chewed t0 ailay the pang, of hunger, . h b ,leg lg believed to be thEt of Thomson Beatle, a passenger. " arrived on the Oceanic to acndre. Michael and claim wr i "" fm the tiaiui ax- Edmund, who were rescued from tne Titanic. Their father perished. The widow was met at the pier by her cousin, Miss Hose Firunc, of Elkins Park, Maryland, and Miss Margaret Havs. of this city, who for week, car ed for the little survivors. FINED FOR BATTERING DOORS j rHlCAC.O, May 17. Because they ach wUh coali were imposed Judge Owens, , )lce McWeeney, Assistant Chief of Po- gchnettler and Election Comml- sioner Czarnetkl by Judge MCB-imey today. The charge wa contempt of court Judeg McKiniey, in hi decision, said: , . . "When Judge Owen, left the bench and went to the convention ball he . n ho court and became an ' individual. He participated In the vl- ' . ii,,nctlnn a. an lndl- UlilUUII wi il vl(1llM ,..ji..i t f.o.intrv Is on Tkl ( iorr of this country is on trial. The result of that trial depend. trial. Tne re.uu oi uiai inm uicuui, largely on the obedience of one court I ...... TO a superior unu. "Imprisonment In tni. case woum disorganize HUU ucuiuiniiuv ' ment There never was a time when peo- .i .nr.ra- atari the real menu oi i" -i... - - ... n a iniiTM- aipa me r-ai urcrn w. CONVENTION Chamberlain cougn iveuiu poration, ana uin n. nauiia, uhihuu- than riow. Thl I bown by the In- aire son of the late United State 8en cresse In ajes and voluntary testi- Utor Mark A. Hanna of Ohio. monials from persons who have been , cured fc' IL If yon or your children There' A Reason are troubled with a cough or cold give For the large and Increasing sale of it a trial and become acquainted with jor. Heir pine-Tar-Honey. When in it good qualities. For sale by Hunt-1 the need of a cough medicine try It ley Bro. Co., Oregon City. Hubbard i and you will know the reason. For and Canby. i ale by Harding' Drag Store. OKEOON CITY KNTKKPIUSH. KIM DAY, MAY 'J I, COLONEL SCORES WASHINGTON VOTE ROOSEVELT SAYS RE8ULT IS -SCANDALOUS" AND FRAUD , WAS COMMITTED THIRD TERM CHARGE IS ANSWERED Ex-Pretldent Declares Taft' Father And Brother Were Cupportert Of General Grant In Last Race DK FIANCE, Ohio, May 11 When Colonel Roosevelt learned the out come of the Washington (tale Re publican convention yesterday, a a lesult of which two set of delegate are to he ent to the National con vention, he denounced the action of the Taft upiorters "cnndalou" At Paulding he said: "The moat scandalous thing our op ponents have recently tried and fall ed In is to steal from the people of Washington the delegate of the slate Whenever we held primaries In that state we beat them. v nere tney were strongest we bent them 2 to 1. eimeavoreu iu ----- I. . , .. .i.,,,, . c,, ,.. mil t'aiii. vw vt c - ,hv cm.ld not get from the pocple." orowd met Colonel Roose velt during the day. At I.lmo while he was speaking a man called out: "What about the third term?" Colonel Roosevelt whirled about and pointed hi finger In the directlou of the questioner. Vn,i -n't ask me any question. you foolish creature, that I cun t an swer." he said. "1 will answer you bv quoting the words of President faffs hither about the third term." d a letter written by ' Judge Alphonao Taft. the President' I father, to the Cincinnati Enquirer. After quoting Judge Taft' opinion. In referring to Grant's candidacy for ' a third term, that the only danger lay in the use of Federal patronage for the purpose of proeurig a third has n0 earthly .Xnc.n'g a -Ingle otHce- uuiuer. ! ' 1 ' " " atlve of the privileged class, III' RUNG TON, la.. May 18 Champ Clark won 15 and Woodrow Wilson 7 of the 22 Iowa district dele gates to the Democratic National Convention in the caucausea held here prior to the opening of the state convention today. Athough the delegate, were chosen without instructions from their dis trict caucuses, their personal prefer ence, are said to be for t. iara anu ; - -nionei 8boVe. convention met at noon. M. P. Mealy, of Fort Dodge, was made temporary chairman. The delegate, cheered every mention of W. J. Hry an's name by Healy. t ih. rnnt,itinn for Instruction. were defeated, Iowa, it bad been pre- aia u'nuii QnH flltncpther. a di Vided 'deletation to Baltimore, with video delegation to iniuuwioi ;o favorable to Clark, and six pled ged to Wilson. However, at the last minute, both aides decided to name eight delegate, at-large, with a half vote each, instead of four, the num ber allowed the state. The only contest reported was from Woodbury County, in the Eleventh district, where Clark and Wilson dele gates were chosen. TAFT ILL FIGHT IF OH WHIM inniiVB Ohio. Mav 17. Support- er. of President Taft are today ap plauding statements maue uy me pres ident yesterday in which he virtual ly staked hi. political future on the result In Ohio. Friend, of the president declare that even if beaten in this state, President Taft will remain in the race for the Republican presidential nomination until the last ballot Is cast in the Chi cago convention. He will make It hi. mission, they declare, to do everything possible to defeat Colonel Roosevelt. LAFOLLETTE PLANS FIGHT ON COLONEL CHICAGO, May 17. Before leaving k, toio for Rowling Green. Rob ert M. Ia Follette announced that he would openly charge in the Ohio town that three millionaires, connected at present or at hhuu lu,c - i.. r . business" .enterprises, had raised tU ! ... t.i.ri tn Ananin'a cam. nresent or at various time with "big ; viiu.iivv w uii"-M-. - , paign for tne presioenuai duuhiibuuh Th.. mn hn sfltH. are GeorKe W. Perkins, former member of the firm of J. P. Morgan V Co.; Judge E. H. Gary, chairman or tne Doara oi di rector, of the United State Steel cor- i rerrors 01 Lite luiicu duiici c DELEGATION POLICE HUNT SLAIN 1.08 ANGKl.KK. May 17. With the identity of the woman who was murd ered In an unoccupied house here May 7 apparently fixed as Mrs. Katherlne Dillon of Chicago, the police today are concentrating their energies to trace the man believed to be her husband, and ho gave the name of A. Dillon. The man has not been seen since the illm-nverv of the lm.1v slid It Is Keller ally believed that he hn gone to Chi cago or San FTanclaco. According to Information hastily .lh,.r...l Mm L'nili.,i-liin Dillon was a nurse In Chicago, and A. Dillon wn an r Interne In a Chicago hospital. The p.uinla nmii here April 2tl. and rented room In West Eleventh street Tenons In the house declare they quarreled during the day. I jo In the afternoon they rented a room at SIO South HoH street, after incn uiey went to Hamburger's department store ml nnn-himed the hm the identifica tion of which led to the apparent Iden tification or the woman. I'hU.r nr i,n, s..imthin today de clared hla positive belief that the wo man a tdentltlcation is correct, no has telegraphed throughout the coun try a description of the mnn, who was about & feet 8 Inches tall, weighed nbout 155 or 160 pounds, was between XX nml 40 veara of age. was dressed In a gray suit and wore a black derby hat. wa smooth shaven and nan a prominent nose. He limped alight- Iv In the left foot, ills eye were brown and complexion ruddy. HARRY THAW'S BABY TA IlllirniT 111111(1110 IU IllllLIlI I IMLLIVMU, I ....... .4 . ih.i i Kyelyn Nesblt Thaw Is P"1'" (or tno mMM(mrim or the met- withdraw from the life or Harry K. unlaw Thaw, hef huslgind insiTne ' I charged however, that the prnctlo fonl Whit, now held a an Insane, . . .,i , . . . i -, man In Matteawan. were acoffed at here today by close mends or tne cou-, n o. who maintain that their .1-1 monthsold baby v blXZ?k " . 19 has been maintained by Cermany I likely to Inherit the bulk lauw(u, BtJl.mPll(, ...d unfair 71aZZTaT. friend. herol...:'ho.U toward, competitor. of Kvelvn assert. Is one of the chlef ; reasons why she w 11 flW",, ils time, but It Is pointed out she beleving that fc 1" 1 f.'. ; lb there are Inexhaustible quantl make their child his cl.lef heir. H . , h,(.h cml be vAevA al also believed that Harrys mouer , Mm. William Thaw will remember the boy In her will. If Evelyn remains. in the nilly. he.; During Thaw. snnUy hearing be- fore Judge In he prisoner wa. allowed exceptional per- sonai treeoom. no contributed to by the nr irary. dl- tlcally unlimited opportunity for per- Bb and unfair dealing, of sonal asscH-iatlon with his amlly "'".n,. the comfortable quarter, allotted d'r" dw rPi ,hl,.h wlH be hi. use ny tne snerm i ........ Thl. wa. the last time Lvelyn jnaw . ha. tinahnnn . ' biiw mi . .irin The girl lived In New York during the remainder ot the winter anu ineii went to Hamburg, t.ermsny. ..i,w mith friends who hnd accom panled her from here. In the spring of 1910 the Infant arrived. All who have seen the baby say he I boy with curly, raven hair and bright eye. COURT RAIDER TO DIE IN wiTOEviu.t v... m i wwi . enounced on Al- len todny, aa he may be called to-tes-tify In tue other rases. Allen wa. cheerful, preceding the Of II I V no f - announcement of the verdict in ex- ,'n of a mistrial, but when the vrrdTc.i;a..nnounced.herelaxedln- to despair. M ... t--..j ii,. una rhareed uecllicai- it at tbis time with the murder of Commonwealth'. Attorney rosier, prosecutor In the Carroll Louniy murj Prosecutor In the Carroll County Court or in kin! Ing of five persons Presiding jiwiw j Thornton L. Massle. Porsecutor win- inm M. Foster, Bherin i . Miss Elizabeth Ayre. and Juror Aug ustus Fowler. Arrests ot several of the Allen, fol lowed the shooting, but five of the principals escaped to the mountain.. Rewards for their arrest resulted In three of them being taken, but Bldna Allen. leader of the clan, and Wesley Kdwards, hi. nephew, .till are at large The other prisoner.. It I. expected will be tried immediately. BISHOPS ARE RAPPED BY BAKER RECTOR PORTLAND, May 22, (Special.) Caustic criticism wa heaped upon the bishops of the Protestant Episcopal Church by Rev. J. N. Harry, of Haker, at this afternoon' esslon of the I'nlted Clericus in SL Mark' Parish House. Mr. Parry, who 1 an Epl copalian minister, complained that the bishop are answerable to no body; that they observe the church law or not as they e fit, and that It cost, two-thirds aa much to main tain the six missionary bishop, on the Pacific Coast as It doe. to maintain all other misslonarie combined, in cluding the ordinary clergy and dea conesses. He told ofon . clergyman being compelled by hunger to east raw turnips. Mr. Parry', subject wa, 'Episco pacy In Relation to Church Unity. He said an outsider, contemplating a union of another church body with the Episcopal Church, would a.k wine very pertinent que.tion.. He charged that In at least one Instance Irregular ities had been found in the account of a bishop. PoisqT&aK K HEMtUT PILCS, CHltLIN rtLONS, UBN, ITC. cciar o iuijTiTjTtt. frco is Cenfs. ., mm m - T fl T I A R S ELECTRIC 1012. ALUMINUM TRUST El GOVERNMENT SUES TO RE STRAIN CORPORATION FROM CONTROLLING BUSINESS 500 PER CENT DIVIDEND DECLARED Company Own Virtually All Known Dspotlt In This Country Unlawful Compact Alleged PITTSltritd. May Kl.-Tlie Federal Government filed a civil antllrust suit ag.itiist the Aluminum Company of Am-'rica, which will be tb basl for an 'u greed decree," designed to restrain Ihu so-called aluminum tnlt from iiHnoHilltlnK the manufacture of aluminum and It. products, Includ ing cooking utensils. In a petition in equity (o the I'lilted Slate. Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania, the company I charged with being a tnonoimly re straining Interstate and foreign com merce In violation of the Sherman Inw. It Is declared to have ucqulred n substantial control of the aluminum Industry of the I'nlted State, and to have charged iinreaHonalily high prices and pro lit on Its products. The dlssoluilon of the coriHiration is not dissolution oi wi curiHiniiiiiii is ho sought but the court Is asked to la-1 alleged- unlawful couiitracta. coinbln- sue nine imuiu lujuut immib nKuum The Oovernuient concede that the rompuny's ownership of more than 9" per cent of the known deinislta of l,nvli.k Ithe hiise (if allllllinillll I in III lUlllltMIHJ 111 i'u.uw , . " ';,,.,,. th, rl)m. on h0 ' ' . kl .,,.. U1"P," ,.,,,, ,.,. ,.. kllown rompettlor forjilum- J .nuufm.tur If the restraints on """J u riimovt(l,. The history of the aluminum cook- , ,mlulltry , ,he VuHoiX H.tltlon. "I the hi.- Bbl,,wrcck. "caused rhlelly or . . lll f,.llnW j liuvt,rnln(.nt-a I)rayer for re- i-l.i u. .1 .i f . r... i wiinin n it-w ubii w.t. . . . . i btralnt. on me company. " i.i'-"- i obatlni, , ong uttla In the , . of iev,,nl .., of negotiation between the m . I k. nnSL tinea t Inn . William T. Chnntland, special as sistant to the Attorney-Generul, Is In chargo of the case, which he develop ed for the (iovernnient. The bill also Is signed by Attorney-General Wick ersliuin. Assistant Attorney-General Fowler and I'nlted State. Attorney Jordan, or Pittsburg. . The Aluminum Company, of Amer ica, incorporated In Pennsylvania, originally aa the Pittsburg Reduction Company, has grown. It Is pointed out from a $20,000 rnpltnllintlon In 1SHS, I ... ii. .. rA-;r.,7':r; i sunw. substantially 100 per cent of the alumina used In making alumi num: manufacture ubstnntinuy i per cent of the crude and semi-finish-ed nliimlnum for the I'nlted Btnte. : ami ( annua: more inni w ir of e a " l " ' , ov.r r0 per rent of aluminum casting for thl. country -used primarily In the automobile In- -';n " ,n j nove.,le. of ilnstry. nnd more tnan iu per rem u. j KeneVai make SUFFRAGETTES GIVEN 9 MONTHS IN JAIL LONDON, May 22. Mr.. Emmellne Pankhutst, the militant suffragette leader, and Mr. and Mr. Patrick Lawrence, Joint editor of "Votes for Women," were all found guilty at the Old Itnlley Sessions today, and each was sentenced to nine months' Im prisonment on the charge of conspir acy anl Inciting to malicious dnmage to property. The Jury in handing down it. verd let of guilty, acompanlcd It with a re commendation that leniency be shown to the prisoners, and Justice Cole ridge, In determining Judgment, took this Into consideration. The charge of conspiracy wa. brought a. a aequel to the window smashing demonstration In London. March 12. Mr.. Emmellne Pankhur.t wa. arrested for participating In the damage to property and wa. .enteri ced on March 22 to two month.' Im prlsonment, with a number of other women. It wa. while .he wa. serving that term In Jail that the charge of com plicity wa. brought against ber, Mr and Mm. Lawrence and Mis. Cry.ta btl 1'ankhur.t, the la.t of whom dis appeared. The i wo women in the dock were pathetic figure, when tne verdict of guilty wa. brought In by the Jury. Mr. Pankhurat clung to the edge of the prisoner.' enrlosure, trembling visibly, and pleaded to be treated a. a first class misdemeanant Mr.. Lawrence railing both hand. In the attitude of prayer, .wayed a she uttered the phrase: "May God defend us, a. our cause i. Just!" The prisoner were all sentenced to be confined In the .econd division, which doe not Involve hard labor. lame back I usually caused by rheumatism of the muscle of the back, for which you will find nothing better than Chamberlain' Liniment. For sale by Huntley Itro. Co., Ore gon City, Hubbard and Canby. GHT IS STARTED FACES SERI 8TKVKNSON, Wash.. Airl 17. Isa dora HI, Mnrllon, one of the owner of the SI. Martin's hot springs, Is under arrest on a charge of assault, and Perry Douglas, tlm complainant, I under the care of a physician ami trained nurse at Carson, suffering from what may prove to bu n fractur ed skull. Dougla wn Injured while employ ed as a structural Ironworker by the Oregon Trunk railroad, and went to St. Martin' spring to rccuiwrute. Day before yesterday, when wotiuin pallcnt at the St. Martin hotel remov ed to Shlpherd hot springs, Imuglui carried her satchel over the hill. Re turning from the Shlpherd hotel Doug las was met by Isadore St. Martin. "Are you a friend of Ted 8llp herd!" naked St. Martin, referring to the. owner of the rival hot springs. "No," answered Douglas. Whereup on, IKuiglas charges, St. Martin struck hltn over the head with a carpenter's linn ui'r iii iiinu "in. o,i - Iron plane, and began piimmellng hint with his lint. him wllh his list n-lm hlnur from I lie iilann nearly tmr- alyted IHiuglns, but he made hi culls for help heard. He was taken to l no Grnnd Trunk hotel nt Carson. Since Shlpherd established hi rural heniih resort a short distance up Wind river from the St. Martin's springs I vanra mi!,i til III' It K 11 1 11IOS 1 1 y Ims been shown toward the newcomer r salaries, lie was a faithful, con by the St. Martin. In a quarrel over Liienllous and Intelligent worker for the respective merit over the water ,, upbuilding of the city and county, of the two place some time ago, the jam) (he member of the publicity de eliier pi. .Maniun w hiii--m ... named llrow n. who was a guesl at the cider SI. Martlon wa miieu ny a man Miipueru pim e. Kl'tihNK Or. May 12. (Special.) The Thirty sixth Annuul Commence ment Kxerclse will bo held at the t'nlverslty of Oregon Juno 16-19. In clusive. The most attrai llvo program that has ever been offered I being prepared, and It I expected thut hun dreds or the Alumni will this year make the Journey back, to Kugene to revisit Hie scenes of early days and COMMENCEMENT WEEK PLANS ARE COMPLETED renew old acquaintance, and alsi er I. a credit to Mr ... " their allegiance to their alma mater, .county. In addition to his oth.r work Many have already signified their li- j Mr. U.elle Is the sccrc nry o ti e ! tendon of returning. tia. kmas County llortl. ullural Ho i The ihreo day of exercises and fee- 'lety. i t v It es will tin lime, on r.uiwu. i i" lia.-.alaureaie sermon, by Dr. A. A. erle. of Hostoni on Monday, base - ball game, and tournament ilvliles will Include, on Sunday. ti tween Alumni and Varsity. Annual ran mi i Meeting of the Alumnae. Shakeapcar's ment or a large business lon.ern In as iuj i.m n, - - , he Dramatic Club, ami the Musical I Knrulty Concert; on Tuesday, meet- "As Yni I.Ike It. oil ttlo ( ninpus, llv j . 0f f.onril of Regent. Anmuil meet . .( I I,. lMM(,lttl I .. -. I.k mn.i Vlil .InttM iLx-Kiitlnn. Mavuule and Folk dancei by (ilrU' Gymnasium classes, GIh Club concert on rumpus. Flower and Kern Piix esslon, and Annual Falling nil lliH.kman Oratorical Contest; and ; on Wednesday, Commencement Ad dress. I'nvelllng or Hun Dial, Alumni l!aiiiuet and Alumni Pnll. The Graduating class Is the larget.1 this year that has ever been turned out of the I'nlverslty, numbering one hundred fifteen In Engineering and Liberal Art, eighteen In Medicine, forty-seven In Uw. In addition lx will receive their Master' degree. Flagged Train With Shirt. Tearing hi hlrt from hi back an Ohio man flagged a trnln and aved It from a wrick, hut II. T. Alston, Ra leigh, N ('., once prevented a wreck with Electric Hitter. "I was In a ter rible plight when I began to use them," he write, "my stomach, head, 1. ,, k nml Ulil in-va were nil badly af fected and my ilver was In bad con dition, but four bottle of Electric. Hit- , ,.,,,. yo of lh ,r ! malchles. merit for any stomach, llv- er or kidney trouble. Price 1,0 cents at all druggists. WESTERN STOCK JOURNAL "A Live Stock Journal for Live Stock Men" has effected a combination oiler with THE WEEKLY ENTERPRISE both for one year . LAZELLE TO QUIT PUBLICITY WORK POPULAR COMMERCIAL CLUI AIDE WILL ENOAOI IN BUSINESS SUCCESSOR HAS BEEN EMPLOYED Booster Day Cslebrsllon, Hors - Show And Entertainment Arranged By Him Will Tak Vaoatlon Marshall J. I.elle, for two year timnng.'r of advertising and secretary of the promotion department of Ilia Commercial Club bus resigned. Ill resignation will lake effect Juno 1, but Im ha agreed to assist hi suc cessor In becoming eiuulutcd with , , i , woiK. A successor " l'Cll j llHmc,i ,,,t the department will not I 1.1. 1. 1... .Him r. ..vrl iluVH rcTi-iu inn iiu'iiiii i". Mk .' m,iM kIiIioiil-Ii a Yoilliu UIHII. i lias done a fine work In Oregon City. The promotion work under in on ministration has been or the highest order, and hn demonstrated that he hint even mom n til I it v ilinn many men serving In Imllnr cnpaiitle In oilier 1 . I , I ... In Dr.iuntl who Were Paid lligll- purlini'iit were loam in nccepi ins i- .lumiibin Mr. ljinlle after neiiig graduated from the Oregon Agricult ural College engaged III (arming, but was mm called to till city to he come the manager ami advertising agent or the promotion department, lie nlso served as manager of the county fair for two year, and the fair was never more prosperous. In fmt the assixiatlon cleared $l,0"tt each year while he wa In rhnrge. Mr. Unelle had charge of two boost er dav and two horse shows glveu In Oregon City and both of them were big autvcMi's. He originated and man aged the first poultry show In this countv. which was held Inst February and which gave an Impetus to the poultry Industry In this county. H later organised the Clackama Coun ty Poultry Association, which will have an annual exhibition. He start- . ...v- l, l.iil. II, -llv ' flirt Colli- xrrifiOll 1 I'J . 1 j mi,n.lni ,.iuu pupt-r. and hn been it ' tltr since Us Inception. The pap- ' Cpon severing his roniiei ii.ou "i ui -.. .. ., ij.,.,11. the Pu'-I.clty Department N Jr. I. , will spend the re.i.aln. er of the on a farm at Twlllgl , and In the i n ii .. . . i.. in mi iivh iiiniinitv . xiregun : PRESIDENT CALLS COLONEL "BOLTER" DAYTON. O., May 20. President T.ff. seven day. of speechniaklng througout Ohio came to an end hern tonight with a final pie to RepubIL can. to give him their support at to morrow's prlmnrle. and to defeat Col onel Tneodore Roosevelt, whom Mr, Taft dubbed "the bolter." In nearlv every one of a doten speeches Mr. Taft appealed for Repub licans to consider and keep In mind Mr. Roosevelt' Cleveland speech, where, the President said, he prophe sled a bolt. lie continued to predict the wreck nf the party if Mr. Roosevelt doe not rhnnge hi. attitude nnd Is not as sured of the nomination by the Re publican National convention. He ask Republican, to remember how long thst party had existed, what It alwaya hnd stood for. and to decide for them selves whether thev wishrd to see It disrupted to "gratify the ambition of I mio man."