OREGON PITY KNTKUPRTBW, FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1912, REAL' ESTATE T. Hurl mill (nr Hurt 0 A. And- fin, ihiiii in suction ;io, township I Mini, rang D tiinl; IU, Hiiltiimi Trust Company to Uylon Wisdom, liiml In Woodbtirn Orchard Coriiiiiiiiy'a Trad; fl, , Kiiplii'iiilit iiulih Richardson to Fran ami Mny Vantrcss, land in oMk drove M, II. mill Clara Hclmer to 0. P. liitlloy. vust-linlf of lot S, Robert J. IMmiioI Tract ; M)0, llnr mnl Ann llolteriiian to W. II. Hlmnk, Imid In Clackamas County! J. C. haliin to Huruh K. Panuels, 25 n ns of rx-tlon 1 ami 13, township 3 aoiilli, range I mat; $Hooo. W. i). ami Karlml U Hlmnk to llnil rv ami Anna lliillxriiian, laml In Bsc IImi 4. township J south, range 8 fUHt; J I o.onii. or.-mui Krnlty Company to A, Anderson, In ml in am Hon 2.'i. town an i l milli, range I eaat; 110. J. I), ami Ann Morrla to K. II. Whit field, Id arm of section 14, township 3 aotiin, riitiuo I east; l. W. K. and anil Ittith Deal to Alton Rogers, 10 acres of section J, town alil 4 aoutli, range 4 mat: 110. Crown Columbia l'uli 4 Paper Coin tmny to Crown Coliimlila paper Com puny, lmnl In Clataop, Clackamas, Multnomah anil Mini counties; 110. (imirgi) SSIti mayor to John Cottee, liiml In aoctlon 30, townalilp 1 aoutli, range 4 rant; 1 1 0. Ntdlle Warnock to John V. Johnaton 4 acres of section 10, township 6 aoutli rang I cunt; . John W. Iilir am Grace l-oder to 1). II. Iloltemlller and Christine Hot- tviiilllnr, lot 3 of block 25, Kalla View $1. Harali A. Chaaa to Andrew and Han tuih M'Culloch. lota 7, . block 2H, County Addition to Oregon City; ft,. 2oo. NurthwiHiicrn Association of Port land to William II. W hi I more, land In Itcilliuid Park; fl. Northwestern Association of Port land to William II. Whltmore, lund In licillmid I'ark; II. tl. A. and Miiki:I Cohli to Smium! T. Ithlcr. limit In Canhy tiardutia; fl,. ooo. I). C. and Mitrgaret llona to Italph and Durham l.uwrl, 'M.M acrva of philander 1). I,. ' . township 3 aouth, ranK 1 east; ITuoo. Knimsda Realty Comiatiy, to F. A. I.liiitrll. land In section 20, township 3 smith, ran KM 4 cast; 1 1. Lena and Wlllliim I'ndnrwood to J. W. Moilcy, Innd In II. C. Currln I). L. '., township 3 aouth, range 4 roil Isaac K. and Pear Hlnplca to It. M. and Murtlo It. Ilraah, 20 actva of aee tlou .It. township 2 aouth, range 4 east; i:imm, Mary I). Hlaaon to Robert C. Yeiuiny lota Id. 17, IN, block 12, Mllwaukls Park; fl. Clara K. Morey to Charles II. and Klla I.. Cauhcld, Iota 3, 4, block 1, Ore- icon City; i;oo. W. M. and Nellie Shank to W. K. lltaaitt, rt of lot t, of block 30, Ore icon City; fl. Portland Water Power and Kloc trtc Trunamlaalon Company to Ksta rada Realty Company, land In Ter ror Addition, auction 20 townalilp 1 aoiilh, rouge 4 cant: f'-oo. Ward and Juna It. Sliver to Herb ert tl. Crocker, 24. 25 acrea of I). L. C. of Thomaa le. townalilp 1 aouth, range 4 east; flO. Frederick and M Inula Mild to Bam uel J. Nunn, Innd In aectlon 4, town ahlp 1 aouth, rauae 2 eaat: fl. S. 1). anil Jennie M. Umalty to It. Ilrewer. lota 8. 9. Oregon llomca; II. It. 11. Meatle to K. T. QrittHb, laud In Clnckamna County: $1. (ieorKO W. Halo and Aralwll Hale to Victor Johnaon, land la action 32 townalilp 1 aouth, ranne 4 rat; 3, 000. E. 0. and Maria Caufleld to Joaeph Bchul. frnctloual lota of 6. 7, 8, . of block 10, llolton; 3M. Mury J. Jnck and Mill Jack to E. II. ltokkcn. land In D. 1 C, of Joro in la h Juik and wife, townalilp 6 aouth raniie 1 raat; :iol&. laaao and Helena Mcliaa to E. 8. Col I ln, aouth halt of aectlon 26, town alilp 6 aouth, ran tin 4 iH; fl. Oreiion llealty Comimny to V. Iteln holdt, aoutheaat quarter of aoctlon 20, townalilp 6 aouth, ratma 1 eaat; 3, 000. W. K. Ilanaer, to F. C. MIkUcIU and Kit MlKhalla. 10 acrea of aoctlon 12, townalilp 3 aouth, ranita 1 weat; fl,- too. Kmma E. Kaaton and Hobcrt A. Eaaton to John W. Ixdor. 6 acrea of aectlon I, townalilp 4 aouih, range 1 eaat; $1000. Kmma K. Raaton and Robert A. fiiaton to John W. Ixidc-r, 6 crea of aectlon 1, townahlp 4 aouth, range 1 caat; $1000. CLACKAMAS ABSTRACT A TRUST COMPANY. Lantl Tltlaa Examined. Abatracta of Title Made. JOHN T. CLARK. Mp. Office oyer Bank of Oregon City. ELDORADO Rtiowera are the order of the day. which are badly needed for grain end gardena. Mra. Cora Smith and daughter, Ar 1p4a, apent Rundny visiting Mr. and Mra. J. I.. Evana. Mra. Fount and Mra. C. Smith vialted In Mullno Hurnlny. Alex Walker tok hie first trip to Soda Springe. Mr. end Mrs. John Helvey were In Mullno Sunday . Albert Moahberger Is home from Normal School, Mr. and Mra. C. E. Smith and fam ily apont Sundny with Mr. and Mrs. Will Wallace. Mr. and Mra. Ed Howard apent Sun day at Cape Horn, the guests of Mr. and Mra. C. Smith. A number of couple attended the aurpriae party at Charles Spangler's Snturday. Mr. and Mra. Ed Forest and baby apent Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. Walker and family, the Walkers' be ing the latter's uncle and aunt who Just came from the East. Mra. Moshberr.er spent Saturday In Markahurg visiting her folks. Prunes are only about half crop thla year. Notice. Sealed blda will be received up to S o'clock P. M. on June 5th, 1912, by the County Clerk, at hla office In the Court House, for the construction of a wooden bridge across Abernethy Creek, to replace what la now known aa the "Jones Hrldge" across the Ab ernethy. Plana and apeclflcatlona may be seen at the office of the County Clerk. The County Court reaerrea the right to reject any and all blda. Ity order of the County Court. W. L. MUIA'ET, County Clerk STATE GRANGE NOTES. The delegates to the Oregon State Orange In Ha session at Itosaburg lust week, were (ha ablest body of man and wiimrn. that I have obenrv ed lb iiiiy aetilon and I have attended nil aeaslona ' begliinliiK with the one held In Albany In lltoO, also the ses sion at Oregon City In I Ho. 'I, The ae alon at Koanhurg wna holed for Ita liidepeiiilencn of thought and action Of 121 delegates entitled to acuta, 107 were present. With 107 votes caat C. K. Hpensn, of thla county, received 96. For Ihn first time, Sherman and Crook counties were represented, 2H of the 34 counties of the state having dele gates, Miiry h, Howard, of Mullno. was again chosen aa secretary, this being tier sum election. C, C. norland, of Oswego, was hon ored by election aa gatekeeper. t oiislilerithla time was consumed In the early purt of the session by ad dressee, most of It very profitably. (invurnor Weal Tuesday evening out lined hla prison policy, which seem ed to meet with a hearty reaiionae from th assembled grangers. He also discussed the road gucstlon with the grange, but was not aide to bring them to hla point of view. The next morning a compromise proposition waa offered the c range by the gov ernor. The good roads committee at first decided to report favorably to the governor's proposal, all but the chairman Inter changed their minds, with the result Hint there were two reporta from thla committee. The grange rejected both rcKrta and adopted a substitute resolution offer e by John Mohr, of Hood Illver, pledging Hie grange to the two road committee. The grange endorsed s,M mid choice or preferential voting and asked for an amendment of regis tration eliminating awearlng In of voters at the (Kills, and making regis tration permanent, while a person re mained a resident of one proclncL school siipervlsorshlp was endorsed by) a two thirds voto, The grange favor ed keeping the Agricultural College and Stale t'nlveralty aepurate and sup ported upon a mlllugo hauls. The Krange alao voted by two-tblrda vote to favor paying atuto representative and senators $rno per session aa aal ary. It was directed the State Maater to apiiolnt a committee of five to or- raulio a cooperative association for buying and aiding. A resolution full of bltterneaa was adopted condemning simile tax, but the biting preamble wna later expung ed from Hie record, leaving a very strong resolution against single tax. W. S. C Ken wss given 40 minutes to oppose the resolution and delivered very able address. Oovernor West gave the grange warning that a group of corporation people were trying to hand the people a lemon In the guise of constitutional amendment purporting to opiiose ain- gle tax, hut In reality to keep fran- chlaea and corporatione from paying taxea. F. W. aim EAST CLACKAMAS Friday. May 17, being the laat day of school here It waa celebrated In the East Clackamas style. At noon the patrons of the school marched forth with well filled baaketa for the main- tnlnance of the Inner man, the teach er had provided lemonade, ao coffee and lemonade were aerved with the delicious lunch, After lunch a gooo , program was rendered by the puplla under the direction of the teacher which waa well carried out after which the patrons of the district were railed on to apeak. Mr. M. S. Shearer made a speech with aome well choaen and creditable remark a of the teachor and she had condurted the school and herself, after which a few notables made remarka., The base ball game at the laat day of achool waa hotly couteated by both aldea, Captain Ilnmnet twisting the lion's tall good and hard but owing to the accident In the laat Inning Captain Shearer held the largest bunch of tallies, the game standing 2S to 24 In favor of Captain Shearer. Miss Ilerdlne Knutson, of Canby, waa the guest of her alater Tlllle Knut son Friday and Saturday. Grnnitnui Sweeney helped to awoll the Inrgeat crowd that ever attended the laat day of school at East Clack amaa. Mlas Tlllle Knutson left for ber home at Canby Snturday after com pleting a successful t months' term of school here. Our merchant, Mr. A. Henrlch. Is doing a flourishing bualneea for the length of time the store has been In operation. K. R. Poyer, who haa been laid up for repairs for nearfly a week, la allghtly Improved at preaent He waa suffering from a carbuncle on his left leg. 2EMO FOR YOUR SKIN. Eczema, Pimples, Rssh and All 8Mn Afflictions Quickly Healed. No matter what the trouble, ecxe- ma, chafing, pimples, Bait rheum, Ze- mo InatauV lop Irritation, me cure cornea quicg. ninaa ngni in, leaving no trace. Zemo la a varnlah-Ina- lliiuld. Your skin fairly, rovela Ith delight the moment Zeuio I ap for nllod. Greatest thing on earth dandruff. The wonderful way In which Ecse- ma. rashes, plmplea. dandruff, tetter quickly heala by the magic touch of Zemo la marvelous, zemo is sola Dy leading druggists everywhere, and In Oregon City by the Huntley Rros. Co. Drug Store. Wants, For Sale, etc. Strawberry pickers wanted by E. P. Dedman, Clnrknmaa, or phone Farm er 06. DTTOGY FOR SALE A Studebaker bike buggy In flrat class condition, at a bargain. Inquire at 104 8th St WANTED Summer Normal Teachers as summer boarders at the Seventh Itreet Hotel. Write or Phone Mrs. nna Mattley. Phone A-253 or Main 292, Oregon City. FOR SALE S-year-old colt standard bred.s osnd. well broken and per fectly safe; also new buggy, and two aeta of hameaa. A rln for quick buyer. William Gardiner, Oregon City. STRAYED From plate near Clorkee' etore on Mny 11th, one rangy, Oar bay mare, weight about 1050 pound. bout 10 years old, full shod. Das light limp In left hind leg, faint brano, on same leg. Suitable reward lor in formation regarding whereabouts of thla anamal. A. M. Welch. R. F. D. No. 4, Oregon City, Oregon. LOST Red and white Durham cow. Finder notify B. 8. Wackwood. Ore gon City R. No. 1, or Charles Fehra. Sellwood care of Rottlemlller'a store. Summons, In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, For the County of Clack- ninaa. Flora Plnard, Edward Plnard, An drew Plnard, by Edward Plnard, bis guardian, ad litem, Henrietta plnard lllnes, Eva Plnard Malhlot, Orella Plnard Kelly, and J. I Kelly, Plain tiffs, vs. John W. Udd, J. W. Udd, William C. Johnson, Cluckamaa County and nil heirs of John w. Udd, J. W l.iidd and William C. Johnaon, and all oilier unknown persons, dofen dstila. To John W. Udd, and 3. W. Udd and all heirs of John W. Udd and J. W, Udd and all other unknown por- aons, defendants. In the Name of the Stale of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer to the complaint til ed ngalnat you In the above entitled suit on or before July tth, 19r., and ir you rull ao to answer, plaintiffs will take decree adjudging that the plaintiffs are the owners In foe aim- pie of the N.K.J of the N.K.J of Sec tion numneren iv in lownsliip 3 Houth. Itnnga 1 Weat of the Willam ette Meridian. That the defendants nor either of thorn have any right, ti tle or claim In and to said property or any part thereof. That power of attorney from John W. Udd to Wlll liim C. Johnson be doclured null and void and revoked and of no further effect with respect to tho nrouortv herein deacrlbed. That tax deed aet out In complaint, to Clacknmea County ne oeciared null and void and of no effect. For such other rollef aa to tho Court may aoein Just and equit able herein. Service of this summons Is made uiHin you by publication. In pursuance of an order of the Honorable It. II. Iteatle, Judge of Clackamas County. In the absence of the Circuit Judge, made May 2'lrd. 1912, directing auch publication In the Oregon City Enter prise once a week for alx success- ve weeks, the first publication being Mny 24th, 1912, and the laat July Ctb, miz. IIAHItY I'EI.DEKHAUM, Attorney for plaintiffs. I. Hurry Felbvrbaum, plaintiff's at- orney, hereby certify that the above entitled suit waa filed In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon on the 1st day of March. 1912, and that the almvela a true copy, prepared by me, of the aiimmona In aald sulu HAItltY FEUJEKIIAUM, Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the Cthinty of Clack amaa. Joaie Kennedy, plaintiff, vs. Frank Kennedy, defendant To Frnnk Kennedy, above named de denfnnt: In the name of the State or Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and anawer the complaint filed agnlnst you In the above entitled suit on or before the 6th day of July, 1912. aald date being after the ex piration of aix weeka from the first putiiicatlon of thla aummona; and If you fall to appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof, the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the re lief demanded In the Conuilalnt, to wit: For a decree dlaaolvlng the bonda of matrimony now exlating between the plaintiff and defendant above jHpf (0 ,he Court miy p)m meet ana Just. Thla Summons Is published for six successive weeks by order of the Hon orable R. n. Iteatle. Judge of the County Court, Clackamas County. Ore gon, In the absence of the Circuit Judge, made the I3rd day of May, 1912. Dale of flrat publication. May 24th. 1912: date of laat publication. July 6th, 1912. W. D. ORDWAY. Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice of Administrator's Sale of Real Property. Notice la Hereby Given, that In pur suance of an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Multnomah made May 8th. 1912, duly entered In the matter of the eatate of Thomaa Mercer Slinls ter, deceased, the undersigned Admin istrator of aald eatate, from and after Saturday, the 15th day of June, 1912, will proceed to aell at private sale all the Interest the decedent had at the time of hla death, or which his estate now haa, to-wlt: an absolute equit able ownership, subject to the claim of Ceorge K. McDougall In the sum of $4071.11, with Interest thereon at seven per cent from December 7th, 1910, In and to the following deacrlb ed real property, situated in Clacka mas County, Oregon, to-wlt: Northeast quarter of Southwest qunrter (NEJ of SWJ) and South half of Southwest, quarter (Sj of SWj) of Section four (41. Townahlp three(S) South. Range five (5) Eaat of the Willamette Meridian. Terms of aale cash, or one-half cash and balance secured by a flrat nmrtgnge on the land aold, upon con firmation of the aale by the court and execution of adminlatrator'a deed. Diets will be received for the whole of said land In one parcel, or In separate parcels. Legal title rests In Portland Trust Company of Oregon, which the administrator will cauae to be con veyed fiee of all equltlea and incum brances to purchasers' at a price and on terma acceptable. Abstract will be furnished and reasonable time giv en for examination of same. Sale will be subject to confirmation by the Court For further particulars. Inquire of the Administrator In the Spalding Building, Portland, Oregon, or of Piatt ft Platt, his attorneys, No. 901-8 Hoard of Trade Building, Portland, Or egon. WIU.IAM S. TURNER, Administrator of Estate of Thomas Mercer Slmlater, Deceased. 8ummons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clnckamaa County. Lulu Kramer, Plaintiff, vs. Willis Kramer, Defendant To Willla Kramer, Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and anawer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled ault within six weegs from the date of the flrat publication of this summons, to-wlt: Within six weeks from the 26th day of April, A. D. 1912, to-wlt on or be fore the 8th day of June, A. D. 1912, and If you fait to ao appear and an swer the said complaint for want thereof the aald plaintiff will take de cree against you as prayed for In said complaint to-wlt: That the bonda of matrimony existing between you and thla plaintiff may be dissolved; that said plaintiff may have the cuatody of her minor child Mildred V. Kramer; that all Interest and claim of you In any and all real property belonging to aald plaintiff may be dissolved and held for naught aald real property be ing more fully deacrlbed In those cer tain deeds recorded In the record of deeds for the County of Multnomah, book 432, page 127 and book 439, page 87. and for the County of liaker, book 59, page 6X9, and for the County of Marion, book 102, page 284, all In the Slate of Oregon; and that aald plain tiff may have Judgment against you for her costs and disbursements here in. This summons Is served upon you by publication thereof once a week for alx successive weeks In the Ore gon City Enterprise, a weekly news paper of general circulation, published at Oregon City, In the County of Clackamas and State of Oregon, and aald service Is made In compliance with an order made by the Honor able J. 1J. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled court, dated the 20th day of April, A. I). 1912. NOIITHUP k (JEAKHAIIT, Altorneya for Plaintiff, I nl of first publication, April 20th, A. I). 1912; date of last publication, June 7th, A. U. 1912. Notice of Float ttlemsnt Nolle Is horetiy fivrn that the under. signed ss rxei uirlx "t Mm iat of lli-nry II. IjiiiiIi, ili-i-eiuHMi lias nun i,t niisl cunt ns sm-h eswutrlx In in I'ountv Court of ClHi-HnrnK County and Hut of ireKon. aim llie court lias M Mumluy June til. mil. at tlia hour nf lu m-iock A. M of sulu any sa tlie time for set tllna the suld esinle Any uerwms havlnc nbler-tlnns til Mid flmil sceount sre nTvtfy notified to au- peiir at the Counly court room hi the eourthoiise at Oreifon ( Ity. OrrKon. Hie iil-l day and make tli sum known to the court. Iulid Mny 71. l'.UJ. KMMA J, I.AMII-HONNKT, Kseeiitrix of Hi" Kalstv of Henry II. 11 lilt), DeewuwU. Executrix's Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned haa been appointed by the County Court of Clackamae County, Oregon, Executrix or the last will and testament of Gilbert S. Itandall, de ceased; all persons having claims agulnat said eatate are hereby notllled to present the same to me or at the office of my attorney, O. I). Kby, In Oregon City, Oregon, duly verified aa by law required, within alx months from dale hereof. EUA H. HA NO A LI,, O. D. EKV, Attorney for Executrix. First publication, May 10, 1912. Administratrix's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been apiolnted by the County Court of Clackamas County Oregon, Administratrix of the estate of Fred A. Ely, deceased; all persons having claims against said eatate are hereby notified to present the same to me or at the office of my attorney, o. I). Eby, In Oregon City, Oregon. duly verified as by law required within aix months from date hereof. CHRISTINA ELY, Administratrix. O. D. EDY, Attorney for Admlnlstra trix. , First publication. May 10, 1912. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, Anna Joseph Getos, plaintiff vs. Joaeph H. Getos, defendant. To Joaeph H. Getos, defendant In the name of the Slate of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and anawer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or be fore the 29th day of June, 1912,that day being alx weeka from the flrat publi cation of the summons herein, and If you fail to appear and anawer herein, the plaintiff wilt apply to the Court for the relief prayed In the complaint on file herein, to which reference la made horeln, and more particularly aa follows: for a decree annullng and dlaaolvlng the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between the plaintiff and defendant herein on the ground of defendant's wilful de sertion of the plaintiff for the period of more than one year continuously Immediately prior to the commence ment of this suit and for such otber and further relet aa may be equitable. Thla aummona Is served upon you by publication thereof for not less than six consecutive weeks In the Or egon City Enterprise, a paper of gen eral circulation published In the City of Oregon City, Oregon, County of Clackamas. State of Oregon, and by the order of Jhe Honorable J. U. Campbell. Judge of the above entitled Court, which order la dated the 11th day of May. 1912. the date of the first day of publication of this aummona being May 17. 1912. and the laat day of publication of thla aummona la the 28th day of June, 1912. U T. LEWIS, Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of ClacKa mas. In the matter of the application of Andrew C. Olson for change of name to Andrew M. Hemway. Notice la hereby given that the un dersigned, Andrew C. Olson, has filed his petition In tne aoove enutiea cause and court praying for a decree of anld court changing hla name from Andrew C. Olson to that of Andrew M. Hemway, for the reasons sei forth in said petition on file herein and the court haa set Monday, the 10th day of June. 1912. at the hour of ten o'clock A. M., of said day, at tne County Court Room In the Court House, at Oregon City, in cincgamas County, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing any and all oDiecuons thereto . Any and all persona naving objections to the granting of said pe tition or such cnange or name must appear at aald time and place and pre aent aiicn onitgauona ior ine consiu eration of the above entitled Court Date of first publcation ot thla no tice. May 10, 1912. Date of laat publication of this no tice. June 7, 1912. Dated, at Oregon City, Oregon, May 9th, 1912. ANDREW C. OLSON, Petitioner. Dlmlck & Dlmlck, Attorney! for Pe titioner. " Admlnlstrstor's Notice Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned haa been appointed by the County Court of Clacxamaa County, Oregon, administrator of the eatate of William H. Green, deceased; all per sons having claima against aald eatate are hereby notified to preaent the same to me or at the office of my attor ney, O. D. Eby, in Oregon City, Ore gon, duly verified aa by law required, within aix montha from date hereof. HARVEY D. GREEN. Administrator. O. D. E1SY, Attorney for Administrat- ""Vlrst Publication, May 10. 1911 ""Executrix's Notice. Notice la hereby given that the un designed haa beenappolnted by the County Court of Clackamaa County, Oregon, Executrix of the laat will and testament of John Harleaa, deceased; all persons having claima againat aald eatate are hereby notified to present the same to me or at the office of my attorney, O.D. Eby, In Oregon City. Oregon, duly verified as by taw re quired, within six months of date here of. JENNIE HARLES3. Executrix. O. D. ETlT. Attorney for Executrix, First publication. May 10, 1912. Notice of final Settlement Notice la hereby given that tne un dersigned administratrix with the will annexed, of the estate of Jacob Haider, deceased, has filed ber final account and report In aald estate snd the County Court of Clackamaa County, Oregon, has fixed Monday, the 17th day of June, 1912, at ten o'clock A. M. at the County Courtroom In the County Courthouse In Oregon City, Oregon, as the time and place for hoarlng objections to the said ac count and the settlement thereof. ANNIE II. JOHNSTON, Administratrix with the will an nexed of the estate of Jacob Itabler, deceased. Dated May 17, 1912. Jos. E. Hedges, Attorney. Notice to Creditors Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned baa been duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Ore gon for the County of Clackamas, Ad ministratrix of the eatate of Charles ((overman, deceased. All persons haz ing claims against aald estate are hereby required to preaent them to me at the office of U'Ken SrSuebel, Oregon City, Oregon, properly veri fied as by law required, within six montha from the date hereof. Date of first publication, April 26, 1912. OTILLIA REVERMANN, Administratrix of the estate of Charles Hevennann, deceased. CHEN tc. 8CHUEIIEL, Attorneya for Administratrix. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka maa. Bertha Johnaon, Plaintiff, vs. Aaa Johnaon, Defendant To Asa Johnaon, Defendant: In tho name of the State of Ore gon, yoii are hereby required to ap pear and anawer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the 10th day of June, 1912, and If you fall to move, demur or answer, plaintiff will take a decree against you, forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between the plaintiff and yourself, and for the custody and control of the minor child, John, and for such other and further relief In the premlaes as to the Court may seem Just and equitable. Service of this summons Is made upon you by publication In pursuance of an order of the Honorable J. U. Campbell. Circuit Judge of Clackamaa County. Oregon, made on the 23rd day of April. 1912. ordering such publica tion In the Oregon City Enterprise. once a week, for alx consecutive weeks, the first publication being Ap ril 26, 1912, and the last publication being June 7, 1912. C. J. MJCHELET, Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned as administrator of the es tate of Martha Ann Rullock, deceased, has filed hla final account as such ad ministrator in the County Court of the Stale of Oregon, for Clackamas County, and the Court has set Mon day, May 27th, 1912, at 10 o'clock a m.. for bearing objections to aald fin al account and for settling said es tate. Dated April 25th, 1912. GEORGE S. BULLOCK, Administrator of the Estate of Martha Ann Bullock, deceased. GORDON E. HAYES, Attorney for Administrator. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County ot Clacka mas. H. J. Bennett, Plaintiff, VB. Lotle Bennett Defendant i To Lotle Bennett the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled cause on or before the 25th day of May, 1912, and If you fail to so appear and answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will ap ply to the Court for the relief prayed for In his said complaint to-wit: For a decree of divorce dissolving the marriage contract existing be tween the plaintiff and the defendant This summons is published by or der of the Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon for Clackamaa County for the Fifth Judicial District made and en tered on the 11th day ot April, 1912, and the time prescribed for the publi cation of this summona is six weeks beginning Friday, April 12th, 1912, and ending with the issue ot May 24th, 1912. W. B. GLEASON. Attorney for Plaintiff. 2-3 Mulkey Building, Portland, Oregon. Summon for Publication. In the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon for Clackamaa County. Peter Moritz, Plaintiff, vs. Elizabeth -Morltx, Defendant To Elizabeth Moritz, above named de fendant: In the name of the State ot Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled court and cause. on or before the 25th day ot May, 1912. and If you fail ao to appear or answer the plaintiff for want thereof will apply to the court for the reiier prayed for in the complaint which Is, that the marriage now existing be tween you and the plaintiff be forever dissolved, and for auch other and further relief as to the court may aeem just and equitable. This sum mons Is aerved upon you by pulia tion by order of the Hon. J. U. Camp bell, judge of the above entitled court which order is dated April 6th, 1912. The date of the first publication of this summons is April 12th, 1913. and the last date of publication is May 24th, 1912. FRANK SCHLEGEl Attorney for Plaintiff. Summona. Ia the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Dottle Wright Plaintiff. va. Edwin J. Wright Defendant To Edwin J. Wright, the above named defendant: la the name ot the State ot Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed againat you In the above entitled ault on er before Saturday, the 25th day of May, 1912. said date being aix weeks from and after the date of the first publi cation ot this summons, exclusive of the date of the first publication there of, and If you fall to so appear In answer for want thereof, plaintiff will apply -to the Court for the relief de manded In aald complaint to-wit: For a decree forever dissolving and an nulling the bonds of matrimony and marriage contract heretofore and mow PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Harvey E. Cress. CROSS & HAMMOND ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW We have now moved to our permanent quarter In the Beaver Building. Next to the Andreaen Building. Real Estate Abatracta Mala) Street Loans, Insurance Oregon City, Or. JOSEPH E. HEDGES Lawyer MONEY TO LOAN existing between you and the plain tiff herein, and that plaintiff be al lowed to resume her maiden name. that of Dottle Dawson, and for such other and further relief as to Ue Court may aeem meet and equitable. This aummona la published by or der of the Honorable R. B. . Reatte, Judge of the County Court of the HI at of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas, which said order waa made and entered on the 9th day of April, 1912, directing that said publication be made la the Oregon City Enter prise, a newspaper of general circula tion, published in Oregon City, Ore gon, and that aald publication be made once a week for six consecutive a id successive weeks. The date of the first publication of this summons Is April 12. 1912. and the date of the last publication thereof Is May 24. 1912. DIMICK DIM1CK. Attorneya for Plaintiff. 8ummons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. Cleo Welch. Plaintiff, vs. Fred Welch. Defendant To Fred Welch, Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you ' I. V. - - nni,.u ., An - ill uiv auviv cuuim BUIL VU V, isv- fore the 8th day of June, 1912; said day being more than six (6) weeks after the date of the first publication of this Summons, and It you fail to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In bis complaint to-wlt: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now ex isting between the plaintiff and your self. This summons Is published in pur suance ot an order of the Honorable J. U. Campbell, presiding judge of the above-entitled court, made on the 29th day of April, 1912, directing the same to be published in the Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly newspaper of general circulation published in the County ot Clackamas, and State of Oregon. Date of first publication. May 3. 1912. Date of last publication, June 7, 1912. MAC MAHON. Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon, for Clackamas County. Paul Beattie, Plaintiff, va. Frances Beattie, Defendant In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the Sth day of June, 1912, said day being more than aix weeks after the day of the first publication ot this summons, and if you foil to answer for want thereof, the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief demand ed In his complaint to-wit: For a de cree dissolving the bonda of matri mony heretofore and now existing be tween the plaintiff and yourself. Thla aummona ia published in pur suance of an order of the Honorable J. U. Campbell, presiding Judge of the Circuit Court made on the 29th day of April, 1912, the aame to be published in the Oregon City Enterprise. Flrat publication May 3. 1912. Last publication. June 7, 1912. MAC MAHON. Attorney for Plaintiff. Summona for Publication In Forccloa. ure ot Tax Lien. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oreeon for Clackamas County. Theresa Stegman, Plaintiff, va C. Rondau, Defendant To C. Rondau. the above named De fendant: in the name of the State ot Oregon, n ra harehv notified that Theresa SUgman, the holder of Certificate of Delinquency numbered 163, issuen on th Rrh dav nf January. 1909. br Tax Collector of the County of Clackamas, State of Oregoa, for the amount of Two aLd 23-100 Dollars, the aame Do ing the amount then due and delln nent fm- tares for the year 1907, to gether with penalty, interest and costs thereon upon tne real property as sessed to you, of which you are the owner as appears of record, situated in said County and State, and par ticularly bounded and described aa follows, to-wit: Lot 14, Block 32, Oregon Iron A Steel Company's First Addition to Os wego. Clackamas County. Oregon. Vnn in further notified that said Theresa Stegman has paid taxes on l said premises for prior or suDsequem years with the rate of interest on said amounts as follows: Year. 1908; paid March 15, 1909; receipt number, 5667; amount J3.50. Year, 1909, paid March 1. 1910; re ceipt number, 1698; amount 32.88. Year, 1910; paid February 21, 1911; receipt number, 1094; amount M-15. Year, 1911; paid February 19, 1912; receipt number 1195; amount 35.03. Said Theresa Stegman aa the owner of the legal title ot the above de anrtiwut nmnertv aa the same appears of record, and each of the other per sons above named are hereby further notified that Theresa Stegman win apply to the Circuit Court of the Coun i. ami Rmt a aforesaid for a decree foreclosing the Hen against the prop erty above described ana menuoneu In aald certificate. And you are here h, snnimnneit ta an near within sixty days after the first publication of the summons exclusive oi tne aay oi boju . . . . I . . .Vis r. I first puolication, aau ueieuu mm . ,inn r rv tho amount due aa aoove shown together with costs and ac crued Interest and in case or your failure to do so, a decree will be ren rnreiniiinr the letn of Bald tax ea and costs against the land and premises above named. This summons is published by order of the Honorable J. U. Campbell. Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for me ixmniy oi Clackamaa. and said order was made ..4 rttet thla 15th dav of April. 1912. and the date of the first publication Df this summons is xne itn oy in April. 1912. All process and paper la thla pro- William Hammeed WCINHARO BUILDINO ceodlngs may be served upon the un dersigned within the State of Oregon, at the address hereafter mentioned. BROWNELL. t BTONB, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Address, Oregon City, Oregon. Phones Pacific 62 Home A-151 BROWNELL A STONE Attorneys-at-Law All legal business promptly attended to U'REN A SCHUEBIL i Attorneys-at-Law Dautscher Advekat Will practice In all courts, make collections and settlements. Office In Enterprise Building, Oregon City, Oregoa- C D. A D. C. LATOURETTE Attorneys-at-Law Commercial. Real Estate aad Probate oar Specialties. Of fice In First National Bank Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. ooeeeeeoeeeft W. S. EDDY, V. Sn M.D.V. Graduate of the Ontario Veteri nary College ot loronto, Canada, and the McKillip School of Surgery of Chicago, has located at Oregon City and established aa office at The Fashion Stables, Seventh Street near Main. Both Telephones . Farmers' tja Mail ijii CLAUDE W. DEVORE, Attomey-at-Law Notary. Public Estacada, Oregon. ! -e Clackamas County Headquarters CLACKAMAS TITLE CO, S10 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. Full equipment of maps, plats? abstract book and tax rolls. Agent for Clackamas County Lands, Money Loaned, Title Perfected. E. F. A F. B. RILEY, Attorney A Counsellor at Law eooe STRAIGHT I SALISBURY We make a specialty of Install ing water system and plumb ing In the country. We carry the Leader tanks and Stover en gine We have a full line ot Myers pumps and spray pump. Price alwaya lowest. 720 Main 8t Oregon City Phone 2682. eeao a D. EBY Attorney-at-Law Money loaned, abatracta furaissr ed, land title examined, estate settled, general law bualneea Over Bank of Oregon City. e jiss; i j'ris'er 0V SW'',',",W' Its distinctive quality and rare dellctoua flavor suit the palate of the most exacting connoisseur. Sold by LEADING DEALERS. HASPER