Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 22, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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Do not MP th sprint oi tit by neglect, of the human ncehanism, by allowing
lb ooumulutioa oi poisons la th system. An imitation oi Nature's method ol
rtorin west oi tissu and impoverishment of the hlood end nervous strength !
lo teke en elleretive flyoaria extract (without aloohol) oi Golden Seel end Oregon
(rape root, Bloodroot, Stone and Mandrake root with Cherryberk. Over 40 year
Ho Dr. Pierce ev to the publio thii remedy, which he called Dr. Pierce Cioldea
Medical Diicovery. He found it would help the blood in taking; up the proper ele
ment! Irom lood, help the liver Into aotivity, thereby throwing out the poisons from
lb blood end vilelixin the whole system ae well ai allayin and soothing couth.
No one ever taket cold unleai constipated, or exhausted, and having what we
Mas. Dob. io la rood health.
Mrs. M. C. Young went to Portland
Mr. J. Petera was In Portland on
Mrs. Joe Thornton spent Saturday
In the Rose City.
Dora Seely and Mr. and Mrs. Tauch
man were In Portland Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gould came from Sa
lem to attend the dance Saturday ev
ening. Dr. and Mrs. Kettle were visitors In
Wilsonville Sunday.
Marlon Young, with his usual pro
gressive spirit, was the first resident
of our village to purchase a CO-rlde
book, which makes the fare only one
cent a mile to Portland, and the ticket
can be. used by any member of the
There was a large attendance at
the dance on Saturday evening, and
the supper which was served by the
wives of the Odd Fellows was all of
the very best, and then some.
John Butson, a former real estate
fa. cronf tiorci haa returned to Wilson-
ville to reside permanently, and is
about to purchase the property now
owned by Chas. Peterson. Mr. But
son finds that Wilsonville and vicinity
property is the best ever.
Mrs. Marion Young entertained a
few friends informally on Thursday
of last week.
! Mrs. Howard visited Mr. and Mrs.
Reed Graham Monday.
H. D. Aden went to Portland Friday
on business for his prosperous firm.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Baker, Mr. and
Mrs. Alison Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Reed
Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Young and oth
er Wilsonville residents attended the
funeral of Mr. Smock at Sherwood,
on Sunday.
Dr. Brown will soon build his drug
store here, which is something needed
The Corral Creek school girls' sew
ing society met with Mrs. Alison Bak
er Saturday, with Miss Batalgia in
charge of the sewing. Mrs. Baker
served a delicious lunch.
Glenn Epler visited relatives and
friends near Wilsonville the last of
the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ridder and family at
tended the funeral of Mrs. Keller
meier, at Frog Pond, on Monday.
Miss Murray, the teacher of the lo
cal school, was called to Washington
Friday on account of the serious ill
ness of her youngest sister, Kate.
Word has been received that Kate
died Monday, which will be very sad
news to the many friends here. The
school has been closed the past week,
but word has been received from Miss
Murray that she will be back to as
sume her duties again Monday, March
Mrs. Marion Young has been ap
pointed superintendent of the juve
nile fair to be held in Wilsonville in
August Mrs. Young is both capable
and progressive and we are assured
that the village fair will be carried
out systematically with Mrs. Young
as oveneer, and we are sure that a
better appointment could not have
A New Water System
ATTIC -- -' -
! tcoN8 X2s2r
n n
5 I i I'd;! -sy2Jy 2ma
rr? I LJ
People living out of town can have all the conveniences of
the city by installing one of our New Water Systems. The
coil in your range does the pumping while you are cooking your
meals. Gives an abundance of water for domestic purposes.
Coort Hoose Block, Oregon City. BOTH PHONES
please mention the Enterprise when answering ads.
call mal-nutrition,which Is attenue a wun impovcnineu oiuou
nd exhaustion ol nerve lore. The " Discovery" ! ell
round tonio which restore tone to the blood, nervee and
heart by imitating Nature' methods of restoring wast
oi tissue, and feeding; the nerves, heart and lunfs on rich
red blood.
"I suffarsd from iln under mr rlffct shoulder Made also a nr
wrere eouah." writes Mm. W. IVrm. of New H rook land, 8. U. to Pr.
K. V. Pierce Buffalo, N. Y. "Had four dirtarent docUira and new did
me anr eood. Soma said I had consumption, othora said I would have
to have an operation. I waa bedridden, unahle to ait up for six months
-and was nothins- but a live skeleton. You advised ma to take Dr.
Tierce s Goklea Medical Diaoovery and Dr. Pleiry s Pleasant Pallrt.
VbMi 1 had Ukan one bottle of the Discovery ' I emild sit up for an
hour at a time, and when 1 had taken three bottiea 1 could do my
cookine and tend to the children. I took fourteen bottles In ail and waa
My weight to now 167 pound.
been made.
Miss Anna Batalgia was given a
birthday surprise party on Friday ev
ening by her schoolmates. Games
were played, refreshments served and
the young folks had a splendid time.
Don't fall to attend the all-day ses
sion of the Parent-Teachers' Associa
tion in Wilsonville M. B. A. hall on
Saturday. March 30th. A dinner will
be served at noon in the A. O. W. W.
hall, both halls having been donated
for the occasion. Every resident of
the village and vicinity Is cordially
200,000 Tubes
Of Sutherland's Eagle Eye Salve were
enid in ions and not one word of com
plaint, though every tube was sold un
der a positive guarantee, it is gooa
for nothing but the eyes. Ask your
Druggist. For sale by Harding's
Drug Store.
Mr. Kussbaum has begun to mar
ket his broccoli, taking the first load
tn tnvrn ThlirsdaV.
Claus Peters finished hauling his
.tatnaa in Tualatin this week.
IIIUIUI W . I. .. - - -
Spuds are such a good price, and
have been for a lew years, mat. iarm
a llahlo tn overdo the matter
the coming summer, as a large acre
age Is expected to be grown, ana
planting high priced potatoes is rath
er risky business.
Mrs. Fred Kollemeyer died Saturday
night and was buried In the burial
.n,,n,ii tho it Mr. Panenburg gave
to the Lutheran church some years
ago. on Monday afternoon. A long
procession followed the remains to
their last resting place, and her grave
was covered with flowers contributed
by loving friends. She leaves to mourn
inn thraa littlp hovs. the young-
est not a year old, and her husband.
who is critically 111 witn pneumonia,
of which she died. It was a very sad
occasion when the young wife and
mother was borne from tne nome to
return no more. She also leaves a
mother, who Is suffering with pneu
monia, three sisters and four broth
ers, one of the latter having met an
accident a few days before when his
nose was broken, his wrist sprained
and one leg bruised.
Mr. Lucas, the Baptist minister, is
Mrs. Seedling regains her strength
verv slowly.
Mrs. P. A. Baker is slowly Improv
ing. . ,
Louisa Schiewe was been sick a
week, but is better at present.
Mr. and Mrs. Gage took dinner at
Mrs. Sweek's at Tualatin on St. Pat
rick's day. They were accompanied
by Mim Fradenburg.
Mrs. Sweek entertained her sons
and daughters Sunday, all of her
children meeting at the home that
day except Laurance, who is in East
ern Oregon. They bad not all met
since 20 years ago. Mrs. Ruth War
ren, of Astoria, a granddaughter, and
Harry Harding, a grandson, were al
so present
Mr. and Mia. Clans Peter and Mrs.
Nemlc and daughter, BetUe, pant
the evening recently at Mr. Gage'.
Mrs. Nemlc hn heard from her son
Joe. He had fouud work and was
getting acquainted with lot of young
people, and pretty girls, but still there
la no place like Oregon for Joe.
Mrs. Fred Oldenstadt la still at her
daughter'. She started to see the
doctor but was unahle to get farther
than her daughter home, where he
will remain until Bhe Improves.
Dr. Bell's Antl-Paln
A audden attack of Cholera Morbus I
dangerous. Keep Dr. Bell s Antl Pam
at hand, a dose relieves almost In
ttantly. It also cure Diarrhoea,
Cramps. Flux and all Bowel Com
plaints. For ale by Harding's Drug
Our valley has Just the right cli
matic conditions for the production
of many things, not the least. Is our
horses. For Instance, our neighbor
farmer, J. It Cole, has a four year
old colt as black and sleek as a mole,
kind as a lamb and as gentlo as a
dog. seven feet tall and weighing
nearly 1900 pound. Then Mr. 1010
h tfeo rhnmtifon nillllnc team of
blacks which weighs somewhere near
1800 pounds tnai puneu against me
ten men two seasons at our local fair,
when the team started 6300 pounds of
a ThA team of horses
and "Colt" will pass through Oregon
. . . .
City In a few aays enreuie i" ion
land. . .
John Harless passed away last rTi
day and was burled In the I. O. O. F.
dnv Mr. Harless had
been falling for some time with heart
trouble. He has been living nere ior
32 years and was married four times,
one wife surviving him.
r.,e ti.riirp nnnciin has been afflict
ed with rheumatism for a couple of
Vlrgil Dart Is confined to his bed
with a spell of pneumonia.
Everett Judd has been out to town
twice by the assistance of one or two
good helpers. We hope when the
weather merges Into summer time
Nothing places so many conveniences within the
reach of the Rural Resident as a
Mitchell-Leader Pneumatic Water System
THINK OF IT. You can have youi bath-your sanitary toilets-your wash rooms
water for sprinkling and all domestic uses and the best part of it is that the service is
absolutely dependable. Hundreds of satisfied users in THIS COUNTY, let us give
you their names-then you can ask them what they think of this system. Every
user is a booster.
Tenth and Main
Mitchell Lewis and Staver Go.
Stover Gaoline Engines, Myers Spray Pumps, Implements end Vehicles
Everett will be able to walk alone
once more.
Mi8 boyles, who was taken to the
hospital last week, was operated upon
for a very severe case of appendicitis.
She wag on her way to recovery when
her brother, P. M. Boyles, left her
The Molalla Mutual Telephone As
sociation has merged into the Molalla
Telephone Company, Inc. A perma
nent home site has been contracted
for on which to build a dwelling house
for the central station operator.
A young horse thief, operating at
Beaver Creek, wa3 captured near Mar
quam this morning. He had been
working about Molalla for some time
and hU suddenly coming into posses
sion of so good a horse created sus
picion that led to hia arrest.
Molalla Grange No. 310 has changed
its regular time of meeting back to
the first Saturda-y of each month.
The grange and school will have a
ioint meeting on the first Saturday In
I April when a good time will be as
United Assembly No. 82 U. A., has
moved its headquarters into tne
grange hall where it regular meet
ings will be held on the first and
third Saturday nights.
MolalU Lodge No. J84, I. O. O. F.,
will hereafter hold its regular stated
meetings on the second and fourth
Saturday night of each month at the
old stand. Member Ink notice of the
A sawmill In being built on Teasel
creek at Hubert Bugle' place, which
will bo a great thing to tho 1913 Im
provement to take place here.
Two concrete building to bo erect
td at Molnlla this year, one 50x100 by
Mr. Tobln. of Oregon City, on the
Adams corner and the other on the
Gregory corner by the Stale Bank of
Give Prompt Relief.
William H. Douglas. Jr., of Wash
ington. I). C. say: I take great plea
sure In Informing you I have used Dr.
Hell" Plne-Tnrlloney, and It gave me
almost Instant relief. Fr sale by
Harding'. Drug Store.
Th., rniioulnir resolution was pre
sented by U Funk and adopted by
vote of eighteen for, seven agamm,
twenty-one not voting: "Resolved.
That whereas thero Is a law on our
statutes providing for the appoint-
m..nr nf a hrmrit nf school HUIHTVU-
ors for each county, and that, where
as, we believe that the scnooi uisiriim
generally are competent to manage
tho .(Talis of their separate districts;
l It resolved, that the
teachers ami patrons In a meeting
assembled at naming i. range u
this IGth day of March. 1912. are In
favor of repealing the aforesaid law.
A n,t li it fnrthr resolved, that a copy
of these resolutions be forwarded to
the Enterprise and Courier at Oregon
City for publication.
About 00 persons attended tho par
ents' and teachers' meeting, represent
ing about 12 districts. Such meetings
as these ougth. to be well attended ai
t.iey are of vast benefit to all con
cerned. The meeting was enjoyed by
all and ample Justice was dono at the
rlnner furnished by the patrons.
Uncle Ezra Say
"It don't take more'n a gill uv effort
to git folk Into a peck of troublo"
and a little neglect of constipation,
biliousness. Indigestion or other liver
derangement will do the same. If
ailing, take Dr. King' New Life Tills
for quick results. Easy, safe, sure,
and only 25 cents at all druggists.
-fetf, SM H SMn t
The members of the Mountain View
Sunday school are making prepara
tions for Easter exercises.
Mrs. S. A. Martin and Mrs. Boylan
visited Mrs. Delia Vallen last Thurs
day. She U in the GocxJ Samaritan
hospital, having had an operation per
formed. E. D. Harto and family have re
turned from Idaho and think that Ore
gon City Is the best place.
D. W. Glllett and family have moved
down on Roosevelt street, in J. Dix's
Miss Alta Clark was tendered a
birthday party on March 8th.
J. P. Roehl was given a birthday
Rough and Dressed
Sawed Slabwood and Cordwood
Let me figure on your lumber bill
George Lammers Sawmill
Oregon City, R. F. D. No. 3
T.; '
'- nfc t
22, 1012,
surprise March' 9th and about thirty
of hi neighbor and frlcml wer
P. C. Davidson, of Gladstone, wa
In Ihl burg Wednesday morulng, then
went to Maple Una where he former
ly resided.
Kmll SwaiiMon, who I employed by
the O. W. P. In Portland, ptuit Bun
tlav with hi parents.
Mis Eva Mason entertained a few
nf her lMrtland friends Sutidoy even
ing, the time being spoilt In game
and music. Delicious refreshments
were served. Mrs. Mason was assist
ed In the serving of refreshment by
Mr. A. L. Hickman and Mrs. It M. C.
Mr. Rosa Jackson arrived home
from Eastern Oregon Saturday even
ing. ,
Mis Josle Curran, of Portland,
spent Sundav evening visiting here
with her aunt, Mrs. W. G. Hall and
J. W. S. Owens ha rented hi cot
tage near Pleasant avenue to Mr. Bar
to sister and family, lately from
linen. March lftth. 1912. to tho wife
of Paul Petlltt. a daughter.
m Mm U'nlter Swack nnd
children are spending this week hero
with their relatives.
Miss Erma Calavnn Is on the sick
John Batdorf and wife, of Alberta,
,- 1 1. u..r vUltlnar Mr. Ilatdorf's
sister. Mrs. C. M. Mason. Tuesday nnd
also Mrs. Batdorf mother, Mr.
Board, of Gladstone.
Vulgar words have been written on
fences and walks In this vicinity.
Something should be done to prevent
such work.
Will soon bring on other ailments.
Curo It with POIXMJVX. Pleasant In
taste Pleasant In action. Does not
gripe. COc per bottle. For sale by
Harding's Drug Store.
i, i r,rt,il that Mr. and Mr.
Holllngsworth have bought' property
In Gladstone and will move there
soon. Redlandltt'S will miss them bad
ly as they have been great workers
In every good cause.
Mr. Polehus has rented lila farm
and moved to Tenlno, Wash., as they
are Interested In a sawmill there.
The whooping cough Is raging In
Redland and Is an unwelcome visitor.
Frank Schwartz had the misfortune
to sprain his ankle while working In
the mill. He is getting along nicely.
Ethel Funk has been dangerously
111 but is Improving.
Mrs. Shaw, the supervisor, was vis
iting the Evergreen school this week.
If all directors were as anxious and
willing to carry out what they were
asked to as they are at Evergreen,
there would not be so much kicking
done, and the people who are making
the most noise are those who will not
turn their hands to do a thing for
their school unless they are paid. Can
the superintendent or supervisor help
you unless you do what you have nev
er done before. Cet busy with your
hands and not with your mouths.
Some school grounds are. a fright and
some people think that If a school
house has a coat of paint on the out
side that is all that is necessary. It
doesn't make any difference how it
looks on the Inside or who teaches,
and they never go to see how the
school is progressing; they are too
busy or do not care and because some
one Is h'red and paid to do this work
they are up In arms over It because
they may have to pay 60 cents more
taxes. It us not be so selfish and
March lias certainly tlonn herself
proud In the way of beautiful weather
so far, but (ho prospect Is somewhat
llon lllie (hi morning and a change to
stormy weather Is what wo look for
Everyone around thl part of the
country Is busy plowing and (tolling
ready for putting In (lie spring crops.
The ground I pretty wet yet but tho
bright, sunny tlayd were Irreslsllblo,
A few people have mndo early garden
while others think It Is wiser lo wait
until tho ground gels warmer.
Charlie Daniels hit hi now barn
nearly llnlMlied and It adds greatly to
the looks ot hi place. Ho has lorn
most tif Hie old log barn down that
was on IiIa place and expects to take
(ho rest of It away as soon as the new
one Is finished.
The Mullno townslto lias one resi
dent, Mr. Mclaughlin, having sold his
I him routed tho hoilHO built
on the silo by Mr. Henry 8olter
expects (o reside mere tins siiiiiiikt.
Tho Churchill brother are pulling
up a new wlro fence on the Asliby
plure a much needed Improvement.
Mr. Itomlg ha rented tho Carlson
place. t
Ernest Mallutt has moved Into nla
father' house In Mullno, where ho
will reside.
Mrs. I'dcll went to Port land again
hint week where she Is being treated
for blood poisoning.
Mjny Driven From Horn.
Evory yi'iir. In nmny purts of tho
. ,. f
Country, llloiiHiiuua aru uniiii
I I. .w.iiuliu nnil lullir ill-
llll'ir lUNIM'O . J vr. "0 "
soimo KrlemUi nnd Uuslnoss nro li ft
behind' for other clliiml'1. bnt till I
costly nml not nlwny Hire. A ln-tUT
. . ' . I. I. L In ha.
way me wny il iiiuhimi'ii'
Hr. Klim's N'w lltoovry mid curt
yoursolf t homo. Ktuy rlKlit tlioro
with vour frli-nds. and tuke this fo
ini'itlclni'. Throat mid lu"K troublo
llml quick r'IW'f nd lnalih roluriiH.
Its hi-lp I" ciMiKhs, colds. Krlp, croup,
whoopliiK couuh nnd soro lutiK" muho
It n positive blosHliiK. 50 nnd
Trial holllo fn-o. lliiiirmiti'cd by H
Mrs. K. V. liornschtili Is slowly r
rovcrlnii frotn Iht ri'ccnt lllnt'ss.
Mr. iiml Mrs. II. A. Bhunt'l went to
Canbv t-atiutlay.
W'lil llnttman and family, of ( ol
ton. spent a few day Willi his moth
-r hor-j lant wct-k.
Thi riTi'iit wind did much daiiiaK'"
to grain.
Canby and North Clackamas
Mrs. W. H. I'orter was visiting Mrs.
Wllkersoti of Portland, lust week. Mr.
Wllkerson Is very low with cancer
of tin' fnce. Mr. Wllkerson formerly
lived at Cimby.
The ladles of Canby wll give a cafe
teria lunch Saturday night at tho city
hall, th" proceeds of which will go to
the baud boy
Frank Autumn has put III a P1
room mil confectionery store In what
was formerly the Red Front.
John Andrews of llarlow. and help
ith, hv moved the Wulto livery
burn onto the north corner of tho
The bund boys have purchased the
site of ihe livery bam for their band
hall. They will proceed at once to
erect a modern hull with all conven
iences, a stuge nt one end mid a bnrd
wood, )llslied floor.
Mr. nnd Mrs Flnher left Monday
night for southern California where
they will visit Mr. Fisher's daughters.
They will be gone two week.
Joseph Ileattle was an Oregon City
visitor Tuesday.
Horn, to the wife of Warren Iluty,
this week, a boy.
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Knight wero
llublmr.l visitors lust Saturday night.
Claude Deyeo Is visiting his mother
'this week and also painting Mrs. He
I yeo's new wire fence which was re
ceully put up.
Mrs. Elmer Vtteo and two small
I children, of New Era, were visiting
' relatives and friends In Canby Tuos
dav. Miss (iertrudo Wright, of Culver,
Ore Is the guest of Miss Verna Por
ter this week. Miss Wright formerly
lived here, her father being foreman
of the railroad section.
I The funeral of Carl Nelson took
place last Friday. Mr. Nelson hns
' been In jKor health for some time,
lie wad confined to his bed most of
I the time for seven weeks prior to Ills
'death. Mr. Nelson was 47 years of
age Ho leaves a widow, one small
daughter nnd a host of friends to
! mourn his demise. Interment was In
i the Norwegian cemetery.
Perry Meeks has sold his farm of
' r)8 acres two miles Booth of Canby
I to a Mr. Wilson, of Corvallls, who
bus taken possession. Mr. Meeks In-
j tends moving Into town for the pres-
j erA very enthusiastic meeting of So
'clullsts was held hist week at the
j (iurley Ogle home, about thirty-five or
forty adherents being present. A dls
I tlngulshi d speaker will be present at
! the next meeting. Among those pres
ent ut the meeting were mr. aim w.
Hilton, of Needy.
The stork called at the home of
Joe Lleser last Frlduy and left a baby
girl Although disappointed that It
wasn't a boy, they are glad that moth
er and daughter are doing nicely un
der tho care of Dr. Dedman.
John Zeek, who was hurt In a run
away accident, Is slowly recovering.
Iee Ecekrson Is building on the lot
he purchased In tho Roth addition to
Canby. The basement Is about fin
ished. .
Mr. Bryant has rented Mrs. A. Mar
tin's furnished house. Mrs. Martin
will leave soon for MeMlnnvllle to
stay awhile with her son, George
Martin. After returning she will make
her home with Mrs. Graham.
Jesse Martin will leave about the
first of April for Idaho where he has
some valuable mines.
Joe Sutherland has purchased three
acres of land from O. R. Mack, he
low the fair grounds. Mr. Sutherland
JF you would know the wonderful pulling and business getting
power of little ads try one in our classified columns in either
the daily or weekly.
If you want to sell or trade your automobile, or your house
or a building lot, or stock, in fact anything you may have, run a,
small ad and you will be surprised at the results.
On the other hand if you wish to buy anything, think of
the number of people you can reach for a sum so small you will
never miss it. Everyone has something to sell and many times
will sell at a sacrifice. BtUer try one this week.
Mr. nml Mr. 19. V. Olnllinr vlltd
with Mr. Weltlmifer mid family, of
TlinlmrKrovp, Inst Hunduy,
Klmcr Bwopo I hauling ol to nmr
Vet. . .liihn lloft n-l'iilioJ K. V. Cllnlhor'
hoiiso Inst wiu'k by puttlnk new alll
unilcr It. ...
Itolmrt and John Mot.hnko ro cloar.
Ihk Imi'l. , .
Henry Moclinko ha built now
wooiInIiciI recently.
Mr. Winner, ouo of our uptodnt
fnrmerN, went to OreKoll t'lty lt
Hal unlay.
This gown was dcveloiwd In one of
the newest sprltiK wool materials
showltiK HllKht cord-weave whlrh
proinUei! jtri'iii Hipularlty. Thl I In
a delicate shade of anietliyst color
relieved bv black satin nnd deep ec
ru lace. The Helm of the material
Is bordered with lace and held across
the bust by n fold of black sutln
fastened with silk ornaments nnd tas
sels. The Ktrdle Is of amethyst satin
mid below Is a little basque of Kath
er"d lace. The draped mid divided
I tunic or mo ninieriiii is w
nellur ncross tho plain underskirt In
front of a similar ornament to that on
' the boil Ire.
Is having the land cleared preparatory
to building on the property.
Mrs. Spencer Is still under the doc
tor's care.
Mrs. C. C. Ilutchlii will have her mil
II y display next Friday and Satur
day. Mrs. Ed. InitcliliiHon, of Meadow
brook. Is visiting relatives III Canby
this week.
Mrs. Jos. Ileatty Is confined to her
home with a slight uttiuk of pleurisy
nml grippe.
Mr. Ileiinett, editor of the Cnnby Ir
rigator, has purchased a beautiful pi
ano from the furniture store for his
Frank Asttnun bus Installed nil elec
tric pano In his kiI hall.
Mr. Oouhout has sold his farm to
Mr. llurdlck, or Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Harms, of Wisconsin,
who are visiting their uunt and uncle,
Mrs. AudriiK and Mr. Melvln, wore vis
iting In Eugene last week. They will
leave for Spokane next week where
they will visit relatives.
W. Irwin, of Chltwood, wa visiting
his brother, It. E. Irwin, the llrst of
the week.
Wood Jesse, of I'V, Intoll. Idaho,
who came to Portland ou the live
stock excursion, spent Monday night
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W.
.las. Erlckson, who underwent a
serious operation at the St. Vincent
hospital for ulcers of the stoimteh, Is
Improving und there nro hopes of his
Fred Armstrong Is improving after
Ills operation.
Fredy Rodliy Is recovering ufter his
Frank Stolllugs was out of town
several days last week.
Fred Jesse, who has been at home
for somo time, went to Portland Tues
day. Mrs. Perry Keebnngh, of Portland,
wus visiting her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs.
J. A. Andrews a couple of days lust
Miss Clara Iirson underwent an
operation for appendicitis at the St.
Vincent hospital Inst Saturday.
Otto Krueger, of Canby, was seen
In town Sunday.
The ladles of New Era gave Mrs.
J. llurgoyne a surprise carpet rug sow
ing Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kent, of Portland,
and Mihs Mary Barbiir, of Oregon
City, were guests of Mrs. Elmer Ve
teto Sunday. Tho two latter are sis
ters of Mrs. Veteto.
Mrs. P. H. Mead was on the sick
list last week,
The farmers are very busy theso
fine days preparing for spring.
The mail carrier on route number
six had a runaway Monday of this
week. Ho dropped his whip opposite
iKiernhecker's sawmill and stopped to
pick It up when the horse started and
was not cauRht until after he turned
the McArthiir corner. No damage was
Mr. llurgoyne was a Canby ylsltor
Elmer McArthiir Is teaching our
school. Miss McDonald ha resigned.
Mrs. Anthony and son, Earl, were
Oregon City visitors Tuesday.
Elmer Veteto Is building a brooder
lfix.12 feet.
Earl Wink 'and Oliver Ferguson
have leslgned their position at
Doernbecker's sawmill.
Mr. DuHtln Is teaming over In Peach
Cove this spring.