OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1912. Milwaukee MILWAUKIE. Tint Women's Work Chili mot Wed nesday Ht tint (Iratign hull. A large utlKiiiluiii o was present, mul Dio time pllHHod In NHWlllK. Tim Hoys' mul Girl' Club meets regular and In practicing fur thu piny (hoy are to kIvm In Ki'bruury, Tim M Uwniiklo (irntigu will hold an nil tiny uiiikIImk Saturday, February (7, whan routine miimIiiim will lio transacted mid a fino dinner will be served nt iioiiii by the hullo. Mm. McCiimi In j u M u sick with la grippe. Mm. Mi'Klminy, of Qnliicy addition who Iihn ti very nick with typhoid pllMIIIIOl, In HllKlltly belter. Mm. I.ow Hum returned home from tint I pltul In I'ortlntid Huturduy imiii'Ii Improved. Mr, Snyder, of Clackamas, In liulld I iik A iiiiiiiII hoiisn on IiIh lot In the lliMiiiKiiinn Iract, The CatholUt church Interior In bo- Iiik (liilHliud, mid tint church will be dedicated curly In Mnrcli, Nose will hit planted on tho liuilil aide street of thu achool building on WiiHliliiKtim N lilrtliilay. On t lie Ilarrl noii street side sweet pen mid pnnale will lie planted. W. II. dwell ha thn extension of llurrlHon street to the city limit m grad iil mul urnviili'd mid the propHrty own era will soon In v thn sidewalks. Mnynr Wrelb. Judge Kelso nnd W II. Council wont lo Huli'in Krlcluy to hear tho argument before Iho supremo rourt of thn llotiuott hiilrN agulual thn cliy of Mllwauklo. W. M. Stone, from llrltlMh Colutn liln. was a rnllor on Mr. nnd Mm. J I. Johnson Monday, enroute to IiIh hoinit lifter n trln uroiind thu world Mm, (! II. dale, of Oregon City, U vlsltlnit hr daughter. Mm. C. C. Pee rv. Mr. V'Ntihmn. the freight agent, Iiun moved her tent house north of tho wnKon bridge on thn flitt. Mm. F.lla Maple In very much 1m proved In heiilth, mid uhle to t out iikhIii with her friends. Tli night cap social, given hy the Women of Woodcraft Saturday even line. was well attended mid a iucceaa socially mid financially. Tim Council met Tuesday evening. Regular routine Imalne and all lillU ullowed. Application for water fran chlHB ny Mlnthorn Water Company wan read and tho Name referred to the water committee. Property owner along Monroe Ht., eiiMt of Main Ntreet. were represented In largo iiiimhem, nnd all In favor of Improving Monroe Ntreet. and the ma jority were In favor of widening the Ntreet east of Irving Ntreet, a I no In fa vor of putting In Newer before any sur facing In done. After aome discussion thn mailer wbn referred to tho Ntreet committee, to roort at next meeting. Tim hid for th Improvement bond of Mllwauklo were eiicd and are bn folluwa: Cutter Muy Company, of Chicago. Ill, $1(5054.25 at $!50 par and the crudo Interont. the hid wan for a straight ten year bond, which can not lie lsud under the bankrupt bonding act, lie.ice tho bid could not bo con sidered. Chnrles H. Kidder & Co.. of Chicago. III., put In a bid at dlNcount of $i;h5, but no check accompanied the bid. no It wftN rejected. Farson & Co.. of Chicago, 111., bid at a discount of $175. and being a bid for a Ntralght ten year bond could not be considered. First state llank of Mllwaukle put In a bid for $5000 or more, at par, and the crudo Internal, thin being the bent bid received. It wait accepted by the coun cil. Mllwiiukln haa a rlgnt to be prouo. of lin b uik. bn It put In a very good bid for thn bonds and wived the city be tween $700 and $soo. It Is a very good allowing for a bank of Its alr.e and age to bid for and take up, a block of bonds for the llgurea given. Church notes: Evangelical church, Kev. K. Raclehaugh, pastor, quarterly conference and sermon was held on Thursday evening and was presided over bv Itev. B. II. IlortMchuch. Sun day school 10: 30 A. M., communion and sermon 11:30 A. M Kev. F. D. Culver will presldo and also preach In tho evening at 8 ! M. Young Peo ple's meeting 7 I. M. Hime ciass, on Tuesday evening; prayer meeting on Wednesday evening; teachers' train ing, Thursday evening. Choir prac tice, Friday evenings. Rev. E. Radebnugh will presldo at thn First Evangelical church In Port land on exchange with Rev. T. R Cul ver. CROUP EADS LIFE. Many Children Dla of Croup Every Yexr Before a Doctor Can Ba Summoned. PnrenU of children should be pre pared at all times for a apnam of croup. . . . Keep In the house a remedy tnnt will give Instant relief and keep tho child from choking until the arrival of the physician. Oct a 50 cent bottle of IIYOMEI to day and In caae of an attack of croup pour 20 drops Jnto a kitchen howl of boiling wa'.cr. Hold the child's head over the bowl so that It can breathe the soothing, penetrating vapor that arises. In the meantime send for a physician. This treatment has saved the lives of many children and Is a precaution that all parents should promptly take. IIYOMEI Is sold by Huntley Uros. Co. and druggets everywhere and Is guaranteed for croup, catarrh, asth tna and bronchitis. 2-16 Lift. Life Is a riddle because It is a frag inent. We are only able to rend one volume of a Ntory Unit extends lo lu u word, we know auasij In part and conseo,uently prophecr In part. SEEDS LAND PLASTER HAY GRAIN FEED POULTRY FOOD FLOUR HOUSE PLASTER LIME BRICK COAL CEMENT HAMS BACON Oregon Commission Co ELEVENTH AND MAIN 8T Oregon City, Ore. and Northwestern OAK OROVt. Tim Tcnchom' District Institute will bn hold at Jennings JiIk'i Huturduy, rebrimry 17, Prof. J. Jcuii liuilor, of linn school, will speak on "Civil Gov eminent." Tho Oak drove Mercantile Coin pimy'N store wun broken Into Monday morning by a supposed trump that slept in iim liotisu of K, (;. Warren. The front door wua pried open and $1.10 tukcii and a $25 overcoat, belong lug to Mr. JlaiiiHtrttet, ulso a box of crackers. II. C. Werner, of Oregon Clly, lias purchased the husluess of the Oak drove Mercantile Company. Mr. Ilamslreet was a Portland vis itor Monday morning. Miss I.iicIIm ciemmoiiH, of Portland, was n crller hero Monday. Several couples went to M'lwaukle fliifurd'iy evening to attend tho dunce, All report ii good time. Mr. a ltd Min. ('has. Worihlngton gave an Informal evening at homo Fri day to some of the neighbors. Music and cards were Indulged In until a lute hour, llght refreshments were served by the hostess. Mis Isabel Hilton, mother of Mm. J. II. McArlhur, is iilte III and alight hopes are entertained for her recov ery. (!eore lllgliam'N children hive been very Nick with colds. Mm. lUgham's father, Mr. Copeluud, In down Nick now with lagrlppe. Mr. I'lfflfner Is luklng treatment from the cancer doctor In Scuttle again. When Mrs. Pirrifncr returned homo they thought the canter was cured, but new symptoms developed nnd Hint had lo return to Scuttle again for treatment. Miss Kininu Himngler hiii rented ber bouse to a family from Pendleton. Tho family will move within a fow tluys. Arth'ir Kuehl Is finishing ills new house now, and will have a beautiful homo when completed. Mr. perclval and family are visiting his sister, Mr. M. A. Itlcc, and family. The two families wore Portland visit ors Hattirday. S. K. Endlcolt, of Camaa, wun. spent ine week a cna wun mi son anu fumlly, Mr. and Mrs. It. P. Endlcott Mm. lena Hkoog and Miss Kule Stein went to Vancouver, Wash., Fri day and spent the day with Mrs. Julia Holt, who I sick at tho homo or ner mother. Mrs. darner. Mrs. Holt II Improving slowly. Cbas. Vosburg has been connnea 10 his home with Inflammatory rheuma tism aeveral weeka. Ho wa able to bo out Sunday for awhile. Walter Terwllllger, of Courtney avenue, nan started a new nouso on bin property, and will live In It tern IKirarlly. Mr. Emily Bliuw. county acnooi sup rvlaor, was a caller on Prof. Ilutler Monday morning. Unth and Albert Terwllllger are again In school here. Irving Hanson wua hurt while play ing at school, and developed pneumon ia. Ho has been quite sick for over week. Mr. and Mrs. A. I). Lowe, of Port- and, are visiting Mm. Iwea par- nts, Mr. and Mr. W. M. Ua veil port. Canbyand North Clackamas CANBY. Mrs. Will Leach, of Needy, la visit ng at Oeorgo Spencer's for a few days J. Iloruerndt. who died February 8, was burled Saturday at the Zion ceme tery. Mr. Ilerlierndt formerly lived In Eagle Creek. He leaves a widow and seven children five girls and two boy, all grown. Iluby Smith and Chester Wills were Oregon City visitors Sunday. Tho Rt'beknhs gave a s(s?lal and sup per Tuesday night. All had a good lime, Kenneth, the little son of 0. R. Mack, Is confined to his home with a severe cold. Ed. Hutchinson Is sick with an at tuck of grip. Johnnie Wells has sold his farm south of Macksburg and Is moving In to Can by. W. A. Winder has lust filled a large order for cement building blocks, from Aurora. Mrs. Lilly Winks, of New Era, was a Monday culler at the Ogle home. Ora Lee was a Portland visitor Sun day. The Misses I tattle and Edna Hutch inson visited their cousin In Hubbard last Saturday and also attended the dance In the evening. Rev. A. II. Mulkey, of Gladstone, will preach at the Christian c'aurrfS Februury 18. Everybody cordially In vited to attend. Miko Hurls was In Oregon City Mon day on business. Mr. Garrett and family move this week to Needy. We are sorry to see them go, especially the young people. Woman's Influence Making America Snobbish Nation Children Sent "Particular Schools to By OWEN JOHNSON. Author dulgence of parents may bo in DANGER OF BECOMING SNOBS. A woman's instinct is to fight her child's battle and push him ahead. Tho influence of a mother is much greater than that of a father. The mother constantly exercises the social influence in one form or another for her child. This LEADS TO AN ARISTOC RACY, AND SNOBBERY RESULTS. IT IS THE MOTHER WHO IS SENDING HER SON TO THE SMALL, FASHIONABLE "PARTICULAR" SCHOOL. SHE DOES IT WITH THE BEST INTENTIONS IN THE WORLD. AND WHEN THAT SON HAPPENS TO TURN OUT WITH SNOBBISH TENDENCIES SHE RARELY SEES IT. Another thing: Tho influence of woman teachers for bovs of "prep" school ago is bannful. The feminine influence WORKS AGAINST DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES in primary educatioa I llieve in the boy getting HARD KNOCKS AND ROUGH SCIIOOI.INO. Clackamas Heart to Heart Talks. By EDWIN A. NY. A HUNAN DF.KELICT. An fmucllted old ninn droiiprd dad on Canal tlrett this morning. Titer was no Money In hi NlMik, nhuhby clothe, but ti tm Nvlflontly not a drinking man. 11 could not b Idcnlllk'tl. Ths body u laknn lo a morgu. ,'hlco Ncwapaprr. Hit line of nonpareil type. Ufa In no cruel u Nome! Nutur In no careful of the type nnd no heedless of the Individual, mid the big: city In no heartless. The submerging of this old human wreck, worn and waterlogged, nuikef acarco a ripple on the wide water. Who was he? The recording angel alone know. lie lived perhaps much ns you and I have lived. There was a liaipy child hood, and be knew Joy ami sorrow mid lovo and regret, prospered und failed. workwl nnd saved, made nnd lost, until tbe day came when he was aloue, frleiidlesN and weak and fulling. I ask yon: Were you ever n poor boy lu a great city? Men hurry on Intent uhui their own. Piled tier Uhiii tier In the great commercial palaces are the abundant Dianses of Nwolleu fortunes. Happy ahopers fill the great stores. Sated men nnd women roll luxuriously In costly earringi. while you Your head Is dizzy as you n-er over the verge of u botlomlens pit. Itehliid thimn plate glass wlndnns are bcaM'd huge pyrititilds of food, while you are faint with hunger. Here Is a crushing Neiine if the world's cruelty. Hut to bo thuN-iind old! There In the alternative to U-g or steal. If you can squeeze buck your prldo and lo g few will stop to 'Men If you steal they will put you lu uu Iron cell. Sympathy? Charity? The city Is too isy. It does not know. There are no many frauds. The clly doc not understand nor dlscrlml mile. And so the "niHerohV" go gradually down. down. down. Inibut lowest plane r iif,. vh.e outer verge Is starvation or Huh Idi- or t'ii!e" s-mie lemler liiiimm heart s!n l I i' ;i v. Intt sh'll Ihh ci of tlie.e'; Net :i" v 1,1 col lie o nor coin !' e n ! (!.,. .... rr,i i in,, -i l.i'- i'i !; i 'in bi'i'M te .it ' ' 1 ' : b' I!'"' IndMd Not The Optimist I never think of death Tho Pessimist-Death will not return that Nnub.-Satire There Is strong tulk of several ce ment buildings going up in Canby In the spring and with the prospect of a railroad coming Into Canby. It begins to look like our little town Is coming to the' front. A surprise party was tendered Miss Lillian Wang at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wang last Tues day night by sixteen of her friends. Five hundred was played and a de licious lunch was served at twelve o'clock. Nell Hampton won first prize and Fred Hampton the booby prize. The following wore present: Nell Hampton, Pearl Hampton, Ora Lee, Helen Graham, Mildred Wang, Lillian Wang, Kdna Hutchinson, liattie Hutch inson, Fred Hampton, Carl .Lucke, Henry Combs, Bonnie Davenport, Mr. Graham, Lauerance Masterton, Roy Lee, Dr. Arthel Murdy. M. T. Mack was In Oregon City Monday on business. Mrs. P. L. Coleman was a Portland vlHltor Sunday. Charlie Thomas went to Portland Sunday to see his wife who Is sick In the iiospltul. Mrs. Thomas Is get ting better. Mr. and Mrs. John Koehler, Will Koeliler. of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. George Koehler, and Mabel and Ralph Koehler were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Sophia Koehler. Mrs. Hunter, Christian Women's Hoard of Missions, will lecture at the Chrlstluii church Friday night. A. D. Paddock has sold out his In terest In the Canby drug store to Huntley Hros., of Oregon City. They have taken possession. z IE influence of women is is tho tiling that is tend ing to make A merica tho MOST SNOBBISH NA TION IN THE WORLD. The big "prep" seliooU nnd ihe west ern universities are the best cures for boys who through birth or in Life Saver In a letter from Branch land, W. Va., Mrs. Eliza beth Chapman says: "1 suffered from womanly troubles nearly five years. All the doctors in the coun ty did me no good. 1 took Cardui, and now I am en tirely well. I feel like a new woman. Cardui saved my lifel All who suffer from womanly trouble should give Cardui a trial" U B 61 Tho Woman's Tonic ry 50 years of proof have convinced those who tested it, that Cardui quickly re lieves aches and pains due to womanly weakness, and helps nature to build up weak women to health and strength. Thousands of women have found Cardui to be a real life saver. Why not test It for your case? Take Cardui todayl Th StcrcUry. This In a g'"N iH'iii'ii en in. The plnyerx sit Nt n In Mm with square pleifM of puier and pt-neiN. Hnd eioji one writ en his own milee Hi Hit lop of tbe iNier and. folding Ii over n Hint tbe iiHtne doe in 'I rw. iinnd it to the seirelHry. who reiitriliiiex the palters, saying. TlnirN'-tw." Then each one writes wmir iuiitL'liisrr char acter description, fold the sht again and Impds It to I he m rvlnry. who says. "Future." nnd xhurt!- and dis tribute the papers as liefore. Soifle forernxt for the fuliiro In then written. The wx-rvtary imir Hiiggext bn niHiiy other Hiihei-N he eh'ioe or can think of ud when tvtnlv may call In the iiier und rem I hem aloud. They are often eurioim and very amusing. Tbl I on the order of the old game of iiiiiseiiieini- " inn witn more chance for originality and vn rlety. Washington's Etiquettt. Every action in rompim might to be Nome sign ot n-e-l lo inox present. Ill the prenenre of other-, xtuu not lo yourself with a humming noise nor drum with your ringer or reft. SNnk not when oilier ieiik. sit not when other sland nnd walk not when others stop. Turn not your hack to other. ee- lally in sneaking. Be no flnlterer:' neither I rifle with ny one that rioeMMt delight In such, familiarities. Read no letter, hooks or paper lo company ec-ept when necessary: then ask to be excused. Come not near rhe books or writing of any one so a to rend them unasked. Let your countenanif lw pleasant. bnt In serious matter somewhat grave. Baby O'Grundy. Wli Dnrn on a Monday, WslkMl on a Tuesday. Wore tmuwrs on Wednesday, Played fnnthall on Thursday, Wa mended on Friday. Grew whltker on Saturday, Fall In love Sunday. And that waa the enJ Of Baby O Urundy. Here Is A Remeoy That Will Cure Skin and Scalp Affection and We Can Prove it. The Huntley Drug Store says to ev ery person be It man, woman or child who has an Irritated, tender, Inflamed. Itching SKIN or SCALP, you need not suffer another day. "We have a r6 fined skin preparation that acts in stantly and will bring you swift and sure results." One warm bath with ZEMO SOAP and one application of ZEMO and you will not suffer another moment and you will soon see a cure In sight. ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP are proven cures for every form of skin or scalp affection. They are sold by one lead ing druggist In every city or town in America and In Oregon City by Hunt ley Bros. Drug Store. They Didn't Like Garnet. Shelley ' view of games wan approxi mately Swift's view- that "gantea are tbe recreation of xople who do not think." The world he felt wan no "full of a number of thlnpt" that It was ab surd to waste time on auc-b trlrleil tiea aw peRtop and innrhlex. Klderly gentlemen iuij;ht appropriately play with marble! or peptop Jim aa elder ly gentlemen noAiidayn play polfi In order to divert llietr niloils from anxi ety a to Hie pfi' e H Ktm k ami liiiri. nut w li Klioii!d a liny do so w hen lile ln. like n (nit laud. Iiei.-iu-nliu at UN (Ii"" M' t oitl'mu liiin to evpiore': "I lie lloio.iii l - l.ile ot Mie' An Idea That Failed. In lHTOa Scotchmau named Johnston patented a treasure safe for hls de adened to render loss or sie-ie and oth er treasures by wreck linixmsilile. Ula proosal was that an unslnkalile safe should be susended at the ship' dav its, ready to lie lower-d Into the water at a moment's notice, mid he Invented a contrivance by m-tr? if which the aafe would delicti Itself on emergency and float altout until picked up by an other vessel. Shlm" in plains, how ever, declined lo entertain the thouuht of hnvlng a safe full of money hang ing nt the davits ready to the hand of any who cared to trust to a dark night and the navigable qnnlitii-s of the client to make off with It. Eicbm'ce. Sutherland's Eagle Eye Salve Is the best eye remedy ever offered the public. It Is a snow white oint ment painless, harmless and absolute ly guaranteed to cure. At all dealers. 23c a tube. Harding's Drug Store. SUIT FOR SPRING. Xnotud $aths a Ftatur of th Mod, 3 TAILORED SUIT Or PBUHI CLOTH. touch of grace la added to tbe ae rere tailored suit by a soft, knotted sasb of silk. This pretty spring suit of prune colored silk and wool fabric baa trimming bands of velvet In the same bade and a knotted fringed sasb of prune satin. Bo a Good Loser. If there Is anything that Is Irritating It la tbe way that some people talk of their troubles, as If they were a kind of treat not cheerfully, but with a kind of gloomy joy; in a word, they are resigned. It is only mighty big bumbugs that will say they are thank ful for troubles. We may eventually live to tee that they were right and best for us, but at the time It Is sheer hypocrisy to waggle our icads solemn ly and say, "Happiness Is a snare any how; It Is foolish for any one to ex pect bapplnees In this grizzly eM world." People who talk that v-ny don't de serve happiness. We werer't put here to be miserable. Tbe Idea that life Is for suffering and not enjoyment Is fast being shelved. If the Lord approves of lamentation and tears he would not have put so much In tbe world to make nrt hopeful and happy. There Is nothing more common than trouble. We all have our trouble, but It Is tbe wise one of earth that fcc.'P Mielr burdens In tbe background. It la so common and cheap and selfish t be contlnnnily parading one's jcriefr and dlsnppaiutments. Whatever our lot. we should all learn the wisdom of that helpful little prayer. "Help me to win. If win I may. but If 1 may not win make me a good loser." Concerning Women. Tbe famous lucky pettk--,a of tbe Stroud family 1st now on Its way to McKinuey. Tex., where Mia Rosabel Uiues will be tbe nineteenth bride to wear it. Tbe petticoat was made fifty- flve years ago by Miss Kinma Stroud at Madison. Ga. She aaved It for ber daughters, and now her granddaugh ters are wearing it. Ellen Terry says 4hnt w-hon me-i writers draw a good woman they In evitably depict a silly oue. She charac terizes Helena lu "Airs Well That Ends Well" and Julia in "Two Gentle men of Verona" as "doormat women." Imogen Is the most attractive o Shakespeare's women, says Miss Terry. Queen Olga of Treece lias a confes slou album. It cotmins the names o' most of the crowned heads of Europrs who have been Induced to answer more or less personal questions propounded by the queen. Edward VII. of Eng land has written after the question, "What Is the most objectionable man you know?" the answer. "The man who points an umbrella nt you and shouts. There he Is. " Tbe queen takes the album wbeu she travels ai d Is said to display unconcealeJ delipL In exhibhlng Its contents to ber roya acquaintances. A Purple Gown. An admirable new gown model is of plum purple with a straight narrow iklrt trimmed below tbe knees with a deep fold of the material piped with black satin. There nre two swinging panels at the back, which give a broad effect across the waist at the back. This, by the way, is one of the domi nant features of this winter's styles tnd will be seen on every kind o' gown. Tbe coat Is quite large and does not follow the slim, straight lines that all the tailors made conspicuous last sum mer. It baa a black aatln cord across tbe bark a little above tbe waist, whl-h holds the material In, and a peplum or lower part, which Ota the hips snugly end reaches halfway to the knes. There are two buttons to fasten K above the waist line In front and a To luminous collar square across tbe back and running to points at the waist. This la made of French gray broad cloth finished off with a band of the material and with an Egyptian design In tubular b'ack brali' in the mlddl of the beer FARM LOANS. We have the following amounts: json.no, s.ioo.oo, $500.00, $soo.oo, $SO0.00, $800.00, $1000.00, $1000.00, $1000.00, $1500.00. $1800.00 and $2000. 00, H lr, first mortgage loans. DIMICK ft DIMICK, Andresen Building, Oregon City, Ore. Rev. R. H. Owen Officiated. Rev. R. H. Owen, of Carui, was the officiating clergyman at the funeral of Mrs. Charlotte Thomas, of Port land, instead of Rev. I. Jones, as re norted. Rev. Owen waa assisted at the services by Mr. J. R. Griffiths. I MANAGER ATZ 8ELL3 PLAY- if . ER FOB 1. CENT9. A queer deal wns pulled off by Jack Dunn and Jakey Atz. tba Baltimore and Providence man agers, recently. They were talk ing about Pitcher Pierce. "How y much would you glva for hlmT asked Atz. "Oh, I wouldn't go higher than 15 cents," en me back Dunn. "Taken," aald Atz, and he made out an agreement, which both managers signed. Dunn handed over the 15 rents. Atz looked at It for a moment and then said: "Here. Jack; Fie never skinned any one yet. Take this back and I'll give you a bonus of 1.1 cents." The Providence owners, how ever, refused to ratify tbe agree ment. HURDLER CHISHCLM QUITS. On of Country's Batt Mn Hangt Up Spiktd Sho For All Timt. The amateur athletic world has lost a valuable athlete by the retirement of G. A. Chlsholm. He staled recent ly that be bad bung up his spiked shoes forever, as be has an excellent chance to go Into tbe ateel business In Photo by American Presa Anoclatloo. CBI8HOLM UOIHO OTKB THK STICKS. Pittsburgh and is not going to let ath letics Interfere with the oening of a lifetime. There was not tbe least dotilit that be would bare been one of the Ameri can team to go to the Olympic games this year, fur James E Sullivan pick ed bim aome time ago ns the lest hur dler in the country. In the uieetlug In England last summer, where liar vard and Vale conieted against ox ford and Cambridge. Chisholm won the high hurdles In 15 2-5 seconds, which is a new record for the event at meetings betweeu those co'leges. Ue graduated from Vale last year. OUR STAR JOCKEYS ABROAD. Yankee Rider to Receive $156,000 While In Europe Next Seaion. The restriction placed upon racing In the Cnited States has caused our KTeatest Jockeys to go abroad The knights of the pigskin were unable to make a living here and they migrated across tbe pond to the turfmen that were eager to pay them princely sal aries. This season there will be on the race tracks of England. France. Ger many. Austria and Russia rhe follow ing Americnu Jockeys: Danny Maher. Skeets Martin. Frank O'Neill. Johnny Iielff. Winnie O'Con nor, J. Archibald. J. Sumpter. D Win field. Guy Garner. Eddie Dugan. Mil ton Henry. Nash Turner and Willie Shaw. Tbe average sum that each Jockey will receive will he JU'.tXtt). or an aggregate amount of floil.CXXi. TO BUY 6.000 DOZEN QUAIL California's Game Commission Plans to Ship Birds From Mexico. California's game commission will buy 6.000 dozen of quail from Mexico at a cost of $15,000. which will be placed In the Folsoui state farm and propagated for distribution throughout California. When placed on the state farm they will be cared for by convicts and n they reach the proper age will be lib erated In different sections with bands of native quail. Cricketer Abandon Trip. The proposed trip to England by the University of Pennsylvania cricket team has been abandoned owln." to tbe expense Involved. Instead the vraker cricketers will tonr Canada lats ti- tbe term, and a more extensive schedule of games will be arranged tbad ever before. Laorou Popular Abroad. Lacrosse will Jump into popularity la Europe should tbe projected visits of the Voting Torontos, Vancouver ath letics, and perhaps St. Catherine squad, all of Canada, make tbe trip next year for exhibition purposes. J People of India. There are In India about 250.000.000 people who are supported by agricul ture. 50.000.000 supported by indus tries. 8.000.0OO supported by commerce 3,000.000 supported by profession, and the balance are dependents. Sedentary habits, lack of outdoor exercise, insufficient mastication of tnnA rnnstination. a toroid liver, wor ry and anxiety, are the most common j causes of stomach troubles. Lorreci your habits and fake Chamberlaina Stomach and Liver Tablets and you will soon be well again. For sale by all dealers. MM i Wild Vith Excitement OREGON CITY, OREGON, IN FEVER OF EXCITEMENT OVER THE WONDERFUL CURES PER FORMED BY Doctor Madison Tha Great Medical Expert and Blood iest Surgeon. Deaf Made to Hear; Lame to Walk. OPERA HOUSE PACKED, . NOTHING LIKE IT EVER .SEEN IN OREGON CITY BEFORE. Dr. Madison and staff of the medi cal Institute of Liverpool, Eng., and Crawfordsvllle, Indiana, lectured to a large audience Monday night. The doctors are agreeable and forceful speakers and held the audience In close attention while they explained the theory and usefulness of their wonderful discoveries. Many promises were made which seemed utterly impossible to believe, and when the doctor Invited those who were hard of hearing to come forward and be cured and 0. R. H. Miller, A. Manx and Mrs. W. Shep herd responded to the call and were made to hear In a few seconds. The doctor then called for cripples on crutches and J. M. Bounds res ponded. He waa afflicted with that giant dis ease, rheumatism, for years and he was unable to walk except with crutches and great difficulty and pain. He was operated on with medicine for twenty minutes and walked off the stage free from pain and stiffness, followed by the wondering crowd, while the doctor broke his crutches. To say the audience was astonished and wild would be putting it mildly. The doctor waa warmly congratulated. It seemed like a dream, but it was real. Ministers and doctors were In the audience, and they seemed as well pleased as any. They treat the following diseases: Paralysis, catarrah, deafness, big neck, bladder and kidney diseases, rheumatism, scrofula, female diseases, bowel complaint, debility, dropsy, heart, liver and nerve diseases, tape worm, gore legs, all ear and eye dis eases, cancers, piles, and fistula cured without pain, and all kinds of chronic diseases treated. OFFICE AT Electric Hotel Annex The treatment Is medicine and bloodless surgery. Will not visit any other town In this county. All wish ing treatment must come to Oregon City by Tuesday, Feb. 20. Positively the hut day In Oregon City, closing at 6 P. M. a 5 J V w i