2 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, JANUARY '2(5, 1912. a & 0 " 03 4. 3 ;0 a0 ke, lis ALCOHOL 1 HH CSKT. AUcclaNelVfpanllnnErAs slrailailiigthcfbodandRrtuia IifgtiicSi(viatjandIowisjf lYomolcs Dis-stionflwtfi ness and RestjContalrts dcit OpumXarphinf nor.MianLl ttUT .NARCOTIC. aaMaaiMa)BaaBaaBBaaBB Aoeifrd Remedy forfonsfta tton.SourStocuch.DUntai Worrasfom-ulstonsjewna ness and Loss Of Sleep. FttSimk Sijnanirtof NEW YORK. P5 IASTOEIEA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature zap In Use For Over Thirty Years Iny. N G.; II. N. Melvln, V. 0.; M. Orlssoll, secretary;- J. U Seely, treas urer. The appointive officers will be named later by the noble Rraud. The lodge has had a very bright beginning and Barney Cronln, the Past Grand, has scared no pains to msko this lodge a Rood one, and doubtless tho now offlcera will keep the- work up to Its preitent hlKh standard. There will be a leap year dance at Wilsonvlilo Saturday evening, Janu ary 27, at whim timo the dunce will be led by the hullo. Admission, lad le 25o, gentlemen 50c. lxm't forget the basket social and basket ball at Wllsonville Saturday, January 20th, at S o'clock. The game will be between the Wllsonville Ath letic Club and the Brooklyn Tigers, after which baskets will be sold to the highest bidders. Everyone cor dially Invited. The Progress Kdltlon of the Morn Ing Enterprise Is a credit to the man agement of that up-to-date paper, and we are pleased to note that one of the farmers, who has risen to promi nence Mr. Chas. Tooze made his start at Wllsonville, turning over our , fertile soil. Judging from the loud murmurlngs I of our farmers they are preparing to stand solid with ammunition ready to fill the single tax chuck full of holes I when election time comes LdW. r i Do You Teel This Way? Do you feel ill tired out P Do you sometime! think you iuat can't work away at your prole Ion or trade any lonJerP IK) you hive a poor ape- tit, and Uy awake at niilita unable to ilrrnP Art your pcrvea all gone, and your atomach loo P I iaa am bition to fordo ahead in the world li lt you f If to, you night well put a atop to your ntiaery. You can do it If you will. Dr. I'iercc'i Golilcn Medical Diacovery will make you a different individual. It will art your Uy liver to work. It will set thing! right in your toniach, and your appetita will come back. It will purify your blood. If there is any tendency in your family toward oonauinptiun, it will keep that dread destroyer away. livea alter con umntion haa alinoal Gained liuillmlii In Ilia Icirm nl lingering ooufh, bronchitis, or bleeding at the lunfa, it will hrinl about a eure in 8 per cent, of ill caaea. It is a remedy prepared by Dr. R. V. 1'ieree, of Buffalo, N. Y., whoa aurar it ere fru to all who wiah to writs him. Hit ret aucceai hat come from hit wide experience and varied practice. Don't he wheedled by a penny-fnthbinf dealer into taking inferior aubatU tutet for Dr. I'ierce'l tnedieinet, recommended to be "juat at good." Dr. Pierce't medicine! are or known comi-oiition. Their every ingredient printed oo their wrappers. Made from roott without alcohol. Contain no habit forming drugs. World't Diapenaary Medical Ataociation, Buffalo, N. Y. Mil srv - M I a- HgiispflQTflPiri 3 kj S U 111 MM Exact Copy of Wrapper. vm eewrave aoaMv mm ro err. NEWS FROM THE COUNTRY INTERESTING ITEMS FROM ALL PARTS OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY Do you know that fully nine out of every ten cases of rheumatism are simply rheumatism of the muscles due to cold or damp, or chronio rheuma tism, and require no Internal treat ment whatever? Apply Chamberlain' Liniment freely and see how quickly It gives relief. For sale by all deal ers. STAFFORD. We have had but very little rain for a week and the growing; grain and fields of grass look green and beauti ful. Some plows are at work finishing up here and there small patches that the late unpleasantness Interrupted. A couple of men, who left Michigan last spring for pastures new, blew In last Saturday. They had been to Al berta In July, when a half Inch of Ice froze on the wash dish. No attrac tions In Alberta for them. They bad just returned from a trip over Colum bia county, where they found nothing and Mr. Nussbaum hung them a cou I pie of weeks ago. The clearing and grubbing of the several patches In the neighborhood make quite a difference In the looks of tho country and Incidentally has Riven employment to a number of men. Mark Baker Is helping Louis Nemlo to get his hop field into good order for the coming spring. The pleasant announcement came hl8 week of the marriage next week, Wednesday, January 31. of our es teemed friend, Henry Aden and Miss Blanche Wins, late of Idaho. We are confident that neither of them has made any mistake and they have the good wishes of the entire community. Mr. Aden has been well and favor ably known from childhood to man's estate and Is a prosperous young merchant of Wllsonville while his bride-to-be Is loved by all who know her. Mrs. Gage, who expected her friend, Miss Frndenburg, last Saturday, re ceived word Instead that she had been j taken to the hospital in Salem with a severe case of the grip, but was In hopes to be able to come Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Aernl went to Beth any last Thursday to visit her parents whom she had not seen for a year. Miss Lydla Aernl will be home for a which is good news to their friends here. Mr. Stevenson cut his leg badly Tuesday of last week, wuilo splitting wood. The Quarterly Conference of tho M. B. church wns held at Tualatin last week, the two churches having united for that purpose. The W. A. C. went to Sllverton on Friday last to pluy basket ball and tho team here was defeated by a few points. The game here on Saturday evening, however, with tho Brooklyn Tigers was a decided victory for our village team. Tho baskets of lunch sold well, and a very enjoyable toclul time was had by all who attended. A petition Is being circulated to have the voting precinct changed to some extent, so that Wllsonville resi dents will not be compelled to drive several miles out of town In order to cast a ballot. Times change, and Wll sonville Is growing, and in many re spects Is like the over-grown boy who had to wear clothes entirely too small for his stature. Get In line and sign the petition, and give tho men who have built up our little village a fair chance to vote. A wedding of much Interest to Wll sonville residents, an account of which will be given later, will take place at Gooding, Idaho, on Wednes day, the 31st day of January. It Is CLARKES. We are having rather cold, foggy weather at present Quite a number are on the sick list with bad colds. Mr. and Mrs. Bullard and children spent Sunday at the Wallace home. Mr. Orem was burled Saturday in the Clarkes cemetery. Mr. Stark and nephew were In Ore gon City one day last week on busi ness. W. H. Wallace is busy clearing; land for potatoes. Our school teacher has left Mrs. Kirbyson's and is boarding; with L. Sagar. The cold weather did not Injure the grain. The price of fresh eggs seems com ing down daily, but people would rather have China eggs five years old anyway. Will Dlx passed through this burg Sunday. Sam Elmer and his hired man were plowing last week, getting ready to sow grain. Mr. Bottemlller Is plowing to sow wheat. Mr. Wettlaufer was plowing and get ting reaay to sow grain. Mr. Buckner moved a man Into the hills last Saturday. Mr. Marquardt was In town last week. The literary society met 'Wednes day night and the question for debate was "Resolved, that great men make circumstances and circumstances do not make great men." Those on the affirmative side were Ruby Card, Tea wncox, j. l. Gard, Laura Card, Archie Cumins, and those on the nega live -Clyde Ringo, Mrs. G. R. Miller, J. Dlx, Edna Elmer. The negative siae won. Constipation Is the cause of many ailments and disorders that make life miserable. Take Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver Tablets, keen vour bow. els regular and you will avoid these diseases. For sale by all dealers. COLTON. The farmers are taking advantage or tne good weather in clearing land Olie Hanson ,of Shubel, was a vis itor at Colton last Sunday. Grace Brothers were hauling grain to A. Danlelson's, from Timbergrove last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bonney were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Bonney at James Sunday. Erick Trigg has been busy slashing at the Johnson place, which improves the looks very much. E Berglund started shipping cream to the Hazelwood creamery Monday. Bill Buckner, of Oregon City, moved out thrf family, who bought some land of Mat Kandle, at Bee Hills Saturday. A. Danielson made a business trip to Portland last week. Mr. Anderson, the school supervis or, visited our school Wednesday and held a parents' meeting which was J well attended. C. Freeman, of Elwood, was a call er at Colton last week. Sorenson Bros, were business visit ors at Estacada last Tuesday. Our teacher, Miss Wilion, has changed boarding places, and Is now boarding at W. S. Gorbett's. Matt Kandle made several trips to Bee Hills from Highland this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Putz attended church at Clarkes Sunday. Miss Olson, from the East, Is visit ing with Mr. and Mrs. Hult, at Colton. few days here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Snodgrass. Bert Wallace Is clearing up his farm by grubbing and burning brush and logs. There are many Idle men now trav eling the roads and asking for work, some even willing to work for their board. It will be a blessing when the railroad starts work again, giving em ployment to those who really want work. Mr. and Mrs. Fish have returned home after working for some time at the saw mill of Mr. Damm, near Macksburg. Miss Gladys Murry has been quite sick for several days. Mr. Mallat visited over Sunday at Mullno. Archie Davis went to Portland Tues day to enter school again. Olga Seward has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wal lace the past week. When buying a cough medicine for children bear in mind that Chamber lain's Cough Remedy Is most effectual for colds, croup and whooping cough i and that it contains no harmful drug, i For sale by all dealers. f-BHMBHMHBHBsaasBHBBn H"!l If 'a - H i- J ,v II n j, - i i N 11:1 jMilM'- Users Find It As Jndispen sable as the Barn Itself The Automatic n DREW CARRIER IS A GENUINE TIME LABOR AND MONEY SAVER The Drew runs to the trip, automatically dumps, and returns to be refilled. It enables you to keep your barn cleaner with less effort. Time Is Money with you, You can 't afford to be with out a DREW. FOR DESCRIPTIVE CA TALOG SEND IS THIS COUPON REDLAND. Mr. James has a crew of men lay ing plank. Paine are on the sick list. Mrs. J. M. Smith and Mrs. W. C. Paine are on the sick list. Work has shut down on the Hazel and the men laid off. Mrs. George Gill's mother, of High land, has been visiting her for some days. Those attending the parties given by Mr. and Mrs. McKillican, Mr. and Mrs. Potter and Mr. and Mrs. Abbott report a good time. A young man in the neighborhood is building a new house. Boys get your bells, guns and tin cans ready. Louis Gruel, of Montana, is visiting in Redland. Mitchell, Lewis tS Slaver Co. Portland, Oregon. GENTLEMEN Mail one of your DREW LITTER CARRIER CATALOGS b2 To. At. The Northwest's Greatest Implement ti Vehicle House Agencies Everywhere PORTLAND, OR. SPOKANE SEATTLE BOISE nieily of Needy, wu saying hello to old friend Thursday. Tho Nolilllt brothers went liiiulltiK (in v (hi.) week. Mr. Chas. Nolilllt and ion, Albert, retiirneil home Tuenduy f om Mullno, where they spent aovernl day pith tho former' mother, Mr. Dr. (loiich or, Dr. Garrett will oou move back on to his farm t'linliy's Ins and Needy gain. l fiirotheis cut his foot pretty bad ly Thursday. Albert KIM'itt wa truiiHni'tlnK luisl tioH In t'anby Thursday. Well, IhlH U leap year. Old bach elors will have to look a Hit!" "' there mo one or (wo tho girls have spotted. Mr. Iiiiii rlpclttlo spent TuuNilny with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. (jai lor. .Sr. Mrs Frank Fist) was vIsKIiik at Mr. Iilrchett'a Sunday. Walt Noblltt returned homo Tue day from Tho Dalle, where lie went nil hiiHlncHH. Mr. mill Mrs. Noblltt, Mr, and Mr. Albert Klllolt. Mr. Kd. MUler. Iluttle Thompson. Albert Noblltt, Eddie Mil ler enjoyed Sunday dinner with Mr. n lid Mr. Clarence Noblltt, Our school I progresHlliR nicely. Mr. mid Mr. Albert Klllolt left Wednesday for Nesporce. Idaho, where they expect to make their homo lu the future. Mm. John Klllott and Miss Wllda were callers In Needy Sunday. Mr. Smith, of Dayton. I spending a few days at tho home of S. Kluter. Mix llratsberg is staying at the home of Mrs. Marcus Smith, doing some sewing. Mr. Miller ha a sick horse. Mr. Uninard I Improving slowly. AH will be glad to eo him on hi foot again. Mrs. Albert Thompson and Halll spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hilton. Oils Townsend and J. OkIo, of Au rora, were Sunday visitors at tho Nob lltt ranch. Io Fish Is a busy man theso days, breaking colts as he ha four on (he string. MOUNTAIN VIEW, Tim cold woiitlier lias given place to rainy weather, Mr. Frank Clark was on tho tick list lust week, but I tthlu til bo up again this week. i ii nudum Woldnor U seriously III. Tho llllilo Study ('las mot lit (ha homo of Mrs. Frank WIiimIow hut week, with 13 pieNoiit, mid next Thurs day will meet at the liouio of Mr, J II. Quint). All are cordially Invit ed to tin'"" iiiooIIiik In Nludy tlio Kllllduy acliool loxBUII. A. (I. JitiioN, of t'linis, I having hi house on Molallu avenue und I'i'iill street, which wn occupied by J. I', Hoehl and wife, in papered and kal munllled (hi week. J, M. (illicit Is doing (ho work, 1 torn, January 111, to tliei wlfo of Frank W. Heard, a oti. Tho grand, parents, Mr. and Mr. John Darling, lire very proud of It, It holng their IImI grandson. Henry Hcltxor, of Mullno, was tram acting biisliieN In town Frlduy and visited among frluiid here. He re turned litiino Saturday afternoon. W. II. Hall, of Hock wood, wn at home over Sunday. Tom Carrlro and wlfo are r paper ing their home on Fifth and JefTuron streets this week. Mr. Jiime Shelly I suffering with asthma and Nlomach troubln. Mr. and Mrs. F. llusbee were call ing on friend In till vicinity Hunda, Mr. Anna Green mid ton, Raymond, of Senttle. Washington, are spending thl month at the home of J. W. H. Owen n Ituymond I under tho doc tor's care. Mr. Audi Harrington, who lis been itiuylng with her mother, Mr, Vaudorg, who bought the Hickman collage, I moviiit; lo Courtney where the ha purchased lots. Mrs. Miller, of lllshland, has rented part of Mm. Vundorg's Iioiiho so thut her two girl can attend school here. The fire department of Mountain View and Improvement Club will hold a Joint bBiiiuet In the new fire ball Wednesday evening. A rare time Is anticipated. Particular next week. Canbyand North Clackamas CANBY. Frank Astnias and wife, who former ly lived here, and wa proprietor of the Red Front saloon, have returned to Cnnhy to make this tholr future home. Mr. and Mrs. Grant White have moved Into the room recently fitted up over the garage. Mrs. E. W. McClean. of Burlington, California, Is a guest of Mrs. Kpsle Shields. Mmt For Stanogi aphera. A prominent physician I respotmi ble fur this assertion: "Any young wo man stenographer, quick sml alert, can earn extra money if she will learn uiedlcnl terms and apply for the hhI tlon of stenographer at the varlom medical meeting held every week lu Urge cities. It calls for a good edm-a tlon, tome knowledge of Ijitln, and It will be neceiHiiry for the uppllcunt to lenrn uiedlcnl terms, and learn them quickly; also to acquaint herself with physiolocy If deficient In that study. There Is n gTeat ileum nil for help of this kind, nml Iwanie most of the meetings are held st ulKht very few oPP-y for u steady posit Ion. but It opens a lucrative one to the amliltioin.. A lino of tills work would soon lead U to a very resKmsllle imsltlon In a chemical limine, where wngca are usually the very bet. because com petent belli Is not always obtainable for that olllce.- When You See the Bell. On the bottle you have our guarantee that you are getting the best cough and cold remedy. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey has millions of satisfied users. At all dealers. For sale by Harding's Drug Store. MARQUAM. A surprise party was given Mrs. E. Marquam on the 17th of Jan uary, it being her birthday. Quite a number were there. The basket social given by the Lad ies' Aid was a grand success socially s well as financially. The baskets brought over $35 which will go to wards building sidewalks. Mrs. Hattle Myers has been quite sick. A physician from Silverton was called. Mr. Thompson, our blacksmith, has moved his family out from Salem. They will occupy the property east of Mr. Harmon's property on East Soda Springs avenue. Olef Olson is building a barn. The Barth boys are doing the work. The Mitchell Line of Implements and Vehicles Is Full of Labor Saving Money Savers Bonnet and RatlcuU to Mitch. No afternoon costume Is all It should be without Its graceful reticule, which, of course. Is designed to harmonize with both frock und hat. Many of the fasblouable milliners are providing Tho Mercantile Company has (iiatiKod hands with an Eastern party as the purchaser. Mrs. t'orbett I quite sick, threat ened with typhoid pneumonia. One of tho little girl has also been tick. The neighbor are very kind to them, helping them all they can, for which they are very thankful. Fred Both hut accepted a position In Suiidsness' hardware store. Mr. and Mr, lwreiice White of Aurora, were shopping In Canby Tue day. Mr. Fred Both, teacher of the pri mary giade. has resigned and Mr, i:. K. llrailt will finish teaching the term out. Mr. Tryphenla Super, mother of Mrs. Kd. Hutchinson, died Monday, January 22, nt 12: IS o'clock. Pneu monia was the cause of her death. She was eighty-one years old and well known hern. The funeral took place from tho German church Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock and the Inter ment wns In the Zlon cemetery. Kendall k Allen have sold their In terest In the butcher shop to a Mr. Druschel, of Portland. Mrs. Helen Story, of Oregon City, was visiting at the home of Mrs. An drew Kocher and Mr. Morley Mack one day last week. BARLOW. ON SALE AND DISPLAY BY W. J. WILSON & CO., Tenth and Main OREGON CITY J. J. SANDSNESS & CO., OREGON ; CANBY OREGON Podolax. Cures Constipation and Liver trou bles. Does not gripe nor sicken. 50c a bottle. Money back if not satisfactory. MULINO. Sunshine and showers for the past few days with quite cold nights. Norman Howard has moved Into the Bmner house. Thomas Oram died Thursday, Jan nary 18th, at Mulino. He was quite old and had been in poor health for some time. He was buried Saturday at the Clarkes cemetery. It Is reported that Mr. McLoughlin has sold his farm to an Eastern man. Superintendent Gary was a Mulino visitor Monday. Fred Churchill is grubbing for Mr. Grant Ashby. Mrs. Kate Bohlander Is spending a Mrs. C. W. Bentley is quite poorly I tnev wanted but appeared to like the . couple of weeks which gives her moth at this writing. Dr. Bell's Antiseptic Salve. Is good for anything for which a salve is indicated Such as pimples, black heads, sores, chaps, ulcers, sunburn and all skin affections. 2.'c at all dealer?. For sale by Harding's Drug Store. country south of Portland be.-U of any they had seen. Mrs. Brink, in trying to save her self from a misstep, in some way wrenched her arm which has given her a good deal of pain. er a much needed rest. WILSONVILLE. I Grandma Tledeman slipped and hurt i her back, which on account of her ad i vanced age, is slow to get well, but WILSONVILLE. ' a" hope she will be better soon. I Those who have been sick with H. D. Aden spent Thursday In Port-, colds, are better as far as heard from land on business. an(i no new cage reported. rmu rauenman went to Portland Friday. Morris Cronin has been III for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Melvln went to Port land recently to attend a family re union of the Melvln family. Mrs. Joe Thornton spent Thursday in the Rose City. Mr. and Mrs. Hardrastle, of Wood- burn, spent the week-end at the Mel- vin home here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Seely spent part of last week -visiting Sherman Seely. The pulpit In the Methodist church, wh'ch was carved In beautiful handi work by Mr. White, is a splendid pi?ce of workmanship and is being much admired by all who see It. The installation of Odd Fellow took place Saturday evening with M. Cris sell as Installing officer. The following- officers were Installed: Ed. Mu- J. W. Thornton went to Tualatin on Sunday. E. C. Melvin, of Portland, has been visiting his brother in Wllsonville this week. Mrs. Frank Brobst went to Portland Saturday. Mrs. Ira Seely and daughters, Inez and Faye, visited relatives In Salem Raturrla v The Ladies' Circle met with Mrs. Mrg Elllngston, of Salem, visited Ha Delkar last week and spent the : vjrg. Fitzoatnck Sunday day pleasantly and profitably. Mrs. Seedling invited them to meet with her th--5 third Thursday In February. All ladies are invited. Mrs. Gage was again elected president and Mrs. El Iigsen secretary-treasurer for the com ing year. The Tualatin Grange at Frog Pond has a public Installation of officers Saturday, January 27. The County Deputy, C. T. Dickenson, haa been se lected as installing officer. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas attended the public installation and banquet given by the local lodge of Workmen and ladles' lodge of Neighbors at Tuala t'n latt Wednesday evening'. Assisted by contributions from the ladies of the neighborhood Mrs. Brink bought curtains for the new chapel Mr. and Mrs. Mallory. of Donald, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Peters the last of the week. The nver was still very high last week, measuring 31.5 feet on Monday. Emma Stangel spent some time in the Rose City last week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thornton spe not hard to guess the names of the happy couple as the answer la read ily given in the smiling, rapturous countenance of one of our most promi nent citizens and enterprising merchants. Medicines that aid nature are al ways most effectual. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It allays the cough, relieves the lungs, opens the secretions and aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition. Thousands have testified to Its superior excellence. Sold by all dealers. CM f - NEEDY. This sunshine and showers are bringing forth the fruit and flowers. Mr. Haeg, of Nesperce, Idaho, left f . . li t . . rr 1 i . . . Ji-T uin u'jinc imimuay. Mr. ana Mrs. Johnson accompanied him to the sta- Sunday in Portland, the guests of friends there. Mrs. Ed. Walters was among Port land visitors on Wednesday. L. F. Darby, formerly our popular druggist and now a resident of Port land, visited friends here Saturday. H. D. Aden was In the Rose City on Tuesday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thornton and Mr. and Mrs. Jake Peters visited Mr. and Mrs. Mallory, at Donald Sunday. Mr. Mallory is now stationed at Donald, tion. Don't forget the poultry show at Oregon City. Everybody go. Febru ary 2 and 3. Mr. Leonard Is quite sick. Dr. Weaver, of Hubbard, was called Wed nesday. Mesdames Thompson, Noblltt, El liott, Miller, Keating were callers on Mrs. C. Miller, of Needy, Tuesday. Mrs. Myrtle Smith spent Thursday with Mrs. Kinzer. Mr. McGanick, of Woodburn, for- ch arming arracTs i vfot-rr tuo Boss TON EH. these reticules with their hats of a more dressy rinfure The hat mid reu nite pictured lire In slimli-s .f violet aud rose pink, with tom-hes of dull cold on the reticule The fnw-k Is of Ivory while embroidered v., lit., iritniiicd with chiiioii In violet nml ro-e finis, snd he ivM'-. cl,,,-,- tune ioet Slid t..xe Cik Hinbroliler n tne Unexpected. "Say, who la that beefy fellow over there with the remarkably broad shoul ders r "That's the champion chess player of the college." "And who Is the midget with the red halrr That's the gmr.t left . n- ,f ir foot b!l leara "-Nee.- :',- , n- li-nvuue McHitames Ed. and Jus. Ogle, of Aurora, were culling on friends here Wednesday. Mrs. Ada Andrus entertained a few of her friends Saturday afternoon. A delicious 5 o'clock dinner was served and enjoyed by those prosent. Tho guests were, Mesdames 8. Erlckson, Jus. Erlckson, ijindBverk, Howe, Wur fel. Gllhertson, C. (J. Tull. Irwin. Miss I'wis. Miss Anderson. Miss Howe. Irene Wurfel. Ina Howe, Stanley Gil berthon, H. T. Melvln. Henry Zleglcr was tendered a big surprise Sunday by his wife and moth er when 70 of his friends gathered at his home and a delicious dinner was spread. The day was spent visiting and a few played cards. The phono graph furnished tho music. IjUe In tho afternoon tho friends departed wishing Henry many happy returns of the day, tho occasion being his 35th birthday. It was a complete sur prise on Henry, he not even "smelling a mouse." Sundny was Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Zlrnmermnn's 21st wedding an niversary, but Mrs. Zimmerman being lu poor health they were unable to at tend tho pnrty much to the regret of all tholr friends. Mrs. Zimmerman Is a sister of Henry Zleglor. Those pres ent were: Mr. and Mrs. 8. E. Bruns. Mr. and Mrs. T. Dental, Mr. and Mrs. W. Dental, Mr. and Mrs. G. Dental. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. If. Zlegler, Mr. and Mrs. O. Zleglor, Mr. and Mrs. C. Zleglor, Mr. and Mrs. C. Zimmerman, Mr. and Mrs. 8. B. Berg. Mr. and Mrs. A. Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. 8. Erlckson, Mr. and Mrs.'J. Erlckson, Mr. and Mrs. !(. C. Howe, Mr. and Mrs. Archibald, Mrs. Myers, Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Wlddows, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wurfel, Mr. and Mrs. K. Slatager, Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Iinds vork, Mr. nnd Mrs. B. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. U Wroistnd, Mr. nnd Mrs. M. Ivirson, Mr. and Mrs. Grendland, Mr. nnd Mrs. I Urudwlg, H. (iarness. Misses Hattle Irwin, Anna Grendland, Both Zimmerman, Aleta Zimmerman, Irene Wurfel, Lucille and Viola Zleg lor, Messrs. (ieorge Bruns, Elmer Ir win, Carl Brudwig, Arthur Urudwlg, Elmer Ilerg, Emery Dental, Henry Zimmerman, Roy Zimmerman, Georg le, William, Iyiyd and Bonnie Zlegler. Mr. and Mrs. Wurfel attended the Five Hundred party at Aurora Satur day evening. Mrs. Wurfel won first prize. Mr. Dregrlce had a heifer killed by a freight train Sunday afternoon. George Ilerg has been quite sick with pliieurlsy. Dr. Dedman was called. Mr. nnd Mrs. Allen Grlbble, of Port land, were visiting Mr. Grlbble's grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse received the sad news of the death of their grand daughter, Mr. Eva Parrot Walker, at Glenwood, Washington. Mrs. Walk er made her home with Mr. Jesse's for some time when she was a trlrl and had many friends here, who are pained to hear of her sad death. The Choice of a Husband. Is too Important a matter for a woman to he handicapped by weakness, bad blood or foul breath. Avoid these kill hopes by taking Dr. King's Life Pills. New strength, fine completion, pure breath, cheerful spirits things that win men follow their use. Easy, safe, sure. 25c at all druggists.