i , i . I i ! W mi I l . I I.,. I Hill I. .I-1. I I .I II ..1.11 I I. II -I.- . c mm mm Ta Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been In um for orer 30 Jfrs, has borne the Big-nature of and has been made under his per , Bona! supervision since Its Infancy. f-CCCCAtA Allnvr nnnnA tndMlv rou In thi. All Counterfeits Imitations and"Juflt-os-Bod"are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA CastorU Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Iaro-g-orie. Drops and Soothing1 Syrups. It Is rieaaauU It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotlo . substance. Its acre Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fercrishness. It cures Diarrhoea aud Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Combination and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The EM You Have Always Bought In Use For Oyer 30 Years. NEWS FROM THE COUNTRY INTERESTING ITEMS FROM ALL PARTS OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY clrty hld s watch party at the church Sunday evening. A nne program waa rendered sn4 all present enjoyed thsm- rivet. Ed. Grace, of Tlmbergrovs suds a business trio to Cotton Saturday. Mr. and Mr. Homer Brown, who are staving at tha lattera parents, at fcl- wood, called on Grandma Dlx last Monday. Members of tha nearer Creek tele- phone division No. 14. held a meeting Saturday evening and elected new of ficers for the ensuing year. Miss Nellie Bonney returned to Es tacada after having apent week's vacation at the borne with her par enta at Colton. About eight Inchea of anow fell hen) Saturday night In the guessing contest of the num ber of beam In a jar at A. Danlelson's tore. Millie Anderson was the fortu nate on In getting the set of silver ware. J. Puts was a business visitor In town Saturday. W. H. Bottemllier was ai loium for a load of shingles Saturday. John Jones -was hauling wood ror Ous Qottberg the first of the week. Medicines that aid nature are a- wave most effectual, mamneriaiu Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It allays the cough, relieves the lungs, opens the secretions and aids nature In restoring the system 10 a neauoy condition. Thousands have testified to Its superior excellence. Sold by all dealers. Welcome Words to Women WeaM win suffer with disorder ooeallar te their set should write te Dr. Pieroo aad reetive Iree the advice of a phvtieiaa of ever 40 yea's' sipeneaee e (killed sad tueoeaafWI speoialist ia the diaeates I woaiae." Kvery tetter el this serf has the mott eartful eoaeidaratioa aad is refardad si saertdlv eoaldeatiat. Maay aaaiitivaly saoooU woatea write fully le Dr. Pieroo what they would shriek froot telliaf te their loeal phvtieiaa. The local pbvsioiaa ia pretty sure to say that bo eanaot do saytbia without "aa staaiaatioe." Dr. Piers bulds thai these dittaitelul eianiaatloas are faaarally aead sea, aad that ao woaea, eieept ia rare e Dr. Fteroe'e rroataaoat will ears yea right la the privacy of your owa kosae. Ilia "Favorite Freeeriptioa" bee eurad kuadreds of Utooaaada, soaie of taes the worst of eeeoe. It is the ooly atediolae of Its klad that la the product of s refulerly rsdaatod phvtieiaa. Tha oary oae food eooujb that it aiakars dare to priat ita every lagiedient oo ita outiide wrapper. There's ao seersey. It will bear eieaiae tioa No alcohol sad ao babit-formiaf draft are found ia it. Some uaecrup lout aaedicioe dealers aisy offer you s substitute. Doo't take it. Doa't trifle with your health. Write to World's Di-peetary Medical Ataooiatioe, Dr. R. V. Pierce. Preaideat, Buffalo, N. Y., lake the advice received aad bo wall. ssbalt to thoss. should WIL80NVILLE. Mr. and Mrs. Mallory. ot Portland. spent Christmas with Mrs. Mallory s alster, Mrs. J. Peters, at Wilson villa. Quito a number of the young folks from Stafford and vicinity attended the dance at WilsonvlUe Saturday even in . . Mr. and Mrs. white spent Sunday in Hillsboro with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Wall spent Christmas Day In the Rose City. Mrs. Homer Kruse has been quite 111 at the Oregon City hospital Mr. and Mrs. Grant Llchenthaler, of Newberg. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. White for some days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Toung and family and Mr. and Mrs. Norrts Young spent New Year's day In Portland vis iting relatives. Misses Cora ana Mary Broosi nave returned from Eastern Oregon where against the Woodburn team, resulted In the former coming out victorious by the splendid score of 29 to 17. The following players led the village team to victory: Andy Hasselbrlnk, Elmer Seely, forwards; Doris Young, center; George Murray and George Stanzel, guards. After the game a social dance was much enjoyed by those who trip the light fantastle. The usual New Year salutes, were fired off on schedule time hers on Sunday evening at twelve o'clock. Ev en the telephone bells were mixed up In a glorious medley of sound, and threshing whistles, together with en gine whistles of smaller mien, wel comed la the glad New Year. Don't forget to renew your subscrip tion to the Enterprise through our ag ent, Chas. Rldder. He Is conveniently located at the poatoffice where he will be glad to renew old subscriptions or take new ones at any time. The Jan uary edition, especially gotten out tor advertising Clackamas county. Is to be a copy which we will all be proud to send to our friends who are freeslng In the eastern states. Among the railway announcements for the Oregon Electric extension, Is the one given from Wllsonville to Me Mlnnvllle, a distance of 23 miles. This will mean a great deal to WilsonvlUe and now with our fertile farming land, and river advantages, If our oil well turns out to a Lakerlew Gusher, we A Glllvtt and family Sunday and with S. V. Francis and family Monday, then returned home Tuesday morning. El mer la attending business college In Portland, going from home every day. Mrs. II. A. Waterhouse and sister, Mrs. Charles Stewart, ot Portland, came Sunday to spend New Year's day among relatives and friends. Mrs. Stewart had the misfortune to slip on the Icy walk and sprain her anklo. She could not return home with her sister and Is at the homo ot 1L Lay man. J. Dlx Is putting up a building on Roosevelt street and expects to move Into town again soon. Mrs. A. L. Ulckman and Wanda Dent New Years In Gladstone, the guests of Mrs. C. A. Frost. Frank Stlllwoll slipped on the Sev. enth street steps last week and Is at homo with broken ribs. Mrs. Bailey of Molalla avenue and Warner street fell New Years eve and dislocated her shoulder. Frank Wlnslow Is not so well since the rains ceased. Bible study waa not held last week on account of tne funeral or A. n Humnhrev. and next week It wilt be hold at the home of Mrs. 8. A. Clllett B. C. Dye will hold services at the Mountain View church next 8unday evening at 7 o'clock. Everyone cor dlallr Invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McKlnney, of MARQUAM. Know fell at Mnrquam December 11 to the depth of four Inches. - Tbs young people who have bees home during the holidays have re turned to school again. MUses Myrtle, Vlda and Kreta AI Kri.hi ivilla Msrauam and Blanche Harmon returned to Hllvertou high school, and Miss Kcho Uirklns re turned to Oregon City high 'l'0 Harry lllbbard took charge or tne Marquam telephone office January 1. Our new blacksmith hss arrived from Balom. , , Dolph Myers had the misfortune to bn-ak his leg last week while hauling sums logs. , Series of meeting commences at the M. K. church January li, uudsr the car of llev. Comstock. F. J. Ridings has returned from White Salmon River, where he to look at some property h had witn a view to trade his property here. Millions of Bottlss of Dr. Bell's Pine Tar-IIonry used an nually Is good evidence that It Is a g,KKj wnieay ror i. . -- and an mroi ""-- iuik for tne urn on colds, troubles. STONE. As the year 1912 came Monday, good wishes to the Enterprise family and the readers of the Enterprise. As the people living away out of the din of battle of city Ufe. thus we are not troubled with so steady a din of noise. One big load of oats, one of hay and other smaller loads went along here this morning, but there was not water squeezed out of the road. It has been a long time since we have seen the ground as solid as It Is now. and old nature Is holding hand and foot with out any sunshine to aid in loosening the solid frozen roads. Grant Mnmpower's pole sawmill is as still as the wind. He has not gotj the steam raised yet today. Business matters are looking toward a bnsiness that will be livelier this winter here. Parties are clearing out Clear Creek and are going to ship cord wood down the creek Into the Clacka mas river. There Is a party up the Clackamas river under the manage ment of Grant Mumpower which Is cutting cord wood and some timber. It will not be long till wood will be scarce in Oregon, especially in Clacka mas county. The people will have to have oil to burn as fuel. The Oregon i Oil and Gas Company had better go was to work ana clean out their on wen and get some profit out of their oil Instead of letting it lay Idle any long er. Mr. Edysin, who bought the Vlerhus place, and who is manager and sales man of the Swedish colony, has sold part of the land. These Swedish peo ple are going to take part of Clacka mas county. Well we reckon that the Swedes might as well take part of Clackamas county as any other kind of people. So sail In, Mr. Edysin, and settle all the Swedish people you can. Our egg and poultry man has come to life again, but this time he Is one day late. This egg and chicken bnsi ness baa become quite a business in our burg. Eggs, 35 cents per dozen, Is quite a money-making business if you get any eggs, but the chicken busi ness is quite a business all the year round, at this place, especially. There Is one manufacturing com pany here that is manufacturing the year round and that Is the Clear Creek Creamery Company. Mr. Smith has a sure thing as well as those who fur nish "cream for the creamery. Burkbart t Company, of the roller Mill at Barton, put up a building 18x16 feet for the storing of flour and mill feed, which is close to J. I Mumpow er's reeidence of this place, and al ready there is quite a demand for such products. The next thing we want is a good grocery store here so we won't have to go to Portland or Oregon City when we are in need of groceries. What Can We Say More than if you are not satisfied af ter using Sutherland's Eagle Eye Salve we will refund your money. 25c at all dealers. Geo. A. Harding, Druggist. Wellington Marshall was sawing wood for Tom Grace last week. Mrs. Haag fell and hurt her foot the other day. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kleinsmlth, from Portland, spent their Christmas with relatives. Miss Ida Haag is back from Port land on account of her father's sick ness. Miss Esther Stout came home from Portland to spend Christmas. The German M. EL church had its Christmas tree on Monday evening. There was a large attendance. Miss Lydla and Elise Buol came home to spend their Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. J. Maxson spent their Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lee. ! Minnie and Effle Grace came home to spend Christmas. -Otto and Ellsa Elmer came home to spend ChriBtmas. i The Marshall Brothers are sawing j wood In Timbergrove. j They had their literary society last Wednesday night in the Clarkes school house. The program is as ioi lows: Instrumental music, Archie Cumins and Vernon Larkins; musical selection, R. S. Welch; songs by the chorus, address, J. L. Card; recitation. Miss Lydla Kleinsmlth. The question Resolved that Single Tax Law should be proclaimed in the United States." The debaters were, on af firmative Jay Dix, w. Q. Kleinsmlth. J. U Gard, Wm. Mclntyre and Petar Hoover, and on the negative J. D. Pieper, J. J. Gard, Lewis Sager, Char ley Grossmiller and Ed. Buol The af firmative side took the lead. I mill llf J,.. ';i'"r'-ll'HtMIJ.J4nrCT Users , J t !.- V ; t Find It ' Vv'i H 'U- ' ' As , 1 K V ' Indispm. ; If t X J itself : j The Automatic DREW CARRIER IS A GENUINE TIME LABOR AND MONEY SAVER The Drew runs to the trip, automatically dumps, and returns to be refilled. It enables you to keep your oam cieaner wun less ejjorr. n If Time is Monty with you. You can't afford to b with out a DREW. when given as soon as the croupy cough appears Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will ward of an attack of croup and prevent all danger and cause of anxiety. Thousands of moth ers use it successfully. Sold by all dealers. NEEDY. CLARKE8. Mr. Wettlaufer is hauling manure away from Mr. Larkin's place. The Buol Bros, had a big New Year feast on New Year's eve. The grangers had a big New Year's dinner and intended to have a dance in the evening. Mr. Bottemllier hauled a load of shingles from Colton last Saturday. Six inches of snow fell in Clarkes Sunday morning. Sam Elmer's hired hand has been hauling straw Into the field and spread ing it Minnie and Effle Grace left sgaln to teach school. Needv Is all In the shivers as it is covered with about two inches of snow. Dr. Garrett was called to Needy Tuesday as there are several sick horses here. School commenced Tuesday with Miss Yoder as teacher. C. R. Noblitt made a business trip to Aurora Wednesday. Several of Needy s residents took in the New Year's ball at Aurora, ana report a fine time. Mrs. Frank Fish ana aaugnier ana Mrs. Emma Miller and son took sun- day dinner with Mrs. Noblitt Mrs. John Gordon is boarding our teacher. Miss Yoder. Walter Noblitt has returned nome. It Is rumored that C. Miller has nurchased the property of A. W. El liott and will take possession soon. A. w. Elliott Is talking or going w Idaho. We don't like to see them leave our town. Misses Edith Johnson and Grace Thompson have returned to Portland tsi attend arhool arter spenaiDK me hnlMavn with their oarenU. 1 Bernice Wolfer was transacting busi ness in Canby Thursday. . FOR DESCRimVt CATALOG SEND IN THIS COUPON MUchtH. LwU It Stavr Co. Portland, Oreron. GENTLEMEN Matt on of your DREW LITTER CARRIER CATALOGS t To. At. t . sf Th Northwest's Greatest Implement tf Vehicle House Agencies Everywhere PORTLAND, OR. SPOKANE SEATTLE BOISE bottle. Sold everywhere. Harding, Druggist. DAMASCUS. Miss Maria ZlmmU-r. of Portland, visited her parents New Years dsy. Burton Deardortf Is having a nice little cottage built. Just room for two. Miss Wlckland Is spending tho week end with hr cousin, MUs Nellie Ous- UThe D. A. A. C. baskft ball team will play tho Sycamore team 8turT evening. Jan. . 1913. In Elliott hall. Miss Jaanelts Newell spent Satur day aud Sunday with her parents. Mrs. A. W. Cooke gave a dinner party Sunday to a number of voting people. All did justice to tho bounti ful supply of good things to oat and expressed themsolvos of having a good l,n . Homo of the young people attended (ho dance at Sycamore Saturday ev ening and report a splendid tuna. We understand that Clackamas County Pomona (Irsnge rmwts with Harding Grange Wednesday, Jan. 10, 1911. There waa a charivari Saturday night Those affairs are a disgrace to the neighborhood as very tew of the young men are able to walk straight after partaking of the tresis. It's too bad that such barbarlow customs are practiced among civilized poople. Mrs. C. R Hunter Invited a boat six teen gueats to a dinner Sunday.. All enjoyed tho dalsiy dll served and atfer dinner expressed their sppreola tlon by rendering some Instrumental musio and singing. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Optflold. Miss Martha Alpnanalp, Frank Hunt er. A. Newell, Misses Joanette and Mie Nswall. The Damaacua Amateur Athletic Club will give an entertainment Sat urday svenlng. Jan. 10. 1911. Tha plays are well rendered by local tal ent. Everyone Is eztanded a cordial Invitation. When You Sa the Bell On the bottle you have our guarantee that you are getting tho beat cough and cold remedv. I. Bell's pine-Tar-Honey has millions of satisfied users. At all dealers. Geo. A. Harding. Druggist. Sandy and East Clackamas SANDY. The Mitchel Line of Implements and Vehicles Is Full of Labor Saving Money . Savers ON SALE AND DISPLAY BY W. J. WILSON & CO., Tenth and Main OREGON CITY OREGON J. J. SANDSNESS & CO., CAN5Y OREGON A Medicine That lives ten years must have merit Dr. Bell s Pine-Tar-Honey has been sold for sixteen years and sales have increased every year. So you run no risk. We guarantee It At all dealers. Geo. A. Harding, Druggist. COLTON. A happy and procperous new yesr to alL Misses Fredeborg HuH and Esther Dahlstrom, from Couer d'Alene, Idaho, and Miss Esther Hult from Portland, are home to spend the holidays with their parents at Colton. While working In the woods last Thursday Erich Asplund was hurt quite seriously by a limb falling down striking him on his head. He Is un der the doctor's care and Is progress ing as well as can be expected. Mr. and Mra. Kandle. of Highland, returned from their ranch at Be Hills with a herd of cattle last wee. Mrs. John Lamm and son, irons Orinnnnu. are visiting with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. R. E Bonney, f Colton. Mr. and Mrs. t O. Dlx. who visited at Colton a few days, returned to their home at Mali no Monday. John Johnson hss been assisting A. Donlelson In the store. I t nr ni-Wnn waa called to Port land on account of the lllneaa of his mother. .. e v iir,mr nromote? from vui cago. who hss recently located In Portland, hss spent the week In and a.nriv Interesting the ranchers and business men In an up-to-date co- hntt.r making nlant which k tn miabllRh In Sandy. a....t.i!FM rnunlea attended the grange dancing party at Melnlg's hall v. Year'a ave. All report a good limn an.l much credit Is due the Ban dy Hotel management for tho sumptu ous midnight dinner which the guests enloyed. Thm Hnndv nubile schools resumed work Tuesday morning. CHERRYVILLe. On Sunday evening a few young people gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Couper and passed a pleasant time with sacred songs and music. Owing to the difficulty of holding evening service In the Cher ryvllle church Mr. and Mrs. Couper have offered to open their home to the enlgbbors on Sunday evening for a quiet hour of sacred music an4 hereby extend a welcome to all Tho writer of these Items wishes to add that he reported one or inese Sunday evening song services recently but by some error It was printed as a social gathering with games, etc. It Is only fair to all concerned to correct that impression. J as. T. Edgerton. or rortiana, ac companied by L, T. Sheldon, of Ta coma. spent a few days last week on his ranch near Cherryvllle. Charles NewlanJ Is bsck on bis ranch again. Alex Brooks leaves next week tor a trln to Jlood Ulver, Seattle and Ta- coma. Dr. Boyd, pastor of First Presbyter Ian church, Portland, made two trlpa to Cherryvllle recently and Is nego tiating for a 20-acre tract of land for a summer home, opposite Prof. Geo. Couper's. Vincent Frlel and Miss Vlda Frtel and Miss Ruth Frlel made a trip over to Bridal Veil, Ore., last week to visit their sister. Mrs. Archie Crawford, formerly Miss Myrtle Frlel. of Cher ryvllle, and their little niece. When buying a cough medicine for children boar In mind that Chamber lain's Cough Remedy Is most effectual for colds, croup and whooping cough and that It contains no harmful drug. For sale by all dealers. joyed themselves with games, muslo and recitations, The aupper, which was not served until till, was a iesp year lap lunch, consisting of an abund ance of good things to eat and a few practical Jokes. E. F. llMginero. a representative of the Hastings Industrial Company, of Chicago, which makes a buslnoaa of bulldltu co-operative eramerla and canneries throughout tho United States, Is In this district trying to In terest the dnlry men In a creamery to bo built at or near Sandy. Mr. Hag mere has moved his family to Port land and Is delighted with the coun try ESTACADA. A road meeting waa held at tho Porter school houae Saturday to do termlne the question of annexing a purt of Road District No. 10. Nine teen tax payers were prese.nL The vote was 14 to 3 In favor of annexing a portion of the southeast corner of District No. 10. It Is now up to the court to finally pass upon the matter. E. T. Davis and family spent tho Christmas holidays with Mra. Davis parents at Turner. W. W. Davla, Jr.. and wife are vis Ittng at the home of his parents. Ills mother Is very III. Mr. Greeber has gone to California, A conference of committees, repre senting Road District No. 49, southern part of No. 10. and northern part of No. 10 met In Eatacada thla week with Commissioner Matton and dlsuissed changing boundaries of the districts, Garfield had 8V4j Inches of snow Bus day morning. It was a wet anow and fell so silently as to cling to the tele phone wires so that the system waa out of order Saturday. ELWOOD. Twould keep a barometer guesilng to announce the different changes ot weather of late. The Xmas entertslnment over, but not forgotten but highly praised. The tree was beautifully decorated and filled with presents for all. Mr. and Mrs. E. Rowan and little daughter, Norma, of Portland, were visitors of Mr. Freeman during holi days, the home of Mrs. Rowan's par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Henderson and daughters, Miss Myrtle and Leola, of Oregon City, spent Christmas at W. T. Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Vallen were guests of Mr. Amos Vallen Sunday. A birthday and New Year's dinner was served in favor of Lewis Vallen. r, a. rers, oi w. ran, ure . apeni pari mtn , te), Af ika hstlMauai at t.tat nnesnl'a rtsmA ... vi iiivj siuiKsaaft si i. u vuv sr uwuj 7, i fQQyg EAOLE CREEK. Ed. Chapman visited with Mr. and Mrs. Will Douglas Wednesday. Mrs. Lydla Woodle and daughter, Nettle, were over visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Hewlett a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. If. G. Huntington made a trip to Portland last week to see Mr. Huntington's mother, who has been ill, but Is now some better. Ed. Chapman and Mrs. H. D. Gibson returned from Portland Saturday, where they bad been visiting with Iheir brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Chapman. Carl Huntington, of Spokane, was out spending a couple of days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. O. Hunt ington. Ho returned to Portland Mon day. G. A. Douglas, of Portland, was out this way the first of the week calling on relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Douglas enter tained at dinner 8unday Mr. and Mrs. Will Douglas, Ed. Chapman, Mr, and Mrs. It B. Gibson, O. A. Douglas, Roy Douglas and Peier pescbeL Walter Douglas butchered bogs New Year s day. We are enjoying some snow for a change. Miss Anna Duncan returned Mon day evening after a week's vacation and resumed her duties in tho school room Tuesday morning. Abernathy Orange Chooses Off ears. Abernathy Grange No. 346, P. of H., met at their hall In Park place last Saturday. There being a large at tendance and several new members were taken Into the order. Offloers for the ensuing year as "Our National Bouquet Floral map of the United States. "A beautiful high class colored work of art. with each state flower litho graphed on muslin, satin finished, twenty-seven by thirty-seven inches in size. First edition Just arrived, a souvenir of which ean be seen at the Commer cial Club, Oregon City. Copies of which ean he obtained only through our agents, who are now soliciting In your city. I w. B. Bonney". siter who had been 0. i STATE aCEB MAP CO. !nc.'k JfiE CANBY. OREAON. The Lutheran League debating so-!etlinR they spent - the Christmas vacation with their sister. Miss Ellen Brobst Elmer Seely, Harold Say, Elmer Hasselbrlnk and Dwight Seely re turned to high school Tuesday, after spending the holidays at their homes here. Mr. And Mrs. Reed Graham and daughter Helen went to Portland New Years Day and were guests at a fam ily dinner. Misses Annie and Emma Rldder re turned Monday, from Cornelius, hav ing spent several days visiting their sister, Mrs. Chas. Epler, who former ly resided here. Miss Jessie Bridenstlne, of Bolton, arrived last week to spend the winter here with her aunt Mrs. B. Cronln. The road from tie corner down to the rivar at WilsonvlUe would be the better of a little fixing. There will be services In the church next Sunday evening. Sunday school in the morning as usual. Clarence Giles, who has been a rest- dent of WilsonvlUe for over two years. was very seriously Injured at Fulton Park last Saturday afternoon, while trying to operate a brake that refused to work. The unfortunate young man had one leg broken at the hip Joint and serious internal Injuries are feared. He was taken to St Vincent's hospital in Portland, where his hosts of friends here, wish for him a speedy recovery. The basket ball game Saturday ev- when the W. A. C lined up will have HtUe left to ask for, as our cup of bounty for the year of 1912 seems to be overflowing so early in the year. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. Is a household word In every state In the union as well as In several foreign countries. For Grippe, Coughs, Colds, Asthma and throat troubles It Is the best Sold everywhere. Look for the Bell on the Bottle. Geo. A. Harding, Druggist. - MOUNTAIN VIEW. A cold wave has struck this locality. The thermometer registered 22 early Wednesday morning. Snow fell to the depth of about two inches 8unday morning. O. W. Griffin has city water In his house, also hot and cold water with bath tub and sewer connections. Claude Vanhoy is out again and went to Maple Lane Sunday to have chicken dinner with his friend, Doug las Thome, who gave a special invita tion. O. A. Vanhoy made a special busi ness trip to Jennings Lodge last Sun day. J. .T. Francis, of Hillsboro, was vis iting relatives here Sunday and Mon day and on Tuesday went to Portland to transact buainess before be re turned to Hillsboro. Elmer and Victor Wohler of Hills boro, visited with their sunt, Mrs. 8. Eastern Oregon, who have been visit ing relatives hero the past month, re turned borne Tuesday accompanied by the latter a sister, Miss Alma McDow ell. Mr. and Mrs. Grubbs, of Arleta, spent New Years day the guests of George Roberta and family. The improvements on the fire house are nearlng completion. E. C. Surfus, of El wood, la visiting relatives and friends In this vicinity and transacting business at the court house. Johnny Erlckson, who is attending business college in Portland, and his sister. May, of Jackson street were the guests of Miss Mary Confer last Friday evening. W. G. Hall Is home again this win ter and will attend council meeting be fore returning to work. Maple Lane grange will meet In regular session on Saturday. There Is one applicant to be Initiated and officers to be installed. Dinner will be served at noon. F. M. Darling Is putting the glass in his new greenhouse this week. The Misses Brown returned to Sa lem again Tuesday morning. Dr. Bell's Antiseptic Solve Is good for anything for which a salve Is Indicated 8uch aa pimples, black hoads, sores, chsps. ulcers, sunburn and all skin affections, tit at all dealers. Geo. A. Harding. Druggist. Mr. and Mrs. John Parka. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dibble have moved to Sprlngwater where they Sre hired on Mr. Lawrence's farm. Matt Dibble killed eight wild rats and tracked a panther Into the foot hills. The people of El wood have the good road movement at heart At a district board meeting a 10 mills tax was voted for the ensuing year. All express the wish for the roads to be placed on the county road survey and i ... . , thus lay the foundation for better thor-1 Governor Woodrow Wilson is a so- oughfares. 1 ,lr of Virginia, but Ohio Insists that l. I nrnmis in now me granumtnarT vi Master, H. Cyde; overseer, Mrs. Jen nie Butts; lecturer, Mrs. Will Rivers; steward, Gussle Rivera; assistant steward, Ben Rivers; chapkiln, Mra J. T. Apperson; treasurer, J. T. Ap person; secretary, Mrs. Pearl Berater; gate keeper, F. Hsyford; Ceres, Mra C. Rivers; Flora, Mrs. DeFord; Po mona, Mrs. F. Hay ford; lady assistant steward, Mrs. Retta Rivers; organist, Miss Ethel Butts. The new year surely Introduced self la a wintry way a foot of crust ed snow. Mtss Lulu Miller, the public school teacher of this district, spent the holi days at her homo in Oregon City. Earnest Vallen, who Is attending college In Washington, Is spending the holidays with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Vallen. The chicken pox has been making a roundup here; several have had It and some have It now. It is reported as very dlsageeahle. Presidents, not the mother. Is tie . latter role Ohio presents the Barnes of Tatt and Harmon, both of Ctaots-natl. FIRWOOD. The Flrwood school Is having a two weeks' vacation and the teacher, Mrs. A. Malar, was In Portland last week attending Institute. Mtss Ruth Hart Is In Portland this week visiting her sister, Ethel Hart Tho Flrwood-Dover telephone switchboard has been moved from Bornstedt's store to Esaon's drug store. Anstln C. Million made a flying trip to Portland the first of the week. There was a New Years party at J. 0. Deshaser's Sunday night when about twenty five of the neighbors ea- Rock Springs Coal. Hsy, Grain and Mill feed. White Queen Flour Blue Stem Fancy Patent. Oregon Commission Co KLIVINTH AND MAIN Oregon City, Ore. 8TS. is H