OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, Fit f DAY, DECEMBER 22, 1911. Coin Br ANNA D. WRIGHT Copjrlclil by American TraM Aw elation, Mil. It was Hit (XN'lvwt airs, nrowulng, I believe, wbo Mild tliut while lovs Is but a portion of iiiiio'b UN It la woman' whole existence, or wurda to tbnt effect. Wblla there arc tuany at captions to the rule, there la no doubt that woman treasures a love, or at Irani lla iiifiinrjr, longer thao a mnn. Ml Aniitlln Dextar liaa tha tialf of a allver teu cent piers which baa been lu lior possession thirty yanra. At any mti, ha waa treasuring It till recently, whim aba iin't tba man wlio gave It lo ber What aha baa done with It alme uo body knowi. When Amelia waa seventeen aha via- Had bar aunt, tba wife of a professor of tba Naval academy at Annapoll There aha met a young midshipman who Btullcd uKn her, allowing a beau tirul aet of white teeth, wblla hla eyes laughed with every oilier feature. The girl collapsed at once. Wbat her ber love for tha young maa) strengthened la a question. Mora IlkaJy It waa born all at once. Neverthi'leaa Cadet William and Amelia Dexter "paired off." aa young people rail being exclusively devoted to earn other. Wllllnnn waa Mis Dei ter'a escort to tha cadet dance aud accompanied her In her walk. No other girl aspired to any attention from aim. and Amelia received no attention from any other cadet. In short, there waa between the in one of those hum rent relation which have not the (or atallty of an engagement a port nf natural yauthful emotion preliminary to mating. In a man It U usually a pleasant tenderness which uiay or may not take root. It may m the sum, In 11 girl, yet there are cases wherelu It Qa been an uudylug love. t 1 here were speclnl auxiliaries In th case. tba academy hnnd dlscoursim martini music, the cadet cur wan-It Ing ou and off pnrade, the formal sa lutea between itllcent and wren ottl rem ami cadet. There I an autocracy annm men trnlneil to lleht n well a a rertaln swagger, prohiihly Intended to overbalance the fact that wliut ther are being educated for Ik to I killed Nevertheless It I fascinating to the young of botb sexes, who tuka verv Uttla account of whnt It l for. It lm ' alwaya figured largely In love. Amelia "'iif a couple of months nt AnnaiKill. then went houie to lieuln another year at arbool. The iimrei thing to an understanding Imi ween her and ber cadet lover wn the'spllt coin Aa to an engagement, ncliher of (hem thought of ucb a matter of fact pr celling. They bnd not crown niainre enough to nnike an arrangement fur n lifetime. They lived and hired only for tba present. The future wn or seemed to be too far for their ruiislderntlou Tba spilt coin represented what the; folt. and lt Intrln-I' rnliie hIhuii .10 per rent or It cut rem rniuei repre sented the real depth of their nffee tlon. Thut Is. fur the Imy. , lo the girl, tbbi la one of the cases tbe poet de acrllied. It wna not an eifc to he de eloped. It wn iMirn is-rferl and In deatructlble. She left AniuiHtU with ber bulf a coin hidden nwnv In her bonom, while underneath It burned n flame like Ihnt kl alive by vestal virgin. Wbat transpired from thnt time till thirty year hud paed H nut part of thl lory. Ml Dexter I now an old maid William In tin mlnilrnl nud a era nil in l her "tie u miner mere waa a nnvnl war giime on the Atlantic COOHt. At a reception given to the of flcem of the Heel MIhh Dexter, uu el derly Milliliter, wa preHciii Admlr al WIIIIiiiiii wna Inlroiuccd in her. They chimed awhile, when MIn Dex ter tiegnn to ink hi in lending quetlon. She apoke of n certain moonlight even lug on the porch nf one of the pro fcMwir of the Niivul acndeniy, Thou ami there he hud given her her flint kin. She contented hcrelf wltb men tioning certain correlative .Incident. Tbe lulmlral didn't twig. - She referred to a rlda on the water In which they aat aide by lde lu a retired corner, bl arm encircling her wulat. The admiral did not even rememlier the boat ride. She mentioned ceriulu cir cumstances connected wltb iticlr Inat parting. The iidmlrnl womlcred whnt ahe waa driving nt. Then the admiral tiegnn to rally ber on not buvlng married, anylng that It wna undoubtedly her own fault. She admitted that he hud hud mii affair when very young wltb a naval old cer and. taking In her bnnd a One gold chain ahe wore about ber neck, drew from her bonom tin If a dime. She told the admiral that tbe man wbo bad kept tbe other half bad forgotten ber. "If you'll tell me wbo he la," re plied Wllllaraa. "nnd If he la ever un der my command I'll make him wish he bad a better memory." Mbia Dexter alghed. but made no reply. The admiral blustered about tbe fine iene of honor of officer of the navy In matlera perfnfntag fo womnn, declaring thnt the anylng tbnt a aallor baa a aweetheart In every port la a alur on the aervlce. Then, being called away, be made a profound bow and continued to poiy forth hi repertory of complaint upon tbe next woman be met. Why did not Mia Dexter tell blm that be wn the recreant lovert Had ber lore died aa bla bad died per bap ahe would have enjoyed hla discomfi ture at the revelation. But wltb ber It wa aa a child la to Its mother though dead. It alwaya lire. 8imple Mixture Used In Oregon City. Many In Oregon City are now ualng the almple buckthorn bark and gly cerine mixture known aa Adler-l-ka, the new German Appendlcltla remedy. A SINGLE DOSE rellevea constipa tion, sour atomacb or gaa on the stomach almost INSTANTLY. Thla simple mixture antlaeptlclzes the "di gestive organa and draw off the Im purities and people are aurprlaed how QUICKLY It helpa. The Jonea Drug Co. Curtlng, There ar Innumerable method of -courting, bnt tb best method la to I rich. Frank Richardson. J A Split HOCKEY SEASON EXCITING CANADA Rival Clubs Bid High For Sen Ices of Crack Players. SEASON WILL SOON OPEN, Knlahts ef tha Btlok and Blade Are Preparing Far Strenuoue Beaten 8t Mlohael'a Will Nat Support Senior Team. Hockey baa again coma Into Ita own In Canada Practice la now In full awing 1a all tba rlnka When tba teama take tba lea to at art off what promises to ba tba greuteit of nil hockey season onmaroua change will be noticed In tba makeup of tba team Starting wltb tb fainoua Ottawa team, champion of the world, one change at leant will be aeen Id tha Uneup. They will Ih Diluua tbe aerv Ice of Ilruce Rldpntb. their sterling right wing man. wbo la struggling be tween life and death In St Michael's bopilal, Toronto, aa tba result of be ing atruck by an automobile. Even If ftldpatb recovers be will never be able to play hockey again. Tbla I to be greatly regretted, a Rldpatb wa a true sportsman. Itldpalb'a release waa bought from tba Ottawa team by aome Toronto men wbo are running a team to rep' reseut Toronto In the big league. Rid path waa made manager of the new team and waa buay bunt Unit for play er in hla borne town when nt met wltb tb accident. There are uo otber cbangea eiected on tbe Ottawa team, though It la rumored that Le Sueur, tb goal tender, will be aeen In Hon treal. The Wanderer will be the club with an entirely new lineup, aa the Me torlaa of the Western leucue bare ae cured Ore of the Wanderer to play In tbe went the coming Heiiwui. There l no protection i;iiliit mid of thl kind In Canadian lux-key. Itenfrew Iiiih al to"! two nf lt at are to the ame teiim. The Shnin rock. Lea CaiiiMllen nnd ielc will be about the mime h lift e.i-.iu. Tha Toronto icitiu. of iv r l hi prenent an unkiinnii i uti k ii . n nl prenent It In wlllmiii n iiniii;i;',-r I'lien. again. It I um Jui -nr.- If " new arena will le rendy In Hun- in oinrt the eeaMou. The Toronto lnuiie ciiih-k nuiy bnve to tie pliiyed oil Mnnlleiil Ice for tba fir I month In the Wceiern I'ro IciiL'ue Victoria aeenm 10 lie ilenil 'l imi IimkIiiih Hi rbamplouxhiii. Afier vi-miii; the eat and (X'iiitiiiL- n lot of iiiine in Inlying up aeveu atiirM It look to l a likely challenger for the Ki.-nilcy cup. Tbe aenlor nmiitenr Mrlex will thla aeaftoo be without the most rumoua team ever turmd nut by Canada namely. Kl. Mlclmel college. Tbla great little leu in hiix retired, aud tbe college will be represented 'only In the Junior C H A. aerie. The two Rpratt. Peter and Jack, are the only plnyer left nt i-ollege. The Pnrkdale. Enton and Argonuuta will again be In the eonlor Herle and will moke an tnterentlng group. UHLAN IS TO TROT ABROAD. Champion Will Be Wintered In Georj gia In Preparation For Trip. Tbe cbamplou trotter L'hluu. S. It waa learned recently, will he went by bla owner, C. K. (i Milling, from Cleveland, where he Iiiih been quar tered at Itundull truck aluce tbe close of bl campaign, to ltrunwlck, Oa., there to be made ready for a trip to tlumiln enrly next summer. The Journey abroad will be made in fulfillment of a prouilxp made by Mr. Rilling to lending ttuaxlnn breeder when he wn there two year ugo with tbe tmttlug mare I.ou Dillon. Uhlan U to be driven to wngou dur ing tbe trip, and It la aald to bo Mr. Hilling' Intention to have blm up to i mile fiiater tbnn nny trottvr baa bown outalde of thla country. H-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l M-l-l-M-t-i , . UMPIRE O'LOUQHLIN HATES TO HAVE DIGNITY RUFFLED. "An umpire must be dignified ; ; on the Held, and If there Is one I '. tblug tbat peevea 'Silk' O'Lough ) tin, tbe American league arbltra tor. It Is to ruffle his dignity." " says Umpire Billy Evans. "Catcher Krltcholl of the St ' ' Louis Krowns put one over on . . 'Silk' one day that drew a laugh.. ;;-from botb tenma. O'Lougblln i. fulled to appreciate It ) "Id baaebnll wben a player lilts tbe ball squarely aome of bla ' teammates sing out. That's put ' ting the wood on it old boy:' I ! "Id the game In question O'Lougblln waa working tbe ! ! plate, and a foul tip atruck his " mask near the 'top, tailing Into ! tbe grand stand at great speed. ;; "'Nice work. "811k." That' i ! putting the wood to It old boy.' "In an Instant O'Loughlln'a ex . . pression changed from pain to . ) astonishment He glared at the ; St. Louis player, and the mnn- ager of the Browne was relieved when be' didn't Btart a procea- alon of athlete to tbe club- ', house." M I HI II II II II I I IIMIIIIIr Notlc for Levy of Special Road Tax Notice la hereby given that we, the undersigned tax payer representing 'en per cent of the tax payera In Road District No. 52, Clackamas County, Oregon, hereby give notice to the tax payera of aald Rnad District No. 52 that there wllf be a meeting of tb tax payera of said District In the Eas Mt Bcott School House, on the 22nd day of December, 1911. at 8 o'clock P. M. to vote an additional tax for road purposes, aa provided by an act of the Legislature In 1909. H. W. Kann - H. C. Ulrlch W. A. Ulrlch C r. Zlnsar Her Illness It Was Diagnosed by Many Doctors, but Correctly by Only One Dy f. A. MUCIIlI Copyright by Amerlcin pre Ao cUilo, mil. ti lt wa Kundiiy morning. Tbe fliala Street 1'renbyterlnn church of Iterkc ley waa crowded to hear tbe Urt er luou of the new mlnUter, the llev Cbarlee Kordham. Mlaa Dorothy Cum nilnga, daughter of Iieacon Cuiumltig tbe deiicou waa on of tbe plllara of the -burcbeat In bur father'a pew apellbouud by tha mluletcr'a elo- juence. Tb following Tueday evening Mla Cuuimlng appeared at the weekly prayer meeting, aurprlalng tboe wbo for year bad been regular Id their at tendance. On Thunulay tba mlulater dined at tha borne of Deacon dimming, and Mlaa Dorothy during the evening found an opimrtunlty to auy to him that aba bad been deeply lmpreed by bl Kun day nermon nnd would like toconvema wltb hi in on the aubject of tbe dla co ii r. Mr. Kordham elgclflrd bin w lugnee to further enlighten her, ug getlng that he call at tbe cburcb benever ahe choae. Mum Cummlnga did not appear at tbe church on tbe aecond Sunday of tba new clergyman' admlulNtratlon. To Imiutrle i-oucernlng ber ber mother announced tbnt ahe waa Indlapoaed. Mr. Cumuiliig Inire a meaaage to tbe earn effect from ber daughter to Mr. i'ordham and aiked If be could find It convenient to call, during tbe week, Blue aba waa not well enough to go out. Rbe dealred a conference. Now, tbe Iter. Mr. Ford ham waa a young bachelor, but old enough to uo demand the rare that mut be obeerv d by a clergyman. He told Mr. Cum- ABKIO TUB PATimrr a ohbit many gcuiTioNa. nilnga be bud laid down n rule for bla guidance which he preferred nut on auy accoutit to break through. Thl rule wua that be would not make auy but formal visits to the womeu of hi congregation and nil aplrltunl luniruc tlon must be administered ut the church. He did not explain why he bad made thla rule. lie almply atated tha fact. ' A few week later the Cummlnga family physician. Dr. Effingham Trent wun called lu to aee Dorothy. He look ed nt ber tongue, felt ber pulse aud stuck n little glass thermometer In her mouth. Then he took out the prescrip tion blank with which doctors invari ably end a call, especially a first call, and wrote a prescription. This done, be left her, atntlng that the trouble waa not serious. As soon as he bad gone Dorothy threw his prescription into the Ore. A week pnased. and Miss Cummlngs. being no better, her father called up Dr. Treat by telephone and wna In formed tbat be had gone to Smith's drug attire. Mr. Cummlngs phoned the doctor there and asked him to call on Dorothy, since ahe was no better, and be (her fathen was worried about her. Trent, having forgotten whnt medicine be bad recommended the girl und not wishing It to appear that the rase was not constantly on his mind, asked Smith, who aold the CummlngseB all their drugs, to look up tbe prescrip tion and tell him what be bad ordered. Smith discovered that no prescription from tbe dc-tor to any of the Cutu jilnga family bad been recently tilled. On hla way to visit the patient the doctor waa stopped by tbe Rev. Mr. Fordham to Inquire about Miss Cum mlngs. He wished to know whether Dorothy was very alck and gave con fidentially as a reason nor request that be abould call to 'administer spiritual advice, bla refusal, according to bis rule, atatlng further that If abe were in danger be would not hesitate to go to her at once. The doctor promised the clergyman that It Dorothy abould become dim lerously 111 be would notify blm and drove on. But on the way be did aome thinking. He waa nobody's fool, and putting tha Information be bad de- RICHKS AND STRENGTH. Men trra nerher to uneMtand ther rches nor the-r rtrength. Of the former they beleve rr?a!er fhingj t!ian llicy ahould, cf the lat trr"miici Ics. Se'f re'ian:e and tIf e it wi I tach a man lo drink ou nl I iwn ck em. a"d eat h' own I'vcrl hrra-!, anJ to fear" and lalff iry' o pet Ks .Lvirf, a J careiul Ij rxfce.i.l the gxij thm c in t i t h inm. Bacon. rived from tba clergyman wltb that of the drugget and having auaperted that hla patient wa perfectly well. he ' began to ae throogb ber llttl echeme. Having arrived at tb Cum uilng horn, b went through lb oaual formalltlr of a prcfeaelonal call and on departing Informed tb family that bl own health Wi breaking down from overwork and b waa about to glv ap bla practice for at leaat a year. II would, however, writ out a atate- meot of Dorothy' re, to tar a b bad obaerved It. which might be of aervlc to any pbyilclnn wbo abould next treat ber. Kitting down In tb library, be wrote: Ur dlnol of thla mm I that there I a cordial arT'cllcn Tlir ar frequent heart fluttering, rulluw,! by 6preslon. Uut elnca Ilia Itaart li arfacMd bf narvou condition I do not fi-ar organic troubla. 1 ralhor Infar mental Influence!. IIo var, atnc I may tx mlaiakan In thla dl aanoala 1 would recommend watchlna the action of tli liver, the kidney, the eplnen and other organa. Dorothy kept ber room and refuaed beraelf to vial ton. Dr. Archibald BwalD-Cblcheeter, who practice waa among the ultra fahlonable aet, next took op ber caae. read Dr. Tree fa dlagnoala or, rather. Mtinned It con temptuoualy-aaaed the patient a great many queatlona. give especial direc tion aa to bar diet, wrote tbe cu tomary precrlptlou-r, rather, pre actiptlona, for there were three of them and departed, promising to return again Id a week. Slue Mr. Cum nilnga wna now much troubled about ber da ugh ter'a condition Dorothy did not dor to burn up ber prescription, but wben tbe medicine came ahe dally poured a small portion of each In a alnk. Since ahe thwarted ber pbyal dan' Intention In ber behalf It la not remarkable that ahe gained no benefit. Dut on tbe other band. If abe gained do benefit abe Buffered no Injury. Now. Dorothy In ber femlnln way waa a far better diagnostician than any of ber pbyaklona. Though abe bad met tbe Rev, Cbarlea Fordbam but a few time, abe bad noticed In bla eye tbat peculiar spark of lor whlcb flashes at time between two person of opposite cx, aa well aa felt It In ber own heart. During bla first ser mon ahe bad kept ber gaze fixed upon blm and bad several times noticed bla Diorocntnrlly concentrated upon ber. During ber lllnesa or. rather, ber ae- clualon be bad made repeuted Inqui ries of her family aa to ber condition and bad manifested tbe usual solici tude of a pastor for one of bla con gregation. He even expressed a re gret tbnt tbe rule be bad made wltb reference t refraining from private visits to tbe women of bla cburcb bad prevented bis giving the sick girl tbe benefit of spiritual comfort Tb Btatement seemed to have a bad effect when Mra. Cummlngs repented It tc tbe patient for tbe next day Dor othy admitted to ber mother that one of the causes of her ailment was a self conviction of ber own sinful con dition. Wben Mrs. Cummlngs repeat ed thla to tbe clergyman be threw bla rule to the wlnda end Informed tbe good lady that be would visit tbe in valid whenever abe desired to see him The next Monday afternoon., Monday being tbe clergymarj'a visiting day. he rang the bell at, tbe Cummlngsea and waa ushered hito an upstairs liv ing room where Dorothy, whose pal lor bad been caused partly by confine ment and pnrtly by face powder aklll- fully applied, waa balf reclining on a lounge. She wa dressed lu a becom ing klmono-IIke gown and pnrtly cov ered by a silken spreud wltb colors to correspond with the gown. She wna a very pretty girl and never looked prettier than nnr, at the s.-im time enlisting the sympathy of an Invalid. How far the young clergyman atuck, to the subject of fnat.be bad come to talk about Is hot known to any one except him und DoroMiy. V lien tie departed the girl seetm-il to have been more benefited thnn by all the drugs abe was sitppoKed to have taken. Mi Fonlham. having broken bla rule oucs. found It much easier to break It u sec ond time, after which it waa far easier to breuk tbn adhere to It. It was shortly before these visits began thnt Dr. Efflnghnm Trent, meet ng Mr. Cuuimlngs. nked after his dnuctlter. Mr. Cnmmtngs said Ihnt he bnd had four physicians and gave Dr. Trent a summary of their opinions a to what waa the matter wltb Dorothy. Dr. Swain-Chichester thought the pa tient wna threatened with melancholia. The next practitioner attributed ber Illness to ber liver, tbe next to the nerves, tbe next to n nonnsslmllatlon of food. There wns one point on whlcb they all agreed-tbut the pa tlent gave no response whutever to the mediclnea they prescribed. This waa not remarkable since sbe hud taken none of them. Dr. Treat listen ed to these diaguose. looked wise and aald nothing. The visits of the Rev. Mr. Fordhnni to Miss Dorothy Cnramlnga were con tinued with excellent results. Her physicians were discharged, what re mained of her drugs was destroyed, and It was not long before she whs driving out for an nlrlng. Then ahe was seen frequently In company wltb tbayclergy man, and members of the congrega tion began to talk of an engagement It wna whinnered among some of tie unmarried Indies who hnd themselves bad designs on the reverend gentle man that Dorothy Cummlngs waa mnk Ing a dead set for blm. They were all of tbem behind the times. At one of the earlier visits Mr Fordbam bad made on Miss Cummlngs he bad proposed to her and been ac cepted. Since their engagement and Dorothy'a recovery they were aimply having a courtship for tbe world, and more especially tbe congregation nf the State Street Presbyterlnn chnrch. When thla outside Intimacy bad con tinued long enouch tr satisfy appear ances tbe engagement wua announced PILES! PILESI PILES! Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will cure Blind, Bleeding and Itching Pllea. It obsorbs the tumors, allays Itching at once, acta as a poultice, gives In stant relief. Williams" Indian Pile Ointment la prepared for Pilea and Itching of the private part. Drug gists, mail 50c and 1.00. Williams Mfg. Co., Prop., : Cleveland, O. lor aale by Huntley Bros, and Jones Drug Co. To Hold Carrier Examination. -The Civil Service examination will be held January 13 for a clerk-carrier at the Oregon City poatofflce. A NEW YEAR'S MESSAGE Br AKTHUR P. WI sUHAM Copyright by American Pre Aaao elation 1)11. Tb chancellor of the German empire sut In bla ofllce writing wben a young man entered and aald: "Your excellency sent for ma. I l Hev." "Ab, Von Ambelm." aold the chan cellor, looking up, "I have a very Im portant mission for you. It la to the president of the United State and must be delivered ou tli 1st of Janu ary, wben the president receives the diplomatic corps. 1 hav selected thla day because no attention will be at tracted by a visit and It need not lie known tbnt a call la on Important dip lomatic affair. Hla majesty the em- pen..' la desirous thut the present strug gle between Russia and Japan aball cease. Japan la not able financially to carry on the war and must soon give Way on that account. Thlawlll glv tb czar a preponderance of pow er lo tbe east antagonistic to (ierman and otber Interest. No power lo Eu rope la so situated on account of their varied Intereste to propose mediation. Tbe only power fitted for aucb a pur poee la tbe United Siatea. Hla majesty tbe emperor desire to end by you to the president of the great republic a request tbat be will propose to the cxar and tbe emperor of Japan a conference wltb a view to a treaty of peace. Since tbe cr-ar know of tbe financial Mires of Japan be doe not wlb tbe war to terminate. but If a peace were pnKed by the president of tbe United State tbe world' opinion would be so against Rusala'a refusal to treat tbat she would be obliged to yield, lo a few weeks possibly be would win. Should his emissaries succeed In pre venting you from delivering tbe mes sage or delaying tbe emiieror'a request obliging ua to aend another, tbe Japa nese cause may collapse before a dupli cate could be received. You may 'ut watched from tbe time you leave here." Von Arnbeim left Berlin with the dispatch tbe same evening. Tbe Rus- Blana at tbe Herman capital did not get wind of bl mission until lie bad Bail ed, and tbere was ouly oportuuity for tbem to Instruct tbe Russian emissa ries in America to endeavor to thwart hla design after bis arrival In New York. De bad reached tbat city. or. rather. Uoboken, across tbe Hudson river, where tbe Uerman steamer land, and wua driving through a street tbat leads to tbe station of tbe Peun tylvanla railroad wben an auto came dashing aloug wildly, tbe chauffeur in tentlooally colliding wltb tbe cab In which the messenger sat He lay for a few momenta stunned, and the chauf feur, looking buck und seeing tbat be did not move, aped on. But Von Arnhelm got up and wltb difficulty walked southward till be met another cab. which he balled and reached tbe Pennsylvania station with out further mishap, (le waa obliged to wait a couple of hours before a through train left for Washington and while walking to and fro In the ata tlon saw a man accompanied by a po- Ilf reman coming toward him. - 'That's your quarry.' said tbe man to the policeman. "Arrest him. 1 have ust come over in the Mime sieumer wltb blm. and tie stole my watch " Despite his protesiiitlotis Von Arn helm was taken to a police station In erey City. aud. Iieiug searched, a watch thut did not beioug to bim waa round lu bis NM-kei. Rutlier than make himself knowu nnd. having still a week before New Year's day. he stood trial (lie next morning aud was sentenced to Jit 1 1 for six months. On tbe way to prison be asked those escorting bim to step Into a saloon und bare a drink. While there be convinced tbem that the diurge was a put up Job, gave each one of them .-"'0 and was permitted to leave thoi n b door lu the rear. He bin: no further trouble ou the way to tin- si ii i Ion iiikI hoped that be might bo ei milled in rt-iii-li tbe capi tal In pen' e Hut he whs disappoint ed. Just iiefore iirrlviiic nt Philadel phia a woman tool; a vacant seat be side blm and us the irnln waa passing through ihe i-lty rni-wl n ry. arose with feigned indignation and a used Von Arnhelm of liisullliii; her. Lean ing out of n window, she iMN-kotied to a policeman, wbo gol Into the -nr. and the woman '-ailed iimii him to arrest Von Arnhelm. nere was another detention. Von Arnhelm. still unwilling to m-ike his Identity public, stood trial, several ier- sons who had been in the enr with bim testifying flint they vaw bim endeavor to take libel-til's wltb his accuser, and he was sent up for sixty days. It wns now the 27tb of December. and but five days remained before New Year's day. Von Arnhelm sent a message to the Cermnn minister In forming him of his situation. A mem ber of tbe Herman diplomatic corps visited the prisoner, received bla mes aage and returned to Washington on the 31st of December. When the president tbe next day gave bis public reception tbe German ambassador, watching his opportunity, apoke a few words to bim in a low tone. Tbe president replied in tbe same voice. It was not very long after tbla that in announcement wns made that tbe president of the United States bad of fered his services as mediator between tbe Russians und Japanese, and .the annoiim-ement waa followed by tbe treaty of Portsmouth. On the 3d of January Von Arnbeim wns pardoned by tbe governor of Penn sylvania. Perhaps. First Girl (looking at statue of the Venua de MIloH-What terribly thick waists girls must have dad In those days! Second Girl-Tea. but perhaps the gentlemep's arms were longer. Exchange. When you have a cold get a bottle of Chamberlains Cough Remedy. It will soon fix you np all right and will ward off any tendency toward pneu monia. Thla remedy contains no opi um or other narcotic and may be giv en as confidently to a baby aa to an adult Sold by all dealers. 1DI HILL SPECIAL TAX IN DIST. HO. 44 A meeting for voters of Road Dis trict No. 44, waa called for December 16 in tbe school bouae. The meeting, waa called to order by Chaa. Rider, acting a chairman, by unantmoua choice. Tbe flrt bualneas of the meeting waa tbe reading by tha chairman, the state law of Oregon In regard to tb calling of aucb a meeting and the purpose for which It waa called, name ly, the mode of procedure for raising a apeclal tax for road building. Following the reading of tho law, the chairman, Mr. Rider, atated the meeting waa called that the votera might decide by vote for or agalnat the proposition of a apeclal tax being levied for road building; also to trans act any otber buainess that might properly come before the meeting. On motion duly made, Beconded, and carried, tha chairman waa authorized to nam a secretary for the meeting. Whereupon tbe chair named O. A. Warner. This wa followed by a motion that a committee of three of the voters be appointed wbo ahould submit a re port to tbe meeting, before Its ad journment, recomendlng where the road be built and the mode of con struction together with aucb other sug gestions a the committee might aee fit to make. The chairman thereupon appointed D. M. Warnocft, Chrlat Naegell and David B. Jonea, Jr., to conatltute auch committee. The spe cial committee thus named retired to deliberate and frame Ita report Mean while a general discussion on road building followed. The committee brought In Its report the wording of which waa found to be unsatisfactory to tbe meeting, there upon tbe committee waa aaked to sub mit another report. The committee retired and finally brought In the fol lowing report: "We, the committee appointed at thla meeting, report aa follows: "We suggest and recommend that the road to be constructed. In case a special tax be levied for that pur pose, shall b of the style known as crushed rock, without "rock bed foundation, the depth to be at leaat 9 Inches, or more, as tbe road builder appointed by the court may suggest; the width to be 9 feet We favor a builder wbo shall be the choree of the taxpayers assembled at thla meeting, and we are opposed to the county overseer of roads or any official out side this district having charge of the work. It 1b recommended that the oad. if It Is decided that It be built by the lew of a soecial tax, shall be ?1n at the south end of the rock road it Mount Pleasant and tbe work be continued south on the main road. Vnown as "the long road," until the amount of the special tax, If levied, ihall be expended. "S. M. WARNOCK, , "CHRISTENSEN NAEGELI, ' "DAVID E. JONES. JR.. Committee." A general discussion of the report of the committee followed. It waa moved and carried that the commit tee's report be accepted and Ita adop tion thereby express the will of the meeting. A motion was then made that a special tax of 10 mills be levied on the property valuation of the district for the purpose of road construction. Thla motion was carried. It was moved and carried that aome one be recommended by the TOters present, to the County Court as road builder wbo ahould carry out the will of the meeting. Nominations were called for by the chairman In accordance with the above. Charles Rider was nominated. It was then moved and carried that the nominations be closed. The poll being taken the secretary was Instruct ed to cast the ballot for Mr. Rider, wbo was the unanimous choice of the meeting. Motion was then made and carried that the secretary send to the county papers a report of the meeting. Motion was next made that the sec retary's report, which had been called for and read, be accepted together with the thanks of the meeting sec onded and carried. ' Before adjournment a motion was roae to give tbe road builder, who should be appointed, discretionary oo-er to have the newly constructed road, when It should be built, rolled "t such time as he should deem fit This was duly seconded and carried. Twenty-seven men and one woman voters were present CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. The Kind Ycq Hare Always Bought Boars the Signature of T. P. Kendall, formerly principal of the West Oregon City schools, and now at the head of the public schools at Amity, Yamhill county, is spending the holidays with friends In Portland and Oak Grove, and is accompanied by bis family. He waa In Oregon City Wednesday. Couple Get License. A marriage license was Issued Sat urday to Anna Scheibe and Edwin Wertendyke. NOT EXPENSIVE Treatment at Hot Lake, Including medical attention, board and baths, coats no more than you would pay to live at any first claas hotel Rooms can be had from 75 cents to $2.50 per day. Meats In the cafeteria are served from 20 cents up and In the grill at the usual grill prices. Baths range from 50 cents to $1.00. We Do Cure Rheumatism HOT LAKE SANATORIUM HOT LAKE, OREGON. WALTER M. PIERCE. Pres.-Mgr. PRESEfIT UPHELD BY LOWER HOUSE NOTICE TO RUS8IA DOES NOT MAKE BREACH BETWEEN COUNTRIES CERTAIN, NEW TREATY WE NOT BE HURRIED Trad Relation Between Nation Matter Of Dtepaat Concern Czar I Notified Of Action. WASHINGTON, Dec. 20. Congrea today ratified th Prealdent'a notifica tion of tbe termination of the Ruaalau traeaty of 18.'! 2 and sent th rnoasur to the President for hla signature. The Ileus disposed of It according to program within seventy-five mlnutea. Speaker Clark Blgned It at 2:56 p. m.; Vice-President Snerman algned It 3:51 p. m., after the Senate bad re mained In aesslon purposely to permit him, under the rules, to affix bla Big nature while It waa In aeaalon. Con gress, tomorrow will recess for the holidays. Tbla waa an Important fac tor In the expedition of the ratifica tion It was a perfunctory proceeding In the House, for Democrats and Repub lican voted together. Mason of Ar kansas (Dem.) alone voting In the neg ative. He explained to the House la ter that be voted agalnat the resolu tion In a aplrlt of levity. . In the debate Republicans Joined wltb their political opponents In trib utes to Representative Sulzer of New Tork, the Democratic author of tb House bill, for accepting tbe Senate measures amending hla own. "Mr. Sulzer has shown that be la acting through the promptings of pa triotism, not politics," Hepubllcan Lea der Mann aald. Tho Russian reply to the notlve from Ambaasor Guild that America wished to terminate the treaty of 1832 has been received at the State De partment The officials decline to publish the text of the note, but ad mit that Its content- have been well outlined in the news dlapatchea from St Petersburg. Hence it is Inferred -that tbe Russian foreign office made no response to Secretary Knox's Invi tation to embark on negotiations for a new treaty. It may be said upon good authority that the Russian government does not intend to be hurried In thla matter, but on tbe other hand, it doea not ex pect to conclude a new convention be fore the existing treaty expires on De cember. ' 'GOVERNORS' TRIP BIG SUCCESS' WEST SALEM, Or., Dec 20. (Special.) Returning to the capital after a month's absence in the East aa a guest on the Governors' Special, Gov ernor West Immediately rushed to the convict road camp. "Tbe trip of the Governors waa a success a great success a greater success than I ever contemplated It would be," commented Mr. We8t. How's This? Wt offer One Hundred Dollars Reward tor any case o( catena tuat cannut ba curad by Hall's Catena Cum. F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo. O. We. tha andenlKned. have known t. J. Cbener tor the laat li years, and believe him perfectly bun- orable to aU bualneai tr&naaetlona and financially sMe to carry out sny obligations made by his firm. NATIONAL BANK Of COUUKRrr. Toledo. Ohio. Hilll catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting, directly upon tbe Mood and mucous suriacee of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 7s cents per bottle. Sold by all DrasKlsts. Take Hall's Family Fun lur eonstlpatloa. Mrs. Catherine Brltton, who ac companied ber daughter, Mrs. Thomas Trembath, a few days ago to Seattle, Wash., to attend the funeral of het daughter, the late Mra. Howard Ew Ing, has returned to Oregon City. Mra. Trembath has also returned. CATARRH DOCTOR. Ycu Can Get the Beat One In the World for $1.00. Go to Huntley Bros. Co. today. Say 'T want a HYOMEI outfit" take It home with you, open the-box and pour a few drops of HYOMEI (pronounce it High-o-me) Into the little hard rub ber inhaler. Then breathe pleasant,, soothing, healing, germ killing HYOMEI over the raw, inflamed, germ ridden mem brane for a few minutes and relief Is immediate. Stuffed up head will vanish. Keep up the treatment four or five times a day for a few days, and hawking, spit ting and forming of mucus in tbe nose and throat cease. HYOMEI la guaranteed to end ca tarrh, coughs, colds, croup, asthma, catarrhal deafness, or money back. Complete outfit $1.00, subsequent bot tles If needed 50 cents at Huntley Bros. Co. drug store and druggists everywhere. 8-22 Hot Lake Mineral Baths and mud given under scien tific direction have cured thousands. Write for lllua-' trated booklet descriptive of Hot Lake Sanatorium and tbe methods employed. Hot Lake Sanatorium la acces sible as it is located direct ly on the main line of the O.-W. R, ft N. railway, and special excursion rates are to be had at all tlmea. Aak a&ents.