Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 15, 1911, Page 8, Image 8

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Do Your Shopping Saturday and got Douhlo the Amount of Trading Stamps with Every Purchase.
Douhlo Stamps Saturday apptics to any amount paid on Account "Twenty instead of Ten to the Dollar.
A Bounteous Feast of Christmas Bargains
Saturday is going to be a regular Feast Day for Holiday Shoppers. At the Big Store there is to be
found something suitable in me way or urns tor every member ot the family.
A New Razor for Father
A good raior would b an Ideal Christmas Gift
for Father. We are showing a dandy line from $1
to $8.00.
A Beautiful Water Set
for Mother
We've JiiHt gotten In big lot of beautiful 7 piece
water iota. A dandy gift for Mother fl to ft.
TAT T W'. . W"
i s ' . t l-t a!L
As Christmas Gifts
You can't go wrong if you select a
nice piece of furniture as a Christmas
Gift. At this store you have the great
est stock in the county to select from.
You can find just what you want and
at the same time save money on every
Suggesting Furniture Gifts
Brass Bods
$10 to S13
Dining Tables
S5 to S50
Music Cabinets
$1.50 to $18
Anything You Want
from the Parlor to the Kitchen. That's
the beauty of trading at this store; if
it's to be had we have it in stock. While
buying other. Christmas things remem
ber that the Kitchenware has an im
portant place, v '
Morris Chairs
$9 to $30
Sewins: Machines
$15.85 - $22.85
China Closets
$16 to $35
Center Tables
$1.00 to $15
Leather Couches
$5.65 to $50.00
Parlor Suits
$16 to $42.35
Book Cases
$1.50 to $15.00
Parlor Lamps
We are showing a splendid assortment of parlor
lamps. A practical Christmas Gift $2 to $6.
Suggesting Toy Gifts
Big Stock Dolls
8 to $2.50
Bovs' Tool Chests
75 to $9.00
Rocking Horses
$1.50 to $3.75
Girls' Writing
Desks, $2.25
Coasting Sleds.
40 to $4.00
$6.00 to $12.50
i .
Bovs' Wagons
90 to $6.50
Wheel Barrows
15? to 451
20? to 501
Shoo Flvs
$1.25 to $2.75
The "claim we are mak
ing about selling TOYS
AT COST may W doubt
ful but you have only to in
vetigate to find that it is a
fact. We arc coins; to
clean thorn up. We don't
want to have a tov lefl at
the end of the Uolidav
Season and the prices wo
are making will move
Two Toys
Price of One
Saturday will be nono
too early to buy Toys.
We'll store them for you
Free of Charge.
Suggesting Hardware Gifts
Manicuring Sets
$2 to $8
"Safety lfazora
$1.00 to $5.00
Carving Sets
$1.25 to $15
Set Chisels and
Case, $6.25
Clans JJazors
Shears all kinds
Mty to $3.00
Kazor Strops
75 to $3
Set Red Devil
Bits, $4.25
Ked Devil Water
Motors, $3.75
(in. 5
Beer Steins
Imported beer itelna In all clues. The designs
are beautiful. Prlcct range from &0c to I0.QO.
Other Gift Suggestions
Kitclten Kanges
$23.75 to $S0
Dining Chairs
65 to $4.00
Cut Glass and Sil
Bowls and Pitch
Blankets and Com-v
Kitchen Cabinets
$7 to $28.00
Heating Stoves up
to $18.00
China and (3 lass
ware Oil Burners and
Gasoline Stoves
Lace Curtains and
Why not give Her one of these?
A writing d-k la a gift that will be
appreciated by wlfo, mother, (later or
the beat girl At thla atore you will
And them In the very newest pattern
and made of bent material, price
from 93 to $',
Christmas Time I a good time to
buy Cariwta. We are offering bar
galiu In thla department that cun t l
matched anywhere.
A hnndome and moat practical piece
of furniture. A big lot to select from.
97 ." to $:t.i (H
' 0 jj:
Don't Forget that Saturday
is Double Stamp Day.
20 Trading Stamps for every
Dollar Paid on Acct Sat'day
King Announce! That He Will Give
Large Sum of Money For Popu
lar Education Other
Gifts Planned.
DELHI, India, Dec. 12. Before
thousands ot their subjects, w-ite,
brown and black. King George V and
Queen Mary were today proclaimed
Emperor and Empress ot India, The
ceremonial was the crowning glory of
the Durbar, and, It is asserted, sur
passed all spectacles of modern times.
In two amphitheatres erected on the
the beautiful plain of Delhi the cere
monies by which citizens of British
India hailed their rulers were enacted
in one before high white and Indian
officials, Princes and prominent per
sons and in the larger one before a
multitude of the people.
A holiday had been declarea
throughout the land and thousands
upon thousands had flocked to the
city to witness the coronation.
The day was perfect for the magni
ficent pageantry and not an untoward
incident married India's greatest fete.
Royal robes and gems splashed and
glittered in the sunlight as the no
bility and soldiery of the royal pro
cession made their way from the
Duqbar camp to the great temporary
auditoriums, where the actual acclam
ation of the Emperor and his consort
took place.
' Following the ceremonies the King
Emperor made it known that he would
give a large sum of money for popu
lar education, with other gifts to fol
low. The Viceroy announced tnat His
Majesty was so charmed with Delhi
that he contemplated the removal of
the Indian capital here from Calcutta.
Calcutta has been the capital of In
dia since 1773. It is estimated that
the removal of the capital would cost
"We Prove It"
Every day ZEMO gives relief and
cures men, women and children in ev
ery city and town in America whose
skins are on Are with torturing EC
ZEMA rashes and other Itching, burn
ing, scaly, and crusted skin and scalp
SOAP, two refined preparations wiil
give you such quick relief that yo't
will feel like a new person.
We give you three reasons why wo
recommend and endorse ZEMO and
ZEMO SOAP for all skin and scalp
1st They are clean, scientific pre
parations that give universal satisfac
tion and are pleasant and agreeable
to use at all times.
2nd. Ttey are not experiments, but
are proven cures for every form of
skin or scalp affections whether OJ
Infants or grown persons.
3rd. Tbey work on a new principle
They do not glaze over the surface,
but they penetrate to the seat of the
trouble and draw the germ life from
underneath the skin and destroy It.
In this way a complete cure Is effected
in any case of SKIN OR SCAI.P
Endorsed and sold In Oregon City
by the Huntley Bros. Drug Store.
(Continued from page 1)
acres of land located In Clackamas
county, and out of that 640 acres a
twelve-acre tract was sold and Im
proved, and after the improvement
the twelve acres are now assessed for
more than the remaining 628 acres.
The County Assessor informs me that
such is not the case and that while
some land is assessed low on account
of its rocky condition being wholly
unfit for cultivation or even pasture,
the comparisons which I have men
tioned are untrue.
"I listened a short time ago to a
EC- speech made by a single tax advocate
in Clackamas county, wherein he
stated that be had found two tracts
of land similarly situated, each con
taining 100 acres; one held by a resi
dent who was Improving the same and
the taxes on that tract of land was
more than ICQ, and the other tract
of land equally as level and the fertil
ity of the soil equally as good, but
held by a speculator, and the latter
tract of land was only taxed for $16.
"I wish to state that the assertion
is a false and misleading and no assess
ment of that kind appear upon the
assessment roll of Clackamas county.
There are tracts of land, however,
upon our bills that are fertile and
have been improved that are
assessed under the law of 1907, at
their true cash value, and lying along
the side of that tract is another tract
dipping over into a rocky precipitous
canyon wmch is also assessed at lti
true cash value, but the value Is very
small on account of the worthless
condition of the land.
"Those condition of affairs exist In
every county, and no Intelligent man
will use those comparisons as an ar
gument unless he wishes to practice
"I wish to call your attention to a
conversation that I had yesterday in
ortland with one of the strongest
advocates of single" tax In the state
and he informed me that the munici
pal tax and the special tax raised in
school districts located in a city, af
ter the single tax law was put Into
operation hy exempting Improvements
and personal property would cause
the special levies In those towns to be
a little more than double their present
rate and therefore It would strike
the real property owner very heavily
unless some means could be devised
to raise a large part of the special
taxes In the city from licenses and
other Internal revenue, as they do at
the Dresent time In . Vancouver
I B. C. i
Promiscuous Use of Initiative Deplor
ed by Oregon City Lawyer
State Aid to County
Fairs Opposed.
to have your car out in runnlna order for the coming season. Do it
now while we have tl'e time to give you the best possible service and
Drlcet. Magneto Storage Battery repairing our specialty. We also over
haul moter boats and do gas engine Installing. Call me for auto hire,
Q day or night No reads too hard for my Fords.
4th & Main Sts. OREGON CITY
Telephone A72, Main U9
PORTLAND, Dec. 13. (Special.)
That fads lobbied through the Ore
gon Legislature which cost the tax
payer.? large sums of money and ben
efit only a few men are the cause of
the heavy tax levies and the reason
there Is not more money left for the
building of good roads in the state, Is
the belief of Grant B. Dlmick, Mayor
elect of Oregon City. He said so at
today at the annual convention of Ore
gon County Judges and Commission
ers at the Commercial Club.
Judge Dimlck mentioned the Jeffer
son fish hatchery, abandoned, he said,
after being built, the appropriation of
$00,000 for reseedlng burned forests,
the $50,000 appropriation for the As
toria centennial, state moneys spent
for other county fairs, and new boards
and commissions created In such num
bers, said Judge Dimlck, that It Is
necessary to build a new statehouse to
find offices for them. "The best way
to get public highways is to condemn
about half of these high-salaried
boards," he rti;rhred. This statement
was greeted t,y applause from the
members of the convention
Judge Dlmick also dealt a blow at
the single tax, declaring that It will
place such a heavy burden on the
homesteader and small farmer that he
will be unalile to meet It, while the
manufacturers will go free of taxa
tion. He took Issue with a statement
made by H. W. Stone at a recent
sinuie-tax debate In the First Congre
gatlonal church, In which Mr. 8tone
i8-d the illustration of a 640-acre
farm owned by a lumber comoany.
He also deplored the promiscuous
use of the Initiative, and the careless
signing of measures by citizens to got
them on the ballot He pointed out
that even to put them on the ballot
means added expense. The trouble
with some voters, he said. Is that they
read the catchy headlines of a meas
ure, and then vote for it, thinking
they understand It, without taking the
pains to read the text Every voter,
he said, ought to familiarize himself
thoroughly with the text of a measure,
and to know Its effect upon the state,
before voting for It. Judge Dlmick
was as much opposed to the bill pro
viding for the elimination of perso
al property to the amount of $3,000 as
he was to the single tax.
As to bonding the county or state
to raise money tor roads, the Judge
pointed out the Interest that must
be met, and said that, although the
roads are built and millions expended,
as soon as a new railroad line goes
In It changes the location of the roads
that are used the most, as ail farmers
are anxious to haul to the nearest
shipping point.
As to county fairs1, he said:
"I don't believe In these appropria
tions by the state at large to benefit
local or Individual enterprise. -
"If the taxpayers would throttle
every ftshwheel In the state and leave
the fishing to the glllnetters they
would save the state a heavy expense
and permit the propagation of the
fish to go on naturally.
"The teacher supervisors created by
the Legislature last year, we have no
more use for than I have for another
pocket, but they coHt us $4,000."
"This coming campaign will be one twelve acres of which were sold to an
principally of education and we should employe and Improved, with the re
strive to see that both sides of the oiiit that the twelve acres paid as
controversy are tnoroughly understood i mwh tax as the remainder of the 640.
; 1 1 . l. , , i
iiihkb no error in our junge uimick declared there Is no
jSuch example as that In Clackamas
(Continued from pa?e 1)
Western po.-t; Dr. Len G. Brough'on
noted Georgia preacher, and probably
John Mitchell, labor leader.
A special children's attraction will
be McCormick and Bronte. Bronte Is
a dog that is more than trained, and
appear to be educated.
Antiseptic Remedies
destroy disease germs. Dr. Bell's An-tl-raln
is an antiseptic remedy for ex
ternal and internal pains, relief Is al
most Instantaneous. Sold by ail deal
ers. Geo. A. Harding. Drueeist
A Reliable Remedy
Ely's Cream Balm
i Quick li abrW.
Gii Rflitf it Once.
It cleanws, soothes,
heals and protects
K. J:. f
... o uiBnwTi mem,
brene resulting from Catarrh and drive
wy a Cold in the Hed quickly. Rentnrea
the Senwa ot Tm.-tt and fimelL Full (iz
60 eta. at Druggists or by mail. Liquid
Cream Balm for ok in atomizers 75 ota.
Ely Brothers, 66 Warren Street, Kew York.
Quick, Sensible Method That Doesn't
Upset the 8tomach.
Have you heard of the overnight
cold cure that Is putting colds In tbt
head and chest out of business be
tween sunset and daybreak?
Here It Is. Cut it out and save It if
you don't need It now. If you have a
cold, cough, throat soreness or acute
catarrh, be sure and try It tonight Just
before going to bed. Pour a scant tea
spoonful of HYOMEI (pronounce it
High-o-me) Into a bowl of boiling wa
ter, cover the head and bowl with a
towel and breathe for several minutes
the vapor that arises, then go to sleep
and awake with a clear head free from
HYOMEI Is guaranteed for catarrh,
colds, coughs, croup, asthma, sore
throat and bronchitis, or money back.
Bottle of Hyomet 50 cents at Huntley
Bros. Co drug store and druggists ev
erywhere. 1-16
WASHINGTON, Doc. 9. Character
izing his associates In Congress a
"political cowards" on the subject of
pension legislation, and declaring that
the Sherwood pension bill Is a $50,
000,000 campaign contribution. Rep
resentative Dies, a Texas Democrat,
swung the pension debate In tho
House of Representatives out of its
routine channels for a half hour this
Dies declared that mem Dors were
not speaking their convictions on the
pension subject but were supporting
an Increase of pensions for fear of
losing their seats,
"The Democratic pnrty abounds In
Just as much .cowardice on this sub
ject as does the Republican party,'
said Mr. Dies. "Some of my friends
say that ,lf we do not give the sol
diers this money we will not be re
turned to Congress."
, Representative Dies said he appre
ciated the fact that 4,000 or 6,000 pen
sion soldiers after a scared Congress
man ''left no room for argument."
"What will It be when we have a
Civil list?" he demanded. "There are
1,000,000 employes of the Government
now demanding to be pensioned. The
President has capitulated."
CHICAGO, Dec. 7 Illinois women,
members of the State Equal Rights
Association, today announcod a list of
"the world's twenty greatest women,"
which they offer to compare with lists
of men recently selected. The women
are: ,
Carrie chapman Cult. Mary Baker
Eddy, Frances E. Wlllurd, Harriet
Ileccher Stowe, Jane Addams, Ella
Flngg Young, Emmollne Punkhurat,
Florence Nightingale, Clara 1 Barton,
Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan II.
Anthony, Lucretla Mott, George Eliot,
Elizabeth Browning, Charolotte
Bronte, Marguerite Fuller, Sarah Bern
hardt, Mrs. Raymond Robins, Rev.
Anna Howard Shaw and Mine. Curie.
It was explained that the list was
drawn with an eye to those who had
done the most for women. Carrie Na
tion and Lady Tennessee Claflln Cook
also were suggested as entitled to a
place. '
Granulated Eye Lids
are easily cured Caustic Is not nec
essary. Sutherland's Eagle Eye Salve
Is Painless and harmless and guaran
teed to cure. Has never failed on a
case, costs 25c. Geo. A. Harding,
Have you overworked your nervous
system and caused trouble with your
kidneys and bladder? Have you pains
in joins, sine, back ana Diafluer? Have
you a flabby appearance of the face,
and under the eyes? A frequent desire
to puss nrlno? If so, Williams' Kidney
Pills will cure you Druggist, Price
50c. Williams Mfg. Co., Props,, Cleve
land, O. For sale by Huntley Broa.
and Jones' Drug Co.
The will of Peter Clacessen, of
George, who died recently, was filed
for probate Monday. The testator left
all his property to his brother, Henry,
of New Zealand, who Is appointed ex
ecutor. William Mattoon has ben
named administrator. Mr. Clacessen
was the owner of a ranch, and had
some personal property. He had lived
In this country several years.
Make Up Your Own Mind
When In the need of a cough medicine.
If you buy Dr. Bell's Plne-Tar-Honey
we guarantee you get the best. Geo.
A. Harding, Druggist
1 locncriu'
New Line to
VTA Tilt!
iHASTAl . " .,.
aoutnern raciiic
Pacific Railway & Navi
gation Co.
Trains will run daily, except 6unday, on the following schedule!
Lv. Portland 7:20 A. M.
Lv. Hillsboro 8:50 A. M.
,Ar. 'Beach Points 1:20 P. M.
1 Ar.BavCity 2:04 P. M.
Ar. Tillamook 2:25 P. M.
""Lv. Tillamook 7:55 A. M.
Lv. Bay City .8:15 A. M.
Lv. Beach Points 9:00 A. M.
Ar. Hillsboro ...1:25 P. M.
Ar.' Portland ." 4:10 P. M.
Through tickets on aale at city ticket office, Third and Washing
ton streets, or Fourth and Yamhill, to all points on the P. R. A
N. Further particulars from the city ticket agent or agent
Fourth and Yamhill streets.