Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 01, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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A Charming Woman
Ik out who In lovoiy In face, form
mliiil nnil temper. Hut It'i hard for i
woman (n lm tliurnilna- without hualth
A wmkj alukly woman will U nnrvoua
mid Irrllnhlu. funnf Innllnn and klil.
liny polwuia show In pimples, blotch,
HKin rrupi ioiih ami u wreirhml com
pli'xlnn. Hut KIclrlo lUUera always
prove a KoiiHi'iiii to women who wan
health, beauty nnil friend. They
reKulnfe Hloinni'li, Uver and Kidney
purify I tin blood; kIvs alriing nsrvoa
brlalil eyea, pure breath, smooth, vil
Vly akin. Involv romiiliiiliin ami tiur.
fnct health, Try them. BOc at Jonea
Drug co.
Notlea (o Cradltora.
Nollf'fl Ih hnrnliv irlvjin lhal lha tin
.. ...... ... f.",, IHk -
diiralgned luia been duly appointed by
Iho County Court of tlia (Mate of Ore-
lion, ror Clackamas County, admlnla
trator of tlm eatate of Frank E. 1111
ton, deceased. All poraona having
cliilnia iiKiilnnt anld eatate ara hnreliy
required to preaent the aame to rne
at tha office of U'llen k Heuebal,
Oregon City, Clackamas Co., Oregon,
properly verified aa by law required,
within ali months from the date here
of. Date of flrat publication, Friday,
November 10, 1911.
Attorney for Adrnlnlatrator.
Notice to Cradltore.
Notlin la hereby given that the un
dersigned hua been duly appointed by
the County Court of Clnckamna Coun
ty. Oregon, administratrix with the
will annexed of the estate of Fred
erick 0. Miller, deceased. Any and
all piTioiK having clulma agalnat auld
estate are requeated to present the,
sr,.ts.wfln5 rru :
..... . . . .7 n. ...
. - - " " - ..
i-ti . t a .1 - tl m ti . i u
hard Itulldlnjc, Ornn City, Oregom
. . . . . I
on or on r ore pix mnnim rrotn ine onto
of lb. flrat publication of th a not ce.
or luat publication, November
10th. 1911
Ailmlnlalrntrlx with the will annexed
of the eittnte of Frederick 0. MIITit,
Gir.ntcnT l hi?thjks.
Attorney for auld eatate
Notice to Cradltora.
Kotlre I hereby iflven thnt the un
doralRiied hna been apiwlnted by the
County Court of Clnckamna County,
Oregon, admlnlatratrlx of the eatate
of Francla Marlon Naught, deceaaed.
All poraona having clulma agalnat the
,aald eatate are hereby notified and re
quired to preaent the aame with ro
per vouchera and duly verified at the
office of Cordon E. Hnyea, room a 3, 4,
S and 0. Btevena DulMlng. Oregon City,
Oreogn, within alx montha from the
date of the flrat publication hereof.
J08I1J KUTClf.
AdmlnlHtrntrlx of the Estate of Fran-
cia Marlon Naught, docenaed.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clncknmaa County.
In the matter of the application of
Tbereaa Smith to reglater title to
Iit Kour (4) and Klv (5) of Illock
rorty-flve (45) of Oregon City, Ore
gon, aa ahown and deBlgnated on the
duly recorded map and plat thereof,
John Mclaughlin. Jane Smith, Daniel
Ie, Jamea Smith, Jumea F..Dolan,
and Joaeph Mlndall, and to all oth
era whom It may concern.
State of Oregon. ,
County of Clackamaa, aa.
To all whom It may concern:
Take Notice, that on the 8th day of
November. 1911. an application w
filed by aald Thereaa Smith In the
Circuit Court of Clackamaa County,
Oregon, for an Inltlnl reglatratlon of
the landa above deacrlbed.
Now, unleaa you appear on or before
the 11th day of December, 1911, and
ahow caiine why auch application
ahould not be granted, the aame will
be taken aa confeaaed and a decree
will be entered according to the prayer
of the application and you will be for
ever barred from disputing the aame
Dated November 9, 1911.
Clerk of the above entitled Court.
Ily I. M. Harrington, Deputy.
O. D. EDY.
Attorney for Applicant
Uat publication, December 8. 1911.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
maa. Caroline A. Benjamin, rialntlff,
Andrew J. Benjnmln, Defendant.
To Andrew J. Benjamin, Defendant
above named:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
anawer the complaint filed herein
agalnat you In the above entitled ault.
within alx week frcm the 10th day of
November, 1911. ald day be ng the
first day of publication of hla aum
mona. And It you fall to ao appear or ana
wer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will
apply to the -Court for the reller
prayed for and demanded In the com
plaint filed herein, to-wlt:
For a decree forever dissolving the
bond of matrimony now and hereto
fore existing between plaintiff and
.the defendant, and granting unto
plaintiff an absolute divorce from the
defendant, and for auch other and
further relief aa to the Court may
aeem Just and equitable. .
Thhi summon I aerved upon you
by virtue of an order made and en
tered by Hon. J. U. Campbell. Judge
of he above entitled Court dated on
the 9th day of November, 1911. and
which order pre.crlbea that the -urn-mona
in. the above entitled act on
ihould b aerved upon you by publica
tion once a week for fix successive
nd consecutive weeka In the Oregon
City Enterprise, the. same beinj a
weekly newapaper and of general cir
culation In the County of Clackamaa,
State of Oregon.
O. O. Schrpitt,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
'Date o flrat publication, November
' i0o?e'of laat publication. December
it, 1911. .
Final Notice.
Notice I hereby given that iU I Un
dersigned administratrix of ta8,t'
of Joseph D. Carter.
filed her final account In Md tate :n
fhe County Court of the Slate of Ore
gon, for Clackamas County, and that
fhe J..dr. nf aald court has
Monday roembrr 1th. 1911, at iu
o cCl. A M.. for faring objection,
o alld account and for settling aald
M,ate- ' CLARA If. CARTER.
Administratrix Of the estate of of Jo
seph - Carter, deceased.
Attorney f-r Administratrix.
Notice of Final Settlement,
Notion a hereby nlven that the uiir
deralxned, the duly appointed, quail-
Cull and ar-flti vnnntnp nf lha aatata
of Tuomaa M. Thoioui, doceaaed, haa
filed hU Html rW"rt aa such execu
tor In the County Court of Clucka
maa County, Oregon, and the Court
haa at Monday, Decembor 11th, at
in A M . aa lha itula for Ilia hniirlna
of the Final Iteport In the afornauld
eitute. Any and all poraona having
objection! to anld final report,, are
hnrnhv mitlfliwl to fiimeiir on or before
auld dute In the County Court of eald
county, and file tho aame. , .
Dated, Nov. 7tb, 1911.
Notleof Final Battlement.
Mnlli'A la hnroliv trlvan Hint the un-
derailed haa filed her final report In
the mutter or tne eaiaie or jumea w.
Chase, defeased, In the County Court
i,t tha Mlnla nf ririrnn. for Ilia follMtV
of Cluckamaa, and the Court' haa ap
pointed Tueaday, tiie Zum day or De
cember, 1911, at the hour of 10 o'clock
a m aa lha Mu and time for the
hearing of objection to auch final re
port, If any there are, and for the set
tlvinent of aald eatate.
Executrix of the Will of James W.
Chime, deceaaed.
Attorney for the Executrix.
Date of nrMt publication, November
24. 1911.
In tha Circuit Court of the State of
Oreion. for C ackama County.
Inex K. Wlnaton, Plaintiff,
U'lltlnm Wlnatnn TWnndanL
To wnillarfi Wlnaton, the above named
In tho tiame of the State of Oregon
zxx, ? 7tirr vtfrsnss! wh,teh0'd' above M
anawMr (ha onmnlnlnt nlpd AK1I nat VOU I OOrendaDt
In th ft ov UV
fA'lthln ! wnftlfi frntn trim a At Of ID8
within alx week from the date of the
flrat publication of thla aummon. to-
'.''7 n-.
-v,, -., V, "
CVllll'tTI, IVlii J w w " I I
pear ana anawer earn compimni me
above named plaintiff will apply to
aald court for the relief prayed fur In
her complaint herein, to-wlt: for a
-J matrimony now and heretofore exlat-
Ing between plaintiff and aerendant,
and for her coata and dlahuraementa
In tbla atilt, and for auch other, further
and different relief aa to the court
may aeem meet and equitable.
Thla aummona la publlahed In pur
auance of an order of Hon. J. U.
ramnhall Jnilira nf aald Court, mad
on the 7th day of November, 1911. and
the time preacrlbed in aald oraor ror
the publication of thla aummona I
once each week for lx aucceaalve
weeka, and the date of the flrat pub
lication of thla aummona la the 10th
day of November, 1911.
Attorneya for Halntlff.
1524 29 Yeon Hldg.. Portland, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamaa County.
J. P. Hurat, Plaintiff,
Treaa M. Hurat, Defendant
To Tresa M. Hurat, the above named
nf tha State of Oregon.
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint In the above
iitlll1 rnimn nf ault within alx week
from tho date of the flrat publication
of thla aummona, and If yo fall to ao
and answer, the Plaintiff will
apply .o the above entitled Court for
the re ef n aald complaint nrayea ror
and demanded, to-wlt:
For tiidcment and decree thnt the
bond of matrimony now exlatlng be
tween plnlntlff and defendant be for
ever dissolved, and that aald plaintiff
ha rfivnrrait from defendant and for
ever released from all the duties and
obllgntlona of aald marriage.
Thla anmmnna la served unon Toll
miranant tn an order duly made and
entered on the 7th day of November,
1911. In the above entitled i;ou Dy
the Honorable J. U. Campbell, presid
ing Judge of aald Court.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
DatC"of flrat publication, November
10, 1911.
Date of laat publication, Decembei
22, 1911
Attorney'a address, 614 Buchanan
Building, Portland, bregon
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
maa. Florence M. Burna, Plaintiff,
William J. Burna, Defendant.
To William J. Burna, the above named
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
In the above entitled court and cauae.
on or before the 9th day of December,
1911, aald date being about the expira
tion of alx weeka from the flrat publi
cation of thla aummon. If you fall
to appear and anawer, the plaintiff will
apply to the court for the relief de
manded In the complaint filed herein,
to-wlt: For a decree of divorce for
ever dlsaolvlng the bonda of matri
mony now existing between plaintiff
and defendant, on the ground of cruel,
Inhuman treatment, and non-aupport,
and that plaintiff be restored to nor
maiden name of Mlsa Florence M.
Thi summons Is published once a
week for six weeks, making In all
seven Insertions, by order of Hon. J.
IT. Campbell. Circuit Judge of tho
above entitled court, dated the 24th
day of October, 1911, directing tho
publication thereof.
Date of first publication, October
27, 1911-
Dnte of laat publication, December
8, 1911.
Attorney for Platntltf.
203 Rnthehild Building. Portland. Ore
Notice of Final Settlement
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas. In the matter of the Mtat ot Martin
Bankus, Deceased.
Notice Is hfteby ftivn that the un
dersigned, Andrew R Bankua, admin
istrator of the EtMate of Mactln Ban.
kus, Deceased, aft filed In the abov
entitled court hi final account as such
administrator ftd that the aald coort
haa by ordT appointed Monday, the
eighteenth Ty of December, 1511, at
the hour fif nine o'clock A. M. or aald
day at Jf court room or said court
in Clartfcmaa County, Oregon, aa the
time and place tor hearths objectlona
to the said Anal account
Administrator of the Eatate ot Mar
tin Bankus, Deceased.
iiinn, trvr IdTnlnlntrntnr. '
lillVIUTT " ' - I -
813 Electric Bnilding, Portland, Ore- I
First pub.3cAt.on, November 17, 1911.
, Summone,
fn the rircult Court of tha'SUt
, Oregon,' for 'the County of Clack-
. maa... .. .
Hamiiel flpackman, Plaintiff,
laabelle Bpackman, Defendant.
sue npacaman, jjoiitiiuinii.
laabelle flpackman, the' above
named defendant;
In tha name of the Klate of Oregon
vim are hereby red ul red lo "linear and
anawer the comiilulnt filed against
von In the above entitled suit on M
before the ICth day of December, 1911
and if von fa I to ao a o near ana ana
wer. nlulntlir will annlv to the couit
for the relief demanded In the coin
nlalnt filed herein against vou. to-wlt
for a decree dissolving tha bond of
mutrlmony now exlMtlnc between thi
plulntlff and youraelf on the groundi
of rieixrtlon and for auch other am
further relief a to the court may
aeem equitable and Juat.
Tli In aummona la aerved unnn von
by publication thereof for a period of
six aucceasive week in tne uregou
I'll Cnlnrtirlaa a aranklv newati&ner
i . , . -
of general circulation, publlahed In
Clui kamua county, oregm, in purau-
anna nf an nrrfnr nf the Hon. J. Tf.
r'amnlmll. Judira of the, above entitled
Court, duly made and entered on the
2Cth day of October, 1911.
, Date of flrat publication, Nor. 3rd,
Dale of last publication, Dec. IStb,
Attorney for Plaintiff
1424 Yeon flldg., Portland, Ore.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clnckamaa County.
Mattle Ellen Whitehead, Plaintiff,
Benjamin Whitehead, Defendant.
In the name of the State ef Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear anu
anawer the complaint filed agalnat you
7" .il . .n md cort Td cauae.
" - -" - ftf jw.mb.r.
, v. . . ...w -" W" - .
tan. and If vou fall ao to appear or
anawer, the plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief prayed for In the
complaint, which la, that the marriage
now existing between you and the
plaintiff be forever dissolved, and for
auch other and further relief aa to tho
Court may seem juat and eqoltable.
Thla aummona la aerved upon you
by publication by order of the Hon.
R. B. Ileatle, Judge of the County
Court, which order I dated the 31at
day of October. 1911. The date of
the flrat publication or thla aummona
la November 3rd, 1911. and the laat
date of publication la December 15th.
' . Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamaa County.
Peter Granatzkl, Plaintiff,
Mary Granatzkl, Defendant
To Mary Granatzkl, above named de
fendant: , . .
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
anawer the complaint filed against you
In the above named ault n or before
the 15th dny of December, 1911, aid
date being the expiration of alx weeka
from the flrat publication of this sum
mon, and If you fail to appear or an
na anM rnmnlalnt. for want thereof
? SlrlrX
ror tne reiici prayeu iur iu ui
nlnlnt tA.U'it
For a decree dissolving the bono oi J,
matrimony now existing between the
nlnlntltv and dfndnnt. This sum
mons Is published by oitfer of Hon,
. I . T 1 A . V. . . n , n Crt,, ... I
lieaiie, J UUhC Ul U'O vuuiu; vvu.
which order was made and entered on
.. . . . u. nn .a ii,.
me 181 0y ni ixuveuiuer, "u vo
time prescribed for publication there-
nf u a vmti. neeinnina- witn iu 1
- .i ., x-.. q-a tail and
"t L: ' "1' . CL. ' .
connnuing eutn ween iuticu:i '
and Including the Issue of Friday. De-
cember 15th, 1911.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, fop the County of ClacKa- A
Ida M. Slmeral, Plaintiff.
Prank m. Slmeral. Defendant
To Frank M. Slmeral, Defendant:
In the name of the State or Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
anawer the complaint filed against you
In the above entitled suit, on or be
fore the lfith day of December, 1911.
said date being the expiration of six
weeks from the first publication of
this summons, and If you fall to ai
pear and answer said complaint for
want thereof .the plaintiff will apply
I to the court for the relief prayed for
in tne comwuinv uj-wk:
For a decree dissolving the bonds
of matrimony heretofore and now ex
isting between plaintiff and defendant,
and for such other and further relief
as to the court shall seem meet and
equitable tn the premises.
This summons Is published by order
nf Hnn. tl n. Beatie. County Judee
of Clackamaa County, Oregon, in the
absence of the Circuit Court and the
Circuit Judges from said county, which
order was made and entered on tha
flrat day of November, 1911, and the
time nrescribed for publication there
of 1 six weeka beginning with the Is
sue or Friday, November 3, 1911, ana
continuing each week- thereafter to
and Including the issue of Friday, De
cember 15, 1911.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Ardella Marian Cothron, Plaintiff,
James Edward Cothron, Defendant
To James Edward Cothron, abo?e
named defendant:
In the name of the State of Or Ron.
you are hereby required to appear r.M
answer the complaint filed against you
In IVta fthnlra ant!t)l pniirt ami I-B1HP.
nn nr npfnre the iClh day of Dv-cember.
1911, and ir yrm rail so to appear fir
answer the plaintiff will rpply to the
pnurt for the relief Drarttl for in the
complaint which Is, that the marriage
now existing between you and the
plaintiff be rorever dissolved, nd that
nlalntlff be allowed tn rearima her
maiden name, and fOr such other and
further reller as t-n, the vjourt may
seem Just and eqr, stable- '
Thlv summona ts aerved 'upon you
by poblieatlon .,y orr of the Hon.
J. U. Cam pbelL, judge 'ot the above en
tltlad pnnrt. av'nit. an-nvr la dated the
2nd day of jyenV!Jer, 1911. and the
date of the first publication or tms
aummons Is tho J?d day of November,
1911. ana tj,0 Inst date or pumicauon
la Deeerr.ter ISOi. 1911.
Attorney for Plaintiff,
i", t , A Bummone. .'
Id the Clrcfilt Court of the 8Ul 0f
Oregon, fy-rlth Count of Cluck
Loulae D. vrilHama, Plaintiff, , i
wa.' , ' '
Frank D.' WlUluma, Defendant
....... ,.,u.u t
TJn,i. fV,1Wnitt,n' ,h v
named defendant
In the name of the Htnte nf Oriron.
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed agalnat
vou In tha above entitled fVinrt and
cauae. on or before tha 4th day of Dec
ember, 1911, aald date being after the
expiration of alx week from the flrat
l If. . I . . ,1.1,. .. - IS
IIIJIJIICUIMJII Ul , mm auuilllfllja. II JUU
full to appear, and anawer, the plaint-
III Will apil I" l" VUUIl lUI lUO
1 1 - JI A . .1 n .. ..!..(...
iiri uiTiiiuiiuuu in inn uuiuuiaiiifc. iv
wit, ror a decree or divorce rorever
1 . ... - A . A I .. .
dissolving the bonda of matrimony
now existing oeiween piaintirr and
A.m . I . t. - . ,
di'fandant. on the around of cruel
treatment, and failure to provide, and
Thla aummona la published once a
week for alx consecutive weeka bv
ordr of J. 11. Camnbell. Judee of the
Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
ror tne Dtn judicial District. Dated
the I3tb day or October 1911, direct
ing the publication thereof.
Date of flrat publication Oct 20tb,
Date of laat publication December
Jat, 1911.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
512 Swetland Bldg., Portland, Ore.
Sherlrf'e Sal.
In the Circuit Court of the State or
Oregon, for the County of Clackn
mar. Catherine C. Smith and George L.
Burtt, Plaintiffs,
Fred J. Nelaon, A. W. Fordyce and L
Fordyce, bl wire, David Lewi aiu
Frelda Lewis, bis wire, John Graw.
Leopold F. Troendle, Joaeph Her
lltrka and C. E. Knott. Defendanta.
Clackamaa, a.
rty virtue of a ludgment order, de-
pra anrf an execution, duly laaued out
of and under the aeal of the above en
titled court, In the above entitled
cauae, to me duly directed and dated
the 2nd day or November, 1911, npoa
initzment rendered and entered in
anld court on the 2nd day of Novem-
har tail. In favor or Catherine C.
Smith and George L. Burtt Plaintiffs,
and aaalnat Fred J. Nelson. A. W.
Fordyce and L Fordyce, hi wite, Dav
id Lewla and Frelda ixwi, nia wue,
John Graw, Leopold F. Troendle, Jo-
ainh Hprl.tzka and C. E. Knotu, De
fendants, for the um of $1749.68, with
Interest thereon at the rate or 10 per
cent per annum from the 2nd day of
vnvemhor 1911. and the further sum
of $175.00, a attorney' fee," and the
further aum or $47.50, cost and dl
iinnwmsntt and the costs 01 and UDon
thla writ, commanding me to make
sale of the following descrioea reai
m-onertv. altuate In the county of
Clackamaa, State or Oregon, to-wlt:
All nf Rhaw'a annex to Oregon City.
Oregon, and particularly Lota 8,' 9 and
tn m niock 1: Lots l. z. 6. 7. 8, , iu.
13 and 14. in Block 2: Lota 3. 4. 13,
14, 15, 16, 17. 18, Block 3; Lota 8 to J
Inclusive and 13 to 18 Inclusive In
Rincb No. 4 : Lota 5. 6. 7. 8 and 11 to
I m 1. XTn C. Int. t,
ZU inclusive in diutju. ,
17 Inclusive In Block No. 6; Lots 1 to
16 Inclusive in Block No. 7; Lota 1. 2,
o in n. is. 18. 19. 20 iff Block a.
Lot 1 to 20 lnclualve In Block 9; Lola
and i
iii. i nwv No. I2r Lota
to 20 Inclusive In BlocK io; an or
5 and 14 la Block No. 13; all of
Blocks 14, 15 and 16 Lots 1. 3. 4. o
7 8 9 10 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16
', 18, 19, 20 In Block No. 17; Lots 1
10 inclusive In Block No. i; au ra
I - . - rru In
said Shaw's Annex to Oregon 1 City, n
LiiM hi; ail nf his right, title and tn
" -- i ,dh
terest In and to the streets In said
oimw . . .
.. Annp, to Oreeon City Is the
uu" - - - ...
same real property of which a plat s
fliad and recorded In the public rec
orda of Clackamas County. Oregon, in
ni.i Tinnk mimhpr a at Dace 27. in
FIa" - - -- - - , ,
which plat said real property Is called
Oregon cuy Annex, oui ou.T
commonly known and described as
Shaw'a Annex to Oregon City and as
Amnion to Oregon City.
K. Thprpfore. bv virtue of said
...ii.iinn inriffmnnt order and decree,
and In compliance with the commands
of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the
2nd day of December, 1911, at the
hour or 10:30 o'clock A. M., at the
front door of the County Court House
In the City, of Oregon City, in said
County and State, sell at public auc
tion, subject to redemption, td the
highest bidder, for U. S- Kld coin
cash in hand, all the HrM, title and
Interest which the within named de
fonHonta nr pither of then, had oil the
date of the mortgage herein or alnce
had in or to the abot oescnoea tobi
property or any part thereof, to satis
fy said execution, Judgment order, de
cree, Interest costs and all accruing
cost 8.
Sherit of Clackamas County, Oregon.
By 3. rO. Staats., Deputy.
Daned, Oregon City, Ore., Nov. 2,
la the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
maa In-the Tn'ttr of 'the application of
Charlc Revemvan ana uiuna nev
erman. Vis wife, for the registration
of titte to the following described
property, to-wlt: "Beginning at the
stone monument at the U section
corajr between Sections 13 and 24.
T. ?. s. R. 1 E of W. M. and mning
thy nee East along the line between
1.1 .nrflnni 19 and (4. 1313.6 ft
'to a stone set at the initial TInt ot
the Crtteser Road; tbeiice s. iz
W afcmg the center line of the re
surver ot the Oregon City and
Ilaraserabble Road s recorded on
paXfe 192 ot Vol. 4. Hoad records or
Cfitcksmas County, Oregon, 224.75
j to a stone 18xl4i6 Inches, marked
.nn and r. A. on the West:
thence S. 37 45' W. 1494.4 ft to
road angle stone, isxiztt incnes
marked 1 on top and R. A. onWest;
tbence S. 7 15 W. B53.7 ft to a
road angle stone. 20x12x12 Inches,
marked x on top and R. A. on the
West; thence S. 16" 08' W. 714.1
rt to a ea lIpe set at a oint where
the center Tine or tmld Oregon City
and Hardscrahble "Road Intersect
the East and West M section line
fhroueh eald Spctidn 24; thence S.
89 42' W. along said section
line 100 rt to a gas pipe: thence N.
0 28' E. 1339.6 ft to the place of
betrinning containing 35.71 acrea.
To all whom it may concern:
That notice that on the 21st day ot
November. 1911, an application waa
filed by Charlea Reverman and Otil
11a Reverman. his wife. In the Circuit
Court of Clackamas County. State of
Oregon, for Initial registration of the
title or tne lana inoie u-L-njru ouu
which ia described as follows, to-wlt.
title of the land above described ana
Itairfnnfna- at a alina rnoniimAnf at
the 'A Miction corner between aectlpna
13 and 24, T, 3,'l. R. 1 R of W.'M.
and running thence Eaat along the
line betwaen aald. auction 11 u4 24
1313.0 ft. to atone aet at the Initial
point of the Criteaer Road; thence 8.
12 59' W. along the center line of the
n-mirvev or lha firearm ('Itv an 1 Hard.
scrabble Road a recorded on page
192 of Vol. 4, Road Record of Clack
amna County, Oregon, 224.75 ft to a
atone; 18x14x8 Inches marked z on top
and R. A. on the Went;- thence 8. 37
marked 15x12x7 Inches, marked x on
I t .. mr.A Tl A 1 f ' .. . . a
I "'I nnu . a, un yvcni, llieuce o.
7s 15' W. 653.7 ft. to a road angle
rwim l''IU,l UC. uiai ru a W"
n n 4 Tl A n- . V. Tl -. . 0
i"u bii.j iv. n. 111 tiitj irenv, i.iitTiii,v a
I lift tlQ' llf 411. 14 - I
16 08' W. 714.1 ft. to a ga pipe aet
at a point where the center line of
aaia uregon cny ana narascraonie
I Tl . J t . a VDn-A wjt TT . . ,
Road Intnraecta tha East and West V.
section line through said section 24:
thence 8. 89 42' West along the aald
Vti section line iuo rt. to a gaa pipe;
thence N. 0 28' B. 1339.0 ft. to the
place of beginning containing 35.71
Now, unless you appear on or be
fore the 30th day or December, 1911.
and ahow cauae why auch application
ahall not be granted, the aame will be
taken aa confessed and a decree will
ha antprod acrnrJInc to the nraver of
the applicants and you will be forev-
... V A At 1 1 , I. .
f?r imrreu irTjiii uini'in ma; uie name.
(Seal) W. U MULVEY,
Clerk of the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon for the County or
By f. M. Harrington. Denutv.
Attorney for Appllcanta.
Notice to Creditor.
In the County Court of the 8tat or
Or peon ror Clackama County.
In the matter or the estate of John
Jacob Schmidt, deceased.
Voflca la (iffrahv a-tvan that tha un
dersigned, Auguste Och ha been du
ly annolntPd hv tha Conntv Court Of
the State of Oregon, for Clackamaa
County, administratrix or tne eatate
of John Jacob Schmidt deceaaed, anJ
lattara nf administration have been
duly Issued to her by the aald court
AH persons having claima against aaio
estate are hereby notified to present
them under oath, with proper vouch
ers therefor attached, within six
months from the date of this notice
at tha nfflcA of Joseph Woerndle. her
attorney. Rooms 10-11 Mulkey Build
ing, 2nd and Morrison Sts., In the City
of Portland, Multnomah County. Ore-
rnn Tha dntn of the flrat DUbllcatlon
of this notice Is .November 24th, 1911.
Administratrix or tbe Estate or jonn
Jacob Schmidt deceased.
Attorney for Administratrix
The date of the last publication of
this notice Is December 22nd, 1911
Notice to Creditors
VntlnA la hprebv riven that the un
dersigned baa been duly appointed by
the County Court or tne btate oi ure-
gon for the County of Clackamas, ad-
minlatrator of the eBtate of Smith La-1
rmv dpceased. All neraons having
claims against aald estate are hereby
requirea to preseui me l",
nmnapiv varinpd br hv law reaulred.
, , " . 0 . . ,
f. "p., J . . . J
at me omce oi u n .
Oregon City, Oregon, within six
montha frntn t tl o Ant a hriWf
Date of flrat publication Dec. 1, 1911,
J. K. LatKUI,
Administrator of the Estate of Smith
LaCroy. deceaaed.
1 JVE..TI ar, otnubucu-i .
Attorneys for Administrator.
Notice of Final Settlement,
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, the duly appointed, quali
fied and acting administratrix of the
estate of Seth E. Johnson, deceased,
has filed her Final Report as such ad
mlnlstratrix In the County Court ot
Clackamas County, Oregon, and the
Court has set Monday, December 11th,
at 11 A. M., as the date for the hear
ing oi said Final Report and settle
mant nf tha aforesaid estate. Any
and all persons, having objections to
said final report, are hereby nonnea
to appear on or before said date In
the County Court or said county, and
file the same.
Dated, Nov.. 7th, 1911.
C. H. DYE,
Attorney for Estate.
In the Circuit Court or the State ot
Oreeon Tor Clackamas county.
Ethel L. A. Molineat, Plaintiff,
Arthur VTm. Luclea Moflneux, Defend
To Artamr William Luclen Mollneux,
above named defendant:
In the name ot the State of Oregon,
harehv reaulred to 8 D Dear and
answer the complaint filed against
you the above entitiea court anu
cause, on or before tne 30th day of
December, 1911, being more than six
weeks from tiie date of the first publi
cation of this summons and if you
rail so to appear or answer the plain
tiff will apply to the court for the
relief prayed tor in tne compiaini,
i,ph is. that the marriage exlstinr
Wi-soii win and the nlalntlff be dl a.
solved, asifl that plaintiff resume rJer
maiden name or Etnei a. mcer,
and for such other and further -elief
as to the court may seem Jus.t and
This 'Summons is served -uarn you
by publication y order of the Hon.
J. U. Campbell. Judge of tbe above en
titled eourt, which order is. dated the
13th day of November. jn. The
first ojate of publication of this sum
moa la November 17, "nil; last date
Dee. 29, 1911.
Attnrney for the Plaintiff.
435 "'Worcester fcldr., Portland, Ore.
Pa the Circuit Court of the State of
'Oregon, for Clackamas County.
E. Adelaide Sweat, Plaintiff.
vs. ,
Albert J. Serrest, Defendant
To Albert S. Bedrest above named de
fendant; In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are liereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
yoe in the above named suit on or
before the 29th flay or December, 1911.
aald date bein? tbe expiration of six
weeks from the first publication of
this summons, and If you fail to ap
pear or answer said complaint for
want thereot the plaintiff will apply
to the court ror the relief prayed Tor
in her complaint to-wlt:
For a decree dissolving the bonds ot
matrimony now existing between the
plaintiff and defendant Thla anm
mons la published by order of Hon.
J. U. Campbell, Judge or the Circuit
frmrt m-hlrfi nrdpr waa made and en-
1 t ----- - ,
tered on the 7th day of November.
Harvey t. Cresa. William Hammseal
W have now roved to our permanent quartara In the Baivar
Building. Neat to the Andraaan Building.
Real Eat at Abatracta Main ttreei,
Loans, Inauranc Oregon City, Ore.
1 Cil 1 and tha tlrnA nraacrilipd Inr titiK.
Ilcatlon thereof la alx weeka. begin
ning with the Issue or Friday, Nov.
inn, mil, ana continuing each wcea
(hprpaffpr tn and Including lha lj.-na
or Friday, Dec. 29th, 1911.
Attorneys lor Plaintiff.
Aharlff'a 8ala.
In the Circuit Court or the State of
Oregon, ror the County of Clacka
maa. i. C. Lehman, Plaintiff,
Anna Beer and Elizabeth Beer, De
fendanta. State of Oregon, County or Clacka
mas, 88.
P.y virtue or a ludement order, de
cree and an execution, duly lasued out
or and under the aeal of the above en
titled court. In the above entitled
cause, to me duly directed and dated
the 11th day or November, 1911, upon
- , . . ,1 n m n n w-..tA-Ai4 A ,1,1.,. In
aaia conn on me i'nn oar oi iovem-
ber, 1911, In ravor of J. C. Lehman,
Plaintiff, and against Anna Beer and
C-IUnV.fi. nAnn.nl. An lha
sum of $878.00, with interest thereon
at the rate of 6 per cent per annum
irfim ilia ziai nxv ul diiiy. isii. n mi
4 Via allWla.aa tim rf f 79!l 9il wlffl InfOP.
lUD BUS-aVa ua ua. I - V V " "
est thereon at the rate of 6 per cent
per annum from the 21st day of July,
1911, and the. further sum of $160.00,
aa attorney's fee. and the further sum
of $31.85, costs and disbursements, and
the costs or and upon this writ, com
manding me to make sale of the fol-lnn-lne-
described real nrooerty. 'sit
uate in the county or Clackamaa, state
of Oregon, to-wlt: ,
Beginning at the southwest corner
of the southeast Quarter of the South
west quarter or Section 25, Township
5 south, Range, 1 East Willamette
xrartrilan. said hpelnnlna Dolnt belne
the Southwest corner of the Wm,
BrouRblon Donation Land Claim, ana
cl)a, tfc
thence north 31.09 chains; thence
west 5.02 chains; thence north
yt So rhalna tn the north Side
of the said We Broughton Donation
Land Claim, thence west 15.50 cnain
to northwel!t j. ot the aald
Bro1IEhton Donation Land Claim;
thMlce gouth 65 59 chaing t0 the place
, v , mi in
it .k - v. .u. .oM
Lwcutlon. Judgment order and decree.
and In compliance with the commands
I - . ,. ,., r ,l.
of said writ I will, on Saturday, the
23rd day of December, 1911. at the
hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. at the front
door of the County Court House In the
City of Oregon City, in said County
and State, sell at public auction, sub
ject to redemption, to the highest bid
der, for U. S. gold coin cash In hand,
all the right title and Interest which
the within named defendants or either
of them, had on the date of the mort
gage herein or since had. in or to the
above described real property or any
part thereof, to satisfy said execution,
Judgment order, decree. Interest' costs
and all accruing costs. -
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.1,
By J- O. Staats, Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., Nov. UthJ
Notice for Levy of Special rroej Tanc
Notice Is hereby given that we, the
undersigned tax payers repr eseaUng
ten per cent of the tax reyera In
Rnnd nlstrict No. 48. Clacks Pram.
ty. Oregon, hereby give nrjce to the
tax payers or saia noaa District No.
48 that there will be a ir jeeting of the
Iat navpra nf aflld Dlstr iA 1. nwiwil
hall at Firwood, on t'j 16th day ot
n 1 41 A -J 4 - . .
jjeceraoer, nt 7:30 OCIOCK r.
V . tn vnta an ftJdlt' a. fi rnd
- njuai vua va avia
purposes, as providr by an act of the
. f .AAA
legislature in lava. ,
J. O. DeShazer y?m. p. Fischer
Warren U Wllkir . J. Moxley
E. D. Hart a Malar
oummuiioi j
In the Clrcr jt Court 0f the State of
Oregon, 1 0r Clackamaa County.
Edmnnd Fhubert, Plaintiff,
PmTnR V I o.1..iV.Arl rLofanitont
To Em ana E. Schubert, the above
nam d defendant:
In ' Aia name nf the State of Oregon:
you are hereby required to appear and
anrwer the complaint niea againsi
yn in the above entitled court and
r Ause within six weeks from the date
nf the flrat nnblicatlon of this sum
mons, to-wlt on or before the 8th day
nf Tannarv. 1912. and If you fall to
an nnnoor and answer said comolalnt t
. t 1. I KTnlnffa 111 annlv I
LllO ttUUVt? UUUiCU JiaiUlill win wvyij
to the said court for the relief prayed
for In her complaint herein, to-wlt:
for a decree forever dissolving the
hnnda ot matrimony now and here
tofore existing between plaintiff and ,
defendant and for such other and 1
further relief as to the Court may
seem meet and equitable.
This summons is published In pur
suance of an order of Hon. J. U.
Campbell. Judge of said Court, made
on the 23rd day or NovemDer, lsu,
and the time prescribed In said order j
fnr tha nnhllcatlon of this summons Is
once each week for six successive !
araolra and tha data nf tha first nub-
Ilcatlon of this summons Is tbe 24th
day of November, 1911.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
1524-1529 Yeon Bldg, Portland, Ore.
Notice of Appointment of Admlnie-
trator. 1
Notice is hereby given that the un-1
derailed haa been duly annolnted bv 1
order of the County Court of Clacka-.
mas CDunty, Oregon, administrator or
the estate or Mary A. Morse, deceased.
All parties having claims against
above estate are notified to mall or
nraaant umi. nmnerlv variflad. to me
at Jannlnea Iden. Oreson. within six
months from the date of this notice.
Nov. 22. 1911.
Notary Public
Estacada State Banr Building
Estacada, Oregon.
aaaoclated with
George C. Brown a 1 1.
Legal Buaineas Promptly
tended to.
Dautachar Advokat
Will practice In all courta, make
collections and settlements.
Office In Enterprise Building,
Oregon City, Oregon.
. Attorneya-at-Law ,
Commercial, Real Eatate and
e Probate our SneclalUea. Of
i I
fice In Flrat National Bank
Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
' - f
w w wj-w wwww w .
1 V f
W S fjfjy y 5 M p y
j , t t
' w v
r.milii.l. f If,. Dnlarin Votari.
t nary College ol lorcnto, Canada, f
a ' i u-vm: c..,l a !
I anu LUC iU(.AIIll AUUUI V. 9
c r rt; v. . f.wJ 4
at Oregon City and established an t
office at The Fashion Stablee,
Heveatb Street near Main.
Both Celephooea.
Farmera' tji Mali
44s4Jj t$ ) 44
The Unlveralty and Bellrvue nopUal
Medical College, New York CH.y.
Rooms 6 and ,7 Masonic Balding
ttf Dr Bchultae la trying ta r.traducp
h-ra hl former ouatom. prayailinc In
tha middle Wa. of making on, moder
ate charge cow rxamlmtlonj, advlra
Pacific Phone "J482i -
Clackamas County
610 Chamber ef Commerce,
Portland, Oregon.
( mil equlr.nent of maps, plats.
abstrac t books and tax roua.
Agents f0r Clackamas County
Lands, Money Loaned, Titles
' Perfected. (
E. F. A F. B. RILEY,
icrneya A Counaallors at Law
----- --
We make a specialty of Install- J
lng water systems and plumb- ,
ing In the country. We carry
II the Leader tanks and Stover en-
Hum W. hava a full Una of I
Myers pumps and spray pumps, j
Prices always lowest. t
720 Main St Oregon City
Phone 268i
T a d.
Attorney-at-Uiw (
Money loaned, abstracts furaish- ,
, land titles examined, estates e
a settled, general law business. ' a
I Over Bank of Oregon City. J
C. T. Tooze,
Lawyer and Notary
Real Estate Bought and Sold.
Room 2, Beaver Bldg., Ore. City
iSleiV, 1; Ti
Viiri'l lv
g9rrvM-jgBCxrjirjjwv I'll
Th Aristocrat among tha
whiakiea of tha Old School.
Without a peer.
For aale by