OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, 'KKIPAY, yOVKMITKU 21, 1911. C mmm lie Kind You Have Always Rough t, nnd which lias been v In uno for over 30 yours, lias borne the nljrnaturo of and has boon liuwlo under his pcr- Srf-f-pi- , Bonal supervision sine 1W Infancy. T-oUcA4Ai Allow no one to deceive you In thin. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-mi-jMNMl" are but Experiments that trifle with and eiulanjrcr the lieullh of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Caittoiia is ft harmless substitute for Castor Oil, rnro arorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It ' contains neither Opium, Morphlna nor other Nareotio ftnbstanee. Its ape is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverlshness. It cures Dlarrhwa and Wind Colic It relieves Teething: Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, (riving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Sean tha Signature of gan, whose people1 were clime frlenda and neighbors of the (lime rnmtiy Be fore the ln(tr moved to Oregon, made short two days' visit with Mr. and Mrs. Gage Inst week. He U looking the country over with sit Ides of lo cating. Mr. NusHbaum has a crew helping him roll out the potatoes. Gus Gebhnrdt and Guy Grons sawed down the largest tree on the ranch Tuesday, which stood near the Delkar and G.tge road. It took three hours of steady work to saw It down. Fred Ellegsen has been ' raising a part of his houHe and put a bay win dow In the dining room, which adds to the appearance and convenience of the home very much. The ladles' Circle met with Mrs. Powell last Thursday and enjoyed a pleasant day. The meeting In De cember will be with Mrs. Adolph Del kar. where the ladles will make some comforters for the hostess and for tnIS purpose will meei in me iimthwu ion me udumi umv tue m... t In the month. All who wish to Join the society are welcome. Miss Isabel Midler Is helping Mrs. Nuasbaum while the potato diggers are there. Mrs. Prink went Monday to stay a fpw days with another daughter, Mrs. Jim Tledeman. of Maple Knoll Farm, near Oswego. Mr. Mllem has some excellent Hub bard squashes which he Is selling at the house for 10c each, which Is quite a convenience to the neighbors who did not raise them this year. The EM You Have Always Bought IrTUse For Over 30 Years. TMC CtNTSkUR MMNT, TT MVNIUT mCKT Mm TOW OtV$. NEWS FROM THB COUNTRY INTERESTING ITEMS FROM ALL PARTS OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY Silen ce I The initinct of aodeirf aatufa) every womae Is oftaa grest hindrance le the sure ol weaaanly diiaatt. ' shrink Irom the penoosl quaitioni of the luoil phyaioiaa which teem indelicate. The thought ol a lamination it ah borrvnt to them, and ao thtv endure in tilenoe a eonditiuo t dittaae which auraly projraaaes Irom bad 10 worae. If h Dr. Pleiwe's prlrllti ! core frea mamr wemtm ara re found a refutfe tor modetty la mlm ttt mt FKEB toatmlf tlom my letter. Hit comtmamdemce la mtld as ftredly tomlldemtlal. Xddret Dr. Jr. IT. y Plerx. Battelo, A. T. Dr. Pitroe'a Favorite Preaeriptloa reatorae and refulatta the womanly function!, sholiahM pain and builda up and putt the tnithint touch of health oa every weak woman who jivea it a fair trial. ' it Makes Weak Women Strong, Slek Women Well. Yoa eaa't afford to accept a ittrrt nostrum at a substitute for thit non-alcoliolio medicine or inuwn comkmitio. J aW."rNI Notice for Levy of 8peell Road Tax. Notice Is hereby given that we. the undersigned tax payers representing ten per cent of the tax payers In Road District No. 40, Clackamas County. Oregon, hereby give notice to the tax payers of said Road District No. 40 that there will be a meeting of the tax payers ' of said District in Barton school house at Parton, Ore., on the 16th day of December, 1911. at one o'clock P. M., to vote an additional tax for road purposes, as provided by an act of the legislature In 1909. W. R. Connor CarlJ. Hanson Harvey Gibson August Gustavson Geo. W. Turner Charles Fosberg H. F. Gibson F. H. Turner Dated this Nov. 14. 1911. HARVEY GIBSON HOP GROWERS ARE ASKING 50 CENTS Tk Hnnmn.l fur tinna continues strong, and for the best 45c Is freelyn obtainable, but the scattering lots or 1911s that remain In growers' hands at this time are very firmly held and the little trade now passing for the most part Involves small holdings. The growers are bullish and luteal market developments appear to fully Justify them in their portion. For many of the lots not yet disposed of 50c is demanded. Cables from abroad Indicate strong and steadily advancing markets, both In England and on the Continent, and it Is believed that the market here has not yet reached the high level for the season. Wants, For Sale, etc. CHOICE. PIW OIU'lllNGTONS FOR 8 ALU C. W. Swallow, Oregon CUy, Route No. 3. "I am pleased to recommend Cham-fj berluln s Cough Remedy as the best thing I know of and safest remedy for roughs, colds and bronchial trouble,' writes Mrs. U a Arnold of Denve. Colo. "We have used It repeatedly and It has never failed to give relief." Road Supervisor Road District No. 40 I For sale by all dealers. Good Advice For Oregon City People. People in Oregon City who have constipation, sour stomach or gas on the stomach, should uh0 simple buck thorn bark, glycerine, etc.. as com pounded In AUlerlka, the new German appendicitis remedy. A SINGLE POSE brings relief almost INSTANT LY because this simple mixture ant! septlclxe the digestive organs and draws off the Impurities. The Jones Drug Co. Dogt and Carts. Since 1830 the employment of dogs for drawing carts ban been abolished In London. It Startled the World when the astounding claims were first made for llucklen's Arnica Salve, but forty year of wonderful cures have proved them true, and everywhere It is now known as the best salve on earth for Burns. Rolls." Scalds, Sores, Cuts, Rrulses. Sprains, Swellings, Ecxcnia, Chapped hands, Fever 8ores and Piles. Only 25c at Jones Drug Co. Sandy and East Clackamas , 8ANOY. The Sundy Orange. Society Is plan ning to erect a building hur. A largo addition has been built on the re.tr of the Handy livery barn. V. J. Wilt, who was confined to hin homo by Illness, Is able to bo about again. Kamly Is lo have a now hardware store. Mra. C. K. Moran Is visiting in Port land. Mr. and Mis. Geo. Udell went to Portland Tuesday to purchase furni ture for thi'lr new home. A shooting match will bo held lu Sandy, Nov. 20-30, for all kinds of Tow I nnd a beef. School Inspector C. F. Anderson of KHtacuda. is visiting school In this vicinity this week. Attorney Win. Hammond, of Glad stone, was In town the fore part of Hie week helping tho City Council to get our municipal machinery In run ning order. A public dance will be held at Meln Ik's hull November 25, after which a chicken supper will be served at the Sandy hotel, Nominating petitions for all city of ficers were signed and sworn to Mon day evening. City Council of Sandy held a spe cial session Tuesday evening to make preparations for the December election. Beautiful Eyes are desired by every one. If there '.h any Inflammation the eyes can't be beautiful. Sutherland's Eagle Eye Salve will remove the Inflammation and clear the eyes. Geo. A. llurdliiK. Druggist. E8TACA0A. MOUNTAIN VIEW. Miss Clara Etchison Is visiting in St. Johns this week. Claude Vanhoy. who has been spend ing the summer near Goldendale, Wash., on his ranch is spending a month hero with his parents. Mr. Dugan, of Mullno, was tran sacting business in this berg Saturday. Mr. and Mra. Patton, of Salem, are visiting Mrs. Patton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Simpson, of Hood street Mrs. Preston ia at home again af ter spending a month with her daugn ter at Seattle. Will Gillett, of Walla Walla, Wash., Is visiting relatives here. Messrs. Moore and Francis, of Clarkes, were transacting business Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Maxon, of Highland, were guests of Mrs. , A. S. Martin, Monday. Rev. S. B. Moffitt, of Newbery, Is the guest of J. W. S- Owens this week, who Is making preparation to hold a series of meetings in that Mount View church, beginning Friday at 2. p. m. J. T. Hammond and family, who have spent the last two months In H. Bradt'8 house have moved out to Bert Cummins' mill. Thomas Berber was visiting friends in this berg Saturday and Sunday. Oscar May and wife, of Beaver Creek, spent Sunday with bis parents. Messrs. A. Mantss and O. A. Vanhoy butchered their hogs Tuesday. Elmer Dlnon went to Forest Grove Wednesday where he acted as judge of a poultry show at that place. J. A. Walters, of California, arrived here last week to spend the winter with his daughter, Mrs. D. W. Griffin. SUNNYSIDE AND ROCK CREEK. The papers have many articles about different parties' gTeat yield of pota toes. Joe Deardorff wishes to tell of his potatqes. Last spring he sent East and got one potato of the Has tings variety and mane 17 hills or il , He has lately dug 140 potatoes which j weigh 98 pounds from these 17 hills. Anyone doubting this can see the po- j tatoes at Joe E. Deardorffs place li miles from Sunnystde. Anold Soderberg Is taking a jour-; ney and is now visiting In Los An-1 geles, California. We hope he will i have a fine trip. j We hear O. Cox and family have moved into Mr. Birchell's house. AdolDh Stoll and family were visit ing with hiB parents at Portland a few days ago. Alonzo Hunter has been building an addition onto his house which will Improve it greatly. Dave Grady and family have recent ly moved to thelf new home at Ore gon City. We wish them success. Elva Deardorff is visiting with rela tives in Portland for a few days. atnaaaaKtyftasA.aBfaBB m II There Is littler danger from a cold or from an attack of the grip except when followed (by pneumonia, and this never happens when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is used. This remedy has won its great reputation and ex tensive sale by its remarkable cures ot colds and grip and can be relied upon with implicit confidence. For sale oy all dealers. CLARKES. from Louie Maxson came home Eastern Oregon last week. Miss Mary Marshall left last weeK for Eastern Oregon and is staying with her sister, Mrs. A. Martin. Mrs. Elmer Lee spent Sunday with Mrs. W. G. Kleinsmlth. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lee went to Highland to visit Mr. and Mrs. Nort Mr. Haagr was in town Saturday. Mr. Bottemiller was at Union Mills Saturday. Kletnsmith Bros, are putting a con- j with Everybody Needs. a good salve and Dr. Bell's Antiseptic Salve if the best. It is a creamy snow white ointment Guaranteed for all skin diseases. 25c sold everywhere. Geo. A. Harding, Duggist WILSONVILLE. John Butson, one of Wilsonville's former real estate men, was in our village Monday on business. J. C. Chalupsky went to Portland Friday. Reed Graham went to Hlllsboro on business Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Beckman went to Port land Tuesday to hear Gypsy Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Hardcastle, of Wood- j burn, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Melvln. ! Mr. and Mrs. Cronin and family will spend Thanksgiving in Boring, at the j home of Mrs. Cronin's sister, Mrs. ! D. N. Brldenstlne. 1 Chas. Adams has rented the Biggs j property, which be purchased recently, to some newcomers from Indiana. i City .Superintendent Tooze, of Ore-; goa City, with his wife and daughter, j spent Sunday at the home of Profes- sor Tooze's brother, Frank Tooze, of Hood View. j Three train loads of people from ; Woodburn went through Wllsonville Thursday enroute to Portland to hear j the celebrated evangelist. ! E. C. Stiles, wife and daughter, of; Battlecreek, Mich., spent last week ; with their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tooze. Mr. and Mrs. Gould will start on a ! journey the 1st of the month to visit Mr. Gould s parents for some ! time. to siurLi voua boy can undeiutand and ofiaati it A GOOD GASOLINE ENGINE IS A FARM NECESSITY NEARLY 1000 USERS HERE IN THE NORTHWEST SAY THE STOVER IS A GOOD ENGINE STOVES ENGINES it mm a tic la Hopper Colcd irrlw la In Other Mr lea 2 to 60 Morte power I M 12 Honepover Freedom from complicated parti to iniure timplicity Extra heavy con itmction to iniure durability Every effort ponible made to iniure an abio luuly reliable Farm Engine ECONOMICAL and EASY to OPERATE Sold and Guaranteed by PORTLAND, OR. SPOKANE. WN. BOISE. IDA Implements Vehicles USE THE SLIP Mitchell. Lewis U Stover Co. Portland, Oregon: n I lot roar Ikm ITOVta ENGINE I Here it mr BU CATALOGS. M NAME, Q ADDRESS- I Stover Gasoline , Engines Domestic Water Systems In fact the Whole Mitchell line of Implements and Vehicles on sale by W. J, WILSON & CO. Oregon City J. J. SAfJDSfJESS, Canby, Oregon Several apple orchards" are being planted at Garfield this fall. Win. Wilcox, a ploneor of this sec tion, Is 111 at his home. (1. T. Hunt, rond supervisor of Dis trict No. 49, Is opening the Honebon- Dcvls rond. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dale returned Monday from a visit to their daughter at Hood River. Mrs. Stella Woodard, of Oregon City, visited her BlHter, Mrs. Ray Wil cox, Sunday. . ' Members of Garfield Grange have Just built a fine horse shed on the hall site. The macadam road scientifically constructed In road district number 10. this year, Is an object lesson In rond building. More of the same kind of roads will be constructed next year in districts number 10 and 49. Mr. Pyle. a clrk In the Estacada Mercantile Company's office, was mar ried recently to Miss Street They will make their homo In Estacada. A Burglar's Awful Deed may not paralyze a homo so complete ly as a mother's long Illness. But Dr. King's New Life Pills are a splendid remedy for women. "They gave m wonderful benefit In constipation and remalo trouble." wrote Mrs. M. C. Dun lap, of Ieadlll, Tenn. If ailing, try them. 25c at Jones Drug Co. EAGLE CREEK. rrpr wall In their mllL Mrs. Tom Grace went to Portland Chas. Epler and family have moved last week to visit her mother. ! to Corneilius where Mr. Epler recent- Gustave Haag returned from Can-1 ly purchased a dairy ranch. Mr. Ep ada laPt week. ; ler will return to Wllsonville on Sat- Born, to Mrs. George Clark, a : urday to bold a sale at the old farm. daughter. i Quite a lot of village people ooara- Notice of Final Settlement. j JS'otice is hereby given that the un dersigned has filed her final report in ; the marter of the estate of James W.,' Chase, deceased, in the County Court! of the State of Oregon, for the County ' of Clackamas, and the Court has an-. pointed Tuesday, the 26th day of De-, cember, 1911. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. as the day and time for the FOOTBALL PLAYER IS BURNED TO DEATH EUGENE Or., Nov. 22. (Special.) r ' j l"c " ,.,,, .... J ,t , - ot ,v. Mr. Hoffstetter and family spent ed the Oregon Electric cars sunaay , i,earing 0f objections to such final re- ',B" ........ -. .-. Sunday vith F. Mueller and family, i evening to bear Gypsy Smith, at tne portf lf any tnere 8rei an(i for tbe set- '."'vermiy n uresou, " ii Iveryone Is tbinking of Thanks-: Rose City but unfortunately happened tiement 0f said estate. "" ln,6 v''.u'ly i00100" 1 '" wu"-" Everyone giving with visions of turkey and cran berry sauce. The Debating Society started last Friday night but there were only a few out owing to such bad weather. Mr. and Mrs. L. Moser sppnt Sunday to be part of the multitude turnea away for lack of room. Don't forppt the splendid chicken pie supper the Methodist Ladies' Aid society will srve In tbe basement of the new church on Thanksgiving Day. afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. H. Wal- These ladles have undertaken a great lare. (?eal of. hard work, and we are all re- W. Wallace was in Timber Grove Reiving the bpnefit and doubtless Wil on business Saturday. ( sonville people will be on hand with Our teacher went to Portland Fri-jthe same loyal patronage they have day nlir'it to hear Gypsy Smith talk. given before. it. Wallace was taken sick Sunday i night but some better at the present ! Cheap Imitations. writing. . Owing to the immense sale and E. B. Stark was in Beaver Creen , popularity of Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Hon-on business Friday last -ey there are many cheap imitations L. Wallace butchered hogs Monday. on the market under similar sounding SARAH A. CHASE. Executrix of the Will of James W. Chase, 'deceased. ' GILBERT L. HEDGES, Attorney for the Executrix. Date of first publication, November 21, 1911. .hyed Vr.Hhington saiuraay, war. ourned if. death in an electric batn role in his room at the Sigma Nt f'r&te.niiy House today. Shortly fifter 6:30 ocf-ck the odor GLORIOUS HAIR For Every Woman Who Wants It. Any woman who neglects her hair cannot expect to have as lovely hair as the woman who doesn't. Wash the hair once a week, use PARISIAN SAGE dally keep you hair brush clean and In a few days you will give to your hair a beautiful lustre lhat you will be proud of. PARISIAN SAGE Is a most reliable hair tonic; so reliable that Huntley Bros. Co. guarantees it to eradicate dandruff, stop falling hair and itching scalp, or money back. It should be used as a dressing by names, but you can always get tne genuine by looking for the be'.l on the bottle. Geo. A. Harding, Druggist. Our mail has been changed no we get it at noon now, one day late. I iiTpo5e people who got dally mail w!II have a kick comiDg. Charles Baker and son Roy passed STAFFORD. hrnnrri this bure Tuesday enroute to Cummins' saw mill to see about get- Tuesday was an ideal day and many ting lumber for a new house. enjoyed the sunshine. L. Moer butchered a beef Monday. Butter and eggs bring a good price Outside ranee Is getting rather but hens and spring chickens are at earre Soon iae Sl"ca win one w i"w nu depend altogether on the barn ror feed. Fsrjr are rather a scarce article. Someone will have to Invent an egg legj pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving. Mrs. NuRsbaum sold her ducks and geese to the boys for the shooting match at Shrader's, and realized a satisfactory price for them. Manson Fredenbnrg, late of Michl- L White Queen Flour This Is The Ben Floor Obtain able. Lay In Your Winter Supply of Coal Now. Hay, Grain, Feed and Korect Poultry Food. Oregon Commission Co. 11TH AND MAIN 8T8 Oregon City. f l i.rn.'rc cloth was de nted In tl.ei every member of the family because it Keeps ine scaip clean, prevents hum from turning gray and baldness. Larg.j bottle 50 cents. Vou will have no use for ordinary preparations after once j giving delightful PARISIAN SAGE a trial. 10-24 !:( u.-e .iru wnen loiaui n iraievuuy hri-ber en-ered the rJor.i. tbe lied was ablaze. Tbe flames were extinguished Im mediately and physicians arrived with in a few minutes, but Noland was dead. His body was frightfully burn ed. The bathrobe was an electrical contrivance for the generation of heat by resistance similar to electrical foot warmers and electrical pads which which are used in hospital work. In place of hot water botties. $100. Reward, $100. TV rnwWvi of this paper will b" plr"M Ut Htrn Uut there M at liat dread 1 dimae that v-tntr b&a been a lake to trure tn all Ita lUtr, at.d Itat ta CaUrrb. HaJli i irrt. ruff la the only ponjilvn cure ao known to the med.rai fraternity, (xurrh being ft rrjnntlluUonnJ dlaeaiae, require a earmnt Uonal tret menu Hallfl (alani! ure la UKen In tern nil jr. art in r dlreeM up an the blond and aiueotfa aurfarea of the tytei, thereby deatroymc the loumlatlajti of the dlaeaae. and wivtng the pit (lent ttrenirt by build m ( up ire eunf Itutinn and a4t Ituf nature In doing- Ita wort. The pntrVtri have ao mjeh f-.lih in ita eiimure pnwera that they ofW Ona Httnrlred iMiara fr any (mat thai It lalla to cure. tnd for tt of fratimoniMa. Addreae F. J. f'HkN'KY at CO.. Tojedo. O. rWd by tfl rmnrri-t. Tfe. Taac Uaii I laaiUr fOla lur cooitlpatitA. "Our National Bouquet" Floral map of the United States. A beautiful high class colored work of art, with each state flower litho graphed on muslin, satin finished, twenty-seven by thirty-seven inches in size. First edition Just arrived, a souvenir of which can be seen at tbe Commer cial Club, Oregon City. Copies of which can be obtained only through our agents, who are now soliciting in your city. Price $2.50 Each Delivered. U S. STATE FLOWER MAP CO. Inc. CANBY, OREGON. Walter Douglus made a brief busi ness visit to Kastern Oregon last week. Murray and Carl Clark were agree ably surprised Thursday night when a crowd of their friends and neigh bora walked up to the door, giving a yell, thereby apprising them of their presence About 48 were present and spent h pleasant evening playing games and enjoying a social time to gether. Shortly after 11 o'clock a fine supper was partaken of and soon after oil returned home, tired but hap py, and longing for another party to attend in the near future. . E. I Palfrey, of Molalla, was in the neighborhood reeeirtly. Mr. and Mrs. Ilrash moved Into their new house on the Carter, place Sat urday. Mrs. Walter Douglas was a Port land visitor the latter part of Inst week. Miss Anna Duncan made her folks a short visit Ruturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Woodle and daughter. Nettle, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. (iuy Woodle Sunday. Dick Gibson was a ltarton visitor Saturday. Eagle Creek Orange held fts regular meeting Saturday. After the usual routine of business a fine chicken din ner was served. J. D. Chltwood was a Grauge visitor Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Howlett took din ner with Mr. and Mrs. (iuy Woodle Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Murphy and children, Miss Armeda and Perry, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ray Woodle and Haby Ies He spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Will Douglas. George Kltzmlller and family called on Mr. and Mrs. (iuy Woodle Sunday evening. George tied his team to the fence but when they went out to re turn home, no horses or vehicle was visible, they having broken loose and tearing the fence partly down, had gone up the road a short distance where they were found quietly feed ing. Mr. and Mrs. Jim DeShazer called on Mrs. DeShnzer's mother, Mrs. Viola Douglat Sunday afternoon. F. W. Tlates was seen over this way last Friday. FIRWOOD. Tho Mt.' flood Kl'ilt Growers' Aa social Ion will meet Hnturday, Novem ber an. All members are urgently re incited to bo present as there la Im portant buNltieas to be attended to. Geo. Kclriecker mnda a biialiumi trip to Oregon City Inst week, Prof. Anderaott spent Friday fore in at (ho Firwoud school. J. lltll. of Handy Itldge. attended the. social at Flrwood Haturday even, lug. 'Die Mlxxcs linrtimni. and Mulr of the Handy hi'IiimiIm, attended the soclul nnd spent the nlglit with Mra. A. Malar. Mrs. Magglo Murray, of Cherryvllle, visited her sister, Mra. Kva H. Hart, Inst Friday. HukIiIo ('nssedy wa struck on the kne cip with an ax whllo at work at the mill litMt week. He Is nimble to work but It la not considered serious. A. J. Morrison and Victor Ilodloy, of ovr, spent Sunday afternoon at H. D. Ilarfi. Tim third anniversary of the Fir wood Progressive Association was celebrated In An appropriate manner Saturday evening. A nice program was given and a fine supper served by the ladles. All hud a most enjoyable tlma. At this time of yenr one's thoughts turn toward Thanksgiving. This af fords occasion tn look backward and ponder over the many thlngakln the line of advancement and Improvement whlrh we have to bo thankful for. It would be well for those who were liv ing here three years ago tn stop nnd compare conditions. For Instnnce the meeting ofiiHt Saturday evening with the first meeting, when about thirty met In the old store building, sitting on counters and boxes. All were re quested to bring lanterns with clenn chimneys to light the hall, Fveryone went to see what some one else would do and It was almost Impossible to get anyone to voice their sentiments. The Idea of forming an association was devised by A. C. Mllllron. He pondered over the conditions of the community In general for some time nnd talked It over with a few friends and they decided something ought to be done toward furnishing amusement and Initructlon for the young people, as they were growing up with no chance for development except In hard work. There were no muidrnl Instru ments to sneak of In the country; no mimic In the schools, no libraries, etc. The country needed a waking up. Af ter formulating plans Mr. Mllllron set out to canvnss the country and take tin the subjert of cooperation, etc. He visited every home within several miles and found the majority In favor of the Idea, but thev had no encour agement to offer, and looked upon It seemingly as vlslonnry. They all voiced the snme sentiments It would be Impossible to get the people tn hold together or do anything but aa In every new undertaking If two or three set nut with a determination to win nnd make a success of a project, not s'topiilng tn fuller. It ennnnt help but succeed, and so It has been with this. Mucli might be said of the dif ficulties encountered, but they were all met nnd overcome and we now have the desired result. The object of the nssoclntlon, aa announced In the start, was to secure the services of the Farmers' Institute,' obtain a library, raise fund to procure an or gan for tho school, nnd to be used by the nssoclntlon providing It held to gether. All of this was accomplished within a very short time. Since then the telephone eompnny waa formed and there Is scarcely a home In the country that Is not connected with the outside world by phone. We were al so able to have a small road district set apart, whereby we could Improve our own roads, nnd not have to go eight or ten mile. The country has . undergone a wonderful transforms, tlon; much benefit has been derived through the bringing of our country tn public notice through the Oregon City papers, all of which they have done free of charge nnd we nro most grateful for this and appreciate their favors. Blind. Mrs. Kills Tiler, Ravena. Tex., writes: I was blind us a bat. I used Sutherland's Eagle Eye Salve and It acted like a charm. It cut the scum off my eyeaand restored my sight. It is all you claim nnd .worth It's weight In gold. 2.rc a tube. Geo. A. Harding, Druggist. "I do not believe there is any other medicine so good for whooping cougT as Chamberlain's Cough Remedy," writes Mrs. Francis Turpln. Junction City, Ore. This remedy is also unsur passed for colds and croup. For sale by all dealers. DOVER. Mr. and Mrs. DeShazer and Ralph were In Gresham -Saturday having dental work done. E1. Wolf drove out from Sandy Fri day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Tennant entr-rtained friends from Portland Sunday. Davkl Miller came home from Co lumbia City Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bews and son, Edwin, had dinner with the Reld family Sun day. Mr. Garver Is experted to return tn Dover oon. He has been East for several months. Mrs. H. H. Cdell spent Thursday with Mrs. Keith. Miss Eleanor Bews was In Portland the lau of the week having dental work done. H. G. Huntington and wife leave this week for Spokane where they will visit their son and bis wife. Mrs. Reld's Sunday school class will give t Thanksgiving entertainment and basket social the evening of Nov. 29th. All are cordially Invited to come and bring baskets. ELWOOO. This week has In now way showw Its relation to last week. We have enjoyed a few warm days of late. Thursday night a number of people gathered at the residence of W. T. Henderson In a surprise on A. 8. Henderson, who lives near. After the crowd was co.ily seated W. T. called A. S. Henderson Into the crowded parlor. It was Indeed a surprise. Tho evening was spent singing and visit ing. Three klndB of delicious home made candy and candled popcorn wore served. A present of "a purse of mon ey" was presented Rev. A. 8. Hen derson, who left on Saturday for a winter at Philomath. Mrs. Ina Illttner spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Lydla Parks. Marven Parks and wife spent a day at Mrs. Delia Vnllen's Inst week. Carl Anderson, after a month's ab sence, Ih home again. Mr. Shestroin, of Portland, was a guest of l-wls Vnllen Sunday. Mr. Miller hauled a stump-puller from Estacada to Mr. Hall's place, where several men have been hired to clear his forty acres. Mr. Vallen was In Estacada Satnr day. Miss Ruth Maplethnrpe Is working at -River Mill! Feaster Cadlnau and wife, of Es tncada, are visiting Rev. John Parks. Mr. Cox and son Walter were In Estacada Saturday. Mr. ficarilslejr. wire and little Alice spent a day visiting Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sfahlnerker one day last week. Mr. Ileardsley is busy clearing land ror Mr. Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Stahlnecker spent Saturday and Sunday night with Mrs. W. T. Henderson, while Mr. Hender son wis In Portland to hear Gypsy Smith and attend to some business In Orreon City. The EI wood I te are busy practicing ror a Xmas concert and making ar rangements ror a Christmas tree. ASTHMA! ASTHMAIy Popham's Asthma Remedy gives In stant relief and an absolute enr tn Si! Cases Of Asthma TtrnnrMrl anrl Hay Fever. Sold by dnirrfata-' rrail on receipt of price $1.00. Trial pack age by mall 10 Mnts. Williams Mrg. Co., Props., Cleveland. O. For sale by Huntley Bros, and Jonea Dm Co.