0HUC10N CITY ENTEIiPniSE, I'KIDAY, KKITKMHKK 22. 101 r. COUNTY COURT. IXPN.OITURB8 ON COUNT ROADS, FOR MONTH OP AUGUST 1911. District No. 1. J. W. Monroe $ 3.00 Miller, Mowrny Lumber Co... 18,50 I. . F. Coffnmii (.40 Wilson k Cook no Kelly Hardware I'ulnt mid Furnlluio Company , 3.31 A. II. Klrkltiy '. . 64.00 J. A. imvU .' 127T.O (). A. Iiuiljit 1:10.00 ('. K, llultli , 00.25 J. I luff mini 64.00 1'. Piilmor 64.00 Dim (iulfnoy 45.00 Clnva Iiutilu 21.60 Win. Hiiiurt 27.50 M. K. (iuffa.7 9.00 II. A. lltiltln IMO.OO The Mllwauklu Prlntery .... 1,25 Mllwunkln I (ill I (J 1 11 k Material Co 7.20 District No. 2. l,iiiiKtiilir $27.50 JuilH'H Johnson 17.50 Niiniiiiii Ijiuilcr 10.00 Ward Join. 10.00 Jim Wlcklund 15.00 O. M. J0110 40.00 Win. Tlr 40,00 I vii 11 Jjlriili'k 41.00 Frort Mnlnon 40.00 IK'I IiIhIi 1,,. 81.60 .1. M. ICviwih 22.50 Mm. F. Kurrnll 18.00 F. J. Wurf ft Bon District No. 18. WIImoii A Cooke OUtrlct No. 19. MlIX IllIKH , 3.45 .30 ) 4.00 Trullliwr 20.10 15, Vlck 1.00 TrullliiKfr 2.00 Trulllng.tr 8.10 !fl District No. 20. Fred Heft I. 2.40 Eugene CitinliiH 22.75 II. Sullivan 2.50 I'. Hull) van 4.00 District No. 21. Andrew Johnson f 20.00 Oscar Johnson , 2.00 I. K. Ilomipy 18,00 W. Holznngel f,0 W. O. Heater 27.5'J J. oroim 11.00 . Healer 14.00 A. IJi'own 1000 II, K, Holsop 10.00 J. Hen (in 100 W. Willi 10.00 District No. 33. Hst.iradn Mercantile Co f 21.65 District No. 34. Oregon City Machine Work ..$ 10.20 A. Zimmerman 13 50 .1. Zimmerman C9.75 15. Tlcdernan 40.60 Moser 2.25 F. Cross 10.00 O. Tlednmnn 6.75 F. KeilenhorTer 11.25 W, Kaiser 60.20 Dlttrlct No. 37. Ore. ft Wash. Sewer ft Pipe Co. $ 10.95 Joe Carliion 11.00 Ous fiwnnsori 12.25 D. I'Rl-r 53.45 C. A. Knme .. 38.35 ImiIh Pendleton 4.00 1 E. I. Diiporit Powder Co 2.50 II Dlitrlct No. Carmlcklel 38. $ H It. Illllle J. W. K. M. W. N. Itoyer 2.50 June 10.00 IKiinielt '. 27.50 Nouh 3.40 Smith 4.40 Dlitrlct No. 3. W. W. Cooke f 45 ao f F. O. Cooke 67.60 ' C. llunkc 60.00 f. 1' j. e. k ly 21.25! '"" !: 1). Nelson 10.00 ! J Wnlier Ke.comb 27.60 Waller Thebo 65.00 L. W. Mlley 20.25 N. Sillier 15.00 U. lhui lik 1100 lleiuy TriK 125 Unman (ierhanltiK, 8r 23.75 llernuiii (icrhitrdus, Jr 25 m M. Ileiirlik Wluel Claud Wlimluw I9 60 i). c, nail 19.00 it. i). imii 18.00 K. M. Fellow 19 00 IC. A. RwmiHon 44.00 Frank Countryman 30.00 Alfred HwniiMon 30.00 .1. K. Morris 31.00 Clinrley Johnson 32.00 J. O. Kranclii 22.00 ('hurley It.ck 28.00 Alfri.,1 lliifili.lltrin 1.G0 llult Bros. .. 30.87 JOHpI,h lShazor 8.00 lA-n 1 ooper 1 uu Victor Ilodely 4.09 10.00 Ed Mathews 6.00 O. P. Root ho 38.75 Dlitrlct No. 40. Edward Pax ... I 17.60 M. L. Johnson 14.00 Harvey Gibson 7.50 Dlitrlct No. 41. Flrwood Lumber Co f 62.85 Harry Morrlaon 4.00 Jay Morrison 4.00 Dlitrlct No. 6. C. 1 A. Hock I 48.00; F. Wllmarth 48.00 j Kiiox 2.00 (1. pliner ., RlUer .. A. I mid . II. Curd 27 00 , . . 24.00 10.00 1500 W. Hindi 30.00 94.25 Goo. a. s. w II J. II. u I.. J. w J. Joiisrud Bros Hurry Hufford 10.00, ri 1 'tt " H-iiry Ton Eyck ..; 19.00 Dlitrlct No. 8. W. It Alleu I 5.00 li. M fin tyro 300 I). . IkhikIiii C00 It. C. Murray 2.50 II. CeorKU Cixiper 3.16 j A- Dlitrlct No. 9. 8- ! n IT. C. District NO. '23. Ilnlley $ 10.00 K. OgloHliy 13.00 Orllililn 3.00 Jan. F. OKli'Hliy 10.00 (Srant Plantx 2.00 W. W. Irvln 3.00 Clen llncliert 2.00 (leu. K. 0!enby 33.75 UU t lterkey 32.50 J. J. BinnKlo C.80 ' Dlitrlct No. 25. 22.60 Carlton & IloHenknin Co 9.00 11.2u .lumen Adklnii 191.62 I Web Robert . . . I Wm. UpDi'Krave (Tia. Updefrrave ! A. I'pdeftrove . . II. Ciipp David Miller ... Paul 7.00 6.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 John O. R. Mngnola 2.00 Iiew 2.00 IX KVnHlIni? 2.00 Felro 4.00 Wohner 4.00 A. Mitt 6.00 Woodle ...f 10.00 Dlitrlct No. 42. C. P. Hyde f 1.75 A. E. Taylor 15.75 Omar Ilartle 2.C0 Ray Olsen 1.75 I H. Murry 2.C0 Edwin Jackion 175 Harvle Jackson 1.75 (ilnm ; T.OO 1 AiiHtln Taylor 3.50 (ilimon .oo ; (rt.Kerson 3.40 Win. Dutdier John Oroen ............. Lake My C, H. Smith W. W. Bmlth f. IlurKoyno , Wm. Dulfhnr John Orecn W. W. Kmlth ('., II. D;iihy Wilson k Cooke L. T. Sinclair John Mmd Hubert F. Snyder E. S. Wilcox v lien T. Rawlins If. O. flanford O, H. Eanford (ieo. Hartiuway L. J. IiTiielHon J. V. Green Wm. Fine Thou. Kvana F. Qnlrin J. R. Cumin Fred Heft N. Ular W. H. Maitoon Adkln Lucke Lumber Co. R. 13. Leatle 8tralt,'ht k Salisbury R. D. Mlllor C. E. Miller O. E. Wyland J, W. Korkey k Co ..$ 12.85 F.Httiriid.-i .Mercantile Co. District No. 10. KhIiicikIii Murrantlle Co I 8.80 MiCurdy Umber k Hardware j Co 0-25 j v 1," Tlmiium 25.85 1 . .... o rrt 11 mi ; Jo'in nann F. Mertx 7.00 J. While 700 W. Meeks ,....J 7.00 Ed Penman 6.00 W. nilmore 6.00 8. Utourette nimlck 8.00 J. II. Mlti H-50 Dlitrlct No. 26. Ed Johnson 8.00 8. WrlKht 100 I. Stelnlncer 6.00 j J, StellllllKlT 6.00 1 SlelnliiKer 6.00 Eihard , 000 StubbH 2.00 H. EiiKle 10.75 W. Herman 6.00 Dlitrlct No. 27. F. J. RldliiR I 4.00 F. C. Morteimon 24.3!i YiK-um F. J. Ridings 2.75 L. H. Judd 2.50 A. L. Yoder 84.75 ' Dlitrlct No. 45. U N. Valen $ 2.60 W. T. Henderson 6.00 W. T. Henderson r 12.50 District No. 46. Wilson k Cooke I 3.00 J. E. Mumpower 6.00 Carl Mumpower 6.00 (. Mumpower 11.24 District No. 47. John Slevers f 63.00 Chan. Slevers 50.00 M. Rivers 54.00 Chas. Peters 36.00 R. Johnnton 54.00 Normon Lauder 30.00 W. H. Calkins 52.00 E. HarrlnRton 67.50 H. Peters 48.00 ' A. 22.60) 25.50 260 Yocum Kimcaii . ... M . 11111 1 ... . Initllhh 22.50 Woostor 4.60 Iiuua 1800. DeSbleldx JeliJenH . Rhodes C. P. Thomas , 1.00 ! Ilrenton Vedder 14.00 O. w. Harrlngion 31.00 Olof OlHen 2.00 L. H. Logan 5.00 District No. 28. Robblns Ilrothers $ 27.62 A. L. nroticher 24.05 v. hmii iris r.r. I Morton virf. .1. m E. I Wyland 8.00 1 1- nlttne r . vi..uiu..n 1 no i W. F. Haberlach ...a1 t -i. ..... .. ., 1 e nn 1 8. LlKlIBW 22.50 Ceo. SlauRhter Cleo. Hlmler 16.00 Clayton Freytag 14.00 Ell Rivers 104.00 Mrs. Nellie Sladen 62.00 22.50 j 13.60 : 22.60 j Rell Ili'i'be 11. Tracy 1 00 PalmiUeer 1 100 Rhodes 11-25 W'oolsey 11.25 McKenney H 25 McKenzle H25 Fred Marshall H-25 Frank Mumliall H 25 E. Marshall H.25 (. Couplnnd H-25 Fredracy 1 Dean H 2& 2.00 7.00 60.25 1.70 1.70 II. C. II. E. J. E. E. R. 1125 6.75 9.00 11.25 11.25 13.00 Howett Dims , Cullf Ilebee ..... Tracy Mattoon District No. 11. John E. Smith 260 Smith BOO L. Clyde 2.00 H. Smith District No. 12. Funk 800 Funk 2-00 Oaskell 200 W. Rlobhoff . District No. 14. F. Linn Kunzman DerricK C. Caplcs H. Maddux H. Smith F. GlbbS K Sinclair M. Smith District No. 15. J. D.' Cumins I 21.83 Wilson A Cooke J-50 G. G. McCIure "ou W. Johnson 42-00 62.50 ' 48.00 I'. O. W. 1 A. O. F. n. o. L. R. L. C. G. T. W. 7.00 12.00 4.00 10.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 29.75 W. Raney 11. L. Scheer A. H. Scheer 22 00 L. Mattoon S. N:ib W. It Snook District No. 17. Roy Thomas M. J. Clapp 8. Tlce Frank McEIfresh Dave Boyd r iatourette H. Molsen 20.00 D. R. Dlmlck 33-75 John Robbln 4200 67.50 42.00 14.00 1.00 12.50 20.00 20.00 16.75 19.25 John Ferguson. 27.50 Hen Wade 4.00 Vnl Duvls 12.00 Floyd Ferguson 8.00 J. F. Jones .' 36.00 A. MoFurlane !5.00 J.' Jones .... 20.00 iThos. Holmes 6.00 I ErneHt Lehman 15.51 j Unrence Howman 24.00 'J. Wllholt 25.00 James MaHs 20.00 Hen Johnson 35.00 Scoit Carter 24.00 District No. 28. Nick babe I 42.00 Leslie Shank 64.09 Jean Pelky 12.00 Roy Pelky 12.00 Frank Bowman 16.00 Zcb Bowman 14.00 A. Zwan T... 21.00 Frank Bagby 6.00 Geo. Coos .... 8.00 Frank Ferlane 14.00 W. Ferlane 16.00 Frank Koble 14.00 Charles Thomas 17.00 Joe Blatnlk 8 00 Arthur Carter .17.00 T. Slide 9-GO Hubert Engle 12.00 Leslie Smith 18.00 Clarence Vorhels 24.00 Henry Dougherty 27.00 John Mulveyhlll 10.00 John Novack 6.60 Jess Bagby 15.00 John Cross 42.00 Omer -Williams ..' 32.00 B. Boyle 6.00 District No. 29. J.i; Shaw $ 2.00 S. Harris 2,00 A. L. Gonske 2.00 Kell Bros 2.00 District No. 30. The Oregon Iron k Steel Co...$ 17.30 Glenmorrle Quarry Co 8160 F. E. Davidson 33.00 A. U. Davidson , , 3.50 Ed Davis 2.50 H. L. Papoun 2.00 F. Rlsey 2.00 Wm. Dyer 100 Dlitrlct No. 32. A. Vosj $ 8 00 F. Roger 28,00 A. Morgan 8.00 H. Datichy Wllnon k Cooke , District No. 49. Estncada Mercantile Co $106.05 A. F. Hunt 3C.00 O. T. Hunt .'. ' 75.50 J. F. Snyder 1 64.00 II. H. Anders 32.00 J. C. Dennis . . 66.00 A. C. Anderson 44.00 G. II. Sanford 36.00 F. II. Davis 16.00 Frank Sanford 6.00 Geo. W. Collwell District No. SO. George Durgan t 6.00 J. P. Davis .: 2.50 District No. S3. ' F. J. Ridings $ 6.00 A. L. Yoder 102.75 A. Nouenschwander 28.75 Ernest Conrad 23.06 C. A. Buegll 31.25 Geo. Palmer , 14.68 Joseph Conrad 8.25 District No. 54. v W. G. Wolf 114.00 J. L. Stanton 14.00 P. J. Schneider 12.00 Theo. Thyker 16.00 F. Watt ; 3.60 W. F. 5.00 Stanton District No. 55. Jones Drug Co $ F. Creason Estacadu Mercantile Co. Frank Busch Creason Mill Co '.... A. H. Myer T. B. Lovlace 12.50 C. C. Miller 3.75 John Flcken 5.00 John Mattoon H. H. Mattoon- ".. C. Craft - W. C. Ward A. H". Myer 20.00 General Fund. Coast Bridge Company $G275.00 .50 71.84 6.00 6.00 7.25 42.50 6.00 12.50 ' 2.00 61.00 J. W. Rerkey k. Co S. II. Katiirman C. W. Carother C. E. Miller A. S. Thompson S. II. Kauffman Fred Sailor O. Kyllo County Court N. Blair W. H. Mattoon A. R. Cumming C. O. Miller W. W. Everhart Elliott k Park M. Seller k Co J. F. Hodge R. W. Baker Geo. A. Brown R. B. Bcatle Circuit Court John Wise Geo. Busch In k WrlL'ht Geo. A. Brown T. M. Miller Justice of the Peace. W. W. H. Samson E. L. Shaw A. B. Hughe J. J. McQuillan Alex Lundgren .'. M. H. Long C. Choppeel , Chas. White ,. E. T. Maas W. W. II. Samson E. U Shaw C. Tracy Ralph Tracy W. W. H. Samson F. A. Miles Willie Smith Andy Smith G. R. H. Miller Joseph Owen E. L. Johnson J. L. Stafford W. C. Burns C. R. Livsay Percy T. Shelley Bert Jonsrud ; S. C. Williamson G. Fegles Maynard Olds H. Devlne J. Ballison t ... R. E. Esson E. F. Gruenett Oscar Dahlgren Henry Perrot Ja8. DeShazer S. Barnes Edwin Bates W. A. Jones ....,.... S. Lecroy C. Howell Frank Howell Arch Howell A. G. Howell A. G. Harberg , F. M. Morgan 1 Sheriff. Fashion Livery Stable $ F. A. Miles Cis B. Pratt Chas. Purns, Sr Elliott & Park J. F. Hodge E. T. Mass Mike Gross Clara Deute Myrtle Cross Nora Cr-lswell Estella CrUwell Katherlne Sinnott Ernst Mass, Jr . J. O. Staats R. W. Baker Elliott & Park '. C. G. Miller 1225 12.26 10.50 10.60 14.00 2.00 50.7.'. 60.75 (2.00 4.25 11.23 5.2.' 6.00 32.00 40.00 36.00 20.00 21.00 25.00 8.75 2.50 4.50 2.50 337.20 141. K, 32.50 30.00 45.2C 18.00 1.35 4.75 10.00 15.00 121.37 58.34 11.66 1.00 1.25 .50 5.76 6.00 4.00 27.C0 27.00 3.00 16.25 3.00 9.00 33.90 2.50 6.50 6.C0 1.00 3.00 5.60 6.80 5.00 6X0 t 8 Wilson ft Cooke O.' I. Miller Standard Oil Co Scripture A Beaullau .... Buffalo Steam Roller Co. Oregon City Men. Work Horner Bros G. S. Owing9 A. M 01 row .' O. R. Jacobs Cruse Bros - Straight ft Salisbury Wilson ft Cooke 17.60 2.00 6.76 18.50 3.50 ll.W 75.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 2.35 .60 11.25 Clerk. Ruth Hedges , M. C. Mulvey W. L. Mulvey Recorder. ' Glass & Prudhomme Co $ L. E. Williams Wilson ft Cooke C. E. Ramsby Edith Smith Treasurer. Jess Paddock $ Coroner. W. J. Wilson $ Dr. D. A. Dedman Dr. J. C. Walton Dr. J. W. Norrl T. P. Randall J. C. Bradley John Bennett A. M. White J. M. Tracy..... D. E. Frost J. A. Kummer Paul C. Fisher A. L. Richardson Roscoe D. Morris Mrs. F. M. Young ' 60 7.20 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 5.70 3.10 3.90 3.90 6.15 4.40 1.90 1.90 1.20 1.40 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.40 35.75 41.00 5.70 5.70 6.70 5.70 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.95 7.00 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 2.70 3.00 5.00 91.75 36.25 5.00 11.00 4.00 89.40 5.00 4.50 1.25 1.25 .50 4.00 6.50 3.60 16.50 2.00 3.50 22.00 54.00 8.00 3.50 10.00 .60 70.00 60.00 10.00 18.40 5.00 5.00 5.00 1.20 1.20 1.20 j 1.20! PUBLIC SALE of Jersey Cattle On Tuesday, October 3tdf At the farm of C. E. Spence seven and one-half miles south of Oregon City, and six miles east Canby on Molalla Road, be ginning at 10:00 A. M. The following described Live Stock: Three Registered Bulls A. J. C. C. Two Registered Heifers A. J. C. C. Seven high-grade Cows, Seven high grade 'Heifers, ten fresh this fall. One five-year-old sorrel driving horse, One four-year-old sorrel driv ing mare, single or double; One one-year-old black driving mare. Alfred A. Spangler, Owner. M. H. Hostetler, Auctioneer. Dr. J. C. Walton 10.00, C. R. Thorp ft Co 12.25 j G. I Hedge .". 8.00 j F. T. Barlow i.... 15.10 W. J. Wilson 10.35 : St. Vincent's Hospital 18.30 1 W. W. Myers 1.20 Jone Drug Co. 5.25 ! David CauHeld 1.20 Mr. A. Gnynup 25.00 1 J. C. Bradley 1.20 H. W. Streblg 1185 G. R. H. Miller 1.20 L. Hartke 8.50 1 Jas. M. Tracy 1.20 J Good Samaritan Hospital 32f0 j Tom J. Myer 1.20 : Fair Brothers 10.00 Ell Criswell 2.30 j Charman ft Co 1.00 N. Ahlberg 4.30 The Electric Hotel 15.00 1 Gus Erickson , 2.30 G. Beetschen 25.00 j Dr. J. W. Norrl 10.00 C. E. Swan 15.00 j G. L. Hedges 7.20 : Wm. Danforth 5.00 j W. J. Wilson 10.05 I David E. Jones 8.00 C. G. Miller t 3.00 j C. E. Burns 6.00 8upt of School. . I Geo. Zlellnskl 15.00 Karl Klaus ft Co I 6.25 W. T. Gardner 10.00 T. J. Gary 42.89 1 Mr- Bradtl 10.00 J. A. Jones lo.OO Geo. Lazelle 10.00 J. E. Seeley 7.00 Assessor. Clara Mitchell $ 64.00 j Edith Jackson 64.00 j C. E. Snence 21.00 1 Surveyor. KJlham Stationery Co. $ 43.63 D. T. Meldrum 6.60 Harry Gray 3.10 S. A. D. Hungate- 58.00 Chas. Hlclnbotham 3.00 Robt Mattoon 2.00 , Fruit Inspector. A. J. Lewi ...... I 21.00 Board of Health. C. H. Dauchy $ 5.50 Current Expense. Home Telephone Co $ 15.10 T. R. A. Sellwood 12.50 Gregory Boyer 10.00 Mary MaroJ 12.00 Sam Boober 8.00 Geo. May 10.00 Nileg Johnson 7.00 Fred Baker 10.00 Patton Home 16.00 S. M. Kelso 10.00 A. Pluard .' 7.00 Richard Hartgraves 8.00 W. O. French 1 7.00 ' Minnie Pulley 7.00 J. A. Randolph 10.00 Mrs. Ella McLeod 8.00 "uul '""' """(Dock Mosier 10.00 Hunuey Bros J15.50 Court House. , J. W. Tones $ 4.00 H. L. Patterson 41.56 Morris Bros 90.00 Frank Busch 1.50 Ore. City Ice ft Cold Stge. Co. 2.70 H. Opperman 1.50 Wilson ft Coo!:e P. Nehren White Bros Wm. Surfus Williams Transfer Co. .., J. WfF.raker 10.50 G. Zinserling 7.00 Theo. Huerth 40.00 Mike Long 41.25 E. Klmme 35.00 Joe Myers 37.50 Wm. Fine 22.50 B. Barnes 10.00 P. Barnes 10.00 Wilson ft Cooke 8.20 G. W. Wiggins 10.00 A. C. Lewis 7.50 F. Preuchoff 10.00 G. B. Noble 10.00 W. H. Timmernian 13.75 E. Dickson 23.75 E. Dewey 21.25 Arch Weight 36.25 Chas. Simmons 45.00 Wm. 3adke 45.00 Frank Boardtnan 38.75 John Graham 68.00 Clarence Simmons 128.25 Alex Simmon 17.50 Gilbert Terry 10.50 C. E. Baxter 12.25 E. Dewey 14.00 Concrete Steel Product Co. .. 65.50 Scripture & Beaullau 12.15 C. J. Hood 180.99 Nott-Atwater Company 320.00 Pope ft Co $ 2.40 Straight ft Salisbury 81 Pioneer Transfer Co 6.25 D. C. Robblns 915.00 Theo. Miller 4.50 S. W. Hair 15.00 Jail. E. T. Mass S 22.20 County Poor. Sam Smith $ 10.00 R. B. Beatle 5.50 F. T. Barlow 19.25 Fashion Livery Stable 6.00 Insane. Western Union Tel. Co $ 2.63 Dr. J. T. Townley 5.00 Printing and Advertising. Oregon City Courier Pub. Co. $269.10 Oregon City , Enterprise 189.40 I inuigent soiaier. 12 60 ! Mrs. Sarah Dickson $20.00 "50!Wm. See 10.00 500.00 27.50 i County Court Notes, September and vinous lluuor In Cascade Pre cinct for the period of one year. It appearing In tht Court that ald petitions contained the majority of the legal voters In said precincts, and that due notice and publication thereof a by law required has been made, and sufficient bond beon filed herein, and approved by this Court, and the Court being fully advised In the premises, It I therefore Ordered that llcens Issue to said Wm. 8. flynn and Goo. A. Wolf to sell splrltous, mull, vinous and frrmented liquors In the respect ive precincts for the period of one 7r. In the matter of the claims against Clackamas County.'' Ordered examined, corrected and paid; as corrected. In the matter of the County war rants remaining uncalled for In the Clerk's office for the period of seven year. Ordered that the County Clerk be, and la lnitracted to cancel said war rant. In the matter of the bond of J. E. Pomeroy as Justice of the Peace for District Thirteen. Ordered that aald bond b ana hereby I approved. In them atter of the incorporation of the city of Sandy, Clackamas Coun ty, State of Oregon. The Canvass of the votes, and the Officers to fill the municipal offices. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, Af JUDGED AND DECREED that the territory set out In the notice of said election of which the following In a description, towlt: Beginning at an Iron pin at the NW corner of the S. W. 2, of the N. W. of Section 13, T. 2 S. R. 4 E. of the Willamette Meridian thence S. on said section line to a point 100 feet south of the SW. corner of the NW of the SW. of said Sec. 13, thence E. 1000 feet, thence N. 100 feet, thence E. to the SE corner of the NE',4 of the SE '4 said section, thence N. on said section line to the NE. corner of the SE4 of the NE14 of said section, township and range, thence W. to the place of beginning, all of which Is a portion of the. County of Clacka mas and State of Oregon, la duly In corporated a a municipal Incorpora tion under the name and style of the city of Sandy. And It appearing that the following named persona have received respectively the highest number of votes for the several offi ces, and are duly elected to such of fices, as follows: For For Mayor: E. T. Bruns. Aldermen: P. B. Gray, Geo. A. Wolf, L. E. Hoffman, Otto Melnlg, T. D. Phelps and Casper Junker. Recorder: A. G. Bornstadt. Marshall: Alfred Bell. Treasurer: Albon Melnlg. And It Is further ordered that the Clerk of this court shall file In the office of the Secretary of State a copy of this order, duly certified. Term, 1911. In the matter of the purchase of material to be used in the repair and construction of the addition of the Clackamas County Court House. It is ordered that Superintendent Clarence Simmon received bids for all material and supplies, and that he shall consult County Judge rela tive to said bids that (the County Judge and Clarence Simmons) are to let the contracts for the material. Both or either the County Judge or Clarence Simmons are to consult the architects, Messrs. White Bros., whenever In their Judgment it is nec essary, relative to materials and sup plies contracted for. In the matter of the petition of J. T. Grace et al for a county road. Ordered that the County Board of Road Viewers meet on the da of September to view, locate and sur vey sa id road. In the matter of the petition of Alf Drill et al for a County road. Ordered that the County Board of Road Viewers meet on the day of September to view, locate and sur vey said road. In the matter of the petition of Mathlas Olson et al for vacation of a certain road. Ordered laid over until October term. In the matter of the petition of Ed. Rlngstead et al for a county road. Ordered that said petition be and the same Is hereby dismissed. In the matter of the application of Wm. S. Flynn for license to sell spirituous, malt, fermented and vin ous liquors In Wilsonville, Clackamas County, Oregon; Also the application of Geo. A. Wolf to sell splrltous, malt Heart to Heart Talks. By EDWIN A. NYr. 1.20 1.20 3.50 1.90 1.90 JL70 "l.70 ' 1 NATURAL HOT . MINERAL BATHS. Rheumatism Can be Cured Nature's Way. Hot Lake Sanatorium Write For Booklet HOT LAKE, OREGON. TO A YOUNG MAN. I should like you to read thl story It may brace yon up. . It is told by the Rev. C. D. Tark- hurst, and I have condensed the tale into the 500 word limit of this talk. The boy was 'orn iu f lie West Indies of mixed Indian, negro sad Caurasian parentage. As a child be lived in n hut with tlmtcbed roof, whos front door was a piece of sacking. Plantain, course cassava bread aud salt fish were the dally fare. At school tbe boy ofteu went into th woods to eut b!s lunch, ashamed of his scauty bit. , But- Somehuw it seems almost a miracle tbe boy got the Idea that be would be a physician. He determined to go to New York city and .4tuiiy medicine. Hiding as & stowaway in the hold cf a vessel, be turued up at Panama, where he was jailed us a vagrant. Which was inauspicious. On his release from the Jail he se cured n Job ou a burse, washing clothes for bis board, lie transferred from the barge to a Pacific liner, which took hira to San Francisco. Here be went aboard a tramp steamer, supposing it would take hliu to New ' York. Instead, It carried him around the world and back to l'unania. He bad money enough to pay bis fare to Colon mid there found a chance to work bis passuge to New York, where be arrived with 11 ceuts In his pocket. Eleven cents plus grit! , After many hardships be went to work at $3 per week, Increased In a few months to $4. He attended nlgbt school, where, at the close of the term, he won a prize, which made friends for him. Working his way, assisted by his friends, he graduated at a prepara tory school and entered a medical col lege. He gradually won hi way np from studeut to laboratory assistant and soon will be an M. V. Young man. do yon believe yon have no chance to get on in tbe world? Too tnuit concede you have a better chance than this boy. You can do what he did ajse tbe best that Is in you. Tbe perslnteTire and self denial of the West Indian youth will lift any young man to comfort and influence. Show yourself worthy and yon will also And friends. But WkWe friends may boost yu, reiuem ber you mnst do your own climbing r Night Sehaola, Evening schools for instructing boyt and gtrli who had lu work it. I day rlgiaated In 1 Hi J m BrUtol. Hi.Kl.n.l