Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 01, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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S Milwaukee and Northwestern
Tho railroad roiiipiiiiy In gindlng
Krniii H'rcul unil whim the wmk In
roiiiplilid II will nilil mtii'h to Ilia Im
provement of (lie clly,
A nlno-pound Imliy y ! 1 1 iirrlvuil lit
I Im lioiiin of I), M. KImcIi Fildny morn
Ing JiiiIko Ki'Inu wiih mi Oregon CHy
visitor Tuesday morning.
Dr. Townley luul a nill to Onk
Grove 'I'lnirNility tiiomliiii,
J. A. IIIinn wart In Mllwuiiklii Wed
liiNitay iiiiiniliiK.
('. A. ('win mill fiitnlly of Corvallla,
have retried llm K. H. Itchier cottage
on Monroe arret. Mr. Knno In fore
mini of llm dredger,
Hrlionl will open September 11th.
Prof, (loot will nrrlvo In a few day
and get nettled before school opens.
Tho (IraiiKo will meet Friday evon
I it K nnd nuikn t tin flmil arrangements
for I tin Grange Fair to lit hold Sept.
21 Ml Crystal Lake Park.
MrN. MiikIo JoIiiihoii whn In Oregon
Clly Hut ti ict ii y on IjiinIiionm. She
called nt llio promotion office of Die
Commercial Chit),
Tim Clly Ciiiitic 11 ild a apodal
meeting Tuesday evening to ho'ir
whether ihere whn any protest on thn
Improvement of Mnlti street. There
wiin noun, no tho street will Im
Id-v. A. T. Ilflini'r tin been appoint
ed for another year to the German
Methodist etui rcli.
W. II. ClilldN of Mlnttiorn puichnsod,
tlirniiKli MrN. Migglo Johnson, w
bungalow ut iNland station fiom Mr.
O'Nell . ami will lake imnsosslon
September iNt. Couslilerailoit tMHO.
Mr. wild MInn O'Nell will .cave
September 4h for Now Yoik CI' jr.
Tuesday nfiniooii Mm. Gr.tsle gave
a purly In honor of hr dauahtora,
Mm nnd Florence. Games at nil
kind were lndiilK'd In by thn lltlln
fiilkM. ItefreMhments were served nnd
n pleasant afternoon NMint. I'mil nnd
Helen Hailobaugh attended thn prirty.
John KlNlry and T. It. Worlblngton
passed tliroiiKh here Wednesday morn
ing In Mr. Kisleya anto.
Muriel Ukln spent Sunday at Sea
side, Oregon.
Mr. nnd Mm. Hurns are here from
the cast vIhIMiik their Bon, Hob llurna.
Tommy Ijikln left Monday morning
for a weeks outing at Seaside. Ore.
Arthur Davis has a aore arm and
allium! tuiM blood poison cnuHcd by
a silver.
Jens Keck bruised hla finger by a
keg fulling on It. nnd has been layed
up a fow daya.
Thursday afternoon the Mothers
and Teacher's Club nnd all of the
, teacher ( f seven ypara ago nave Mra.
Emily C. Khnw a surprise at her beau
tiful home al IjiKewood. ItefrcKli
uietita of watermelon and cuko were
nerved on the lawn. Mra. Shaw will
commence her work on county arhool
supervisor September 1st.
Kd. Kellogg. Johnny Wetr.lor nnd
Join llond returned home Tueaday
froiti Atlorln and Seaside.
Evangelical church notea Sunday
school, 0:0 a. m.; preaclilnR. 11:30
Subject, "Impreaaiona and Their Orl
Kin," by the paHtor. Y. P. A., 7:0( p.
m. KveniiiK aervlcea. 8:00 p. m. Sub
ject, "A Convertor Inndel'a Troarh
Inn " I'rnyer meellnn WediuiHilny ev
enliiKN. Choir practice Thursday ev
enliiKN. Teacher a Tralnlnn Friday ev
etiliiK. K. UadebniiKh, paator.
I -
Haa MIIHona of Frlenda.
How would you llko to ii timber your
frlenda by mllllonn aa nucklen'a Ar
nica Falvo dnea? Ita aaUmndlnK
cureH In the pnat forty yenra made
thciiu Hn the beat aalve In tho world
for aorea, ulcera, ecxetna, burna, holla,
aciilila, cilia, corna, aore eyea. apralna,
awellliiKH. brulaea, cold aorea. Haa
no equal for plica. 25c at Jones Urns
Francis Griffith was given a pos
tal card shower Friday by tho band
irirlH after their lesson. In honor of
her tenth birthday. j
Tho Concord school Is Hearing com
pletion nnd will be ready for the fall
term. Professor Pflngston of Salem,
has been engaged ns principal and
MIhs Themle Draper, of Oregon Clly,
as primary teacher.
John RlHley Is homo from Seaside
for a few days, looking aftrr hla hay
crop. The threshers are at tho Outfield
ranch and will move to II. G. Stark
weather' the first of the week.
Mr, Spnuldlng and Miss Madge
Ellis went to Portland Saturday
morning to meet Miss Carte Spnuldlng
who Is coming home on a vlHlt from
Twin Falls, Idaho.
Edward Olds, Dellom Olds and
Tops Jahns left Friday morning for
St. Martin's hot springs on a ten
days' vacation.
Mrs. Kennedy and daughter. MIhs
Imis, were Portland visitors Thurs
day. ,
Pert Wllllama went to Raster Rock
Tuesday on a vacntlon of six dnya.
Fred I-ehmnn, of Mllwaukle, was
here on business Thursdny.
Tho funeral services of Mrs. Emley
Tripp was held Wednesday nfternoon.
Rev. W. R. Allen conducted the Ber
vires. Mrs. William Cederson nnd daugh
ter were Portland visitors Thursday.
Mrs. R. P. Peterson and daughter,
Iliilnh. of Nebraska, are visiting Mrs.
t. ...... ...a i,mihr. fieorgo Hanson
and family. Mrs. Peterson has been
West three montha nnd thlnka Ore
gon Is nil right nnd Is i-njoylng the
''it L. Herron and family returned
home from a three weeks' automobile
trip In Eastern Oregon and -Washington.
They report a very pleasant
''Mr. Marcher was hurt In Portlnnd
Wednesday evening and Is under a
doctor's care. An examination will be
made today with the X-ray to see If
any bonea aro broken.
Mrs. Frank Maaon and sons were
out from Portland Thnrsdny visiting
Mrs. J. H- Grahnm and family.
The wedding of MIhs umie nm
a uc w - o -MMM
Fish Brand
Reflex Slicker
pravenM 11 w.tr from nin
Bins in fnml and Srtct
blolhe bottom of eoM. Th
(lt U boluletjr wrtetprool
at every point Ths moS
practical Jickef fof oo.
$3.00 Everywhere. tjWERj
SnJction Gonrmnleed. u A. r
BOSTON . .,-n
Tow C.nl.. C. Ud.. flSlll'tKfV
Totonlo pci 1 1 M
of I'lirkplace, and Itny Hhnpn, of Oak
(irovn, which tMik place nl Alluiiiy
Moiiday evenliiK, came at n'wirprlHii
lu thn frlenda and ri'lallvin here. Hay
la llm aon or Jim flhupo ii nd la well
known in Clackaimu ('mini, v.
Mm. Julia Holt Hpi'til. K'ldny with
her mother near Vancouver WiimIi.
W, M. Klcn went to Alb'iny TIhum
dny on liiiNlneHN, retiirnliiK Friday,
The l.lllld (illln' Hew Inn Society,
Niiperlnlended by Ml mn llelrlco Slierk,
met at the home of Mary Itlco VVed
iieiiilay. Tlii'HO youiiK KlrU ure learn
liiK to aew and arc making aewliiK
aprona nt preaent.
K. O. Swain and Mr. llnrnea, of Cal
ifornia, apent ThurNduy nflernoon
with K. C. Warren unit family. Mr.
wmi i1;. y:. warren aim iiiruij.
Mr letwwii teiicti.
er lu Chlco, :!.. when a boy. I
n i.r.,i,,n t,t Minirim nr . form. I
erly of Oak (Jrove, was here a few
hmira Friday vInIIIhk old frlenda.
Mr. F.ller'a alater. of I'ortland, apent
ThurNduy at tlio Kiier Home
linniiii; in iiiu roii'i itviij, i
. t. . t-,.L. 1
Mra. William Wells In vMlliig rela-' Hev. F. C. Hergatrcaser preached at
fives h. re nnd her brother. Ur. Mur- draco Chapel on Sunday. Kev, llorg
nhv of I'ortland latreaser recently came to the coaat as
Mr. Wella and chlldreti and Mrs. a V. 1'. A. n.lHNlonary but was trana-
liomt were I'ortland vlaltor Friday.
MIhn Imogen Innmiin went to Day
ton Saturday and returned Monday.
Mra. Ida Innmiin was a week-end
vlaltor at Newburg, Or.
Owing to the death of Mr. Young
at Damaacua, tho Olrla' III' nil did not
go aa the picnic was Indeflnately
pout polled
' .' -. ii 1
Mr. and Mra. William urns are en- ;
terlnlnlnK friends from ilo.ae, Idaho.
Mr a M Heevea of U-banon.
wl , her a,.n and daugb.; a Jent so": j
eVai' Sn w.tl, Mra. at'd Ml Ke"x. j
. a t ill nV I'lllllAH.
date, Wash., and alaler Miaa Marlon
Naylor, of Oklahoma, aro the gueats
of Mr. and Mrs. It. U lltrron. Mlas
Naylor la a teacher In the Indian
acliool and aha has a five-year-old
BtioKbone Indian girl with her.
Mr. and Mrs. J. n. Evens returned
uirH..v nt o-nn n m the beautiful
Haturdnjr at B. M . M "JJ"1"'"
bora. Mr CampbeU phoned L help.
Kvery nvallnlile mnn went and helied
save the house; the south end waa
damaged. Tho family waa In Portland
and got home at ten thirty when the
fire was out. Spontancoua combiiHtlon
Is thought to be the cause of tho fire.
Smoke did most of the damage which ,
will amount to several hundred dol- j
lars covered by Insurance.
Arthur Graham Is sojourning at
Img lleach. Wash., for a few days.
Jim Moore spent tho week's end at
Astoria and Seaside, returning home
Monday morning. ,
Mia. Knimons ana son are riiHiirui-
1 1 ...I TMt.jtr i
Kre1 II. Harris waa
in Portlnnd
Monday on business.
Mra. Chat.ii.era ami nine o....au..
left Tuesday morning for the East to
visit her mother. !
Mrs. Wm. Cederson left for Walla
Walla. Wash., Monday morning to via-.
It relatives.
cent's Hospital, I'ortland. Monday ev-,1"0 Pruil,
enlng. Dr. Melsaner of Oregon City) GOOD NEWS.
Is attending. I
Dr. and Mrs. Townley. of Mllwaukle.
.... Il,nnith lwra Kliniluv Al'ianlllir
In Ihnlr niltn
The Oak Grove base ball team de
feated the Hillsdale team Sunday,
ll ouiiuajr,,
Ai.Kuat 21st. score 6 to 3. A member
of the visiting team got his thumb cut
open, tho ladlea dressing the wound
1 . : .v.
aim tie was sine io "innu mo riiuio.
n w i.en.lnv .nd Mrs. Schoemakcr.
of Marnuam. are visiting Mr. and Mra.
U K. Rent ley and family.
hlnhda. sundav August 27th. There
ji.,n in h.
. . . .. r. r
Wnrtblneton and wife. Mr. nnd Mrs,
E. C. Wnrren nnd Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Johnson and son.
I-ewla of Wichita. Kansas, aro visit
ing Mr. and Mra. Wm. Wella and
aim Jim. w hi. "
nun I V. I ne two luniiuen wenv i m
.... m iii ... , A v.
ruscade Iocka Sunday on a picnic.
Mra. Wit lam Matthews died at tne
. L .. ..... t. i r
. .
nome or ner uiuiKiuei, nun. j. - mci.
.. .. ... . . -..- . n
III 1'orilBIia AUgUHl ruu, nn:i a uu-
gerlng Illness. She la survived by
m . .1 !... h.I nnrnmn irPOnnnhllll.
ren. Funeral announcemeni win ue
made later upon arrival of her daugh
ter, MIhs Elizabeth K. Matthews, who
Is 'enroulo from a summer's trip
Hester ArniHtrong and Madge Ellis
went to I-nts Wednesday to spend
the dny with Edith Turner.
Arthur Grnhnm, the popular drug-
glHt, returned home from the Coast
Tuesday evening.
Blood Poison
Is prevented by applying Dr. Rell's
Anti-Pain to cuts, scratches and
bruise It destroys all septic mat
ter enables the wound to heal with
out soreness. Re sure to get Dr.
Hell's. Geo. A. Harding. Druggist.
Mesdnmes DcShlolds and LUhgow,
of Clacknmna, visited with the form
er's daughter, Mrs. Conway, on Mon
day. .
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rose and Mr.
and Mrs. Sandburg leave for Inde
pendence this week where they will
spend two weeks picking hops.
niioo Mnrae was a member of a
theater party given last week for Miss
A. Wilkinson, of Dubuque. Iowa, who
Is spending her vacation In the West.
Miss Morse and Miss Millie Schloth
the swimming Instructresa, of Port
land former pupils of Miss Wilkinson,
complimented with a one o'clock
luncheon one day the pnat week. .
Mrs. Ralncr. of Marshfield. visited
Mrs. A. C. MacFarlane on Monday.
- ira tilenned to welcome to our
community Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, for
merly of Tillamook, who are located
In the Hargrove house.
Mrs. Rrlggs. of Stayton. Oregon,
haa been visiting at her son, W. A.
Mack'a camp, Laughlot. Their sister
Mrs Phelps, of Grand Rapids, Mich.,
was also their guest during ino sum
WHO Bind U" II a."1"1 " "
mer. returning to her home last week.
Mr .and Mrs. II. C. fainion amor.,
to the Canby peach orchards on Sun
day but found no peaches at theso or
chards which usually aupply the Lodge
folks with the luscious fruit.
Mr and Mrs. Hugh Robert returned
from Senslde. One day was spent at
Cannon Beach and Elk Creek.
Mr and Mrs. J. A: Soesbe and son,
Haroid, came tip from Newport for a
stav at their cottage here.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Cooper and
daughters. Jessie and Daisy and a lit
tle granddaughter, of Auburn. N. Y-,
arrived a fortnight ago and are visit
ing their daughter Mrs. Standish
Shepperd. The Cooper family has de
cided to locate at St. Johns.
t it" Fmnrea and brother.
Floyd Feesler of Montavllla. spent the,
day with the Hiiko HandHtrom family
Mr. and Mra, Zln.erllnK and family
or I'nrkplaco vlHlted with Mra. June
Sunday. Mra. Jonea la entertaining
her dmiKhter, Mra. 8. I'. Dow, of Bt.
I'aul, wlio will remain until October.
Utile Norma Conway haa been on
the Hi Hat for aeveral dnya. Dr.
Hickman, of I'ortland, la atumdlnK
Mr. and Mra. Sllaa Scripture, of Ore
Kon Clly, were calling on dga
frleiida liiHt week.
MIhn Anna Wllklnaon, prominent
educator of tho Middle Wear, la vlNlt
lug frlenda and a number of her puplla
here, alio having apent tho entire sum
- " .
ant affiilra. In the way of theater par
mer on the count. A nunnwr or piena-
tla and afternoon teaa baye been
Klveti In her honor, While In rorl-
land MIhn Wllklnaon la domiciled at
Tho I'ortland.
Mlun Muud Rturaeon. a nharmaclHt
J of KatHcada, vlaltcd at tho V. D. Now-
atll hninfl lUHf WIIHK
ferrcd to Memorial church, Portland
He will also supply Here.
Grandma Newell returned from Sea
aide luHt week where alio spent two
months with her granddaughter, Mrs.
Gladys Wataon.
Tho work on the new house being
erected by Wm. Oardnnr, la progress
ing rapidly and will add materially to
lijt ftimr.nrnnrn of Mftldrum
- --- .,.,,
Mr. "My"
trom eloven until three Friday of laBl
week In honor of ber little guest MIhs
Wltll IllfLLIlT UCUIHIVU ttim . .. -
(James and music were Indulged In.
MIhs Aleen Warner and Mra. Harry
Robinson furnished a number of vocal
and Instrumental selections. Misses
Aleen. Ruby and Irene Warner; An
nie RuhkcII, Alice Eve MacFarlane,
Mabel Manson and Mrs. A. C. Mao
v siting with his father, U wucox.
c. V. Morse Is building a bungalow
on hi. acreage on Jenn.ng. avenue,
Walter I.eckner . doing tho carpenter
Tho h())ne of Mrg ,ha LabowUch.
a( C()1(,ord w imr(aiiy destroyed
. nra a,lturjlly nlht. Defective In-
,., i,.,pi- wr ia ihonuht
niiiuiiuil ui t-.-v o - -
..... fi t
in imva piiiised the blaze. Several
' Oregon City men, who were coming
t m n . 1 . J . ...ah S tha
building. They moved the
furnuRre lnto the yardi Bnd with a
h08e fnHy extinguished the fire. The
. . h of Mayor
nrowne,i of thlg cty. Mrs. Labo-
wtch re(.en,y whs offered $12,000 for
I mSny
Oreaon City Readers Have
Heard It and Profited Thereby
" Good news travels fnst." and the
of had back sufferers In
Oregon ui y are. g aa w .e... u.i
prompt relief is wiin.n me r reain.
Many a lame, weak and aching back
; la hn,l nn more, thanks to Doan s Md-
- ------ ------ . .
' ney I'llls. Our citizens nre telling the
good news of their experience wltb the
j Old Quaker Remedy, tiere is an ex
I E. W. Hldlem. 714Maln St.. Oregon
Cltv. Ore., says: "The public state-
; mailt l enve n 19 6 n praise of
Doan'a Kidney Pills still holds good.
Kidney and bladder trouble caused
me much Buffering and aa time passed,
mv condition became worse. I finally
nmiaiilf orl A lih valcian but his treat
ment did not bring relief. The kidney
i ... , ,.,"
ini.roi nnn wora milium uiiu uioucnn
----- i - -
! Ing In passage and caused me mucn
anno) nm e. --...B -
io-iiiiio advertised I cot a box at Hunt
c.inn iioan o k winflf
- . - - i,.i
law nrni ririur To. and It was simply
. i " .: .. , ,, ,
, asionisning ine iy u.j- r..
' fill III V LIllllllltT. I1V IUC a n.
finished the contents of one box, every
Hvnmtoni of kldnev complaint had dis
appeared and my kidneys no longer
annoyed me."
For sale by all dealers. Price BO
.int Fnster-Mllbtirn Co ' Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
llememlier the name Doan's and
take no other.
BEVERLY. Mass.. Aug. 28. (Spec
lnl) , Twenty-four states will be
visited by President Taft on the
"swine around the circle," according
to his partly completed schedule. He
will start September 15, ana win pus
through these states:
Massachusetta, New York, Pennsyl
vania, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, India
na, Missouri, Iowa. Kansas, Nebraska,
Colorado, Wyoming, Utah. Nevada,
California, Oregon, Washington, Ida
ho, Montana. South Dakota, Minneso
ta, Wisconsin and Maryland.
Among the big towns and cities
that the President will visit are Syra
cuse, Erie, Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis,
Omaha. Kansas City. Denver, Chey
enne, Salt Lake, Los Angeles. San
Francisco, Sacramento, Portland, Or.;
Tacoma. Seattle, Spokane, Wallace,
rdaho: Butte. Billings. Deadwood. Ab
erdeen and Pierre, S. D.; St. Paul
Minneapolis, Milwaukee and Pitts
burg. ST. PAUL, Aug. 25 Mrs.. Russell
Sage will be requested by Attorney
General Simpson to pay an Inheri
tance tax on all her. Minnesota landa
llflU UMUtTl hmhiuvim v
Relieved that the tax will amount to
held under contracts or Baie. it is
nearly $000,000.
.w . D 1 for CHt-CHFS-TER'S
DIAMOND bia.VD Ptl.ua in Rkd ndA
Gold mrilllc bom, rald with B'u'VV,
HIMIOTI ill! HO (mr.K. mjwim
.. . . . k ... . , 111 llk .Tl U
DIAMOND Him PILLS. f twrntT-flte
an ranrdrd Bt.8fMt, AIwyi Reliable.
n rurnuiiMirnr worth
1111-. hVhKinnrnr ,.in
(Continued from page 2.)
atructlvo aermon waa preached by Pro
fcMHor Kendell.
Sunday evening a large crowd gath
ered at tho church to bear I'rofeHaor
Kendell preach. He delivered a very
able aermon, after which he recolved
IM.00 for aid fund at tho College of
, Best Evsr Used.
A. II. Ilelnlen, Ilnrrlaon, Idaho, says:
I have used Dr. Hell's Plne-Tar lloney
for coughs and colds and It Is the best
I have ever tried, lok for the liell
on the Ilottle. Geo. A. Harding, Drug
Miss Irene Alt spent a few daya In
Astoria last week.
Mra. Nina Malar has been quite alck
the past week.
Katie Motyl came out from Port
land and Is visiting ber folks for a few
Mlas Ida Stuck! is at her home for a
few weeks' visit.
Mr. Heighten and family bave re
turned to Sandy.
Miss Alice Cooper, of Dover, Tlslted
Mrs. R. D. Hart Sunday.
G. Koeaale, who spent the pa two
weeks at damn Idleawhlle. returned
to Portland Tuesday.
Mrs. Mena Frey Naiiy is at me
beach, Bea Side, Wash., for a few
Several of the Flrwood young peo
ple apent a pleanant afternoon at
Stuckl'a Sunday. They amused them
selves in varloua ways; one of the
moat Interesting amusementa waa eat
ing watermelon.
Mra. Malar a Den t last week at Lus
ted a visiting her mother.
The ML Hood Fruit, Growers neia
a very successrui meeting at j-irwooo.
Saturday afternoon. Considerable
business waa transacted ana plans
laid for making the meetings more in
structive and interesting than they
have been heretofore.
J. P.. DcShazer drove to Gresnam
Bflnirdav. moving Mr. Robinson's fam
ily who have been camping near Flr
wood for the past six weens. Mr.
Robinson la principal of the Gresham
Mn Mack accomoanied her sister.
who haa been visiting her, to Port
land Friday.
Mra. Eva R. Hart and Mrs. John
Sinclair have gone to tho mountains.
For Ioianti and Children.
Tha Kind You Hare Always Bought
Signature of
A. J. Morrison is building an addi
tion to his bara.
Mlas Mary Bews came out from
Portland last Wednesday and will bo
at home through September.
Mrs. Miller and son. David, drove
to Columbia City Saturday. They will
be gone several weeka.
Mr. Bewa Bold three cows to the
Sandy butcher Monday.
Mrs. Reld and Mr. ana Mrs. josepn
DeShazer attended the progressive as
sociation meeting last Saturday.
George Kltzmiller is hauling wood
for his father at Eagle Creek.
George Sawtell ia home from his
ranch at Molalla.
Mra. Sutor, of Eagle Creek, is visit
ing her parents this week.
Mr. Affhotter has purchased new
machinery for a saw mill.
The threshera have come and gone
for this year. The grain Is generally
a good quality.
Always Ready
Wheuiiuure Ready
Quarts 2 $352 $552
Keeps Liquids Hot 24 hours
Cold 72 hours
No Invention In recent years, has
proven a greater boon or comfort to
the sportsman or traveler; to the
mother or housekeeper; to thousands
of others In every walk of life, than
the VACO Bottle. This Wonderful
Bottle will keep liquids at the same
temperature at which they are placed
in the Bottle boiling hot or icy cold
for hours and days without use of
Ice or fire or chemicals.
Night Workers
need hot drinks w ith their lunch.
The Vaco gives It steaming hot.
Children and Sick People
at night need cooling drinks. The
Vaco provides It Instantly with
out trouble.
must have warm drinks and foods
at night. The Vaco produces it
Instantly. No bother with lamps
or stoves. v
Our $1 Vaco Bottle
places this necessity within the
reach of all. Every bottle guar
anteed and money refunded If not
Every laboring man needs one.
For Sale only by
Huntley Bros. Co
. The Rexall Store
HKPTEMBEIt 1, 1911.
CANBY. I the Fire Relief Company of that city,
waa In Canby this week, looking after
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Nowton and baby, ' the Insurance business here,
who hav, been visiting with relatives Charles Comb's car la aid up for
at Mood River, returned to Canby on ! repairs, aa he had a serious break
Wednesday evening, j down last week.
Mrs. J C. Kauplsch and sister, Miss Hrry Garret, tho bicycle man, went
Edith Krueger, who have been visit, to Portland Wednesdny, looking after
ln fur tho nimt n month w a re
in v ...
lives .it Elgin, III,, their old home, re
turned to Canby on Monday, after
having bad a most enjoyame rime.
Miss Krueger, who la a teacher In the
Seattle, Wash., public schools, left on
Wednesday morning for Seattle, where
she will take up ber duilea In Septem
ber. Harold Waldron, who la connected
with the National Bank at Newberg,
and whose home is at Oregon City,
was In this city on Sunday visiting bis
grandmother, Mrs. L. T. Battln.
"Xllss Hattle Hutchinson, who has
been for several montha telephone
operator at the Good Samaritan Hos
pital, returned to Canby on Thursday,
where she will remain for several
months. Miss Hutchinson will Join a
party of 30 from this city and leave
on Saturday for tho hopficlda at Inde
pendence. .
The residents of Weed street are
filllna- in the street with gtavel from
the excavation of the Canby Bank k
Trust Company ana improves me
roadway considerably.
Mrs. W. B. Roberta and daughter,
Violet, of Red Bluff, California, have
arrived in Canby for a vlalt with rela
tives. OTrB. KOIieno l. wen riiuku in i
this city where she has visited on 1
tives. Mrs. Ronens is wen Known in
many occasions. i
. n, t i n iii i
raill eimpHU", WUU UUO 1-tii linn-
Ing In Portland, returned to Canby on
... . ,
weanesoay eveninR.
vir nnd Mm n. W. Rrjencer and '
daughter, Francis, spent Saturday and
Sunday at Newport, and had a most
enjoyable time.
Miss Verna Porter lert on Monaay
fnr fyine- Reach. Wash., where she
will vlalt for several weeka with her
sister, Mrs. Anna Smith.
Mm r. C. Hutchinson, the milliner
of this city, went to Portland Thurs
day where she purchased ner ran mn-
found' in her stock at the opening of j
nnery, ana me laiesi snapes wm u
the season.
Mlss Cora and Laura Sandsness lert :
this week for Brooks, where they will j
enjoy an ouimg lor iwu
A nnrtv eomnoned of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Howard, Miss Mamie Hulras and
Edward ilulras will leave on Sunday
for the Kyle hopyard at Wlisonvllle.
These people expect to combine busi
ness with pleasure and will enjoy
life while there.
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Bussard. of Port
land, were In this city on Sundav the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grant White.
Mrs. Bussard Is a sister of Mrs.
Miss Hazel Saunders, of Portland, is
a guest of her aunt, Mrs. Doc Sailor.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant White went to
Newberg In their machine Thursday
on a business trip. Ture. wine, wno
has become an expert chauffeur, drove
the car. Mrs. White expects to De
come the possessor of a car herself
next war and there Is no doubt but
her many friends in this city will be
Mr. and Mrs. W. Hugill, of Kalama,
Wash., were in this city on Friday
and Saturday.
R. E. Dundas. of Portland, a busi
ness man of that place, was ifl this
city on business Monday.
Frank W. Kramer, or Portland, reg
istered at the Cottage Hotel on Mon
day. Mr. and Mrs. Fairbrother, of Port
land, are In this city for a few days,
the former being here on business.
They are guests at the Cottage Hotel.
Stanley Wang, of the Wang Com
panv. and Edgar Smith, of the firm of
Smith & Will, will leave the first of
the week for the hop yards their desti
nation at present being unknown. The
two young men, who are very popular
here, have not decided whether they
will go by auto, buggy or by foot. It
It probable that they will go by the
latter route, as they have apent all of
their spare change for provisions it
being their intention of not only gain
ing a few coins in their pocket book
by picking hops, but also to gain in
flesh, and expect to spend a portion of
the time in cooking and partaking of
the best that the market affords. Mr.
Will thinks it more advisable to look
after business affairs in this city and
In other sections of the county, where
he ia interested.
Lee Eckerson, Ed Krueger, Horace
Patch and Charles Thomas autoed to
Portland on Sunday with Grant White
in the latter's machine, taking in the
ball game and attending the Helllg in
the evening.
Miss Anna Krueger went to Port
land Sunday to resume her position
with the Wonder Millinery Company,
after a month's vacation at her home
Misa Mary Glen, bookkeeper for the
Carlton Rosenkrana Company of
this city, visited relatives in Portland
Arthur Knight returned to Roseburg
Wednesday to resume his position as
brakeman for the S. P. R. R. Com
pany. Norton Bradford, after a week's vis
It with relatives in Portland, returned
to Canby Saturday.
J. R. Reeher, after a week's visit
with his daughter, Mrs. C. A. Brad
ford, returned to Portland on Satur
day- . ...
J. J. Sandsness, who has Deen in xne
hardware business In this city, has
sold his interests in the establishment
here to John Eid, who has been In
mnnectlon with the business for the
past year. Mr. Sandsness has gone
to Minneapolis. Minn., on business.
He formerly resided In Minnesota, and
before returning to Canby will visit
many of his old-time friends and
also relatives.
Mrs. Louis Ml8z and son, Donald,
who have been spending the past two
months at the home of Mrs. Mlsz's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Scottan,
of thla city, left the first of the week
for Portland, where they visited with
friends until Thursday morning when
they left for" their home at Helena,
Montana. During his family'a stay in
ihia rltv Mr. Mlsz also visited for two
weeks at the Scottan home.
William Menke and wife, of San
Franci3co, were in this city on Fri
day and were registered at the Cot
tage Hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. Ashton, formerly of
Oregon City, have rented the Will
Kendall residence. Prof. Ashton will
teach the Ma-ksburg school this year,
and Mrs. Ashton expects to teach mu
sic while in this city. She is an ac
complished musician, and haa been
very successrui wnn ner cmo uc.c
tofore. ..
Mrs. Grant White and Mrs. Doc
en- ,av hpen laving in supplies
preparatory to go hop picking, when
they expect to leave next week. It
is their Intention, ir they make their
fortune before returning, to invest
their money In Canby real estate.
' H M- Branson, of Salem, agent for
uuine nitcmnu.
Mrs. Roll and Mrs. Ryer. of St.
Paul, Minn., were In this city during
(tie week guests at the homo of Mr.
and Mrs. Scottan.
Proofs Received on Floral Map.
The original sketch and lithograph
proofs for the first edition of "Our
National Bouquet" haa been received
and-can be seen at the office of the
Cnlted Statea Flower Map Company,
Incorporated, at Canby. Oregon. This
map haa attracted wide attention by
those who bave seen it, and no doubt
those who have taken stock will reap
a harvest by the sale therefrom.
Business Men Take Interest In Road
way. Many of 'n.e business men of Canby
are taking an active Interest in the
proposed construction of the Capital
Highway, nnd much credit Is due our
townsman. Grant White, who took
some of the representative men to
Canby on Wednesday evening where
they attended the meeting held In the
Comerclal Club rooms. The uae of
the machine waa free, and Mr. White
took the men to Oregon City himself
returning after the meeting. Among
those going from this city were J. I
i rr 1nli.V.l n Rraitfnrd Mr.
luiii u, a. n. i.i., ,
Gorham, M. J. Lee, U D. Walker. Doc
n-n iir IT T,. ( V TJf-vonr ftrnnf
oiwor, v. n. uo", r. u,,-,
ii-t.li.. ..j nthora Thor were three
nunc i"u V"-' . .-
autos filled with boosters for the road.
it ,ki ..n a im ea rrA thrntipTi thnre
ia no doubt It will not only be a bene-
fit to this city but also to an me ciues
along the way. During the winter
montha the roadway between Canby
and New Era is not aa good as It
might be, and this will improve the
conditions In that section where the
roada are in a few places almost im
The Commercial Club of thla city
has extended an invitation to meet
at that city on Wednesday night of
next week and the invitation nas ueen
accepted. Five automobiles will leave
that city at 6:30 o'clock and an m-
vltatlon to an tnose mieresiea in iu
highway will be extended.
Canby Has Building Boom.
There la much activity In the build
ing line at the present time In Canby,
all of the carpenters and contractors
being busily engaged in assisting to
make Canby one of the leading little
cities In the state or uregon.
The Cottage Hotel, which was re
cently enlarged, 18 one of the best
places of that kind m tne county ior
comfort and cleallness, and the pro
prietress, Mrs. Lassie ,vans, uas
spared no pains to have her boarding
house one of the most popular in the
city. The addition recently completed
adds to the appearance or tne Dtiua
lng. There are 10 new rooms, all of
the sleeping apartments newly fur
nished. At the rear of the hallway
on the second floor is the porcelain
bath with hot and cold water for those
wishing to partake of a bath. The
rooms are well lighted with electricity
and there are two stairways leading
to thia floor one at the rear, while
the other leads from the living room.
The new large dining room, which Is
21x22 feet, is furnished in mission.
A built-in serving buffet ana inen
closets are also to be found here. 1 ne
la well llehted the west side
of which haa four large windows. At
the rear of the dining room is the
large Dutch kitchen ann pantry, a
wash room with hot and cold water
has been built on the east side of the
house, and is a great convenience to
the transient trade. The rooms that
have just been added to the hotel, are
plastered and finished in mission
woodwork, ine uouage muici n
now 16 rooms. The exterior of the
building has been recently painted.
The work on the building was in
charge of F. E. Dodge, one of Canby's
contractors, who has built
many of Canby's attractive homes.
George Meeks, who recently soia
his home in the southern part of the
city, is having a beautiful home of
the bungalow style under construc
tion on his place on the east side of
the Southern Pacific track. The con
tract was given to one of the well
known contractors of this city, Mr.
Havner. This home when finished
will be one of the most up-to-date
residences in this i art of the county.
The new plate glass front of the
building occupied by the Canby Fur
niture Company, has added much to
the appearance of the structure, and
gives the proprietors, E. A. Krueger
and C. A. Bradford, an opportunity to
display their fine line of furniture and
carpets. On the second floor of the
building Is the carpet and rag room.
It Is the intention of these two men,
who are experienced In this line of
business, to keep a good selection.
A new awning has Just been Installed
In the front of the building. Shull
& Hayner had charge of improving
the building.
Work is progressing at a rapid rate
on the addition of the Canby Bank &
Trust Building, this addition to be
25x60 feet fronting C Street, and will
be used as store buildings. A full
basement is under construction and
is almost completed, the basement of
which will be used as storerooms.
The contract for this building haa
been awarded to F. E. Dodge.
Great headway la now being made
Grea headway is now being made
basement, which will be used for Sun
day school purposes ana ior sociais
is almost complete. It is the inten-
Furniture House
We carry a fall line of Farnitare, Carpets,
Rogs and Wall Paper. Prices right, give as a call
and see for yourselves. Look over our stock of
rogs the- most popular priced rogs ever carried in
tlon to have one of the rooms In the
basement fitted up for a kitchen and
when socials are given either by the
church or Sunday school, there will
be everything in readiness for serving
of suppers. The basement will be
4(1x80 feet. The woodwork will he In
charge of Mr. Dodge.
The garage recently built for White
t Scheer Is also a good substantial
building that Canby Is proud of. Thla
building Is located on Front afreet.
Theso men have worked up a big
buslnuKS In Canby.
The J. I-elaer home, purchased from
Andrew Kocher, has been Improved
by an enclosed veranda fronting the
building and also along the north aide
and la one of the most attractive
homes here.
Ladles to 8arve Cafeteria Lunch.
The Ladles' Aid Society of the
Methodist church of thla city, Is ar
ranging to serve meals at the Clacka
mas County Fair grounds during the
coming fair, and have secured conces
sion room. The restaurant will be
under tho grandatand. The commit
tee In charge consists of Mrs. C. L.
Creesy, Mrs. Grant White, Mrs. J. 1
Graham. Mrs. J. R, Newton.
Canby Young People Married.
Miss Minnie Sutton and Mr. Roland
Porter, of thla city, went to Oregon
City on Monday morning, where they
secured a marriage license and were
married by Rev. E. F. Zimmerman,
pastor of the Methodist church, of
Oregon City, at the Methodist church.
The young couple left immediately
after the ceremony for Long lleach.
Wash., where they will apend their
The bride is well known In thla city,
and" has for many years made her
home with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kau
plsch. She Is of a Jovial disposition
and since coming to this city she haa
made many frlendB. The groom is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. R. .W. Porter,
highly esteemed residents of thla city,
and haa made his home here for most
of his life.
Attacka School Principal.
A severe attack on school princi
pal, Chas. B. Allen, of Slvania, Ga..
Is thus told by him. "For more than
three years," he writes, I suffered
indescribable torture from rheuma
tism liver and stomach trouble and
diseased kidneys. All remedies failed
till I used Electric Bitters, but four
bottles of thla wonderful remedy
cured me completely." Such results
are common. Thousands bless them
for curing stomach trouble, female
complaints, kidney disorders, bilious
ness, and for new health and vigor.
Try them. Only 60c at Jonea Drug
Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Boylan have been
spending several days in Kelso,
Wash., visiting relatives.
Mr. Henry Scheer has Bold his place
to Mrs. Gale, of Hood River.
M. J. Lazelle was a Suuii'.y guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Paqitet, or ,
Mr. and Mrs. Walace Johnson, or
Canemah. spent Sundpy with their
cousin Thomas Kelland.
Mr. and Mrs. A- H. Harvey enter
tained friends at their home Sunday,
from Seattle and Portland.
. Mrs. Curtis Dodds and Mlas Lessle
McDonald have returned from an out
ing at Long Beach.
Miss Marie Harvey made a busi
ness trip to Portland Friday.
A few friends of Thomas Kelland
pothered at his home Friday evening
in honor of his thirtieth birthday an
niversary. A very pieaaanc time was
spent and all went home wishing him
many more such happy events.
Zemo Curea Eczema, pimples, Dare
rfrnff Drlrklu Meat. Sunburn.
and affords you skin comfort during
the hot weather. We give you tnree
reasons why we recommend ZEMO
for skin trouble.
1st. ZEMO is a clean, scientinc,
liquid preparation, pleasant and
agreeable to use.
2nd. ZEMO stops Itching at once
and allays the Irritation and promptly
soothes and heals tne SKin.
irA 7rwn crlvoa universal satls-
,11 u. v n - - " - - -
faction and is recognized by skin spe
cialists as the standard remeay ior
all skin and scalp troubles.
If you wish to try a bottle of ZEMO
for yourself or one of your children
and It does not do exactly what we
cmr w will return vour money with
out quibble or question.
Huntley Bros. (jo. urug store.
Workmen cleaning out the culvert
on Singer Hill discovered Saturday
the cause of the backwater last win
ter which threatened te get Into cel
lars In the hill section. There was at
least ten Inches of mud on the bottom
of the culvert, and In many places
were large boulders, which impeded
the flow of the water. Tim culvert Is
about two feet across and three and a
half feet deep and the workmen have
no trouble in crawling into It. The
work will be continued tomorrow.
Councilman Burke says there will be
no trouble from back water next win
ter. Our National Bouquet"
Floral map of the United States. A
beautiful high class colored work of
art with each State Flower litho
graphed on muslin, satin finished,
twenty-seven by thirty-seven inches.
This Is the first edition.
Price $2.50 Each Delivered.