C C ROJH l lie Kind Yon Havo Always Bought, nn.l which lins born la uho for over 30 rears, lias born the flimuturo of ami ha boon inalc under liU per l s JS?-- eonal supervision, plnoo it Infuiu-y.-WVV3f4.' AHownooiiotodewlvo yoiilii thK All Counterfeits Imitations iwul -W"" J'" EipwItucnU that trifle v Ith and cn.langor tl.o I T Iotunta and CliUdreii-Experieueo ngalnsC LxiH-rimtnt. What is CASTOR! A Castor! 1 a harmless substitute for Castor OH. Pare goric, Drops And Soothln Syrup. It in lMeasant. t wntolns neither Opium, Morphlna nor other Air.l to substance. Its nffo is Its puanu.toc. It destroy. M - . and allays FeverWiness. It cures Diarrh.va and ml Colic It relieves Teethlnff Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tlio Fowl, wlu es tl.o Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's 1 rieud. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the M The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. tmc ecsrrauii ommrt, tt wummt tTicn, mm torn in. NEWS FROM THE COUNTRY INTERESTING ITEMS FROM ALL PARTS OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY MULINO. Harvest will soon be over In this part of the county, as the threshing machine Is expected to be in this neighborhood the last of the week. The grain Is all in the Btacks and everyone is getting anxious to get it under shelter before it rains. John Carlson is speeding a few weeks at the Hot Springs. Grandma Oraln died last Friday evening after a lingering illness. She was buried at Clarkes Sunday after noon. Some one started a fire In the tim ber north of the Ball place last Mon day and It looked pretty dangerous for Mr. Ball's buildings for a while. The high wind carried the fire di rectly toward them. Mr. Ball was working In the railroad, but his wife summoned help and the tire was got under control before any damage w as done. Claud Ashley is moving Into Mar Ion county to take charge of his father's farm and expects to go as soon as he gets his crop taken care of here. A. Dougan has purchased a new buggy. Mr. Shaw Is fixing up his engine preparatory to sawing wood for the Mulinoltes. Mr. and Mrs. Odell are away on a vacation and Frank Manning is car rving the mail at present. Miss Grace Forbes, of Portland, is visiting at E. J. Maples MrsVaker and daughter are spend- j Ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Claud Ashby. Best for the Hands S. L. Chapman, Massac, Ky., says: I used Dr.. Bell's Antiseptic Salve on my hands which were sore, and find it the best I ever tried. It cured them comple-.ely. Geo A. Harding , Drug gist. CLARKES. Sam Eimer threshed for Clarke . Brothers. He threshed 4.000 bushels j I n I Sam Eimer threshed for Clarke . ui iaiu n Born, to the wife of Fred Lini.on, i Bor a son time when the hornet's were In con to the wife of P. Sager, a lroi of the gjtuatiou the blaze got in- Born, son. Elder Moore, of Portland, preached at Clarkes In the English M. E. church, Sunday evening. Sam Elmer threshed for W. G. Kleinsmith Monday. W. C. Mangum, of Watkins, was In Clarkes last week, W. H. Bartemiller and family spent Sunday with the W. G. Kleinsmith lamny. j Char'ie Henton is helping Elmer i Lee stack grain. ' Mr. tfaurer, from Colton, went to j Oreson City on Monday. j Eugene and Henry Kleinsmith are . Lacking grain. i Mr. Wettlaufer has finished stack ing and Is waiting for thrediers. Mr. and Mrs. Maison went to town last week. Mr. Bottemlller finished stacking last week. Digestion and Assimilation. It Is not the quantity of food taken but the amount digested and assimi lated that glres strength fced vitality to the system. Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver Tablets Invigorate the stomach and liver and enable them to perform their functions naturally. For sale hy all dealers. MOLALLA. E. K. Dart is the clover king of Mo-! lalla this year, having shipped over 15.000 pounds of Alsike clover seed to ; 1 a. ' - NATURAL HOT MINERAL BATHS. ii Ik. II" aSgsMSSsMSMSSTSMsg 1 I J m. a! iNSYvVv. Signature ox the Portland Seed Company from i Canby last week. Herman and Kayler are still hull- j Ing clover and threshing grain. i e W. A. Shaver has a threshing crew, j also a clover hulling outfit busy in the field. Cole and Cole were threshing for j W. W. Everhart, Monday. I Oren Cutting lost a fine horse re cently from- an unknown disease j which has developed in this vicinity, j Dr. Powell accompanied a son of J. J. Mallott's to a Portland hospital i for an operation for appendicitis. John j Stringer drove them in the automo- j bile. An interesting meeting was held at , Molalla Grange last Saturday. Bus!-, ness was transacted relative to the j seventh annual fair which takes place one week before the county fair. - j The Grange Hall has been givn two j coats of white paint outside. Our ! school building will get a few coats j in the near future. Mrs. C. H. Trulllnger, the Hubbard j milliner, announces the fall and win-1 ter opening, Saturday, September 23, j at Robbins Bros.' store, Molalla, Or. Kills A Murderer. A merciless murderer Is Appendi citis with many victims, but Dr. King's New Life Pills kill It by pre vention. They gently stimulate stom ach, liver and bowels, preventing that clogging that Invites appendi citis curing ronstinatlon. Headacne, Biliousness, Chills, 25c at Jones Drug LOGAN. 1 Farmers are too busy these days 1 to eat. j The hum of the thresher lfl heard ' everywhere now. At one time there i were four machines in operation here, i Mr. Henry Babler sustained a heavy ,loss while threshing at his place. In some way a load of grain caught "re and in a short time the fitraw stack horned also a)0Ut an acre of train In ebock. ai)0Ut an acre of grain in ebocl N and p. m. Kirchem als . .! 1. 1 . so came ileal iia-iuft a ....... - to burn out a hornet's nest and at a i to the dry leaves and rapidly spread over the hillside below the house. ; The wind changed and the men soon i controlled the fire. : Mr. Allan Hutchins hi8 returned I from Lower California wjiere he has ' been for some time. t T . n r..1nr.!nol tfT the gciool as they have a primary teacner. ,irg. c. R. Lewtbwaite visuea ner parents( Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Rlebhoff, of tnjg place, last week. Mrs M c War(1 wl)0 ha8 j)een con. flI)eil t0 j,er bP(1 about three weeks lg getting along nicely and will soon b around aeain. Portland people are butter hungry, ho rloflr frepU Treamerv cannot fill all the orders. W. P. Kirchem Is go- j Ing to establish a cream route from cmffdril to iret more cream and Is i spending a few days there now look ing the matter up. Whatever you do don't say "Is this warm enough for you " That little sentence will ruflle the sweetest temper. G. B. Dimick and wife were visitors at Hill Crest farm Sunday. Think of it, Logan can boast of a meat wagon once again, with J. C. Kirchem as proprietor. Mr. Byers and family of Stone have returned from the coast. The statement that beer is made of cabbsge explains the heads of some people. Rheumatism Can be Cured Nature's Way Hot Lake Sanatorium Write -For Booklet HOT LAKE, OREGON. STEP OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, VIM DAY, SKPTKMHKU 1, 1!U1. MACKSBURO. Most farmers have their iul atnre.1 away grain Mr. Kd Mlllor had the mUfortune t fall and Injure nor knee. Mrs. Bessie Updegraff and two rhlldren. of Salem, are visiting at Jim Mill's. Harry Feitrow 1 working for V. W. lrvln. I.ucy Mitt's and Mrs. Updegraff visited Polk dribble's and Mrs. U K. Armstrong Thursday. As usually treated a .;..alned ankle will disable a man for ttuco or four weeks, but by applying Chamberlain's Unlment freely as soon as the In Jury l received, and observing the directions with each bottle, a cure can be affected lu from two to four days. For sale by all dclera. EAST CLACKAMAS. The first part of tho week the wind was very strong, necessitating V Tate going to fix telephone wires. U Pavlsh, wife, and son of High land drove through our part of the country on Monday. Mrs. Welsman came down Tuesday and stayed until Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. O. Habcrlaeh, he; home be ing Clarkes. Oregon. Wedntsday Mrs. Day wait had the honor of entertaining s number of Clackamas ladles, ss the ladles met there. Katie Clarke, daughter and mother, visited Mrs. John Peyer who lives In Fremont. Ctustav and Entma Haberlach drove to Troutdale Sunday to attend camp meeting. They also visited Hazel Freeman. COLTON. Quite a number of people from here have left for the mountains to pick huckleberries and others are leaving for the hop yards. Mr. Carlson's daughter and little girl who have been out visiting her folks, returned to their home at Port land Friday. Mr. Montgomery is visiting his cou sin, Walter Gorbett and family at Col ton. Rnm to Mr. and Mrs. E. Undstrom. ft Dig Rut DHiurutiy. t(- 7- r,.,min ThroaMncr Pnm niinv. ' v. I H1 Cntn tr1 a V via ri-iiii - -- KaBJlSnd.d daughter. Es- uvea I MM! I or am ACMOtNT TtlTlNG SIA1 4 Simpl Apron DOUBLE ANGLE STEEL REACH Giving Tirfct Drdlt jnd ctimindtm all slidin from Spreader Box A Redch indispens.bU on a Manure Spreader a it noniWjon. ARE YOU LOOKING For a Low Down Easy Loading-Light Pulling Manure Spreader-One that will Last a long time and please you better every time you use it? Lock no further. WE HAVE IT AND YOU NEED IT THE BLOOM MANURE SPREADER GETS THE MOST OUT OF THE MANURE By breaking it up fine and spreading it evenly-Easy, sure control and no horse killer The only Spreader with a reach-Parmers who have bought them say they are the best farm machine investment a farmer can make. See the BLOOM at - the nearest Mitchell Agency or write us for "Illustrated Catalog ter. called on Mrs. A. Anderson last Sunday. , W. E. Bonney and son, Archie, re turned Saturday from Astoria, where they have been attending the fair. Mr. and Mrs. I. O. Dix, of Mullno, were visitors at ths farmer's home at Colton Saturday and Sunday. Several big slashings have been burnt around here this week. Mat Kandle returned to Highland Monday from his ranch in the hills. Miss Hazel Freeman, of El wood, left for Troutdale where she is attending campmeeting. Gus Gottburg, who was away with the threshing machine at Highland, was summoned home Tuesday on ac count of the death of his wife's moth er Mrs Knvpr of Molalla. Charlie Swan is bajling shingles to angles io Bonney s the valley from . t. uViliiflp mill. IJirdly Ball left for his home at Dig gish Prairie last week. Willie Freeman, of El wood. Is stay ing with his grandma, Mrs. Dix, while her son Is away threshing. Ed. Ball made a business trip to Portland last week. ir and Mn J. A. Stromgreen were pleasantly surprmea u. a . i Irlfna in h,:r.c.r ..luQuantltf RiimriRed last week by a large uumuei ui iucn .- .'- ' of Mrs. Stromgreen's seventieth birth- 1 day anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Strom - green were some of the first settlers t fcorrf on i times and have also witnessed how i Colton as a wilderness has grown Into a somewhat big settlement. Mrs. ' Stromgreen has our best wishes for npru Htm r f dt i u '"4 the future. May she havo many more birthday anniversaries to celebrate. The afternoon was pleasantly spent In conversation, speaking by Kov. Rein hart and singing. Painty refresh ineiits were served by tho ladles and enjoyed by all. All report a delightful time. The following were present: Mr. and Mrs. N. Hull. Kev. and Mrs. Koluhnrt, Mr. and Mrs. Petterson. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Anderson, Mrs. A. Panlolson. Mrs. A. Johnson. Mr. I Elliott. Mrs. K. Burghlm!, Mr. Erlck son, Mrs. Jonas Petterson. Miss Fredo borg Uult, Mrs. C. Stromgreen and daughters, and a number of others. PILESI PILES! PILESI Williams' Indian Tile Ointment will cure P.!lnd. nieedlng and Itching Piles. It absorbs the tumor, allays Itching at once, acts as a poultice, gives In stant relief. Williams' Indian Pllo Ointment Is prepared for Plies and Itching of the prlvnte parts." Drug gists, mail 50c and $1.00. Williams Mfg. Co.. Props., Cleveland. O. For sale by Huntley Pro, and Jones Drug Co. STAFFORD. Claus Peters got lils thumb cut by the band cutter, while threshing. Ed. Sharp Is suffering with a severe case of erysipelas on his head and face. Jim Turner, wife and little girls and the five months' old baby who only weighed two pounds at birth, have Just come down from Turner, Wash., for a few weeks' visit with friends and reintlves. The baby now weighs eleven pounds and Is a bright, active llttte fellow, named for his grandpa, Tom Turner. The whole feminine population has been to see Mark's baby, a very pret ty baby too. Mrs. Nemec was thrown froi her buggy and her hip quite severely hurt when returning from a visit to Mr. Stangle's. Albert Turner had the misfortune to lose four stacks of grain which caught fire Thursday from the engine. He had already threshed 300 bushels at his barn and but Just moved to the stacks. It Is a great loss to a farmer, and all sympathize with him. fra Prtn iIIa &)iiisp husband and herself took up a homestead and lived k - - - nnoo th lace 17 voiira. wnlcn Ih now ... t--n hbeensmngo.d friends and mak-j APAON LtVCS i ini'ii" c..a .n,..4J0 I INOlPLNCtNT PAKl avi.m lnjt i in t g K"fl V DOUBLE ANGLE STEEL REACH hL I f.,.h.m..i ! Ing nf-w ones in the neighborhood the j past wek. Mrs. OIlie Howlton and ciiiiureu are ; spending the remaining days of vaca I tion at Mr. Gage's. ! They are getting about over the mumps at Zack Elligsen's. 1 ne irt'i;a sme .n. - i.irthriav Biii-nrlne narty Thursday af- The ladles gave Mrs. jsnssriaum a ternoon and had an enjoyable lime, Mpn 1 avc hauled sand for the fonn- A:1rn tf lha new -hlirch. We are Informed that school begins on the ISth of September. Mrs. Buby Kollemeyer, nee Ruby T-i V ,. n rlriA hnhv hnV. i I.M.I,-.,M, !!. O - --- . There is sure going to be war in me air. luuug wn iroinnicni aim w. .. Netherlands as nearly all the new rejected citizen, a friend of every babies beard from are boys this year, i one, a man who Interested himself Gus Gehhardt wife and son, Harry, , In the pleasure and welfare of his .. . . .. if mnonf. i nelphlinrH and frlerfrtct nnri leflven S are living m tne mn" ly acquired with the 30 acres of land . .... A Voo I......... purr 'has-en or Mr. uac to riiz a well. . Mrs. Sharp and Mrs. Ed. Sharp have the new carpets in use which the ladies, young and old, helpeH to make by sewing carpet rags early In the summer. ; Hop pickers begin to Journey bv on their way to the bop fields. The fields . i .ui .m Ha rpadv for tier- anwu'. ui-rr win i."- - - V,t.h a iu,l, vot pnil nlentT Of IllCKerS. w,, - n . ----- r . . Arden Gage and his son, S 111, made , a trip from Sheriaan i iu ..... ...... on Sunday last returning at 5 P. M.Mn l .koi, VI,.,. ...nQhnnt. in- u ."'.it i " unw j , Some foreign titled lady could Dress 'all records by marrying Hetty i Green's son. Fads for Weak Women Mi-tenths of .11 tl.s skWs ol jk-ou,. l. du. to J'""Xto wISS ... ol tlis or.nt dittluotly feminine. Such tiekneM can bs cured is very dy by , , Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription It Makes Weak Women Strong, Sick Women Well, It act. directly on th. oriana .ff.cted sad 1. at Iht .m. linif 1 1 Jenswl t ve tonic lor th. whole syst.-. It ' con'V1-,n' I'l'l'J ' ., d of home. It make. unnece...ry ,h. d.a.gWI. 'Z! U local treatment o uimenaiiy iniimcu very mniirtt wom.in. Y .hull not particularise hers,, to th symptom, ol tho.e peculiar adcctioii. incident to women, but tlio wanting lull information a. to their .ymploini and mean, ol punitive cure ar. referred to the People's " mon Scn.o Medical Adviwr-IOtW p.lle., newly v..cd nd up-to-date I'.dition, sent frtt on receipt ol .1 uf ni .i,n. t ..nvrr coit ol mailiiiM nh: or, in cloth biudiita lor M ntamp. Addrei. Dr. R. V. Pi.roe, ' - 1 i EASTERN CLACKAMAS EAGLE CREEK. Air. Clark Is out with his hay baler, baling straw for tho farmer. Mrs. Lydla Woodlo returned from Troutdale last Wednesday, and spent a few days with her parent. Mr. and Mrs. Howlett, returning to her homo In Estncada on Monday with Mr. Woodle. Dave Hoffmelster Is working for II. S. Gibson. Myrtle Woodle citme Monday even ing to keep house a few days for her grandmother. Mrs. Howlett. Mr. and Mrs. John Hold and sons, Theodore and Chester, and Mrs. Hen ry Vdell and children. Herbert and Alice, spent Sunday with James Gib son. Mr. and Mrs. Will Douglass and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Douglass went to the mountains Wednesday after huckle berries. R. n. Cilbson sold a cow the other day. Best In the World J. W. Hyatt merchant of Warren. N. C. writes: Please send Inclosed order liv mall. Sutherland's Eagle Eye Salve Is the best eye remedy In the world. Geo. A. Harding. Druggist. HiqhCrbonB4l.f fof ntinq lfirj!()i Inq wnjdl"' Northwest's Greatest Impement and Vehicle House PORTLAND, ORE. SPOKANE, WN. BOISE, IDAHO BORING. Haying and harvesting has kept people so busy there has been no time to tpll or make news. The yield of grain has been large In this "part of the county, averaging r.n tuiHhola nor acre- wheat and oats. , ----- ... . . . Charles Royer threshed 58 bushels of i wheat r"r acre and many farmers had ots which yielded 65 bushels per acre. The people of Damascus were sad dened by the death of U H. Young, who was killed In an auto acldent .which occurred near Oregon City. ' ,, . . . ., . - . . . Tacancy In tie community which can- . . t.o fillerl OWEN G. THOMAS BLACK SMITH ING AND REPAIR. WORK. Bt of work and satisfaction guar ' anteed. Have your horses shod by an expert; it pays. All kinds of repair work and. smithy , - r. t.o of your work can be done wh le i you do ycur trading. Give me a trial . work. Prompt service; greater por- i ' 7 " - - j - a. - - - job and see if I can't please you. OWEN G. THOMAS Cor. Main and Fourth Sts. Oregon City I upim vj lluffjln, N. 1 . Mr. J. 0. Elliott I nulls III; H" doctor bus pronounced her Illness ap pendicitis. Kver uno hope for her speedy recovery. Curl Stelu anil Marie littHser err ,,.,.,-ri..,i a ml' nut 17.. sunner being served to their friend at their home. Mrs. J. W. Hllleary, or rorunnu, was vlNltlng tit tho homo of her sister, Mr. . d. Uve Saturday and Sunday. The children ate stacking book, polishing slates and collecting pencil ulii, million mi their face (which nre apt to change to frown before many month have passed) for school com mence next Monday. Sore Eye of Three Y.ars SUndlng cured. Mis Kffls Faulkner, New CiiBtlo, Pu.. write: SuTherland' Engle I'ye Salve cured me of a case of sore eye of three year standing. I cheerfully recommend It to any one lu need of mich a remedy. Geo. A. Harding, Druglst. CHERRYVILLE. MIhh Uila Herald, who taught Cher ryvllle school last year, will leach the coming season. It Is expected that there will be aliout twice as many scholars, numbering thirty. Mr. I'rnther has bought the Ware farm or Mil acres ami will make his home here. We understand the con sldcratlon was $i;,uuo. Professor Geo. Couper and ('has. Harris lire helping Dr. Itotklns build a new barn. Allen II. Brooks took a trip to Ore L-iin r'ltv last week. Umi McCube has accepted the posi tion of sawyer with Flrwood Lumber Coiupa n '. Win. Stone took a trip to Portland a few days ago and nuulnl out some pipe. He is going to pipe water from bis spring to house. Mrs. Clark Corey took a trip to Port land last week. 1 F. Prldemore spent a few days In Bull Itun last week with his mother and Mrs. U F. Prldemore, her aunt and cousin took a trip to Astoria. Mr. Stevens, n druggist from Port land, tnd wife spent several duya at Hotel Cberryvllle lust week. Clair Corey has left for a trip to Portland and other points and expects lo be gone about u week. Ray Murray and Win. Allen were In Cberryvllle last week. Mrs. Wm. O. Hugh and family visit ed Mrs. Revenue of Sandy Sunday. Jerry Frlel lert for Miintyres last week. v Win. n. Hugh and Knrl linker were cutting hay for Prof. Couper last week Mrs. Shanks and her son were in Cherry vllle recently looking after their ranch. August BedeiiHtuin and Mr. Shanks who navo been working for Dave Douglas on Mt. Hood Road, spent n lew days In Cberryvllle. The M K ouarlerlv ciuiferenco will meet at Cherryvllle M. K. church Sun day, Sept. .'Ird. and a successor to Rev. Dr. Rnnyan. and District Supt. Moore will preside. Mr. Johnson, who drives the stage, has recently moved his family Into the parsonngfl and left for Mlsmvirl last week to help settle up bis father's estate and bring his mother to Cher ryvllle. Fire Warden Ben Bench left for Fir wood to fight fire which Is burning In railroad timber and threatens Fir wood lumber mill. They have tele phoned lo Portland for more men to come out and hi'lp fight lire. A pnrty of twenty people, young and old, gathered at the home of Pro fessor Geo. Couper last Saturday and a very enjoyable time was had. A bonfire was built, games were played, singing and refreshments served. Herbert Hussock, of Portland, visit ed at the home of Mrs. J. T. Frlel, Jr., last Sunday. Mrs. Whltmore, formerly Miss Flor ence Bllcklng'T, Cherryvllle school tencher, visited at the home of Mrs. Win. O. Hugh a few days ago. Mrs. Chllds has returned from a trip to Portland. Miss Constance Ewlng, of Portland, a former Cherryvllle school teacher, who h;u been seriously 111 with pneu monia, Is rapidly recovering and was visiting Mrs. Wm. Hugh last week. ASTHMA! A3THMAI Popham's Asthma Remedy gives In stant relief and an absolute cure In all cases of Asthma, Bronchitis, and Hay Fever. Sold by druggists; mall on receipt of price $1.00. Trial pack age by mall 10 cents. Williams Mfg. Co., Props., Cleveland, O. .For sale by Huntley Bros, and Joneg Drug Co. SANDY. " j. E. Hoffman has purchased ten acres from H. E. Klock. Mr. Hoff man Intends erecting on this place an up-to-date slaughter house for his butcher business. G. T. Hoffman Is building a large new butcher shop on Main street. G. H. Krebs, contractor. Is doing the work. YOU TAKE NO FINANCIAL RISK. We Make This Offer to Every Person In Oregon City Who 8uffers From Kidney Disease. We want every person In this city who suffers from kidney disease In any form to have personal knowledge of the merlrs of Rexall Kidney pills. To this end we offer them to every one who has need of such a remedy with the definite and distinct under standing that. In the event they shall not prove of any benefit In the treat ment of your case, we will promptly refund you the purchase price. Put up In boxes containing sixty pills; price, 50 cents per Ikix. ' Rexall Remedies can be obtained only at our store The Rexall Store. Huntley Bros. Co. j Mitfeawan, Aug. 30. Harry Thaw . Is htre still, but not very still. ELVVOOD. Hald Jiime lo John I surely fuel, a. ir t I'liulilii't wnlt. For threshing tlius to coma sksIii Tbl bati'hclnriKiii is sui a ihh.. If threshing lime would Inst all year, We surely wouiu no mum. For now the. grub tbesn cook tlr up, m suio to suit us overy clatter. Hume time I hiito to work H day, At pitching bimdlo off lha slin k, Pule si some girl In blue, Then I pitch (III I mol break my buck, Or when I go up to Die limine, on errand fur tho men, look and siiillo upon thit gaU, Hut they antler l mo up ami then They rust a longing eyo around. At "lacier" mini than mo, Who llh hi Jest and winning llille Start up J'dly laiigl'lng heo. Or often 'tl sotno dude from (own, Whose dad ha got tho cnh. And o II goes, It seem lo inn, Never mind well eat while wo thresh. Hut John 'Iwiihii'I meant for man to live, And chore and cook alone, I've found It out since I'm too old, To court a cook, and earn a homo. Iknfncss Cttiuixt l-J curuS by Iik-kI ni4lclin. IIb-V lit IT. I .1 l.l" hw4 i.tlli ul iw .r . .. . . ..... Ilul 1. I. ..Ml ,.,l.,l .ml r, M i. V-..-.I I,, ui MilUiuod mi.llll. "I ll miuonu M''' '" O"' In-""-'"" "",0 "' "" wilrrl lill 11 " "" "" i,rm u tl- cmuII. ! l n"-'"' "" ' U.MI ul .ml Hi" I'll" """"' IMI. hr.ll" lll I" n..w..).. '"""""": uill I'l ll i-.U.l l' lll". - - ' bill .11 llill.illi. ! i .mi.hi"i - - . W. .Ill mir llw.l"l 1"II I"' ' lr.liir !..... I I'V n.l'1'l'l l"- ' "I"' w M.Mt-.ui'-h ... ..? n": i ir"u. o r i . .... H. il.1 by llru.vtil.. I I. U 11.11 t -m l, I'lll" I'" ELWOOD. Mrs. Delia Vallen spent part of the day Wednesday with Mrs. Tvrrah Bon- "''. T. Henderson was well pleased with his gralu yield, oats went 7 bushels per acre; wheat 49 bushels per acre. Klmer Dibble went to the huckle berry patch and pronounces them Rrl'"n . . . U-w Vallen cut grain ror mnny ui the neighbors, cutting some grain at Colton. Miss Hazel Freeman Is attending the Advent eanuuneetlng at Troulilitln Otis Vallen has been helping Mr. Cox In his grain. Mrs. A. Henderson, Miss Monti" Cox and Miss Nsunla Vallen spent one day last week visiting at the mills on Clear Creek. Miss Anna Iloylan of Clear Creek. Is growing stronger. Mr. Cox has a plentiful supply of delicious peach plums, also a garden which shows the gain received by Ir rigation. It Is difficult to gel fruit owing to the scarcity of all kinds. Our Eastern friends should spend another year to fully appreciate our many delicious kinds and the abundance of fruit Ore gon soli can produce. Arthur Swcarlnes helped W. T. Hen derson stack his late gruln. In short nearly everyone Is stacking grain here C. E. Surfus Is threshing at Spring water. A. 8. Henderson assisted C. Free man and V. fl. Dix with their thresh ing this week in Highland. A number of people are preparing to go to the hoy yards. Some have gone. Matt Dibble mid Kd. Park have re turned from visiting relatives. Matt Parks and family, also Floyd Dlbblo hnd family, formerly from here, are now In Southern Oregon. Mrs. Matt Dibble and little one was visit Ing relatives near Estacadu last week. Dan Stnhlnecker helped Mr, Cox stack grain Wednesday and Thursday. A number of cattle men spent a day burning over HO acres of pasture land. During the Hummer many people take their cuttle to Ui.t mountain rangos and then In the fall by a few days stall feeding tho stock Is sold for beef. Miss Nouna Vallen Just returned from a pleasant visit at (iresham. Mrs. Dells and Lewis Vallen were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Stnhlneck er Sunday. In honor of Professor Kendell of tho Col'cge of Philomath, Ice cream was served by the Henderson family. Oth ers present were Mrs. Delia Vallen, Miss Myrtle Henderson, of Oregon City, und Mr.- and Mrs. Dan Stnhl necker. A. S. Henderson and wife and Pro fessor Kendell attended church at Highland Siindiiv, where a very In (Continued on page 7.) Nttsul Catarrh quickly yields to treat, mmit by the g:et'iililii, ariuiiiitic F.ly's Crciiin lliiltii. It is receive! through tbs nostrils und rli-uiiiv ami hi'als the whole surface over which it diffuses Itself. Drug gists sell the Mie. sizii. 'IVt it and you are sure to continun thu trmitment till re lieved. , Announcement. To Bcroiiiiuisl ito llioso who are partial to the urn of atomizers in applying liquids Into the iwisiil passages for ealiirrhnl trou bltt, the proprietors prepare Cream Ualra is liquid form, which will be known sa Ely's Liquid L'reiim Hiilia. Pries Including tbs praying tube ia 75 cent. Druggists or by mail. The liquid fons umlxidii-a tha mad icinal propertiua of the solid preparation. Every Plumber has his specially. Ours is prompt and satisfactory work. Nowhere In town can you find such high grade goods, first clans workmanship and prompt service combined with such MODERATE PRICE as we are now offering. All plumb ers' supplies constantly on hand P. C. GADliE Tinning, Hot Air Furnace- and Hop Pipes. All Kinds of Job bing and Spraying Material. 914 Main St. Phons 254. OREGON CITY.