OR BOON CTTY ENTERPRISE, Fit IDA Yt AUGUST 25, 1911. 7 Milwaukee MILWAUKIE. Tim Artisans will give A second bniieM hull Hiiliinluy evening at Crys tal Ukii I'ark. Admission, Kniiiliiunii Dlle, IihIIok, ft I'd, J. A. I'tci Mon litiH finished plaster ing llio ii c w Ciuii'iiril hi IhiiiI hmiMK Tim rmrpenleis will rinlxli tlio building In limit for Din fall lyrin, George TlmiiiiHiii m rimiiliiK the wagon fur llm (ink (irovn muiit mar ket. v Klilmi Cross returned Sunday from llalimy, Or, . MlNH Kllzllliclll Htrolll, IIHNlNlllIlt niMlilor ni dm himk, returned from her vacation hiHt Friday mid In back In Imr dm Inn, (in Monday evening about twenty friends or MIhh Hoplila Htrolli gitthor t'd nt lh-iiry Hlndli rctildi o to UN slat in I'tdiduiiiliiH mr lilrdnluy, A very enjoyable, time In reported by tliiiHD wlui attended, The Catholic plclilo wiih largely at tended Hunday ami wan a success fliiani'liillv, nulling Mm building fund IHU.n. Tim Unlles' Auxiliary are very Ihaiikfiil (o tlui people for their assistance! mid support, Mm, Kenncr, of Ouk Grove, won the doll that wan rarri.'d. IhiIn Ham, Dim of the helpers nt (In' shingle mill, n ulti nick. Mm. Jennie Davis has been moved lo Iht noii Charli'ii' homo. Hln Ih Im proving. Tin iiiovIiik plrtiirn show will open Haliirday evening under new miimign mem. Mr, lilooilKO'id will ha vi' charge. Ho ban rented the Mm. Ih- i ii ii B house ami will move hi fam ily them hihiii. Tim Arllai'iiM hi'i.f a IiIk meeting TiH-Hiliy iivciiliiK. They will give a bull ni Crystal Ijiku Turk Haliirday uvi'iilnt, August y,. Iloisley't orches Ira will play. Mm. Kinley ('. Hliaw, of Ijikewuod, was an Oregon City visitor Halurdiiy, A Ijtlmr liny ruli'lirullon will ho tii'ld In CryHlal Ijiko I'ark J-abor Pay, September 4, under the auspices of the Federation Trade t'tilniiH of Port bind. I'ronilnenl nMukem will be preHenl. Mr, tVltto will have tliu ilunce pavilion enlarged and put In a (IIiiIiik rimiti hy that tlui" and Improve I lie park other ways. Kred I'lper In bulldlnic a four room IiiiiikhIiiw In the Hhlndler addlllon. II. C. Werer iiiiide a trip to South ern Ort'Kon hiHt week. Mr. und Mm. George Kkow, of linn dull, Or., are spending few days with Hi-v. 1C. Ritili'lmiigh und family. Mr. Hkow Ih on the way lo Vullcyford, Wash., to locate. Hev, K. IMdcliaugh returned homo Krliluy from IiIh vacation to Wash ington. Jim Mathews and Kd. Kellogg, of our prominent business men, Wednesday mornliiK for Seaside. John WcUler and John Hunt! two left left Wednesday timmlng for HeiiHldu. Arthur WeliHler and Dun Ma..a went to HeiiMlde Inst week for a few days' varnilon. I,ci Johnson and the other O. N. 0. boyH, returned home frotii Kort Col umbia, where they camped ten days. Mr. Kred Wetzler. of Portland, spent M unlay with Mm. I. H. Mullen and family. Tim cross-walks on Main Htroet art dearly completed and add murh to the Improvement of our city. The. Scandinavian Society of which A. U IlolMted Ih a meiuber, will kIvo ii hlgh-eliiss concert at the linker Thea tre In Portland, Hunday evening, Ann um 27. The l.uthcrn College Hand will fornix!) the mimic. Thin band Is on Ih annual tour through the Wldille Went and on the Pacific Coast, end ing wltn n concert at Amorla centen nial on the Scandinavian day In that city. Wife Got Tip Top Advice. "My wife wanted mo to take our boy to the doctor to cure an ugly boll," writes 1). Krniikel, of Stroud, Okla. "I wild 'nut Hueklen's Arnica Salvo on It.' She did no, and It cured the boll In a short time." Quickest healer of Hums ScalilH, Cuts, Civiis, Uriilses, SpraliiH, swellings, llest pile cure on earth. Try Drug Co. it. Only 2.1c at Jones OAK GROVE. The MlsseH Florence and I-nn Ken tier, of RlHley, will leave Friday for a week s visit with friends at Seottlo, Wash. Dr. nnd Mrs. Felblg and MIhh linn eyninn, of Chicago, III., will spend the week's r ml at Cloud Cnp Inn. MIm Hiiiieyman expects lo ascend ' In? mountain. Prof. Ilutler wiih a vlHltor here Til day. He will return to Us parent's home and remain until school open In September. George Howm, of Tualatin, was here Friday on n visit to lis brother Charles llorgun and family. Mrs. William Cedemon spent Fri day with her sisters In Portland. Mr. and Mm. Alexander of Sixty ninth street, Portland, were here Fri day morning on business. Miss Kllgore and Miss Cook were Portland vlsltora Friday. The Portland Railway Compnny Is putting sand snd gravel In front of the station. Dr. and Mrs. J. H. McArthur spent Sunday with Wostley McArthur t Rldgefleld, Waah. Dr. II. M. Rush, of Montavlllo, Is visiting bis daughter Mrs. E. C. War ren. Miss Anna Kuka was given a blith day surprise August 13, at her home OREGON CITY, OREGON 0ORS Well-made Screen Doors, $1.00 Adjustable V indow Screens . 2 5 and Northwestern 'ill r'iilt 11 til V f't.n viiiimIm ui'I- jMi.rt. ed lo the river and on tlm reluin to the homo rufrnNhmetita wir Nerved mid a pli'HHiint Hfiornoon upent. Ml in Honey man, of Chicago, 111., a coiihIii of lir, KelblK, I" upending the Hiiminer hern, The (llrln' Hand Ih prucllHlng TiU'H- itiiyn and Friday. They play for inn (irange at DamiiHcim o;i AugiiHl 20. Mr. mid Mm, ICiiiiiioiih and lni'o Hon went to WaMbougal, WuhIi., Fri day morning, to upend tliu goldnn wedding of Mr. KinmotiH' prirenlN, re t ii in I ii k boinn Friday evening. Dr. McArtliur'a aunt from Canadit, U vlililng her relative here mid alao In KldKefleld. WiinIi., and 1'ortlund. Mm. MrArtbur and Mm. J. If. M-:-Arlhur were I'ortlaml vlillori Friday Mm. Cliiiiubera haa been entertain ing MIh I'urkhltl from Toronto, Can ada, Mm, Kill Hpldell mid two children were Portland vlKltor Frldiiy. The Oak drove ClrU' Hand wiih given a plc-nlc on the river Hunday by Mr. AriiiHlrong, Mm. ArniHtrong, Mr. ICIIIh und other parent of inoiiihem, The glrU played aeveral Helectlotm anil wre encored by periioim In piiHH Ing boatM and tbo people out for the day. A IniHket lunch waa nerved and llm children enjoyed the day by play ing In the Miinil and water, Mr. and Mm. W. J. Alexander, of Portland, have purchaHnd the confec- tlonury More of Man her mid IIuhIi. II. II. Warren and Mr. Eininona went to Ijtliirell Hunday to flHh. The CryHlal Uiko baHeball tenm de feated ibo Oak drove bull team Hun day at Cryniul Ijike: aiore 7 to 1. Arthur lleynolda la better and haa been taken home from the hoapltnl. Mm. Heynolda whlie to thunk every one who o kindly helped her Hon when be got hurt liiHt Biindny. A number of Ouk drove rcHldentH attended llm circus Friday and Hut unlay. Dr. McFnrland. who hag been 111 for Heveral inonthH, la able to be out and went lo Portland Saturday. Mm. H. A. HughoH, of Oladntone, Hpent a few hour here fiuturday, the gneHt of Mm. CharleH Worihlngton. Mm. Kllli Hpent Saturday In HII verton. She accompunied (iraiidma lledrlck home. Mm. W. M. Illce wan a Tort land vlHltor Halurdiiy. J. II. and Mm. Kveiii left Haturduy for Southern Oregon. They expect to be away aeveral niontha. MIhs Ixmla Kennedy waa a week end vlnltor at Vunconver, Waah. She vlHlted n-Iutlvea. Mra. W. P. HiiHhnell Iibi been en lertulnlng three of ber nlocea from St. IvmIr for (he pan! three weekH. They are Mrn. J. M. Vlniont, MIhhob Clara und Chariot Bkeele. They went to Hie beach with Mr. IliiHhneU'a aou. Mrs. I K. Huntley und two children have returned from Markham, where they vlhltod reludvea the pnst threo weeku. The nuyiy filemla of the Into Fred llelfrlch will be aorry lo hear of hla death. Mr. llelfrlch lived here for Heveral InonthH und was well known by aoine of our realdonU for a good many yearn. HIh wife haa the aym pathy of ull their frlenda. HIh re maltiH w-ere taken to Alhena for In terment. Dr. and Mm. VnnWatlem, of Port land, who are camped with their fain-. Ily at Klk Creek, were here on a IiuhI Den trip and spent threo daya with .Mm. VanWattem" brother, J. U Voh burg and wife. Tracy Moore returned home Sun duy evening nfter two weeks' sojourn at SeliHlde, Or. Mrs. Myra Moody entertained the dlrls' Hand at lunch TneHduy, after (heir lesson. Mr. Mitchell wna a Mllwaukle. visi tor Monday afternoon and evening. The Oak drove dlrln" Hand will go to Diiiiihscub Saturday and play for tho grange. Tbo trip will bo made In automobiles from dludntone. II. 0. StarkweaMier bus charge of the af fair. Mrs. Walter Terwiillger and cbll-1 dren, of Portland, spent Tuesday with fiiemls here and at Courtney. MIhs FIohhv Forshaw, of Pendleton, j Is visiting Mrs. Pat Worthliigton The Concord school Is Hearing com pletion. The plastfrlng Is finished and the carpenters are finishing the Inside work. The building will be ready foi the opening of the fall term. Charles RlHley nnd family went to mint Hood Friday In their nuton..)- j M bile, returning Saturday. They stopped at Government Camp, Rhodadandrum, and other punts of Interest on the road. llenrv Westermeler and family, of Portland, who purchased tho property j of Hen Llllls, south of Concord station, , has moved his family there. The one-vear-old son of Mr. Richard I Schroder, of Naefs, met with a f right- fill accident Saturday evening. Ills father set a bucket of boiling water on the floor. The little tot put his arm In nnd pulled the bucket on him, scalding his body. Dr. Mount was called nnd relieved the little sufferer. Miss Jennie Cnples, of Portland, will occupy the home of her sister, Mrs. B. le Paget, while the family are away. Mrs. Emily C. Tripp died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. eGorge Jmies, Tuesday morning at 7:30 o'clock. The services will be held at Flnley's undertaking parlors, Port land, Wednesday at 2:30 p. m. In terment at River View Cemetery. Mrs. Tripp was in her 7fiih year and Is survived by two sons and two daugh- Keep Oat the Flies Clackamas & (era. They wero all at ber bedside when hIih passed away, MrN. Huter mid two daughtom loft WeilnoHiliiy for a few days' visit In WiiHhlngton. Mrs. W. If. Moore and daughter were Portland visitor Wednesday. Mrs, lluhii'iel and 'tree nieces wero Portland sightseers Wednesday. CASTOR I A For Infant! and Children. The Kind Ycu Hare Always Bought Hoar the Lilt'naiure JENNING8 LODGE. Officer Mlli t' from Oregon City was at this plnco on Thursday, trying to loeuto a revolver which bad been re ported stolen from a house at Hoard man station while the owners were awuy. Mr. Haskell of Salem was also a IiiihIiichh vlHltor here on Thursday, having something to sell of hit own patent, which wus of Interest to poul try raisers. As Monday, August 21st, was the fifth birthday anniversary , of Miss Alice MacFurlune, her mother Invited a number of Utile misses tc a swim ming party. After an hour at the beach they returned to Ino MacFar lane home and eleven guests encir cled the lea tuble which was very pretty .with a center piece of sweet peas and ferns. Mesdumos Waldron, Uohlnson and Roberts were also guests. Hesldes these ladies at tne tea table were Mary Jane Pulntow Muble MunHon, Ruby and Irene Warn er, Vivian Hpooner, Donald MacFar lane, and MIhs Alice MacFtrlune. MIhs Smith and MIhs Alia Smith of Portland, Maine, who have been vis iting Mm. Carl Smith have gone to the Dalles for a week. The members of Orace Chapel wore very sorry to here that tho bishop has transferred Hev. Morris Heverllng to Kverelt, Wash., and on Hunday, Aug. L'oih, gave his furewell sermon. While It la with regret we hear of the change we wlHh success to Brother Heverllng and family In their new fit-Id of labor, which Is a larger and more promising place. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Roberts and Halmor leave for Seaside this week for their vacation, A. C. MacFarlnne Is agi'n able to attend to hla office duties In Portland after an Illness of several months. Mrs. Uyrkltt, wife of Dr. of Hoston, Mass., has returned to her home after a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R'aldron. Mm. 8. P. Dow of St. Paul., arrived on Monday with her two little daught ers for an Indefinite stay with her mother, Mrs. Jennie Z. Jons. Mrs. Calvin P. Morse and babies have returned from the summer vaca tion which was spent down on the farm at Yamhill. Hay Hoddell of Yamhill spent Sun day with" his father, C. H. Hoddell. while enroute to San FramiBco. Mrs. U Wilcox has been lndesposed tho past week so much so tV.elr family physician from Portlnnd made sever al calls at the Wilcox fionie. Mr. Wulter Heckner has finished the Turney cottage nt Covell and Is now drawing plans for a house for C. P. Morse which will be built soon. Mr. Waldron Is having cement walks at his home. Mr. -Nelson doing the work. Miss Mary Rose, who recently ar rived form Helena, Mont., nnd has vis ited her sister Mrs. Hugo Fandstrom, has accepted a position with Frank HiiHch In Oregon City as bookkeeper. Mr. Elmer Ronrdman was at this place last week to engage hop pickers for his yards near Aurora. Miss Mable Manson of Portland, is spending this week with Mrs. Harry Robinson. Mrs. Phelps, who has spent the sum- n,r Wjtn j,r ,rther, V. A. Mack re- turned to her home In Grand Rapids. Mlchlgnnn Among the ninny Improvements on the Jennings homestead an ecetylene gas plant will he Installed this week. Will Jennings reports that many of the finest residences In Seattle have Installed the nhove plants and are til. ..... I nl V. ll.vl., a tn . n n wr ' ' . rmn,.,n.i Club held on the evening of Aug. 21 proved to be an enthusiastic one. As tho subject of the Improvement of the public highway seemed to be the uni versal favor of all present. C. P. Mori)),i chalrmnn of the good roads romintt 0f tnB cub: and who aw companled the other commercial club committees In the auto trip over the route which passes through here the most feasible one. Messrs. O. D. Hoardmnn, Will Jennings, Dave Hardy nnd P. D. Newell gave talks aiso. Grandma Newell has returned from n three months visit with her grand daughter, Mrs. Watson at Seaside. John Roberta andl ramily have moved to Lents. Rev. F. C. Hergstresser and wife are visiting at the G. D. Hoardmnn home. Rev. Hregstresser has been appointed to supply the Grace Chapel here. Messrs. Geo. Sewall and Chns. Hod dell left for Whilemlna on Tuesday going up to the former's hotnestend to make Improvements. A fire caused a great deal of ex citement at the river on Monday when the gasoline stove sprang a leak, ow ing to the presence of mind of Mrs. H. H. Emmons it was extinguished, which In a short time would hare proved disastrous to Buena Vista, which Is occupied by Horace Cushing and wife. We Guarantee Every Box I of Dr. Bell's Antiseptic Salve to do what we claim. Try It for ulcers, i bolls, running sores, tetter, ringworm, j eczema, salt rheum, fever sores, cuts, bruises, pimples, black heads, chaps, ; felons, burns or any skin disease. 25c ; a box. Geo. A. Harding, Druggist, You Don't Have to Pay the expense of a delivery wagon when ycu buy from our Freth clean stock of groceries. 17 Ibt. best granulated sugar $1. Our 25c coffee beats them all. e GROCERY HARRIS' Oregon C ty CM ARRANGES FOR OPENING Or SCHOOLS County Superintendent of Schools dury has made preparations for the opening of school, next mqnth. He has written a letter, a copy of which will be sent to each school officer in ! this county, notifying th' in of the i short time until school will begin, and asking (hut all the buildings be prop erly cleaned, aired, and all water sup plies looked after. In part, the letter says, "Feeling the need of belter spelling and more accurate and rapid compulation, the Clackamas County School league as sisted by the teachers, supervisors and county superintendent, will conduct a spelling and arithmetic contest." A real estate firm, of Oregon City, will give real estate to the vnlue of $300 to the school making tho highest aver age In the test. The contest will be run on a percentage basis, which will give all the schools an equal chance. The contest will be a sr'es of five examinations conducted bv the teach ers, at their respective srhools, the questions being uniform and furnish ed by the county school league. At the close of the five tests, the ten highest schools will be given a test by the superintendent, ind the one standing highest In this test, will be awarded CO per cent of the value of the property, which will probably be sold In order to make the division. Th achiml standing second will re- celve 1C and two-thirds per cent of the value, and six and two-thirds per cent will be given to the best fourth, Pacific Coast sugar market Wednes flfth, sixth, seventh and eighth grade, dajr (be advance In tne East is In the count, that stand the highest, taken as a sure Indication that higher It Is the opinion of County Super- prices will follow quickly. That has Intendent Gary, that by offering the been the history of the Coast sugar prizes to the whole school, (he pupils trade recently. will all be encouraged to do harder, advance , New Tork ,g due t0 work than If It was offered to the one ,he much Rreater gtrength noticed re best student. In the spelllr.g contest. cently , European centem. The best the percentage system will be used, market abroad la the firmest ever that is If a student Is absent on the known crop , 5elow former day of a test, the words that this stu- pectatlons and with practically no sur dent should have spelled will all be ,ui of reflned on hand together with counted missed. In this way there an lncreaged demand, the outlook Is will be no chance for tho poor spellers exceednely good to stay out on test day and help boost j the average of their school. I HIDES (Buying Green hides, Sc Most of the plans have been per-j to 6c; saltern, 5V4c to 6c; dry hides, fected for this large contest, and It 12c to 14c. Sheep pelts, 25c to 75c la thought the final text will take each. place sometime In March, of this DRIED FRUITS Local prices are school year. firm at from 8c to 10c on apples and ECTORS Of PLAN IMPROVEMENTS The executive committee of the Clackamas County Fair Association Wednesday completed arrangements for the exhibition to be given at Can- by. September 27. 28, 29 and 30. It was decided to build a new road from the railroad to the fair grounds, and to erect a large arch at the entrance. A restaurant will be Installed in the grnnd stand, and the grounds will be laid out In streets. A force of men will begin making the Improvements next Monday. More persona have an nounced their Intention of camping on the grounds this year than ever before, and the fair promises to be the most succesful ever held. Ar rangements have been mide for two I special trains to be run to the fair daily from Oregon City. The execu tive committee Is composed of J. W. Smith, president; O. D. Eby and M .J. Lazelle. The Cause of Eczfma Is germ life that burrows under and feeds op the skin. The wr.y to cure ECZEMA Is to remove the cause by washing away with a clean, penetrat ing liquid, the germ life c.nd poisons that cause the trouble. We have a preparation (hut will do this. The first application will stop the itching and give prompt relief to an irritated. Itching or inflamed skin. If you are a sufferer from Bkln or scalp eruption In any form, try one bottle of this clean scientific prepara tion, we are confident you will be pleased with the results from the use of this standard preparation for ec zema. Good for Infants as well as grown persons. Huntley Bros. Co. Drug Store. WIFE MARRIED 37 YEARS SUES. Mm. Chrlttenaa A. Bluhm Alleges Hutband Deserted Her. Chrlstensa A. Bluhm is the plaintiff In a divorce suit filed In the Circuit Court, the defendant being F. W. Bluhm. They were married In Den mark on June 19, 1874. There were nine children born to them. Mrs. Bluhm says her hushand deserted her, and has refused to live with her. She is represented by E. L. McDougall. OF t, CANDIDATES IN MISS LENA STORY. MRS. E. F. 7.IMMERJ MISS EVA KENT. MISS ELLA WHI1 MISS CAN DATES IN MRS. M. T. MACK MISS ADA LAKIN MISS FAY BATDORF MISS EPNA HUTCHINSON MISS MIIJ1RED REAM MISS AHA CARES MISS I.II.UAN HOLMES.. MISS NORA KIMRERLY. . MRS Jl'I.IA HOLT MISS INEZ KNOX MISS ELSIE SHOENRORN mico FTllFt. riflSXBR MISS BLODWEN THOMAS MISS MAY JOHNSON .7... MISS ETHEL HE BOK MIPS ANNIE GARDNER. . MISS HELEN SMITH MISS HELEN RABICK MR. riEl lA ROBERTS MISS ROXY COLE MISS VURNA MEAD MISS HAZEL HUNG ATE MISS JESSIE AKINS STANDI CANDIDATES The ttotnich It lrer factor in " life, liberty and the pur suit of happiness" than mutt people are aware, Pairiotitia can withstand hunger but not dytpeptia. The confirmed dy peptio "is fit for treaion, stratstems and spoilt." The mia who oct to the front for bit country with a weak ttoraicb will be a weak tolditr and a lault finder. A tound itomacb maket for food citizenihip at well at for health and btppinett. DiaeeMt ot the ttomtcb tod other orftni of Hi (estioo and nutrition art promptly and permanently eured by the use oi Dr. PIERCE'S GOLDEN MEDIUM, DISCOVERT. It build up bodr with Bound mad tolld mutel. The dealer who often tubetitute for the " Discovery" la only eeekinf to make the little more profit realized on the tale of leta meritorioue preparation!. Dr. Piercc't Common Sense Medical Adviaer it tent frii on receipt of atampa to pay expenae of mailing tny. Send 21 one-cent atampa for the paper covered hook, or 31 atampa for the cloth bound. Addreat World'a Diapenaary Medical Aaaociation, R. V, Pierce, M. D., Pretident, Buffalo, N. Y. Pi UPWARD TENDENCY There Is a much firmer tone In the sugar trade. A further advance of 10 points In the Eastern market caus ed Increased strength alon? the Paci fic Coast. Raw i-u gars are now quoted at $5 In the New York market and are firm- er at that figure than they were a short time ago at the lower markets While there waa no advance In the i prune, feacnea are 19C. , SALT Selling 60c to 90c tor One. 50 lb. tick. half ground 40c; 75 for 100 lb. sacks. - ! Portland Vegetable Markets. ! SACK VEGETABLES Carrots, S1.25fi $1.50 per sack; parsnips, $1.25 ,611.60; turnips, fl.253 $1.50; beets, i $1.50. I VEGETABLES Asparaau;, 90ci3 if 1.75 per crate; eabbage, new, $2 per hundredweight; cauliflower, f l.oO $1.75 per dozen; celery, California, 73c (a 90c per dozen; cucumbers, fl.503 f2.25 per dozen; eggplant. 15c per lb.; garlic, 10c(gl2c per pound; lettuce, 1 50c per dozen; hothouse lettuce, fl.59 fif2 per box; peas, 9c 11c per pcund; peppers, 30c 35c Pr pound; radishes, 15c per dozen; rhubarb 2V4c g3c per pound; sprouts, 9c; tomatoes, $?.25. ONIONS Jobbing prions; Oregon $2.75 per 100: Australian, $3.50 per 100; Texas. $2 25 per crate: Califor nia, $2 per crate Oregon Cltv Stock Quotations. HOGS Hogs are quoted c lower. From 125 lbs. to 150 lbs. 9Hc, from 150 lbs. to 200 lbs. 84c. BACON. LAKH and HAM, are Arm VEL CALVES Veal calvea ortng from 8c to luc according to grade. BEEF STEERS Beet steers for the local markets are fetching SHc to 6c live weight. SHEEP m nrtu at ac to 5c live weight. Quotarron "or Oregon City. POTATOES Best, Buying 14 cents pound. F1UR AND FEED Flour Is steady, selling from $5 to $5 50; very little of cheaper grades. OATS (Buyng) Gray. $23 to $24, white, from $25 to $26. BITTT5R (Buying) Ordinary ccuntry brings from 15c to 20c, fancy dairy from 20e to 22c, cream ery 22e to 25c. EGGS Best grade 25 cents. POULTRY (Buying Firm with lit tie good stock offered. Good hens are bringing 12c. Old roosters are In poor demand, broilers bring from 16c to 18c with good demand. WOOL (Bujnngl Vool prices are ranging from 14 to 17 cents. FEED Shorts $29 to $30; rolled barley, $31.50 to $32.50; process bar ley, $33.00: whole corn, $39.00: cracked corn, $40.00: wheat $32.00 to $33; oil meal, $53; Shady Brook dairy feed, $1.25 per hundred ponnds. I HAY (Buying. Timothr $16 W !$17; clover $9 to $10; oat hay, best, $12; mixed, $10 to $12; alfalfa, $12 to if 14. T DISTRICT NO 1. i Votes. ? Oregon City 44061 S Oregon City 33039 ? Oregon City 81985 Oregon City 41035 Oregon City 4S909 ? Oregon City 65554 Oregon City 3526 Oregon City 8546 8 Oregon City 856S S Oregon City 3936 $ Oregon City 17865 DISTRICT NU. i. Votes. S ...Canby 88062 ...Mllwaukle 2S023 ...West Oregon City 83522 . . .Canbv 7521 ...Willamette 97661 ...Sandv 2525 ...Sandy 18226 ...Boring 2508 ...Oak Grove 7638 Boring 1G430 Cams 27461 Snrlnewater lh..sub Reaver Creek 7S666 ...Clackamas 10670 ...Willamette 6742 ...Meldrum 66660 ? ...Canemah .' ...Stafford 61572 ...Jennings Lodge 80 ...Mo"illa 2501 - Gladstone ai.MJ Molalla 11817 Mulino ZSJis Patriotism WOMAN HERE TO ORGANIZE FARMERS MRS. CARLEY WILL CANVASS COUNTY IN INTEREST OF SC'IETY OF EQUITY. CONSERVATION OBJECT Of ORDER Farmer In Eastern And Southern States Have Been Greatly Benefited By Joining Society. That the farmers of the United States will, in a few years, be thor oughly organized and able to com mand a fair price for their products, was the statement made by Mm. G. T. Carley, of Hood River, one of the or ganizers of the Farmers' Society of Equity, who came here Tuesday. "We consider the Willamette Val ley one of the most Important fields In which to work, and I shall remain here until a good working organiza tion is effected," said Mrs. Carley. ;'The purpose of the organization is merely that of conservation. Too much energy is wasted by the fann er. They must learn not only how to get the best, results from their farms, tut how to get the best prices a( a minimum cost of transporting the produce to the markets. The farmers in many of the Eastern and Southern states are well organized, and the results are much more satis factory than was anticipated. If our plan of conservation is carried out the farmers will get a fair compensation for what they produce." Mrs. Carley la working in connec tion with George W. H. Miller, and Harry Y. Miller, the representatives of the organization in this county. Although no extensive canvass has been made, many of the farmers have indicated their intention to arniiate with the organization and it is be lieved that a good working order will soon be established. Mrs. Carley called attention to the good prices that have been obtained for tobacco in Kentucky ana Mary land through the Society of Equity. She said prices were so low before the growers became mea.jers of the society that the farmers were hardly able to eke out an existence, and as soon as the society was organized prices took an upward turn, and are higher now than ever before. CATARRH 18 2.8 HAY FEVER ELY'S CREAM BALM Applied Into tha nostril ta quickly abaorbad. CIVE8 RELIEF AT ONCE. It cleanses, soothes, heals and protects the diseased membrane resulting from Catarrh and drives away a Cold in the Head quickly. Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. It is easy to use. Contains do injurious drugs. No mercury, no cocaine, no mor phine. The household remedy. Price, 50 cents at Druggists or by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St., New York OWEN G. THOMAS BLACKSMITHING AND REPAIR WORK. Best of work and satisfaction guar anteed. Have your horses thod by an expert; It pays. All kinds of repair work and smithy work. Prompt service; greater por tion of your work can be done while you do your trading. Give me a trial job and tee if I can't please you. OWEN G. THOMAS Cor. Main and Fourth Sts. Oregon City IS THE TIMF BE ST I Hi it- f tba raar to hava you taath out aa4 pUU aa4 brlittvirork doaa and ban Ii tha plaea to f-t tba kaat paialaaa wark paaai ala. Comon rari'riMa. 1w taltk plat a.. of . tow Htnni Id on dr if dmir.l. t-alnlei ttr-ti' fr ihM ftila or bride, ork ia ordar 4. CauaMaliaa In. KaUrCran $5. CO 22.Bridc.Taatt4.G3 Gal ratla, 1. CO !----.7 '- j Cauwl FiUiaca ICO I Silm Fillintt .53 i ' Disbar j- 1 filial O.UJ I B. d.j a. .Li rui.. 7.50 ta. i. m. r , n luai anamaaai Pfafui riinlail F.ltr'tia .50 car atTNoai AU work fuUr ffuaraatawd for flrtoea rr. Wise Dental Co., Inc. Painless Dentists faTlnt Bulldlnf. Third riWflnf-on arjaTUND OPf SUleaBaaia: II M Kll li. !ura,lkl mm) Wants, For Sale, etc. WANTED dood girl for gonernll housework. Inquire at Recorder'! Office, 25 POST CARDS ZBcts. High grade cards, no two alike; 5 valuable cou pons with each order. North Ameri can Post Card Co., Ho 79, Orange Mass. WANTED Girl fur general house work. Call at store one door north of First National Bank, or opposite poHtofllre. WANTED To rent, one or two acres of bind and house; outbuildings for chicken raising preferred. Low rent. Address, F. J. D., cure Enter prise, Oregon City. WANTED To rent 1 or 2 acres of land and house, outbuilding for chicken raising preferred; low rent Address "F. J. D." care Enterprise, Oregon City. 8ummona. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County, Florence E. Hall, PlalntlfT, ye. Clarence W. Hall, Defendant To Clarence W. Hall, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled cause on or before the 7th day of October, 1911, and If you fail to appear nnd answer for want thereof the plaintiff will ap ply to the Court for the relief prayed for In her said complaint, to-wlt: For a decree of this Court dissolv ing the marriage contract now exist ing between plaintiff and defendant and for the care, custody and control of their minor child, James Wesley Hall, and for swh other and further relief as to the Court may seem equit able. , This summons Is published by or der of the Honorable J. T7. Campbell, Jndge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the Fifth Judicial District, made and entered on the 22d day of August, 1911, and the time prescribed for the publication of this summons is six weeks, beginning Fri day, .August 25th. 1911, and ending with the Issue of October 6th, 1911. Dated August 22(5, 1911. . GORDON E. HAYES, Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice of Registration. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, In and for Clackamas Coun ty. In the matter of the application of Fannie Grlessen, a widow and an unmarried woman, to register the title to Lot No. Three (3), Block No. Nine (9), Oregon City, Clacka mas County, Oregon, vs. Walter Pomeroy and Jane Pomeroy, his wife, D. Marx and E. C. Jorgen sen, doing business nndci the firm name of Marx & Jorgensen, and To All Whom It May Concern, De fendants. Take Notice: That on the 23d day of August, 1911. an application waa filed by said Fannie Grlessen, a widow and an unmarried woman in the Cir cuit Court of Clackamas County, for Initial registration of the title of the land above described. Now unless you appear on or before the 7th day of October, 1911, and show cause why such application should not be granted, the same will be taken as confessed and a decree will be entered according to the prayer of the appli cation, and you will be forever barred from disputing the same. B. U McDOUOAL, Attorney for Applicant 610 Cham, of Com. Bldg., Portland, Oregon. W. L. MULVEY. Clerk. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Pearl Burton, Plaintiff, T8. James Burton, Defendant. To James Burton, above named de fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above named suit, on or before the 6th day of October, 1911, said date being the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of this summons, and if you fall to ap pear or answer said complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In her complaint, to-wlt: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now'exlstlng between the plaintiff and defendant. This sum mons is published by order of Hon. R, B. Beatie, Judge of the County Court, which order was made and entered on the 21st day of August, 1911, and the time prescribed for publication there of Is six weeks, beginning with the Is sue of Friday, Aug. 25th, 1911, and continuing each week thereafter to and including the issue ol Friday, Oct 6th, 1911. GEO. C. BROWNELL & Wm. M. STONE. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Notice to Creditor. Notice is hereby given that the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas, has ap pointed the undersigned administra trix with the will annexed of the es tate of J. Philip Shannon, deceased. All persona having claims against tne said decedent, or his estate, are here-' by given notice that tbey shall pre sent them to the undersigned admin istratrix at the office of Jos. E. Hedg es, Esq., In the Welnhard Building in Oregon City, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice, with proper vouchers duly verified. Dated August 4. 1911. BERTHA S. GIE3Y, Administratrix with the will annexed of tho estate of J. Philip Shannon, deceased. JOS. E. HEDGES, Attorney. FLOUR A Straight Bluestem Every Sack Guaranteed. 8ample Sack Free. Sole Agents for Korrect Poultry Food. Oregon Commission Co 11TH AND MAIN STS. Oregon City. WHITE QUEEN1