Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 11, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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    OMfflON CITY ENTEItrJtlHK, VHWAY, AUGUST 11. 1911.
KuliiliiK al present writing and
tanners am much worried about sav
Iiik tlii'lr grain.
The Crown Columbia I'ulp ft Paper
Mill Company In driving Cottonwood
down llin Cliickainii. - The I I in in lr
Urn, urn driving ths wood,
Crop r good this scuson nml
farmer will du well If llii; rains do
not prevent tlimn from saving their
Itrnln. A. W. Cook bad the finest
field of wheat In thin Miction, nnd
bundle w taken for the state fulr
I'lm collector for tli fair exhibit
nmy gel good specimens from Kronk
Haherlach If tliy wish. II him some
of I lie fluent pie pi n nt to tin seen any
where, flm leaves of some of the
pliuilii itiVimiirt three feet across the
narrow way mid ths leafatalk la ft
laritti proportionately. Mr. Holier Inch
la it truck gardener and hug lately
added n Kiiaollim engine and pumping
plimt to IrrlKatn til at Kiirdeli. lie sold
f:i5 worth or relery from about a rod
square of Kniund luat aeiiaiii.
1 hero la a unrulier of Rood gnrd
rner In tlila aeetlon. Among tliein
are Waller Mulidheyke, A. Ilelnrlch,
Wllllum Shearer, tieorge lliicliman, M.
Ilelrnrlrii, J. A. Ilyers. (irant Mum
power. T. K. Ilrown. 0. T. Watt, E.
('. Iliirknlt mill aoli and John llitttnn.
Clear Cnrek Turk la frequented by
a large crowd every Hunday.
Tim Cliickamiia roud la narrow In
many place and ahoiild bo widened
or fenced In on the river aide with
good atroiiK fence. It la only a mut
ter of I him until some aerloua acci
dent will happen, and Cliirkamua
county will be railed upon to foot the
Id I In. The fence in now built around
"Cape Horn ' la not strong enough to
be of any use In raae of a runaway.
An automobile went over the bunk
tun ioiM K" and but for catching on
a lree aevenil person would have
been killed or seriously Injured.
The MiiniHwer auwmllt I running
aKnlu and him a big aupply of logs
on hand.
The oil Veil people have itreat
hope front present Indlcatlona and
mill keep boring away.
When You Feel
discouraged, confused, nervona, tired,
worried or despondent It la a ure
aliin you need Mott'e Nerverlne PW
They renew the normal visor and
mnkn life worth living. He aure and
Hk for Motfi Nerverlne PIIIb. Price:
ll.i'O by druKHlxla- William Mfg. Co..
Prop . Clevelnnd. O. For aale by
Huntley Ilro. and Jone Drug Co.
Rallied enoiih Monday. August 7, to
lav (he dual.
A number of persou from here are
camping at Wllholt wring.
Clay 1-orklna and lfc. of Salem, ,
have l. n vlHltlng hln parenla, Mr. ,
and Mr I. P. Liirklns. j
Mra. li.Mlle Myers will leave Aug- ,
urn l? for lu" to vlail her sister.
Hlie will be gone a :""nOi. !
The MMniuiini brua bund ha re-1
organized Willi rourieei. or min-n
plecea. , J. I'arvln. I Inati 'ctor.
There' will be an Ice crea.? aorlal
and entertainment at the hull, Friday
The Bklron mother have bough,
a new threading machine.
Children Ory
Huh I Brothers were cutting oats lust
Saturday.. .
The Muccabees met last Suturday.
A grange meeting was, held last
Saturduy. '
Mary Sullivan left for Portland hiat
A party was held at Mr. Cummins'
laat Frlduy.
Mrs. Lauer, of Portland, has been
visiting her slMter, Mrs. Hetttnun.
i..... in Mra Cook last week, a
Illfl II, " ... - -
' ".Mr. and Mrs. Buttemlller were In
town Inst Wednesday.
Mrs. Keller, of Mllwuukle, was In
Oregon City lust week, visiting her
" - "
Falls Victim to Thlevee. '
8. W. Bends, of Coul City, Ala., has
a Justifiable grievance. Two thieves
stole his health for twelve yeTrs.
They were a liver and kidney trouble.
Then Dr. King s New Life Pills throt
tled them. He's well now. Unrivaled
for Constipation, Malaria, Headache,
Dyspepsia. 25c. Jones Drug Co.
The hay buler operated by a crew
of ten men, Is mBklng the rounds in
Clackamas and vicinity.
Mr lsao.C Johnson, with hla team.
Is kept pretty busy hnullng powder
to the magazine for storage, and also
to town. . m . .
Mr Charles Chicken, of Dumfrle
shire' Scotland. Is visiting at the
home of his cousin, Mrs. Hafy Jen
nlngs! Mr. Chicken, made an exten
sive tour In China, Japan. Australia
and New Zealand before coming to
the Const. .. ' ,
Mrs. Mary Davies Jones, wife of
the pastor of the Congregational
church, returned last week .Thursday
from the St. Vincent hospital. Mrs
Jones Is recovering nicely from the
serious surgical "Prat Urn necessary
Mrs Raymore returned lt Friday
frou Tlllnmook. vher? b: anen.
three weeks with friends.
Last week Mr. Frank Peebler hitch
ed his team to the spring wagon, and
with his wife and two children, start
ed for the Coast, expecting to camp
along the way as suited the r con
cenience. They will be absent three
or four weeka.
Mamie Uniehberger Is ("pending the
week In Portland.
The Wittenberg family recently
removed from Zlz-Zag villa, to Lenta
Mr Wittenberg having aecured work
in Portland. The owner of the villa
has several men at work Improving
the place, by putting iP n front
fence, blasting rocks and stumps, and
painting the house and wster tower.
. J Thpmton Strlte atarted last Mon
Hay morning on a trip Eat- Mr
Strlte will visit friends and relatives
iln Montana. Kansas. Idaho and In
diana. He epeca to be gone about
four months. ...
A man was In town last week
looking for hopplckers to go to hla
ard near Salem. He .secured thirty.
A crew of fourteen are going to
K. W. Hmldf yard near Aurora.
Kred I'ntteraon and partner have
gone to llutla Creek to gut out stone
for building purpoacu, They took u
tent ulong and will camp.
Heverul aalea of property are re
ported about town,
Mis AiiiiIo (lurdiier and her (la
ter, Mra. Illiuirhft Walker, were In
(own lutely, looking up aubacrlber
for The Enterprise. Borry you did
not cull on the acrlbe, girlie.
Croup. '
I'wiplo with children ahould keep a
iMittle of Dr. Ilell'a I'lne-Tar-lloney on
hand at all time. Croup I worae at
night when It I oinetlme hard to
get a phylclun. 1Hik for the bell on
the bottle, (ieo. A. Harding, Drug
Hurry Worden and Henle Warner
left for Portland the latter part of the
week to vImII relative and frleliu.
J. A. Htromgreetuhad the mlafor
tun of loalng a fine yoiuig calf.
Mr. SwaiiBon, the ro:irl atipervluor,
of DlHtrlct No. 20, I hauling lumber
for the Mill Creek brldae, which I
to bo built aoon.
Mr. ar.d Mr. C. Btroingreen and
children called on Mr. and Mr, (iu.
Gotthiirg laat Hunday.
Mr. and Mr. I. O. Dig have moved
to Mullno. Mr. Dlx I Kolng to cll
hla place here and Intend to go Into
atore biiHliieaa with hi futber ln law,
Mr. John Evan at Mullno.
W. E. Ilonney wua a Imalnea vial
tor In Oregon City Tuesday.
Mr. Charlie and Mia !lur.el Kree
man, of Elwood, were culler at Col
ton laat Hunduy.
The Ixmrd of director of School
Dlatrlct No. 72 met Mondny and hired
for the coming term Mlaa Nora Wll
ami. of Oregon City, who wua out
Monday, accompanied by Mia Elliot
and Mr. A. O. Kreel, alao of Oregon
Crandma Dlx and aon. IT. B., were
vlaltlng at Dlx llrothera' eawmlll at i
Bchubel, luat Sunday.
Mr. Swanaon purchiiaed a cow luat j
John Ciuinlrymun made a trip to
Oregon Clfy Saturday.
Mr. Kandlo and some friend from
Highland, who hud been at the form
er's ranch In the foothill for some
time, returned hint Friday.
IT. 8 Dlx and Charb-s Freeman
pun haHcd a threading outfit from I
Mr. Henderson, at Ellwood, and were '
busy repairing the engine the laat
part of the week. They Intend to
start out threshing next week.
Phillip Puts wus homo from Schu
bel to spend Sunday with hi folks.
There would have been quite a
tire at Hull Brother' sawmill, laat
week, If It hadn't been for Mr. Uf
ferty, who awoke In the night and
aroused the owners and others, who
swilated In putting It out. .The slab
conveyor had caught fire from a slab
pile which "was on fire, and was al
ready burning quite close to the mill
before It waa noticed.
Mrs. W. E. Ilonney and daughters
were st Dodge for blackberries Wed
nesday and found quite a large quan
tity. ' '
A Cold
t. not necessarily serious, provided It j
Is tuken euro of. It Is frequently the
sturtlng olnt of many dangerous dls
OU..B Who., It nfimea n Dr. Hell's
Pi.-e-Tar-Honey. Look for the bell on ,
the LMtle. Geo. A. Harding. Druggist.)
Ralph Coleman visited friends and
relatives In Scllwood last week.
Miss Flora Armstrong is visiting at
MBrshfleld for a few days.
J. . Cobb, formerly a merchant of
Candy, was In Portland on business
the first of the week.
Mrs. J. Schmltt and daughter Mubel
were visiting relatives and friends In
Portland the first of the week. Mrs.
Schmltt's other daughter, Miss Aggie.
Is coming home with her. The latter
has been visiting them for several
Ralph May, Ray Vlnyard, Ruby
Smith and Ed. Krueger left for Port
land m Sunday.
Llndsley Cribble has been on the
sick list for a few days.
s Oren Jesse, of Needy, was in tan
by Wednesday on business.
J. A. Cobb and son of Portland,
were In Canby on Wednesday trans
acting business.
Howard Eccles, who has been pune
ill, has recovered.
We understand we are. to have a
new dressmaker In Canby as soon as
school starts.
Aron Hosing has accepted a position
In a Portland drug store, ana, win
commence his duties the first or Sep
tember. W. F. Schuller was in C.ervals on
Sunday. v
Born on Wednesday to Mr. and Mrs.
F. Allen, a Arte big boy. All are do
ing well.
Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey.
Is the best for coughs, colds, croup,
grip whooping cough, bronchitis, asth
ma and aJI throat and bronchial trou
bles. Sold everywhere; look for the
bell on the bottle. Geo. A. Harding,
i , . i .m.Im. . i. oat.
- i v.It hofnro thn rain be-
grain harvested before the rain ue-
Kvervnouv is oimy ujhik
Mrs. H. Morris and aon Charley of
Macksburg spent Sunday with, her
daughter, Mrs. Ed Howard and fam
ily B. O. Helvey made a business trip
Mr and Mrs Wallace, cousin, of
Mr' -Cest Jones, are Wing the
inn., fnmllv thin week
Charley Spangler worked for- Ed
Howard Monday, helping him to stack
bis grain. .
.Sldnev Smith was 111 last week.
Mr. Graves worked for Fred Spang
ler last week.
Dirk Johnson and Miss Berthfx
Rlggs of Cape Horn were at the
dance at Clyde Smith's Saturday
night. " ,
Frank Klmmey made a business
trip to Oregon City Monday.
B. M. Duvall sustained a serious
injury while mowing hay one day last
week. The horses attached to the
mower ran away, throwing Duvall in
front of the knife of the machine.
His left foot and leg were cut and
mangled. Mr. Duvall was taken to
the Wlldwood Hospital. It Is thought
that his leg can be saved. . -
The dance which was given by Er
nest ones in Clyde Snith's new
hnui Saturday ulgbt waa a big uo
ceaa. Everybody aeemed to huve a
good time until a lute hour when all
departed for home wishing Mr. and
Mr. Hmlih many thunka for their
nnjoyiitils evening. A lunch, eonslst
lug of coffee .nandwlrtoa, plcklea and
cake wa served at midnight. Elmer
ICrbkson helped (o furnlah the mualc.
There were about forty-five gueata.
We Do Not Recommend
Hutherluiid'a Eagle Rye flalv for any
thing but tho eye. It la a speedy and
hurrnlea cure for granulated llda,
scrofulous afire eyes, stye, weak eye
and dlmneaa of vlalon. Bold every
where 2r,c. r;oo. A. Harding, Drugglat.
The surrounding country ha had ,
iimn rain we hear which ha cooled1
off Stafford delightfully. j
The hurveaiera are being in-cured j
and the threaher will aoon be heard
aa eomo few have atuckeil grain when
not anfflclently cured and are afraid
of It heating and Injuring the kernel.
Mr. Aernl and wife and little daugh
ter aturled Sunday morning early to
drive to Hethnny to aee the wife'
mother, driving one of tbelr form
horaca. When near the corner by
Mr. Davla' at Tualatin h ran away,
got one foot In a barb wire fence,
tore Ihj hoe off, overturned the bug
gy, throwing all three out, broke the
buggy to ploce, got looae and when
they picked themaelve up Abe waa
out of alght. Fortunately they found
with the exception of various brulaea.
they were unhurt and Mr. Aernl start
ed after the horae, but took the wrong
road an I hunted for miles then turned
toward home, tired out and dlahcart
ened. In the meantime men had found
the horae In a ditch ahou; a mile away
unhurt except a few scratches but
atlll frightened. They caught her and
a good Samaritan brought the wife
and little girl back home, leading the
horae and on hi way back to Tuala
tin met Mr. Aernl and turned about
and brought blm home. They have
no Idea what frightened the bore.
Two or three fumllles had a pleas
ant picnic dinner In Nussbnum's
wooda laat Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. fichafz attended
church at Frog Pond laat Sunday snd
heard the new minim er and liked bis
sermon very much.
The truateea laid out the ground
for ,np new rhtirch on laat Saturday
UMin the land donated by Mr. Brink
for that punioae, and expect to liulld
in tne near ruiure.
Mr. Cage'g granddaughter, Mlaa
Alice Sweek. of Eaatern Oregon, who
ha been attending the rummer nor-
Material, Be& Available. Workmanship,
Firt Class in Every Detail. Finish, Handsome
and Durable. Result, a Wagon that is Worth
Every Dollar Asked for it and More.
Ask for Printed Matter and Pocket
Memorandum Book FREE! Mentionthispapfr
mal at CorvaMlls, Is now visiting rela
tives at Stafford and Tualatin.
Miss Harriet Hayes, daughter of
Judge Hayes, of Oregon City, Is still
with hor aunt, Mrs. Mllem on tRe old
Hayes ranch where her father played
when a 'bxiy. Miss Harriet Is very
pleasant yung lady.
Mr. Mlleni's aon, with his wife and
baby, are also staying till the harvest
Is over.
Some one tried to play, a practical
jok or else got the mistaken notion
that our esteemed fel.ow-townsman.
vrort uowr mleht he an easv mark,
so stuck a typewritten letter Into his
barn door, where he found It last Tues
day morning, threatening dire disas
ter If he dldnt put. $1500 In the cor
ner or the grave yard at 11 o'clock
Friday night, aid to say nothing to
. .v- ... ---- 7- -
nobody. The letter la a wonaeriuiiy
. j. ,.. i i a
expressea cumpuomuu, uuiu8 ucrp
ble way to Impress the fact upon his
mind that the authors must have the
money, but beyond frightening an In
valid wife almost Jnto nervous prostration-
It had but little effect. Fred
says It can be seen at the Sheriff's
office if any one wishes to read it,
but wbth It . . done o
or otherwise Is-the question. It Is
not a safe game to play and all hope
the authors will be found out.
Hops are looking pretty good and
according to the papers prices are
soaring high.
Mrs. Zack Ellegsen, who went to
Long Beach on the llrst for ' her
health, if. Improving and enjoying her
sojourn there very much.
Three weddings have occurred since
our last letter and the rumors are
another In the near future. Who
Cliff Miller and family, of Iowa, who
are making a tour of the West, spent
last week with their, friends, E.. D.
Barto and family.
Mrs. Haun spent a ,week visiting
relatives and friends In and around
Soda Springs.
Mn. W- D.jlatnm and daughters of
Kariai Clly, P''t " lt week
vlHltlng friend tt !) vNnlty.
W. 0.' Hall, of llrckwood, pent a
few day of laet week bere.
f Mra. V. W. Griffin Miended the
campnuietlnK at New Erg laxt Wed
neaday and In the afternoon gave a
lecture on Boclallam.
E. C. Dye gave a lecture at the
Mountain View church Sunday even
ing on "IdeallanV' whic h waa original
and Irmtructlve.
, Krank Dullard, of Kedland, waa
tranaacilng bualne here laat week.
Mr. McDowell ana ramlly have
ff)0Vl(, fofn 7,h tnd Tayr itrW!U t0
their new home at Mount i'leuaant.
George William, of Meadowbrook,
wax the gueat "f Frank Wlnalow laat
Mra. Robert McCllnUx k bau a alight
aiH k of typhoid fever,
MrR. J. P. Iry I ataylng at her
mother i Mr. Edgecome thl month.
William Bfard and aon, Henry,
Hpcnt laat week In the mountain flah-
Albert Montgomery, of Indiana, la
vlaltlng his uncle, J. Gorbett.
The Misses Irkln, of Oakland, Or,
vjalted their aunt. Mrs. J. Gorbett a
few days last week.
Rev. Gross and wife have gone to
Coos Bay for the winter.
J. W. S. Owens Is building a cot
tsgfl on his property which he bought
from Mr. McGeehan.
Mrs. H. Qulnn, our Sunday school
superintendent. Is on the sick Hut.
Borne new officers for the school had
to be elected as the others could not
attend for various reasons. The offi
cers now are: Superintendent, Mrs.
J. H. Qulnn; aBSlstant superintendent.
Mrs. 8. A. Martin: secretary, Miss
Alta Clark: treasurer, Mrs. 8. A. Gil
lett; librarian, Mrs. Nellie Scboth;
organist, MIbs Kholl; assistant organ
ist. Miss Beasle Qulnn.
i. B. Humphreys has not been able
to attend Sunday school lately.
Sana Francis spent Inst Saturday
,vlltlng friends at Sprlngwater.
Misses Emma Vanhoy and Hazel
Francla transacted business In Port
land Monday. ,
Grandma Adkln, who visited ner
daughter, Mrs. OHe Fisher and Miss
Geo. Waldron, last week returned to
her home at Mullno Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Busber are visiting
relatives south of Salem this week.
Mrs. Mann was called to Orchards
Tuesday to attend the funeral of her
Bister, who died very suddenly. Hr
mother Is critically ill and has been
a long time.
Mtb. G. F. Glbbs is visiting her aon.
Aoin Glbbs, at Dallas.
( a,rr lUui fL
jjb igCc.
! Lyman and Alma Mack and Mrs.
Milo Mack, of Portland, were in tnts
burg Wednesday.' They came up In
their automobile.'
Mrs. Marlon Young and, party re
turned from their camping trip Mon-
dhavhadVvy enioyable time-
"Si tSZ
rrienrta on Tuesdav afternoon In honor
! "j Ml88 Wharton.
ot 9 dayman, of Clackamas, has
i . .. m, f itr Mm
lui - t - u i
Norris Young for the past wees
Ing out to Aubrey Wood. i farm lately
to aee the oil derrick a"fmmaenr8u;
that people are really drilling for oil
here. ,
Mr. Bethune returned to his home at ,
Lents Saturday.
a i. i l- i.tnu
Boats are loauea win ireisiu
passing our village, as people are nv
lous to make the best use of river,
landings before the boats stop run-,
Stella Seely Is spendine her vaca-1
tion with her brother, Sherman, on i
his beautiful farm near Wllsonviile.:
Mrs. liallev has been elected teach-!
er of the White Gate school near
The entertainment given by Ocean
Jolly and Helen Campbell Jeselson
last Fridav evening at the A. O. W.
W. hall was a great treat to all who
Mrs Hillman. formerly a resident
later of Sher
npar Wllsonviile, but
i... .1 t a ii n wmh iiui itii ill riranaiit i
Hill cemetery on Sunday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Alison Baker, Mr. and
Mrs. Reed Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Baker and other old neighbors from
here attended the funeral.
. .11.- M4nktnaa rt pAtara A
tne 0"B U'T '""" -
Aden, ana , . i .
. . . a -. Vn..r. . tAi
are all going-a. full blast, as nearly
all the farmers "have lots of hay this
Mrs. Halley and her mother went
to LaGrsnde on Saturday evening, be
ing tailed there; lo attend the funeral
of Mrs. Orandy, who died suddenly of
pneumonia. Mrs. Grandy was an aunt
uf Mrs. Halley's, who spent the sum
mer visiting her at tkejr hprrw iie(
Three of the Beely chlUlren were
operated upon for adenoids tfDr.
Mount, of Oregon City, and art get
ting 1ong splendidly.
Mrs, Cora Hasselbrlnk's many
friends are glad to learn that she Is
growing stronger after undergoing an
operation for appendicitis In a Port
land hospital.
Miss Wharton, who has been visit
ing at the home of her cousin, Marlon
Young, returned east on Wednesday
after spending her vacation here. She
was the honored gueat at several func
Hons while In Wllsonviile.
If yo.i have not renewed your yearly
subscription to the Morning Enter
prise look over" the list of names and
see If you can assist some of your
friends to win In the Enterprise con
test, wblcb Is being carried on at
Her. Exon was In Oregon City late
ly, and received a goodly number of
subscriptions to the new church here,
as the Oregon City residents are ever
ready to help the county at large.
What's the matter with a free ferry
at Wllsonviile, or even a bridge now
that the auto road Is to be good on
both sides of the river. We have the
best location, and are right on the
best road between Oregon City and
Kill the Germs; Nourish the Hair
Roots and You'll Never Get Bald.
It's-your own fault If you grow- bald
at 35 as thousands of men do; yefand
women are doing. If you have dan
druff there's a thousand or more
germs already devouring the very life
of the hair at Its root
Kill these germs with a 50 cent bot
tle of Parisian Sage, and stop dan
druff, itching scalp and falling hair In
two weeks.
It's guaranteed, yon know; this de
lightful and refreshing Parisian Sage
that Is now sold all over America, and
If it doesn't prove better than any
other hair tonic you ever used, get
your money back. Large bottle 50
cents at Huntley Bros. Drug Co. and
druggists everywhere.
TO CREATE $50,000,000.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 8 (Special).
With George W. Perkins, former
chairman of the finance committee of
the United States Steel Corporation
on the stand. Chairman Stanley of the
House Steel Trust Investigating Com-
WAGON is known as the
-tv lMl
mittee today produced a copy of the
minutes of the steel corporation's ex
ecutive committee showing that In
March, 1902, Perkins proposed a plan
to raise $50,000,000 without costing
the corporation a cent
This financial achievement was to
have been attained by taking up about
40 per cenc of the preferred stock, or
go W7T1 P
' Z V;asruen.ntedadnd8,250.ooS:
$200,000,000. costing I14.UW,-
per cent.
;uu '8SU -""l'-' "Z-A.
000 of
I lec5,na m k B .TJ s-n nnnnnnTn
s J
'new money ana woum nave resuiiea
,, . .-vlnf to the eorooratlon or II.-
i - -
t ,hat ,he slan had been car.
; rtd through, although it apparently
; n approva, of b09e preg.
a, nipAtinv
Perkins and the committee became
deadlocked over the insistence of
.h .nn,mlii
"7--"- hould ,ei
tDe, s t fc partlclpatlon8 ln
ROME. Aug. 8. (Special). VatJ-
.- information todav as to the Pope s
condition 1g only the diplomatic state-
efforts to minimize the seriousness of
his condition, it Is wen Known mm
the princess of the church are deeply
apprehensive. It was authoritatively learned to
.i.r, tht the Pontiff has had more
! 7 havi. Wn
ininT IllaT HlrflJD lmcsu --
" " ' ,h- nuh. and that bis
spirits have been gTeatly affected hy
his condition. He appears rreatly de
pressed and seldom smiles. Fears of
a fatal termination of his Illness are
growing every hour.
tZvuY fl
The farmer who has a clearing
Is sure to have no more,
If yon listen to the statements
That are understood by the score.
From June until October
No fires shall b et,
If you do you'll lose 600
Or behind the bars you'll fret.
Those who possess a fern patch
With stumps and logs all through
Will get the old prairie fever, or
Wish they'd come when grandpa grew.
For some how be burned In summer,
Though many miles from town.
And fought and saved his cabin,
And his children young and sound.
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Henderson went
to Estacada Tuesday.
. Mrs. M. Surfus and Mrs. Zella Os
trend spent en enjoyable day with
Alice Henderson.
Jno. Scott and Mr. Anderson bought
several loads of grain hay of J. John
son. Dan Stahlnecker helped C. E. Sur
fus In his mill last week.
Mrs. Repke Is buying lumber at C.
Surfus' mill to rebuild her house and
barn recently destroyed by fire.
Mr. Dan Stahlnecker apent an en
joyable time with Mra- Zella Cadi
nau, Ruth Maplethorpe and Mrs. Jno.
Psrk. Their graphaphone afforded me
lodious music.
Mr Cane had a runaway demolish
ing parts of h!s bneey and his horse
was bruised some.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Vallen visited
Mrs. Flckenses' of Sprlngwater, Sun
day last.
Feaster Cadlnau purchased a horse
whose reputation was a bad one but
with the guidance of Feaster's lines
the animal seems subdued.
Ed. Dibble captured a porcupine
which was an Interesting sight to a
great many. No doubt the hound was
the most surprised for as he made an
attack his mouth 4as Oiled with
quills. Pliers were used to extract
the quills. The porcupine weighed 12
Miss Ethel Closner passed over El
wood obtaining votes for a new piano
given by the Enterprise. We wish
her success aa she is truly working.
Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Boylan and
family visited Mrs. M. Surfus' Sunday.
Marvin Parks bought lumber of C.
V 1 Mb 1 A. 1 lUiVS
' v v? a rTXTf- T A TV. XT!
near E3tacada.
E. Surfus mill to build a new house
Elwood school can boast of new
blackboards and winter wood but as
yet have not hired a teacher.
A number have gathered a few wild
blackberries, but report them scarce.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Stahlnecker
spent a pleasant evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Lew Vallen Saturday evening.
Mr. Stahlnecker furnished music on a
violin of his own make.
A. S. Henderson sold his thrashing
outfit to Charles Freeman and Mr.
Farmers are very busy harvesting
a few wear a scowl over the recent
C. Bittner feels confident of success
on his new invention on a 4-wheel
auto truck. We are anxlois to see
him master, as he la a genius and is
working faithful at the new exploit.
Sweet Girl (affectionately) - Papa,
you wouldn't like me to leave yon.
would yoo? Papa (fondlyv-lndeed I
would not. my darling. Sweet Girl
Well. then. I ll marry Mr IW. hsp
Ue wllliuc W live nere.-.Ww York
jawi i i i ri i i ii
Mr. and Mr. A. W. Cooke, of Da
mascus, were up this way last week,
calling on relatives .
Mrs. Jones Is on the sick list Dr.
Adlx called to see her last Friday.
Miss Ruby Elliott, of Powell's Val
ley, was the guest of her uncle, E. R.
Elliott, last week.
Mrs. R. B. Gibson and Miss Myrtle
Woodie called on Mrs. Huntington
and her ludy gnests last Thursday af
ternoon. Mrs. I'ease and Miss Alice Drls
coll were entertained at dinner Sun
day by Mr. and Mrs. Howlett.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Murphy, Miss
Meda Murphy, Perry Murphy and
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gibson took din
ner Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Dover Is to have a rural mall de
livery after September 1.
Mr. Root, from Dull Run, has pur
chased the Fennle Hart farm and
moved In last Thursday.
Mr. Moxley moved to his own home
last week.
Mr. Ehaw and family leave this
week for Portland, where they will
spend the winter.
Mr. Bens Is cutting grain for some
of the Eagle Creek people this week.
E. E. Elliott brought up a party
from Eagle Creek In his automobile
last Friday.
George Kltzmlller was around last
week taking orders for R. Y. D. mail
Miss Lulu Roberts entertained a
few friends Monday afternoon In hon
or of her thirteenth birthday.
M. M. Fead went to Origon Ciiy
Saturday to take the teachers' exam
ination. The neighbors surprised Mrs. Cupp
Friday evening, it being her birthday.
. Ira Reld spent a couple of days
last week with her aunt, Mrs. Crom
nell, of Deep Creek.
W. J. Wirtz will not lecture a week
from Sunday unless notice la given
later. There will e no Sunday school
on that day unless tb lecture is
George Keisecker's little girl, TheU t
ma, was sick lust week, but Is much
C. Strasser, of Portland, visited ,the
Stucki family over Sunday.
Miss Bessie Badman, who has been
spending the past three weeks with
the Frey family at Camp Idleawhlle,
has returned to her home In Port
land. .
Henry Kelsecker and several oth
eis were hunting on Wildcat Moun
tain last week. .
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Hart,. Mr. and
! Mrs. R. A. Chown and Miss Fannie
, Searles drove to Marmot 'Saturday.
' Mr. and Mrs. DeShazer were Port
! land visitors Monday.
I Mrs. B. F. Hart and John Sinclair
1 drove to Montavllla last week and
I brought out a load of furniture.
Mrs. John Malar left Saturday, for
; Portland, where she will visit a few
: days and then return to her home In
: Astoria.
Mrs. Nina Malar and Bertha Stucki
drove to the Mountains Tuesday, re
; turning Wednesday.
Mrs. C. Meng is visiting her father
I A. Malar.
i David Johnston and Elmer Berg
strand, of Portland, visited at the
Ellings' Sunday.
j Mrs. W. F. Fischer and Ida Stucki
I rode horseback to Zasta's at Snag
, Camp the first of the week.
I Mr. Hyten and family, of Sandy, are
: camping near Camp Idleawhlle, Mr.
I Hyten Is building a bridge for M. Wal-
ton. v
I Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Miller and
i Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Miller drove to
Bull Run Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Chown, who
, have been visiting the past few weeks
' with E. D. Hart, returned to their
home In Sioux City, la., Monday.
Fred Alt, of Portland, has been
! visiting relatives the past week.
Mrs. P. Haltt, of St. Johns, visited
jber mother, Mrs. G. M. Howe, over
i Sunday.
Rev. Peaple is giving lessons every
Friday evening' from 7:30 to 10:30
j in vocal training and explaining the
composition of music. Twenty-flve per
I sons are taking advantage of this i-p-portunity.
The farmers are improving the
' school house, church and parsonage.
The buildings are being painted, and
new fences are being built.
Mr. Mulkey, of Roseberg, is visiting
bis brother-in-law, Earl Shlbly, this
week. '
Oregon City People Should Know How
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Sick kidneys give many signals of
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Don't delay! Uae a special kidney
Doan's Kidney Pills cure sick kid
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Oregon City evidence proves this
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