Lie Kind Yon Have Always nought, nml which lias been in use for over 30 years, lias borno the signature of , - nml lint 1on iiuirio under 111 ncf- j Jtf-J7 sonal Mipcrvislon since its infancy. Wiafzw74tcA4Al Allow no one tooVcolve you lu this. All Counterfeits Imitations nml Jit-JK-Kooil" are but F.xiMrliuriits that trilto with nnl einlaitscr tlie health of Infants nml Chllilreii-Expericileo iigaiiit V.x -rimt nU What is CASTORIA Castorl is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare porlc, Drops nml Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Xarcoiw substance. Its ape is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverislmess. It cures Dlarrlava and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Trimbles, cures CoiiMipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and ilowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's l'auacea-Thc Mother's Friend. ' GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the SI The EM You Have Always Bought Irr Use For Over 3b Years. tmc ocMTaua eoMMMi, rr mua itmct, new cm. NEWS FROM THE COUNTRY INTERESTING ITEMS FROM ALL PARTS OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY CLARKES. Willie Marshall is making bay. Mr. Cummins cut hay for Mr. Stuart. Edward Buol sowed turnip seed last week. Mr. Marquardt went to town last week. Charlie Marsha!! hauled oats to town last week. Mr. and Mrs. Haxson and Mis. 0. Martin spent Sunday with Mr. ai:d Mrs. Lee. Mrs. Bottemiller has returned home. Mr. Elliott, from Elwood, csme through Clarkes on Monday. Otto Elmer went up to Salem to pick cherries. Mrs. Washburn vls'ted Mrs, Scri ner last week. Mr. Bottemiller is hoeing his po tatoes. Mr. Bergman is helping hi.n. Mr. Wettlaufer is clearing. Mr. Deberne called on Mr. Mclntyre on Sunday. Peter Hover purchased a horse from W. G. Kliensmith. Edward 'Mclntyre as on the sick iist. Mr. Sullivan is hauling lumber Miss Erma Looney is visiting Zelma Cummins. Mr. Sullivan son and da-'gnters went to town on Siwiiiy to be con firmed by the bishop of he Catholic . ;-liurch. Two in One Dr. Bell's Anti-Pain is both au inter nal and external remedy. It is an an tiseptic remedy and destroys disease :enns. Sold everywhere on a positive guarantee. Geo. A. Harding, Drug cist. SCHUBEL. Mrs. Schwartz, of Portland, is visit ng old friends here. Mr. Swope bought a cow rrom Al ien Moehnke one day last week. Wtllam He'tman is working Tor ''harley Moehnke. John Heft is doing carpenter work 'n Oregon City. MakkiK hay is the order of the day. Born, to .Mrs. Robert Ginther, July ', a girl. A Cough, A Cold 'lid then no telling what unless you ise Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. It is ;e best, ask your neighbor. Look or the Bell on the Bottle. Sold ev erywhere. Geo. A. Harding, Druggist ELDORADO. Hay making is in full blast. Most everybody ;rok in the celebra- ion dt Wright's Springs, and several .ei.iiuis stityd for the dance in the veiling. A'i report a fine time. Ri'bf-rt F;'il!;.rd and Will Wa'lace virked 'or C. Smith. Weduesdav. Mr. Por'er. ot Mulino. delivered strawberries hero Wedne!-day. He re on a t:!e nop of hurries this year. Seural pers;r.- are getting ready o g-i to the Chautauqua. Clyde Sriii'h and family, of Cape in.. ;p"nt Monday evening with his brents. Ernest Jones and family, 'rank 'ilr.ncy and (ami;.".' and Leon Jones -nd wife wer.t to the mountains cat rdav and exp.i t to return home i his veek. Death in Roaring Fire iay r.o? resuh from 0 e work of fire--vgs, but often severe burns re u:is--d that mahe f. r,.iik n-ed for uc'i len's Arnica Ptl e. the quickest, j-est cure for burns, wounds, bruises, oi'.-. fj'ires. Ir subdues inflammation. kills pain. It soothes and heals, 'rives off Fkin eruntious. ulcers or i'i. s. only '.'c a' Jones Drug Co. ATTENTION FARMERS! Tae Combination Farm Too! can be bad at ANDREW KOCHER'S HARDWARE STORE 319 MAIN STREET. I - S3 Signature of an , MACKSBURG. Charlie Kiesling Is working for Mr. Mitts on the road. I The Fourth was celebrated by all some going to Liberal, Canby and j some celebrated In neighborhood I crowds. Born, to Mrs. William Roth, July 2. , a boy. The road at the Dryland school ' house is open to travel again. Chronic Sore Eyes Are easily cured with Sutherland's Eagle Eye Salve. It is painless and harmless and guaranteed. 25c a box. Sold everywhere. Geo. A. Harding, Druggist. LOGAN. I Read the drought news in other states then be thanktul you live in Clackamas county. Hay making is the order or the day now. i The ball game between Logan and Weonas was 7 to fi in the latter s favor The long-legged bird seems to have a preference for this locality his lat- 'est calls being at Hewey Swales, a ; new son. and J. W. Watts, of Stone, a 1 new daughter. Mr. Friederick's team ran away one day this week, but no serious damage is reported. ; Clear Creek Creamery patrons re ceived for the month of June 2Gc per ! pnut(T for butter fat. Number of lbs. cream received for the month. 54,370: butter manufactured. 21,059 lbs. To tal proceeds. $5,134.77. , Miss Mary Frederick is visiting her j parents this week. WILSONVILLE. I Mrs. Annie E. Say and Mrs. Arthur ! Draper, of Santa Paula, Cal., are visit j tng at the homes or Norman and Harry Sav. : Henry Aden attended the wedding or Miss Beckman, at Stafford, last : week. Mr. Darby has sold out almost his j entire stock of goods and will move away from our village some time next . week. Mr. Darby has been in business ! here for about four years, and his ! many rriends will be indeed sorry to I have him leave. ' The "Watklns" man passed through I Wilsonville last Wednesday, making j sales alona the way. Miss S. M. Graham entertained quite ja party or friends from Portland last tteek, for a few- days. There wiii be service next Sunday 'evening, July 10th. in the A. O. W. W. hall, to which all are cordially invite'. Sunday school in tie afternoon at 2 o'clock: on the following Sabbath ser -.ire will be held in the afternoon a three o'clock, ar the clue of Sabbath school. The new station at Wilsonville, lie ing (reeled by the Oregon Electrb ('"., is going to be qi;:te a large build iiiz. as the old one is entirely inaue T'a'e oi the grat ariio-inr of ship ''r ilf rie l.r-r-e. The church biwbli-'j being erecte.l by the Ve'h-Kiist a. i,., initiation. Is still going s'endilv on, n j i i the sound of the saw and the h' miner indicate that th- time is t,-t f: r distant, whn church bells Wiil lie heard in our vil lage. fo eerv'.rie - ti. '' !c r-:idine a band. The WiNr.m A;hie-i' Club came cut victorious in ihe e'une played at Sherwood 'iti Julv 4th, n'rhoiicri 'h' came a? a cb e (n,p from start to finish. Tnm I'aker nitcher for the village te:n. wr.ile his 'ir'ither. Per' Baker, pitched for the Sherwood line up. Mr. and .Mrs. Barney, of Is Anee les. Cal.. r-ame through Wi!sinviile on Stmd.iy on their way t(i te ra-ich inown as the Schraeder place which M-. Barnes recentlv purchased. Thev traveled hy auto all the w.n- from th" Anzel fity and report splendid weath- r and gofid roads, all the at. Mr. and Mrs. ri'nsmore Joined the party ; at Salem, and after inspecting the i ranch here. Mr. and Mrs. Barnes an I j their giiests went to Ponland where they will visit fcr a rew weeks !efore I " turnine to is Ancele. Mr. Barnes , intends building a beautiful home on j his rarm here in the near ruture, and ( expects to move to Oregon to reside I f-ermanen:Iv. I Robe -t G'i'ham, accompanied bv Mr. I nd Mrs Stringier and son. or Revel stork, B. C, arrived on Wednesday ' 1 last to visit for n couple of day t ho (irahitm fn. Henry Aden's store Is now l U i.plenillit new location, uml Is well Mled with h tine now slock of goods. Martin Llchentliuler, of Newherg, Is working for Mr. Brobst on lit much near Wtlsonvllle. Tlic 1-nw rcnee hotel has chunked hands, nml the new management has mil In n Ice cream parlor, which I seems to be well patronled this hot weather. The Wtlsonvllle Oil Co. Is bulMlUR a flftv foot derrick on Aubrey Wood's ! farm." and' drilling for oil will hegjn ! immediately after the rigging Is built. Mr. Biggs Is In charge of the rig-build-h i: and the derrick Is sailing sky ward. If there is oil right near our village, with our river front and splen- i,lid electric service, and rich farming ;iaiid. there will be little left for Wtl- , sonv'.Ue people to long for. Everybody Satisfied. Who has tried nr. Hell's Pine-far-Honey lor coughs, colds, grip or any throat or bronchial trouble. dot a bottle today. Ixk for the Hell on the ! pottle. Ceo. A. Harding, Druggist. STAFFORD. ! Mercury stands around from CO to so degrees but the Inhabitants are not ' suffering, as we guard against over- exertion. I Cns licbhardt has sold his thrifty ' little farm of H acres to a Mr. Fletch- ' er for the neat sum of 1:1500. Mr. Wiseman and others have been ! picking Royal Anne cherries at Kred ; takers lor half. The sect, called the Church of God. which las been holding meetings in i a large tent near Mrs. Brink's, have folded their tents and departed. They are :oing to continue their semi monthly meetings and Sunday school in the grove until their contemplated new church Is ready for occupancy. Mrs. John O. Cage and children are staying at the old home. Mrs. Gage's ! health is not the best vet, but she ! seems slowly Improving. ' Grain looks fine, vetches and clover ' are almost too heavy to cure good but , if this weather continues there will ! be a splendid crop secured. i All small fruits are late, cherries f now being picked. Hops are looking fine and promise a heavy yield and good price. There Is one medicine that every family should be provided with and especially during the summer months: viz. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It Is almost cer tain to be needed. It costs but a quar ter. Can you afford to be without It? For sale by all dealers. TWILIGHT. Miss Murphy, of Portland, has re turned home after an extended visit with her sousin. Miss Bertha Bui lard. Mrs. Scheer, or Portland, has been making her son Henry Sheer a visit. Mrs. McNaughton, or Seattle, and Mr. E. A. Hinklc. or Portland, are ' guests or Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Harvey. ! Mrs. George Lazelle was in Salem i this week visitimr relatives and at - ! tending the Cherry Festival. and recall, and divers and sundry oth- ! Mrs. Meinde and children, or Port- er Ingenious devices for realizing the ! land, were week-end guests at Moun- millenium by the ready and simple tain Ash Farm. ; method of voting It out of Its present , Mr. and Mrs. George Lazelle attend- j state of Incubation. They direct our I ed Chautauqua last Wednesday. attention to the clouds flying above Mr. and Mrs. Sheppard called on the far Western horizon, upon which i.Mr. and Mrs. George Schriener Sun- the flaming finger of the Oregon sun j day afternoon. ' I has traced, in radiant and opalescent We are soon to lose Mr. and Mrs. ! tints, glowing pathways, shining min Charles Caldwell. They have only I arets. stately temples, and castles and 1 been here about a year, and have made palaces, pinnacles of gold and caves i many friends who regret to see them ' of purple, and they tell us that these leave. They have sold their farm to ! are the visible signs which mark the a family from the East. iixact location of the new and Improv ' i ed political Jerusalem, where the Summer Colds j wirkp(1 offUholders cease fom troul. : Are harder to relieve than winter one ! lwg and the wary voters do all the but thev vield Just as readilv to treat- I or, . ... , . . ment with Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. , The voice of the professional re sold everywhere. Look for the Bell , 'rr he;,r'J ln the land insistently ,.,!, tj,.;,i,. f. uoi, rr.,. ! calling upon ns to rorsake the an- oil Uir iiomr, uiw- rti iiriKiiiib, i'nii. gist. CAPE HORN. All the rarmers are very busy with tneir nay ana garuen irucK. A few lost their powttoes by the heavy frost a few weeks ago Strawberries were very plentiful and a rew can be had yet but the sea son is almost over tor them this year. Quite a number ftom here attended the New Era campmeetlng Sunday Mrs. Sopha Adklns, or Mulino, and her sister. Mary, were the guests of Mrs. Sam Wilkerson Monday after- n""-, , , t , t Mabel Burns and Ethel Thomas called on Miss Bertha Riggs Monday. A rew rrom here attended the dance at Anderson's Saturday night. Roy Thomas and Lester Riges took in the dance at New Era Saturday evening. ; the letters "ougb." rue.e are. written I phonetically. a in cofJ. ciiuf lem h is Old Ulcers j allowable", euui). tlinirl. tlio. rbro. tn Are unsightly and dangerous. Dr. j CUp tje Irish mugii and ibe S oi s pro Pell s Antiseptic Salve will heal them Dm),.u, 0f ,Ugii. mim-Ii. ' Ibe iui. promptly. It is clean and pleasant to, fijIl (VIlltlI,1I1IltH , tt)e ,k i word use. 2.-.C a box. Sold everywhere. n,,,. i.n,,i Geo. A. Harding, Druggist. COLTON. Farmers are taking advantage or the nice weather in making bay. Misses Kdith Buckner and Meda "".'''if"' :J-.uJr";'mli T.'.S,v.Mr M I I - I .111. rtllI t"l"'-'l, OI V. 1711111. Charlie S wan, or El wood, is hauling shingles to the valley from W. E. Hven Plumber has Lis specialty. O irs is prompt anl satisfactory work. No-' here in town cin you find such high grade goods, first class orkmir ship and prompt service combined with such MODiiRA TE PRICE as we are now offering. AH plumb ers' supplies constantly on hand. P. C. GADKE Tinning, Hot Air Furnaces and Hop Pipes. All Kinds of Job bing and Spraying Material. 914 Main St. Phone 2fiM OREGON CITY. Bouncy shingle mill at Cotton this week. . Mr. and Mis. John lJiuim and son, of fccappose, l)rt Rre enjoying s pleas ant visit with the hitter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. lloitncy. Philip Putr. left to work at Wx Wos. saw mill at Selnible last Sunday, The little girls' sewing society was. held at Mrs. O. SI iomgi era's luBt Sat urday. George Pall was B visitor at Coltoll last week. Will Dlx. of Schnble. spent Sunday at home with his mother, Mrs. Dlx. Mr. ami Mrs. Gus Gottburg moved Into their new house last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Itonncy called on their son, I). E. Ponney and fumfly, at Klwood, Sunday. Otto Sorenson made a trip to Silver ton to visit his family a few days last week. M. A. Perglund wag a business visit or lu town Monday. George Wallace hauled a loud of lumber to his homestead from High land one day this week. I. S. Dlx and R.. Put made a trip to Howard's mill at Mullno, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. I. 0. Dlx we staying with the hitter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kvans. at Mullno this week. WILLIAMS' KIDNEY PILLS. Have you overworked your nervous system and caused trouble with your kidneys umt bladder? Have you pains In loins, side, back and bladder? Have you a flabby appearance of the face, and under the eyes? A frequent desire to pas urine? If so, Williams' Kidney ills will cure you Druggist, Price ;.0e. Williams Mfg. Co., Props., Cleve land, O. For sale by Huntley Bros, and Jones Drug Co. MR. SUTHERLAND ENTERTAINS. Once In a while some congressman breaks loose In Washington In an at tack on the particular form of govern ment that has become to be designat ed as the "Oregon System." This time It Is Senator Sutherland, of I'tah, who, the other dny. took the time of the Senate to declare that the propos ed constitution of Ctah should not be ratified for the sole reason that its provisions embraced the Initiative, the referendum, the recall and other Oregon medicines. We do not know whether Mr. Suth erland accurately represents the sen timents of the majority of the people of his state, but we venture he does not. No doubt he feels that with the kind of a constitution proposed, his chances for return to the I'nlted States Senate are considerably lessen- led. I While we. in Oregon, cannot in i dorse Mr. Sutherland s views, which Inre certainly not bused upon a close acquaintance with the results of the "Oregon System," we cannot refrain from quoting some of his highly en tertaining remarks, which follow: Within the last few years the I'nlt ed States of America has become the field of operation for an amiable band of Insurgent soothsayers, who have been going up and down the land In dulging in cabalistic utterance re- ispectmg the initiative, referendum . . which u have jr ocoeded, at least In j security, for a tfiitury and a quarter j aruJ headlong in new and nnx- I til-kroil 1 i rit iiriu ItirlrtK ti find mil- . ,llp.,s..r,; ,if,i,is'at,d firm foot- i , ,.i,.Lllv i.hinil over the I over ; prw.,pirt. or er;!r.i!f. d . In the dismal swamp. The distinguished Senator from Ore gon (Mr. Botirnei Is perhaps the great est living exponent of this doctrine. )is rerpf, rolll,h,v Htat,.di i un(1er stand to be this; Take the voices of; 10 roolish men. I'm ordinary men, rasralft 1C poo, citizens and :! wise me) (f anv KW.h rm 1)p lndllrP(j ,0 ' Join ) : mix them all up together, with (hp r(sult y()X yox ,)e, . Ougn. A correspondent of au English paper I points out uuie ways ot prououui iug I f PI "." II I I III. "I" ' -"I ..... w als In (iertiiiiu Hie editor In comment adds. There Is une oilier 'Imiign ' G,ac (r )ee Glacier ice i me .lld blue , WIlt,.r- uut : consiMs .,r g,..,,....- ,..,. u ....Hi,,, t.y an iiitr.i.ite let filled !.- ami II.. "ii i: : n.,11, nt . "' wa in e.p"'l " lions -inla' c .! i In- I' e i-iiii lie iin-r -u 'n-ne-d ' or "li.iiiiP 't lit Till lllle lelll. Ill II lellel lillle I '111 HI Hltiriiating 'tti iliiw o a ogpier simile caiie iiliiiiiiniia llir blllitile. 1 lie ; tlii pet miiir uriii lure li.i. been tin- 'it,iit nt tiui' ii i twi'i izi rm HIIKill. Iilltlmri lliv.-t gair. I'lll I tie lelef I... ...,- i.. ftiiil I1 I"'!-' . t ..f. .i ..iii t w .lllrlli. tinu i.f r Stop That Dandruff. before It kills your hair. You know dandruff is a eerm disease and It leads slowly and surely to baldness and there Is only one way to cure dan-d-iiff and that iH to kill the germ that caitses the trouble. Greasy salves will never do this. ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP kills the germ and ar guaranteed fo cure dan-Vuff, itching scalp and all other germ 'lis-e-ise of the skin and scalp. ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP are the true scientific remedies for these affliction-. To show our faith In ZEMO i"d 7EMO SOAP we have Instnrtel ! the druggist selling them to r'-fitnd your money If you are not satisfied with the renlts from the very firt i.f,tip fnr tf,p fipyj rake of sat. ' We can afford to rrfke this offer i liecarse one tiot'Ie or Zemo and one cake or soap are sufficient to show their healing qualities and If use 1 cording to directions, the? will eft rect a permanent cure. Sold or druegists everywhere and ' in Oree -n City by Hun'ley Bror Co. DTO o EASTERN ELW00D. Hemmed lu by foot hills and canyons Such as hunters delight to climb; Guarded by the snow white sentinel Of Ml. Hood In her grandeur sublime, Lies many fertile and tilled acres, "Indian Klckapoo," reads the legend or old, More recently styled "Klwood," tlio region of gidd. The patter of the welcome rain heard upon the roofs over the sleepy farmers caused pleasant dreams of more abundant crop. The fruit crop was hurt by frost. Cherries are about one-half crop, while pears, apples and prunes are scarce. The grain on an average Is good. 1-wls Valleti reall.ed $:I 7R a sack for potatoes. This surely makes the seller lnngh at the buyer's scowl. Mr. Fester Cndlnau Intends to build a house near Rslacada. His wife and children are visiting John Turks, her father. Matt Dibble and family visited rela tives last Sunday nt the shingle and spool milts on Clear Creek. A dam hns been constructed on Lit tle Clear Creek for floating bolts of cedar and alder to the shingle and spool mills. A few neighbors aided Mr. Mellkle CG-flAIMPDON Sincletree strap connetfts hitch direiHly with center hinge on head. This means direct draft and no chance for head to spring. Removable and Re newable Wheel Box Renewing this box and reversing axle stub makes this part of the rake like new. Vital Points Well Taken Care of on the You will rind upon investigation that nil other rts care (r. Underlying every (Jmmpion feature is founil experience in building atiN(actor , servut-ublc rake. The Champion Rake cnibodit s t:.- most piai ticnl gestions of thousands ( f farmer. It k-Mi't been essary to clKinuc the (.luimpion Kukc in the ast three or four years. No one cou.'l any further improv( r ent. The more care fully xoulnvvstitiiiw the Champion Huki Ihe more surely u ill you be cominreit that it i.i Ihe rake that wilt serve you best. While you arc thinking of it, drop us a card for our Champion Catalog- in a bare raislnir. A bountlftil repast was given noon and evening to the alders at Mr. Melikles house. Dan Stahl'ie(ker Is the carpenter hired. A granary has been built and Mr. Mclikie contemplates building a house next spring. Mr and Mrs. Rowan, or Portland, visited Mr. freeman's, her rather, and also met many or her old acquaint ances while here. Miss Nellie Vallen, a teacher or Pullman. Washington, and Mr. Earnest Vallen, a student or the O. A. C, are spending a delightful vacation at the home of their parents. Mr. end Mrs. Ficken, of Spring water, were guests or Mrs. Delia Val len's Sunday. Mrs. Ficken formerly taught a servlcable school here, hence met many welcome rriends. Elmer Dibble and ramlly have re turned home. Mr. Earl Shibbly, or Sprlngwater and Mr. Dibble were working at carpenter work during the spring months. Mrs. I). Medomme and ramlly, or Portland, are leaving their summer home here fttr Portland. Mr. Melike will move them to Estacada Tuesday. Elwood and Sprlngwafer rarmers will soon crow over a planked road to Estacada, as Mr. Henderson, the super visor or this district, was the means or securing 24nnO more planks rrom th county court. The Elwood base ball team has been winner in several match game lately. T. W. Henderson met with bad luck bv having a valuable colt cut on a barbed wire rence. The Injury is heal ing slowly. John Parks and wife and M. Dibble and wife spent a pleasant evening at Mr. and Mrs. Dn Stahlnecker s home. Mrs. Vallen has sold srrawberries st 35 cents a gallon. They are a Hood River variety; very delicious Indeed. Klwood c'n boast of a store at S. 9.' hwerir's. EAGLE CREEK. Some or the rarmers are taking ad .......... .......o FOR POISON OAK A Sftoolflo Anlldoto For ut by ll DruggUU Guaranteed by Huntley Hrort. Co. CLACKAMAS vantage of the line weather by cutting their hay. M IN, w. F. Douglass, accompanied by her brother, Charlie Sweeney, re mined home IiimI Friday from Steven son. Wioh . where she visited her par ents for a few days. H. K. Elliott, one of the merchants of Eagle Creek, purchased u auto re cently. Mr. and Mrs. . F. Gibson, of Bar ton, were visiting James Gibson Sun dav. Mr. and Mrs, Henry I'dell and child ren, of I mver, visited at the homo of James Gibson Sunday. Claude Malcolm, Myrtle and Mary Woodle. of Kstacadu, Miss Miller, of Portland, and Roy Sturtevant, Of Cor nellus, spent Sunday at the former home of the Woodle. Mrs. Viola Douglass, Miss Blnu utid Kd. Roy and Carl Douglass were chaulauqiiu visitors Tuesday. All Skin Diseases ! Yield readily to treatment with Dr. j Bell's Antiseptic Salve. We guaran i tee It. 2fic a box Sidd everywhere, i ', Geo. A. Harding, Druggist. DOVER. ! George Hnwtell has gone to Molalla to look lifter his property. Mr. I'p , ' l.'j i,i.,,ii;i'iiiu Mux.. 1 L ,$9? Reversing Wheel Ratchets fyf-S? Kngagiiig dogs on dump rods -when Sy worn, reverse and you double the life su;f;'c: t I degrave has charge of the cream route ' in his absence, Frank Johnston and Russell Frost a:e doing some slashing for Miss Nel ; lie Johnston on her Dover ranch. Mr. ami Mrs. Shaw spent Sunday j with Arthur Miller and wire. Miss Mary Ilews returned to Port ; land SiiHilay. Mark New and ftiml'y are camping ar the Cap s house. Miss Alice Berghouse has a new j organ. ' Mr. A. J. Morrison's daughters Irorn i Scholls, spent last week at home. I Clarence Cassldy was called to San I civ Sunday to attend his fathijr's fun j eral. j Mrs. Johnston returned to Portland Monday having spent the week with ! her son, Frank at Hood View camp. Mr. and Mrs. Reld spent the after noon Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Crom well, or Deep Creek. Charles Keith and wife were Esta cada visitors Monday. Mrs. Kltztriiller and Walter were up to their ranch the first of the week. Mr. Shaw has. built a poultry house. He use-i the Philo system of brooders. Whooping cough is not dangerous when the cough Is kept loose and ex pectoration easy by giving Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. Ir has been used in many epidemics of this disease with pertect success. For sale by all dealers. FIRWOOD. W. J. Wlrtz lectured Sunday after noon at Firwood hall; sutiject, "Judge not, that ye be not. Judged." The dis course was worthy or considerable though. ' and ir the Ideas put forth were practiced by each Individual we would find the kingdom of heaven among us. Mr. Wirtz expects to lec ture again here on July 22. Mrs. Annie Kniz'and daughters. Dorothy and Marjoile, of Portland, are vHting her father. A. Malar at their old home at Firwood. John Malar, of Astoria, l ill"" visiting: HI the old home. C W C Cussedy, mi old resident of Fh wi'od. died Sunday morning at his home lu Sandy. Mis (tto Miller und children, who p,t u vlslilng Mrs. W. F. Fischer tun pat two weeks, returned to Ihelr noinc at Oswego Wednesday. Clair Corey visited t Bull Run Sat urday and Sunday. The dance given by Marin and I' red ,1,1, K lb ka the evening of the 4th was nt hurtled by l'" g" crowd and nil reported a very enjoyable time. Mr and Mrs. G. KocnhIo and child ,,.n .,f Portland, me nt their summer home. "Camp Idle Awhile," for a hw weeks' vacation. Mrs. Vernon Miller's two sisters, of Portland, visited her for a few days Iiihi week. Miss Dorothy will remain f,,t the summer. The Miller fiimlllert huvs moved lu lu ihelr new bungalow on the Walton ranch. people have commenced hnylng. Ja s Kilns, or Portland. U spend lug a few weeks with the Alt family. A son arrived nt the home of W. I. Wilkin on June 2H. Mother and sou are doing line. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Belle visited at the Malar home Sunday. A. C. Mllleron made a trip to Molal la tills week to look after the crops on Ills ranch there. 1 lu nlso iniide a IiiihI ness trip to Portland. Godfrey Stuckl Is working for Mr Mack, helping to build a fence and a porch. The members of the F. D. Telephone Company are pleaoed to have Mr F. Mack oil the Hue. Mr ami Mrs Rhodes and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Curtis, or Portland, drove their auto out from the rlty the morning of the fourth and spent the Adjusting Lever - Adjusting the teeth further under the rake head for heavy hay, less for light hay, insures perfect wo;k inu position under all conditions. r:'l. :".. r-T Reversing Axle Stub - Reversing this axle stub and renewing hox in wheel, makes this part of the rake like new. Doubles its life. Champion Rake on 77k1 Champion Rnke have been t-qunlly well taken corrcctiK a i, mccbanical design, dictated by many years The Northwest's GreatCwSt Imple ment and Vehicle House PORTLAND, OREGON SPOKANE. WN. BOISE. IDA. SEATTLE. WN. day with E. D. Unit's. A number of friends rrom the neighborhood Joined ! the company und all had an enjoyable time. Miss Ethel Hart came out rrom port land to spend the Fourth. The ramlly j drove to Bull Run to spend the day. I Mrs. Clark Corey and several others : celebrated the Fourth at the home of 1 W. F. Fischer. Mr. and Mrs. Phlpps. or Cottrell. i and Miss McCullolh, or Chicago, visit 1 ed nt K. I). Hart's Sunday. Ray Howe Is working on the (!ov ernmetit Trail, near Mt. Hood. A GOOD REASON. Oregon City People Can Te'l You Why It Is So. Douti's Kidney pills cure the caule of disease and that tf-. 'hv the cures are always lasting. This remedv strengthens and tones tip the kidneys, helping thrtn to drive -ej of Ih ; lijy the liquid poisons that cause back ache, neadache and distressing kldney nnd urinary complaints. Oregon City people testify to permanent cures. James Wilkinson, 201 Fourteenth St.. Oregon City, Ore'., says: "I had bnckpche and pains In my loins and could not sleep well at night. There wan a stiffness In my limbs and other symptoms or kidney trouble wvre In evidence. Being advised to try Doan's Kidney pills. I did so and was gratl fled bv their promptness In relieving me. Although I am in my seventieth year, I am hale and hearty and I give I'iw'i Kidney Pills rhe credit." For sale bv all d'-aler. price Si cents. Fosfer-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole seem for the I'nlted States-. - Remember the name Doan's and take no other. ' Senator Sutherland, or I'tah. tins a wonderful and fcarfttl vocabulary, which be exploited In an attack on the Oregon System.