OREGON CITY. OREOON, VIMI1AV. JULY ' 1!n- .801 ill j 11 mm. 1111 ALCOHOL JPEH CKNT. Afc$c tablf Rrparsllon for As slraitalingttrFbodandliO ling Utc SiomaciB arullkwas if ncvrffli 40 B ui i Promotes Dilionflrfffi npss and IrsbConiains nrura Opiimi.MorpLic norJluLfaL! M)T:AKCCTIC. T. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature HwmM- Hon, sour aiur.uui.i""' "- war - rnminlinnc KPMTl" ncssandLOSSOFSLIEP JfcSinsIt SignaW of NEW YORK. A 1st ft ;P ln hf Else EASTERN CLACKAMAS bv the lltle boys and slrl. trained by Mrs. P. T. Shelley, who i"K stirring iMtrlotlp airs and was vlnorouHly cheered bv the grout crowd, follows! t,v selection by the band Ueorgo Hennessey, Sandy'i fvoritt little sing er, Hang a popular utr.. Howard Brownell was thon ln" ,1, us tho orator of the day. llo. SANDY. With overhanging dark clouds threatening ralu; amid the booming cracker and roaring cannon the nuirnlttff of the Fourth of July dawned, and patriotic people awakened from ; their slumbers very much disappoint- eil to see that a gentle mist was ' in a most rorcinio, n. tug but soon the sun broke through I 8trUctlve manner, delivered one or tne the' throatenlng clouds and everything i best orations ever heard m Sandy. At brightened up and Uie disappointingly,, conclusion of his address hree frowns of the many people dlsap- cheers were given this young stiver wared and a smile that didn't came t0Klu.d orator, which were given witn and remained during the day while the K vlm Bnd vigor. . Mln'v?l gaiety and festivities were going ouivrr( given to the If. WUv D0" l..,vi.u. wnmed to anni-eclate .IrlH who entertained the people wit n the beautiful dHV that blessed us after patriotic songs and recitations, tne oeauu . v ielnratlon of independence Faiiv the crowds came In wagon WBS w,d by Miss Anglla Canning, loada. autos. buggies, horse back and who. as usual. In a most Interesting f Milady's Mirror III FOR POISON OAK A Spoolllo Antldof For ul by H Drtitgll Guaranteed by Huntley Bros. Co. every other Imaginable mode of trav eling also quite a tew came . . Hull Hun. having come on an excur sion, the first ever given on the ML Hood Klectric line from Portland to Hull Run. and early In the forenoon hundreds of people had gathered In in nWrve the nation's birthday. The exercises began with the parade , rrow,g gtandy closed the most headed bv the Currinsvllle brass band oe88fu) celebration ever held . and Grand Marshal Mike McCormack. . followed by several ttoats. one mi.nu ii .nuniliin arrnnced bv Oscar Dahlgron of the Sandy Confectionery wav, read mat sacrcu mi-.."- such pleasing manner to arouse the patriotism of the people to a high standard. In the afternoon the numerous con tests and races took place, the Currlns villa hnn.1 fllltn the air with sweet strains of music. With the cheering sue- Everybody Satisfied. Hell's Pine-Tar- t Thirty Yosr mimrtap r t riiiiiiB , mi iiiin li it u store. Bini a m'f-r ,- .. ...1,1 orln nr anv (constituted the first parade .ever g.ven toney ( ' 1.1 c-nulv After reaching Jieoug i" r uiruni v. i.." ...... he exerciserw ere opened by Chair- bottle today. lok for the Hell on the nmnTrl uruns followed by a song , Hot. le. Ceo. A. Harding.' Druggist. Exact Copy of Wrapper. t imi mrtmr. mm rr. NEWSJROMJHOUNTRY INTERESTING ITEMS FROM ALL PARTS OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY MACKSBURG. "SiTneightH,. and friends met . ..! .i ir Mtent Peters on the Fourth ".rd,lln,:,"a,rnek In the; Mrs. May. and ber son,mos. and eyy'supVw-eek Is sMll In WJ. wtth the hospital, but Is reported much bet-; of Jh con. Ferdinand C"''"1 mformed that so-ne.hlng ln uWm,gChtne i'Sd-tbJB'lt. seented to offend neighbors and friends were present some one. "I TitsT visitor' to?o tirig'h cU -k and per bfSed a v,sit from' "XsSbaummsde anient cal. : n-n .-in. hi. wife, of Port-l at Mrs. EUtgsen s on -ne ma sun rv. - -- . Hew to Tn. no not ncoulre sunburn In n single bllstertns. which turns ymi n r U lobster and makes you suffer rrom kmart for days." Thut kind of buro coarsens the sklu. often permanently. The becoming healthful tan I- acquir ed gradually by an outdoor life. It Is tme, but without going hut e In the hot sun or bathing the face In salt water. You will find that the real country girls whose complex Imis you ndmlre never are so foolish a to fade their hulr and scorch tlielr face In a July sun. Sunburned hulr Is even more un becoming than a glowing face. and. besides, that sort of exposure drle the hair loo much. Go hatless all you tun. but not when the sun Is scorching hot. I'o not. how ever wear a heavy hat. Select light wide brimmed affair which will admit he air to the sculp, but temper the uu'i rujs. Good 8op. Always carry jour own soap, wheth- CANBY AND CANBY. Arthur Knight, of llosehurg, arriv ed In t'aiil.y on Hunday evenings train, flud will spend the Fourth of July here. Miss Allco Coottllng, of uregou City, well known in mis 1117, hits A large cluss In music on Tnes- ilav .f each week, will ue uie "" of Ihe day, and will sing "Star Spangl ed ItnnsJer," Howard Kccle went to Portland on business, Saturday. Mrs. A. If. Knight and ulster, Mr. Fthel Ferguson, the latter spending the summer In this city, went to Port land on buslnesa Friday, returning the tame day. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mauley are among those camping at thr than tauqua grounds, and will rema.n dur ing the session. One of the up-to-date homes In thla city Is that being built by H. Koy Ue. Mr. lx-e's home Is located on his place near tho John tlraham pro( erty, and will soon be completed and ready for occupancy. William Cantwell was In Oregon City on business Saturday. The t recta of Canby were virtually SOUTHERN CUCKAMAS uln next Saturday and conl"ue until August 7. tlood music will be furnish ed and Interesting speakers liuve been obtained. ' TWILIGHT. The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Caldwell gave thom a farewell par y Huiurduy evening t their home. In Twilight. Cards were the featur 01 the euteiialnment. A beautiful picture was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell by A. H. Ilarvev In behalf of Mends. A delic ious luncheon was served the guestr The following were present: Mr. and Mrs. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Ilarvey, Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. V.....M.. Mr and Mrs. llullard. Miss Hurt hit llullard, Miss Marie Ilarvey. Miss Florence llullard. Miss Murphv. f Portland. Miss Frances (aldwel , Miss Violet Caldwell, Mr. Thomns Kel iuml. Mr. Fred Oliver. Mr. IU.it liar vey. Mr and Mrs. (ioorge Bchrelner spent the Fourth In Canby. A Spiritualist enmpinecllug will be hold at New Ida from July H lo Aug ust 7. 1911. flood speakers will be provided. Mrs. Marian Thompson entertulnel COHArVDPOQN REDLAND. the MACKSBURG. A number of the young folk attend ed the barbecue and celebration at Aurora Saturday. Macksburg was well represented at Aurora Saturday night Jim Mitu and family and Eugene Mitts ana iimuy.r , I ,nr rftlifornia last week. v" T. ..1 i Pnrtinnd. Mr. Hep- nr iioq Fliiabeth Oswalt at uoiu. . . rem ! . . of Miss fciizaueiu uv ...vr nf Wisconsin. , onfv vears of ase and air. auu aiia. iu-., ------ ier a V. ...a h land, last Sunday. The Gibson house Is newly painted and looks fine. ' : J. W. Smith's new barn Is shingled In erand style. The Hubbard Whites defeated the Macksburg Juniors last Sunday, at Cmwh nnrw In an exciting and well- 1 omo h the score of 4 to 3. at ' We regret, most deeply, to record r Paina-B and en- the aeam 01 u . - - - tprmera are rejoicing over, rain. Crops will be good. . The Redland Brass Band met Mr and Mrs. W. C. Paine 8 ana u- ;.,v.UQior nf Macks- tertained a large crowd of young peo-; u7red on the morning pie. ' : . June 30 following an operation for Mr. and Mrs. Hanow ana uauBu-, b of the brain. at tne St. in- Sunday. Mrs. C. well attended. Jm Mitts Is supervising a fill Just noith of the Dryland school house in the place where the fill was destroyed by high water last winter. a . , . Ama nrAm IUI Af1n was a young mau m uuv v engaging qualities. His early death is much lamented by the people of Macksburg, among whom he had grown to manhood. The funeral of Charlie Hepled waa j are visiting their daughter, 1 Mr. Schwartz has men excavating j for his new house. ' A number of Redland residents will attend tne cnauiauqua. , nlfnrm Hrcesa that has at 1 . ..t-iii 1 1 lie Mrs. Morier, of Salem, is isiuuB , lh usfj o d,amberlain s tone Mr. and Mrs. Stone. I rhnrl and Diarrhoea Remedy riQH stnnn Is visiting iu . ..no. " fc. - Two in One Dr. Bell s Anti-Pain Is both an inter nal and external remedy. It Is an an tiseptic remedy and destroys disease germs. Sold every wnere on a puoiu.c guarantee. Geo. A. Harding, Drug-, gist. ' MOUNTAIN VIEW. Canning cherries is the main order of the household. A serious accident happened to i M C Brown Monday while moving to' his new home. He fell and sustain ed a fracture of his leg. Dr. Strick land took him to Portland for treatment. tv.orotf Hickman and wife, of bpo- has It For made it a favorite every wue.e. can alwavs be depended upon. jonniiicr are eoine ' onto tv all dealers. to Canyon City soon. ! It Is worse than useless to take any to Canyon City soo medicines Internally for muscular or Mrs. a. ai. - ;rtvra " V chronic rheumatism. All that is neei rill be out of the hospital this wee enr c HnI)Iicatlon cf Chamher- . . ..u eu 1 The UP Shank piace was m-m , ,aln.g Linlment JO 5 an acre. ers. Several residences are being built , . Inn h liurette place. I LOGAN For sale by all deal- will be appreciated nr. nnt fail to read J. Levitts au- ; nv ,ve formers now as nay. espennij - ... i . . . .U... . J vertisement in this issue. This sunshine U 111 - ... 111 lir.vor and vetch that has fallen, win ,,.t n the eround if not harvested There Is one medicine that every familv should be provided with and especially during the summer months: viz Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is almost cer tain to be needed. It costs but a quar ter. Can you afford to be without It? For sale by all dealers. CLARKES. Mrs Washburn, fram Gladstone, Is out taking care of, her ..tangnter. Mrs Kleinsmith. Mrs. Bcttemlller lr working f r Mrs. Kleinsmith at preseit. Grange meeting w "s h"ld last Sat urday. . . , Sam Elmer was naming um weel . j Mr. Bottemiller Is palniln? his hufe Mr. Wcttlaufer and Ofo Sore-m j went to town last wer-.;. Summer Colds Are harder to relieve than winter ones 1 but thev yield Just as readily to treat- ; ment with Dr. Bell's Plne-Tar-Honey. i Sold evervwhere. Look ror tne tien on the Bottle. Ceo. A. Harding, Druggist. 1 - A Publisher's Advic.- ' The Author-Would you udvlse me i to get out a small edition': The Puu- lisher-Yes. the slualler the letter. i The more wiir. e a lo..k m ill the end ,f four or tive .-eliturles tne uin- Singletree itrap connefls hitf h direiflly with ccntcf hinge on head. This means direct draft and no chance for head to spring. Adjusting Lever-Adjusting the teeth further under the rake head for heavy hay, less for light hay, insures perfect work ing position under all conditions. Reversing Axle Stub-Reversing this axle stub and renewing box in wheel, makes this part of the rake like new. Doubles its life. &3 Removable and Re newable Wheel Box Renewing this box and reversing axle stub makes this part of the rake like new. untold tl. r ,.i f Eczema. ' ,n The rain has been of is germ life that burrows under and j benent but haB done damage too in o n he oUln. The way to cure ; al.in, hf-avv hay and grain to fall. kane Wash., spent the Fourth ot July j FrZEMA Is to remove the cause by j Ball garne Sunday between Logan with Mrs. A. I HicKmau. 'washing away witn a cieau, . secona ana U8mra " - Mrs Mary Turner of West Oregon ' lng Hquid, the germ life and poisons . the latter's favor and was a closei dir. spent Tuesday with Mrs. J. ' that cause the trouble , played game , We nave a t1 c..-'.. - 1 ur - this The first application will stop "Heig. team from Portland, Sunday, the itching and give prompt relief to ! Jalv 9 at Logan. an irritated, itching or inflamed skin. G Frederick is going to build a new If you are a sufferer from skin or scalp harn eruption in any form, try one bottle j j Minder's new house looks very of this clean scientific preparation, we neat an( a(Ids much to the appearance . . ill V ntaacod With - t ,.K l.r.pl.tf.H are connueiu you wi i"""" : - 01 mat neis"."" money you realize from IL- Plaiu Pettier Jlevelaud . Reversing Wheel Ratchets 9 Kngagmg dogs on dump rods -when 'r worn, reverse and you double the life of this part. , V 11m If Old Ulcers Are unsichHv and dangerous. Dr. Bell's Antiseptic Salve will heal them promptlv. It Is clean and pleasant to use. 25c a box. Sold everywhere. Ceo. A. Harding. Druggist. Roehl. Mr. and Mrs. B. Allmon, of Indiana, : and Mrs. Emma pladdon, of Tillamook. ; returned to their home after visit- , ing friends here. j Mrs. Amos Harrington and children, . of Highland, have moved Into town. and will live . with Mrs Maggie -r th(j use of tW 8tan. rineiou uu ric". . . i.j n,.oi n fnr eczema. n Joe tackson is at home after spend- , oa .,,, aa Erown nn rrowd came and ,ng the winter in Eastern ' Oreg on. Huntley Bros. Co. Drug j the driver seemed to have business Miss Winnie returned to Eastern person ; elsewhei e. anyhow they had to phone Oregon last week. , ...I . ! to Portland at night for another car. Henry ana Emu scuBl.n , w -- 1 1 Molit eVervbodv and his dog went 1 to Gladstone the Fourth and. like All Skin Diseases Several farmers are plowing hay yanj,ee poodle, could not see 'h 1 yield readily to treatment ground while the hay is yei ; crow(j, there were so many pexjp.e. : lJeU'g Antiseptic Salve, we guaran the ground. Much hay was spoiled by Tnere was a picnic at Stone at the ; tee it 2rc a box. Sold everywhere the rain. , . parK and everyoouy ui uiw ' " , ueo. A. Jiaraing, urugsisi. c K nart's. Harry treruwn , enod t me. ' ' . 1 111 n nA naaf. 1 1 ......1.1 1 .1 ti u tin Mr Dickenson s aweiiiiiB " uame urunuy na mu iu.f, ;' n.tin n,.,,nr...i fnr stone iii the near future , lilt; IIUIUUICV.VU. ...... . em Oregon, spent the Fourth of July j with their parents. Herman Brand, or roruauu, enriav with his narents. Mrs. Morrison was taken to a hoa- oital in Portland Tuesday. Uugh. A correspoitdeut of hu Kngllsh puper ; points out nine wuys ot prouuuueiug j the letters "oui;b." These are. written phonetically, us in eoff. tauf (etn.n is allowablei. euuft. iuhui. ibo. throe ble Autos by the do,ens were out look- cup. the Irlslt W hou - - for cozy nooks along tne uacga- nunciauou -".u. - Dual eoiisouMuiw iu i.- representing ilie -orresiotiilltiK gnttui als In .iertiwn The editor iu couiment adds. "There Is one other iiougu." with Dr. norrtt and Curtis Martin, who nave n,-nrkine- for Bert Cummins in the - ' sawmill, spent Sunday and the Fojrth Horman & Kayles have purchased ( At th! rate appiications are coming ,ith their motner. a new wing feeder lor tneir imie : n it looks as if we win nave a . nvu. Curtis Selby went to Canty Sunday machine which will be a great con-1 th!g wlnter, the hall came. i venlence. as this feeder reaches out , A11 report a good time at Logan; Lu - , . . . .v Maph no : . .... 1 r.11 eacn siue 01 j xuesday nigni; n:e 1:1 ram, ; I could cat. then some. .Mrs. james Mrs. Sprague is recovering, au young furnlsned ine supper Htm i.( is able to sit up 3ome. hne nas toi n,jenhall the refreshments. Thirty members were in attendance Mrs. Hatton, Mrs. rernn auu , af f;ranf;e Saturday. Mr. anH Mrs TAWrence aiam. ... a i t ' ;o' Eastern Oregon Saturday to their for the sheaves claim. . r ..v. n r,t flnlitendalo. u irrirtav to SDond 124 pounos. W asu.. ailit - -- - . a month with her Mrs. A. Matz. Th Ancient lncuotor. Few of t - wo" wrestle with the nioliletu ana oM-n fall o sol'e It realize now art I her are strugglinU to Thousands of yenrs ago .Kgyptnin- Vital Points Well Taken Care of on the Champion Rake Rake have bvvn equally well taken .1. ..11 . i t., T'lw. fhfiftitin Utiho upon invcst:;;ntion tnat a., outer ..... ... "7,", ,i,.ti,, ,ii.-t..t.-.i bv tniinv vears ...H ii.'nFU f immntfin ...flllire 5 tUI Ululiruin i.il v.... - - - care o i. um.i-i ijiu, v. .......... -- - Vou will find i t..:i.l .:..r.....ir. ..rvl..nl,la ruka. experience in uuuoiug a.is.i. ii . The Champion Hake emttodu stl.e n.ost prarticul fcug eestions or thousands of farmers. It hasii t been nec essary to chance the Chumplon Kake in the i-nst three or four years. No one could sunr;e!ii any further improvi mint. I he more cure fully youinvi stitiato the Champion Hake the tnoresurrly tci you be convinced that it l.i the rake that will serve you best. While you are thinking of it. drop ' os a card for our Champion Catalog The Northwest's Greatest Imple ment and Vehicle House PORTLAND, OREGON SPOKANE. WN. BOISE, IDA. SEATTLE, WN. ' ; Mr and Mrs. Hatton, .Mrs. renin a... at orange Saturday, parents kit. o wnnv,r Mark Sprague and Miss Alice N L Bria p. M Kirchem delivered 'made a visit to Stone last WEALTH OF HAIR. Huntley Bros. Co. Has the Preparation That Grows Hair. Stops Dandruff and Makes Hair Gloriously Radiant ,.,.k CUv Hnntlev Bros. Co. if Parisian Sage doesn t eradicate all dandruff, stop splitting hair, falling hair and scalp itch, and put life ana lustre into the hair of any man. wom an or child. , , And Parisian Sage is so pleasant and refreshing. No cheap perfumery odor to cdrry around all dav, no dis agreeable concoction that (disgusts th senses, but a daintily perfumed tonic th-it proves its goodnepg the first time you use It. Baldness and faded hair are both caused by dandruff grrms. Paririlan Sage kills the germs and causes the hair to grow abundantly. Urge bottle for 00 cents at Huntley Bros. and drug:ists everywhere. Spraioie week. Mrs. M. B. Lett started on a visit to Portland. Seattle and other towns last Sunday where she expects to sptnd the summer. Mrs Ira Jrnes, of Oreeon City, and her daughter, Mrs. Wickham, of Den ver, arrived at Oak Point Farm the f'rst of the week. The former will remain a while and the latter will go to Colorado the last of the week. E. E. Judd has his auto in good ,i,Dr. after the collision. V. H. Sfein- ni'er W. O Vaughn have purchased Reds,'' V. J. E. Vick and B. Fred rick "Huicks." j , . c . Chester Di :key returned last bar ur.'ay to spend his vacation at the old homestead. He will Indulge In trout fishing. Apcordine to reoor's it maKes a lot of logs to the Mumpower saw mill at Stone. The river being low made the task somewhat difficult. Miss Lftui.se Dnus, of Eagle Creek, visited relatives here this week. Miss Sylvia Brown went home to H-ifnd the Fourth. Mrs. N. S. Anderson is camping at Chautauqua. A Cough, A Colfl And then no telling what unless vr- Hell s Pine-Tar-Honey. It is oiu no uiHtHr in one part or tit- w jrid huo ln another Had Hie art of Ineuhatmu t,...i..i. ,i.,ceiufifl that It ejK ' ui.., . an hereditary profession, the Of the Mil rui I'""'' L'UarUefJ Willi religious h,,.,.!...! ilnw ii from father to sou ...I.. ....!!..'. ".fill UUU niw i oii' Kcvt.tlan UX.-II a." Ilieiibittors back t reiiioiV Miitliiuity. f,ro ii.M t-rt-tii h revolution mnrkets h.i.l ll,. nt.lltor . bi. ken. thanks to the Boiineiiiiiin apparatus, was invent-t in 1"7 Be Tims. .i S.IU...I -l Iu Ihe Mulue woods or ut a fiisluiiimlile w.iieiing place. The soap wiiwii one person likes may be poison to niioilier skin. ( anv H hag Willi eoiu ". deserted on Saturday, when most of the people went to Aurora, where they assisted In celebrating. Owing to the celebration In Canby on tho Fourth It was decided to celebrate at ihe former cllv on Saturday. There bunt and freckle lotions, powder and WUK a hB (.rowd out to see the base- wi seerei heltii: Hiii-redl.ews Hi.u The I tin due F.ven 0' the Pans which Merchant" out of the latner-nwaw an(j tne dav seemen use a sanrtH. n -iv when the daughter marries a cie. n. i n jUne. Tne youneer set goi up a n. ATTENTION FARMERS! The Combination Farm Tool can be had at ANDREW KOCHER'S HARDWARE STORE 319 MAIN STREET. Doesn't this marriage business 'raise tne Dickens'' anyhow? Mr. Marsh wag called to the bed side of his dying mother recently in Eastern Washington. C V. Herman is building a cement foundation garage. The Oak Point garage was the first cement floor gar- aee hui t in th's ena 01 tne c-uuin. Everything his taken on new since the rain. . ir -i-cvv i the best, ask your nelehbor. IK.k 'V.JiyiSSiwiV A 1 lor the Bell on the Bottle. Sold ev- h't W ' ervwheie. Ceo. A. Harding, Druggist.: 5r '$&1?P p The Fourth of 1S11 has come and eone and we are all sane, sound of sight and limbs as far as heard from life I Whooping cough is not dangerous when the cough is kept loose and ex pectoration easy by giving Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. It has been used ln many epidemics of this disease with perfect success. For sale by all dealers. tie mnic in Oaee's Park from which the older set were excluded. Thev ' had a swing, croquet, a dinner w ith 1 lemonade and a pleasant time general- ly, and went home tired but happy. A few received friends and many went j stayed a couple of hours. She has I abroad, some to see the much talked I of game of chautanqua. Mrs. Elligsen rooe over to r. i warPi i Gage's in Mr. Hol on's machine, and . . 1 ben nuite sick since Sunday but is better at present writing. Mr. and Mrs. Porell went to Port land Saturday to attend the wedding of a niece and at'.ended Cnautanqua on Tuesday. One of the children left a fork at the park which was found next day and can be had by callir? at Mr nbsorbeiit lotion, tooth puwuer. ui.o- ( bol lamp nml mirror. One can use this bag lis un emergen cy ( best nml add a small case of tued- Iclnes. disinfectants und bauiluges. Vou wl.l uot liml t.ie bag a burden. On the contrary, you will thmik your self ninny times for lis possession be fore the summer is over Iteuiciiil-er that healihy inn does not uiei.ii I oii-i.-r.i o-.iru whose distlgtirlng hue Is so t'eep us t lust until ThaiiKhgivuig. Th Athletio' G;rl, The athletic gill h Unally U.scov erea that lo sliov ber sporting silril she need Hot necessarily sacriln e her good looks und f.-miiiine . Harm Khe soothes tier sunltiirn. She uurses the corns from ber hands ciiwcd th rowing und tetllilS. She keeps her hair glitssy nnd in good color by cui-timl rubbing of the sculp and iippU utliiii f a good tonic. She rememliers that it sen hath Is In vlgoratlng. but that for cleansing pur pown tlie tub must n: 1 entirely omitted. In short she lakes even better care of herself during the vacation than she doe in winter lu order to make the best use she can or tne ine gum ball irame. snorts and attend tne dance In the evening. One nf the most up-to-date hotel buildings In this county is thut being constructed by Mrs. Cassle Evans, proprietress of the Cottage Hotel. Mrs. Evans' business has grown so that she found It necessary to en large her hotel bulling, and an ad dition of 12 rooms is being construct ed by Frank Dodge. At the com pletion of thla addition Mrs. Evans will have an 18-room hotel, with all modern conveniences, Including bath and electric lights. Many of the sleeping roomB will be heated. The rooms are to be plastered, and the dining room will be of paneled walls. This room will be 22x20 feet, which will be a well-lighted and airy room. Aurora Saturday and the dance was well represented by Barlowltes. Miss Anderson, of Astoria, spent the Fourth In Barlow. She also attended the dance In Aurora and Canby. Miss Anderson Is visntng Mrs. C. G. Tull. She has signed a contract to teach In the Drlmary department for Hobo Bug-Come on. Weary1, don't breezes and untraromeled life In the tne npxt term of srhool. A friend of That's one ot them Dees vn. .in Amieimj.., mS .. ' Ifiria, lias ueII circieu yuniyat ui mc ' . ' , school. Pow.r of Murk. Mrg. Andrews had friends from i Visitors to the mosque of St. Sophia. . ,,ortand vlHtn! her from Saturday In Constaoilnople. notice as soon lirj.i Tuesday evening. they enter h is-autlful fragrance per i A nnrnner of Mr. and Mrs. Harter's ! vadlng the entire l.illding. When the i friends from Portland spent the Fourth ! mosque was built l." years ago the j with them. J is'ottes snd brnns were laid id mortar I The New Era campmeetlng will be- 1 mixed with noi.iti.rn of uiusk. j her Sunday school class Thursday nf-1 ternoon at her home, luncheon was served. Mrs. Curtis visited friends In Port land las' Thursday. Relatives from the East have be. -ti visiting a few days at Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Harvey's. Solves a Deep Mystery. "I want to thank you from the bot tom of rnv heart," wrote C. B. Kader, of lwlshurg, V. Va., "for the wonder ful double benefit I got from Klectric Bitters, In curing me of both a severe case of stomach trouble and of rheu matism, from which I had been an al most helpless sufferer for ten yean. It suited my case as though man..' just for me." For dyspepsia. Indiges tion, Jaundice and to rid tho system of kidney poisons lhat cause rheuma tism, Klectric Bitters has no equal. Try them. Every bottle Is guaran teed to satisfy. Only fine at Jones Drug t'o. Wants, For Sale, etc. MONEY TO LOAN In sums to suit Flist Mortgages one year or on long time. Charges reasonable. Cross nnd Hammonds, Attorneys. A number attended the barheque at ; WANTED tiooti, neat gin ror general i housework. Apply Mrs. 1-ranK Kusch. Both phones. : FOR SALE 25 corda of wood, $.1.00 j ier cord. Wm. Jacobs, Boardman ; Station, Second house east of Station. BARLOW. The majority of the residents of Barlow attended the celebration at Canby on the Fourth. Many young folk took ln the dance ln the evening. whose bun Is worse than tls sting. LASTING BENEFITS Mankind" are always happy having been happy. o if rou make them happy now you make tnn happy twenty years hence by the memory of k. FOR SALE General merchandise store In small town on line of new Clackamas Southern Railroad. Stock for sale and building for sale or i rent. Addresn A. B. (X Care of En terprise. ! FOR SALE Ten seres land In small ! town on line of new Clackamas Southern Railroad, $200.00 per acre. Mostly cleared. Small stream of wa ter across one corner. Address A. B. C, care of Enterprise.