OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 19ll. Final Notice. Nolle I hereby given I hut the tin- (ll'r:tltH'l fTlllor Of Hit) Nlllt of (leorgit W. Piirrlsh, deceased, lui tt 1il IiIm final account In said estate In (tin County Cuiirt of the Htuia of Oregon for Clwkmna County, and I hut tlm Judge of mill) court him ap pointed Moiiiluy, tlm 3rd ilny of July, HM1, lit Id o'clock A. M, for liimrliiK objection ti wilil Mi'i'oiint Mini for t- HIlIK Nlllll fHllllM. C. W. I'AHUIHII, Executor of tin" estate of (leorge W, I'm i lull, deceased, (iKd. C. IIUOWNKl.L. Attorney for Executor. Sheriff'. Sal.. In the Circuit Court of thu Slate of Oregon, for the County of Clacka- . IIIHM. John Kekel, I'lulntlff, v. I). M. Itowliiml mid Hiinih II. Rowland, lii.fi'inlanlH. State of Oregon, County of Clacka- IMIIH, HH. Hy vlrtuo of a JuilKinenl order, do eree and un execution, duly iMmied out of mill uiiiler the wnl of tlm above entitled court. In thn above entitled ciitiHo, to mo duly directed und dated the 2!"h ly "f Ml,v. Wl- "I"'" i,,, luti, i. hi ri-mlered Ntid entered In Kiild court on the 2!h day of May, I ill I, In fiivor of John Koaei, nam hi m...i .uiiiiiHi ii. m. Uowlund nnd Sarah II. Howlmid. Defendant, for ii... .in or l:i K'JO.75. with Intercut thereon lit Hie rate of (I per cent per from I in 1 til Ii liny or 111 u re n JS1H, and the further mini of $25000, mm attorney fee, nnd tho further mini of $:U.M), cohIm mid disbursement, mid the tost of nnd upon hub wni, commanding inn to make sale of tho following described real h1 personal property. iiltuate III the County of Clackamas, State of Oregon, towlt: lleKlnnliiK lit the B. V. comer of the 8. K. of Hoc. 4, T. 3 8. It. 1 K. of W. M., thence east nlonic the section linn 20 chain, thence north 35 chain und 85 link to thn Momh boundary of n county rond where n stake In net from which n rud tlr 8 Inchen In dia meter bear north 115 V. 9 llnkn dis tant; thence north a" W. 69 link; thence H lfi" W. 27 chiilnn nnd 30 lit) kM to n stake from which a red fir CO Inchen In ulaiucler henrn B. s K. 22 llnkn distant; thence N. riil" W. 13 chain mi KH llnkn to Hie legal ub division line between the H. U. und S V. quarter of ld nectlon 4 in tho aforesaid towiiMhlp; thence nouth n ,iw,ii, mill 'Jii llnkn to the place of beginning containing 35.50 ncren more or lenn. Also the following described pirMiiiiil property: One 0 ft. cut Champion binder, one 5 ft. cut Cham pion mower, one 0 ft. Champion hay rake, one tier Vineyard dine harrow, 1 tooth harrow. 1 Oliver chill plow, 1 Mitchell UwIm Waver H Uu top buggy, one 3' Inch Weber wagon, one heavy riding nndille, two neln working hariiCKM, one net buggy hitmen. Now therefore, ly virtue of mild ex ecution. JudKineiit order and decree, nnd In compliance with the command of nald writ. I wIlIT on Huturday, the In) dav of July. mil. nt the hour of 10 o'clock A. M . nl the front door of the County Court House In the City of Oregon City. In nnld County and Wate, Hell at puhllc auction, nuhject to re demption, to the highest hldder. for C. H. gold ""I" r"Hl' '" "nn1, a" lne right, title and Interent which ihe . within named defendant! or either of Pinal Notice. '. Notice In herehy iclven that the uu- deiMlitiied idmliilKtrnlor of the. enlate of John J. Jetinen, flecenneo, mil men hli Dual account In nnld untute In the County Court of the Htuia of Oregon for Clncknmii! County, nnd that the Judge of nald court linn appointed Monday, Juno 12lh, Kill, at 10 o'clock A, M. for hearing ohjnctlon! to nald uccotint nnd for nettling nald entnie. ANTON IJYItON, AdinlnlHtrntor of the entitle of John J. Jointed, decenned. OEM. C. UROWNELL ami WM. M. HTONH attorney! for dinlnlnlrnlor. execution, ludgment order nnd decree, I duu of the first publication of thl ce iiuoii, J"""'r" . .,,,,. rt f you fall to aiiM-ar ami In compliai.re w..n -"-; - """""- --".Y ,muMu, ,hm ;, ,. of Mid wr . i 7 , ; pp o t,; court , m. lOOtlOIK A. fti.i i i" ,. AMi,rf forever dimi ni of Oregon ( Hy, In . f '"'"'.r' . .--.n ..l-lntllf mid defendant ln.vi Hinte, nell at puiiiic 'auc.ion, ja- " " '"-'t1'!' ::. r:han7;ii "Th.- , - ..1. ' 11 V 1 .,,,1 lulerent which the aiiwennlvt week! by orner of the Hon them, had on the r,lli flay oi . r,..,.,iv of Clnckamun. which week!, the flrt pghllcatlon being April in, 1911, ana ine .am puiii:ni he I n 1 the Kin any i J"'"'' '' ' Attorney for Halntlff. Bummonn. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clnckiinuin County. It. J. Iluchnn, Plaintiff, V!. 1.-H1.1.1.1I1 li! Iiiiehaii. To Kllzulieth H. Iluchnn, Ixfendanl: 1.. ilwi K'iinn ,.f thn H ate 01 Oregon. v.... ii m i.iti.Iiv reimlred to aiinear and mmwer the comphilnt Tied ngiilnnt you In the ahovo entitled nun, on or tie t,im Dm 7 nil duv of June. A. I). 1911, nnld dale hetng the expiration of nix weekn from I no nrm punnnmon ui thin niinimonn, and If you fall to ap pear or nnnwer nald complaint, for wnnt thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In thl complaint, towlt: Kor a decree dlanolvlng tho hondn of matrimony 'now existing between the plaintiff and defendant. Thin nnnimonn I puhllnhed by order of lion. It. II. Dentin. Judge of the County Court, which Order wan mndo and entered on the 9th day of May, A. I. 1911. flrnt puhllcntlon to be made Mav 12th. 1911. WHKKIjOCK & WIMJAMB. Attorney! for Plaintiff, Portland, Ore gon. .. .a tl Miftneuilfi if tltut " " K. T. MAH8, Kherlff of Clackuniin County, Oregon .... i . UT1ITK llelll.lV. jmted, Oregon City, Ore., Mny 10. 1911. 1911. A. E. COOPKIl, Attorney for plaintiff Summona In the Circuit Court of the Bmle Oregon, for Clackamnn 10111117 Churlen Winkler, I'lulntlff. VM Arum Winkler, Defendant. Summon!. In the Circuit Court of the Bute of Oregon, ffr the t.ouiiiy or i.iacka mUU of Clan I). Macey, plaintiff, vn. JeaHle W. Mnw-y, Dffeiidaiit. r.. i...uiu w Mncev. Derendant: ( W , r n 1 j ... - ww - In the nume of tne muie or uregon, 1 III 1MB li'- " , ' ' . .... t....i.u isnnlrea to miu"ir nnd To Anna Winkler, the above named (,je com,)la,lt RU.d herein imfendant: nualnnt you In the aiKive entitled nun kn Mom. .r thm fltate of Ore- 1Pn, ju 1,,,,,. in in.. i'- , on or neiore gon: You are uereny riini j9J1 ufu.r dale or mo nrni ptiun eur and annwer tno coinpmM.i . ,i of tiilat !i.mmonn nnd if yoi a Summon!. In the Circuit Court of the State of 'Oregon, for Clackamnn Counry. Kloreuce H. Newell, Plaintiff, rn. ..,.. n Vi.tvitlt Defnndunt. To Cyriin P. Newell, the above named ft,, full lilt tit ' In the name of the Btate of Oro- v.... arn hi.rnliV tllltllled tO D- near and annwer tho complaint filed ngalnnt you In the above entliled ult on or before the 3rd day of June, 1911- and If you fall to annwer for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the nnld Court for tho relief prayed for In her complaint, to-wit: A dm nolutloit of the marriage contract now exlntlng between plainnn una aeicu ant, for an ahnolute divorce and for cokU nnd dlHbiirnemeiitn In thl! ult. Thl nummoii la puhllnhed by order of Hon. J. U. Campbell. Judi?e of the nnld Court made and dated April 18, A. D. 1911, date of flrnt publication April 21t. 1911- WIIKEI-OCK & WILLIAMS, Attorney! for Plaintiff. Portland. Oregon. ,eur nnd annwer tho complaint file-j l f of Ulg grnmo,in nnd If you ....in.. v. in In iha above entitled COUri I ..... .- annwer n.-ild eom- nnd caune on or before the Mb day oj Ue MnUS wm m,)y to the June, A. D. 1911. nam ante ue.. ... -i- f( th rellef aPmanded therein, ..I,. i,nm nnd after tnoi . . . j ..t a.., ...... ,.r.u..r dM of the flnt publication L1(lllovl.,g the bond of matrimony nummoni m per oroer 01 nii, . - m)W t.xg,ng between piaiiuin ana ae- fall to appear and Dcr 'j"" P"? ft-ndant nlwve named. plaint herein the plaintiff will apply to gummooa la mibllnhed for ilx 1 . . ,mrr tot me ciii u. - i ...y,,iuui v- wppua iir iiu i ui ij.e iiuii- ' " vor a decree of -u' :',.,. ,,, ... ,t, ui! coiiipiaiii., . - . orat.ie J. I. -'e . -n..r.- fnrnver d nnolvlng the bonun , f the H,ate of rvtt(,n. of matrimony now ana nereioiure f()f (he (;ounty of Clackama. waicn Intlng between plaintiff and defendant ma(1(f and .ntered on the . ? . u ,t,,.f mil further relief . ... . ... ., 1011 ana ior num u.u. - i;itn any i ! to the Court may aeem meet ana o nrHt publication, May 19th mibllnhed In the 191 a. E. COOPER. Oregon City Bntcrprine, a newnpaper Attorney for Plaintiff. printed and puhllnhed ana paving - Portland. Oregon, general circulation In Clackama M coimtv Oregon, purnuani 10 u oummu.... o he Honorable Jamca U. Campbell. , (he clrcu, Court of the State of 1 - . .t.yA rvinrf. , ,.. cluekHniA CountV. Judge of tne auove tun" w" r tJreKou, i" - - -- d ly made and entered on the th Arthur . Halllday, Plaintiff. iirni puijii' " t- nnd the date of lant publication l June 2nd, A. D. ! vvn nr.t irttnV YOtINO Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice I hereby given that tho un dernlgned, admlnlnlrator of the e late of K. T. (.rider, ha filed In the County Court of Clackama County. Btate of Oregon, bin final account, nnd that the nald court ha appointed ... i'ith iinv of June. 1911, .1I1III1IIIJ 1 i . . nt ten o'clock A. M.-thereof a the t f.ertrude M. Halllday, above ..,1 Aafantiant ' In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and I .h. mmolalnt filed agalnBt you In the above named milt, on or before Professional directory William MammeeJ tiimmflni. In tho Circuit Court of the Btate of Oreion for Clackamaa itinty. Martha Wolf, Plaintiff, VI. t. n'.if rw.fandant. To Krar.lt Wolf, the above named d iniuiiiu. .1. ,. 1 1, a fl.Ate of Oregon. Ill If." iimij fi ' : you are hereby required to appear and nnnwer the compiaini niea ngin"i In Ihe above entitled Court and catine, on or lefore the 10th day of June, , ...i v.,.inr more than nix wrum nubHeiiuent to the date of the first publication of thl! notice, and If you fall to 10 appear ana annwer, n.r wo... thereof. the plaintiff will take a de- fault agalnnt you ana pi7 , ......... roll f ilemnndid In her ,ouri .". m.tj - . complaint, to-wit: Kor an ahnolute divorce from the bond of matrimony . k..rttf,fnro exitintr nciwein now nuu - the plaintiff and defendant, and for the return to her of her maiden name, to-wit, Martha Ehlert, and for nucn other and further relief ai In equity nhe may be entitled to. ti.i. ...mmnna II nuniirineu m w Oregon City Enterprlne. for nix cc-n 1,. nnilur nnd b V rtue of an order made and entered In aaia Court and caune by the jionorame j. V. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State or Oregon, ior 1.. County of Clackama!. Dated and flrnt DUDIienea mm o" day of April. 1911. JOHNSON II VA.t Mint., Attorney! for Plaintiff. Hnrvey 1. Cron. CROSS & HAMMOND ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW W! hav! now moved to our permnntnt quartern In the Bver Building. N.xt to th.-Andr...n Bulldln(j. R.al E ate Abntract c, 0r. Loam, Innurane. w ' ' - JOSEPH E. HEDGES Lawyer MONEY TO LOAN WEINHARD UILOINO III ICII " 1 , . , 1 lm for iH'iir UK Onjt'rimiiB iu n-i- i'uu - . bS ..cuntVithe iettletncnt there- Oregon, containing U, acre, lea of. unt , of Bait DV wum"i-'-" 1 in me B" , . , . Notice ot on 07 n j 19U ga,d date Notice I hereby given thnt In pur- ef'n "nlrfl,ion of nix week! from Huance of the order of the County - p.ttoll of th,8 8Ummonn, Court of the State of Oregon for i.m- " VoU fall to appear or an.wer witiiHii County. autnon.inK im - , ., .... want thereof me the undesigned, un administratrix 01 Yff will apply to the court for the the Mint, of B. W. Ilorton. deceaned, PUJr .'e'd Pfo,L hlg compialnt u ill nell at nrlvate nale for canh, from rei. I pr bondg Mi.d after the Hth day of June. 19U. r now ex!litlng between .ho following dencriueu proprnj - .,., und defendant. This ani.i etate. to-wit: ... . :.. hllKhed by order of I,,t numbered nineteen ijon n B Belt.e, Judge of the Coun- numbered twen.y-nlx (26). , l . Neb alem Hon. U B B and Bay Tract, In Tillamook County, Ore- of y ml Bn- ,,.t i,wk and the time prescribed for publlca- w.t numbered seven (7) in blocK au ue 1 y .ks beirlnnlng numbered six (6) In Willamette, Mu.t- un Frlday May 19lh, nimiah Pouiit v. Oregon. . r,nnnin7 PHch week there- .Ab'?jrr,wrsontona.d he ,88Ue f r.iiKrnu nu - --- - i.,h Krtuav. June rfum, rtiTPased for block numbered eight riuay, june , (8). Kdgran & Peterson Tract. ? f ee- Attorney for Plaintiff. ctte Meridian. In Clackama County. Bummonn. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Ciackamau ioumy. Lucy Odell. Plaintiff, v. Charlea Odell, Defendant. To Charlea Odell, above named de- fendant: . .u . nf hn Rtnte of Ore- i,AM.tv r.niilred to ar gon, you me - near and annwer the complaint filed agalnM you in me on or before theth day of June, 1911. nald date being the expiration of six week from the nrsi puoocm.ui. thl mmmom, and If yon fall to ap pear or answer ald complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In her complaint . . For a decree dlanolvlng the bonds of matrimony now existing Jween the plaintiff and defendant. Thl sum- mon IS puDimnea uy J. U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court, which oraer waa "1u ' tered on the 19th day of April. 1911. and the time prescribed for publica tion thereof is ix eekbef' ?, with the Issue of Friday, April 28th, 1911. and continuing each week, there after to and Including the Issue of .. I..-. Olh 1011 rnua. .un. -.. -"- x.r-T t GEO. U. Bttuvv.E.iiA WM. M. STONE, Attorneys for Plaintiff. cree dissolving the bond of matri mony now exlntlng between the plain tiff and defendant, and for auch other and further relief as to thin Court may neem meet and equitable. Thin summon Is nerved by publica tion thereof In the Oregon City Enter prise, a newnpaper printed and pub- iiai,,.fi at nroiron i:ht. orexon. uj ui- der of the above entitled Court, made, dated nnd filed therein on the 27th day of April, 1911, which i-ald order requires that summon In thla suit be publlnhed once a week 'for six con necutlve week. SWEEK ft FOUTS, Attorney! for Plaintiff. Date of first publication hereof, April 28th, 1911. Date of last publication hereof, June 9th. 1911. Notice to Creditors. la herehv elven that the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the county of Clackamas, has ap pointed the undersignea tsmer omun and Jane Donnis, executrixes of the will of David P. Jones, deceased. All persons naving ciamm w"" , said decedent, or bis estate, are nere by given notice that they shall present them to the unJo.-slgred executrixes at the office of Jos. E. Hedges, Esq., In the Weinhard Building In Oregon City Oregon, within six month from j the 'date of thl notice, with proper voucher duly vennea. Dated May 5, 1911. ESTHER SMITH AND JANE DONNIS, Executrixes of the Will of David P. InnAH Dec'd. JOS. E. HEDGES, Attorney. WM. M. STONE, Lawyer. associated with . George C. Browned. All Legal Buslnen Promptly At tended to. U'REN A ICHUIBtL Attorney-at-Law I Dtutacher Advokat f Will practice In all courta, make J e collection and aettlemenU. J Office In Enterprise Bulldlaf. Oregon City, Oregon. J C D e V D. C. LAT0URETTI Attorneya-at-Law ? Commercial, Real Eatate and e Probate our Hpecia.ue. vi I flee In Flrat National Bank i Bldgr.. Oregon City, Oregon. i W. S. EDDY. V. S M. D. V. 1, - ... a 1 1 i Gradmte of the Ontario Veterl- nary College ot I orcnto, Canada, t and the McKillip School of Surgery of Chicago, ban located J e at Oregon City and entablUhed aa I -fri. a'. Tli Puhion SUblen, I v w... - A t HeTemth Street near Mnin. Both Telephone Summon. T.r.ti.l T f iini MlV wlthlll named ueieiiiomia . v...... . t iiuinr-ijuuiivu. I III, III llll.l fill thn date of the mort-; A,imiiutrBtiir of the eMltte of E. T. gage herein or nlnco had In or to the 1 (;,iPr. deceased. nU.ve described real and personal ! J0S K . HEPCES. property or any part thereuf, to satlB- j Attorney. fy nnld execution, Judgment order, de-j t iee. Interent, contn and all accruing Notice of Final Settlement, costs. I Notice In hereby given that the tin- iv. 1. .had.- 1 ...ii uinfii'd admlnlHiratrix or tne ewan- i lpB ... ,.,!,. rA.,rt nt thn State of yiB ;.:;.... . u fr hichwaynU lHe ' " . " .. .... ftirnntrh sa d urenuii, running earn nu "to. intt-i. , .11 11.1.. ui,,.,,l,i a made to tne un derslgned through Flegel & Renoll" I her attorneys, at 4U'M0 rniinig l.ig. Portland. Oregon. Wlnnibel Morris, Plaintiff, vs. T. n . I I 11 Tilf 111! 1 11 11 1 To R- E. Morris, aoove uouicu fendant: - In the name of the state 01 uregou, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. Ilv J. O. 8TAATS, Deputy. ' I mied. Oregon City, Ore.. Mny 29th, mil. Summon. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Hurry C. C.rlfflng. Plaintiff, vn. Maud K. drifting, Defendant. To Maud K. C.rttTlng, Defendant: In tho name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby commanded to appear In the above cntiuea court .u on or before the IMh nny of July, 1911. and annwer tho qomplalnt Hied against you In said court and cause, and for want of nn answer the plaintiff will apply to tho court for tho relief de manded In the complaint, ylr.: tor a decree of divorce dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing be tween plaintiff and defendant nnd for such other relief as prayed for In said complaint. ... , . This numinous Is published by order of the Hon. It. H. 17"; fudge of the above entitled ( ounty, 'mde and entered the 21th day of ...... .nil amy, ivi .. .. .... on flute of flrnt publication, May 26. 1!M1, JAY H. UPTON. Atttney for Plaintiff. Notice to Creditor. Notice Is hereby given that on the lMh day of May. 1911. the County Court of the State of Oregon for the C i.ty of Clackamas, duly appointed William A. Jackson of Woodbnrn Ore gon. as administrator of the estate of Mary Jackson, deceased, and he the said William A. Jackson dub as sm h administrator, and he f now . i.,i..,i Miuilll ed and act- 1 tie iniiv ii'i"- 'i . . Z admlnlH.ra.or of the es.n e of Mary Jackson, deceased, and all P r sons having or pretending .0 have any claims or demands against the said en at. "lire hereby r.'questcd to present l o 'lulyverlM ns by law re (11,lred. to the -dmlnlH rator ttllUam A Jackson, nt his residence In Wood born Oregon, within nix (C) mon hi from the dat; of the first publication "Md'r.'a-em, Oregon, this lh ay of May. 1911 fc BR0WNi Attorneys for Administrator. First publication May 26, 1911. Ust publication June 21911. tu-ininiii' 111 of John Sager. deceased, ha filed in the County Court of fiacnamas v-ou..- ... oi,.tA .if llrlfllll her filial account as' such administratrix of said estate and that Monday, the 19th uay or June, A K. 1911. at the hour of ten o'clock A M. has been llxed by said Court as the time for hearing of objections to said report and the settlement thereof. JCLIA SAC.Elt. i Administratrix of the estaic of John Sager, deceased. C KKN & SC1U EBEU Attorneys for Administratrix. , , D.AISY,aVBof E V you are hereby required to appear and Administratrix of 'he estate of E. an8Wer tne complaint filed against Ilorton, decenxou. Jn aDOVe named suit, on or Dated May 19, 1911. - before the 30th day of June, 1911. . - ueiore uie sviu - - - : 7 l ....1.1 jni. .oinir h nxDlration. of six Notic. of Sale of R.-I E tat. at kuo- k" "tSe flt publlcat.on of "C A" . nr thU summons, and If you fall to ap v.iHpb Is hereby given tnat in pur- said complaint, for suance of an order of tile County ant thereof ,he plaintiff apply Court of the State of Oregon, for tbe court for thfl rellef prayed for County of Clackamas we ln her complaint im n Mav. 1911. In the mauer 01 H d ran HlHSiilvinK the bonds the estnle of Septimus Huelat, De- matrlmony now existing between ceased, the undersigned, the Executor plajntjfl and defendant. This sum- of the saiu cmuic. --- , Notice of Final Settlement. Not lew is herebyglven that the un ,i..riL...ed HdmliitstTatrix de bonis non of the estate of John I Hutes de- i., nioii in the county toun of Clackamas County, State of Oregon, such admlnistra- . 111.,.. v - ... . trlx of nald estate, ana Monany, tne 6th day of June, 1911. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. ns the time, and the court room of said Court a the placa for the hearing and settlement of said finnl account. Dated May 4th, 1911. EVA F. LEIGHTON, Administratrix de bonis non of the Fstnte of John U BateB deceased. CORDON E. HAYES. Attorney. Notice to Creditor. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, 'or the County of Clncga TnThe matter of the estate of James II. Pitman. tn lhe credlt. Notice IB neirny . . said estate, tnai me t,,,.i been nppotmcd by the ? -hv. , enUtleJ . ..i.iniyirntor of the estaie " ismes n V - man. Deceased. All per I, having claim, against jW flr8, pnbllcatof thl. notic. . 'Administrator of the Estate of James (IRIFFIt"!" LEITER CLARENCE " LSi for Administrator. First publication May Jn. Sheriff' Sale. In tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon," for the uounty ui P. L. Schamel, Plaliitlff, v. . Frank Vorhels, Defendanf. State of Oregon. County of Clacka mas, SB. By virtue of a judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly Issued out of and under tne seal 01 mo B entitled court. in tue un entitled cause, to me duly directed nnd dated the 15th dav of Mny. 1911. upon a Judgment rendered and entered In said court on the 6th day of January. 1911. In favor -. c.hnmoi Plaintiff, and ofialnst Frank Vorhels, Defendant, for tho sum of $l'.1.0, and tne runner .... ' fee. and the furth er sum of $10.00 costs and disburse ments, and the costs 01 huu u .Ui. ,. ..,..n,no- m to maka sale writ. eoiiii"",,,,,i,ft - - . , of the following described real prop erty, situate in tne coumj ui nias, state of uregou, Beginning at a point In the easier ly boundary line of Lot 1. of Block 2, of Holmes Addition to Oregon City. Ore., which point is on the line of what is known as the Molalla or Ter ritorial Road, in a southerly direction 0 eet from a point that is 53 feet. I inches south and 8 feet. 7 Inche. . ... . ninniiment set at -tne Intersection of the center line of Tay lor Street with tne soutnern ine of the County Addition to Ore 1 nin. ihonro in a souther- fy direcdon along the said Molalla ..n t...t morp or less to tne ; eet or alley between Blocks 2 and 9 of Holme. Addition; thence along said alley 100 feet; thence at right ,. .,n - tn the corner of a tract of land 100 feet quare sold to . 1 ...w.. .nj n.nrr Can and wire t,v Deed recorded In Book 67 of Rec- ord of Deeti.voi iri ; Ore.: thence a right angle. 100 feet Nowtherefore, by virtue of said 01 tne mu i"'hic - " , 1 ... tit.titer for cash auction 10 me iiimiv.. - , Cold Coin of thel-nlted States of America, and subject to conflrmat on by said County Court, on Monday the nineteenth day of June, A. D.. 1911, at nine o'clock A. M. at the front door of the Court House of said County and Stnte at Oregon City. Oregon, all of the right, title, Intel est and estate oi .... ..u arii,n.,a iinplnt at the time me BU,U ". v :,. " of hla death in ana to an inone lots, parcels and pieces 01 iana .m ... i..i onrt ,olm? In the County of Clackamas. Stnte of Oregon, to-wit: lits Five (0) ana fcievei. uw, block Six (0), of Pleasant Place Ad dition to Oregon City. Oregon. m nmiitionn of sale: Cash. 1 t'l llin ni'u t .1.1 ni iko TTnttpd States Of America: Twenty per cent (20-Tr) of the purchase money 10 ne im.u ..... . .i Kninnnn nn ronflrma- me tune 01 omc, . , .1.... .oio hi fnnntv Court. Deed nt expense of purchaser Executor of the Estate of Septliffns Huelat, Deceased. FRANKLIN T. GRIFFITH, Attorney for Estate. lllf ;iniiiiiu u miiiiiutipd hv order of Hon II I IS UO IS yw..- - - - r. b. Beatle, Judge of the County Court, which order was made and en ii,. icih Hav of Mav. 1911. le.tru - and the time prescribed for publica tion thereof is six weem, ucb"""" with the issue of f riaay, may 19m, 1911. and continuing each week there after to and Including the issue of Friday; June 30th, 1911. CEO. CJ. BKUVIt.Uj, Attorney for Plaintiff. . Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of fn Clackamaa County. Clarence V. McGahuey, Plaintiff, v. r-iva v Mrfiahuey. Defendant To Elva E. McGahuey, the above named defendant: . In the name of the State oi Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear mia r . .... against you in the above named ult, on or before the 2nd day of June. 1911 said date being the expiration of six weeks from the first publica tion of this summons, and If you fall to appear or answer bi-.uih for want thereof the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief grayed for n nis compiaini, "u. 1 V, a-t Hinsolvine the bonds of matrimony now existing between - a Ma rT1 a I rl Oil 1 1 the plaintiff ana aeienoaui. m t . kiiot, h nrder of Hon. mons i puuiioim - .. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court, which oraer w entered on the 15th day of April. 1911. and the time prescribed for publlca, tion thereof Is six weeks, beginning with the Issue of Friday, April 21st and continuing each week heref'teJ to and including the Issue of Friday, . nJ 1011 june .nu, nmmr,r. Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice to Creditor. t- iv. rnnntv Pnnrt of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. In the Matter of the Estate of Martin Bankus, Deceased. -.i ia hoi-ohv elven to the credit or of, and all person Interested in said estate, that the unaersigneu u been appointed by the above entitled court Administrator of the estate of Martin Bankus, Deceasea. ah pe.uu having claim against said estate are hereby required to present the ame properly verified, to the undersigned at Boring, Oregon, within six (C) months from date of first publication of this notice. .wnnEW W. RANKUS. Administrator of the Estate of Martin Tinnitus. Deceasea. CLARENCE L. EATON, Attorney for Administrator. First Publication May 12, 1911. i Parmer' 13a Matt Mil t Clackamas County Headquarters CLACKAMAS TITLE CO 610 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. Full equipment of map., plate, abstract book! and tax rol' Aeenta for Clackamaa County Land., Money Loaned, Tltlea Perfected. E. F. A F. B. RILEY, Attorney. A Coun.ellor. at Law STRAIGHT & SALISBURY Summon. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas oui.ij. Angelyn Chilberg, Plaintiff, va a rhiihwrir. Defendant. Tn Benlamln A. Chilberg. above it.. nf ho tnifl or iirKuu III llltf linnic vi v - - " . you are hereby required to appear and ........ t t. a rnni nlnlnt filed fiEainst you BIlHWtri ine - 1 - j o in the above entitieu coun mm on or before the 1st day of July, 1911, and If you fail so to appear or answer herein the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In the ii., .Mh t that tho mar- COluumi.i.i T,.,,v.. .-- - riage now existing uniru ... tnintiff h fnrpver dissolved, and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem jusi ..u equitable. This summons is serveu ui-.... bv publication by order of the Hon- i.io 1 it rnmnbell. Judee or me above entitled Court, which orderls dated the 13th Bay or May. in. iu .ii. it. a flm nuhlleatlon of this summons Is the 19th day of May, 1911. and the last date tne 3um uay 01 June. 1911. FRANK. SLHUAini Attorney for Plaintiff Summon. In the Circuit Court of the State of .Oregon, for Clackamas County. Samuel T. Rider, Plaintiff, vs. Julia 'M. Rider, Defendant. To Julia M. Rider, above named tie- fendant: i iu i.ni.io nf thn ntate of Oregon, 1.1 iio ....... ' - ...... or. harJiv Tpmitrpd to annear and J vn. n.u nv v . - answer the complaint niea agaiuoi you in the above tianied suit, on or krn .ho 'inih nav 01 June, un, utiwio , v. " - . . said date being the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of this summons, and If you fall 10 ap pear or answer saia compiaini, iui want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for l hi. .nmitlnlnf For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and derenaam. inis um ,0 1. miiilluheil hv order of Hon R. B. Beatle, Judge of the County Court, which order waa made and en ..,. - tv,. -ir.th Hav of Mav. 1911. ICH U VI n v " V. -" " " " . - anrf tiia tlm nrescribed for publica tion thereof Is six weeKS, oesiii"ifi with the issue or Friday, way twin, 10.11 mil onntinulnir oarh week there after to and including the issue of Friday, June 30tn, ju. Attorney for Plaintiff, Summon. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County 01 cibckb mas. Marvin M. Hosmer, Plaintiff, vs. Eudora B. Hosmer. Defendant. n m . TnAl lllllt 1 TO Euaora a. iiusuipi. licuuou,. i. .h. num. of thn staTft of Oregon II l il V- ' v- - - .r. hrohv renulred to appear and answer the complaint filed herein against you In the above entitled Buit n. n.r h.fnr. tho iRth day of June, 1911, that being ix week after the Summon. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of CiacKa mas. George H. Shaw, Plaintiff, vs. Sara H. Shaw, Defendant t era it shnw. Defendant: IV OM " in tho Knme of tne State or ure . 1' ,uv - o vn, nro herehv renulred to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in 'ne aoove eiuuieu ami., n- n. h fore the 10th dav of June, 1911, and if you fail to move, demur or answer, plainnn w in lane a aecrer I n r. t .nil forever - dissolvlns: the bond of matrimony heretofore and now existing between tne piainurr ana yourself, and for uch other and fur ther relief in the premise a. to the Court mar seem Just and equitable. Service of this summons ia made upon you by publication In pursuance of an order of the Honorable J. U. Campball. Circuit Judge of Clackamas County, Oregon, made, on the 2Gth day of April. 1911, ordering iuch publica tion in the Oregon City Enterprise, once a week, for six consecutive Alias Summon. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for tne county o. William Ratkus, Plaintiff. Vfl Julia Ratkus. Defendanf To Julia RatKtis: . thn State of Ore- in tne nn'" , . eon you are hereby summoned and required to De. auu --- ' .v. mulilni ncrainst you flled in the above entitled Court in sail suit on or before me imn "j June 1911. and If you fall so to ap near'and answer the complaint of the plaintiff, me V . r. . foliof nraved for In bl. complaint, to-wit: That the bonds of matrimony now the Plaintiff and the defendant be dis- r0lved and the plaintiff be released from all of tne aiyies aim uuu6 . . . ... a with the defen- or nis niu uii "d - - dant. and that the plaintiff have such other and furtner renei Court may seem right and Just. You will please xbro this Alias Summons is published in .nl ' " oitv Kntemrlse. a legal nDeewspa;rr" designated by the Court and Is mauea to yuu -..u . - a"a ' . .v. mr.ii.in miA order, pur- COPy OI me .'"e."- - - -. suant to the terms of order In the above entitled sail maue -..: . . tho Honorable J. U. anTltieu l uuu u. vj . th 2ist day or Apm. '.ne ii.. ...ifiiotinn of this Alias Sum- nsto'bVmadeon the 28th day AnHi 1911. ana xne mi Vuu..- ArI .v. . mr atmearance to expire A... n Tuna 1911. on tne am uj ----- Dated at Oregon uy. wrc6".., jl st dav of April. 1911. WHITFIELD AND COAN Attorneys for Plaintiff. Summon. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Ethel Miller, Plaintiff, " v.. Claud B. Miller, Defendant. To Claud B. Miller, aDove nauieu defendant: In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint flled against you in the above named suit, on or before the 23d day of June, 1911, said date being the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of this summons, and if you fail to ap- ...mar sntd pomDlaint. for i fa 1 i 1 "" v . - want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in her complaint. For a decree dissolving the bonds . .i,innii now existing between u 1 U , 1 1 1 . 1 1 ..... j - - . ( the plaintiff and defendant. This summons is published by order of Hon R. B. Beatle, Judge of the Coun ty Court, which order was made and entered on the 8th day of May, 1911, and the time prescribed for publica .i, ,t,nrof ia fit y weeks, beginning i.i. m.. lacnA nf Friday. May 12th, 1911, and continuing each week there after to and including the issue of Fridav, June 23rd, 1911. GEO. C. BROWNELL, Attorney for Plaintiff. We make a specialty of install- ing water systems and plumb- t ing in the country. We carry the Leader tank and Stover en- s glnes. We have a full line of Myers pumps and spray pumps. , Price alway lowet, 720 Main St. Oregon City Phone 2682. T " a D. EBY . HtHM.Vjl.LjVI I I n-, . Money loaned, abstract. furah- , 4, land titles examined, estate. I settled, general law bu.lne. Over Bank of Oregon City. -,-.,ae "" Loans and Insurance C. T. Tooze, Lawyer and Notary Abstracts. CHARLES T. TOOZE & CO. Real Estate Bought and Sold. Room 2, Beaver Bldg., Ore. City TIME CARD. O. W. P. DIVISION Between Portland and Oregon City. DR. W. C. SCHULTZE, A. M. The University and .Bellevue HopltaI Sleulci". college, S and 4 Weinhard Block 1. .inir tn Introduce h.7e bn. former cumom, prevailing in the mlildle west. 01 manms ... ate "harge cover examination, advice and MEDlCINt.. PACIFIC PHONE MAIN 1581 Summon. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Ida McKittrlck, Plaintiff, vs. Tohn McKittrick. Defendant, To John McKittrick, the above named ?ef!I,da", ... ,h. Stat of Ore- in tne iiti.ur v. , . . gon. vou are hereby required to ap- - . . ik. mmnlaint filed iZJi r n tto above entitled Court and cause on or before the day 10 .. .. -....inn nf the time pre- bribed in the order for the , publl tion of th s summons, m Ihe 10th day of fail to so appear and answer. Judg ment and decree will be taken again-t ? :.,a .mniaiTit. fo-wit: For a de- in "i" - B K St K? ft mm, Leave Arrive Leave Arrive 3 a M t s; 52 O jx w S5 sas i it 5 o o o o w ! 400 T27 &A0 5.40 1 5.45 1 6.4e 6 30 7.22 7.30 6.201 626 7.20 7 00 7 52 3.00 d.50 6.67 7.50 7 30 8.22 8.30 7.30 7.37 8.30 8 00 8.52 9.00 8.00 8.07 9.00 8 30 9.22 9.30 8.30 8.37 9.30 9 00 9.52 10.00 9.00 S.07 10.00 9 30 10.22 10.30 9.30 9.37 10.30 10 00 1052 11.00 10.00 10.07 11.00 10 30 11 22 11.30 10.30 10.37 11.30 11.00 11.52 12.00 11.00 11.07 11.69 11 30 12.22 12.30 11.30 11.37 12.30 12.00 12.52 1.00 12.00 12.07 1.00 12 30 1.22 1.30 12.30 12.37 1.30 100 1.52 2.00 1.00 1.07 2.00 1 30 2.22 2.30 1.30 103 2.30 2 00 2.52 3.00 2.00 2.07 3.00 2 30 3.22 3.30 2.30 2.37 3.30 3 00 3.52 4.00 3.00 3.07 4.00 3 30 4.22 4.30 3.30 3.37 4.30 4 00 4 62 500 4.00 4.07 5.00 4 30 5.22 5.30 4.30 4.37 5.30 6 00 5.52 6.00 5.00 5.07 6.00 5 30 6.22 6.30 5 30 5.37 6.30 6 00 6.52 7.00 6.00 6.07 7.00 6 30 7.22 7.30 6.30 6.37 7.30 7 00 7.52 8.00 7.00 7.07 8.00 7 30 8.22 8.30 7.30 7.37 8 30 8-.00 8.52 8.65 8.00 8.07 H 8 30 9.22 9.25 8.30 8.37 9.30 9 00 9.52 9 85 9.03 9.07 10.00 9.30 10.22 10.25 10.33 10.37 11.00 18 00 10.52 10.65 10.03 10.07 11.00 10.30 1 11.22 1 11.25 I 11.33 11.37 11.00 1 11.62 1 11.55 I 11.03 1 11.07 11.59 11.30 1 12.22 1 12.25 1 12.33 M2.I7 . . . . 12.00 1 12.46 1 12 50 I 11.55 11-57 I I H 12.56 12.55..;.. It 1 distinctive quality and rare delicious flavor uit the palate of the most exacting connoisseur, .old by LEADING DEALERS. To Mllwaukle only. Train for Falnriew, Troutdale, Grethim, Boring, Eagle Creek. Et cada and Cazadero and Intermediate point. r . .r . avar 7:15. x:0Z. f:ua. xiu:uo. i."o. I: OS. 14:05. 6:C5. x6:0S. 7:05. 8:06. llrJ5. For Oreebam. z Oresham. Fairriew anl Troutdale. NOTE: Car leave Eaat Water aa4 kUrrteoa treeta I mlaote. later tkaa bd.U4 from First and AMr Su.