Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 02, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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vw.vvV V.
va v n
r If
1 jo IOnd You Have Always Botigbt. ami which has
and luis hocn wade under his per
sonal supervision slnoo Its InHui. r.
a u. nn no to deceive you lu this.
... '.u. Imitations mid" Jiwt-tt-etHKl"Bre but
VoeHmcnU hat rle with and endanccr tl.e hrn
Crla I- a harmless substitute te fg
bsUnoe. Its ae is its 'Ijfcd
The Children's Panacca-Tho Mother s 1 rteua.
Bears the Signature of
The strawberry season I on ami
growers are hu.y gettloM the crop
picked and hauled to market.
A Plsno recital was given . at the
of Rev. J. L Jones. Saturday
...... i... Harding and her mu-
h c cl.!ss-the Misses K-ter lloadar.
mel. Ui"l l,"rtnli Johnwn;
Gwetidolln and Margaret Jones, ani
' Memorial sVrvlces were held In the
The long expected and hoped-for
warm weather came to " l'n,!,
ule time and Sunday wa passable
though somewhat windy. Monday all I
more ho and a very few rone bloomed,
Tueadav quite warm, mercury regl
terliiK 84 4 hut quite a hree.e all day.
People from the surrounding coun
try, who have relatives and friends
burled here were coming and going all
day. fixing up their groumia ami imw-
....... . .... ul.,i.,,ri
Congregational Church Siimmy. a ig flowers aoove '; " ' ' , ,
.. i ...ttKlitn. tho members 01 mo
Sundav school, memner in "
U. and W. R. C with other ci i.e.ta.
formed In procession and marched to
the Methodist Church. Member of
that Sundav school fell in line and
all marched around the square ami
back to the church- .iro'hor Jones
preached a fine, sermon.
The exercises :.?enioiiul Hay were
hold under the auspice of Clackamas
Grange 2?S. The procession formed
at 10 o'clock at the church, with flags
- ... i .l... ...1
r-krlu I). ,1.1, iiu Wltn Ills WHO
two children, came out from Portland.
...... ih..tr nri'setit homo Is, after 6
o'clock with his nmclilmv bringing
Mr. Gage always put up the flag
the O N. Ill bovs draped the coffin of
vi. ..... m-iit. ..nun Decoration Day.
and It. as usual, was floating In the
breere on this Decoration l ay.
Mm Sham two older daughters,
Ellen and lantha. whose home are
In the State of wasningo-...
, ... - v., i " .... .. ... w
! and pennants anj i tower an iu. ( wn vlK,( tn nrHI mu i
to the cemetery, wnere. ( years.
estlng speaking and music the grave ,la arp (llllu. die thing Mr.
iv.. niidor nere decorated. k!,1,.r,. ,.,i ,, mi lust Friday.
The Old Maids' Convention," ..,'.,,. wife nu grandmother
laughable comenr. lll ae
Weilnesday evening by the young la
dles of the C. K. society at the C.rante
Hall. . ,, "
A surprise partv was tendered Mr.
John Umetiberger Tuesday evening
by her neighbor and friends In honor
h.,r V.I rt hit 11V
I The Ladles Aid of the Methodist
'Episcopal Church meet at the Sun
dav scliool room tnis auruHu.
The Clackamas Cemetery Associa
tion will meet at the school house on
Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. A large
attendance Is desired. .
No Danger
!r- !W ami such a bountlfuldlu
ner wa served, and an early supper
Ik... that w hear they ilia not get
.n .v. ..... .u..ii u.i the young mar
rled ladies and those not married
v,.i,.ntml to miH't there Wednesday
evening and finish up and Ed la to
make the coffee for me occm....
Mrs. Charlie Thompson daughter
Aura. I at the old home for a visit
.....luini..,! hv her two little girls
Their home-l In Hosehurg. where her
husband Is a successful lawyer.
Mrs. Aernl's daughter. Annie. Is to
mi.rri.,1 t the Herman Uapils:
church. In Portland, with a reception
Ik IM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
tmn, nvn to ""
Will go III
... 1 nn.l weddlna- supper In the evening m
in tak ng Dr. Hen s r ; - chuwh; Mrf, A(,rnl
Geo. A. Harding,
it nnniflini mi i . ..... .
for cougna aim c- --- Thllrad, ,0 gee her daughter marnea
WJXJiVS. I retauyrnKHday. The groom, is .
Bell on the Bottle
Mis. Croiiln has been spending some
time in Canhy.
Mrs. (leo. Toilil mi ii'n
having had another auam v. ...
i""'irw,- .. ..... ..1.1,1,,,,
Rnbt. y.uinwaii n -
relative near w naomim-.
Mrs. Howard h ne'u ""
daughter, Mrs. Million tonus.
Did Mr. lIlHliop. wno reami'u ..
our Milage until lately. iea ms,
of pueuiuoiila, and was hurled it
llutlevllle, where he mm m'n "
f,.w day before, ne wna o.i .....
soldier. .
Mrs. llethune has reiumcu
Corvalli. where she U'tt ner !'
muiiewhiit linproveil III neann.
Th last bull game or tne . v.
with the Uieeullelil liiu was m-u
game ami the visiting nam defeated
Wllwmvllle by elose margin, the
result of the game bring 4 3
r...... ..f ll... I'.irllllll.l telllll.
M..HKrs XUairback. McC'olinell and
siuTwood. were visit-
' . oi o.. ...... I.. v hnvllIU
or in our vumnn f ,
come over to attend tne i-n "
nany'N mei'tlng.
The Methodist ladles' Aid Society
la planning to have a strawberry fes
tival some time In the near future.
Tho quarterly Conference of the
Methodist church will meet at the
home of Ira Seely on Thursday after
noon. June 8th. at 2 o'ehx-U.
Quite a number of village people
are making plans to attend the Rose
Fair, at Portland, next week.
Appropriate Memorial Day exercises
were held In the Hood View cemetery
on Tuesday. .
i..nlii IJi-henthaler visited Mr. and
Mrs. White on Monday. Martin ha a
while hore took
snap shot of the Interior or ji -JVters'
elegant new hardware build
ing. The Wilsonvlllo Oil Co. held a meet
inir in the M. n. A. hall oti Saturday
RT IWU U l it" n
.- -0
A Spoilt lo Anliuoim
Y uU by all UruitjW
Huirsnteed by Huntley Uroi. Co.
n suuiPtuou bunquH
; m... im. .n h
. . .: . ..... o.i. i i.-..iiiiw are
Inge Hotel. "ni"' ,.
very loud Hi lln ir l - ; -
Hiking About ku eiii-je" - '
feaat. The ttd.l Fellow ...
eiii-h Haturday evening In the A. 1
V W. hall t e'Khl o'i-Lh k. .... vlallj
IngOdd Fellows are especially Hivlie.1
to attend.
Whooping rough I not dangerous
when the cough Is kept loose and ex
p.,...r..tlo ."' hy K'vlng Chamher
! Cough Itemed). It hs hee.V
:;"dln manyepld. mlc.of.l.l disease
with perfect success. For sale by all
0. tJ droves made a business trip
o Portland Wednesday.
Utile liody. son and son ln law, re
cently bought a two and ' '
tract on the west side of the W "lam
.... ....1 .r.. i.i.ll.lliii; homes.
Mrs. Ntille I olson Is III. Dr. Mount
l In attendance. .
Charles Colson has rented the t arm
Mol.letibour place for the season, the
latter having moved to Oregon ( Uy
to conduct a boarding house.
I W. HiveM went to Salem on busl
ncs Wednesday.
ThereNre no vacant houses In Wil
(Illicit Randall I building a barn.
Kred Chlnn N ItiNtalllng a hay fork
In his barn. ...... ,
Wallace Mad Miimld. of Spokane, Is
visiting his sister. Mrs. K M.icArthur.
A majority of the resident attended
rial service at Oregon City and
num. home played mil l'h the heal.
Mies Weddlii hua bei III ri-gn
Cltv making arrangeinenia with Pearl
t Hinn i" m - -
will paiin together.
There will be children' day the
Methodist Episcopal Church June 11.
' ... . ....l..r.l.l.i..l..llt Chll
with an so -
dren program In the morning, bus
ket dinner and preaching at 3 ooluck.
Oranulattd Ey Lid
Can be cured without cauleiUlim or
n itrifying by the of Sutherland
Kugle Eve Salve. We guarantee It to.
cure. S.'.c everywhere. (!ih. A. Hard
ing. Druggist.
very estimable voung man who lived. I af,ernoon. May 27th at two o c oca
when . 1 little bov. In Stafford, but ha. BIU elected the following offlc r
wnen iiiuo 1 .. 1 ..resident: Nell Heatei
stt-eni me nn.i 01 , . ...
vice presiueni; j. . tivv.j. ' -
I wait. C. A. linker, directors; C. I
In Portland.
tk. MM.nt on nuam rat down! Lucll. Holton came 0" - .-"'.; Hm.nt,,ry.' and A. R. Zum-
-.. .m i.k last week. Vhe grade i land with flowers w nu n .. -;-"; r" ,.. maIl!lKer. The company
ii w D.-.-v chs waa in uttiikinri t ., . ...
nn thA nnnn map u inr pn-v IuiHaiI i lu
vu t . . 1 nn.i xrra ximtrii wnu nrr iwtu r - . i .
made too high and the r""-""""' n San Diego, to begin drilling tor 01.,
.LI.. 1. w r 1- f n rtllT .v .
hiring expert drillers and expi-cta
A Ttrribl Blunder
To neglect IHer trouble. Never do
It. Take Dr. King New J 0 I l a
on the first sign of constipation, bll
loUHiiess or Inactive bowels and pre
vent virulent Indigestion. Jaundice or
Knll stones. They regulate liver, atom
ch and bowels and build up your
health. Only '::c at Joins Drug Co.
The weather has become some
wanner this week.
Clady tilibbl" I slowly recovering
from an attack of Illness.
Jim Mitt's went 'to Molalla to visit
their cumin. Miss Ule Oswalt, who
U Hi very bad health and not able to
be up at all.
Avon Jesse has gone to Hood River
to pick strawberries.
Knsley (irlhhliasha become popu
lar dravman of Canby.
tieorge Mills went to Hulem Visiting
to remain a few days.
Mm-ksburg wa well represent., hi
1 he hall game at Molalla Sunday
Quite a number of the young folks
at tended the negio show at Molalla
Saturday night.
Mr and Mra. lieo. Zwelfel and son,
of I'oiiland. visited several day at
Henry Dreb r.
, n et to work Mon 1 liciou refreshments.
A iuiw l ,
The evening was spent playing games
. vi-v wore tollowed by de-
1 ana laiua, wm.vm -- - -
1 . . a 1 .a
-'- - r.nht ranal'sl It goes wimoui s.i)ius ''
day morning on the Canby Lanai u s delightful home gathering.
ulime- . . vmoi i nno wh'ch will not soon be forgotten.
Mr. Heckert. proprietor f hotel "0 Took part In the merriment
Meadow-brook, is garaemus j pnine were Mr. and Mrs.
W illiam Moehnke, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Moehnke, Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Moehnke. John Moehnke, Mrs. John
Heft. Mrs.- LJzle Klebe, Messrs.
Boyles, Londergan and Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Moehnke. I
t vr ctand neei ana iamuy eic
out honking over the country Sunday
in that new auto.
A number of persons from town at
tended church at Mulino Sunday.
Mrs. Penwell. or Aneeia, is viands ;
her dauehter. Mrs. Calvin, this week, j Do You Get the Best
Mrs Kay is still on the sick list, j if you have a cough, cold asthma,
Mayor Allen, bookkeeper or the ; croup or any throat or bronchial trou-
Schafer Lumber Company, has - xe- bje and use Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey.
fnert hi nosition and moved to Port- you do. Look for the Bell on the Bot-
i,n,t where he will engage in walnut tle. fo. A. Harding, Druggist.
culture. Mr. Robibns. of Molalla, win
look after the bookkeeping department
for the Schafer Lumber Company.
Guy Jewett, of Clarkes, is working
for the Canby Canal Company this
'Tir Wayne Robbins, agent for the
famous E. M. F. Auto Company, de
livered machines in town a few days
A. L. Larkins and family were auto-
Inr Sunday.
So far only three names are men- -
tloned in the race for Major 1 mi- J(jhn MarshaU
linger, Schafer and Davis.
A horse owned by Joe Wallace ran
away on Sunday. It was caught by
Mr. Battemiller.
Mr. Hungate, the surveyor of Ore
gon City, is here.
Mr. Battemiller Is hauling fence
board from the sawmill to make a
Mr. Marquardt was in town on .won-
Three Advantages Alone
Superior to A II Other Machines
1 1
There is one medicine that every
family should be provided with and
especially during the summer months;
viz, Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. It is almost cer
tain to be needed. It costs but a
quarter. Can joufford to be without
it? For sale by all dealers.
The rain seems to be over for the
present and everybody is ready for
the sunshine.
rhorW naniels and family re
turned to their home at Wallace Is
land last Thursday.
There was a big crowd at the min
strel show at the hall Friday night
and everybody went home well
niton Ktorl with tke entertainment.
Mr. and Mrs. Barnes, of Portland,
and two nices from Dakota, were vis
iting at Uncle Nick Darnall's a few
davs last week.
Mr Evans has his new store nearly
completed and will soon be ready for
Nesta Churchill, who has beon 11,
is able to b out again.
Mr. and Mrs. Park Wallace were
visiting friends at Needy last Sunday.
There was an immense crowd at the
ball game at Moialla last Sunday to
gee the game between aioiana mm
the Coons, the Coons winning by a
score of 4 to 3 In spite of the unfair
deciBions of Mollala's umpire. The
Molalla's played well, but the Coons
were too much for them.
Born To Mrs. Maud Perry, on May
29, a son.
Everyone Is wating patiently for
work to begin on this end of the rail
road. Claud Ashley helped John Darnall
shear sheep Monday.
Many of the Mulino people went to
Canby and Oregon City to attend me-1
mortal exercises.
Don't Be Annoyed
With skin troubles, chaps, pimples,
black heads, ecxema or sores. When
one 25c box of Dr. Bell's Antiseptic
Salve will cure you. Try it at once.
has bought Ales
Scherruble'8 saw machine and chop-,
per. .
Mr. Hoag was in town last week.
John Marshall is absisting Ed Garce
build'a barn.
Mrs. C. Hettman, of Beaver Creek,
visited Mrs. Wettlaufer Sunday.
A party was given by Otto Buol at
Mr. W. G. Kleinsmith's house last Fri
day night.
Ed Garce is building a barn.
Mrs. Buol spent Sunday wit.h Mrs.
Li nd a 11.
Elmer Kleinsmith Is sawing wood
for Mr. Lindau.
The uniform success that has at
tended the use of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has
made it a favorite everywhere. It
can always be depended upon. For
sale by all dealers.
F. J. Ridings went to Portlanl Mon
day on business.
Barth Brthers are building a barn
for J. .Tones.
Roy Morley has a fine auto car.
Mrs. J. R. Shervln is very ill.
Born To Mr. J. Parvin and wife, a
Rev. Mr. Spencer left Monday to
bring his family back with him the
last of this week.
Corn and potato planting is the or
der of the day.
A large acreage cf potatoes will be
planted here this spring.
Apple and prune crop will be light
this year.
The young people are to nave an
KNIFE HEAD--Jhc Champion Knife Head has a broad bear
ln"i"cc. Parts ore of ens; hardT s
wear The knife head is ong and very strong. Wear cousea
by the revolving pitman is automatically taken up by means of
on adjusting device.
COUPLING YOKE-'T.c coupling yoke" is wide and very
subftafal making it impossible forthe knife to get out of line
with the pitman.
COUPLING PINS-Thz coupling pins are large and case
hardened They provide excellent bearing surfaces. The
wide yoke, long pms'and the substantial way in which the shoe
Is attached 4o the yoke insures positive alignment of the knife
and pitman.
With These Superior Feature's arc Combined Many
Others-Strength of Construction-Ease of Operation
Light Draft.
The Champion
is the
to Buy
. s
Send for Free
Portland, Ore.
Crops of all kinds look extra fine,
ri-KurdU-H of constant rains Straw
berrl.s are beginning to ripen, and
fruit of all kind, are lu favorable con
aitUh Itrothers of Kastem Oregon
have horse here on sale.
Frank lleer of t'ottnll w In
Siiiuly Monday. r,i-.i
Mrs U M.Gugln was In Portls-!
Monday, where she ttci.' u me fu
nerul of her sister.
Mrs. TUlle Lae. f Sre.hK. visit
ed her mother the i.ast week.
Sandy school cl-sed wih approprl
,e exercises, Kch were attended by
a large crowd. There much In
terest In the five scholar, ths took
the final examination, and all the pu
pil successfully passed one of the
hard-M ex.un.na on. ever ,
Cluckuma ""'V ., . ,IU
In mind me iu l lu"1 ' " ' .
Mici t-s'luily psssed In all t ia "' mrned from
. . .(....In f.-llkllll)ll f I V H 1
Count . . if wnicn rum" "-- ,ni gon
,-.i,v oils IHOIIll of
Miss UKwhe left for her home lu
Portland Sunday. Miss Helen Keith
accompanied her m spend the Carni
val week Kd visit friends In llesver
Mr and Mrs. Ilay Woodlo were l
In. ndii visitor last Friday.
Mr. It. U. dbson called n Mrs.
' i...uIiihh one aftert.isiu last
J. F. lirower of Portland, wa Jn
I) elghborhood last week tiikf.lg
fruit tree order and was lite guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Howlett over Sunday.
Harvey Gibson and Ed Douglas,
who have been working down Hear
Iiartou and making the home of Mr
dbson tnelr stopping place, were up
on the hill last Wednesday, taking din
ner at the home of F.d mother. Mrs.
Viola Douglass.
Mr nd Mr. Fred Ely recently re-
their visit in i-mciii
Mr. and Mm. It II dbon n"k din-
lt w studelits.
iiliu.i'. iii.i lc idler t"""' ner wltn Mrs. i.yuin
b..s liei'ii one 01 ,, ,,f (.iu nun, nunni.y.
I.. I teischeri. Me nan
11 .int'iliidou.
11. iv- 1
iii..ni t.
. . ... u. . r .in
--v 1 - .......
. .. .iC 1. 1 HI the lOilllty S.U.sil ....
Ii. iMCe.l. lit record
' .t. sin- li-.s liwnltf of the Sun
... , ,, .1 1 h- t Miuwitirf h"l".'H
. .... . .. ev...i 1. Hi in: .M.s'i- ilelen
Mr. n'ld Mrs, Townenu were i hiihb
o'l Mi. Towtiselid's f.itlier, Jiime
RUelS. SlMlllllV.
Tin- K.igle C.eik nine. hi'!i w
recntlv oiKiitile.l. vent to Holing
niiliv 11 ! p.HV.d B game Willi the
It... It.tr te:iii'. IM' gan leuii'ii'K
rle . .MH.-le Giogei'. l-'h "7 l1!' i favor if Eagle Creek, the score being
.'riusMe' Heimlich and Harry Mitchell
j The Best Remedy
' For all kinds of sore eyes Is Slither
Ib.nd s K..gle Eye Salve, it Is a creamy
Unow while ointment and would not
! Injure the eyes of a babe, tiuaran
'teed Geo. A. Harding, Druggist.
Mr. Malar
Sold Locally by
1 Flrwood was nurprlscd to II ml a tiew
I piano In the hull Sunday, placed there
Ibv Mr. W. J. Wlrtz.
! Mr. W. J- Wirt, lectured Sunday.
The hill was fiinu. ami . ....
Interested In the talk, which wa most
Inntructlve. He will lecture again In
two weeks on Higher Ethics.'
Clair Corey was a Portland visitor
last week.
Harvey Kehras, of Sandy, was trans.
-..Hi.., l.uslness In Flrwood Friday.
I Mrs Marie Wishon, of San Fran
! Cisco. Is visiting relatives here. She
expects to make a trip to Switzerland
, with her father, A. Malar.
..ii,-.. ..1 uwltcrlniid
Elsie Hello visited her old home at
Flrwood Sunday.
J G. DeShaer, the road foreman,
H doing some line road work near
the "Mall box corners."
II A Mitchell, n nurseryman from
Oreiu-o. Or., visited this section of
the country last week. He said that
he had heard so much about Flrwood
that he had been desirous of visiting
It fur some time. He was very much
pleased with the country.
Frederick Koenlckn had n runaway
last week. He was ttomewhnt bruised
but able to walk to Sandy, some lit
tle dlHlance. after another rig.
Mrs. yiller and daughter, Edith,
nut do a trln to Gresham Tuesday.
rnon Miller transncreu misim-nn
12 to 3. Eagle Creek wouiu use i
have out 'f town games and especial
ly with the Estacadft Grays.
S A. Douglass and Mr. and Mrs.
Grover Douglass, of Molalla. were vis
lllug relatives at Kaglo Creek recent
ly. ,
Mrs. t'pdograft and daughter, of
Dover, and Mrs. Essie Brown, of Bor
ing, made a pleasant rail on Mrs.
Viola Douglasg Sunday.
Mrs. Marie Gibson, of Barton, and
Miss Uly Frost, of Portland, the
guest of Mrs. Gibson, were entertained
at dinner by Mr. and Mrs. U II. .dh
noli Decoration Day.
Claude Malcolm, Nettle and Joey
Woodle were over to their grandpar
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Howlett s. Decora
tion tiitv.
Miss Meda Murphy Is working for
Mrs. Viola Douglass.
Keep the fruit of strawberries cool
until the lime r use or market them.
Never pick berries for market when
tlfey aro Wet.
A most delightful surprise party
was that tendered Mr. and Mrs. G.
Moehnke at their home at Shubel last
Wednesday evening, the occasion be
ing Mrs. Moehnke's thirtieth birthday.
" j ... . ...h.i i.inif 1 m i 1 u mm wilHonville next week. Vc
entertainment in the hall Friday, . nag put a picket fence , w hue her husoanu .a a v. " h ., Htrik'e ,t r,ch. I n portlfind the first of the week.
nht' - in front of his house. . ' physician. m w " ",e()fln naplleKt occasions! Mr. Wlrtr. and Harvey Kehras were
. . p t Rl,Dh crom and W. G. Hall put f-- Oage s children have the meas One r wgg , lf ,,. art Sunday evening.
For skin toub es' 2 ulcers, ec ! SeS lktefor. Memorial Day. bag returned w Stafford, '..sanation of Odd Fellows o las. The Mt
I Sips blacfheXpimples'and . j. M. Gil.e.t did not get his cement two" week.' visit at her Mt. , Saturday evening. y 27th a S ; " .iT A numU
LOGAN. Mrs. Stacy Bradley, of Portland, vis- neigblKirs' stock will not gave encouragement by their Interest Mrs. H I-. ( a"
LO&A ...Tu-Mni, Mr and Mrs. Nick- ."'f . "S, h rfr, him hnndred. and fraternal spirit. Barney Cronln, camping In the mountains.
Drvlinr tireimrif Ion simply devv
op dry uittiirrh ; tl.-y dry up the cr.-tiiii
which lliere to the iiieinbrsns nd d-nm-pw,
ruining a far more serious trouble
Hum the orilinnry form of cl..rrh. Avon
11 drying inhalant, fum', smokiMi nd
uuffs ami usn that wbii b elnunse. sooltis
(uidheuls. Ely' Creum Jiniiii win m-.
catarrh or odd lu tho head wily
n.Miitlv. All ilrnggiK's sell the fit) ceul
size. I'.iy llrcther, 5'i W.rreu Strot,
Hew York. ,
Ths Halm is used without pain, '"l,11".,
UTitute or wiue sneminn. It sir--a.is itteir
over n Irritated and angry surriieo, P-liev-lug
iumiedii.lely (he ldnfiil iiitlnminnt mt..
Ely's Cream iti.lm ci.tiiin n. co:aiue,
mercury nor oth.-r harmful dnys.
p em -- --- ,..,, (SIM1K.
... ... ii .nrir. r.r lniurv ov muinis nu . .i... .... ... .
to think tion, was Installed as Noble t.rand,
. 1,111 o .i,i,. 1, o voi fho i l'p inp BdVHnmt'e
.i.r,. u mr.re man one i ""-" ------ .
cat. besides skinning it alive.
of a good strong officer to be at the
An epidemic of measles is reported, ; e, last Friday. Her sister, .Mrs.
but those afflicted are better. Stella Hall, and children, went fhro,.h th lines. He seems
ch.i rlr.Kf.rt at I.riwer Loean :ith her to snend a few oays oeiore ,, ,ha
Tuesday. 'going to her home at Beuna Msta
The Logan baseball team defeated . Mrs. E. A- Seeley, of Independence,
Shuble bovs by a score of 23 to 9. I called on friends In this vicinity last
Mrs. t . s. HutcDins ana miss uraue i weeK. . .. a so busv
h, ,D.rn,ri from The f tea Tjoira Williams of Sellwood "
- . . ...... . . I IOCS. .. ..... .,..,1. 1 T,
rv.,1. .r.- it o t- nriv niaee. ; i. .niiin. this weea ntriK. 6. . .... . i.o t.it or noimpri r.v ine i.iuie ttini.n. 1 ..c
Thncht. tey- have the ground all head of affairs. The other offers In
I hroken nutly where they have been stalled were as follows: Ed Mulloy.
! busy c earinWg and wi.l plant pota- V. 0, W. Melv n. Sec ; J U. See y.
Treas. The other officers will be ap-
The Combination Farm
Tool can be had at
blowing a gale all Gie week. j 0f her brother. Horace Williams, auu
A number of Loganites went to Ea-1 farniy. .
pie Creek Grange picnic Saturday, I Frank Beard nivea a s.iu .
May 20, and had a very enjoyaoie j iast Sunday lor ir. " -
tin.e. A fine dinner, good program, , place. , .
ic. State Master C. E. Spence waa Mrs. R. B. Kimmei, ... r....-u.
onH talked interestinrlt on .... thp euest of her daughter, Mr.
Grange work. Eagle Creek Grange Robert McClintock. last Sunday.
has an ideal location, being in a ceaar i Mrs. Everett nrcm.u, y,
grove. 'is visiting Mrs. A. L. Hickman thi
Grain looks fine in thi locality, but week. ' . .
early fruit will be scarce, especially Mother Duvall. of Sellwood, spent
cherries. Monday here. .
Mrs. William Beard Is In Sellwood
It Is worse than useless to take any with her son Ben and
medicine internally for muscular or Mrs. Rett Seabolt .of Mount Tabor.
Chronic rheumatism All that Is need- is visitine Mis Ella Darling this week,
ed Is a free application of Chamber- Mrs. W. H- Savage and daughter,
bain . Uniment For sale by all deal- Emma, of Portland, were visitor, in
. this vincity Monday.
new land cleared and plowed expect
ing to raise a bumper crop 01 spu...
A man bought a five acre tract,
mostly stump, next to Charlie Tiede
man s for which he is said to have
paid 210 per acre.
Woodburn Odd Fellows Installed the
officers. After the installation cere-
A Peek Into Hi Pocket Bett 0f rk and satisfaction guar-
Would show the box of Bucklen anteed. Have your hore (hod by n
Arnica Salve that E- S. Loper, a car- expert; It pay. .....
fi. 1, , , Jartlla N. V- alway car-1 All kind of repair work and mlthy
rie.- I have never had a cut, wound
bruise, or ,ore it would noi . soon
heal." he write. Greatest bealer of
burns, boil, scald, chapped hands
and lips, fever-sores, skln-erupt.ons
eczema, c.ms nd piles. 25c at Jones
I Drfig Co.
work. Prompt ervice; greater por.
tion of your work can be don whit
you do your trading. Give me a trial
job and e if I can't pleas you.
Cor. Main and Fourth St. Oregon City
David Miller bought a pony from
Brick Roberts Inst week.
Joseph rx-Shawr was a Sandy visit
or Monday.
Mrs. H. Miller entertained the
Misses Alice llerghotise, Eleanor Bews
I and Iva Reld to dinner Sunday.
,vir. ana sirs, mmw bi.u " iv...-.i
spent Sunday with the DeShazer fam
ily. School closed last Friday with a
fine progiarri and a basket dinner. All
parfed with Miss Lafloche wIshlnR
her success In her work. Three of
her pupils passed the eighth grade ex
amination in all studies except Civil
Government and Grammar.
Those receiving prlzen for the high
est average in their classes were
Ralph Short and Kalph DeShnzer.
Helen Keilt and Lulu Roberts tied In
attendance and average so each re
ceived a prize.
Bert Roberts began work Monday
for the Huntington Orchard Company
Even Plumber
has hi specialty. Our I prompt and
satisfactory work. Nowhere In town
can you find such high grade goods,
first class workmanship and prompt
service combined with such
a we are now offering. All plumb
er' aupplles constantly on hand.
Tinning, Hot Air Furnace nd
Hop Pip. All Kind of Job
bing and Spraying Mtrial.
914 Mln St. Phon WA.