Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 12, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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    OltEGON CITY ENTPJIPM8E, FJ(!I)AV, MAY 12, 1911.
Groceries, Produce
and Commission
j Wc Pay Cash j
For all Country Produce ?
! Store and Warehouse
t Cor. t Oth and Mala Sts.
Curl Reman children lire 111 wlili
An addition In being built to Island
Fred JohmI, cif ( itrun, wa In Oregon
CHy Haturday.
.lurk Irish, (if Curtis, wa III Oregon
CHy Saturday.
Frank Miller, of Hhubel, wa In thl
city on Thursday.
Mr. Peter I erecting a new home
Hi Mllwmikli. Height.
Arilmr Kwlrto, of MoIhIIh, was In
iIiIn clly on Thursday.
Charlie. Spaiigliir, of Carus, wu In
Oregon iiiy .Momiuy. , 8ll,im,y Bf.riioon. Ow
Mr, km y ( rook v sliod friend , .,n:i ,, not
in Oregon my on .num. ,
Eiirl HiM hard. of Heaver Creek, wai
In OroKim Clly on Krldny.
K. (II onner, 01 ihmiv-t, m mmuv.i :
of K. T. r imer. .... wc ck.
Mr. mid Mia. A. U Jont. of Kldo-.
lUIJll, Ill ""
in tow., .Monuu).
". 'T.'V""'
reK,.n c y Saturday
Mra. Weldner f I Iruvrr i
Mr. llur
ihioiiKh On
Mr. and
Creek, were In tlm city Monday.
Mr. Weldner. of Denver Creek, wa
In ihla clly on biiMliiena Thuraday.
II. u. Htarkweatlmr. of Klaley, waa
In OreKon City on bnalneKa Friday.
Charlie lluker and Kirk CuHHlduy.of
Cnriia, were In thla clly on Friday.
Mr". J- Z. JolieM. of JollllllIK Udn,
wiim vlhltlnit In. our clly WodneHilay.
Mr. and Mra. W. K. Jonea, of K!
doin.lii weie In Ureaon City Monday.
nn.io weie in o. m, ,
Mr. UrUiiH. of thla city haa k'otie
to Meudowl.rook lo visit his nromer.
Mrs. 1 1 1 v . of Cariis. wa among
Oregon City IiuhIiiohm visitor Satur
day, i
Mrs. II. KIh.T and Mr, f'''"1'1"':; ,
of CariiH. were (u Oregon ( Ity on t rl- j
John Aston, of Cams, was rHHot-
hit I.uhIiiohs Hi Oregon Clly Satur-
Monroe Irish and soil, dell
,,f '
I'nlon Hall, were In Oregon t Ity wt
iii day.
Chi.Mier Willis, of Canby. wa In
this city on Thursday and Friday on
Thouiua I)als, of Heaver Creek, was
transacting business In Oregon City
on FY Way.
Charlie Welsmandel and William
Miller, of earns, were In Oregon City
Saturday. . ., ,
Mrs. Wink, of Now Era. waa In this
city on Sunday the guest of Mr. (1.
W. Criiee.
.... n tit.. iittitiliitru i)oao.
wiia In Oregon City Friday visiting
with friends.
urn Mu m smart, of Cnrus. accom
panied by hi family, wore In this
cltv on Saturday.
Mra. Varney and Mra. Meredith, or
Jennings 1-odge. were 111 thla city on
business Friday.
Joe Btmieman. oi '"' V"
7: "Tn8 Krldv,,Km " "U
via tors on hrl Ii ) . El
Erich and HiMinan niolrlch. of !
j I.. .., ui.i,illtr Win lireiEOll UU",,""M v "
visitor on Friday.
Mr and Mrs. Foh Maple were visit
ing Mr. Maple's motlmr, Mrs. Kiln
Maple, W'ednesduy. '
Mra Stelnor, or Heaver Creek, In
' iit. t ti...f(M uora 111
company won Mveaav of thla city, went to
"'K ,,arn J ' o 'Zibenil. a proml, l.lnuton Vuesdav. where he witnessed
,.t fun, r of that section, was In the explosion of u.otaj pounds of Tro
n"' !" ?! , v Saturday Jn powder , blowing thousands of ton
W A Hovlinnn, of Estncnda. nn nt- of roe.H Into u canyon nearby. Many
tornoy of that city, was In this city persons from Portland went to Linn
on leul buslnesa Friday. lion to watch the experiment, which
Judge C. N. W'nlt. of Canby, one of was very successful.
the will known resident or inni cuy,
was In Ihla city on Friday.
Harry Marsh I tho New dork In the
Mllwnukle Mercantile Co.' store. Miss
Dixie Cafall hnving resignea
F Stelnor, of licAver (.took, one
the well known farmer of that place,
wa translating business In thla city
on Friday.
.. i
Tohn H Hioetje. wife and daughter,
of" Oak drove, departed Tuesday for j
Switzerland, for a visit with friends
and relatives. j
Mrs Simpler and daughter, Kathryn ,
of Portland, who have been visiting ,
with Mrs. O. W. Enstham, returned!
to their home yesterday.
E. C. Good, a friend of Mr J1ferH')"
from Dakota, is stopping .. """-""
f, th nresent. Mr. Good win prou-
ably locate In thin part of the state.
Harmony school gave a bnaket bo
rial In their achoolhouse Snturday
last The proceed are to go Into a
fund for the purchase of a piano for
the school.
Mr and Mr. Lehman and daughter,
and Mr. Heckler, of IJortland. were In
thlH city on Sunday the guest of Mr.
and Mr. On Schnoor, of Wlllumette.
Frank Champion and William Avi
Hon left on Monday morning for Mo
dalla. where they will spend two
week on the Avlson homestead. They
wILKpend much of their time fishing.
You can get the best that
money can buy if you buy of
our new ock of canned Table ,
Fruit. They hav the delicl
out, rip flavor.
Oregon City.
Nick narnall, of Liberal, wan In
tlm clly on IjiihIih'h Moiulay,
Mr. (Iinoo, of Clarke, wa In the
clly Monday.
M. MoImoii, of Union Hull, wan In
(III city Monday.
Mia. and Mm, A. L. Join, of Eldo
rado, wn In I hi city on Monday,
C. Thomas, of Iioavor Creek, wa
In Mm clly Monday.
Sidney Hnillli, of Eldorado, wa In
tliU clly on Monday.
Mr. Ida L. Montgomery, who con
duel a larg farm near NuwICrn, wa
In Oregon CHy on Tuesday.
Mr. HvJiii Ih, of New Krn, was among
t lut Oregon Clly business vlHllora
Ernest Mallatt, one of tho well
known resident of Mullno, wan In
Oregon Clly on hindiies Monday.
Henry lloniHliuti, of Portland, la a
guest at tin homo of Mr. and Mra.
t'lirlat Murull, of Maplo Utie,
Mra, (liillcli visited tier brother, I'ro
fessor Howard Jatma, of Estaoada,
Sunday. Hlio returned homo Monday.
J. V. Exon, of IHivor, one of tliJ
imminent resident of that place,
wait In Ihla clly on Tuesday.
Mra. Mnlilo Krnr.ler, of Portland,
passed through tlila clly Monday on
tier wuy lo Klditrndo, where alio will
vlnlt lirr mother, Mra. A. I Jono.
Mr. and Mra, Itnmker, who recently
aold their farm at Damiiscu, and
who liavo been visiting relative lo
Wiiahlngton atiilo, have returned to
Chukamn County, and have decided
to make Ihla their home
Tim lloya' Club gavn an entertain
ment at the clly hull Wednesday even
ing. The affair waa will attended and
all the liiiinliera were good. Tho Girls'
Hunk, of Oak (irove, furnished the
nniHlc. We hon those hrlKht Utile
girl will often vlnlt Mllwaukle.
C. K. llni kli'M, who hai been making
hU home for the Inst year with hU
sister, Mra. George K. Griffith, left
Monday for Spokane and KiiHlern
point. Ho will vlalt at Spoknno und
Helena, Mont., for oino time and will
then vIhII txiliila In the ICuat.
Several young lady "hiker" of lliia
city went to New Kra on a walking
- .,.,..., wlIh ,, ,h,.y wire
(forced to wait miHI tho evetiln train,
homo at o clock.
n,lM, . ,.M otver. one
pn.n.lnent amdexrowera of that
f,.n,.rly r).Hltlod ,
, , , rrl,liiy vlHt.
'.ro.her. Herbert, 'of Heaver
' Veturnlmc to hla home
w vh(, , ,llir.
gleiitB, Mr,uiid Mrx. Mark Ilolil.liiH, or
.Mra. John Jai-obhon, who haa been
III for Hevorul nioiitha, left for CoherK
yeHterday mornliiK, where, alio will
Join her huaband, who hna l-en up
iHiliited atailoii aisent of the Southern
; paclllf! Company. Mr. Jucobaon, after
leavliiR thla clly went lo Woodhurn.
Mint he waa recently promoied to the
Hln Il( CuIh tk. '
mlAy (),H.K ,ay ni Crystal I
- ..rourain for the af
,,, . ,i. i.n .,,,
leriKMill Will '' "I'll " '
.i at 2:30 1). m. I'ror. . I nieinoru on-n-
....... I.....,, uupureil In furnUh
mllMP , ,he puvlllou for dancing dur
r he Mf.rnon ni)(1 pVetilng. Freo
boating and free ocean wave for the
,..ulro,l. Everybody welcome,
Promlte to Pay $20 a Month and I
Charles Ilricfcer nan trtitnined hi ro
lease from the county Jull by raising
$:'0 for the aupiKiit of his fnmlly, who
live at Oswego. Hilcker waa areated
on March 4 last, and Judgo Campbell
paroled him, upon condition that he
would pay $20 a month to, hi wife
for her support and that of their chil
dren. ,
Hrlcker failed and lust Saturduy he
was again taken Into custody. This
summary notion frightened him Into
obtaining the money.
Berg Win ,niurance Case.
.1. II. Herg, l inyrchant of Hallow,
won tho suit In the Circuit coup
Thursday, Instituted agnmat hlm.by
Hldnev Cordon, agent for an Insurance
company. Herg gnvo hi note to Gor-
ir 16o for the first payment o
f ..,. ,,r,.ml.im. but claimed
Ibo thmighrhe wis signing an .. pile,
- tloii for Insurance. Judge Campbell
Thouand of Ton of Stone Blown
Into Canyon.
F. A. Ely Buy Home at Gladstone.
F. A. Ely has purchased the Wil
liams property at (lladstone, and will
take possession In about two weeks.
The Williams residence Is under con
struction, und will be ready In about
ihnt time. Mr. Ely will rent hla res-
'dome-he Is now occupying on John
Qulncy Adams street.
Children Ory
! Earnest Ma. Jr., Catche Chinook
j That They Fea.t Upon
Ernest Mass, the 10-yenr-old aon
of Sheriff and Mrs. Ernest Mass, la
one of Oregon City's enthusiastic
nlmrods this season, and not only en
tnunlastic but lucky a woll. He wont
to the falls on Wednesday morning,
and hnd thrown his line out but a
short time, when a Chinook spied It,
bit and was pulled out by the young
man. It wag b terrible struggle for
awhile, but after Mr. Chinook had be
come weary fom hla struggle for
freedom, he was drawn out. It tip
ped the scale at 38 pounds.
Today the prisoners confined In the
county Jail will be given a feast by
the good wife of Sheriff Mass. Thera
are at present five prisoner and one
man who I without fund In the Jail,
and are treated with consideration by
the sheriff.
We can promise you a clear, clean
skin and a beautiful complexion If you
use ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP accord
ing to directions.
ZEMO I a skin beautlfier and a
scientific preparation for the treat
ment of eczema, pimples, dandruff
and all diseases of the skin and scalp.
ZEMO SOAP Is the nicest best lnther
Ing antiseptic soap you ever used for
toilet or bath.
Sold by druggists everywhere and
in Oregon City by Huntley Bros. Co.
Deflnllo plana have been arranned
with the railroad for ihe trip to the
Twenty fifth Internntlon Chrlailun Kn
dnavor Convention to bo held at At
lantic. Clly, N. J., July Cth tu Wh,
Fare, $111.00. Theae ticket run
routed kolim via Hull Hto Marie,
Mackinaw, Port Arthur, OUIIiikm,
IfimtliiKton and Mlaaourl Illver Kal'
way, HI, IuIh, ChlcnKo, Montreal,
Huffiilo and PlttMhiirK, and If throiiKh
St. I-oiil throuKb Cincinnati and re
turn the aame or any of the other
mule mentioned herein. Thla K'vea
thn prlvlleKe of dlverae route taat of
ChlcaKo, and the return via Califor
nia to Portland, would be $120.00. If
ticket nre routed via Huffalo and
Montreal, they caji read through New
Ticket could be routed, If dealred,
thrmmh Chlcaico or Bt. loula or Mon
treal to Atlantic Clly, thence returning
throiiKh WaHhltiKlon Sunaet route to
New Orleana and Ihe Southern Paci
fic to Portland, If dealred, at $120.00
Horth lower alaiidard to Atlantic
City. IK 00; upper, $14 40. Fieri h rate
In Pullman Tourlat alceper If operated
through lo Atlantic City, lower, $10.60;
upM-r, $8 40. with 18 or more full
furea of flrat-elaH round trip ticket
tho car may be operated through to
Atluntlc City.
375 letter are now on the preal
denf desk addressed to the endeav
ori'ia throiiKhout the atate calling
their apodal attention to the conven
tion and auch nereimnry report which
ahoiild io plBced In the prealdent a
hund without delay, auch a report of
;the officer of your aoclety, gain In
metnbcrahlp, new aocletle organuea
plde to tate union work and pledge
for the Internatlon C. E. building.
Comiiuinlcailon haa Juat arrived
f.om E. A. KIiik, prealdent of the
WaahinKton State Chrlatlnn Endeavor
I'nlon. In hla communication he
niuieii that he la working hard to do
hla part to have a chrlatlan endeavor
car throiiKh to Atlantic City, N. Ji
either from the State of Washington,
or from the State if Oregon, Wash
Ington and Idaho. He snggeats If we
could do no better that we have a car
Hinrilng from Portland going through
Tucoma and Auburn, taking Seattle
mid Western Washington delegate,
going cant to Spokane and through
Idaho taking Idaho delegate.
Tin. regular monthly buslneH meet
nK of tho exerullvc boara 01 me i ire-
Kn cnrlHtinn Endeavor I'nlon will be
ing of tho executive board of the Ore-
" 1-nl..n tt-lll hO
hold on Monday, May 8. lu. ai u:o
p m.. In the small dining room of the
V. W. C. A. At which time the mem
bers will take luncheon together. Af
ter which tho regular business moot
ing will be hold. Each member of the
executive board la urged to be pres
ent as Important business Is to be
(1. Evert Baker, Pre.
Maehello Clurk, who was married
nt Cratid Junction, Colo., Fcbruury
27. l'.01. to William ('.. Clark, ha filed
n suit for divorce. She charges him
with using vulgar and profane langu
age, and say he threatened to kill
j II(,H Hl(1(
l so anld to nave caneo
j ft ..U1,.ty olll
I thing." While they
were living nt St. Johns, in August,
190G, ho said to have lert her ror a
week, without funds, and he is charg
ed wlm having threatened to take hrr
life If she undertook to got a 'divorce
from him. Ue Is also charged with
threatenlne to kill her fathtr and
mother. She desires to resume her
maiden name of Arnett.
Maud Swope and J. W. Swope were
married Ociober 23, 1900. at Alex
andria. V., and she haa sued him for
a divorce. She any he remain awuy
from home frequently until the small
hours of the morning, spending much
of his time In the company of other
women. She want $185 alimony for
tho month of May. and $50 per month
iilluionv for every month thereafter,
She also asks for $100 attorney's
fees. '
License to Marry Issued.
License to marry wa Issued Mon
dnv bv County Clerk Mulvey to Carrie
Schatr.imm and Claude Hall.
Couple Get License to Marry.
Amy Hartson und Herbert W.
Prynto were granted a marriage li
cense on Wednesday afternoon by
County Clerk Mulvey
Alway Keep Their Hair Fascinating
and Free From Dandruff.
Almost everybody In Oregon City
knows that there 1 no preparation
for Ihe hair that can compare with
Parisian Sage.
It cures dnndruff, stop falling hair
and Itching scalp In two weeks, or
money back.
It puts radiance and luster tnto that
dull, lifeles hair that many women
possess Bnd doe It In a few days.
On March 23, 1910, Lulu D. Fix, of
Raphlne. Va., wrote: "Parisian Sage
1 a wonderful halr'restorer; It stop
ped my hair from falling out and stop
ped my scalp from itching; also cured
the dandruff."
Parisian Sage. Is sold by Huntley
Bros. Co. for 50 cents a large bottle.
Robert F. Caufield
and Jeweler
Opp. Ituntlcy'i, 716 Mai St. Oreo City
TImepirce that other havo
failed to make run properly, es
pecially solicited. Trices mod
erate, and all work guaranteed.
Friend of Bavr Crk Coupl Sptnd
Dillyhtful Evening,
A uiprlae party wa tendered Mr.
and Mr. Christ Muralt on Saturday
evening at Ihelr pn-tly home near
Heaver Creek, by a few of their
friend. The evening waa happily
anont In mc and music, in the homo.
guessing conteat O. It. (Jwllllm and
Mr. C. Muralt; peanut race, Mr .Smith ,
and Mra. If. M. Hobblns, and those
making the largest number of words
out of the word "boar'' were Mrs. T. I
iilHokliiirn and Mr. Smith. At a late '
hour dellclou rerresnmcni were high school In Oregon City na a Dim
aervod. A moat, enjoyable time was KrHduutlng clan thla year of twenty
had. ! member. All member of the class
Present were Mr, and Mrs C. Itaam, i are considered strong student, by
Mr. and Mra. (!. A. Pagonhoif, Mr and ! th faculty. Many expect to go on
Mrs. P. Mertschliig. Mr. und Mrs. Mu- to college In the fall but most will
rait, Mr. and Mra. P. Mndau, Mr. and i take up teaching for a time.
Mrs. T. Illackburn, Mr, and Mrs. W. The commencement exercises will
H Itoettger, Mr.and Mrs. P. A. Haas-; i,e hold June second, probably In
lor Mr. and Mr. (I. H. (iwllllm, Mis hiilvolya' opera houae. President E.
Mary Davis. Mia Mlna Hlnhin, Mlsa ii. Crooks, Albany College, will de
Noia Itoettger. Mis I,ulu Hnrnshuh. ; liver the commencement addre and
Mis Heulah llornshuh, Miss Martha ; the High School glee Club will roll
Mortschlng, Paul and Frank Mert-. der the musical aelcctlon on the pro
srhlng Percy Smith, Fred Hluhm, Ar- Kram.
thirr Hornshuh, Evelyn llasslor, Myrtle The usual class hlalory. prophesy
Muralt, Iiiila and Hahy Pageuhnpf, I and other attproprlate number will
lllchard Owllllm. Kverolt niar-kidirn
and Iiule Roettger.
;Culloch, Frank Gilbert Clark, ray c.
jHatdorf. Evelyn Harding. Ethel Kid-
The teacher' Institute hold at I fjf.r and Bos Warner.
Macksburg on Saturday was largely j
attended, especially by the patrons j Attend Automobile Banquet,
and children of the district. The meet- g. C. Waldron of WaMron & Wald
lug was presided over by County j ron, has returned from Portland
School 8uiorlntendeiit T. J. Gary. An ; where he attended a banquet given
excellent dinner wa served to about ' Bt the Hotel Portland by the E-M-F
2oo persona. A programme, of musical 'Northwest Company. Immediately
selections and recitations wag given j after the banquet a descriptive loc
by the children of the s hool of Mack- j mre, accompanied by moving picture,
burg under the direction of Prof. Hnld- j wa given, by F. M. Smith, special fae
win and Mis Eva Graves. i tory representative.
The afternoon wa tken up with ,
an Interesting discussion on "How j MOTHER OF TWELVE CHILDREN.
to make country life more agreeable." i
Among the speaker were Prof. (Jury, (Mr. Emma Jane Odell Passes at San
Mr. W. H. Godfrey, of Oregon City, , dy at Age of 45 Years,
and J. A. Calavan, principal of the. Emma Jane Odell, daughter of Mr.
Maple Lan school. ! and Mrs. C. P. Ware, waa born Oc-
After all business had been trans- j tol)fir n, 18CC, In Ntmehaw County,
acted the meeting adjourned and those i ,f,)jraska. She crossed the plains In i
presont were Invited to the grove t ,879 and came to Oregon, where she
where a baseball game wag played, the hag 8lnce rMjded. She was married
teams being the Macksburg teum and , .iaIm.B . odell. In February. 1882,
the Knights of King Arthur, of Canby.
J. D.
ll'MTH UAT OTIirF nlne BrandchUdron, a mother, four
u uLii nil I uiui i !K,H,er,i and ,ie brtner i mourn her
i in a revival meeting held at Cherry-
i vllle. Oregon, February,1908, conduct
SCATHING JEREMIAD GIVEN ON ; ed bv Rev. J. W. Exon, assisted by I.
bv rabid
J. U. Stevens who announced eari)
last week that he would talk In Ore -
gon Cilv Saturday evening against the , her life and soon after her conversion
Single Tax and W 8 U'Ken w as on i took 111 and twice went on the operat
the Job alright. Such a scathing jing table, but without success. For
Jeremiad as Stevens delivered is not the past six months she has been bed
often heard on the streets of this city j rast. Mrs. Odell was known for her
and quite a crowd gathered to hear, j sympathy and kind deeds toward oth
While gating in a few lick at the , ers, ever sacrificing her own Interests
single tax that showed on the face for others while suffering herself. She
that they were meant more for U'Ren , wa8 0f a cheerful disposition, always
than the tax, Steven did not spare , looking on the bright side of life.
U'Ren In the leatt. Coward, polt- J The writer of this article, under
roon. bribe taker, hypocrite and shy- j whose labors she was converted, and
ster lawyer were some of the mildes; ! received into the church, conducted
terms In his vocabulary of abuse. ,he funeral services, preaching the
Stevens U an invererate enemy of j scrmoI1 from th.e text, Romans 8:37,
V Ron and so proclaimed himself in )n tl)e Methodist Church at Sandy,
no uncertain terms. Oregon. The body was then taken to
The crowd listened good naturedly j rjhprryville. followed by a large con
but it Is very doubtful If any con- courge where another short and slm
verts were made for the antl-U'Ren ))e servPe was conducted, then It was
forces by w hat Stevens had to say. lajJ away ,0 awajt the resurrection
Ills language
being too personally
The Price Bros, base ball team , Former Oregon City Man Succumb to
played a double header Sunday on the Attack of Heart Failure.
Canemah Park grounds. In the first j George W'ineset, son of Mrs. L. A.
game thev 'shutout the Overlands of wineset, of Sellwood died at the home
Portland, 18 to 0. Irvine, the Portland !0f i,js mother Friday morning, May 5,
cutcher, Injured a finger during the ( at the ago of :::) years. Mr. Wineset
game and was replaced by Parkhurst. j was formerly a resident of this city.
The second game was played with:anj was a nephew of Mr. and Mrs.
East Side Cubs, another Portland : s F Scripture. He has been in fail
team. This also resulted In a shutout, I jPR health for the past three months
7 to 0 In favor .of the Oregon City and 01) j.-r(iav morning he was taken
boys. snddonlv worse until the end came.
Long pitched the first four innings (he cail"se of hjs death being heart
ogulnst the ovenanas ana niueuauuse
finished that and the following game
in the pitcher's box. The Price Bros,
team has games scheduled till June
18. May 14 they play Linnton at
Llnnton; May 21 Aurora at Aurora;
May 28Portland Giants, a colored
leiim at lanemau mm, juuo u, vu-:
lumbla Hardware Company of Port-!
, . T, , j -
"SVrL? S1
drove at Oak Grove; June 19 Pop
Corn Kings at Canemah Park.
Molalla Nine Administer Dose White
wash to Mt. Pleasant.
The Shubel baseball tfcam won from
Crescent at Shubel Sunday by a score
of 16 to 1. Dolbrow and Brenner com
posed the battery for Shubel
- - - - ,
The Mount Pleasant team was shut
. at Mnlnllft hv fhft Mnlnlln
out Sunday at Molalla by the Molalla
team, with a score of 11 to 0. The bat
teries for Mount Pleasant, Nefzger
and Nichols; for Molalla, Hart and
Weona 4. WHsonville 3.
WIIONVILLE. Or.. May 9 Wil
sonville lost to the Weona team of
Portland Stinday. 4 to 3. Batteries:
Weonas Webb and Armsplger; WH
sonville Thornton and Hasselbrlnk.
Cmpire Terwilliger.
Saved Many From Death.
W. L. Mock, of Mock. Ark., believes
he has saved many live in his 25 j
years of experience in the drug busi
ness. "What I alway like to do," he
writes, "Is to recommend Dr., King's j
New Discovery for weak, ore lungs, j
hard colds, hoarseness, obstinate i
coughs, la grippe, croup, asthma or
other bronchial affection, for 1 feel
sure that a number of my nelghhor
are alive and well today because they
took my advice to use it. I honestly
believe it the best throat and lung
medicine that's made." Easy to prove
he right Get a trial bottle free, or
regular 50c or $100 bottle. Guaran
teed by Harding Drug Co.
Commencement eaaon I hire. The
aHo be on the program, a piay t?
titli.fl "Th Rlva " I to be put on.
j Full arrangement for the eighth
I grade promotion exorcise, will be an
noiinoed later a they are not yet
! complete.
I The members of the June '11 grad-
uatlng clans are:
Thornton Wayne Howard, Freder
ick K. Hakor, Kay Stanley Welsh,
. Milton George Nobel, Maude Alice
' i,...i. ti...,i u Tfu7o Harold Avery
, Smith, J. Bothwell Avlson, Maage
I rii i. ii"''-7' - ,
nritfMt.111. Hern oe Dawson, fctnei
I Rhoda Purslfull, Ray Leslie Scott.
' 7,eta Mae Andrew, Louise Alvlna
iMatlllda Detite, Margaret Jane Mc-
H, McMinnviie, Yamhill County, Ore
gon. Died May 2. 1911, at Sandy.
Oregon. She was the mother of
twelve children, three sons and nine
daughters, three of whom are ma.-rled.
ch. loaves bnshand. eleven children.
R Gi lihan as singer, Bne was conven
ed and then became a cnaner memoer
, of the "Hannah Exon Memorial Metho-
dist Euisconal Church' at unerryviue
Oregon, of which she remained a
fBlth..i member till her death.
i Mrs. Odell was a sufferer most of
The funeral was held baturaay
at Eagle Creek, the former home of
the family, and ' was attended by
manv friends. The services was con
ducted bv Rev. Hayes, of beiwoon,
. , - , . ' , 'in th. Forresters
j lilt- uiit-i mini " v " n - - -
mother, two ' brothers. ' Augustus and
The deceased leaves, besides nis
Thomas, of Sellwood.
Former Clackamas Teacher Dies.
The Misses Effie and Anna Smith, of
Gladstone, have received word of
the death of thlr second cousin. Miss
Emma Wondt. which occured on May
4th, at the home of her parents, in
Maple Plane, Minn., where she had
neon ill for several months with
tumberculosis. Miss Went was for
j lumuercinuMs. .mco
teacher in the Minnesota
. ... . 1.1 i t.i
public schools, and also taught in this
county, where she spent about one
year. She loaves many relatives and
friends to mourn her loss.
f th tear to hT your tth mit nd pUU ind
Wtl J,iU.ee t ur I'm.
fin tub p!U an.
- ' r"i,,. nor ror out -.",ri"
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.-: 'inti'M eitnlii
frt h ( Ie of
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a, "'. , -vl. CMMiUt tft tr.
6t i :X:m 1. CO
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All tfli fully rnrnlel fw tlttr fn.
Wise Dental Co.,mc
Painless Dentists
f mf BuiWInt Ihrrt rrt WnfrftM fORTUKt). Oft
KMI,in: Il k.UII.IL Iu4r,lli4
If Ihty wr
engagement ring at betrothal time
comes down to us from traditionary times,
and has endured because of its pretty and
symbolic meaning. It still has a beautiful
significance, and whether you wish a dia
mond or some less costly gem, you 11 find
our store the proper place to make your
selection. This is the one time of all that
you must be sure you are getting something
reliable, and when it comes from us you
can well be proud of it.
We guarantee the sets to stay in our
Btffmeister & Andresen
Oregon City Jewelers Suspension Bridge Corner
..-,.,..-0 IU
DIES AT HOME Of ununnitn
. The following Is taken from the
Baraboo News, published at Baraboo.
Wisconsin, announcing the death of
Mrs. Mary Shaw, of Mulino, who pass
ed awav at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Simon Coblelgh, of Webster's
Prairie, Wis.:
Mrs Marv Shaw passed away at
the home of her daughter, Mrs. Simon
Cobleigh, Webster's Prairie, last night
after en illness of about five months
with heart disease.
Mrs. Shaw was born in Winnebago
County, Illinois, sixty-seven jeais
ago and came to Barauw
but eight years old. She attended
the Baraboo Collegiate Institute
and a Female Seminary, both educa-
. 1. thto Ifv In Ihe
tionai lnsiuuiea iu um v..-
early days. In 1890 she weat t Mul
ino, Oregon, to make ner nome. ou
lived there until fis spring when her
daughter, Mrs. Cobleigh, went to Ore
gon and accompanied her to the
home on Webster's Prairie. She had
been raiting with heart disease since
last December.
Besides a husband, who is in Mul
nn ftrpmn she leaves two brothers.
p2a vnnii tvopdom: James. Mulino,
Oregon; two sons, Frank and Charles,
Mulino. Oregon; ana lour aaugntem,
Mrs. S. Cobleigh, Webster's Prairie;
una w-iiilnm Premo. Sumpter; Mrs.
Kris Kramer. Baraboo; and Mrs. Ed
win Faust, Mulino, Oregon.
tAST IN 1876.
rii P.m.n an nlrl and highly re-
l 111 I V " ! " " . - ,
Mpnt nf Willamette, aea
UCVl V - " V ----- ... Ill
last Saturday night, after a brief ill
ness, ji.st 14 week alter tne
his wife. Funeral services win "
held at 9 o'clock this morning at iu
home of Mr. Capen's daughter Mrs
W . Ross, at Willamette, and at $
o'clock this afternoon at Finleys.
chapel in Portland.
Mr Capen was born in Stoughton,
Mass'.. September 23, 1842, and was
the son of Lucy ana ueorge -it.
He came to Portland in 1870, and was
in the shoe manufacturing business
with his brother. George B. Capen for
14 vears in that city, and vas in the
same business at Willamette for 17
Services Over Remains of Willamette
Shoe Manufacturer.
Th fnnoral of the late Ellery Cap
en, who died last Saturday, took place
Tuesday. Services were hem in me
morning at the home of Mr. Capen'
daughter. Mrs. W. A. Ross, In Willam
ette, and Rev. E. F. Zimmerman, pas
tor of the Methodist Episcopal unurcn
of Oregon City, preached the funeral
aormnn Mrs. John Hickman. C. A.
Miller, W. A. Cox and Miss Elva
BUinchard composed a quartette tnat
rendered selections. Heftuutui ;iurai
r,frorini?s wore in evidence. The pall
bearers were T. J. Gary, E. T. Mass,
C. A. Miller, J. R. Hickman, John
Re;.m and T. J. Myers. The body was
taken to Portland and service were
held Tuesday afternoon in Finley's
Chapel. The interment wa in River
view cemetery.
Former Oregon City Man Dies.
Word was received in this city by
Edward Reckner announcing tne death
of Robert McClure, formerly of thla
city, but recently of Lewiston, Idaho.
Sick headache result from a dis
ordered condition of the stomach, and
can be cured by the use of Chamber
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablet.
Try it. For sale by all dealer.
Charles Anderson, a farmer living
in the Colton country, yesterday com
mitted suicide by hanging. The body
was found about one o'clock in the
afternoon yesterday by neighbor.
Anderson was a heavy drinker and
it is supposed that despendency
brought on by brooding over hi weak
ness, was the reason for his action.
Coming to Colton about three years
ago from Forest Grove, Anderson won
a moderate living from the old Gott
berg place where he lived and was
supposed to be well fixed financially.
He left a nephew, Carl Bergren, of
Barlow. This I the only near rela
Remains of Woman Who Died In Cal
fornla Laid to Rest.
The remains of Mrs. Wakeman, who
died at Los Angeles, California, last
Tuesday were shipped to this city,
and the funeral service were con
ducted Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock
from the Presbyterian Church, Rev. J.
R Landsborough oficiating. The Inter
ment wag in the Masonic cemetery at
Mountain View, and the remains laid
besides those of her husband, who
passed away In this city eight years .
ago. The service was largely attend
ed and the quartet composed of Mrs.
w' C Green. Mrs. Leon Des Larzes,
Mrs E H. Cooper and Mrs. McCaw
sang "Come Vnto Me." and "The Sil
ver Chord." The pallbearers were all
relatives of the deceased and were
Corless Andrews. E. B. Anurews, uy
man Andrews, Pearlle Andrews, Frank
Andrews. Henry Andrew.
Mrs. Wakeman was about 60 years
of age, and was the cousin of L. R.
Asdrews, of Mount pleasant.
Woman Die in Gypsy Camp.
Mrs. Sarah N. Stewart, who ha
been living In a gypsy camp on the
west side of the .river, died last Fri
day. She was born August 21, 1887,
and was a daughter of L. Whorten.
Death was due to tuberculosis. The
funeral will be held Tuesday and the
burial will be in Mountain View ceme
tery. Mabel Poulter, who was married at
Spokane. Wash., November 19, 1905,
to Walter H. Poulter, ha filed a suit
for divorce. She says he deserted lwr
December 23, 1900, at Milwaukle, Wis.
Applied Into lh iwtHls
Is Quickly pfrPPfiMtf.
It cleanie, sooth-!, heals sod prott tl
di'teawd niemlrnri rwiliing from Gitiirrh
ami drives away CM io the Heiid qui' kl v.
Restores the Seiwe of Tafrte snd HmelL
It is easy to we. Coutnics do injurious
drugs. No men-nry, no cocaine, no mor
phine. The houwUoM rt-medy.
Price. 60 ceuts t trn'gi.U or tiy niail.
ELY BROTHERS, 58 Wtrrs St., fttw York
fij! I " I
3S2II1 1
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