OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1911. Jlipi ' f3 : i t-t,--- rrr- I Jill ALCOHOL 9 PER CKNT AVtyelablf ftrparallon Cr,ls slmilai (n$ the Foodant IRctf iita tingUir StoraartB andlkwlsif 'eft; IYomoics Ditolioiiflnf iful tC-Z- i ncss and iYsUoniains nci;!ur &3 1 Oinuni-Morphirx ncrMIiitxa!. NOT NARCOTIC. ss: : AnatStci Anwfrfl rVredv forCraisli'O tton . Sour Stonoch.Diamitc. ncssawlLOSSOFSlXEi'. Facsimile Sijturort of .')o:a u ' r,',, NEW YORK. -i 1 .L LamI jtn rrii untuT " j Exact Copy of Wrapper. NEWS FROM THE COUNTRY INTERESTING ITEMS FROM ALL PARTS OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY MEADOW BROOK. The farmers are happy as a result of the rains. The Hults Brothers are driving ties on .Milk Creek. O. F. Kay and daughter, Miss Staud fnger, made a business trip to Port land Monday. The Beaty brothers are preparing to drive piling on the river. C. N. Holman and mother visited In town Monday. C. L. Staudinger was in town Mon day. Mrs. Raymond Dickey visited . friends in town Sunday "afternoon. Mayor Allen made a business trip to Portland Saturday. , For soreness of the muscles wheth er Induced by violent exercise or in Jury, Chamberlain's Liniment is ex cellent. This liniment is also highly esteemed for the relief it affords In cases of rheumatism. Sold by all dealers. COLTON. The basket social entertainment, which was given by the Jannes school on Saturday evening, May 6. was a complete success In every way and 29 baskets were sold and $5C40 was raised. A sad mystery happened in the neighborhood last Thursday, when A. Anderson committed suicide by hang ing. The reasons why he did it are not known but a note was found on the table on which he said that he was tired of life. He had lived at Colton about four years and was 64 years old. He leaves to mourn his death a daughter-in-law, Mrs. Ander son, of Portland, and a nephew, Carl Ber'gren, at Barlow. He was buried Progress, near his old home w here his wife and son are buried. Mr. and Mrs. I. O. Dix were visting with Grandma Dix last Sunday. C. Stromgreen was butchering hogs Friday and hauled them to Oregon Citv Saturday. E. Berglund is busy hauling potatoes to town at present. For all Bowel Troubles Use Dr. Bell's Anti-Pain. Relief U almost instantaneous. Is also good externally for all kinds of pains. Sold everywhere. Geo. A. Harding, Drug gist. MOUNTAIN VIEW. Wedding bells are reported for the near future. Mr. Haskell has built a fine barn on Mt. Hood street. Mr. Houston, who is hauling gravel in Portland, spent Sunday at home with his family. W. G. Hall, Lisle Curran. Geo. Ev erhart and Mrs. Pearl Everhart spent Sunday at Rock wood with Mr. and Mrs. John Everhart. Joseph Owens has rented his house to Rev. W. C. Gross ai.d wife, lately from the East. Alvan Brandt is on the sick list and had to quit school. He has facial paralysis. J. W. S. Owens made a business trip to Forest Grove last Friday and returned home Monday, D. P. Sshrura and R. N. Woodworth, of Hood River, were visiting Mrs. N M. Aldredge last week. Mrs. J. P. Roehl is on the sick list again and called the doctor Tuesday. J. M. Gillett, who has been quite poorly the last few days, is a little better. Mrs. B. F. Linn made a business trip to their mill Wednesday morning to stay a few days. Little Verna Gottberg is sick again and a trained nurse is with her. N. H. Dirn?!l was transacting busi ness in town Saturday. He bought a new wagon and came after it on Mon day. Born, Saturday, May 6, to the wife of Rev. W. C. Gross, a daughter. Mrs. Everhart and Mrs. Hall made a business trip to Portland Tuesday. The former returned home in the ev ening and the latter went out to Rock wood to spend a few days with Mrs. J. Everhart, who moved there nearly two weeks ago. There's A Reason For the large and increasing sale of pr Bell i pine-Tar-Honey. When in the need of a cough medicine try it and you w.il know the ret.son. HHFM.U H RHlNLi i V4 Fcr Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears the Signature j b-or uver Thirty Yeare tmi nrnin iemn, w em. E3 WILSONVILLE. Professor Wiley, of New burg, w as in Wilsnnville on Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Aubery Wood spent Saturday in the Rose City. Mr. Hartshorne went to Portland Saturday on business. Eva Baker has been spending a few days at home. Mrs. and Mrs. Chester Tooze, have rented the Kuntz place, and will move in this week. Mrs. Geo. Todd has been 111, having had an attack of appendicitis, but is now somewhat better. Mrs. Bethune went to Corvallis on Monday, being called there by the serious illness of her sister, for whom the doctors give no hope of recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Hale Call, of Portland, visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tooze for a short time last week. Mrs. Chtllupsky has been so ill that it was found necessary to remove her to a Portland hospital last Thursday. Her many friends wish for her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Alison Baker has been spend ing a week visaing relatives in Port land and St. John's. Mrs. Todd, mother of A. P. Todd, of Mt. H'cd View, and one of the most noted pioneers of this section of coun ry, died at her home near Sherwood on Sunday, May 7th, after a long ill ness. The funeral was largely attend ed, and interment was made In the Hood View cemetery on Monday af ternoon. The missionary tea given by Mrs. Frank Tooze last week was a very enjoyable social function. Dainty re freshments were served during the afternoon and a silver collection taken for the purpose of mission help. Mrs. Shaw's address was very interest ing and instructive. The following ladies were present: Mrs. Alison Baker, Mrs. Elmer Jones, Mrs. George Seely, Helen Murray, Mrs. Mark Seely, Mrs. Taylor, Miss Taylor, Mrs. Dodaon, Miss Glassup, Mrs. Npshaw and Mrs. Frank Tooze. The W. A. C. lost out by 1 count in the game played against the Wen ona Club on May 7th, the game stand ing 4 to 3 in favor of the Wenona Club at the finish. Both teams played splendidly, and the umpire was- high ly complimented upon his fairness in mnking decisions. The W. A. C. boys rro made of the true blue and take defeat with the same courage and the laurals which have been coming their way most of the time. The village correspondent feels sure that the residents of Wilsonville and vicinity san be relied upon to stand loyally by their county officials, as long as they are guilty of no greater wrong doing than trying to improve the roads of the county at large. If those who are at the head of our county goverment are not going to be allowed to exercise their freedom of thought as American citizens, then how long are we going to be able to place suitable men at the head of af fairs. When Judge Beatie was sheriff fif this county, he per formed his duties faithfully and well, and his record was above reproach, and now that he naa l.een elected to the position of county judge, he seems to be performing hb duties with the same degree of straight forward manliness and jiiKtice, and trying to do what is best for the county at large. We have no axes to grind with the county court, but in the spirit of justice and fair play, would it not be better for tne residents of our country districts to remember that Clackamas is a grand old county, and that the business men at the county seat, are tryiny to place her in the front ranks, where she rightfully belongs, and if we Join hands and pull tozether. we can have good roads, good schools, etc., but if upon every little pretext, the county government is to be subjected to ridi rule and torn to pieces, will soon have Clackamas in the Fhape of a thread bare garment. It is to be hoped that we will all stand shoulder to fchoulder for god govenment, which we cannot have unless we as individuals possess, the spirit of honor and justice. Pine Tar and Honey Have been used for generations in treating coughs. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey contains both combined with other valuable ingredients. .Look for the bell on the bottle. Be sure you get Dr. Bell's. Geo. A. Harding, Druggist it n STAFFORD. Tho gentle rain illll descend at In terval upon the JiihI and the unjust, and grain field, garden, frulti' and flowers are deriving great good from the needed moisture. Hamilton came after Murtlia, hi wife, with ft livery rig last week and took her away. Adotnh Delknr had a Hmb ily hack and hit him across hi eye. It wn thought at first he might lose one of them, bnt nt latest accounts they were doing nicely. Mr. and Mm. Ilolton and daughters, accompanied by young friend and Mr. Carter, spent Sunday at the Gage's. Mrs. Dornls three daughters spent the i.l a v at the family home on Sun day. Manuel Fry. Miss Annie's nance wns with them. They are to be mnr rled the Hrst of June, we hear. The voung man ns a little boy lived with his father's family on the place now owned by Mr. Wcddle. Mrs. Ida Pelkar and two children spent the afternoon with Mrs. Gage. . Some men were throitRh here tnk Inn pictures for post cards, and It was snld that some of them were to be used in a moving picture show. Mr. aGge accidentally broke his government thermometer, which ne cessitates a trip to Tortland. He has kept the records at this place for the past fifteen years or more. There are Invitations out for a sur prise partv some evening this week and the scribe will tell the particulars next week. At rresent the word Is "Mum." " They nre having the plnster which had begun to crack taken off the walls in the second story at Mrs. Nursbam's and will have the rooms replastered and painted. Starts Much Trouble. If all people knew that neglect, of constipation would result in severe In digestion, yellow jaundice or virulent liver trouble they would soon take Pr. King's New life Pills, and end It. It's the only safe way. Pest for bil iousness, headache, dyspepsia, chills and debility. 25c nt Harding Prog Co. I j!r I The Feed Is the Heart of the Drill Some Drills Have Heart Disease But Not the Hoosier. Its heart is perfectly sound. Its feed is a positive force feed, which seeds uniformly and accurately; regardless of conditions. It works as well on the side hill, up hill'or down hill as on the level. There is no guess work, you set the feed regulator at the quantity you want to sovv and you know that you are seeding just that amount, no more or no less. That's why you want to be sure your drill is Positive Force Feed Machine and the only way to be absolute ly sure is to buy a Hoosier. Write for our circular "The Feeding of Seed". J. . Case Plows Bloom Marnier 7Z. Spreaders a run UN Ct Implements and Vehicles WILLAMETTE. I W. Rivers has sold his Interest in the well driller to J. W. McGregor. Mr. Rivers will operate a large machine and will drill for oil hereafter. Mr. Rivers is backed by men with money, u-lirt arn rlliflentS Of Portland. Riv ers and McGregor, who returned from Molalla on Saturday evening, where they have been employed drilling a well for McBride & McBride, of Port land, who are owners of a fj.',8-aere "raneh. They were successful In get ting water, but had to go through 35 feet of sandstone. While drilling they discovered three streams of water and this water raised up within 25 feet of that thev first struck. Oil was also discovered while drilling on this land. McBride & McBride are Jublhnt over getting the water on their place, as this has been needed for some time. One house, which was recently renovated v ill he moved up on the hill where the well is located snd is a most desirable locatfon for a resi dence. A. Thomas is foreman of the ranch and the two men were treated nell while hoarding with them, speak ing in the highest terms 01 .Mr. i nora-1 as and his good wife. j J. W. Loder, who is the owner of 12 acres in West Willamette, is laying the land off into acre tracts, and It is i now on the market. Charles Kenney is building an addi- j tion to his house. A cement basement will be built and other improvements made. Mrs. K. Mayes, who arrived from Stafford about five months ago, Is building a house here. Carl Moldeiihauer l Improving his place by having a new fence con structed around the premise!. Altogether seven new houses Hie being built at Willamette. The water question here has been settled. Mr. Downey, owner of the water works, Is hiving pipe and will furnish all with water who wish It. EASTERN CLACKAMAS DOVER. Mr. Shnvv purchased a liorso hist week. Kdward llergelseii, of Portland, spent part of the week with the Mor rison famllvf Mr. and Mrs. A. Miller, Joseph De Shaxer. wife and two daughters were Portland visitors one day I""' week. Mr. Reed brought his wife home from Sandv Saturday. She Is still un able to bear her weight on her left foot. Miss Iah Morrison. Alice llerg house and Kleanor Hews are taking the eighth grade examinations this week. Gnvlord Keith was home over Sun day. H. H. I'dell and f'iniily "Pent Sun lav with Mr. Gibson, of Parton. the Dover M. H Sunday school was reorganized May 7. Hev. M. M. Heed was elected superintendent; Mr. Shaw, organist: Miss Eleanor Hews, secre tary and treasurer. Sunday school everv Sunday at eleven a. m. Al are cordially Invited to be present. whit'i the Use To suffer with sore eyes when one ?r,c tube of Sutherland's Eagle Eye Salve will cure von. We guarantee It. You risk nothing. It's creamy, snow white ointment. Geo. A. Hard ing. Druggist. EAGLE CREEK. Again we are ana nave been en joyng araing period. W. F. DouEbiB was a Portland visitor one d-iv last week. ' tn'iSnd lasTTuesdayKl': 1 ' Z ;eft;.Xo nei iipiii rm ,i ic ' Thev ' , at Lstacada Sunday afternoon They , were anxious to see '" a ! The digestion falls the whole body The grune was played 'X thtE n b cliaml)erlttln.B Tal,let8 are a lacada Grays and the Giant, the Jm .Negro team of Portland The sc ore increase the flow of bile. was 10 to fi in favor J Bf the arkle. J Jr iom. Harvey f,nd Halley Gibson wn tfce whoe dMf honored Sunday - May 7 by the ictle ,Q a ,, aml hoaI;hy 5" H reaves Ldfrierels S -on- For sale by all dealers. kK JfTfl'i Sc;enf:!;;nneV.P:nd The hamt of horrowtng small sums spending the day. All had a pleasant of money antlcipawng pay-day-Is i time. We hope they will enjoy many pernicious prac.t:cc and breaks many mire such birthdays. friendship. It is no' kindness to HTS0:GihMrndJZg Harvey money to a professional borrow Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Halley Gibson, , er. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Gibson, Mr. anu Mrs rtainh Gibson. Mr. ana sirs. Henerv ("dell, Iva. Agnes, neroen, and Alice Cddl, Dora, Karl, Hazel, fnd Franklin Gibson, Mrs. Viola Doug- . ... ... 1.-1 Tl.iinloea i;ss, .miss iiinawonKias"! Sam Wilson, Mis Blanche .miikt ano Mrs. Jetty Cowley, of Portland, and son IP Alex liaker was helping Will Doug- lass pull up some trees Tuesday. J F-d EUings. of Oregon City,, was arrested for neglecting to support his familv but the case was settled out of court, and Ellings was released. WILLIAMS' KIDNEY PILLS. Have you overworked your nervous system and caused trouble with your kidneys and bladder? Hv yon pains In loins, side, back and bladder! lUvo you a llabby appearance of the face, and under the eyes A frequent desire to pass urine? If so, Williams' Kidney pills will cure you-Prugglat, Trice fide. Wllllifins Mfg. Co.. Props., Cleve land. O. For sale by Huntley Itros. and Jones Prng Co. DOVER. The rains of the last week or so have done much good for the crops hut have put a stop to the road work and land clearing to a great extent. Mr, and Mr. Joseph peShaner made a trip to Portland last week. Alex Hews and Vic UodUy returned from Poi tint d Thursday. George Wolf, a former resident of Dover, and now u prominent buslnea man of Bandy, was visiting relatives and friends here Sunday. .Mrs. Woodle and Miss llerghouse culled on Uah Morrison Sunday nf ternoon. Several of the Klrwood young people strolled over to Dover Sunday. Waller Kltzinlller, of Knglo Creek, was ut Unking over IiIh farm. David Miller attended the ball game at Estaeada Sunday. Mr. Parker, of Klrwood. has made arrangements to purchase a phone from the Klrwood Dover Telephone CHenrv I'dell has bought a gasoline drag saw outfit, with which ho will cut cord wood and clear hind. Edwin ll.uielxon. of Chicago, wan visiting the.Morrlson family Sunday and Monday. Mr. GillTIn has settled on railroad laud In section three. Hav Howe and Cl"lr Co:cy were llxlng up the Dover end of tho Kir-wisid-IHiwr telephone line Saturday. It is now n line order. Monroe We 1st returned Saturday evening from Portland. .Mr. Huntington Is very busy making Portland, Or. W. J. WILSON & CO. OREGON CITY, ORE. J. J. SANDSNESS CANBY, OREGON AGENTS an preparations to use his gasoline stump putting oiiuiu th-re any.hing in all this wrld " "f m,,re importance 'to you Kood d,tr'r? r"1 ':? eaten to sustain life and must be dl- ,, rnnvMt(,, ,n(o blood. When OWEN G. THOMAS BLACKSMITHING ANDREPAIR WORK. Best of work and satisfaction guar- - . anteea. nave your nur.c. m uj expert; it pays. All kinds of repair work and smithy work. Prompt service; greater por- tion of your work can be done while you do your trading. Give me a trial job and see If I can't please you. . f)WEN G. THOMAS v'""' Cor. Main and Fourth Sts. Oregon City ESlflTflK CANBY AND SOUTHERN CLACKAMAS CANBY TO HAVE RACE MEET. P,ird And Horss Show Also D Qlvsn. Canb.. win nave tuts year one of largest and best race meet and horse show- .er held at that place, the dale 01 which will he Saturday, June X Mourn of the best racers of the North Pacific circuit will he entered and raced on the track of the Clackn mas Fair Grounds. Ch prUes will lie offered for the racers, whllu premiums will be given for the shw horses. A parade will he one of the feature of the morning. The horse show will he given uti the streets of Canby, and the race at the fair grounds, Tho Canby hand wfll furnish the miifle. CANBY. Mi. Chris Craft, who hud been In a Portland on account of an operation, wa forced to return to Portland for further medical treatment. Her hus band spent Sunday with her. Mr. George llrown wniTln Canby on htislness Monday. The following letter remain un called for at the Ciinliy postofflco and were advertised on May ti: Cummin, Mi. K. M ; Hugh. J : Knight, Maude; Itatli, .1 It ; Host, Mr. tiulr K. Mrs. A. II. Knight I lIHng friends anil ri'lutlveg at Portland thl week. Mis Olllo Jones, of Portland. I ve iling her sister, Mis Mnsterton, of this place. Mr. George Spencer has uniuiM'd a piano. The regular quarterly Conference ut tho M. K. church of Canliy will meet on May 15 ut the church. Mrs. M. .1. I.cc n ml little daughter Lorraine left for Seaside on tho Const Wednesday morning where tney ex pert to remain Indefinitely. This move was n sxltaled on account of her daughter heulth. It Is hopod that the ocean breezes will bn belied- ' rial to the little girl who Is In delicate ; health. The Canby Canal lias.. Hall Club will hold a meeting ut the office of the company by that name Thursday flight for the purpose of elecllng a manager ami ciiplaln and also to make arrangements for tho season's work. This I quite a ball team, ami i did excellent work last season. This year the team has gained considerable strength by securing a new pitcher iiul catcher, .lee Ijllsell and It Roy l.ee of thl- city were In Portland on business the III ft pint of the week. M. .1. l.ee visited the county seal Thursday. ! F.nglueer Itoih and his corps lire ' siti-vex lug Mr. Hill's tract of I. nut h" , re-einly purchased from Mr Salt-tii-irsh, through II Jt !-. I,. P. Gut-ham, president of the Can- In- (iinnlirr of Commerce, Is In Seat tle on business. Daniel Daub Isoti has puichased hits to, II and 1.'. Hindi 21. from Mrs. S.iltm.trih; consideration $iaw. This s ile w.is made by ll. H. !, of the 1 ("nuby Canal Company. The finding auditor of the South ern Paclllc Company checked up the BE HELD f i EX-GOVERNOR AND ONE OF THE FRAMERS OF OREGON CON STITUTION DIES. PORTLAND. Or.. May in.-tSpl.-The funeral service of Lafayette Grnv er, ex-Governor of Oregon, exi'nltcd States Senator and one of Ihe framcr of the Oregon Constitution, who died suddenly this morning, will be held In Trinity Kplscopal church at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon. Burial will be In ! Kivervlevv cemetery, j Mr. Grover was bum In Bethel, Maine, November 2!i, l.S.'l, and came I to Oregon f,0 years ago. i In 1H.17 Mr. Grover w as hosen n j deb gate to the state constitutional convention and wiih one of the leading I minds In drafting the constitution of I Oregon. He Wiis later elected to the j stale ! ghilnliire, From this position i he was elected lis the state's tlrst rep J resentritive in congress In lHr8. In 1S70 h" was elected governor of the I state and was re-elected four years j later. In 1S77 he resigned the gover I norslilp to become I'nited States sen. ! ator, where h- served the ri'ate until j m:i. j It. was when the Republican party j w:'s confronted by defeat In the effort , to elect Rutherford B. Hayes Presi dent, that a National Issue was placed within the hands of Governor Grover. When the votes were counted It was found that ImlHians, Florida and Ore gon were the controlling factors. Pv rulings which the Ifenublleans adopt ei, Florida and foulslana were placed in satisfactory position, but every electloral vote from Oregon was still necessary. Three electors had been chosen In this stale, receiving a sufficient vote, It was found that one of the number was Joseph Watts, holding a post office position nt Lafayette, and the Democrats produced the Constitution al provision which forbade any man holding a public office from being chosen as an el'-ctor. Governor Grover Issued a certificate of election to Attorney Cronln, of Portland, In the place of Watts, and on the recognition of Cronln or Walts hung the fate of the parties. Through out the Nation the names of Grover Cronln and Watts were on every tongue. The two Republican electors not atacked would not. recognize Cronln, and refused to meet with him. Watts resigned his office as pof master, was 'hosen by the two Republican electors fin the theory that they had the right to fill the vacancy, these three It' publicans cast the votes which t.iit Haves Into office, and then after that Watts was again given his postofTice. Party papers throughout the country raged, and Governor Grov er was thrust into the very forefront i f N'ltional prominence, being scored by his adversaries and cheered by !.-; fdlo-v p-ir'y numbers. FOR POISON OAK A SpoolflO Antldof For ul by ll Dru(lti Cuirgntefd by Huntley Bro. Co. compiiny" office here WeduesiUy and found everything n usual In splendid shape. Ho wn qulie BiirprUed at Hit Increasing business of this sUtlnn. Sixty Canhylte motored to Aurora Hiitiiniiiy to Hp the light fantastic. All had a very enjoyable time, The City Council met Monday veil ing In special ncsnIoii and appointed C. L Hate, Chillies lt.it ti and W. II. Liicke committee to Inspect the three street which worn ordered opened recently by action of the Council. It was lo decided at thl meeting that an opportunity he given the people of Canby to votn a stieiinl tax of two mill to buy properly for A public pink and to meei thn ttoeiU of other public Improvements ll I proposed that the tity buy the four acre on thn south side (if (own which ha n pretty grove upon it. Mr. Dgln offer the property In Mitch a way that It make t easy for the lily to buy It. ! Four hundred dollar down and mo u year for twelve year, with no In terest charge, will meet thn demand and thn city will hold n deed in thl pruprty. A M'iinl election will bn )ii-lil on May 27 to ileteiinlnn whether thn property I to be purchased Itcv. C. 1,. Creesy In still tt'lidlng sihiMil at Salem, having left again Wednesday morning. Mr. Creesy' brother Is visiting In Canby. J . Newton Slid little daughter hHe left for n visit to relatives nt Twin Falls, Ida. Now Is thn lime to gel rid of your rheumallMii. You will find Chamber Iain's Liniment wonderfully effective. One application will convince vou of Its meiiis Try It. For sale by nil dealers. TWILIGHT. A II. 1 1 ii i v -' mitdn ii busliieits nip to I'lirtiiind last Monday. Mr and Mr. Doibl. or ('nilby, were Sunday guest of Mr and Mrs t'lir'l Ihullls. Mrs Fred J. Melmll and children, of rnrlliiiid, it few day at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mm Gen I .a .die, this week. Miss Marie Harvey h- been con lined to her home Ihe past week Shn was poisoned by Ivy, Monday was dice day In TwllUlu and teacher Htnl children Wei' liven a lliillilav. W. A. D'sld W In Corvitllu this week attending State Grange ll'" was sent as a dehgat.1 fiotn Wrtn-r I ll illlge Ml s Grace Snook Is le.-nveilnn ! i a seven, attack of lulisllHI I he family of II. I, Hoyl.m lia .the ineiii'is Mis, Itiivlan Is uul'e nick Ile hopes for hr speedy recovery MPs l.cnnle Snooks was -.tl! i ti i? on old fiend Thursday, iibl frtetuls from the East are visit ing with the family of Frank Mac The entertainment gUeii by the dra matic dub 1ml Futnrdiiy evening for the beiidlt of the sidewalk fund, was n success, both socially ami llnauiial- v The co ill tee deserves great praise fur the well rendered piogrnm. A large number of friend from ad joining towns were present to help l be- good cause. ' Oakland Re-elects Mott. OAKLAND, Cal, May JO. Frank K. Molt Is again elected Mayor of Oak I Hid, having defeated the Socialist candidate, Thomas Booth. Dr. Bell's Antiseptic S-ilve Is guaranteed for tetter, ringworm, ec zi ma, chapped hands anil lips, run ning sores, ulcers and In fact nil skin diseases. Good to use lifer shaving. 2.1c a box. Geo. A. Harding, Druggist. Qunke Shocks California. ONNAIiD. Gal., May M.-Little e irtliiiial.e shocks were felt here at ,"i and .V2(i o'clock this morning and a slliiiiiy heavier one nt 5:01. No d im- Stge resulted. 0. A. C Librarian to Attend i'OUVALI.18, Or,, May 10 Til" O. A. C. Library Is to be represented at the annual convention of Ihe Ameri can Library Association at Los Ange les, Cal., by Mrs. Ida Kidder, tho col lege librarian. Mrs. Kidder will push the n.ivement for an agricultural 11 luary branch of the A. L. A. while at the cnventlon, and before reluming to C'.rvallla next fall will visit many of the laifer educational Institutions of ihe Kast having agricultural II In mil-!-. 25c I a Small Amount Vou would not suffer one day for live times that amount. Then try Suther land's F.agle F.ye Salve. W guaran tee It to cure. It's painless and h i mi les. Geo. A. Hiiriilng, Drugs''. I Every Plumber has his specialty. Ours Is prompt and satisfactory wolk. Nowhere In town can you find such high grade goods, first class workniaiohlp and prompt fervlce combined with such j MODERATE PRICE . as we are now offering. AH plumb ers' supplies constantly on band. j P. C. GADKE Tinning, Hot Air Furnaces and Hop Pipes. All Kinds of Job- hlnn anil ttnMui.n Material. I .. ... wK..7...H in Main St. phone 2454. I OREGON CITY.