Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 14, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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Made On Statement That Might By
Some Be Construed at a
Bid for Mor
SPOKANE, Wash., April 8. (Spe
rlul.) Colonel Roosevelt made a vory
broad statement today relntlve to the
proposition that he was a candidate
for a third term aa President. And In
the course of his remark on this ques
tion he came very near saying that he
would not be a candidate. He said
"1 am not an aspirant for anything
because I ha bad everything. I am
ahead of the g'ie."
This Is the broadest statement that
Roosevelt baa made on this tour, and
& made In answer to the question
as to the purpose of the trip. This Is
the broadest .statement he has made
on this question since he left the
White House. In the course of his re
marks he attributed much he has ac
complished to his life in the West to
the inspiration he received and the un
bounded enthusiasm that he thus Im
blbed. What might by some be con
stmed as a bid for further honors is
found In the following:
"When I left the Presidency I made
up my mind that when the opportunity
offered after my return from Africa, I
should try to visit each section and as
nearly as possible every state in the
I'nion to greet the people, to endeavor
to show them my belief that the man
who has been a President of the Unit
ed States Is forever after the debtor
of the American people. Mind you, I
do not care for any office in itself. The
only reason why I value any office is
because of the opportunity given by
that office to do work worth doing.'
Children Cry.
Portland Markets.
Receipts for the week have been as
follows: Cattle 16S9, calves 68, hogs
14 1 9, sheep 3398 and horses 41.
Scarcity in cattle receipts continues
and prices show a corresponding up
ward tendency, while prices received
are practically the same as the preced
ing week, the quality of stuff received,
as a whole, was not good. The top on
good, well finished steers, hay fed re
mains steady to firm at $(3.75 with a
stiff demand. ' Cowg gold all the way
from 4 to 6c, with the call for the
better grades, and buyers willing to
pay well for quality. The real market
came into the limelight again with a
jump of 75c per hundred, making the
top on light calves $8.75, with plenty
of takers. The bull.market is firm
with best grades selling at 5c.
The hog market held its own during
the past week and showed an advance
of five cents per hundred, top now
being $7.80 for best well finished hogs
weighing around two hundred pounds.
Local and Eastern receipts were com
paratively heavy.
Demand for sheep Is steady with
gradual advance in prices, demand ex
ceeding the supply by at least one
half. Spring lambs continue in de
mand at 10c, ewes at $4.50 to $4.75,
heavy wethers $4.75 to $5. lighter
grades $5 to $5.25 and heavy lambs
$5.50 to $6 with a dock of 50c per
hundred on sheared sheep.
Horse market continues firm with
an increasing demand for draft horses.
Delivery horses and drivers are also
wanted as the spring advances.
Representative sales have been as
285 steers 1235 $6.75
116 steers : 1242 6.65
177 Bteers ; 1250 6.50
153 steers 1178 6.35
6 cows 1216 6.00
78 cows 1061 5.75
24 cows 995 5.50
10 cows 862 3.25
144 hogs 202 7.80
185 hogs 210 7.75
36 hogs 212 7.60
3 hogs 433 5.50
49 calves 154 8.75
3 calves 133 8.50
20 bulls 1665 5.00
7 bulls 1441 4.50
244 spring lambs 45 10.00
791 lambs (shorn) 87 5.40
300 lambs (shorn) 81 5.23
254 wethers 110 4.50
1 driver $175
1 delivery horse 130
2 chunks 173
1 plug 60
NEW YORK,' April 10 Fifty girl
student? at Barnard College are quar
antined In Brooks Hall, one of the dor
mitories, because of a case of scarlet
fever discovered there.
A basket social was given Saturday
night at Rock Creek school house and
fine program was enjoyed by all.
The pieces wore well rendered, the
The semi-annual report of the busi
ness transacted In the office of Sheriff
Mass ha sntno flattering figure for
k i. V n v , i Vk ' , the perusal of Clackamas county tax-
$r f'ktotZZ iKV" I Payors. Not only are they convincing
I I"0'"8 tao. i!."-,,. evidence of the growth of this section
Selection Sunny side Orchestra
Recitation, "Not So Easy"
James L'mlker
Dialogue, "A rtroadway Drug store"
Sung, -My Mother's Old Red Shawl-
Recitation, "Dolly's
Eva Oustafson
Dialogue, "Cabbage Hill School"
Recitation. "Why I Like the Second r
Table Best" Walter Unilker
Dlulogue, "In Want of a Valet"
Song Quartette
Dialogue. "Grandma Shaw's Visit"
Essay, "Columbus,"' Stockton Paulson
Topsy Turvy Drill Six Wee Wees
Selection Sunny side Orchestra
of the Northwest, and of the county,
but they are an evidence of the pains
taking care that Is being given the
business of the people In the Sheriff's
O.K..-! 1 office. The figures follow:
A''.Un"iiMii" I Delinquent tax collections,
Appendicitis . , ..-
llll lUUIII in " - -- --
Penalty c
interest 4-,l
Total delinquent collec
tions $ 5.978.01
Current year collection $ 107.621.1 2
Ijpsa discount 11.032.55
ness, March 31. 19U...
Current vear net lax collec
tions $.196,588.57
I Total tax collection. . .s. . .$102,566.58
i ra mlloeta.1 238.25
The Kirgrove school opened on theism's collected 10 00
10th after a vacation of three weeks . , . ., , tin-cijai
on account of sickness. I Z V "
The stork visited the home of Geo. '' m"" "'"? " " " .,.,
GUI and left a fine boy. Mother and ,u "'
child doing well, and daddy has big c'in,y T 8C" ,
smtle count fees collections . .tx.Zo
William Kerchem and Miss Lottie loun,7 V K "
Schwartx were married at the home! flne8 collections.........
of Mr nr1 Mrs Josenh Srhwartx onlW n la"u c,u"
April 9. They reeclved many beau-!
tiful presents. They will make their j
home In Logan w here the groom has
fine farm. The members of the
Radland brass band and a number of
Mends of the young couple, surprised
ninir sorefl and all skin diseases. Dr.
them the evening of April 11. All re ! p0n'a Antiseptic Salve Is guaranteed
port a good time. j t0 give satisfaction or you get your
Sir. and Mrs. Amos LeK nave som monev back. 25c everywhere, ana m
their farm and are going East on 8 . geo. x. Harding. Druggist
visit at present and expect to locate ;
In Oregon City. Neighbors are sorry
to see them go.
Dr. E. E. Chase will move his fam
ily from Silverton to his uncle's this
J18T DAY OF MARCH, 1011.
To Cenoial Fund Warrants outstanding and unpaid 1,027 00
hitercst (Estimated)
Roud Warrant outstanding and unpaid ..... 103,034,05
Interest (Estimated) 6,000.00
Total Liabilities $111,251.08
By Funds- lu Treasury applicable (o payment of tieiieriil Fund
Warrant $103,258.63
Funds In Treasury applicable to payment of Roud Warrant 62,023.31
Total Resources $160,181.84
Balance $ 54,930.79
County Clerk.
Of the County Treasurer of Clnckama County, Oregon, for the six
months ending on the 31st duy of March. A. D. 1911. of money received
and paid out, from whom received and from what source, and on what
account paid out.
Nauuil Cnturrli quickly ylMio treat.
Maul l.r tlx kifrmMtlil. aromatic Ely'
(Jroain llalin. U I received through the
iiatrtla anil rlmiUMi anil hi-al til whtll
nrfiuia over which it dllfu- lUelf. Drug.
git cll III r0, aire. Tet It and you
are aura to continue tli treatment till r.
To aeoominodut those who' are partial
to th um of atomiser In applying li'iulil
into th naeal )awea for isiMrrAitl mu
Mm, Ilia proprietor preiim i;rem Maim I
liquid form, which will b known aa fcly
Liiiuid Cream lUlim Price Im-luiling lb
oravin tul.a la 75 onU. PnwxUta or by
mail. Tb liquid form miIhhIii' th iud-
loiul proierUu ut tb solid projiarauou.
Special 8chool Fund.
To amount on hand from last report
To amounts received from 1910 Tax
To amounts received from 1909 Tax
To amounts received from 1900-1908 Tx..
To amounts received from Hack Tax
To amounts paid out from Special School Fund, and to Road
Fund to Correct Report from Sheriff $ 35.0n0.5ii
Balance on hand 41,149.03
Total disbursements $ 102.81 4.83
For tetter, ringworm, eczema, run-
Wants, For Sale, etc
FOR SALE Pekln Duck Eggs, 75c
Der dozen. Jones ft Intel, Route fto.
2. Oregon City. Leave orders at
Catarrh Is Surely a Dangerous Disease
Thousands of people allow catarrh I Buckles' Grocery Store.
to slowly undermine 4he whole sys
tem until a serious disease develops
sometimes consumption.
People who have catarrh should
use every effort to get rid of it, but
should above all adopt a sensible
WANTED Girl for general house
work. 706 Water Street.
FOR SALE Good cow. Inquire of
F. Rotter, 1106 11th and Monroe
Stomach dosing, sprays and douches pnrxn strav cow. brown Jersey,
won't cure catarrh because it is a I ip horn hroken. owner mav have
germ disease, and the germs must be Mm. hv r-alllne at below address
destroyed before the disease can be j an(1 Daying expenses. S. L. Shepard.
HYOMEI is the one sensible cure
for catarrh because it reaches every
fold, crevice and nook In the mucous
membrane and gets where the germs
are. You breathe HYOMEI and as It f
passes over the inflamed membrane
its soothing influence heals the sore
ness and destroys the germs.
A complete HYOMEI outfit costs
$1.00. This consists of a bottle or
HYOMEI and a hard rubber Inhaler.
Pour a few drops of HYOMEI into the
Inhaler and breathe it a few minutes
each day, that's all you have to do.
It Is guaranteed by Huntley Bros. Co.
-J I ...... n . V . n . .nvA
ana uruggisis rinucio w -vmoj
catarrn, cougns, coiqs ana sore inroni
or money back. Extra bottle of HYO
MEI costs 50 cents. 31-14
Parkplace, Oregon.
WANTED Middle aged or elderly
woman wanted to care for baby and
assist In light work. Phone Main
3044. Box 409, Gladstone.
STRAYED 1 sorrel pony, 850 lbs.,
brand on right flank "O," white
stripe In face, barefooted; one old
brown horse, 1000 lbs., white hind
foot, sandy mane and tall. Reward.
P. D. Newell, Jennings Lodge, Oregon.
Sideboards, Stoves. Ranges. Garden
Tools, Trunks, Suit Cases. See us
for House Furnishings. J. H. Matt
ley, Upper Seventh Street.
Special City Fund.
To amount on hand from last report
To amount received front 1910 Tax
To amounts received from 1909 Tax
To amount received from 1900-1908 Tax
To amounts received from Hack Tax
$ 79,119.5.1
.$ RDOS7
. 20.102.52
4.C2 I County
MADIHON. Wl.. April II. Th
State He mi to today concurred lu the
comlcmimilnn of I'lilteil State Bonn
tor Isaac Slepheuson for voting to sup
port William lrtmor In the contest
for his' aeut Just liefciio the close of
the tiiNt session of Coiiktchm. Th
resolution of condemnation wua adopt
d by the lower house of the leglslit'
turn n month ago. It come up In I lie
ennte today and was adopted with
only two dissenting votes. The reso
lution commend Heuntor 1 Follelle
for hla stand agultist Uirlmer.
To amounts paid out from Special City Fund.
Balance on hand
.$ 5.7I12) Nolle of Appointment of Admlnlatr
rs,r,M.:ii tor,
4,732 .78 In the County Court of the Htate
8.32 Oregon, for the County of Cluckn
95.92 mux.
In the mutter of the entitle of John
$ 79,119.52 Waller Wllmnrth. deceased
Notice Is hereby given Hint the un
deriilgnvd has been appointed ndmln
Istnitor of the estate of John Wuller
Wllmnrth, deceased, by an order of
the aliove Court, made and entered
of record on the 10th day of April
1911. All persona having clulma
against siiUl estate are notified to
present them to mn duly verified at
my resilience, near Itorlng, Clackamas
Oregon, within six months
12.87 from the date or this notice.
$ 21.175.11 Administrator
Attorneys for the Estate
.$ 8.742.71
. 13.432.40
$ 21.175.11
Qnr Fund.
To amount on hand from last report $ 20,313.79
To amount received from 1910 Tax 129.101.19
To amount received from 1909 Tax
To amount received from 19001908 Tx
To amount received from Back Tax
To amounts received from Pnyment of Bounties for Destruction
of Animal
To amounts recolved from Liquor License
To amounts received from Fines
To amount received from County Clerk's Fees
To amount received from County Recorder' Fee
To amount received from County Sheriff' Fee
Mortgage Forclour Sheriff' Sal
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clueka
m us
Wm. Malre, Plaintiff.
Frank Oorrltx. R. W. Haddock and
Mrs. R. W. Ilitddock, Deruntlnnta.
' County of Clackamas, ss;
By virtue of a Judgment order, de
cree and an execution, duly Issued
out of and under the seal of the above
entitled court. In the above entitled
1,050.411 ;
M .0 A
,!;:!" j cnuse, to me duly directed and dated
the loth. day of April, IU, upon a
To amount paid out by General Warrants and State Tax:
to Institute of Feeble Minded; as One-Half of Fines to
Reporter of the Violation of Law $ 60,CCt.10
Balance on hand $103,258.53
County 8chool Fund.
To amount on hand from last report $ 22,387.56
To amounts received from 1910 Tax 67.706.C4
To amounts received from 1909 Tax 6,439.35
To amount received from 1900-1908 Tax 8.71
To amounts received from Back Tax 122.61
To amounts received from Fines 105.00
To amounts received from 25 I'. S. Ijnid Rentals 665.55
To amounts paid out by School Warrants $ 25,393.06
Balance on hand 61,042.36
! ludgtnent rendered and entered In sold
icjoojmlrofrt on the 10th day of April. 1911.
' ! In favor of Wm. Malre. Plaintiff, and
agnlnst Frank (ierrltx, R. W. Jlnddork
and Mrs. R. W. Haddock, Defendant
for the sum of $749.35, with luterest
thereon at the rate of 7 per cent per
annum from the mth day of April.
1911, and the further sum of $100, as
attorney s fee. and the further sum
of $23.25 cost and disbursements
and the costs of and upon this writ,
commanding me to make sale of the
following described real property, sit
uate In tho County of Clackamas,
Stale of Oregon, to-wlt:
Lots 15 and 16 Block 27, Oregon
Iron A Htrt Company First Addi
tion to the Town of Oswego, Cluck
mas County, Oregon, to foreclose a
certain mortgage on said real prop
erty, given by alKive named defend
ant to secure payment of a cortuin
$ 86,435.43
No. 71.
The Clackamas County Bank
At Sandy, In the State of Orenon, at the close of business, March 7, 1911
Banking house, furniture, and fixtures $ 2,638.25
Due from approved reserve banks 5,607.24
Cheeks and other cash items 10.00
Cash on hand 1,568.25
Expenses ; 193.81
Total .. $10,017.55
Capital stock paid in $ 5,000.00
Undivided nroflts. less expenses and taxes paid 7.55
Individual deposits subject to check 4,447.74
Demand certificates of deposit 556.65
Time certificates of deposit 5.00
Liabilities other than those above stated .61
Total $10,017.55
STATE OF OREGON. County of Clackamas, ss:
I, M. A. Deaton, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear
that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and beller.
M. A. DEATON, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of April, 1911.
G. BORNSTEDT, Notary Public
Kidney Diseases Cause Half the Com
mon Aches and Ills of Ore
gon City People.
As one weak link weakens a chain,
so weak kidneys weaken the whole
body and hasten the final breaking
down. Overwork, strains, colds and other
causes injure the kidneys, and when
their activity Is lessened the whole
body suffers from the excess of uric
polFon circulated in the blood.
Aches and pains aiid languor and
urinary ills come, and there Is an
ever-Increasing tendency towards dia
betes and fatal Bright's disease. There
is no real help for the sufferer except
kidney help.
Doan's Kidney Pills act directly on
the kidneys and assist them in their
work. Oregon City cures are the proof.
Mrs. John Beers, 204 Center Street,
Oregon City, Ore., says: "Doan's Kid
ney Pills quickly relieved me of kid
ney and bladder trouble, evideneed by
pain in my back and a tired feeling.
Since taking this remedy, I can do my
work without becoming worn out and
my condition is better in every re
spect" For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agent for the United
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
Showing the amount of claims allowed and on what account, amount of
warrants drawn and amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid on the 1st
day of April, 1911.
County Court and Commissioners $ 1,267.76
Circuit Court 3,631.18
Justices' Court 1,221.01
Sheriff's Office 1,635.09
Clerk's Office 2,273.50
Recorder's Office 2,016.76
Treasurer's Office 825.18
Coroner's Office 198.1
School Superintendent 1,112.33
Assessor's Office 1,486.13
Collection of Taxes 570.51
Tax Rebate ' 68.11
Current Expenses 513.97
Court House Expense 3,358.00
Jail 698.36
County Poor, Care of 3,175.98
Indigent 8oldier 100.00
Insane 124.30
Bridges 12.00
Election Expense 6.710.42
Wild Animal Bounty 213.50
Printing and Advertising 2,049.79
Surveyor and Road Surveys.
Fruit Inspector
Board of Health ...
School Library
Road Damages
County Veterinarian
Gravel Pit
Total General Fund Warrants Issued $ 36,313.71
Tctal Road Warrants Issued 63,523.50
Total Warrants Issued , $ 99,837.21
I, W. L. Mulvey, County Clerk of Clackamas County, do hereby certify
that the foregoing statement Is true and correct
Witness my hand and the seal of the County Court of Clackamas
County, Oregon, this 31st day of March, 191L
SealJ County Clerk.
i sum of money loaned to them by the
t sr n- ti l,ov named plaintiff, Wm. Malre.
$ 86,430.4., NOW THEREFORE, by virtue of
. . ,,, . said execution, judgment order and
District Road Fund and Special Fund. 'decree, and In compliance with the
To amount on hand from last report $ 30.957.56 commanda of snld w rit, I will, on Rut
To amount received from 1910 Tax 121,793.38 j unlay, the 13th day of May, 1911; at
To amounts received from 1909 Tax 17,105.39 tiw hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at the
To amount received from 1900-1908 Tax
To amounts received from Back Tax
To amounts received from 25 U. 8. Land Rentals
To amounts received from 5 U. S. Land Sale
To amounts received from Transfer from Special School Fund..
22 45 , frol,t door of the County Court ous
321.47 in the City of Oregon City, In auld
utir..i0 County and Stute. sell at public auc
245.79 , Hon. subject to redemption, to the
' highest bidder, for U. 8. gold coin
cash In hand, nil the right, title and
$171,149.58 , Interest which the within named dn
i fondants or either of them, had on
To amounts paid out by Road Warrants $108,226.27 i the date of the mortgage herein or
Balance on band 62,923.31 lHlnce had In or to the above described
real property or any part thereof, to
$171,149.68 iiatisfy snld execution, Judgment order
, decree. Interest, cost ami all accru
E. 20 chain; thence. N. AO' Ti 20
chains;. tbciire 8. N3 W. 10 chains:
tliennn fl. 30' W. 6 chntns; t hemic M.
8,'l W. 10 chain; thence H. 80' W.
17.60 iihaln to (tin place tit beginning,
containing 40 acres, more or In, li
mited In Clncknniii County, Htato or
Terms of aide 25 per cent of pur
chase price to be paid nt Hum of sale
flaliux'K to bo paid on confirmation of
anle by th above entitled Court. All
blil or offei to be mudii In willing
and left with the undersigned Admlu
iNirnlor or with J, F. Clark, Attorney
for Administrator at nny (line before
the making of snld anlo.
Dated April 7th. 1911.
II. R. NlClllinAH,
Administrator of tho Estate of Ilea-
ale M. Nehrbaa, lleceased.
Attorney for Administrator.
8tate School Fund.
To amount on hand from last report $ 18,255.36
To amounts paid out by School Warrants ...$ 18,107.52
Balance on hand 147.84
$ 18.255.36
Institute Fund.
To amount on hand from last report $ 315.37
To amounts received from Certificate Fees...- 86.00
$ 431.37
To amounts paid out from Institute Fund $ 100.00
Balance on hand ; 331.37
$ 431.37
' Indigent 8oldier Fund.
To amount on hand from last report $ .98
Balance on band $ .98
$ .98
Library Fund.
To amount on hand from last report $ 113.17
Balance on hand $ 143.17
$ 143.17
STATE OF OREGON, County of Clackamas, ss:
I, J. A. Tufts, do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a true and correct
statement of the amounts received, paid out and remaining on hand. In the
County Treasury of said County for the six months ending on the 31st day
of March, A. D., 1911.
Witness my hand this 1st day of April, A. D., 1911.
J. A. TUFT9,
County Treasurer.
Ing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, April
13th, 1911.
Delinquent tax collections, Including tax sales $ 5,017.73
Delinquent tax penrtlj 9 64
Delinquent tax Interest 431.64
Total delinquent collection $ 5,978.01
Current year collections $407,621.12
Less discount 11,032.55
Current year NET tax collections $396,;.88.5(
Fees collected 2.18.25
Fines collected - 10 0
Paid County Treasurer Account Tax Collections $102,298.18
Paid County Treasurer Account Fee Collected 238.25
Paid County Clerk Account Fines Collected 10 00
Cash on hand close of business, March 31st, 1911 268.40
I hereby certify that the above report Is correct.
Sheriff of Clackamas CouLty, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
,T. M. Bradley, Plaintiff,
May nradloy. Defendant.
To May Brndley, the above named de
fendant: In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you In the aliove named suit,
on or before the 19th day of May,
1911, said date being the expiration of
six weeks from the first publication of
this summons, and If you fall to ap
pear or answer said complaint, for
want thereof the plaintiff will apply
to the court for the relief prayed for
In his complaint, to-wlt:
For a decree dissolving the bonds
of matrimony now existing between
the plaintiff and defendant. This sum
mons Is published by order of Hon.
R. B. Bentle, Judge of the County
Court, which order was made and en
tered on the 6th day of April, 1911,
and the time prescribed for publica
tion thereof Is six weeks, beginning
with the Issue of Frldny, April 7th,
and continuing each week thereafter
to and Including the Issue of Friday,
May 19th, 1911.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice of Administrator's 8ale.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
In the Matter of the Estate of Bessie
M. Nehrbas, Deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that In pur
suance of an order of the County
Court of the County of Clackamas and
State of Oregon, made on the 4th day
of April, 1911, the undersigned Ad
ministrator of above named Estate,
will sell at private sale, In one parcel
to the highest bidder, upon terms and
conditions hereinafter set out, and
subject to the confirmation of said
County Court on or after the 7th day
of May, 1911, all the right, title, Inter
est and estate of the said Bessie M.
Nehrbas, Deceased, at the time of her
death. In and to the following de
scribed parcel of land, to-wlt:
A part of the William Bland D. 1
C. No. 55. In T. 2 8., R. 1 E of the
Willamette Meridian, described as fol
lows, to-wlt:
Beginning at a point N. 30' E. 10
chains from the 8. W. corner of said
Claim No. 55, running thence N. 83'
In the Circuit Court of the Statu of
Oregon, for Ilia County of Clacka
mas. John Kekel, I'lftltlllrT.
v. '
D. M. Rowland, and. Surah II. Row
laud. Defendants.
To D. M. Rowland and Huruh 11. Row
laud, defendants above named:
In the imnio of the Blnte of Ore
gon you are hereby required to a li
near and answer the complaint- men
against you In the above entitled suit,
by Saturday, (be 27th day of May.
1911, and If you full to so nppiar and
answer, for want thereof, plaintiff will
apply to the auld Court for tho relief
demanded In Hits complaint.
The Relief demanded I the fore
closure of a certain mortgage exe
cuted and delivered by you to plain
tiff on or about Ihn 30th day of March,
1909. to secure the payment of cm-
tain promissory nolo of youraelve
for the sum of $5300.00 with Interest
nl the rale of 6 per cent per annum
and which said mortgage convoyed
unto plaintiff for that purposo the fol
lowing described real and personal
property altimted In Clackamas Coun
ty, Htate of Oregon, to-wlt: '
Beginning at the 8. W. Corner or
the 8. E. U of Hcctlon 4, T. S 8.. R.
I K. of the Willamette Meridian:
(hence K along the section line 21
chains: (hence N. 35 chain and 86
link lo (he South boundary of a coun
ty road where a stake Is set from
which a red fir, 8 Incite In diameter
bear N. 65' W. 9 link distant;
thence N. 68 W. 69 link: thence 8.
16 W. 27 chain 10 link in a slake
from which a red fir, CO Inche In
diameter bears H 8' E. 23 link dU
(ant: t hence N. 50 W. 13 chain and
88 links to (bo legal subdivision line
between the southeast and southwest
quarter of snld section 4 In the afore
said township; thence 8. 17 chnlns
and 20 link to (he place of beginning,
containing 35.50 acres, more or lea.
One brown muley cow named Res-
sis, white spot on forehead with point
of right ear cut off; one brown cow
named Hardy, white spot on forehead,
right shoulder and flanks; one white
and red spotted cow named Iloasle:
mo dark brown cow named Florle,
with white spot on back; one brown
cow named Rlney; one black cow
named Blacklo, with horn cut off and
III In left ear, white spot on both
flnnks; one cow named Nellie, rt
spot on back and belly, white, aides
red; one red cow named Fannie, with
white spot on head; one red muley
cow named Cherry; ono black cow
named Coley; two two-year-old heifers
with white body, red neck and heud,
with white face; one light red cow
named Daisy; one red bull named
Tom; one muley yearling heifer, white
nd red spotted, named IJxxie; on
yearling heifer named Josle, white and
red poited; one white yearling belfor
It h red spot and red bead, named
Roale; one blark and white yearling
elfer named Katie; one red roar-
ling heifer named Jolly; one rod calf
with white spot on forehead; oue
hlte calf with red back and (dei:
one 6-ft. cut Champion binder; one
ft. cut Champion mower; one 9 ft.
Champion hay rake; one Deere vine
yard disk harrow; ono tooth harrow:
one Oliver chill plow; one Mitchell,
lwl & Btaver B lino top buggy; one
3'4-lnrh Weber wagon; one heavy rid
ing saddle; two sot of working har
ness; one set buggy harness; one
light bay horse named Rex, with white
spot on forehead, left hind leg while,
weight about 1,200 lbs., 6 years old:
one dark bay mare named Queen, -with
white on both hind legs, weight
about 1.250 lb., 5 year old, and one
Baby De Ijtvel cream aeparator.
And a further decree barring and
foreclosing tho said D. M. Rowland
and Sarah B. Rowland of and from
any and nil right, title or Interest In
or to said real and personal property
and every part thereof.
This summons Is published by or
der of Honorable J. U. Campbell,
Judge of the above entitled Court,
made the 3rd day of April, 1911.
Dale of first publication, April 7.
Attorneys for Plaintiff. -
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clucknmns County.
Eldora Heath, Plaintiff,
Bert R. Heath. Defendant.
To Bert R. Heath, the above named
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby commanded to
appear In the above entitled Court
and net Ion on or before the 22nd dny
of May. 1911, and answer the com
plaint filed against you in said Court
and cause, and for want of an answer
tho plaintiff will apply to the Court
for the relief demanded In the com
plaint, to-wlt: For a decree of divorce
dissolving the bonds of matrimony
now existing between the piaintirr
and defendant, and for such other re
lief a prayed for In her complaint.
This summons Is published by an
order of Hon. R, B. Boalie, County
Judge, In the absence of Hon. J. IT.
Campbell, of the above entitled Court,
made and entered the 5th day of April,
Date of first publication April 7.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned a administrator with the
Will annexed of the estate of Law
rence Lavish deceased ha filed his
final report as surh administrator with
the County Court of Clackuma Coun
ty, Oregon, and the Court ha et
Monday, the 1st day of May, 1911, at
the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said
day at the cou troom of said Court
as the time anu place for settling the
snld estate and for the hearing of ob
jection thereto.
Dated March 23rd, 1911.
Administrator with the Will annexed
of the estate of Lawrence Lavish,
Attorney for Estate.