Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 14, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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r.rfroroc Dpa1iia
and Commission ?
We Pay Cash j
For all Country Produce j
Store and Warehouse
I Cot, J Oth and Main St i. ?
: ...
Allrn Kdwards, of Cams, was In
Oregon City.
Mr. Drlmoll, of Cams, was In town
Otto Htrlkor, of Kldorado, was In
Iowa Monday.
John Ashman, of.Ciirus, wan In UiU
rliy on Haturday.
T. Mtllr, uf Carua, was In Oregon
Clly Wednesday.
Charlie Hiewart, of Curtis, was In
Orrgon City Krtday.
I'Kte WrlKlit, of Uheral, wan In Ore
gon cur Weduoaday.
Mr. BtlniT, of Heaver Creek, waa In
Oregon City Monday.
Merrll Jiiiiph, of Kldorado, waa In
Oregon City yesterday.
ClltTord Drown, of I'nlou Hull, waa
In Oregon City Monday.
Mr. Brhrrubl, of Clwlrmont, waa
III Orvgon City Monday.
Kinrat (iueiiiher, of HIiuIhjI. waa In
Oregon City Wednesday.
Monro Irish, of t'nlon Hull, wna In
Oregon City Wedumday.
Mra. George ("urbason, of Bhubel,
waa In town Wodueaday.
Mra. lint man. of Shubel, la visiting
with friends In thla city.
Dave Jones, of Ili-aver Creek, waa
In Ori-gon City Wedm-aday.
J. Ilohlcndor, of Ili-nver Creek, was
In Oregon City on Saturday.
Kred 8panRlr, a wull known farmer
of Carus, waa In town Monday.
Ilnta trimmed and unt rimmed for
EiMitnr at Mlaa C. Joldnmlth's.
Mr. and Mra. Olbtn, of Clalrmont,
were In Oregon City Wedneaday.
Mr. Stagmnn, of Shubel, waa among
the Oregon City vlaliora on Friday.
John It lawls, of Carua, waa among
the Oregon City visitors on Saturday.
K. Ouenthcr, a farmer residing at
Hhubel. waa In Oregon City on Satur
day. Mr. Duvall and Bob Hullurd, of El
dorado, were In Oregon Clly on Sat
urday. ' M. Manning, of Bhubel, waa In
Oregon City transacting business on
II. Cummlna, a aawmlll man of Hea
ver Creek, was In Oregon City on
Friday. , ,
Harry Brhoenborn, of Eldorado,
made a business trip to Oregon City
Mr. Llndiiuu and fnnilly of darken,
ikti am mg the Oregon City- visitor
on Friday.
Jatnoa Rivers, a prominent farmer
of Bugle Creek, waa In Oregon City
on Friday.
Mr. Whldner, of Heaver Creek,
mado a business trip to Oregon City
M. Kroll, of Clalrmont, waa lu thla
city on Friday, having brought In a
loud of oata. -
Horn. Saturday, April 8, to Mr. and
Mr. Frank Shlpli-y, of Willamette, a
l()-pound boy.
Charles SpangW. one of the promi
nent farmera of Carua, waa In Oregon
City on Saturday.
MIhn Crlatner, of Cunis, returned
from California, where mIio baa been
visiting relatives.
Mr. Schoft, Mr. lllel, Jack Irish and
Al Sehoenborn, of Curtis, were In Ore
gon City Monday.
Mra. Frank Irian, of thla city, left
for Eldorado on Friday, where alio will
vlalt for a few days.
Tho Twilight literary aoclety la plan
ning for a banket picnic on Sunday af
ternoon, Raster Sunday.
K. I Dedman, tho well known straw
berry grower of Clackaning, waa In
Oregon City on Saturday,
John Card, of Harmony, a farmer
well known in that section, wna In
Oregon City on Saturday.
o loots
still continues at
612 Main Street Oregon City
Mr. Chester Wllla, one of the promi
nent young (nun of Canity, waa In thla
cur on Hti'iuay ana woinuy,
Churlea Hpangli.r, one of the well
known runners of Canin, waa In Ore
on Clly on business Friday.
Mra. J, F. KuiW and Mra. K. II.
Hmllh were In thla clly from Maplo
ln on business Wednesday.
Mr. Dietrich, one of the prominent
residents of Kldorado, waa transacting
biialnoaa In thla city on Friday.
Mr and Mra, J. I. Hhorye, of Wood
burn, who hare been visiting In thla
clly, have returned to their home,
Mr. Charlea Kandal, of Hprlngwater,
waa In Oregon City on Sunday, the
guest of Mr. and Mra. Ham Francli.
Jullua Campbell, a well known farm
er of Highland, waa among tho hual
neaa vlaltora III thla rlty on Saturday.
New communion wreathea and
vella al Mis C. (loldamlth'a.
Mr. Eugene Ogle, of Molalln, waa In
Oregon clly on Friday and fytturday
and reglatered at the Electric Hotel.
Mra. Fred Sconce. Mr. and Mfs. Al
bert Elliott and Wllda Elliott, of
Needy, were In Oregon City on Hial-
lions Eaton, who la leaching at Mu
ll no, waa In Oregon City on Saturday,
Mr. Eat on la meeting with aucceaa aa
a teacher.
Mr mwl Mra f.nnrUH II (iritmirv. of
Molalla, were In Oregon City Friday
enroute Home from u visit witn rori
land frlenda.
Mr. and Mra. Tom McCarthy, of
Carua, made a hinOiiesa trip to Ore
gon city on Thurnday returning homo
In the evening.
Noah Stlngley, a well known prop
erty owner and farmer of Eagle Creek,
waa among the Oregon Clly business
vlaltora on Friday.
Mra. U D. Williams, of llwaco,
Wash., and Mra. M. E. Ilrown, of Port,
land, are the guests of Mra. E. Wurner,
of .Mount Pleasant.
Mr. Holier, of Wisconsin, la aiaylng
with Mm .on. Herman Fisher, of CaruN.
Mra. Drlaeoll, of Carua, w In Ore
gon Clly Wedneaday.
Cnarlea Him nee, of Carua, one of the
prominent farmera of the county, and
maater of the State Orange, waa In the
city on business Friday.
Fred Sharer, one of the prominent
aawmlll men of the ceunty, whose
residence In at Molalla, waa In Oregon
City ButJrday on bualneaa.
Tho Grand Jury will meet In reguhir
a..Mai.m mi Miimtnv. Anrll 17. There la
conalderable bualneaa piled up before
the Jury at the coming term In court.
Mr. C. I Davla and his liother, Mra,
J. W. Davla, who own a lnrg ranch
at Canby. were here on bualneaa Sat
urday coming to the city In their big
The cane of E. U Davldaon va. Roy
Fox, of Oawego, filed In Juatlce Sam
aon'a court In which there waa a con
tention over money, haa been Bottled
out of court
Mra. Lawrence Dlrenegor, of Port
land, paaaed through thla city yeater
day on her way to Union Hall, where
ahe will vlalt with her mother, Mra.
Monroe Irlah.
Mr. and Mra. George Ogle, of Canby,
were In Oregon City on buBlneaa Wed
neaday on their way to Parkplace,
where they attended the Pomona
Orange meeting. -
Mlaa Tona Gllbrech, or New e.ra,
..hn h.a hwn In thla city vlnltlDK with
Mra. Henry Streblg, left for Portland
Monday afternoon, where she will vlalt
for a few daya.
Mr. and Mra. Kelly, of Minneapolis,
Minn., arrived In Oregon City Friday
.mi ift Utftr In the day for
hum inn, - ,
Clackamas, where they will vlalt with
Mr. and Mra. T. I Smith.
Mra. M. J. Cockrell. nee Mlaa Kana
i.rL. if iintibard. who baa been In
thla city visiting with her mother, Mra.
parks, of Fifth and Center streets,
hna returned to her home.
i p Brhnit nhimber of Portland,
in nrnn Pltv on huNlneaa Friday. I
Mr. Schults wna formerly in tne nry .
.n,u hii.liiiH In th a cltv. having pur-
chnaed the stork of M. Mlchela.
iiariH Ruiiftord will sing "The
Pnlms" at the morning service In tho
r v ehnreh todav. There will be
urwwiiii miiHlr and an effort cut forth
to make the service a profitable one
to thoao who attend.
xir imv n le. a Di-omlnent real
eatnte man of Canby, and who (a con
nected with the ennny canai com
pany, waa In Oregon City on Wednes
day on his way to Portland, where hfl
went on li:nd hualncBS.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Cheater Inakeep, of
Portland, - wero In Oregon City on
Thursday evenlug, vlBltlng with the
former'a mother, Mrs. O. Inskeep.
They alo visited with Mrs. Annlo
Howell, an aunt of Mr. Inskeep.
Mr. Frank rntch, of Canby, was In
this city on Saturday. Mr. Patch Is
connected with the Kocher farming
imiiinmnnf house at Canby. and was In
charge of the business here during
Mr. Kocher a absence in rortinna.
Dorothy VauKhnn, Ilttlo daugnter oi
mp nii.i Mrs William Vaughnn. of Mo-
ialla, who wng recently tnken to tho
St. Vincent's hospital in roninmi.
i h, nho niulerweiit a surgical opera
tion for appendicitis, is Improving.
O 4
M. J. IjiIU', ikk-ret a ry for tba sec
ond annual Mors nnow ai uregon
i ii y. report mat already aeverai en
IrlM. k.v l,n myrla In fhji varlnm
claaaea, Those desiring premium lists
anouiu aiiiires uie secretary si Ore
gon i,uy.
J,lin Hcil( of U,tt. Mill. H In
Oregon City on Wednesday and Thurs
day, and while In this city purcnaaea
four paaaenger Mitchell automobile
from Charlea 0. Miller, who was re
cently appointed agent for thla ma
Churlea Dickey, of Mountain View
hii. aeei'iiloil a noalllon with Andrea
Kocher, of thla city, and will have
charge of the branch house, which
waa recently established in the
Hcli ram building In the southern part
of Muln atreet.
Mr. Charlei Early, who recently
rn in. ) ihl. rllv from the Ok In Creek
mines, and who haa been visiting with
friends here, waa called to his homo
at Wllholt on Saturday owing to the
aerlous lllneas of his father at mat
Mr. and Mra. J. F. Kelly, of Min
neaooli. Minn., have arrived In Ore-
iron f 'It v. ii nd are the gueata of Mr.
and Mrs. If. If. Smith, of Maple Lane.
Mr, and Mrs. Kelly are to tase up
their residence In thla city for the
Mr nnd Mra. William C.uenther, of
rtenvar Creek, well known residents
of tbst place, were among tho Oregon
City buslnesa vlaltora on Saturday.
While In thla City they vlalted Willi
their aon, Mr. Guenther, one of the
merchants on Seventh street.
Dr, H. A. Wright, physician and sur
anon, of Seattle. Wash., arrived In
Oregon City on Friday evening, and
left Saturday morning for Liberal
where be will visit with hla brother,
Silas Wright. Dr. Wright was accom
panied by hla daughter.
Miss Nellie Yoder. accompanied by
her two cousins, Miss Maude Yoder
and Miss Rebecca Yoder, were in tne
city on Saturday on their way to Log
an, where they will attend the mar
riage of Miss Charlotte Sehwarts and
Mr. William Klrchem, which will be
solemnized this afternoon.
II. 8. Eddv. nresldent of the Sandy
Commerc ial Club and also repreacn
tatlve of the Mount Hood Land Com
tiMiiv. wna In Oreeon City on business
on Monday. Mr. Eddy gays that the
work Is being pushed along on tne
miirnad in that vicinity, and there are
about 600 men employed doing con-
si ruction work.
F. E. Strang, who Is In charge of the
Cove Spring peach orcharda, has Just
finished the planting of CO acres of
peachea. The people back of this
proposition are pleased with the pros
pecta here In thla county and are of
the opinion that Clackamaa county
offera the best possible prosjiecta for
fruit when you consider all clasBea of
Rev. A. H. Mulkey, pastor of the
Christian church at Gladstone, Is In
attendance on the Sunday school con
vention now In session In Eugene as a
delegate from the Gladstone church.
While In Eugene he will be guest of
his brother, Willis Mulkey, who liss
been a resident of that city for many
years and who was at one time a resi
dent In thla city for a short time.
Mr. and Mra. W. W. II. Samson at
tended the basket picnic at Stafford
Saturday evening, given by the teach
er and puplla of the Stafford school
under the leadership of MUs Effie
Grace Judge Samson Bold the baskets
at auction and the school reallr.ed
IG2.50 by the anle. There waa a royal
time of the occasion and the friends
of the school were well pleaeed with
the auccesa of the affair.
Carus Jersey Dairy will commence
aelllng pure milk and cream In Ore
gon City on Monday morning, April
17. Dairy Inspected by State Dairy
Inspector and herd tested for tuber
culosis by I'nlted States Government.
Phone Heaver Creek Mutual. Alfred
A. Spangler, proprietor, Canby, Or.,
R. F. D. No. 1.
Capt Apperson Buys Auto.
Capt. Apperaon.-an old resident well
known throughout the Willamette Val
ley, has purchased a Ford auto and
will devote part of Ills time to speed
ing this new gas wagon. The Captain
Is a pretty good sport and he can well
afford the luxury of a good machine.
Box of Oranges ae Present.
Mr. and Mra. Lloyd Williams on Sat
urday received a box of oranges from
Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Doollttle, of Rlver
alde, California, and the oranges meas
ured 154 Inches In circumference.
Mr. and Mrs. Doollttle, after visiting
in many sections of California, hav
decided to make their home at River
side. Bound Over to Court.
Chris Bonaker. accused some ten
days ago oi pointing a gun with ma
licious Intent by G. W. Allen, was be
fore Justice Samson Saturday morning
to answer to the accusation. After
hearing the evidence in the case Bon
aker was bound over to court In the
sum of f 100, which was a satisfactory
bond to the State's attorney.
Justice Samson Decides Edwin Rich
ards is Guilty aa Charged.
JiiBtlee Snmson handed down his de
cision In the case of Edwin Richards,
charged with having freshly-caught
salmon In his possession, In Justice
court Monday at 10 o'clock. Tho case
unit trloil in Simmon last week nd he
withheld decision to Monday.
Samson decided tnat Kicnarus was
guilty and fined him the minimum al
hv tho stntute 150- and costs.
George C. Brownell, attorney for Rich-
ards, gave nonce or appeal, u is s;uu
the case will be taken to the Circuit
Court for further adjudication.
For Infants and Children.
Th Kind Yen Have Always Bought
Boars the
Tho following am those who have
received marriage licenses at the coun
ts pterk'q office on Tuesday: Eliza
beth Johanson and William Hubert;
Cleo Clauda Dillow and William Clyde
For Sixteen Ye art
Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey has been
used by millions of people with per
fect satisfaction. For Coughs, Colds,
Asthma, In fact all throat and bron
chial troubles. The Ingredients are
on the carton. Dr. Bell's Tlne-Tar-Honey
contains no habit producing
drugs, and always gives satisfaction.
Look for the bell on the Bottle. Geo.
A. Harding. Druggist.
Whirl the 0. W. P. Ry. Co. I Building
Its Big Powtr Dam.
3. n. Carter, who hss been looking
over the bl Improvements at Caza
dero, where the O. W. P. Ry, Co. are
building their big dam on the Clacks
maa River, has many words of praise
for the big work that Is going on st
that point on the river He say It
la truly wonderful, and adds:
"People who do not know of the
magnitude of the work now being per
formed at River Mill, on the Canadero
line, by the O, W. P. Ry. Co., should
visit that locality. The natural basin,
at the mouth of which the dam Is be
ing constructed, Is really a worlc of na
ture, and helps very materially In the
building of the dam. The concrete
of which the dam and power house is
being built, Is carried from the high
bank In large bucketg traveling on
heavy steel cables that are stretched
across the river, then lowered to the
foundation more than a hundred feet
"The 700 men who are employed
there, llvo In neat cottages near the
Maple Lsns Bridge Strengthened So
8tam Roller May Cross It. .
Koadmaster Frank Jaggar started
the new rock crusher at Oak Grove
u'a.tno.Ha- and renorts the machine
doing a great work. Any old boulders
that coma be securea were useu m an
effort to put tbo machine to a aevere
,..ui The machine crushed them nice
ly, and the hardness of the boulder
exterior did not seem to affect toe
machine In the least.
The bridge at Maple Lane has been
tr..r,irthenerl so that It Is now safe to
take the two new rollers across It
whenever desired. The new roller will
be started to work on the Highland
road near the Intersection of Molalla
road the first of the week. There Is a
piece of road near the Molalla Inter
section thst needs to be remade, and
iki. m.-i i.j rinne at once. Then the
machine will be taken to the Molalla
road near Clalrmont where there Is a
Dlec of plank road that will be re
placed with atone.
The two new rowers are oomg a
great work nd the people who see
ikom m-nrir are nleaseit with the In
creased prospect for good roads that
these rollera promise.
Meets at Estacada Wednesday and
Electa Delegates to state camp.
I n Tavlor. J. I). Carter. R. E
Woodward and G. Johnson were dele
gates to the Modern Woodmen of
America Convention held at Estacada
on Wedneaday. Mr. Taylor was elect
.l rieipeau to the State Camp to be
held at Hood River in May, and G.
Dallas, of Damascus, wss chosen al
rnnr ramna were represented at the
convention on Wednesday and were
from Oregon City, Damascus, Boring
and Estacada. After all business waa
transacted the vUltors were taken to
view the dam, which Is under con
struction near that city, ana otner
work that la being done by the O. W.
P. Company.
Charge Made Against Wife By J. M.
Bradley, Seeking Divorce.
J. M. Bradley has filed a suit for dl
nroo nt-ninHt Marv Bradley. They
were married af Montesano, Wash.,
and Bradley chargea his wife witn
using vulgar and profane language and
save she drank with men associates
at Portland. On November 10, 1909,
at the Wllbern rooming house, on
Union avenue and Washington atreet,
his wife, with another woman and two
men, was ordered out of the place by
two police officers, and she returnea
home at 1 : 30 a. m. the following night.
after a carousal. Attorney ueorge
Browne!) appears for Bradley.
CnniH Jeranv Dairy will commence
selling pure milk and cream in Ore
gon City on Monday morning, April
17 . nalrv inspected by State Dairy
Inspector and herd teBted for tuber
culosis by I'nlted States Government.
Phone Beaver Creek Mutual. Aiirea
Spangler, proprietor, tanby, ur.,
F. D. No. 1.
R. l. Badger Has Four Valuable Jer
seys on Beaver creeK Farm.
R. L. Badger. orikver Creek, has
a flattering report to make for the
two departments on his farm that he
specializes his cows and his cnickens.
He reports receipts of $205.50 for four
Jersey cows for the past three months.
Receipts of $140.70 from 165 hens for
the same three-month period.
This means that Mr. and Mrs. Badg
er are giving their hens and cows good
treatment and excellent care, and that
they are giving considerable attention
to the marketing of the product. All
of which adds emphasis to the oft-repented
statement that It pays to do
what you do do wen.
Decides Not to Appeal His Fish Case,
Tried in Simson'a Court
Edwin Richards, who was found
guilty of having freshly-caught s'ilmon
In his possession the fish being found
In his barn and he admitting that he
knew they were there and who was
fined $30 in Justice Samson's court
but gave notice of appeal, came Into
court Tuesday and paid the fine.
Richards evidently decided that In
case he won his contention he would
be out more than the fine, not to
count the worry that he would needs
pass through. J
There will be a preaching service
Friday evening Good Friday at the
German Evangelical church. Rev. F.
xtrioiraultr nnotnr Tho aervica will be
at 7:30 and friends of the church are
Invited. There will also be an Easter
a-tvpn In the church Sunday
evening, both literary and musical,
with a short address oy tne pastor.
Sunday morning there will be an East
er sermon.
You can get the best that
money can buy If you buy of
our new stock of canned Table
Fruits. They have the delici
ous, ripe flavor.
Oregon City.
I TAKE THE lilNf 1
"Life and Its Counter Currents," by
Rev. O. W. Bwope, Th. M., formerly
an Oregon City boy, and aon of the
lute T. W. Bwope, formerly of Oregon
City, baa Just been published, and
many of the Eastern papors have com
mented on the book. The book was
published at Nashville, Tnn., and will
be handled In thla city by bis sister,
Mrs. Charles M. Oglesby.
Rev. Mr. Swope waa born In the
State of Missouri, and came to Oregon
with his father, the late T. W. 8wope,
l.tor Mrs. nirlesbv. and brother. B.
F. Swope, who Is now a resident of
Independence, In the year of 1882.
He took up his studies In the Oregon
City schools, and after finishing his
course here took up teacning, Deing
very auccessful. He afterwards stud
ied law with Ijitourette & Lfttourette,
and practiced for five years.
From this city he went to Louisville.
Ky., to prepare for the ministry. He
finished his college education at Louis-
villa nnil waa offerer! a DOSitlon SB
professor In the college from which he
graduated, but wishing to enter me
miniofrv for which he studied, he ac-
i,niH . nii at Nashville. Tenn.. re
maining there for five years. While
In charge of this cnurcn ne aaaea sou
ju.nvart. Fl-Om Nashville he W88
called to Norfolk, Virginia,, to take
charge of the Central Baptiat cnurcn,
and has been at tnat place ior me
anri la moetlnr with (Teat
success. This church has one of the
largest memberships of any cnurcn in
Virginia, and one of the leading choirs.
tAf Oaniu fcaa ft nneared on several
of the Eastern Chautauqua platforms,
and Is considered one of the best Bible
students of the South. The manu
script of the book written by this pas
tor was recently reviewed by three
a. ..i-,.loV,, arhnlnra at the South,
Dr. J. M- Frost, who Is at the head or
the Baptist Sunday scnooi uoar
Southern Baptist Convention; Dr. Hy-
nrnfoflOOr of S. 8
Pedagogy and assistant professor of
theology In the Boutnern apusi
u.i aomlnarv located at LoulsvlliJ,
Ky., and Dr. A. W. Lamar, at one time
State secretary of missions for South
Carolina, now known all over the
United States as a lecturer.
TV,- nnmnrlees 226 pages of
.nil nnnetaelv written.
ma i if r tmciun - -
and is bound In a substantial cloth
r g.nr will make a visit to nta
sister.' Mrs. Charles M. Oglesby. dur
ing the coming summer, and will also
visit with his Dromer ai luucpcuu
before returning to his borne In the
cnnvil.l.IS. nr.. AdHI 6. A big
campaign against the pests which de
stroy orchards in Oregon is to be
started shortly by six eipens irwu mo
n. nm.iAiiHnroi iniipea. in accord-
ance with the legislative bill providing
funds for sucn worn, i naer uie mo
tion of Dean A. B. Cordley of the col
lege of agriculture. Prof. C. I. Lewis
.i t.n-i.iiitiiru1 rfpnartment. and
ui i lit: uuiiii-u'"'-,
Prof. H. S. Jackson of the entomology
. .,. th viIIpi-b will establish
llf I'll ' L III 11 L, lUw f " - ----
division headquarters in the principal
u cinia iPnrtland.
trull centers oi mo -.
oi rs.frann poRphure and from
there the investigations will extend
over the entire State.
rm.i ta nni thA first work of the
Ann hv Din enllece. though it Is
nun ww m. Uj ' '
the, first state-wide campaign against
all kinds or pesis. Many iuuuauuu. v.
RAVpd the orchard-
men of Oregon by the timely advice of
the professors. The thirty-five acre
apple orcnara oi e.iiuu i'"""-
near Grants rass was u u";
.nthrneknesa in 1901 that
they were about to dig it up. Every
tree was diseased wun mo iiu.
and nearly half of the tops were dead
or dying. The vitality of the orchard
was so low that It did not produce
enough apples to pay expenses.
Though the owners worked hard cut
ting dead wood and dead spots, the
fungus continued to gain on them.
...i,..! o Vinrrtnmir mixture spray
suggested by Dean Cordle in the fall
before the leaves were otT. with Im
mediate and pronounced benefit. Con
tinued fall sprayings resulted in a pro
duction of 10,000 boxes of as fine,
clean, healthy, four-tier apples four
years after, as could be produced any
where in the United States. They
sold 7.000 boxes of four-tier Yellow
Newtons and Spitzenburgs at $1.50 a
box. and 3,000 boxes of Ben Davis and
Winesaps, giving a gross receipt of
$15,230 from the orchard he had been
ready to dig out.
William Hellwell, of Yoncalla, Doug
las county, had a similar experience
with fall spraying for anthrackness.
commofily known as "canker," "dead
spot." or "black spot."
The protection of the rapidly In
creasing fruit districts of the State
from such pests as are already at
tacking trees here, and from the in
troduction of new ones through im
ported stock is the problem with
which the college experts will wrestle.
The details of the campaign have not
all been completed, but will be ready
for announcement ahortly.
Gamea Arranged for Up and Includ
ing Sunday, May 21.
The Price Bros, base ball team will
play the Columbia Hardware team, of
Portland, at the Canemah Park
prnnnrls this afternoon, names have
been scheduled by Manager Harry
White for every Sunday up to and in
cluding May 21. as follows:
April 16, Oak Grove at Oak Grove.
April 23. East Side Cubs.
April 30. Portland White Sox.
May 7, Popcorn Kings.
May 14, St Johns at St, Johns.
May 21,' Portland Business College.
Other games will be piayed with
teams upJhe valley.
THERE is grave danger
in a watch that does
not keep accurate time
Time is our form of space mea
sure and if you would be honest
with yourself and with others you must
have a watch that you can rely upon re
gardless of the price. We guarantee every
watch we sell to keep perfect time and we
are right here to make good if anything gets
wrong with it.
Btir meistc & Andresen
Oregon Gy Jewelers
Captain J. T. Apperson, regent of
the Oregon Agricultural College, one
of the wealthiest residents of Clacka
mas county, and past department com
mander of the Grand Army of the
Republic, who purchased an automo
bile a few daya ago from Elliott &
Park, and who is learning to operate,
was "chicken" hearted Saturday morn
ing, and aa result had to have his
auto repaired.
Chester Elliott waa in the car with
Captain Apperson giving him some In
structions of operating It, when a
chicken ran across the road near the
Abernethy bridge. Captain Apperson
was at the wheel, and Elliott ex
claimed "you are now going to kill
your first chicken," and the driver of
the car had bis attention on the chick
en Instead of the direction in which
the car was going, and as a result
went through a fence, in the direction
of the fowl. The Captain says if it
had not been for the "dog-gone" chick
en his auto would have kept in the
middle of the road. '
Born at Maple Lane.
Born, to Mrs. H. Ordway on Friday,
March 31, a daughter. Mrs. Ordway
Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. A.
Brown, of Maple Lane, and has been
spending the winter here, being ac
companied by her two sons.
During the next month beginning April we are going to give you
a discount on all Dental Work where the bill amounts to Ten Dol
lars or more. This will be a splendid opportunity for those who
have been waiting to have their dental work done. You will have
.to make arrangements early to get an appointment. The month of
April is a dull month, but we propose to make it a lively one. The
work will be the best and we guarantee the aame. Our best guar
antee ia our 20 yean' auccessful practice in Oregon City.
Pacific States
Phone 2671.
Garage and Repair Shop
5th Street between Main nd S. P. R. R.
Automobiles for Hire
Day or Night
dun and Locksmiths General Repairing
Brazing and Vulcanizing
Agents for
Columbia, Hartford and Flyer BICYCLES
Sole Agents ef Clackamas County
both Wholesale and Retail
as in Portland or Seattle.
Icpair Work Guaranteed
.iiiMa..M iiimwiMUiw
Pianos, Organs and Graphophones
T"nrTT TT?Tr a m cvr?r--mTT- tt a tt-
Furniture and Hardware I
L V I i A
Suspension Bridge Cor.
The Oregon City Fruit and Produce
Union Is to have a new manager. Geo.
W. H. Miller, the agent for Wells Far
go and Company Express haa accept
ed the position and will take charge
Monday morning.
O. E. Freytag, who has been acting
temporarily aa manager, will act In an
advisory capacity to the new manager.
The business of the Union will be con
ducted in the present quarters with
the addition of some little space In the
building occupied by Wells Fargo.
Mr. Miller haa engaged Julius Spagle
to look after the Express end of his
business and will devote his time more
to the business of the Union. Under
the new arrangement the patrons of
both the Union and the express com
pany will receive better service.
Some slight alterations In the in
terior arrangements of the two build
ings occupied will be made for the
convenience of the new manager and
hla employes.
The business of the Union Is pros
pering and a large volume of business
is in sight for the busy months this
Tell Your Neighbors.
When In need of a cough medicine,
to use Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. It
is the best. Look for the bell on the
Bottle. Geo. A. Harding, Druggist.
Home Phone
A 131.
for Fire Stone Automobile Tires
Dealers will receive same prices
Pacific rhoae 3(72 Borne A 72
f A ' - A 1 1 a. O Th i