OKEQON CITY ENTERPRISE, l-'UIIMY, APRIL 7, 1911. Aids Nature Tin frtat tuooMt ol Dr. I'Uroo's Gold.it Msdloal Dit to vary In eurinjf weak lomaoht, wulsd bodlai, waik luni, and ohtlliiate and llnfsrtni toughs, la baud oa 11 ,!,0""'a luadaroanlal truth Hut "Uoldaa Mfdiesl Dhcovsry" supplies Nature with body-build-in,, liMiM-rapalrlnf, Biuaels-maklnJ materials, In eon dntd and ounoaniraud lorm. With thli balp Nature supplies lb Monaary ilranfth to lha stomach lo dijest loud, build up the body and theraby throw oft linfaring obstinate ooujlii. 1 ha "Dlsoovery" rt-Mtablishtt tha dio.uve and nutrltlva organ in tound haalth, puriftM and anriuhaa lha hl.m.l .! ...... -Li... .1. - . . , wlala ... suw Ml TVS IH Short MablUha. sound vigorous baallh, your 4mlt ottr tomtiklmi "lant f eetf," if a probmbly bttttp FOR MINH pmy bottor. nut you me 1hlklma of (a csie aof (As aroff, a ' there's mothlnf loot u goof tor you. Buy to. , P' Ji,rrm' Common Sun M.dioil Advlsar, la Plain Engllshi'or, Mad.' kin Simplified, loo pi( over 700 Illustrations, oewly revised iip-lo-daie Kdltion, parr bound, star for 21 one-oent stamps, lo cover cost ol msilin, omy. utii-buunj, j stamps. Address ITIA TO AT COLUMBIA'S MOUTH INFANTRY CAMP TO SIT DOWN FOR FIVE DAYS' WORK AT CLACKAMAS STATION. I'OKTUND. Or., April 5. (Spo-rliil.)-Mllltlit of Dm Btnto will under Ink a mtrloa of maneuvers for conn' defense at the moittli of tlio Columbia River early In August. The entire strength of thn National Guard will ho mohllixrd and tho wnr Rama will con alNt of movements against a theoreil rat force attempting to luka tha Co lumbia (lvr fortifications. In adililon to Ilia maneuvers, an In fantry of! ier ramp will bo hold at the rllle riuiK" ut ('lackainns atatlon early In July. Thin tamp of Instruc tion will rontltiuc for five days and practical training will be given all In fimt ry officers who ran attend. The con run vvll Include lectures by officers of the regular army, LAROEST BANK CLEARINGS. I'OKTUND. Or., March 31. (Spo rliilt MuiTh bank clearings In thla city brt'nk all prevloua records. The total clnrliiK for tho month exceed fifty-one mllllona. Thla la six million. In exceat' of yesr ago. DRYEST MARCH EVER. I'OKTUND. Or.. April 1 (Specliil) Tho past March la tho dry cut March In the blHtory of Portland at least since authoritative figures nave boon taken. According lo measurements here the rainfall In March was but .C.1 of on Inch. Tweniy-alx yeara bro there u a March about like thla one a to quantity of rainfall. POLICE SHOT BY CROOK. I'OKTUND. Or.. March 24. CSpl.) II. II. Ilanaen, a new police officer la the Knae City, wna ahot by a crook whom he accoHtcd bociumo of auapl cloua artlona, ImhI iiIkIiI. Ho waa not anrloualy Injured. It la thought theao are the men who have held up aeveral cltlitena within the paat fow weeka. DENY RUEF'S APPEAL. 8A.N I'KANCISCO, March 30. (Spe cial I The State Supreme Court today denied tho petition of Abraham Kuef. Thla meana that unloaa the Federal Court coino to hia aid he will be com pelled to aorve hia aentence. 'Conatlputlon brlnK many allmenta In Itn train and In the primary cause of much alckneaa. Koep your bowel regular madam, and you will eacnpe ntuny of the allmenta to which women are atibject. Constipation la a very almple thlnR, but like many Simple thlnnn, It may lead to aerloug conao quencea. Nature often needa a little BHslHtuneo and when Chaniberlaln'a Tablets are Riven nt tho first Indica tion, much dlHtrcKH and aufforltiR may be avoided. Sold by nil dealera. D. C. LATOURETTE, Presidont. The FifstNational Bank' of Oregon City, Oregon CAPITAL, $50,000.00. Transacts a Generil Banking Business. Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. OeuKnenats Best FLOUR $1.45 PER SACK AT ALL GROCERS. Caref uJ of Your Property j One of the secrets of our success , tn the Baggage and Transfer Business Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moving Williams Bros. Transfer Co. 3 PhonesOffice 1121, Residence Office Both Phones 22 Pioneer Transfer Co.v Established 1865 FURNITURE, SAFES AND PIANOS MOVED BY EXPERIENCED FUK HELP. PROMPT AND RELIABLE SERVICE. SAND, GRAVEL AND BRICK Rates Reasonable, Baggage Stored 3 Days Free of Charge ' Agency for the celebrated MT. HOOlI BEER LET US DRILL YOUR WELL satisfaction guaranteed, leave orders at OREGON CITY SHOE SHOP E. SCHOENHEINZ McGRECORY & RIVERS CO. Dr. K, V. I'larca, Buffalo, N. Y. 252,621 POPULATION NEW DIRECTORY JUST ISSUED MAKES THIS THE FIGURE BY CONSERVATIVE ESTIMATE. 1'OKTI.AND. Or.. March 30. (Bpl.) According to the 1911 city directory and the uaual catlmate of (he direc tory company, Portland hita a populu- J llllll Ml All.Utol, I ... .Hl.liimin, ..ur ever, tho outlying auourmtn towna or St. Johna, leiita. Mllwaukle and Linn (on, with a combined imputation of 15.000. The (olal number of tinmen In the directory for IDtl Juat laaued la 1 12. 270. The ' eatlmate of 252,621 la reached by multlUylnR that figure by 2V4. Ilerelnforo, In making popula tion eatlmntea, the multlplo uand waa 2. Tho innnaRor of the directory company believe that heavy building operation, manufacturing activity, etc., ha caufved an Influx of alngle men or married men who hnve preced ed their famlllea Went, and that VA la the proper multiple. The directory company believe the (joverntnent cenaua of 207.2 U ia far below Port lands real population. BOURNE TO BE SIDETRACKED. WASHINGTON, April 1. (Rfeclal) Report today any that Senator Crane ha agreed to yield to the wlah ea of Prenlilent Tafl and Poatmaater General IlltcheocK and will accept the rhalrniunahlp of the committee on yoatofflcca and pout ronda. Thla will mean that Senator Bourne will be aldotraokej and (he Prealdent will not need to yield to the Oregon Senator In any way. ' ' 1000 Out In Kaniat City. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. April 1. About. 1000 Union carpentcra tailed to ap pear for work today at various local hnn. Thev announced they woul'l not return to work until a five cent an hour ralae In wage had been agreed to by the contractor. The men now receive 60 cent an hour. Two large local firm signed up for the Increase. Shop where nonunion men- are em ployed were running as uauaUtoday. COLLEGE 8TUDENT8 Invited to Wrlt on Temperance Ques tlona, For Cash Prlxes. CORVAI LIS, Or., April 1. Esxaya on temperance subjects to be submit ted for the local, State and National W. C. T. U. prizes are to bo written by the college students of Oregon. O. A. C. students have Just been notified of thla opportunity to win the $100 of fered by the national organization, 20 given by the Stnto association, or smaller local prlues. by writing on "Tho Relation of Individual Total At stlnence lo the Prosperity of the Na tion," or some such special theme a.i "The Public 8chools and Scientific Temperance Instruction," "Alcohol and tho Public Health," or "Personal Liberty vs. Public Obligation." ' F. J.. MEYER. Cashier 1833 525 Main Street Residence Phone Mala 2624 Sucessor to C. N.' Oreenman COBS MEETS SPECIAL SESSION DEMOCRATS ARE IN THE SADDLE AND CHAMP CLARK IS MADE SPEAKER. BRYAN AND HARMON ARE PRESENT Th New Speaker Cautions the Demo crate '"Eyes of tha Paople Are on You,", He Says. WASHINGTON, April 4. (Special) The alxty-aecnnd Congrn convened today. Champ Clark was made Speak or and the Democrats took possesion of the Hotiae. In his speech on taking the chair Champ Clark warned the m ember of hia party that the public eye was on them, and that In power there came responsibility. In his speech Clark made a bid for the presidency In his statement, "that our party has an opportunity for the first time In 10 years to prove Its worthiness for a still higher expres sion of confidence." IVyan and Harmon wero on hand to sue Congress open, with the pos sibility that each bad an eye to the main chance for the presidential nomi nation two years hence. In fact the shadow of the coming presidential bat tle caat Its shadow throughout the day. Tho President's message will be re ceived tomorrow and be read In Con gre. . Republican leaders are prophecylng that there ehall be no tariff leglHlatlon, making braga that they can and will hold It up even (o the tying up of leg lHlatlon on which the I'reaiaentiai heart has been fixed. OBJECT LE880N. President Satisfied With His Military Oitpisy on Texas eoraer. WASHINGTON. Aorll 3. (Snoclal) Taft Is aaid to be satisfied with the outcome of his army maneuvers, and that he haa data In band to satisfy any one In Coneresa who has doubts aa to the wisdom of the expenditure Ho says the outplay nas not oniy satis fied him of tho preparedness of the American army and navy, but it ha been an object lesaon to the whole world. Five Named Railway Mall Clerks. WASHINGTON, April 3. U A. Hawkins. Decatur Baldwin. Claus J. Jensen and Ben Burney, of Portland, and Chester E. Davis, of Montavllla, Or., were today appointed railway mall clerks. NO PLUMS FOR BOURNE. WASittNOTAN. Anrll 3. SDecla1) It aeems to be authoritative that President Taft has said he will not appoint any man who has the Bourne endorsement Hawley and Lafferty are to be given the plums, It Is said. POSTMISTRESS AT OAK GROVE. WASHINGTON, April 4. (Special! Mrs. Julia Holt haa been appointed postmistress at Oak Grove, Clackamas county, Oregon, lce F. A. Van Ord at rand, who resigned In March.' MEXICAN AMBASSADOR CALLED. WASHINGTON. March 25. (Spl.) Ambassador de la Barra was today re quested by B-las that he take the Min ister of Foreign Affalra portfolio In the Mexican cabinet, and has accepted. President Taft congratulated him on his promotion. He was not Informed as to whethor or not other members of the cabinet had been chosen. WOULD GIVE SETTLERS LANDS. WASHINGTON. Yprll 1. (Special) Congressman Lafferty wants all lands non-lrrlgable, in the State, thrown open lo settlers. He wants to see the home seeker given an oppor tunity to get a homo, and to that end will nrenare a bill and Introduce it In Congress at an opportune time. WANTS BRYAN TO MOVE. , WASHINGTON, April 4. A big MomiihiH fTenn.) deleEatlon here to- itv win Invite William J. Bryan to move to that city The whole south Is supporting a plan to raise $100,000 to Induce Bryan to transfer his Common er nlnnt to that city, where a home for Bryan will be provided. Senator John Sharp wiiuams or Mis sissippi and ex-Senator Berry of Ar kansas will urge Bryan to accept. - FULL DAY FOR FULL PAY. WASHtNfiTON March 24. (Sol.) Secretary MacVeagh has Just issued an order that his department must ohnui a "full dnv for a full dav's miv." and no favorsv This means thnt the custom house Is to be put on a busi ness basis. CANNON NOT CANDIDATE. WASHINGTON. March 31. (Spe cial) Joseph Cannon announced to day that he would not be a candidate for Speaker of the House. The can didate of the minority party Is always considered the leader of the party. but Cannon says ne win not iry ior u. WAR TALK FOOLISH Is the "Substance of Answer of the Emperor of Japan. wioHivnTnN March 25. Baron Uchlda, the Japanese Ambassador, nniioii ut thn white House todav and presented to President Taft a personal message from the Emperor or japan. Thn Rmneror declared that be waa already convinced that the President hnit elven no credit to the "false and wicked reports regarding Japan." The Emperor warmly reciprocates President Taft's assurances of friend ship between the two countries. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR! A WILL CELEBRATE BIRTHDAY. CHICAGO, March 30. (Special) Dr. D. K. Pearsons, of Hinsdale, III., is planning to give $300,000 to various beneficences on his 91st birthday, that comes on April 14. Schools and col leges come In for a large part of his birthday giving. These gifts will make a total of $3,000,000. AGE OF YOUR HORSE SHOULD INTEREST YOU FOUR WAYS OF TELLING THE AGE OF YOUR FAITHFUL ANIMAL HELPERS. COrtVALUS, Or., March 30. There are four ways to tell the axe of a horse, accordlnn to prof. B. L. Potter of the Oregon Agricultural College: by his teeth, by his ribs, by the flesh on his tail, and by the skin on his cheeks. In a yojiflff "orse the cheek skin Is soft and elastic, and (lies back quick ly when raised; in an old one, It Is llfidess and goes back but slowly. Old horses apparently have a wider and more distinct space between their ribs than young; ones. And with age the flesh on the tall of a horse shrinks, making the Joints more distinct than they are on a young horse. Judging by the changes In the teeth Is a more accurate method. The com ing of the temporary teeth first, snd then the permanent ones; the develop ment to maturity; the change In shape on account of wear; the coming of the cups In the teeth, and their wearing away afterward, and the change In the angle of meeting of the teeth, from straight together at five years to a sharp angle at twenty; all these are algns by which tha experienced horse man can read accurately the age of a horse. "It must be remembered that the permanent teeth, above and below, come In at the same time," says Prof, potter, "but that she cups above do not wear away until all the cups below are gone. It must also be remem bered that the changea begin at the center and continue at the rate of one pslr a year; that a horse at maturity, which Is at five years, has everything that la, all his permanent teeth and all the cups. If one remembers this much, be has the whole thing In a nut shell." - Bandits Terrify Peru. LIMA, Peru', March 30. A band of ten handlta la levying tribute on the merchants in the north. Troops have been sent against them. The govern mnni la criticized for not havlmc main. talned sufficiently equipped garrisons In that district. MUST STAY IN JAIL. SAN FRANCISCO, April 1. The State Supreme Court denied today the application of Jack L Johnson, the heavyweight champion, for relief from the sentence of 25 days' imprisonment In the county Jail Imposed by acting Police Judge Treadwell for automo bile speeding. ' Johnson Is now serving his sentence. - HAIL IN TEXAS. HOUSTON. Texas. Aorll 1. A se vere storm of wind, rain and hail niavnri havoc 1 with wire communica tion tn Texaa early today, causing con siderable property damage of a minor nature, and gave rise to rumors of more serious results In isolated sec tions. In Houston a stiff northwest erly wind was accompanied by hall and a dazzling electrical display. At t M the atorm reached Galveston, but In diminished force. Beaumont re ported a rainfall of 3.74 inches, i ne storm was especially severe In Cen tral Texas. HARRISON MAYOR. Five Timet Elected in the Windy City 22,000 Socialists. citrnir.n 111 Anrll 4 tSnnclall Carter H. Harrison, Democratic candi date for mayor, was electee, loaay ior the fifth time. It is thought his plu rainy win run ciose 10 zu.wu. In 1340 precincts Harrison received 177,358. Marrlam, Republican, 1C0.276; Rodriguez, Socialist, 22.294. Merriam has conceded the election of Harrison, but says it shows what he and his friends can accomplish the next time. $4,000,000 TO REPAIR CAPITOL. ALBANY, N. Y.. March 30. The work of rehabilitating the lire-swept State Capitol, begun yesterday whjle the (lames were still crackling in the western wing, waa continued today with Increasing vigor. First efforts were directed to drying out the por tlonsVf the great building untouched by the fire, but soaked by tons of water. Today the legislative leaders are expected to confer with Governor Dlx and State Architect Ware regard ing the appropriation necessary to re pair the building. The State Archi t,. hn rprommended that the Legis lature authorize Immediately the pre paration of plans ior reDUiiaing ine ruined third and fourth floors In the n-aat All ri Unofficial estimates place the cost of reconstruction close to $4,000,000. - Hungary Has 20,850,700 People. BUDAPEST, Hungary, March 24. The official census shows Hungary to have a population of 20,850,700. This Is an Increase in 10 years of 1,596,000. INSANE RANCHER KILLS THREE. niTnl.TNfiTON. Wash.. March 30. William Weegin, a rancher of South rrairlo, became violently insane toaay and, taking a large calibre rifle, weni ,t intn thn eonntv road and shot and instantly killed the first three passers- by, who were jonn Kanae wuimui Ranke and John Ware, all of Burling ton. . DOGS GO MAD. DAYTON, Wash., March 24. The shooting of two road dogs in Dayton streets yesterday has caused the wild est alarm here. Several children nar rowly escaped being bitten and It is not known whether other domestic animals have been bitten. BUSINESS PROSPECTS BRIGHT. NEW YORK. March 30. (Special) "Business conditions on the Coast and in the country at large are certain ly taking a hopeful turn," says Frank A. Vanderlip, president of the National City Bank, one of the big Institutions of his home city. Things look good to this big banker. Gives Aid to Strikers. Sometimes the liver, kidneys and bowels seem to go on a strike and re fuse to work right. Then you need those pleasant little strike-breakers Dr. King's New Life Pills to give them natural aid and gently compel proper action. 'Excellent health soon follow s. Try them. 25c at Jones Drug Co. HARMONY IS SEDI III PARTY CAUCUS DEMOCRATS CHOW HOW A PARTY CAUCUS CAN BE MADE REAL TAME. ECONOMY THE ORDER OF THE DAY House Will Save $180,000 By Letting Out Useless Employes and Pay ing for Work Done Only. WASHINGTON. April 1. (Special) Tha Democratic nartr has held Its caucus, which was noticeable for Its harmony, and adopted without change the committee assignments and the new rules prepared for the govern ment of the coming Congress. The legislative program Is to confine the activities of the coming session to nnnnlar election of Senators. Canadian reciprocity, taH5 revision, Investiga tion of governmental departments, Congressional reapportionment, state hnnrf for Arizona, and New Mexico, general deficiency appropriations, Dis trict of Columbia legislation ana pub licity of campaign contributions. Thla m pa nil a reneral reorganiza tion of the House and Important changes In the procedure. The power of naming committees Is to be lodged In the House Itself. Committee mem bers are also to be elected by the House and the filling of vacancies as well. This means that the House It self Is to be In control. The cutting off of superfluous em ployes will mean a saving of $180,000. Congressional positions must be asaed far frnm a committee that will have all recommendations In Its power. That there will be waning ana gnasn Ing of teeth among tho employes no innmr needed la soon to be In evi dence. But this Congress means to retrench and has gone about u in a way that promises real economy. DEFEAT FOR REBELS. AfitTA PRIKTA. Mexico. March 29. (Spl.) It Is Inown that the rebels unffnred a bad defeat near Ures yes terday, In which they lost 75 men and their position. The regulars iosi ju. SEVEN ARE KILLED. Train In the 8outh Drops From Bridge into River. nrti.T.A. r.a. March 25. Seven per- anna wnr A killed and more than a dozen Injured when the Dixie Flyer on the Atlantic Coast Line was wrecked on a trestle over the Aiapana River near here at 7:20 o'clock this mnminv Thn first and Becond-class coaches and the fltst Pullman sleeper went Into the river carrying auum 400 feet of the trestle. Anrrilnr tn renorts of some of the passengers who came to Ocilla, tho crash came without warning. Ii was caused by the breaking of an axle on the engine when midway of the long trestle. CIRCUS MAGNATE DEAD. NEW YORK, March 31-MSpecial)- Otto RIngling, the great circus mag nate, died of heart disease today. He was one of the most aggressive of the company of which he was a leader. Cambridge Beats Oxford. r nvnnv March 25. Cambridge won In the annual Intervarslty sports with Oxford at Queen's Club today, with six points to four. BEAVERS LOSE FIRST GAME. Score is 6 to 4 in Favor of Los Ange lesFive Fast innings. t ao i vrpi c-a Xforch 28. (SdI.) luo jiivjt.."". -r- i Seven thousand spectators gathered n . nnoninir of thn season in base ball today, and It is reported that they saw all kinds or Dase Dan oeiore the irnme was finished. Los Angeles won in a score of 6 to 4. Delhi pitched for Los Angeies anu Seaton for Portland. Neither scored ..-.it kn .ivtk innlnp- when Portland UUUl IUC Dliu O. - pulled one down on a close decision. Luck is saia to nave ueeu oSiw.. iinovora frnm the first, as the Portland bunch played better ball all through and still couldn't win. Sea ton pitched great ball for six innings. r.A then ru.-n others were tried in an effort to save the day, but to no use. JACK JOHNSON IN JAIL. SAN FRANCISCO, March 28. (Spl.) TaO, Tnhnann is now in tail With S ahead and it looks as If he will be more careful with his auto and its speed in the future. INCREASE IN PEOPLE c Bit Not of Provisions Causes London - to Worry. t ovtnrM March 24. That the In- iA.IW.i, ,J indln'a nnnulation is Start- 1. 1 tuav. tw " i i . ling the British government was inti mated today by premier asouuu a conference with Viscount Morley, secretary of state for India. The preliminary census recenuy tot-on ehmrail an Increase in DODUla- tlon of approximately 20,500,000 over the last census. It Is feared that fa mine and seditious outbreaks may ioi in tha wflkn of this continued ln- IV" ... mc " - - - - - crease in population, as there is little to support the increasing miuiuuo.. Magistrate Friend of Fighting. DENVER. March 24. Magistrate Gavin stands ace high .with boxing en thuaiaatu tndav hv his action in dis missing the charge against Blmby Gardner and Johnny O'rieeie, arresieu for participating In a boxing contest. "Rnvin tan't half as bad as the bull fights that are commonly referred to as football," assertea Magistrate ua vln. CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND A T..r Drlmtrt for Cm-CHES-T2R'3 WAMOND BRAND PILLS In Rrd and ..111 tu-ir scaled wlm Blue Ribbon.. TA.OOTB. Irune lV ins - - - Vamom BKASa PILLS, for twenty-five war. rwrarded as Best. Safest. Always Rehaule. Cold by all druggists iwkL EVERYWHERE JSted sSek 1 Bosv't Pay Moco We give you Quality, Variety, Economy, Satisfaction BARGAINS FOR THE WEEK Ladles' ready-towear bats, new, Stvll $1.50 $2.25, $2.50, $3.00. v SPECIAL. Straw hata for men, women and children. The kind you pay 35c to 65c for. Our price . .23 Children's rompers, variously trimmed, only 25o EDDY & SON, FAVORS RECIPROCITY. Says Ws Can Have Vast Territory to North as Contributory. SAN FRANCISCO, April 4. Declar Ing that 'the farming Interests as well as others, would be vastly benefited by the ratification of the Canadian reciprocity treaty. Joseph W. Folk, former governor of Missouri, la out with a statement here today In which he maintains that the measure would greatly benefit all Americans. To the north of us," be said, "we have a vast domain that can become trade territory of this nation by mere ly asking for It, and It would seem to be the part of wisdom to ratify the treaty which is now before Congress. While the treaty nnder consideration is not as broad as It should be-, In that it Includes for the most part only farm products, still It is a step In the light direction and places ua In a position to go farther later. The aentlment In the Middle West and In the north western states Is overwhelmingly In favor of Its ratification." CALLS THE BLUFF. Editor Kohleaat Won't Tell But He Will Go to Jail. CHICAGO, March 31. "Threats of Jail do not frighten me. As a news paper man I never betray a confi dence," declared H. H. Kohlsaat, edi tor of the Chicago Record-Herald, when asked yesterday to divulge the name of the person who told him of ,t.A .llisul nlalsnra of ulllflh fund to purchase legislative votes for Wil liam Lorlmer a election 10 me ieuemi senate. "There Is absolutely no way in we i.m in inturn mn tn hntrav a confi dence," continued Kohlsaat "I told them that If they wisnea to maae a martyr of me that was their affair. Kohlsaat told the legislative Investi gating committee that he waa In formed that a fund df $100,000 existed to buy votes for Lorlmer. WOMAN CHOSEN MAYOR. Says She Will Clean Out the Boot leggers Quick. HUNNEWELL, Kan., April 4. Mrs. Ella Wilson was elected mayor of Hun newell at an election held here yester day. She wag opposed by O. M. Ak- ers. former postmaster. The women or ine iown are ccio brating their victory. Mrs. Wilson de clares there will be many reforms dur ing her administration. The issues on which she became a candidate were bootlegging the sell ing of liquor unlawfully and the per mitting of young men and boys to hang around pool halls. Mrs. Wilson Is opposed to both, and says she Is going to make Hunnewell a good place to live In. EASY DIVORCE HIT HARD. rrno Nev.. Anrll 3. (Special) Rnnanvnlt fired a few hot shot at the proposition of easy divorces In this city, the plea being" that those seeking them spent much money in the city. H said elve your own citizens who iioed them divorces, but don't Invite the outside world here, for its airty money and won't do you any good. BALLOON RACE IN EAST. Williams and Amherst colleges will hold a dual balloon race to start -from Pittsfleldi.Mass., on May 20. It will be the first intercollegiate balloon race ever held. Williams has also Initiated a movement for an intercollegiate bal loon race between the more prominent eastern colleges, the race to start from Pittsfield on June 3. When a medicine must be given to young children It should be pleasant to take. Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy is made from loaf sugar, and the roots used in Its preparation give it a flavor similar to maple syrup, mak ing it pleasant to take. It has no superior for colds, crbup and whoop ing cough. For sale by all dealers. Ve Are Here AT 319 MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY A place where you can see the most tip-to-date line of Farm Implements, Vehicles and Machinery, Harness and Hardware Yoti will find my a ANDREW OREGON CITY AND Ladles' shirtwaists, well made, beautifully trimmed, 60c, 75a up. Latest designs la curtain cloth, handsome patterns, best quality In red, brown, green, tan; the kind that sella for 2Cc and 30c; our prlco, per yard ..20c Bungalow atrlbe, special, yd. 12o Men'g colored hose, now pair for Opp. Oregon City Bank FEAR ITALY'S JUBILEE. May Be Turned to Grief By the Preva lence of Plague. ROME, March 24. Italy Is begin ning to fear that United Italy's jubilee may be turned into a period of disas ter through plague and panic. Employes of the Rome street rail way will atrlk on Sunday for higher pay. This will cause rioting, on the eve of the opening of the Rome ex position. Workmen on the Turin ex position are on strike and employes of the state raUways also threaten to strike. . The pope haa declared jubilee year a period of mourning and thla will pre vent thousands of Catholic from via-. Itlng the country. Cholera Is slowly spreading In the south and unless the cost of living la ' lowered, starvation and bankruptcy will scourge Italy. ; HOLD UP TRAIN. Robbers Escape In Auto After Making Good Job. COFFEYVILLE, Kan., March 24 Five masked bandits early today held up the faat Missouri Pacific express midway between Lanspas, Okla., and Coffeyvllle, and are reported to have escaped with $20,000. The men board ed the train at Lanapas and after over powering the train crew, entered the express car. Here they blew open the express safe and rilled the registered mall. They forcea ine engineer u ton thn train 1nst before reaching Coffeyvllle and escaped with the loot. Posses are pursuing. The robbers escaped In an automo bile, after they had kept the train at a standstill for two hours. 3000 TROOPS BOTTLED UP. pt nion Tnvaa Anrll B. (Snecial) It Is the belief that the rebel leader has 3000 of the beBt Mexican somiers bottled up and that he can crush them at any time and ia preparing to do so when It will tell most. The Insurrec tion Is said to be growing daily and that the regular government cannot possibly stop St. Maderoa ia certain to have things his own way If he can turn one or more tricks, Is the opinion of the best authorltlea here. ROOSEVELT AT DINNER. Train Slows Up While Passing Through City But Does Not 8top The limited on the Southern Pacific bearing Colonel Roosevelt to Portland slowed down as it passed through the city to pick up the railway Inspector, who always boards the train at this place, but the Colonel did not pui In an aDDearance. Parties who stood scross the track from the depot aay that Roosevelt was at dinner as the train passed through the city. CANT DISARM YET. German Statesman Who Sees No Ray of Light for Universal Peace. BERLIN, March 30. (Special) Chancellor von Bethmann-Hollweg. one of Germany's great men, says that ji n ia tmnnealhlA flfl lOnfiT BS UlMtrUiaUICHb ID . .l.p" men are constituted as they are. He asserts that the strong wouia uiub in come the prey of the weak, and that it is only through fear that they are repressed. He says that disarmament Is not practical, and any conference on the subject ia fruitless. NAME OF BRIBER GIVEN. CHICAGO, HI., April 5. (Special.) Believing that it was' time to loose Editor Kohlsaat's tongue in the Lari mer scandal matter the man who told of the $100,000 corruption fund did so today and Mr. Kohlsaat gave hia evi dence on the stand. Edward Hlnes, millionaire lumber dealer Was the man who invited the Harvester combine to contribute $10,000 toward the fund. The committee is satisfied with the evidence. price O- K. I solicit call. KOCHER CANBY, OREGON