. . .. i Will Iho Kind You Have Always Bought, and w hich has boon in uso for over 30 years, ha borno tho slirnnturo of - and Has locn miuio unuor iuj per yyyz. gonal supervision stnoo its Infant y. T-U&JU&Z Allow no ottotmleoolvei you In tills. All CounterfcIU, Imitations and " Just-ns-pood" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger tlio health of InfhnU and Children Experience ujjalnst Experiment. What is CASTORIA CantorlH la a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, rnre gorio. Drops and Soothtnjr Syrups. It Is rieasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nareotla substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys A onus and allays Fcverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and W md Colic. It relieves Tecthinp Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tlio Stomach and Dowels, glvlnff healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Tanacea-The Mother's Friend. CEflUiriE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the S7 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC e-CBTaim IMMat, TT MU T.ICT. MW TOM am. I'"v TV iT-"" NEWS FROM THE COUNTRY INTERESTING ITEMS FROM ALL PARTS OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY CLARKES. Mr. Maxson took a few sacks of po tatoes to town Monday. Mr. Haag took a load of potatoes to town Monday. Mr. Marshall disced on their farm on Highland Monday. Mr. Larklns finished sowing oats lftSt W6k Elmer Lee was hauling rocks out of the field. He is getting ready to sow oats. Mr. Bottemiller finished sowing oats last Saturday and he Is taking up his potatoes. Miss Lydla Buol Is home on account of the sickness of her father. Mr. Sullivan went to town on Sun day and got the Catholic priest and they had their Mass on Monday morn- ,n8- Mr. MaTquardt was in town Monday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Willie Mar shall, last Friday, a daughter. Mr. Buol Is sick; he is very low sometimes. Miss Emma Bauer Is working In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Bauer went to Port- land and visited his brother In Sher wood last week. Every Bottle is Guaranteed. Every-bottle of Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey Is guaranteed to give satisfac tion in all throat and bronchial trou bles. Geo A. Harding, Druggist. MULINO. The people of this vicinity would 14ke to see rain. Most of the farmers are through seeding and would like to have the rain come now, rather than so much of it later on, as It has been the experience of Oregonians to see just about so much rainfall during the year and if It doesn't come one time it will another. Mr. and Mrs. Holther, from the East, are visiting at Charley Porter'.. Mrs. Bert Wallace is spending a few days with her mother at Macksburg. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Jones went up to Trulllnger Lake Sunday to spend the day fishing. And now It is said that we are going to have two railroads, one from Ore gon City and one from Canby. They will certainly be welcome In this part of the county. Lewis Churchill Is helping Bill Boh lander put In the crops on the Snod grass farm. Mrs. Snodgrass and daughter Gladys and son Robbie took in the basket social at Carus Friday evening. Mrs. Goucher has moved into her residence at Mulino. Clarence Mallatt has moved to Un ion Mills, where he has bought prop erty. , .. ' " ' - : Lame Shoulder is nearly always due to rheumatism of the muscles, and quickly yields to the free application of Chamberlain's Liniment For sale by all dealers. MACKSBURG. The first of April came with plenty of sunshine but we are afraid that it will soon leave as with rain. The Dryland school closed last Wed nesday. Several visitors were present to hear the program. Simon Miller is quite sick at pres- The services at the Eby school house are being well attended. School closed at the Eby school. Quite a number of visitors were pres ent the last day, which was March 30. ,, We are looking forward to see the new car line that is to pass in the near future. Miss Lillie Mitts has gone to Molalla to visit for awhile. Miss Lydla Wolfer Is working for Grandma Wright. Miss Ella Scbultz Is working for ' Mrs. Frank Hilton. ' Mrs. Dreler is entertaining her sis ter", Mrs. Tweifel, from Portland; also her nephew from the East. It's Equal Don't Exist No one has ever made a salve, oint ment or balm to compare with Buck len's .Arnica Salve. Its the one per fect healer of Cuts, Corns. Burns, Bruises, Sores. Scalds, Boils, Ulcers, Eciema, Salt Rheum. For Sore Eyes, Cold Sores, Chapped Hands or Sprains it is supreme. Unrivaled for Plies. Try It Only 25c at Jones Drug Co. .25) Signature of REDLAND. Miss Edna Gruel leaves today for Great Falls, Mont, where her brothers are. J. C. Bates, who has been very sick for over a month, is still very low. Mrs. S. A. Higglns is slowly recover ing. Fir r:rnv school Is closed on ac count of the measles and several of the children of Evergreen have had thptn also. The new bridge at Fisher's will soon be open to travel, and everybody will be glad. Nearly all the farmers have their seeding finished and many of them have their potatoes planted. R. Kerr has a large strip of grub bing finished. The Redland band boys gave an op en meeting to the ladies Monday night All report a good time and the boys are doing fine. . If you have sore eyes of any kind use Sutherland's Eagle Eye Salve. U is good for nothing but the eyes. It is painless and harmless, and Is posi tively the best. If you don't say so we will refund your money. Try it and then tell your neighbor. Sold by Geo. A. Harding, Druggist. 25c a tube. "COLTON. C. Stromgree was busy plowing and harrowing at E. Trigg's last week. Frank Countryman and daughter, Hattie, were at Clarkes on business Saturday. Mr. Westburg purchased a horse from Mr. Haag at Tlmbergrove. Mrs. Frank Bonney, of James, was visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bonney last week. Charlie Freeman, of Elwood, trans acted business at Colton last Monday. Mrs. C. Stromgreen spent a day with Mrs. E. Trigg last week. U. S. Dix and R. Putz were busy hauling oats from Clark Bros.' at Clarkes last week. Mr. Lund, of Portland, sold his place at Tlmbergrove for $2200. Frank Robinson Is working for W. S. Corbett this week. Mr. and Mrs. Lindstrom made a trip to Portland on account of Mrs. Lind strom's ill health. E. Trygg took a contract of clean ing for C. Stromgreen. Grandma Dix and son, U. S., and Mr. and Mrs. J. Putz called on Mr. and Mrs. A. Anderson last Sunday. Henry Warner is back on his home stead aagin and is now busy building a new house. Joe Carlson is logging for W. S. Gorbette with his team. J. Engstrom had the misfortune of loosing a horse. School was closed Monday on ac count of Miss Dahlstrora, the teacher, being sick. Mrs. Stella James spent Monday with Grandma Dix. Charlie Swan has been hauling lum ber for Henry Warner last week. J. A. Stromgreen was butchering hogs Tuesday. r Mr. and Mrs. Freeman, of Elwood, were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Lind strom Sunday. A. Bonney was at Clarkes on busi ness Wednesday. Mr. Dletz, of Portland, is out spend ing a few weeks with his friend, Mr. Warner in the hills. Mrs. Carr, of Bee Hills, isJitaying with Mrs. E. Lindstrom, who is un able to do the housework. Uncle and Auntie Stromgreen were guests at Mr. and Mrs. Petterson's last Sunday. Olie Hanson, of Shubel, spent last Sunday at Colton. Miss Nellie Bonney spent Sunday afternoon with Lena Putz. Charlie Bockman had the misfor tune of getting hurt badly with a crosscut saw. A doctor, from Molalla, was summoned who attended. Mr. Bockman Is getting along as well as can be expected. Messrs. Detz and Warner, from the hills, were vlBlting at J. Putz' Sunday, this week. J. J. Jones is busy planting onions C. Haag made a business trip to Oregon City Tuesday. A. Aaderson took a trip to Upper Colton last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stromgreen and daughter spent Sunday evening at J. Putz.' OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, APRIL WIL80NVILLK. Mr. Mallory visited friends in Wll sonvlile on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. K. stallncher went to Salem on Sunday to attend a funeral. Mrs. Aubrey Wood spent Saturday In Portlnnd, and purchased an organ for Corral Creek school. Mrs. Joe Thornton, who has been 111 for some tlmi is now convalescent. The farmers have been longing for rain, something new In Oregon farm life. , , Elmer Seely, spent Saturdny and Sunday at home, and was one of the champions of tho ball game. Rev. Kxon has been around with s subscription list, and Is planning to build a Methodist Church here this summer. ..... It Is rumored that a sawmill la to be In operation at Wllsonvlile socu, at least the farmers In this vicinity have been approached upon the sub ject of selling their timber for that purpose. Church services will bo held next Sundav afternoon In the A. O. U. W. Hall, at three o'clock. 8unday school at 2 o'clock. Everyone Is cordially In- vlted- ... nnhort r.mhnm visited relatives at home last week, being laid up with a sore hand. , Mr. and Mrs. Bothume spent Satur day and Sunday In Portland. Mrs. Rlggs. of Newberg. and Mrs. Short, of Sellwood. visited relatives near Wllsonvlile on Saturday. Some of the young people had s sur prise party at Stallnrher's home on Saturday evening, and report s very enjoyable time. An oil company Is being formed, to be known as the "Sherwood Oil Co.." and It Is understood that prospecting for oil near Wllsonvlile. on some of the farms, will soon begin. Ray Baker and Roy Nendel visited friends in Portland last week, spend ing most of the time at the home of the Rlgdon's, who formerly resided here. Some of Mrs. Roland's many friends surprised her at her home on last Thursday afternoon, bringing with them a dainty lunch which was served during the afternoou. Mrs. Boland has endeared herself to hosts of friends In this vicinity, who are sorry to learn that she will no longer re main here, as Mr. Roland's health has made It necessary to make a change. The baseball game that our village boys played with Union was sort of The Feed Is the Heart of the Drill Some Drills Have Heart Disease But Not the Hoosier. Its heart is perfectly sound. Its feed is a positive force feed, which seeds uniformly and accurately, regardless of conditions. It works as well on the side hill, up hill or down hill as' on the level. There is no guess work, you set the feed regulator at the quantity you want to sovv and you know that you are seeding just that amount, no more or no less. That's why you want to be sure your drill is Positive Force Feed Machine and the only way to be absolute ly sure is to buy a Hoosier. Write for our circular 'The Feeding of Seed". JSl.lCase Plows Bloom Manuer AT.fVLl LINE.Ot Implements and Vehicles a whitewash for the visiting team, as the game stood 29 to 8 at the finish. County Judge Beatie was In our vil lage the first of the week, inspecting the Epler bridge. The Judge is cer tainly proving himself alert with re gard to our county roads and unsafe bridges. The Epler bridge. has been unsafe for some time past, and we are glad to learn that It Is to be fixed up In better shape, and that we will not have to wait for a funeral dirge to give us a timely warning. Mr. and Mrs. Harris came up from Portland In their large touring car on Sunday last, fo visit with their rela tives, the Baker's, here, for the day. Do Ghosts Haunt Swamps? No, never. It's foolish to fear a fancied evil, when there are real and deadly perils to guard against in swamps and marshes, bayous, and lowlands. These are the malaria germs that cause ague, chills and fever, weakness, aches in the bones and muscles and may Induce deadly typhoid. But Electric Bitters destroys and casts out these vicious germs from the blood. "Three bottles drove all the malaria from my system," wrote Wm., Fretwell, of Lucama, N. C, "and Pve had fine health ever since." Use this safe, sure remedy only. 50c at Jones Drug Co. STAFFORD April has come with Hi sunshine and showers. Some frosty nlRhts, but orchardlsts say not sufficient to In jure small fruits which are now com ing rapidly Into bloom, Relnt DeN'ut'a little boy, anJ his wife, are slightly better, but still very sick. Dr. Mount la In dally attendance, as also a trained nurse, Mrs. Athy, the wlfe'a mother, Is up again, " has not .regained her strength. It is difficult to get help, but ho succeeded on Tuesday In getting Miss Minnie Wllklns. Mrs. Zack Kile'" t up with the sick ones and relieved tho nurse somewhat on Monday night, and Mrs. dago did tho same on Tues day night. The neighbors have been ery kind, but a number or mom nave now tot sick ones at home. At Conrad Schrador's they nve tn0 measles. On Wednesday morning thcro was a whlto frost , Sam Moser and Gussle got a new threshing machine which they brought home on Tuesday. Will Jaster went to town with big load of potatoes Wednesday. Mr. Gage has not aold his potatoes yet, and says he has plenty wheat and eats in his gralnary. Sharp Bros, had an order from east the mountains for thirty sacks of po tatoes for seed. Mr. Schatta baa had a force of men working; on the road all Inst week. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hollon were out to Mr. Gage's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Kruse also spent tho day at Mr. Gage's. Mr. Turner has erected a fine tomn stone at his wife's grave, and on last Sunday Invited all the children home to dinner, after which a long proces sion of them visited the cemetery. We hear that Mr. Moser, whose wire died last year. Is having a stone pnt up at the grave, and contemplates moving tj a plnce near St. Johns, where Y will engage with a Mend In ralslnr, chickens. Mr Holton brought a line thorough bred Plymouth Rock rooster to the Mrs. Powell again called Dr. Mount lit Ha Willie who had a soro throat, but Is much better now I About a doien ladles. Invited by the daughters, gave Mrs. Fred Ellegsen a i genuine surprise party on Friday, the i 31st of March. It being her birthday, and spent a delightful day. The daughters prepared a regular banquet and set the longest table so all could be seated at once, and they had man aged so adroitly that the mother never suspected a thing. Such reunions are very enjoyable, and there should be more of them. It will be remembered that Mrs. Ellegsen has been sadly af flicted in the death of Mrs. Turner, her mother, and Henry, her son. She has not recovered from the shock, and Mr. Turner, her father, has pre vailed upon her to visit with hlaiseif and a cousin lately arrived from Mis souri, In Washington, for a while, where they have relatives. In cases of rheumatism relief from pain makes sleep and rest possible. This may be obtained by applying Chamberlain's Liniment. For sale by all dealers. GRE8HAM. John Willis Cross was buried In Gresham cemetery on Thursday. Mr. Cross died at his home in Boring on March 28, of paralysis. He was 69 years of age and leaves a wife and several sons and daughters. A. Thompson expects to begin the erection of a garage on his property on Powell street In a short time. He will b 11 ad rent machines. Mrs. May Wood and children, of 7, 1911. Oregon City, are here visiting Grand ma Jones. W. W. Wood and MIhs Agnes A. Bur gos, daughter of W. C. llurgoss and wife, were married on Tuesday and will reside hero. Mrs, J. Ollphnnt is convalescing af ter a severe Illness. J, w. llochmoyor and family will occupy thn Robinson houao on Roberts avenue and moved there yesterday. Mra. Rose Met-ger. who has returned to oreahsm from Portland, will occupy tho rooms vacated by ths llochmoyors. ASTHMA! ASTHMAI Popham's Asthma Remedy gives In stant relief and an absolute cure In all rase of Asthma, Bronchitis, and May Kevor. Sold by druggist: mall nn rnreltit nf nrloo 11.00. Trial pack- fag by mall 10 cents. Williams MfK. Co.. Props.. Cleveland. V. ror ! by Huntley Bros, mid Jones Drug Co. MOUNTAIN VIEW. Mrs. J. H. Qulnn Is on tho sick list. Mrs. U II. Newman, who Is Just re covering from the menalcs, has an other attack of cold. Improvement still go on. Dunne street Is getting a coat of crushed rock. W. W. May gave his house a new mil of nulnt last week, und Frank Vorhels built a new fence. Mrs. Singer went to Twin lulls. Idaho, last week. Mrs. Chnrles Stuart, of Portland, was visiting relatives In this-burg last week, and fixing up her husband s grave, , Misses Hazel and Mabel Francis spent last Saturday and Sunday at St. Johns with Mrs. Childers. Died, Saturday, April 1. Elder J. P. Allison. We was .laid, to rest In the cemetery jt Sherwood on Monday. April 3. .. Mrs. Louise Beard visited her son Ben and family at Sellwood last Wed nesday. u n i r; rtrown went to Soil- wood iant week.' Friday, and spent the day with Mrs. Bishop, who lived here ...... unnra ufn Mrs A. I Hickman Is In Portland with her daughter, Mrs. Bealle, who l anrlntlultf III. Mrs. V. V. Klmmlc, of Turner, Ore gon. Is visiting her granumomer. t i n.iil thl week. Her father, ' ii TnnoB nf KUIorado. Is hero . i. , -. a tart Mrs. Klmnile and baby will return Portlnnd, Or. VV. J. WILSON & CO. OREGON CITY, ORE. J. J. SANDSNESS OANBY, OREGON AGENTS tome Thursday. Clinton Griffin had his heel hurt se verely lnthe pulp mill last week. Messrs. Emll and Henry Schwack started to Eastern Oregon Tuesday, where they expect to remain until after harvest. J. M. Heckart and wife and J. B. Fairclough jeturned home from the Ogle Mountain mines Tuesday. Born, April 4, to the wife of J. Fran ces Qulnn, a daughter. W. O. Hall spent last Friday, Sat urday and Sunday at their store in Itockwood. The Men's Business Club met in regular session Tuesday evening at the Mountain View Hose Co. hall. They meet the 1st Tuesday of each month. The new sidewalk on the west side of Molalla avenue Is being built this week. The Mountain View improvement Club debate with Clairmont was post poned until April 14th. Maple Lane Grange met in regular session last Saturday. One applica tion was received. A committee was appointed to make arrangement for an exhibit at the County Fair in Sep tember. Committee Is as follows: J. Lewellen, A. J. Lewis and Mrs. O. A. 8waIlow. A delicious dinner was served at noon and an Interesting program was rendered afterward. BREEDERS' -.ALE MSl HORSES TUESDAYT APRIL , 25rJ91 1 WBrtt.rwtliiom.iitllU'irrMl hunw "'' u ' "'' u ih f irh of ymt cr.ot rt. .4 """ 'bV.S ril" "" -. .'" . ' "1 " Jl'm I m ,VMMb,.Tr; ';; zri: . w. - -- n wnd. ,niiiilil. In iwar wimmI atalllun 4 mtm ., WX&l " " ' Cut' i.n l... hor. lhai m,.l. IIIH.U ... m . U,.... c.iQrr. T..M CASH. ... .O.Icu,r, .rrs.-.M.. ..-'r' ""; J. M. CLARK, A. J. DODSON, CEO. W. fTUffBLEf IELD ALBANY, OmOOSl Sole will be hcfcl under o tent, rwnllcss of the , weather, commencing ot 10 A. n. FIR WOOD. Tlio lecture given by W. J. Wlrts Sundnv afternoon wa well attended. Mr Wlrts expects to kIvo a talk very two weeks, for a while at leiist; tho next will be on April HI. Mr llrownell. of I'ortlitnd. spent several days lust week on his raneh looking over his nursery stock. Tho Klrwood Sunday auhool will Hive an Raster program Kaster Bun day after tho remilnr Sunday school. Kvervono Is Invited. A family has recently moved Into the Llzrlc Koch place on Cedar Creek. About 20 autos wero out from the city Sunday. The occupants spent tho dav tlHhliiK on Cedar Creek. Clark Corey went to rortlnnd Tues day to set as witness for I'rldemore & EdRi'ilon on their Until proof of ihelr timber clnlms, Tho f'. P. A. expect to kIvo an Inter estlnic proRram and debate at their next merlliiK. May 15. Question for debBto. Resolved. That Soclul IJfo In the Country is More nertenVlnl Than Social Mfe In tho City." The subj.-ct t... i.i i.. iniurAiiiiiiir tn all country people, and no doubt many thlnus will be said Hint win ne ot areui nm-n-ni. Mrs. W. K. Fischer was sick lh firsts of tho week but was much Im proved when Inst heard from. U rrldenioro went to Portland Mon day. , . Mrs. W. E. Stevens and Kred !. Grand drove out from Portlnnd Sat urday and are expectlnR to spend tho summer on tho ranch. Sonn of the younn people arc ex peeling to no to work at tho new mill on Salmon Hlver ns soon as It Is ready for operation. TJio Flrwood mill bns Just put In electric Hunts and Is expect Inn to con tinue operation for some time. MIhs Jennie 1! Grand went to Three Six Sunday for a few days' visit with Mrs. Grace Prtdenmrc. Somo of the fruit trees nro In bloom snd as It was rather chilly Monday they wrapped themselves In a thin cont of snow Monday nlKht. niiiHtlnu can bo heard at,all hours, which Indicates Improvement In the country. Considerable clearing Is still being done even thoiiRh every one Is busy putting In crops. J. C. Smith and son are building a new burn and improving their ranch In general. "Our baby cries for Chamberlain's Cough Iteniedy," writes Mrs. T. H. Kendrlck, Rasin n, Ga. "It Is tho best cough remedy on the market for coughs, colds am croup." For sale by all dealers. EAGLE CREEK. H. f. Gibson and wife were visiting James Gibson Sunday, Miss Ulna Douglass, who has been working In Portland for about two months, returned homo Monday. Hunter, Pluss, Lena and Grace Ca hlll have the measles. Mr. and Mrs. It. B. Glhscfn were Bar ton visitors Monday. Mrs. Linda Hoffmelster went to Es tacada Saturday on a shopping expedi tion. . H. S. Gibson went to Eastern Ore gon on a business trip Monday. Mrs. Pense, Mr. Huntington's sister, who has been in Portland for some time, enme out to her brother's Inst week. The Estacnda Grays played a game of ball Sunday with tho Portland White Sox, winning the game again. The score was 19 to 4. Deafness Cannot be Cured bv loral Biwllnillnnii. na ttn-y rnnnnt rmch tlio rtu- chm-iI portion it( Om! iiir. 'Ilu-rf u wily ihid way tu cure Ui-alnrM, ana tlml l ny cmtamiHioimi n.-niiijifii. DtufliFM In caUM-l hy an lulliimil condition tit thn mucoiM HnlnK of On Kuntnchlaii '1'iilnt. When tlila tnlx la Inllamcd you hnve a runWiliiiK aound or Mn Itcrfert hfitrifm, and when It la entirely clow-d, Ileal niiM la the n-Hillt, and unli-iw the liillniiillinllon can lm taken out and thla tutm rt-ntorvd to lui nornml ciaidl lion, hcarliiK will be dMilroywl lorever: nine rn-a out ot ten are canned hy I'liiarrh, whirh Ii nothing nut an Inflnnu-d rondlllon of the muroiiM aurraci-a. Wo will Rive Olio Hundred Hollar for any ciieo ol Deiifnewi irnuM-d hy caUirrlil that cannot lie cured by lluira Catarrh ('ure. Send tor clrculnrri, free, F. I. CIIKMKY CO., Toledo, O. Bold hy Dnnr'-'lam. 7 Sc. 'ialte IliUI'i family J'llia for conatlpiitlon. KEL80. R. E. Jnrl had the ngjjortune to lose his valuable delivery iforse last week, Johnsrud Bros, broke the record here by selling 10 acres of the highest price land rough and hard to clear. Antone Yabs is the bravfe Investor. Martin Mlkklcson is blasting stumps preparatory to building his new house. Birch Roberts, recently of Dover, was visiting In Kelso this week. He has bought Peter Swan's homestead at Chcrryvllle and will soon move to his new home. Several of the neighbors have pur chased high price horses and teams re cently. Our prosperous farmers have been working about 16 hours a day getting their crops in during the fine weather. We are needing rain for the crops. Mrs. Eliza Dickenson and sons, Wil lie and John, have returned from Cali fornia. , Willie Dickenson, who has been away for the past throe years, was in Kelso Friday renewing old ac quaintances. Joel Jarl has finished clearing and seeding six acres of new land. OF 1 iMMUtt I t.u inn mwm w. 1 -w. - - - REGISTERED Vf avji I l lANn AMfl BROOD MARES " WOMANLY WISDOM. Yellow turnips are neatly Improved when sorved mushed, by mixing wlih them a small quantity of Irish potato. A very Httlo simnr, unless tho turnips me unusually sweet, Is a pleasing ad dition. , . A wholesome breakfast dish niny be tiuide from wheat fresh from tho gran, ary Soak It over night and cook It nil doy on tho back of tho range. This makes n food unenmll"d as to nutri ment, and a great favorite with all .. .... l.. .... i. ...... m.rvHil with It. A ! WHO limn - - ... i w i bowl of this wheat, served wlih rich iiullk. makes s good breakfast for a ! growing child. ' I The right way to poach e.ggs: Ilv I a saucepun of water boiling lint, but i not actually bubbling, llroak 0 cms one at n lime. Into a siiueer and slide i them Into place In th water. Draw j iho pan aside where they run not boll, and basin tho water over them with a i spoon till they are covered wlih a lliln I veil f whit. Have ready slices of !,reid toasted, buttered and cut In pieces thn sUe of the KK "d ar i ranged on a hot platter. As cih iKK In lilted out on a skimmer, trim off ;th ragged edges and slide It on tho , toast. Averts Awful Trsgedy. Timely advice given Mrs. C. Wll Imighby. of Chicago, Wis.. (It. No. 1 prevented a dreadful tragedy and Uvea two lives. IX.ctors had said her frightful cough was a "consumption cough and could do Milo to help her. meilles failed, her sunt j urged her to take Dr. King s New Dis covery. I nave umi some time," alio wrote, "and the awful . rough has almost gone. H also saved I my little boy when tuken with a se ! vere bronchial trouble.' This match loss medicine has no equal for throat and lung trouble. Price Mc and Jl.oo. i Trial bottle frc Guaranteed by Jones uiuh , - THE HOG, THE FARMER'SRIEND." Some of the reasons why the hog has been cuffed tho farmer's friend, the mortgage-lifter nnd tho debt-payer are these: Ho Is the quickest animsl on tho farm to be turned Into rssh. He can be grown snd marketed as quickly as b crop of grain, nnd the samo can bo done without lessening ths value of tho soil. There Is no -oilier nnlmal on tho farm throtmh which grain can bn marketed at bet ter value thnn through tho hog. The man who Is feeding cattle can not mako a profit unless they are fol lowed by tho hog. Ho furnishes in this Instance tho profitable cog In the wheel of cnttle feeding. Ho Is equally as necessnry to the dairyman to trans pose the by product of the dairy that would bo otherwise wasted Into proflt ,.v.i ,.rL. Thin Ih where ho comes In I on tho sldo Issues; whereas on the main Issue ho is always proiiuium tho farmer's cashier. Swineherd. Dandruff Mean Baldness. Dandruff Is caused by a gorm a vicious, persistent, tenacious germ that up to tho dlscovory of one of the world's greatest scientists, was sup posed to bo unklllable. That discov ery Is called Parisian Sago, and Hunt ley Bros. Co., druggists, guarantees It to kill dandruff germs, to remove all traces of dandruff, to stop falling hair or Itching scalp In two weeks, or money back. It contains Just enough of Bngo properly combined with other Ingredi ents to make any woman's or man's hair grow luxuriantly. It makes every body's harsh, Itistorless hair change to soft, lustrous, nnd boauttful hair. 50 cents a largo bottle at Huntley BrosrCo.6- Try 1U Ml Even Plumber has his specialty. Ours is prompt and satlhfactory work. Nowhere to town nan vnn flnH uunh fclirti trrnAtk trnnds. va iim (- ra"" D-" first class workmanship and prompt service comoinea wun sucn MODERATE PRICE as we are now offering. All plumb ers' supplies constantly on band. P. C. GADKE Tinning, Hot Air Furnaces and Hop Pipes. All Kinds of Job bing and 8praying Material. 014 Main 8t. Phont 2654. OREGON CITY.