Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 24, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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& Milwaukee and Northwestern Clackamas
Ad early morning fire awakened
the pnoplo Of Mllwauklo, At 8:80 ft.
m. the roof of Hnyder'a bakery was
ablazea ono otory frame building
with concrete front, occupied by J.
Snyder as ft bWory and delicatessen;
Fred Ihman, butcher, and Jim
Math, barber ahop. Thn front of
the building l standing; nil tho rest
was total Iom. Mr. Mathews' loss
will b about 1200, covered by Instir
anre, Fred Iihman savod aome of
hit stork, the amount of bla loss not
being estimated yet. Mr. Snyder hud
a total I')m; tha firm rarrtad Instir
anna. J. Snyder owned tha building
and hla loss la near $2750, with 11800
Mra, Klla Mapl" U Improvlnit.
Judge Knlao waa railed to Portland
on business Tuesday. -
Mra. polla Bwlnney died Monduy
evening after long lllnoaa at tha Bt,
Vincent hoapltal. Funeral nolle Inter.
Dewey Brlatow haa accepted the
agency for the Morning Enterprise.
Kveryotiit knowa tho Hood service
Dowey glvea on tha paper route and
will bo Klad to give him a boost.
Mra. KUft Maple Improving
Tho meaalea are dying out and
moat of tho children are on the
road to recovery.
New sidewalks are all th" rage
now and every property holder la
anxlotia to Improve.
The recent fire In the llakery dm
onsrfnica the fact that every owner
of personal property needa protection
against lma by fire. Huch protection
can bo had by Inking out a policy
tho Hartford American nnd Oregon
pacific Htatea Insurance Company.
Application can be made at tha First
State Hank of Milwaukee.;
n....ll. Im j.i.I til THrtll
Mayor nin-iu i
overseeing thn grubbing and clearing
of ten acrea.
The children of Thomua Toatahave
the meaalea.
Ella Maplo la Improving alowly.
Mlaa Buo Ilarnea la better and will
be brought home.
Rosa Hwaggert la on tho tick Hat.
Mra. W. A. Ilanaon waa In Portland
Wednesday on business.
Jamea Mathewa, our amlnblo bar
br. waa a city vlallor Wednesday
Mr. Mathewa haa hla barber ahop In
the pool room temporarily.
: t.-.t.nir r iIia Horticultural
pir itellnf of Halein. Oregon, la here
adjuatlng the lata lire Ioh. A
Uhman and Snyder were Insun
Hil company.
..... n k lubnfi In
d In
j no c:iy cwiiiKu "
alderntlon of Installing a tiro ball on
. .1 I tl.. aBua-ia alfh
Main street, equipping the aiime
. , I ......I.,.. Thnv httVH
a cncm t-HifcMiw -
trying to lease a piece of ground to
I men
creel a ouo'iuig " ,
. . .. tha.li.
of the worm nve minru iv..
. . . - t...ll.!.ntf altrt
cam i ir um
matter haa been talked of for over a
month, but nnver mado public.
At th" recent fire which deatroyed
the Ilnkery, It waa demonatrated be
yond a doubt that our flro fighting
apparatua In lt.adcqui.to for the pro
per protection of lire and property.
It waa alao demonatrated that aome
ayatem of an organised force la a
great neceaalty. Tho question baa
ben agitated by the commercial club
for the paat year. Two comm Hteea
have been appointed to Investigate,
and look Into thla matter, and both
have been very conspicuous by their
failure to aubmlt any report n"
any auggeatlona. It la hoped tho tire,
regulable aa It la, will bring the quee
tton right home to al) citizen, of
Mllwauklo, and Induce them to take
aome action on thla very
queatlon. A similar fire and le
brceae would practically wjixi the
town off the face of the earth.
In connection with tho commercial
club mooting Krldny evening tho quea
tlon of better lire protrt tonj will come
up for consideration. All who have
phonal-property liable jo loa. by
fire ought to be present and give tho
queatlon aerloua consideration.
J. M. Stuckney haa boon on mo
"lTh""Molher' and Teachora' ' club
will meet Thursday afternoon at he
achool at 8 o'clock. The I X. U club
of Oladatone, haa been Invited to meet
with them. The club looka forward
to i ploaaant and prontablo meeting
The high achool pnplla will give
;hort debate on the g
day: Foreign Immigration irtber
Restricted to All. Refreshments will
be served by tho teacbera.
The Orange held a K006.6'"
loat Saturday. A large a
and a good dlnnor were both In ev
donee. The regular routine of buri
neu and a discussion of ro.e planting
and early garden making, made up
thWomeT.mWlc club met Wednes
day afternoon at Orange hall. The
Hme waa devoted to acwlng and quilt
IS. A very good attendance waa
Mr and Mra. Dlrthrlck, of Tortlnnd,
formerly of Milwaukee. Wlaconsln,
havTmoved In the Geo. Miller cottage
mTio atreot Mr. Dlrthrlck Is a
falnrercbant In PorUand.
Mr. and Mra. P. H. Pu1"0"'. "
Canby. have moved in the F. H. Lteh
ter cottage on Monroe atreet Mr
Paulson will work In one of the mills
Te e Two of the daughters have
Started to achool. and Increased the
"Ta M0,U Robert, and family, with
Mr and Mrs Fred Roberts, and fam
iTy were en ertalned at luncheon on
board the British ship, Celtic Olenn
lying in the harbor, by Captain Rob
ertfi who la an acquaintance of rela
tives of the Roberts family in Wales.
Since the sidewalk has been f Inch
ed around the Evangelical church
Radobnugh has set out rosea, eve ed
un the yard and Is now planting
garden and improving the Property.
Mrs. Homer Mullln spent Wednes
day In Portland visiting friends.
Remember the dance Saturday
evening, given by the -Women of
Woodcraft. . N
Church Notes ,
Rvangellcal church. Rev K. Rade
baugh, pastor Sunday school 10.30
a m aervlces at 11:30 a. m. by the
pastor, preaching at 8 p. m. prayer
f f vsmublM, plant th belt I I
iMdi. Jmfy 8li ! I
1 bCMUth)rnivrnUllnrMl f
f or Quality. Th lt irortHm- I I
I I m nd rmr vnrwlier I I
I I know Ferry'i lo by th
I I bKbMt undard of qoalHf
I I T4 attained. . For aala 1
I I varywbara. , X M
Imirt mtuti Uai y
1 PrwonnqiMat f f
iitraatici, S S
meeting Wednesday evenings, choir
practice Friday evening. Heata fro
all are welcome.
Mlaa Olive Rlaley, of Naof, spent
several daya with her alster, Kthlyn,
at the Oregon University In Eugeno.
FA Olda, D. O. Worthlngton, II.
HktMig and 12, Worthlngton came homo
Saturday from Hull Hun where they
are working on tho Mount Hood ral'
way, returning Monday morning.
T. R. Worthlngton and family, alao
Chaa, Worthlngton and wife attended
the funeral of Mra. Sarah Cllnofoltor
at Oswego Sunday,
Several of the Oak Orovellea attend
ed the band concert In Mllwauklo Sat
urday evening, given by tho Mll
wauklo band.
J. II. Ornham Is building a atone
fence In front of hla nine. The Im
provement adda much to the value and
appearance of hla property.
Itov. Henry Hpnia preacneq Hiinany
morning in thn Methodist cnurcn.
Krnri P.rnnn. of Portland, was OUI
Sunday looking over hla property.
Mr rlrnim will mis hla ImlldlllZ
and put It on a level with the street.
Mr. and Mra. Warner, or mrtiatM,
formerly of Pendleton, spent Sunday
mlih Mr anil Mra Wdla.
The base ball teams were practicing
Hunnay ana getting in nne iwnpo im
the coining aeason.
l'rof linller attended the local ln
stllute at Oladatone Saturday.
Mnrla Glenn spent Sunday with her
mother, Mra. Sarah Glenn.
nnvnral nf ntir rltlxcna have Wilson
oak and are quite sick. Mrs. Suter
haa a bad caae of it.
Mr. Bhandllng. the Oregonian no-
lleltor, waa here Saturday.
Mr. Miller, circulation mnnKr i
t nrnvnn piiv Kntornrlse. waa hee
Monday liKiklng over the territory.
Mr Miller wants a good boy to take
the route and gel aubacribera here
for lb" Morning Knterprlae. Thla 1.1
a good opening for an Induatrloua boy.
Mra. Ulllan Illley waa an Oregon
City visitor Friday.
Mra. Mary K. Outbilc. of Portland,
apent Wednesday vlrltlng relatives
and attending to her property at
Courtney fitBtlon.
Dr. Mao Karland returned homo
Thursday after aovernl weeks ai
Joiirn In Southern California. The
doctor l feeling much better from
UM j.l.i,nifn (i .KnifltA.
Mr. and Mrs, U Voaborg returned
home Saturday morning from Spo
kane, Wash., when they have been
visiting Mra. Vosberg'a slater, the
pnat six weeks.
lioxy Graham spent tho week end
with her friend llanel Hood, of Port
land. .
About-twenty achool matea or
Hester Armstrong gave her a sur
prise party Saturday afternoon.
Gamea of all kinds were played and
a good time had by all present. Re
freshmeuta were aorved by Mra.
Armstrong. The weather being fine
the children played out In the
yHMr. and Mrs. rasac Hill relumed
home Saturday morning from Santa
Ilarbara, Cal much Improved In
health. . . ' ,
Miss Olive Rlaley. of Naef, spent
Suturday afternoon with Miss Louiae
Huntley. ' '
liouls Ekelet. our achool Janitor,
apent Saturday In Portland.
C. W. White la aerloualy 111.
T. R Worthlngton received the
aad newa Saturday morning of the
death of hla alster. Mra. Sarah Cllne
feller, of Oawego, Mra. Cllnofelter
waa 68 yeara old. The funeral will
be held Sunday at Oswego.
The blacksmith ahop will open on
March 22, by a first claaa machanlc.
Jim Shupo haa built an addition on
the blacksmith Bhop for the Smltha to
HVMra!' Oliver Skoog and Mike were
Portland shoppwe Saturday.
Otto Naef of Naef station la build
ing a fine house across from the
home place.
The whole neighborhood feel very
j ..... ha Hnath of Mrs. Delia
Swlnncy. She waa ft happy wife and
mother. Besides ncr nuaumm, w
o...i.u ah a loaves a son eleven
months old. a mother and one alster
bostdes numerouB romuvea
aI Mtaa in m11im her loss. The tun-
...in i. nnM Thursday morning
at 10:30 at the Crematorium. What
la our Iobb la har gain.
i. .traat la hnfflnnlnff to looK
like a :lty atreet !iow and adds mucn
to the property on me airei. iwu
aiipervlaor Fred Harria la to be com-.
pllmentea on me worn.
Onk Grove Uterary Society met
. .oino. in Vosbarga Hall.
A aplendld program was rendered.
C. W. White I" improviiiB muu.
t Ti ' ni'Ahnm and Arthur
ill i o. w. " ; .
Graham apent Monday afternoon and
evening with Mra. Brown of Port
land. . ? .... V
Mra. Wm. Moody or muwbukbu
tinlKhta waa an Oak Grove visitor
Wednesday. t .
Thomas Graham, wno ns u
visiting hla brother. J. H. Graham
romtiv iave the last of the week
for a trip to Southern Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. xoney urouKi
trnthnrine home from the
hospital, where she haa been for aev
eral weeks with a sever , case of
pneumonia. "
L. R. Bently returned home from
Moruhnm. oreeon. where he has
been visiting his parents. .
Mr. and Mrs. huib omui
v.Mf nf HPVfiral dav's vlsl'c with
their son and family in Tacoma,
Dr. M. C. Arthur and family have
t.-toinAt tho drvrtor'B sister. Mrs.
J. W. Craig and two nieces several
days, who are on ineir wuy uvim vu
Alberta, Canada, after a pleasant
winter spent on the coast.
Geo. Sherk and family spent Mon
day evening at the home of B. W.
Graham In Portland and met Mra.
Graham's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Courtney of Bay cuy, mich., wuo
have come to settle in Portland.
Mr ami Mrs. Rosa Mclntyre. of
Portland, formerly of Michigan, spent
Sunday with Geo. unem auu iwuiij,
Cnurcn Notes
m w. church. Bev. Henry Soela,
pastor Sunday school 10 a. m., 8e
vices 11 a. m., by Rev. C. A. Lerves,
nroaehina- 7:30 n. m. by the pastor.
Special mualc; all Invited.
Jdles aid win meet in me cnurcn
basement and tie comforts Thursday
Base Ban.
Tha annnnn for hasn ball haa open
ed and the fans "of Oak Grove have
the fever. Two teams have organi
zed besides several school teams.
The Oak Grove Juniors have rented
hnll rotunda at Tourtner Station and
are ready for games. The Oak Grove
Seniors are reaay to piay wun any
fast amateur bunch. Any team de
airing games with tho Ponlora, wrl(e
Jack Warren, Oak Grove, Oregon, or
phone Ited 17,
A very Interesting temperance pro
grain waa given at the Grace Chapel
on Sunday evening, March 19. The
church was decorated with form and
Oregon grape and was comfortably
filled, among the audlonce being
number of Oregon City folks. The
program: Song by tho school; tem
perance Introductory, Mrs. H. Roberts;
prayer by G. D. Iloardman; song,
'Dnanna tha Porlahlnir " Ind hv If. C.
Toxlnr; reading, "Tell tho Truth About
the Uouor Habit," Mra. Jones; recita
tion. "The Hnfest Trlnk." Beasle Rob
erta; aong by Cheater Toaler; recita
tion, "The Saloon Must Go," Newton
Strain; song, "Our Tom i Are aiarcn
Ing on," congregation; reading, Mra.
Clough; reading, lalah Shenefleld; ad
dress, "Four Shots From One Shell,"
H. C. Tozler; aong, "Throw Out the
Ufa l.ln'" nrnvor and closing SOtlg
cloaca the evenings program.
Mr. and Mra. Ooo, Morae returned
from Newport on Saturday after a verr
pleaaant visit with friends at Salem,
Corvallla and at the popular coast re
sort. Jessie Soesbe returned to Newport
on Saturday and hla father, J. A. Boca
be, will remain hero part of the week.
Mr. and Mra. Hiram Hutchinson, of
Rose City Park, visited with he H. C.
palntow family on Sunday.
Mrs. S. F. Scripture and Mra. Retzel,
of Oregon City, were calling on friends
at tho Lodge the "latter part of the
Mrs. Frank Davy aad Elate Gene
vieve are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ger
ber, of fyogan.
Dan Salt, of Seattle, whoae bualneaa
Inlereata have called him to Portland,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mra. Geo.
Walter Beckner haa been ft genial
caller at the Lodge a number of tlmea
recently and we hope be will yet de
cide to return and locate here.
W. U Flnley haa been named by
Gov. West as one of the members of
the Hoard of Fish Commlaalonera of
Oregon. Mr. Flnley, at present, la the
prealdcnt of the Audubon Society, and
waa a bualneaa vlallor at Salem on
The Jennlnga Lodge store has
changed handa again. Mr. Heathman
nurehaslne: the stock of goods from
Mlaa L. O. Miller. Mr. Heathman took
IKisaeaalon oa March 20, wltn nia aons
In charge.
Mlaa Sarah Kalnlnaky apent Sunday
at Stone Cablea with H. H. Emmotia
and wife. The Emmons family will
i.. .1 hnniA in their friends after April
FtJ M I . -
1. at their beautiful aummer home on
the Willamette. .. ..
Word haa been received by Mrs.
Yirn r.-Jnii. rst tha Henth of MrB.
Rider, of Michigan, who spent aeveral
montha at the Gardner home iaai ium
m, Mra Rider and her niece. Mlaa
Conyera. were the motif of a number
of delightful afternoons ana picnic
parties during their stay here and
made many frlenda while in the West.
. MrB. Merrltt and daughter, Mlaa
Francla, of Sellwood, were luncheon
giiPHta of Mra. Redmond on Tuesday.
Lee Cauflold, of Oregon City, was
surveying on the Will B. Jennlnga
property on Thuraday. Mr. Jennings
Intends to plat thla Into lota which
will be for sale. ....
Mr. Klrmaes have movea tnetr
household gooda to Portland and of
fra hla two lota and cottage for aale
at a reasonable figure.
Mra. Bet.el and Mrs. scripture were
calling on Jennlnga Lodge frlenda on
Mr. Wllllama. of Gladstone, waa a
bualneaa caller on Wedneaday.
xtra imverllne and daughters. Ml88
Ruth and Esthor. were visitors at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugn RODeris
on Thursday. .
Charles Redmond departed for iea-
ford the first of the week and hla
buBlnesa Interests may call him to
Klamath county before his return
home. '
Mrs. H. J. Robinson waa a Portland
visitor on Wedneaday.
The PaBtlme Club of Meiarum met
at the home of Mrs. Gap. Morse on
Monday, March 20. The house decora
tions were Oregon grape and carna
tions. Those present were Mra. Frey-
tag, Mrs. Moulton. Mrs. Kricason,
Mra. Powers, Mrs. GUI ana Miss scrip
ture. Delicious refreshments were
rror tha InislneHB meetlne.
The next regular meeting will be held
at the home of Mra. Oscar Freytag in
PoDham's Asthma Remedy gives in
stant relief and an absolute cure in
all cases of' Asthma, Bronchitis, and
Har Fever. Sold by druggists; mall
on receipt of price 81.00. Trial pack
age by mall 10 cents. Williams Mfg.
Co., Props., Cleveland, O. For Bale
by Huntley Bros, and Jones Drug Co.
un rvnnV Pnwar entertained Miss
Martha Keomer, formerly of Oregon
City, hut now of St. Johns .ana miss
Mackintosh of Portland this week.
W. M. Gardner who la Hi is very
much better.
Mrs. White, who was hurt, Is get
ting along nicely.
Mrs. George Yale ana motner, airs.
S. B. Miller were callers at Meldrum
Mra Mnrrin entertained the Pas
time Club and the ladies spent a
very pleasant afternoon.
Mr name la having a large Bupply
of violets and sweet peas.
Georee Beta nna soia nis green
house to his Bon, Joe.
Mr. Clarence Fields' new house is
progressing very fast.
Alex Gills DncK yaro. ia aimusi
ready to use.
Mra. Gus Wamblad Is having ner
acre fenced. -""
Mrs. Earl Seeley and children went
i Portland Saturday.
Mr. Burea, who has been very ill,
Mr VernA Helehmen went to Eu
gene for a few weeks Tuesday.
Mra. O. Averaon was ft pleasant
caller at Meldrum last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gill were pleas
ant evening callers at Mr. and Mrs.
W. M. Gardner's Tuesday evening.
Children Ory
Farmers are taking advantage of
thla beautfful sunshiny weather, put
ting in grain and other produce.
Jack , Hunter waa taken to the
Good Samaritan Hospital" last
Saturday morning and operated upon
for appendicitis. He is reported to
be doing well.
Quit ft number of the folks hero
about spent aovoral days last week
Arlelgh Millard haa- gone to Wood
land, Oregon, from there he will go
to Seattle to report for duty,
Tho Medal contest given by the
ladles W. C. T. U. on Friday last,
waa well attended. Mra. E. W.
Clarke, of thla pluce carried off the
Tb shadow ftoclal given by the
school waa well attended and every
one enjoyed tb program. Tho pro
ceeds went towards the piano.
Many new buildings are being put
Mr. Boatman haa Bold hla place to
Mr. Stevens for a consideration of
Mr, and Mra. Hawkins' oldest son
died yesterday, and the funeral ser
vices at the bouse at 1 o'clock next
Lydla Erlckaon went to town last
Friday for ft abort stay.
Dr. Boll's Antl Paln,
A sudden attack of Cholera Morbus
la dangerous. Keep Dr. Hell a Antl
Paln at hand, a dose relieves almost
Instantly. H also cures Diarrhoea.
Cramps, Flux nd aU Bowel Com
plaints. Geo. A. Harding, Drugglat.
Exocutrlx'i Notice.
K'r.llc. la hereby given that the un
dersigned haa been appointed by the
County Court of Cluckamaa County.
nnn. Executrix of the estate of
Lou I Warner, deceased; all peraona
having claims against saia estate are
hereby notified to present the same
in m or at the office of mv attorney.
O. D. Eby, in Oregon City, Oregon,
duly verified aa Dy law required wun
In alx montha of date hereof.
0. D. EBY, Attorney for Executrix.
Dated March 24th, 1911.
. Notice to Creditors
Nntiea la herebv given that the un
dersigned haa been appointed admin
latratrlx De bonla non of the estate
of John L. Batea, deceased, by the
Hon. County Court of Clackamas
County, Oregon.
All persons having claims against
the said estate are hereby notified to
nraunt the same to me for nayment
duly verified wltb proper vouchera at
my realdcnce at Willamette, uregon,
within six montha from the date here
Dated March 23rd, 1911.
Administratrix De Bonla'Non of the
eat ate nf John L. Batea, deceased.
Attorney for Aoministratnx
De bonis con.
Notice of Final Settlement
rni.a la hnrehv ptven that the un
dersigned aa administrator with the
Will annexed of the ealate of Law
rence Lavlah deceased haa filed his
final report aa such administrator with
the County Court of Clackamas Coun
ty Oregon, and the Court haa set
Monday, the 1st day of May, 1911, at
the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said
a at ih mtirtroom of said Court
as the time and place for settling the
Bald estate and ror tne neanng oi ob
jections thereto.
Dated Marcn z.fru, is".
Admlnlatrator with the Will annexed
of tho estate or uawrence iviu,
Attorney for Estate.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Multno-
In the Matter of the Estate of Frank
Vitek, Deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
deralgned administrator of the estate
of Frank Vitek, deceaaed, under au
thority of an order of the County
Court of the State of Oregon, for Mult
nomah County, made and entered on
the 23rd day of March. 1911. will at
the office of the attorney for the ad
ministrator, B. S. Pague, 615 Oregon
ian Building, Portland, Oregon, from
time to time, to May 1st, 1911. from
and after the 24th day of April. 1911.
proceed to Bell at private aale, for
caah, the following described real
property, belonging, to the eatate:
The Southeast Quarter (SEW) of
the Northwest Quarter (NWtt) of
Section Eleven (11), Townahlp Four
(4), East Willamette Meridian, Situ
ate in Clackamas County. Oregon;
that the sale will be made within alx
days after the said 24th day of April,
1911, but that no bid for the purchase,
of aald real property will be conald
.t a toaa flmir than One Thou-
II VV4 "
'aand ($1000.00) Dollara..
Administrator of the Eatate of Frank
Vitek, Deceased.
B. S. PAGUE, 515 Oregonian Bldg.,
Portland, Oregon, Attorney for Ad
ministrator. Summona.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka-
Elizabeth E. Williams, Plaintiff,
vs. '
Jamea W. Williams, Defendant
In the Name of tne state or uregon,
Greeting: -
vii TamAs w. Williams, are here
by required to appear and answer the
ut.,oa(nt fliort neatnst vou herein, on
or before the 8th day of May, A. D.,
1911, and if you rail to appear or
anon,. asiH enmnlaint on or before
aald date, the Plaintiff will apply to
the Court for the relief demanded in
her complaint, to-wlt: -
For ft decree oi inw nanorauw
Court dissolving the bonds of matri
mony now existing betweeri the plain
t nut th defendant, that she be al
lowed to resume her maiden name of
Elizabeth E. Hanke, ana ror aucn
oilier and further relief as la Just and
meet in the premisea.
This, summons is served upon you
by publication thereof for six Biicces
.i... .xb. in th nrecron Citv Enter-
bmo nwno ' 1
prise, a weekly newspaper of general
circulation pubiisnea in uregon vuy,
n....t nf ruaeknmas. Stat of Ore-
gon, by order of the Honorable J. U.
Campbell, Judge or me aoove euuueu
Court, which order Is dated the 23rd
day of March, 19H- '
Date of first puoucauon, aiarcn
1911. ...
Date of last publication, May Btn,
U. H. DtEi
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice to Creditors.
vnttea in hereby given that the un
dersigned haa been du!y appointed by
tha rn!ntn fMirt nf flneUamfla f!oun-
ty, Oregon, administrator of the ea
tate of Knut Telierson, deceased, late
of Clackamas County, Oregon; and
that ho haa duly ouallfled and
entered upon his duties as such ad
ministrator, and any and an persona
hotrincr oinlmo oealnst said estate are
hereby notified to present the same
to the undersigned duly verined as
by law required for allowance and
payment at the office of my attorney,
C. II. Dye, 8. W. corner 8th and Main
streetf, Oregon City, Oregon, within
tlx months from date of this notice,
which Is dated and published tho first
time, March 24th, A. D., 7911.
Administrator of the Eatate of Knut
Tellefson, Deceased.
C. H. DYB, Attorney for Estate.
Sharlff'o Sals on Execution.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
rvraovin for tha Count of Mnltnomah.
National Credit Association, cor
poration, plaintiff,
Dr. Elsie W. Patton, defendant.
Clackamas, ss.
By virtue of a Judgment order, de
cree and an execution, duly Issued out
of and under the seal of the above
entitled Court, In the above entitled
cause, to me duly directed and dated
the th dav of July, 1910, upon s Judg
ment rendered and entered in aald
court on the 8tb day of May, 1909, In
favor of National Credit Association,
a corporation, plaintiff and against
Dr. Elale D. Patton, defendant, for
the sum of $146.45, and the further
Bum if if. an crmta and disbursements.
and tho costs of and upon this writ,
commanding me out or the peraonai
property of aald defendant, and if suf
fielent could not be found, then out
of the real property belonging to said
defendant on ana arter tne aate oi
aald 2nd day of February, 1910, to
aatlafv aalrl Slim of I1K3.35. DOW due
on aald Judgment, with Interest there
on at the rate of 6 per cent, per an
num from the 8th day of May, 1909.
nit the further sum of il.00. accrued
coata, leaae sum of $10.00, paid on
said Judgment May 20, lw. ana aiao
the costa upon thla aald writ;
NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of
aald execution, Judgment order and
rlor-rae and (n comnllance with the
commanda of aald writ, being unable
to find any personal property or saia
defendant's, I did on the 8th day of
July, 1910, duly levy upon the follow
Imr described real nrooerty of said
defendant, situate and being- In tbe
County of ClackamaB, ana state oi
Oregon, to-wlt;
a nnrf nf the T). Lu C. of Lot Whit-
comb and wife In Sec. 36, T. 1 S. R. 1
E. of the W. M. described aa follows:
nacinnine At a nolnt In the division
line between the huaband'o and wlfe'a
halvee of the said p. L. C. which
point Is south 332.C0 feet and S. 8852'
W. 2384.C0 feet distant from the N. E.
r-nmer of the said D. L. C. running
thence west 56 feet to low water In
snrinv (""reek thence In ft southeast
erly direction tracing the said low
water line about 15 feet to a point on
the said division line 10 feet south
from the place of beginning; thence
Aflat ahout 7n feet to a point 20 feet
E. of the said division line; thence
aouth 69.40 feet to the most nonneriy
v w pnrner of a certain tract or
land conveyed to Bernard M. FIsch.
by deed recorded on page 117 of Book
90 records of deeds ror uiacaamas
County; thence east 105 feet to the
v p corner of the aald FIsch tract;
thence aouth parallel to the said divi
sion line 400 feet; thence west to me
center of Spring Creek: thence trac
ing tha center line of the Bald Creek
up stream In a southerly direction
fcbout 306 feet to the center of the
county road; thence N. 80' E. tracing
the center of said road about 336 feet
to the S. E. corner of a certain tract
of land conveyed to Frederick
Lehman by deed recorded on page
526 of Book Q recorda of deeds for
Clackamaa County; thence in ft north
westerly direction tracing the east
lino of aald tract about 744 feet to
tbe N. E. corner thereof; thence west
292.38 feet to the place of beginning,
containing 6.00 acrea more or les8.
Also beginning at a point in north
line of the said D. L. C. that is S.
88c52' W. 2590.50 feet distant from
the N. E. corner of the ald D- L. C.
thence N. 88"52' E. 237.60 feet; thence
south 332.60 feet, to an Iron pin;
thence west 69.30 feet; thence north
west 26" 30' to the place of beginning,
containing one acre more or less,
eavlng and excepting from the war
ranty aa to the first tract herein de
scribed one acre, unsurveyed, sur
rounding and Including the grave of
Lot Whitcomb and other membera of
the family which Is said to be re
served for a cemetery forever.
And I will, on Saturday, the 22nd
day of April. 1911. at the hour of
10 o'clock A. M.. at the front door of
v rtAtinfff Pnnrt House in tne City
HIV WW" - -
of Oregon City, in said County and
State, sell t public auction, suujev-v
to redemption, to the highest bidder.
tt a iii cnin cash In hand, all
the right, title and interest which the
within named aeienaumu, ur
of them, had on the said 2nd day of
tain nr since had in or
to the above described real property
or any part thereof, to aauaty sam
execution. Judgment order, decree, in
terest, costs and all accruing coats.
E. T. MAss,
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
By J. O. STAATS, Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Oregon. March
23. 1911. 1 - ' :
Notice of Final Settlement
la korahv clven that the un-
dersigned has filed her final account
aa administratrix in the eatate of
Gladva Brown, deceased, and that tne
Court haa set Monday, April 24th,
1911, at the hour or ten o ciock .
In the County Court room at the
n riackamas County,
V'UUI V luu"v , , ..
Oregon, aa the time and place for
hearing objections to aam
count, if any mere De, auu
ment thereof.
Administratrix of the Estate of Gladys
Brown, deceased.
Attorneys for administratrix.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
A. M. Ellis, plaintiff,
Mary Adelaide EUis, Defendant.
To Mary Adelaide Ellis, the above
named aerenaani:
v- nf tho state of Ore-
gon: You are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
t I- kc ahnva entitled COUrt
on or before six weeks from and
after the date of the first publication
of this summons, to-wit: On or before
the 5th day of May, A. p., 1911, that
being six weeks after the first pub
lication of this summons, and if you
fall so to appear or answer within
aald time the plaintiff will apply to
the Court for the relief prayed for In
his complaint, to-wu:
For a decree of divorce forever dis
solving the bonds of matrimony now
. . ..lotini, hetwenn main-
ana nereuuuic iue - -
tilt A. M. Ellis and defendant Mary
Adelaide Ellis ana ror sucn oiuer mu
further relief aa to this Court may
seem Just and equitable.
Thla summona ia published by oraer
of Honorable R. B. Beatie, Judge of
the County Court, duly made and en
tered on the 2lst day of March, A. p.,
1911, which aald order directs the
publication of this summons in the
Oregon City Enterprise for alx con
secutive weeks.
Date of first publication March 24,
Attorneys for Plaintiff,
In tbe Circuit Court for the State of
Oregon, for Clackamaa County.
James Francis O'Brien
Elolso O'Brien.
To Elolse O'Brien, the above named
In tho name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
nenr and anawer the comDlalnt filed
against you in tbe above entitled ault
on or before six weeks from the first
publication of this summons, to-wlt:
On or before the 6th day of May, A.
n 1911. that helne six weeks after
the first publication of this summons,
and if you fall bo to appear and
answer, for want thereof, tho plain
tiff will apply to the Court for the
relief demanded In the complaint filed
In thla suit, to-wlt:
For an absolute decree of divorce
Hiaar.ivinar all honda of matrimony ex
isting between you and the plaintiff.
in thla ault.
This summons is served upon you
by publication thereof alx consecutive
weekB in the Oregon City Enterprise
by order of Hon. J. U. Campbell,
Judge In the above entitled Court,
which order is dated on tbe 22nd day
of March, 1911.
The date of tho firat publication
hereof Is March 24, 1911, and the date
of the last publication hereof 1b May
6, 1911.
Plaintiff's Attorney.
Petition for Liquor License.
In tbe County Court for tho State of
Oregon, for Clackamaa County.
To the Honorable County Court, for
Clackamas County, Oregon:
We, tbe undersigned, residents and
Inhabitants and legal voters of Cas
cade Precinct, Clackamaa County,
Oregon, and each of us being actual
residents of said precinct and having
actually resided In said precinct 30
daya prior hereto, would respectfully
petition and ask that a license, be
granted to Pete Dolzer, for a period
of one year, to sell spirituous, malt,
and vinous liquors and fermented
cider, In quantities less than one gal
lon. In Sandy, Cascade Precinct, Clack
amaa County, Oregon, aald petitioners
being an actual majority of the whole
number of the legal votera of tbe
aforesaid precinct.
Oscar Dohlgren Anton Mlkkelson
Martin Mlkkelson R. E. Esaon
O. M. Talmage G. F. Ruegg
J. E. Pomeroy J. A. Albei
Chas. Sharnke P. R. Gray
George Odeli Thoa. Clark
Joe M. Donahue T. J. Mordaunt
J. W. Patterson C. Bartach
Theo. Flatau Fred Lampe
T. M. Thompson O. 8. Crattha
E. A. Antea G. W. Beers
F. Langensand H. RidderbuBch
Henry RidderbuschPaul R. Melnlg
A. E. Bell R- G. Revenue
J. W. Holman Herman Ridderbu-
C. A. Piatt Edward Miller (ach
Herman Bruns Henry Barrett
Mick Schmlta Otto Rldderbusch
G. H. Welver E. F. Bruna
T. H. Fiacher A. Fischer
Herman Fischer - Theo Fischer
J. B. Alllaon Warren L. WilkinB
J. L. Davia Otto H. Melnlg
H. Miller , U. Trubel
John Suckow Fritz Suckow
J. Bornatedt 0 T. Bornatedt
L. E. Hoffmann M. E. Klelnsmlth
M. Boltano M. Pezzolo
D. A. Hart F. W. Canning
F. J. Canning Paul Dunn
P. T. Dunn Gust Hoodman
T. B. Milan T. R HIte
David Shane Thoa. Dnnn
D. J. Hite J. H. Revenue
Geo. Williams . Joaeph Albel
H. O. Eri Anton Jabs
W. Giddenzopf A. E. Wledbusch
Ed A. Jonsrud Jas. J. Harbeaon
Charles Parrlsh Albert Rldderbusch
M. E. Klock Ed Luptln
C. E. Edwards N. F. Bornett
Mike McCormick J. C. Laundra
S. Havland C. Suckow
Gust Finger Gust Ludwigson
Carl Wendland R. Spears
Gus Dahrens Dair Lancaster
John Masho Albert McCurdy
Schwartx R- Beck
J. T. Edgerton H. Luebke -
Ed Suckow F. J. Suckow
Chas. Krebs Carle T. Wendland
Henry Wldner Willie Widner
Ed Flatau G. A. Cox -
C. C. Cassedy Anton Maler
W. Bosholm H. wenaiana
R. A. Wendland E. E. Wendland
Joe Miller Gottfried Stuckl
James Langren Geo. Kelsecker
Fred Kelsecker Henry Kelsecker
Michael Kelsecker W.-K. Parker
Henry Koch A. C. Baumback
J. R. Maronay Jamea Phelan .
Ole Mikkleson Peter P. Hela
Casper Junker Wm. F. Fischer
R. Kaiser John C. Myer
G. Hanghum C Flatau
Emll Beck John Bosholm
. Notice Is hereby given that the
above petition will be heard by the
County Court of Clackamas County,
Oregon, at its regular May Term, 1911,
to-wlt: Wednesday, May 3rd. 1911, or
as soon thereafter as the said court
may hear the same.
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned Executrix of the Estate of
Alexander Wannemacher, Deceased,
has filed in the County Court of Clack
amas County, Oregon, her final ac
count as Buch Ebtecutrlx of the afore
said estate and that Monday, April
10th, 1911, at 9 o'clock A. M., ha been
fixed by the said Court aa the time for
hearing of objections, If any, to said
report and the settlement of said es
Executrix of aforesaid estate.
C. H. DYE, Attorney for Estate.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Ortxon. for Clackamas County.
E. H. Lawles, Plaintiff,
Clara Lawles, Defendant.
To Clara Lawles, the above named
in the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above named suit,
ou or. before the 28th cay or Apru,
1Q11 aAld data helne the exDiratlon
Af air weeks from tha first Dublicatlon
of this summons, and If you fall to
appear or answer Bala complaint, ior
want thereof the plaintiff will apply
to the Court for the relief prayed for
In his complaint, to-wlt:
KYir a decree dissolving the bonds
n? matrimony now exiating between
the plaintiff and defendant. This sum
mons is puDiisnea ny o.aer oi nun.
J. U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit
Pnnrt. which order was made and en
tered on the 9th day of March, 1911,
and the time prescriDea ior puDiica-
tlon thereof la six weeks, beginning
with the Issue of Friday, March 17th,
1911. and continuing each week there
after to and including tho laauo of
Friday, April 28th, 1911.
U10U. U. UKUWNIliLdj,
Attorney for plaintiff.
Exacutor'o Notice.
Notice la hereby given that tbo un
dersigned has been appointed execu
tor of tho will and estate of Melnt
Peters, deceaaed. All persona having
claims against aald estate are hereby
notified to preaent the same wltb
proper vouchers duly certified, ac
cording to law, at the offlao of
Charles T. Tooze, at Oregon City,
Oregon, within six months of tho date
of the publication of thla notice.
Dated March 10th, 1911.
Executor of the Will and Eatate of
Melnt Peters, deceaaed.
Attorney for Executor.
In the Circuit Court of tbe State of
Oregon for the County of Clack
amaa. -
Ona M. Bruce, Plaintiff,
vs. ,
L. J. Bruce, Defendant.
To L. J. Bruce, defendant above -
In tbe Name of tbe State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and anawer the complaint filed
herein agalnat you, In tbe above en
titled court and cause, within six
weeks from tho 17th day of March, A.
D., 1911, said date being the first day
of publication of thla summons.
And If you fail so to appear or
answer, for want thereof, the plain
tiff will apply to the court for the re
lief demanded and prayed for In the
complaint filed herein, to-wlt:
That tbe marriage and marriage
contract now existing between the
plaintiff and the defendant herein be
dissolved and set aside, and for such
other and further relief as may seem
equitable to the court '
Thla summons is served upon you
by virtue of an order made by Hon
orable J. U. Campbell, Judge of the
Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for tbe County of Clackamas, dated
on the 15th day of March, A. D., 1911,
and which order prescribes that the
summona In this suit should be served
upon you by publication once a week
for six consecutive weeks in the Ore
gon City Enterprise, a newspaper of
general circulation In tbe County of
Clackamas, State of Oregon.
Attorney for plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for tbe County of Clacka
maa. Maude E. Jones, plaintiff,
John Jones, Defendant
You are hereby ordered and re
quired to appear in the above entitled
court and cause on or before the 8th
day of April, 1911, said date being
more than six weeks from tbe date of
the first publication of this summons,
and anawer the complaint of the plain
tiff filed in said court and cause, and
if you fail to so appear and answer,
decree will be taken agalnat you for
the relief demanded In said complaint,,
to-wit: A decree dissolving the bonds
of matrimony now existing between
plaintiff and defendant and for the
care and custody of minor child of
plaintiff and defendant
Thia summons is published by order
of the Honorable R. B. Beatie, Judge
of the County Court of Clackamaa
County, State of Oregon, duly made
and entered the 23rd day of February,
1911. The date of tbe first publica
tion hereof Is February 24th, 1911.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
- Notice to Creditor.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed by
the County Court of the State of Ore
gon for the County of Clackamas, ad
ministrator of the estate of Seth E.
Johnson, deceased, late of said county
and state. All persons having claims
against said estate are hereby re
quired to present them to me properly
verified, aa by law required, at the
office of C. H. Dye, Attorney, S. W.
corner 8th and Main streets, (up
stairs), Oregon City, Oregon, within
six months from the date hereof.
Dated this Tenth day of March, A.
D., 1911.
Administratrix as aforesaid.
C. H. DYE, Attorney for Estate.
Notice of Guardian Sale.
Notice la herehv given that the un
dersigned will sell at nrivate sale, for
cash in hand, the following described
real estate, to-wit:
The undivided V. Interest In and to
Lot 6, Block 37, Oregon City, Oregon;
subject to the dower interest or Mary
E. Burley, widow of F. J. Burler, de-.
Raid aala to be for caah In hand
and will he on or after the 10th day
of April, 1911. at the office of TJHen
ft Schuebel, In Oregon City, utacKa
mas County, Oregon.
Guardian of the person and estate of
Mighells Burley ana KoDert Buney,
Attorneys ror guardian.
Notice to Creditors.
NoticA la herebv aiven that the un
dersigned has been appointed by the
Hon. County Court or uiacRamas
County, Oregon, administratrix of the
eatate of N. N. Barnes, deceased. All
persons having claims against the
said estate are hereby notmea ana
required to present the same to me
duly verified with proper vouchers at
my residence near WHsonvllle, Clack
amas County, Oregon, my postoftice
address being Sherwood, Oregon, R.
F. D. No. 5, Box 109, within six
months from the date hereof.
Dated February 24th, 1911.
Administratrix of the estate of N. N.
Barnes, deceased. '
Attorney for Administratrix.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned haa been appointed by the
Hon. County Court executrix of the
estate of Jamea Wesley Douglass, de
ceased. All persons having claims
against the said estate are hereby no
tified and required to present the
same to me duly verified with proper
vouchers at my home near Eagle
Creek, Clackamas County, Oregon, my
postofflce address being Barton. Ore
gon within six months from the date
hereof. ,
Dated this 2nd day of March, 1911.
Executrix of tbe estate of James Wes
ley Douglass, Deceaaed,
Attorney for estate.
t -