OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FIUPAY, MARCH 24, 1911. G I . I DOWN 1 100 FEET IMAKES LIQUOR SALES r I lie lil I' I kiliyo WITH STONE WELL raSE ig Slaughter Sale of Shoes We are sorry to say that we are com pelled to raise money and the only way we can do it is by SLAUGHTERING THE PRICES ON SHOES We have to have some money in a very few days, or we get into trouble. We will guarantee that our prices will be lower than any other place in Oregon City. If you find this not to be true you can have the shoes free. If you need any shoes in the next six months and have a few dollars to spare it will pay you doubly to buy now. Sale Begins Any Time Our stock is complete and in ship-shape lots of new goods and the latest styles. Otff Number Is 612 Main Street Opposite Barlow's Grocery Store. Mcltittridt The Shoe Man " - 4 4 4 p. S. Nothing will be reserved as long as saie lasts. IS. TRACEY DEAD AT A GOOD OLD AGE SHE HAS LIVED WITH HER SON AT GLADSTONE SINCE DEATH OF HER HUSBAND. Lydla Miner Tracy, wife of the late Taylor B. Tracy, died at the home of her son, J. M. Tracy, of Gladstone, Wednesday at 12:15 a. m., after a year's illness. The remains will be taken to her old home at Logan, and laid beside those of her husband, who passed away at that place eleven years ago. Many of the old time friends of the deceased attended the services. ' Mrs. Tracy's maiden name was Ly dia Miner, and she was born In Jeffer son county, New York, August 5, 1817. . In the year of 1835 she wis united in marriage to Taylor B. Tracy. In the year of 1852 Mr. and Mrs. Tracy and family started West and came across the plains by-ox team, making their home for many years In what is now Logan, where Mr. Tracy took up a donation land claim. In 1870 Mr. and Mrs. Tracy left for the benefit of their daughter's health, but. returned a year later to Logan, where they re mained until the death of Mr. Tracy. For the past few years Mrs. Tracy has been making her home with her son, James M. Tracy, of Gladstone, and with Mrs. Caroline Mattoon, of Viola. Deceased Is survived by two child ren, who are James M. Tracy, of Glad stone; Mrs. Sarah M. Applegate, of Yoncalla, Douglas county. One daugh ter, Lydia Orella Tracy, died many ' years ago. Asthma. Is a distressing disease. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey relieves almost in stantly. We guarantee it to give sat isfaction. Painless Dentistry In our pride our hobby our itodr for jmrm and Bow oar raooftM, nd our. im th. btxt ptinlrm work to bo found ftnrvhoro. no auttor now maon joa ay. UMupar our ranoa. W. Solan plato ana briutf. work for out-of-town patron, in od. day if de.ir.ri. PaioloM (traction froo wnen plate, or bridge work i. order d trtaiuHatio. fm. KobrOrawm $5.00 l22kBridt.TMta4.00 .Gnil,.,. 1.00 Euawl FiUmn 1.00 Sifrw Fillbif. .50 6Md RuUw Platw 5.00 8tt RW Rubber m m A put 7.50 Tmu fcrtrMw .50 BUT MBTHODS .7 M.W.LWttt.1 AH work fullr curaatsed for fifteen roan. Wise Dental Co., Painless Dentists Wt IdMtaf. TIM and WnMnttM PMTUffl. Oft. T WITH ITS TAX MONEY LETTER RECEIVED FROM OFFICE OF STATE TREASURER PROVES " VERY COMPLIMENTARY. ' Clackamas county Is to the front again even if there are carpers who al ways see more things "over In the next county" than are to be found at home. Old Clakamas Is to the front In its scenery, its productiveness, its healthfulness, Its many privileges for its citizens and In the development that is coming along from year to year. And la'it but not least Clackamas Is to the front in the matter of paying Its obligf.tions, a tait that means much for the uplift of the community and the good of Its citizenship. As an evidence of the financial promptness for which we are noted we append a letter from the office of the State Treasurer, as follows: Salem, March 21, 1911. J. A. Tufts, Treasurer Clackamas County. Oregon. Dear Friend: Allow me to con gratulate you and also Clackamas county for being the first county treas urer and the first county to pay its quota of State Tax for this year. I received your checks this morning, and it made me feel good, to find that old Clackamas was still in the lead In promptness and attention to the pay ment of its liabilities. It Is a small thing, but I have managed aleady to make everybody in the State Capitol Building, understand that Clackamas was In the lead, and Just such things as that Is what makes a reputation for either county or Individual. Therefore I write this little squib to let you know that a citizen of old Clackamas Is right glad to know that we have got the right man as treasurer. There fore, shake, old fellow, shake. Sincerely yours, THOS. F. RYAN. LOCAL FIRM WILL CONTINUE VALUABLE AGENCY. Huntley Bros. Co., of this city, have just closed a deal whereby they will continue to be agents for ZEMO the well known remedy for Eczema, Dand ruff, and all diseases of the skin and scalp. . The extraordinary leap that this clean liquid external treatment for skin affections has made into public favor In the last few years proves Its wonderful curative properties and' makes It Indeed a valuable addition to the fine stock of remedial agent carried by the Huntley Bros. Co. Drug Co. They have a limited supply of sam ples, one of which will be given free to any skin sufferer who wishes to test the merit of the medicine. A booklet "How To Preserve the Skin," will also be given to those Interested. A SECOND AND DEEPER 8TRATA OF OIL-BEARING 8AND POUND WITH THE DRILL. GET BOTH WATER AND OIL IN .SAND Citing to B Forced Further Down to Shut Off Water Again OH In. dlcatlons Art Bett Yet Found. STONE. Or., March 22. (Spl.t Prospects become better each day that the drill goca down into the earth at Stone. Early this morning the drill struck a strata of ollbearing sand that contained much oil, but that a little later opened up a small vein of water thus destroying the good ef fects of the sand and putting an end to the oil prospects. This vein of water did not come from the water opened up above but seemed to be a seeping In from the snnd atrata that was passed through at the early morn ing hour. Water Is the bane of the oil or gas well drillers and where the water can not be controlled It destroys the ef forts to get oil and seems to drive out the gas when that commodity Is found, even In quantities. It Is for this pur pose that the casing Is driven Into the well, the effort being to shut out the water and keep it from Mowing Into the well and destroying the oil and gas conditions. This casing has not been crowded down so closely the past two days as It was prior to that time for the rea son that the formation through which the drill was passing seemed to be firmer and of a character that would stand up for a day or two without the support given by the casing. But shortly after the drill struck the oil bearing sand vein this morning there was a cave-In of sand and dirt, filling the full distance of the well not pro tected by the casing and making it necessary to clean out the well before further drilling can be done. The strata of sand struck this morn ing was of a greater depth than anv before found In the well, and the oil prospects were more marked and the percentage of oil greater, so that there was rejoicing over the prospects when the water was forced In and did Its work of loosening and caused the cave-in that made the delay In drilling. The drill has reached a depth of 1100 feet; the water was shut off at a depth of 1033 but broke loose again shortly after the 1100 depth was Th enrth paved in for a I c-awc. - v: distance of 30 feet, and now the casing must be driven down the fun aeptn or the drilling and then the well be cleaned out A new wire cable was attached to it.o riHii tnHav and the manilla rope discarded so that the drilling can be continued to a depth of from 2200 to 2500 feet. In the face of all the difficulties that have visited the well and the drillers who are working In It the drill still continues to go down from day to day. When everything goes along without Incident the drill goes down 50 to CO feet a day But wnen an- j noyances come there is only about j haif the progress made. Every day shows progress; tne arm is now aown over 1100 feet. DIVORCED ON THE SLY. Charge Made That Wife Was Not a j Good Woman. j Chas.'D. Taylor obtained a decree of : divorce from Minnie N. Taylor In the : Circuit Court in this county on Sep tember 19, 1910. Mrs. Taylor has been suing Taylor for $2500 a month maintenance, and until this news reaches her she will not know of the decree. Taylor is a rich man and married Minnie In Portland, having met her In San Francisco. In his pe tition for divorce he charged her with many evilsKbut secured his divorce on the sly. Later she avers he deserted her on a trip to Europe, with 40 cents in her purse. He says he sought di vorce as soon as he knew her true nature. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A Executive committee tor pair. The executive committee of the Clackamas County Fair Association met Wednesday afternoon and ar rangements for the coming fair were partially made. Several committees were appointed. The soliciting 'com mittee will be composed of O. E. Frey tag, George M. Lazelle, of Oregon City; W. H. Bair, L. D. Walker, of Canby. Basket Social Saturday Evening. Miss Effie Grace, teacher of the Stafford school, is planning with the aid of the patrons of the school for a basket social on the evening of Sat urday, April 8. The proceeds will be for the benefit of the school. In order there may be a "hot time In the old town that night" Justice Samson nas been invited and accepted to auc tion off the baskets. A GREAT PHYSICIAN. What He Said of Germs That Cause Disease. M. Pasteur, sometimes called the Greatest Physician, often said: "I be lieve that we shall one day rid the world of all diseases that are caused by germs.-' Of all the diseases caused by germs catarrh Is one of the most persistent and loathsome. Catarrh can be sured, but only by destroying the germs. Breathe HYOMEI (pronounce it High-o-me) and cure catarrh by kill ing the germs. The HYOMEI method Is the only sensible method, because you breathe the highly antiseptic and germ killing air directly over the en tire membrane infested with catarrh germs. HYOMEI will cure catarrn. mere may be some complicated cases where It will fall, but the chances are ten to one In its favor, and the sufferer from catarrh takes no risk, because HYOMEI is a guaranteed remedy, and if it doesn't cure Huntley Bros. Co. will refund the purchase price. . HYOMEI will also give Instant re lief and cure In bronchitis, coughs, colds and croup. A complete outfit. Including hard rubber pocket Inhaler, costs only $1.00. If you now own a Hyomel Inhaler you can get a bottle of HYOMEI for 50 cents. 24-7 ITALIAN AT RIVER MILL DEFIES ALL LAW AND IS TAKEN BE FORE JUSTICE SAMSON. filniHIT Mm mill rviKinv Mllea mill Constable Urown Tuesday arrested Louis lareiue, an Italian, ennrgeu with the Illegal soiling of liquor at Klvcr Mills, a station on the Spring' water division of the rortliuul Railway Lltfht A Power Comnnnv electric lino, hunt a mils hulnw KHtncnda. For some time complaints hnvo reached the Sheriff's office against Careltl but It was Imnosslblo to obtain ev rlMPB until . few rliivi niro. when Deputy Sheriff Miles wns at Rivet Mill on other court business, mhos vnlknrl Knhtlv Intn Pnratllln'a nlnce and purchased a half-pint of whiskey for 50 cents and brought tne stutr to ure- gon City, making a complaint, upon vhlrh warrant vm Issued for Carel- lie's arrest. The Portland Railway Light ft Power Co. Is building dam nn lha rlnrkamnn Tilvpr nt Itlver Mill. and Carellle has been selling liquor to the men employed there, lie whs ordered to leave the place by Super- intanrinnt FiAiphAr. hut reniseu. nnu Is said to have threatened Fletcher's life If an attempt was made to oust him. A quantity of liquor wns brought In by the officers, uareuio Doing com- n.tlo,t In khitv nm.tll Vpff of Wine. Luvellt Luyi is his Italian name, to ha nrrtirata. and Tie was arralgnod be fore Justice Samson Wednesday, the charge being selling liquor without a license. It Is said that he has not even a United States license, which Is ponnrnllv taken out hv Illicit sellers In an effort to escape the Ire of Uncle Sam. Luyl became very "cocky'' as soon as he was taken before Samson ana the charge bejng explained, and the evidence presented. Samson fined him $150 with the alternative of 7S days In jail. He at once went to Port land. Constable Brown eolne with him. to get the money from friends of his. If he falls In this the jail sentence will be enforced, and If he succeeds the revenue officials are likely to In quire Into his selling without U. S. license. COUNTY COURT ORDERS. March Term. In the matter of the petition of W. F. Brlstow, et al, for a county road, the County Board of Roud Viewers having reported unfavorably 'on said road. Ordered that said petition be and the same Is hereby dismissed. In the matter of the appointment of J. F. Adams as Deputy Sheriff of Clackamas County. Ordered that said appointment be and the same Is here by confirmed. In the matter of the application of the Publicity Committee of the Ore gon City Commercial Club for a do nation from Clackamas County to promote Interests In Clackamas Coun ty In the way of advertising. Ordered that said application be denied. In the matter of the petition of W. H. Schleffer, et al, of a county road, the district attorney having reported favorably on said road. Ordered that the same be declared a public high way and ordered opened. In the matter of the repair of the Suspension Bridge at Oregon City. Ordered that Clarence Simmons be employed at $3.00 per day to take charge of said work, to employ all necessary help and make arrange ments for material, etc. In the matter of the claim of A. R. Stephens for damages to his land for the tearing down of fences. Ordered that said claim be allowed In the sum of $50.00. In the matter of the petition and subscription list of Geo. Randall, et al, In the sum of J500.00 for grading and macadamizing a certain road In the vicinity of Brown's School House, in Road District No. 16 and the recom mendation of Frank Jaggar. Ordered that the County donate the amount subscribed by the petitioners. In the matter of the purchase of a ten ton steel roller and rock crusher for Clackamas County, the bids for the same having been received from Beall & Co., Buffalo-Pitt Co. and Beach & Co., and it appearing to the Court that the bid from Buffalo-Pitt Co. was the most satisfactory bid re ceived. Ordered that said Company be awarded the contract and thai both crusher and roller be set up and put In operation at Oak Grove, and work in a satisfactory manner; the County Court agrees to pay said Company for said roller and crusher the sum of $4900.00 In the matter of the application of .1. L. Davis and C. E. Edwards for a license authorizing them to sell liquor In Cascade Precinct, and It appearing to the Court that all matters pertain ing to said application are regular, the necessary bond having been ap proved and filed, and tfce receipt from the County Treasurer for $400.00 hav ing been filed. Ordered that the Coun ty Clerk Issue a license to said par ties to sell liquor in Cascade Precinct for a period of one year. In the matter of the Improvement of the Jacobson Road No. 641, and It appearing to the Court that said road can be put in condition for travel for about $1500.00, and that the residents in the vicinity for said road are wil ling to donate $500.00 of said amount, upon recommendation of Frank Jag gar, It Is ordered that the Road Super visor of Road District No. 1 open said road for travel. PILES! PILES1 PILE8! Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will cure Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles. It absorbs the tumors, allays itching at once, acts as a poultice, gives In stant relief. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment Is prepared for Piles and itching of the private parts. Drug gists, mall 50c and $1.00. Williams Mfg. Co., Props., Cleveland, O. For sale by Huntley Bros, and Jones Drug Co. CURES OBSTINATE COUGHS . QUICKEST WHOOPING COUGH CURE MOLALLA RAILWAY WILL BE BUILT WORK TO BEGIN MONDAY OR TUESDAY, AS THE CIRCUM STANCES WILL PERMIT. MONEY FOR GRADING SUBSCRIBED Effort Will Be Made to Continue It Out to the Molalla and High land Sections of the Country. nna nt tha moat Imuortant move ments that has ever been consum mated in Clackamas county has been hrnnirht In head within the DSSt few days. It Is nothing more nor less than the bringing together of the men In terested In the building of an electric miiwav nut throuch the Beaver Creek country to Molalla and points In that . . . . . 1 t section or tne country, ana mo biku in,? nn nt tha nrouosltlon In a way and on a contract that Insures the be ginning of the work within a rew oays. ona nt fhn-pnt sections of the coun ty Is that out Highland Way and Mo lalla Road, and the mercnanis 01 me much. Each and every section contains people who are welcome to this city ai an iimen, aim .h aartinn has Droductlve lands that promise much to the city that gets the trade from the people or mew sections. But this HlKhland-Moiaua country Is so near, and It naturally gravitates this way so easily, that tho nature of the case mane u a cuu iMnn that promises much If we get It, and causes us to lose much If we lose it. Ana mis oe- In.. iKa nntiirftl nilt lnt to that section It Is much easier for the people living In that part of the county to como horn With tholr commodities, and for the purpose of trade, than for an at- tempt to be maae 10 mven m. .elsewhere. , Knowing these facts, ana mai in good of one part of the county means the good of all In a lesser degree, perhaps, In some sections the Live wire commiuee nas uei-n uuui8 nn.... proud In the consummation of tne plans on which It has been working the past two we.eks. The pubimners or me mm""K nrr.fia. him i.opn nware of the aulet work that has been carried on for the past few weeks but in the interest 01 M the movement the committee insisting that there were knockers trying to diock inins uu F.,.v.nif ban hupn trivpn to the pro gress being made that the committee mlgnt be given every oppui miuiy w make good. This has been done and mltte feels that they are ready to meet all criticisms and to go ahead with tne worn wunuui. mm -m nritiMnm or of what men who have other axes to grind may wish from the public in tne mauer. wnn ,nf isnnmiorira In mind the Morning Enterprise will now tell the whole story as it stanas ai mis wuims. fha l.nnrH of directors of the Clackamas Southern Railway Co. state that they are more man pieaneu wn.i .v. iikapcii anhnprintlnna to the capital IUC - - stock of the company by the people or Oregon City, which insures me acuim work to begin next Monday or Tues day. The directors win noiu a ui meeting at Beaver Creek Friday even ing and the whole plan will be laid be fore the people who reside in that sec tion of the country, although a num ber from that section nave wmuiu at this time. A few knockers have appearea uy- on the streets, as usuai, oui uw work has been so coarse tnai u nas only added strengin 10 me e" v Each knocker will bo nameo. ai m meetings and his motive will be ex plained so that strangers will not be misled by false statements. . "The directors nave receiveu i.tnn tn otnnlr from neonle in other counties, who are subscribing as an Investment, as mey bib w .,ointai with thn directors and have faith in their Integrity. 'The people of Oregon uy ntB set out to build the first six mues 01 the road and from present. indications they will succeed, as meir piaim business flke In every respect. In the first place they will keep out of debt and every dollar of the money raised by subscription will be expended upon the work under a competent roreman and no officer of the company. win draw any salary. "The directors or this company are well known men In this county ana when they give their wora, tnai mey .ni .umiia a lortnin course, the sub scribers are assured that their con fidence will not be violated. "There Is no little railroad enter prise in Oregon so Inviting as this pro ject, for the reason that It will pay good money from the, completion of the first six miles in transporting saw THE KING OF CURES m. KING'S MEKf EJDSCWIELW FOR ALL DISEASES THROAT AND LUNGS JI0 A $ i SOLO AND GUARANTIED BY 1 JONES DRUG CO. logs to the river below the falls, also thousands of cords of wood will find a market, together with other freight such as lumber, piling and other kinds of freight from that rich country." The above statement from those In terested shows for Itself on Its face. The commltteo Interested In the work has accomplished much In securing subscriptions for the building of thg road, and the campaign being well uu dor way an effort Is now to be made to raise money along the line, stock worth dollar for dollar being returned to those who subscribe. To that end a meeting will be held at neaver Creek on Friday evening and the enter prise explained to the people living along the line of the projected road. There Is no doubt of the feasibility of the project, and little doubt as to the profitable nature of the enterprise. To those living along the line the road will offer many Inducements In that the building and operation of such a line will mean the addition In value to the lands In that part of the county. Work Is to commence on Mondny or Tuesday, (his much Is assured by the committee. It Is not a question of some far-off date It Is Monday or Tuesday, and the work Is to continue until the grading has boon completed. This work Is to bo done under the direction of local men, and men who are personally and financially Inter ested. What news could be hotter at this time? Every citizen and business man In Oregon City should subscribe liberally to this proposition. The success of the road will mean everything to the city and much to tho county. Other clttos are planning to build lines Into tho rich section to bo tapped by this line, knowing full well that to build In there with this city having no line will moan that much of the business of that section can be diverted to thoJ city tnus connwueu. jne saivauon of this city In this connection Is the building of this line. A good start has been mado and It only remnlns to continue the good work thnt hns been begun to a successful ending, which this committee proposes to do. Will you do your share when the commit tee calls on you? DISTRICT 'ONVENTION. Rebekahs to Hold Forth at Estacada on Friday, March 24. The district convention of the Bo heknh lodge will be held at Ratncada on Friday, and the Oregon City dele gation will leave here on the 8 o'clock car, returning In the evening, leaving Estacada at 9 o'clock. The conven tion will bo made up of tho lodges from Oregon City, Mllwauklo, Clacka mas, Oswego, Estacada, Molalla, Re ports from these orders will be heard, and other business transacted. Ono of the features will be a banquet served by the ladles of Estacada. Chamberluln'a Stomach and Liver Tablets -are safe, sure and reliable, and have been praised by thousands of women who have been restored to health through tholr gontln aid nnd curative properties. 8old by all deal ers. N TOUCH WITH FRIENDS and RELATIVES A GRANDMOTHER may not be as spry as she use to be, but she is in close touch with her world for all that. The telephone enables her to make as many calls as she pleases, and in all sorts of weather. Formal gatherings have their place, but it is the many little intimate visits over the telephone that keeps people young and interested. Grandmother's telephone visits do not stop with her own town. The Long Distance Service of the Bell Telephone takes her to other towns, and allows relatives and friends to chat with her although hundreds of miles away. Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. . Every Bell Telephone is the Center of the System ROUTS STUBBORN COLDS OF HEALS WEAK, SORE LUNGS DISPLAY AT COUNTY FAIR. Commlttat Appolnttd to Organl the Neighborhood for Growing Samples. Clalrmoiil scvoral weeks ago doold ed to have a neighborhood display ac the Clackamas County Fair at Cauby the coming September. Wlih that "tiJ In view thn neighborhood bus appoint ed a committee to take the matter of display In hand. Thn committee Is as follows: II, Kupp'nhendr, Mrs. lw. Is Sutherland, Mrs. Kordnnnnt, John (laffuey, Fred Wourm. Mr. I'ugh, J. K. Downer and David Hlierrubln. This committee will meet monthly and will at once formulate plans so that the whole season may be devoted to growing and formulating a fin showing. Th" display will be of a general character, comprising fruits, vegetables, grains, baked goods, etc. Get Clard Lands on Tax DupHcat. Now since the county court has bo -gun a now way of rond construction, It would be only another Just and economic step to hire a surveyor to find out how much cleared and how much unclesred land there Is In Clack amas County, tf this Is done taxes In a few years will become much re duced and Clacl amas County will be out of debt. There Is no disputing the fact thai very ninny fanners of this county do not glvo In more than throoflfths to three-fourths of their cleared land, If this community can be takon as 4 safe guldo. For Instance wo have a nelKhlor Joining us on the south lde who owns 10 times as murh Innd as we do, nnd has four times as much cleared land as we havo land alto gether, and six times as much cleared land as we, and yet his taxes were only flvo limes our tnxes laat year. For years his tttxes have been less by nearly one-half than other smaller farmers hero In proportion and there are others. When you talk of honesty In. public life what can you expect when there Is so much dishonesty In private life? IM uh havo an honest surveyor next who will perform his duty fear lessly. R. O. Kills Wildcat Near Colton. Charles Hunter, of Colton, was In Oregon City on Friday having brought with him (ho skin of a wildcat he re cently killed near his home. The ani mal was of medium slice, and Mr Hunter status there have been a num ber of those animals In that section during the winter. A Reliable Remedy Ely's Cream Balm li quickly ibiorbad. 0lci Rtlltl it Onct. ItclounttiM, sixitlien, CATARRH hoals aud piutoets the dwiiiwcl iii.iin. brane nwiltiiiK from Catarrh nnd drives away a CuM la thu Head quickly. TClrD stores the Ketiftos of il Jt I I Ll Lis Taste and Smell. Full i7.e 50 oln., at Drug gists or by mail. In li.iiM form, 75 nnU. Ely Brotbr, 60 Warrou Street, New Vork.