'! mam q'. -J-.-rrr-rki:mV. ALCOHOL 1 PER CKNT ACflaWfPnrparallonfotAs dfnil.lt Inrt Ihr FVwvf imlllriMI Promotes DirelionJChff ful ness and Rirsi-Contiins netter Opium.Morph.inc norMiacral. OT NARCOTIC. jUxSmrn jtnttSml tfrmSrrJ- )iiif mi tmy. Anerfori Remfdv forCtaste tlon.SourStORUch.Dlarrlwc: AYormsfom-ulsions.rrisa ncssandLosSOrSl.EK'. rScSin Sijnanirt of NEW YORK. ranle ed" undVi Exact Copy of Wrapper. NEWS FROM THE COUNTRY wterestTng Items from all parts of clackamas county LOGAN. With hens cackling, frogs singing and many other apring signs, yet the sun will only shine one day ln seven. Henry Huber and bride returned from White Salmon this week and are at home on their farm. Mr. Tscnopp lost one of his horses recently. Colic followed by inflam mation of the bowels. There are quite a number of grip victims In the neighborhood yet. Mr. Bates and Mrs. Higglns are re Dorted better. The former lacks only a few months of being 80 years old; in a tussle with pneumonia to come; 6 ' t off firs: bestspeaks well for his con-: otl..iin re H pit nR IS X4 VearS DUIUIIIU. -oo - I old. Luther Mumpower, of Sione, is af flicted with the measles. George, the little son of A. O. Hol lingsworth, has the measles. Henry Babler has returned from San.Francteco and reports his broth er's condition about the same. Mr. Tchopp has had a surveying crew at work this week surveying his land. If the Government had a bet ter way to mark the section corners, a permanent way, It would save much . expense. The base ball boys will give an en tertainment Saturday, March 18, at - the Grange hall. Those wishing a good time come and have one. Clear Creek Creamery paid the pat rons 3Gc per pound for butter fat for February. The demand exceeds the supply for this brand of butter. Mrs. O. D. Robbins and Mrs. J. Ger tier are visiting their sister, Mrs. J. P. Steinman, of Currinsville. Frank Riebhoff is nursing a very Bore hand this week. Quit'e a number here, say they in tend to hear the tax question dis cussed at Parkplpce Grange. That is right, learn all we can, as education along this line is a safeguard against the obnoxious "single tax." Are you frequently hoarse? Do you have that annoying tickling in your throat? Does your cough annoy yoa at night, and do you raise mucus in the morning? Do you want relief? If so, take Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy and you will be pleased. Sold by all dealers. MACKSBURG. We are having some frosty weather again. Quite a number of the farmers have commenced their spring work. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hilton, a son March 11. C. F. Stutz's sale was well attended; everything sold well. Mr. Stutz and family left Canby Thursday evening, March 9. but he had not decided where he would go. Mr. Eby has tented Mr. Stutz's farm u-f ibi MiitK Miiended the dance at Liberal Saturday night. J. W. Stone is Just beginning to har- Alfred Senst visited his uncle, Mr. vest his broccoli crop; he hauled tbe l'arnack. over Sunday. i first load this week. Miss Lucy Mitts entertained com- G. G. Kruse has recently purchased pa'ny Sunday. i a span of black mares which he thinks Our road supervisor is doing some I are very fine and we all agre witn rustling work, but be finds hands him. S(.arce. John Anderegg is having some land J W. Smith is improving his pro- cleared, perty in the city limits by building a j. R. Irving has Just finished remod new fence. i cling his house. Mr Rieirs and Mr. HamacK sola a .... n nr.., iinnipti last. week. Chris e - ' Iz.rfiij of Aurora, was me uuiciiubci. p M. Graves Is instauins, a water system on his place. FbU believes in having things fixed up about right on the farm. That's light Phil, we only live once in this world. Most of the farmers have all of their earlv plowing done. The prospects are that the farmers will get their crops in early this spring. There was a large crowd out. to the sale of C. F. Stntz March 9. Mr. Stuti Is moving his family to Eastern Oregon, as several of h'.s children are not very healthy here in the valley. Elisha Riggs Is batching these days. Mr. Rlggs Is at T'omeroy, Wash., nuruing their grandson. Claude Rlggs, who has pneumonia. From the latest report he 1 on the road to recovery. Mr Luebben had the misfortune -to fcave his horse run away Wednesday and tear tWng up pretty badly. F M Matthew and wife were visit ors'at'the home of J. E. Well Sun- Joe Gibson Is Just putting the fin- 5 Otto I HE Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Always Bought Bears the Dr. Signature 1117 of Thirty Years MM. ITT . ishing touches to six acres of grubbing for Herman Harms. Joe says he did not get rich by a long ways but that he got a lot of experience In the line of grubbing this winter. Deid Harms has received a full blooded Poland China hog. He had It Imported here, Deld says It does not cost any more to raise full blooded stock than scrub stock so he is going Into the business. Medicines that aid nature are al ways most successful. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It loosens the cough, relieves the lungs, ,! J no.nra opens me Becre..uu .uu ------ 1 .restoring in CUUUllluu. m; CLARKES. Mr. Wettlaufer lost another horse the other day. cam fimpr and family spent Sun day with Mr. Frank Mueller and fami ly- Mri Wettlaufer took a load of hay to town on Thursday. Rudie Mueller sprained his thumb in school the other day. Willie Marshall was in town on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Haag were in town on Wednesday. Mr. Lindau has a lame horse. Miss Darper, the school teacher in Timber Grove, visited with Mrs. Grace on Sunday. Sam Elmer was in town on 'Wed nesday. Mrs. Lee was in Portland last week and visited her brother. Sam Elmer w as on the sick list last wppk. Mr. Lindau and family were on the sick list also. Mr. Larkins is plowing; he is fixing to sow oats. Mr. and Mrs. Schiewe spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Haag. Willie Marshall has a sick horse. Charlie Harrington finished up nis job at Mr. Wettlaufers; he left last Saturday. Henry and Eugene Kleinsmith rent ed some of Mr. Marquardt's farm. W. G. Kleinsmith is sawing wood for F. Mueller. Mr. Marshall is out exercising his stallion every once in a while. A Smooth Skin. Blackheads, Chaps, Pimples, Sores and all unhealthy conditions of the skin are unsightly and detract from the looks. Buy a box of Dr. Bell's Antiseptic Salve, a creamy, snow white ointment, apply as directed, and your skin will be as clear as a babe's. Geo. A. Harding, Druggist. I SPRINGBR00K. R. B. Wilmot is having his berries pruned and is having his house re modeled in an up-to-date way. C. W. Kruse has Just finished spray- imr his voting orchard. Our school is t.eing laugm tiy a i'.e ruti'h and competent teacher, Miss ; ,.. .Maxweu, rcxin.) from Kansas. rhe wind blew from the north Wed nesday but has changed to the south, to the satisfaction of everyone. Judg ing from the number of plows seen in the field. , Several new families have recent ly moved into the west end of the dis trict on the old Stout place, which h?s been cut up in five and ten acre tracts. There i Only One Pine-Tar-Honey. That is Dr. Bell s. It is the original and can be relied on in croup, coughs, colds and all lung and bronchial trou bles. Look for the bell on the bottle. Geo. A. Harding, Druggist. MARQUAM. Ed Albright is setting out another large hop yard. Mr. Grim Is also enlarging his hop yard. , John Barth is to commence gravel ing the roads soon. My ftf 038 J l or Over OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MARCH The Ladle1 Aid will give a upper Friday night, the 17th of March. Orvll Thomas hit boon sawing wood with hi machine for Mr. 8t"; Mr. May and I. IX Urkln the last Glad TWIW and Mont Crlsto boy had a ball game hero last Sunday on the Marouam ball ground. Rev. Mr. Mayo, 01 m. r.. '"" Marqunm. ha sent In 1.1. resignation m minister of the Molalta and Mar qimm chag on account of his wl o 1 onlth. The member a well as tho ommunlt.v at large, are them leave. HI mat orniou i.c.e ' be on the 2Cth of March. r.iu.. Promot Relief. William H. ola. Jr.. of Wash- " . ...... M:-S::. !.Tf haVe used sure 'J .iwt Instant relief. For snle by oo. A. Harding, iinigR.M. SMYRNA. u'nitnr Watson and wife visited with the former parents one au msi miu r,.ra and Mabel C.lger called) on their cousin. Mrs. A. U Yoder, last - T.tauitll V '"""" ... Hondriok Bros, were sawmg w-u for J. Watson lt mursuay. i noj will soon leave for the Mucksbms country, where they nave a largo con tract of wood cutting. Harry Carrot was In our noignooi- hood last week and tntonueu io u some slashing but was mm up " a severe attack of the grip and re-....-r.0.1 m Ptnihv again. Manv of our young people woro u... c.,,i.iv afternoon and found I ,he roads In fine condition, especially he ones u-.u.uK , sx iiit innrn mill iinr IOW. ...... . Elmer Kouer.s. o -"""- , .,v,i dnvs with L. U Toiler ana i lamuy . n.. 1.... nL- i Mrs. i. ii- cvvhh-w " i dPortland: W'la ' I Miss Anna Ciotrreuson auu ( Mrlson were calling on Mrs. Albert Yoder Saturday afternoon J. S. Yoder took a loau or appie ; work of building will oegin soon -- --- ..' . ... i The Feed Is the Heart of the Drill- Some Drills Have Heart Disease But Not the Hoosier. Its heart is perfectly sound. Its feed is a positive force feed, which seeds uniformly and accurately, regardless of conditions. It works as well on the side hill, up hill or down hill as on the level. There is no guess work, you set the feed regulator at the quantity you want to sovv and you know that you are seeding just that amount, no more or no less. That's why you want to be sure your drill is Positive Force Feed Machine and the only way to be absolute ly sure is to buy a Hoosier. Write for our circular "The Feeding of Seed". J. . Case Plows Bloom Manure Spreaders A FULL LINE OF Implements and Vehicles Solon Kinzer and wife made a busi ness trip to Canby Monday. Also made R. I. Garret and family a visit while there. Miss Clara Olson, who Is employed in Portland, is at home for a week or two. a i vo,lnr has added a little to his ranch having bought five acres from Mr. Jack. Ed Wormdal and family have leu tne grounn, aitnougn m vm.io this neighborhood and are living on tell of the fun of a rabbit drive thru the old Scott farm near Rockcreek. the snow. J. J. Yoder made a trip to Oregon , j!y the way, there is a rabbit visit City Saturday; alBo called on J-' nK 'from house to bouse and helping Swartz and family, of Logan, return-, himself to the choicest above ground. Ing Sunday evening. it might be advisable to have a drive I. B. Hein Is getting settled in his orj(1 c.ap,re him, but nothing hui a new location, having recently bought gun w011,i overtake him. tht Albert Elliot farm. Mrg ,ow,n waihg about in the sun- R. I. Garret and Jt- , f j ' a(li of her pnysdan, as ently well situated in Canby and say ' , th.y like the thriving little city very "he is faMrom JJ" making wo()(, much. ;ar(j cleaning up a corner lot for Mr. L. II. Yoder. who has , lived In Sea- tutnpg wre blown sine ior a iiuinut;i ui j cm .-, ,o with his parents, l.T. and Mrs. L. D. Voder. 200,000 Tube Of Sutherland's Eagle Eye Salve were sold In 1908 and not one word of com plaint, though every tube was sold under a positive guarantee. It Is good for nothing but the eyes. Ask Geo. A. Harding, Druggist. 8HUBEL. Georgo Schmidt, of South 8luibol, vlHlted K. Ulnthor Sunday afternoon. Frank Mueller and wife, of Clarke, and Wm. Mueller, of Cam, visited with Mr. and Mr. Masslngor Sunday. Arthur llornKcliuh Is uy blowing out stump. ., , Mrs. Mildred Nielsen, of Portland, Is vlHltlng her parent, Mr. and Mr. K. T. Ginther. . , , Mrs. C. Uornachuh Ih alowly Improv Jacob Grossmlllor waa butchering hog Monday. Kdward Schmidt was out dilWng; with his beat girt Sunday afternoon. Will Dolbow Is clearing inuu ....... property recently purchase iron, ,.r. nmnamlllcr. The dance at Mr. Shoppard'. Sat.tr- ha put a new bridge aero Booaon Creek on the Highland road the pant week, lie la now repairing the C larkea road. Fred Is evidently trying to do the fair thing-something unknown for a long time In ll.l road district. Th. Cold That Harm On Ar( feaMy curod b). Pr. iu.11'8 Fine Tarlloney. It rlieve tno cm stops the cough. There Is only one genuine. Ceo. A. Harding, Druggist. .. .i.i ..... COLTON lo.. Carlson la plowing a great deal of the upper Colton country. rm.,i nossessors of u now girl since .. 1 , A O AtllllMttim Hir I me u-mu. Measles Is 8(111 the unwelcome piieB, ,om o. a iik itmi una iin'n Uu, Robc80 '.. V.. -,,.r,..,l S.W.lllllir " V. ' ii.i with c.ust uom.org Stilt lUVll. ,, ,,,, Co had their I - - , meeting the 1 . , eieth. y own a ,,.000 .-ported reu ni-.un Mr. Laferty has put In a phone on lino 13 His ring la fou r anon Walter Oorbett la looking around vuer u.ur.u . . .. .. , ni mi ii, u cummer. to got .up to Illg Hill this summer. STAFFORD. March has been a little windy, as must be expected, but the days are beautiful and sunny. Various garden flowers are in bloo..i, shrubs are leav ing out, and leaf buds on orchard trees begin to swell, therefore we are glail we live in Stafford, Instead of some! fher place where the snow covers , out some time ago. Mr. Weisenburg traded his mules for a span of horses and the horses have run away a couple of times, therefore he wishes he had his mules back. Mrs. Mint Peters and son have em ployed C. Tooze, of Oregon City to settle up the husband and father's st&tc Mrs! Gage went to Portland March ' 17, 1911. 1 and relumed home on tho 6th. She vUllfd her daughter, Mr. Ilolion, at i.., ,,!.( i ho "Made In Oregon" Fair oil the fourth floor of Meier A Frank Htore and report It well worth leelng, and while there bo mire to see tho wonderful historical table made by a Mr. Ilanna. of Hillsdale, a veteran of the Civil War. A young man from Illinois I work ing for Mr. Cage. Mr. Miletn Is preparing to plant unite nil acreage of strawberries. The patron of the Fanner' Tele nhono am burning uulte lively and the 1'aclllo Slate has given such poor service for tho past year and a half that Its pal rons are disgusted, but tho principal owner asks such a prohibit ory price that they do not feel like prying It, therefore If some reliable company will slop In one and all, and i,,ta r iii.w natron, will welcome him. u .iM.iiiir nit monev fur taxes Is the order of the day now, as even that little three per cent looks a big sav ing to us farmers. lOggs have come down but old hen and incubator are busy, and we will soon have fry to sell so as to lie able to buv the baby a dress, and pay for tho one she has worn out and hope nits serenely on our empty pocket books. Pasture 1 prety scarce but the ma jority have enough feed In iho bam and gardens to line mem i. A baby boy came a u welcome Kitost to the homo of Mr. and Mrs. August Pelkar Friday. vv. kiiii bnvo beautiful sunny day and cloudless, moonlight nights, and IK.t uwu I.I IllO WCI atl.er say we win con,im,0 to enjoy tho same mull Sun- llav anvway. and we take the "goods the' gods provide, from day to day and do not worry." for what next week may bring forth. Mr and Mrs. I'owell and little son start' Wednesday morning for ll.e Kogue Ulver valley lo deliver a team ! i, t, it Mr. t liapei, a i wrr." - i fr..m rhaiilvolx. Mich., who has D0Ught a fruit farm down there. He . .. .. II'.. t....u..u unL-illl lumulit MT. 1-OwrilB - ..i.i ii.irn..M mid diivs his expenses ....in.. ttlih the lean., and returning i... .ri .....1 iis Mr. and Mrs. Powell and the boy had all been sick they t. .- iv .. nd have an out entertainment In the near future. Portland, Or. W. J. WILSON & CO. OREGON CITY, ORE. J. J. SANDSNESS CANBY, OREGON AGENTS The sect calling themselves the Church of God, are holding a pro tracted meeting at the school house this week. Mrs. Welsenbarii, at one time a resident of Stafford, was out from Portland a few days to see to a little matter of business. Mrs. Philip Baker, who has been feeiing quile ill, Is a good deal better, but still far from well. Mr. Gage had a very gentlemanly little fellow who worked for him five days and passed on. Zack Elllgsen has a force of men putting a wire fence around his wife's land, which was a part of the estate owned by the late Geo. Samm. They will make a pasture of it for their herd of cows. Zack Elligsen took his mother down to Portland Wednesday to visit with her datieptor, Mrs. Filing, for a while. Mrs. Milem hag not been very well for the last week or two. - Mr. Aernl has a sister visiting him whose home is in Stockton, Califor nia. Mr. Lucas, who Is the resident Ger man Baptist minister In this place, Ih entertaining his mother, who Is here from Spokane, Wash. MILWAUKEE NURSERIES 3000 SURPLUS PEACH TRf 3000 SURPLUS APPLE TRE - . - pi 2000 SURPLUS CHE"JV JRK8 t'rawfords, ICarly and UK ' hi ly . I ,Ph, Wsg.v town. Spllxenburg. Jonalhan. ' , , iwrt rhrrrv ner and llaldwln Al'P'e Tree. lloal Ann, 'J rB M nrH, noes. IU II to ami . class, will bo sold at reiiurei. i" " 1 address phon Black 25 N. D. HAflVKY, WIL80NVIILE. 1.-1.....H u.i..iiiv came home from Hch'.H.I on Friday, returning Sunday night to Portland. . Mary Hrobst s.ent Saturday and Sunday nt home. Henry Aden wn In Portland last week buying new goods. Mr and Mrs. Ilethune spent batur day and Sunday In Portland. Mr. Ctissell Is preparing to rent tl.e house on his comer I-;.. The house will be finished up and ready for oi cuimncy noon. Koal estate dealers and buyer from the east are seen umnn .. clnlty of Wllsonvllle frediieiillv. im- ,., from Idaho and California were nlNO In our village .Monday and r...'- '"ti.., manv friends of Mr. and Mrn. ...... nl l... moitv to learn inai ,hoy have sold out I heir hotel business here and have gone - " . low: .oloc Pern old home In 'yMr Nendel and son. Ify. who have ,.,. a.lUtuK a well for F. t..lln-l-r. si ruck water Iiisl ween in " " i"" 11.'. feet. ... ...,,l Mm Miller of Portland. have purchased the hotel bi.HH.ess ... Mr Walters' and will continue th;; name at the ro.y little itungalow which has become noted for H good home cooking. The Watmar place "'"I ,L-I.,if to J W. Thorn- .Al, . Mil. . . ... ' . " .... bo., week through the 1 agency of Mr. Unison, to Wm. Black, of Idaho. Mr. Black has brought his family hero to reside. Clydo linker' home In Portland wa. entered by burglars last wik t., iinrfl of eat- and tl.e painry - nblea of which Clyde had Just aid n K....dlv supply. Kxp.nslve silver was left untouched, while wearing "! parol seemed quite - ' ' were very cleanly and wanted to have " .i I..., ,h1 shave, or o.so ti.ey eul-tnroai var.u.j. Fred J Kpler. of Sh'Twood. who Is administrator for tho estate of Job. i, H. Kpler. h-ld a saio ... rune ril ileal our .umr.- - - .. March 11 at uleven o'clock, for the purpose of disposing of farm Imple ments, etc. The sale was well pat r.nl.ed and everything was sold by three o'clock. Don't forget to attend the basket Hoclnl at Conal Cm sch" .1 house on Frldav evening. March l.th. an nounceetnnt of which has already been given '". , i.i..,.i ,,m Turn- imroys " - - . V;. ;.u. tble, having entered day pv bv the front ips.r. i n . .. - -i ...... -r" 7.. ;, .. ... .1... . I . . H 1.(1.1 ..I. ..... ,1,1.1,., thief. About ll.r.ll was taken from the cash drawer, and Mr. ' . hint ol.i. M IIS Hiirtiv si ys .in.. iei".'"B ....'. I i. molested. Chamberlain Stomach and Mv'V ' Tablets are safe, suro and reliable. I and have been praised by thousands I of women who have been restored to ! health through Ihelr gentle aid and I curative properties. Sold by all deal j ers. i WILLAMETTE. I Miss Alice Thomas and Miss U. letta McC.regory. two prominent i young ladlcH of Oregon City, were In j Willamette on Sunday, and were the 'miesls of grandma Hlver. i jm. parrlsh nnd family returned ! to their home nt Highland the first i of the week, after n visit here, I W. Hhyner. of this place, who Is a contractor, has been awarded con .tracts for several buildings In j Portland. ! Manv strangers have been recent ' Iv seen In Willamette, looking for lorn t Ion. j enthusiastic crown ri.oujr " Charles Kunney's fiithcr-ln-law j rs . Wiseiier was the champion spel and family departed Wednesday for ; ,.r of th" evening. Contrails. Wash., where ti.ey nave I purchased a farm. At the present time, vacant I hoiim s are at a premium In Willam 1 elte. i Many people of this place are busily engaged in making gardens. ; Church Note Evangelical chinch, Rev. K. Hade- baugh, pastor. Sunday school at I 1 o -:;o a. in., preaching 11:"' a. in. by ! pastor, Y. P. A., 7 p. m., services, S j p. in., prayer meeting Wednesday I evening, teachers' training Wednesday 'evening and choir practice. Friday ' evening. I When You Feel 'discouraged, confused, nervous, tired, 1 worried or despondent It Is a sure j sign you need Motf Nerverlne PHI, j They renew the normal vigor and I make life worth living. Be sure nnd !asU for Motf Nerverlne Pill. Price $1.00 by druggists. Williams Mfg. Co., Props , Cleveland, O. l or sale ny Huntley Bros, and Jones Drug Co. FALLS VIEW. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wallace have gone to Portland for a few days' visit. Some of the people from this burg attended the dance In Shepherd' barn last Saturday night. George Klrbyson made a business call on j. Sagar tho early part of Ibis week. Mrs. Anna D.'ilbow called on Mrs. L. Moser one day last .week. Mrs. Dalbow had a narrow escape from a runaway, while passing Miller s place, her horse being frlghlemd nt Kll. n Hmlth's woodsaw. Oscar Dlx Is on the sick list again this week. L. Moser sowed grain for George Klrbyson this week. George Sagar was a visitor In Fall View last Saturday and Sunday. Louis Wallace, Wfll Wallace, Jay t)ix, lula Sagar and Will Dolbow at tended the ball game at the Slnibel grounds Sunday. Jay Dlx attended the debate nt Highland Saturday night. Wm. Kllensmilh Is cutting wood for Frank Miller. Mr. McMurren Ih sending hi chil dren to school now again, all danger from the whooping cough being over. Mr. and M". Henry Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. l.ulu Wallaen and family Mr. and Mrs. Will Wallace and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Will Dalbow and George Sagar railed on Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sagar and F. L. Sagar last Sunday. - . . rni n or MllwauHtt, Oragon MOUNTAIN VIEW. MciimIc are "Ml raxlim In thl vlrtnlly with new rase every day or UMesMi. J i'wcllon and A. MuuU have JukI finished nldowallt on M.ilalla avenmt for II. IVUol.l, "Iho it new pasture fence Jiml ouUldo the liy Hmli. . ..... , . Frank Welch li the bulldliiK for his new planing mill completed, and will noon have the mill In Prllmi. It h on Molalla "venuo and Teurl MIkh Mubel Fiani'U spent hint Hat nrday and Sunday visit lug friend t I'lHtaeada. , Mr. Frank Wlnslow had a new chicken house built !" weok; lo ha nulle a number of young thick. The Mountain View Impiovetneni Club held ail election of officer IuhI week. Friday, resulting; a follow; n-cHblent. Geo. Ilol.ert; Vl-in'l- dent. Tom arm, . Henry Shannon ha given I.I n'W ,ug,,l,.w on PlvlHli.il street a new coat of paint. hli, g've It a r-al bungalow effect. ..... , , Mr. Hen Hyson, and children ainii ,.,1 last week Hi""' l,"mo Fasten. Oregon. MIhh JohI.. Curr.ui. who ';" HClouslv III last week while visit ng on Twelfth and Main street. U lm proving, and will be 1mm on liutmdav If she has lio relnp". Mi- Slni.n, wl'0 uiiu n .'.."- ,m.k f asthma and pnomi.onlit bit week. I improving, but very .lowly Mr Fred Weldnor I In Portland visiting wl'h her daughter. Mr. Kate ''There I a new woodshed being .,,,11. for th" Mountain View church. Mr. Mabel Fra.ler. of Portland, 1 1,., mum! of Ml. H- A Glllett . .... ....... i. uu.. rnav. nun " ,n" "nk" .nd 'f M" house. walker, of Mar- nr. - ; , ,,,,, Mr. and Mr. A. : - - ,ughtpr, Mr, m family. Jhl w'-.-U. Maggie Curran, and who tin bought the ..." ".,:. .., ,m -iv,. the house i" ,.i a new coat of paint. M...ra N II lmrm.ll and H W. of Mullno, jrai.Hiii .-u ...t busl- Kelt .or, iiess In Hits bug e.liiiH.iii)f morn- '"t- ,i i ....... kIuihi.I H4 III ll.l Monday and Tu- s'l .y evening WILLIAMS' KIDNEY PILLS. Have you overworked your nervous ....i..m ..ixl caused tro.ioie w..n - . . . biad.b,? I V;; in "". , , .,. ai..i.i.u ii imeiiruiue of me iwn. A fr,iu.,.ue.,.r. y.tu tii.iM., ,, . , '.,,; urine? If so, WilllamH' Kidney j MUh will cure ym- r,... Ulllllll.m Mfl! l.niggist. Price .. in, ...... Mr. rn. I'rotm . t love- - - ti,,!,.!,.. Iiro 1 land. O. For sale by llmilbyliro. t ...in iutid Jones Drug Co. MULINO. It is rumored that rh.iiey Porter has sold ;u acres of bis f irm at this place. I .1. .1. MalliUt snt Minuay dth hi" i daughter, Mrs. Klsb ! Mrs Crook was called to Hi. H-loni ..... .., .).. ...... if li..r Saturday by ine aerimm ''"her. MIsh Florence Gullible) of the Port land Journal, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. George Smith and wife. ' , , Mr. Ton. Fish, who has been having n aelge of the grip. Ih able to be out ar.aln. Gladys Smidgins returned home Saturday from Beaver Creek well pleased with her week' experience as n school inarm. Miss Ine. Is now able to resume her diillcs at that place. Spelling school was itlteinloa ty an .1 1 ill ii Carlson inane u niiniuin i In Oiegon ( It v last Thumday. Mrs. French went to Portland Sun day. The hblugle mill has shut down ngaln for want of bolls, the water In the creek being too low to bring them down at present. Forced to Leave Home. Every year a largo number of sor siiffer. rs, whose, lungs are sore nnd racked with coughs, are urged to go to another cllmaie. But this I cosily anil not always sure. There's a bet ter way. I't Hr. Kings New Dis covery euro you at home. "It cured mo of lung trouble.'' wrlles W. It. Nelson, of Calamine, Ark., "when all else failed and I gained il pounds In weight. It's surely the ling of all cough and lung cures." Thousands owe Ihelr lives and b' lillh to It. It's positively guaranteed for Coughs, Colds, I.nGrlppc, Asthma, Croup all Throat and l.ung troubles, 60c nnd $1,011. Trial bottle free at Jones Drug Co. Every Plumber has his specialty. Our Is prompt and satisfactory work. Nowhere In town can you find such high grade goods, first class workmanship and prompt servlco combined. with such MODERATE PRICE as we are now offering. All plumb ers' supplies constantly on hand. F C GADKE Tinning, Hot Air Furnaces and Hop Pipes. All Kind of Job bing and Spraying Material. 914 Main 8t. Phona 26S- OREOON CITY.