Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 03, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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ninAnillllllTIAII llinnin innAIIITm Inn nrn I rN A Iaaal TT." : :
Wants, For Sale, etc.
WANTICD Young lllltll tfl tllltn Hiinclu
-f niiionicililii) Comm., driving unil
'i'iiiiiiik, prnnucui xpurluiire, cum
pllo Instructions, ,Ik wages, steady
work, Inqulro K. AiikhIos Aulu Aam.
-my, 11211 '4 Washington Bt., Jloom
iiu, I'limiiiiii, Oregon,
i.wm-miildny, Pretty wlillo Hplt
Aiiyoun lending to recovery of
samo, rewarded by ownnr, Mm,
Henry Hliaiinoii, Umvo at Wllliiim
ICstes' nlni o.
MIHU TliiA IIKinvilJMonffiiT Ia
dies' Homo JuuniBl, Hnturdny lev
elling pint, Oregon :ity liiUirprl0,
II periodicals. Special rlo on
Woman's I touio Companion and
McClure'i. fa for (ha two, tf
KOU HAMC House, two lots, tout on
frame, nnit olhcr Improvements.
I'rlco $2f,t). Hv. Ilitrvry Duck, Nob
Mill, Oregon City.
KOU (JAMC-ll! C." KmYhas Hhndo
land Challenge onto (or ul on ttm
Umls Trtilllnitor placa above FIs
Cher Mill.
WANTEIV flood housekeeper, aged
nbout "9, object iiiutrlniiiiiy, Inquiry
Charles Jones, Denver Creek.
Improvtment Club Will Confer With
Ortgon City CommircUl Club
With View of Relieving
Preient Condition!.
KOU HAUC-lncuhntor and brooder,
good ninilllloii. J, . Mutlley, tjev
elilh Street Second Hand Btore.
K, II. Hchoeuhorn went to Hhuhel m
Hnturdny whro lie vIkIIoJ the Hchooii
born (itrm.
Frank Chilli', one of (ho prumlnoii
fanners of Highland, wan In Oregon
City on business Wednesday,
Mrs. W. II. llotieiulllor anil dough
I it, Ml lilit, of Chirk'', wi'rn trans
acting business In till rliy on Wed
Fmnlt Unr, of Molulln, hue pur
chud I l'l nrro tract In Chilrmont
allotment and will begin b new home
In Juno.
Mm. Ilunry llrnut wont to Hhulxd
Sunday, where aha' went (o vIhK bur
later. Mm. Chrlntopher Hotnahuh
who In very Irk.
Mr. Hum Itoake, of Clncknmas, for
lunrly n realiteiit of Ihla city, won vis
iting with hi daughter, Mrs. Cooigo
Gardner on Wediieadny.
Mr. and Mr. Dayno Howard,
Mullno, paaaed through llio rlly Hun
ilny on their way to Oswego, where
they vlilted the former' father, Mr,
Krank Kchoenhorn, who recently ar
rived here from Coltnn, Wunh., ha
taken rharxe of the grocery storn'on
Heventh afreet lie recently purchase
of Miller ft Miller.
Mr. and Mra. Walter Morris, of
Cauidero, were In Oregon City on
Wedneaitay. They are vialtlng at the
home of the former's aunt, Mra. W
W. Smith, of Pnrkplnco. Mr. Morrla
la con nee I rd with the powerhoune at
( atadern, where ho hold a responsl
ble poaltlon. lie wit formerly aroal
dent of I'arkplare.
Sandy Liquor License Orantsd.
J. I. Davis and (". E. Kdwards were
Wedneaitay grnnled a license to sell
tliiuor at Hii tidy In quantities leas tlmn
one gallon. Theao men have pur
chased the liquor htialneaa of Cnspar
Junker at Handy.
Name Changed to Bump,
Urenaes to marry were Issued hern
Wednesday to Noaiiette li Kimball
and O. I Day, of Han Francisco, and
to Ella Perry and A. T. Dump, County
Judgo lloaile performed the ceremony
lha( made Mlas Terry name Hump.
Oswego Man Evades Arrsit
Sheriff Mass returned Tuesday
nliiht from Oswego after a fruitless
search for Charles llrlcker, for whom
ii warrent of arrest wan laaued on a
charge of failure to support his wife,
Mrs Kiniim llrlcker, and their four
children. When the officer reachod
Oswego the bird had flown.
E. C. Ward and Now Wants Pay
For His Services.
A rnso fld In Circuit Court Mon
day has to do with the claim of S. A.
I). Hungnto ngnliiHt 1C. (', Ward, for
services, th0 sum Baked JuilKinent for
being l-0. The claim made In the
petition Is that the defendant em
ployed tho plaintiff and then refused,
or neglected, to pay for tho service,
for which Judgment la naked.
The work portormed was tho sur
vey of b part of what la now called
Clalrmont, with tho platting of tho
same, lying In the Cnufleld D. L. C.
Dlmlck & Olmlck nro attorneys for
Discrimination Is charged by the
people of Jennings Ijxlge at tint hands
of the Portland Hallway, Light A
rower co. In rut is of faro, and a
delegation from the Jennings lodge
Improvement Club will probably con
fer with Hie Oregon City Improve
ment Club with a view to securing
tho adjuatment of rates. Jennings
lidgu Is much nearer Oregou City
than It Is to Portland, yet the rare
from that point to Oregon, City, while
the faro to Portland from Jnniilnita
Ixxlgo Is 1214 cunts. Tho faro from
Miildrum to Portland Is The same as
from Jennings ldgu to Portland, and
nit hough Meldrum Is only about onn
quarter mile south of Jennings U)dno
It una a 5 cent fare to Oregon City.
This means that a resident of Jen
nings Uidga must pay) 10 cents to
come to Oregon City uilcl 22 cents
to go from Oregon City to Portland,
while a Meldrum resident can come
to Oregon City for 6 cents and go hack
to Portland for 17 cents. This means
that tlm Meldrum man saves 10 cents
on the entire trip from Meldrttin to
Oregon City and from this point on
to portlnud, and It docs not appear
Through organization of the Im
provement Club tho people of Jen
nings ldge fapect to take up these
matters to securo relief, and they are .
Minimum Scale Will Ba 12 Per Day
and Rate Means Additional
Disbursements of About
i' I). T. Mcllnln. BaalHlsnt ir. a.
Krank Jnggar. of Heaver Creek, wns
Wednesday appointed by the County
court, as special assistant In tho con
structlon and repair of county ronda
and hrldgoM. While the county com
mlssloners would not consent to the
ppolntmeui of u road master, tlioy
worn willing, In the Interest of gooJ
toads, to give Mr. Jnggar authority to
supervise construction and repair road
work whoro necessary.
1 his Is a radical departure from the
system employed during the last few
years, as curing the formor adminis
tration Hi it cotnmlsHloners personally
l,,l,,..l fl... . ..rn,.l ,. .I.. . " ' "
.wwnl.4 n H.v.k uvui v LIID I.IIIH. A llr,.l Itt h UT I I M ... 1 . 11. .l
Ih.-icl.iha.1 C.'Jeh'n" CH.""ly " h ''u", r Co- ,B,eu ",Ht nieltt that
roads make. It Impossible for he three big paper companies wo Id
m.m. her. of th.. county court to give amount to 75.000 per year
sufficient nltetillon to tho details of - i. .., irI ,I.Jl T
overseeing rosd conKtrucllon and re 0roKon Cy payrol, A, ? v
.air In every s.-tlon. It . regarded ,Mn wl 2 the'7f''t
" V : . ni,'n who have been receiving $2
nature of an eiperlment, but Mr. Jog- win .vr..,. ....(... "..Zl I
gars time can well bo employed In h()urI ba,,,Vhl.h means that
coope stlnf and assisting In road , n , dny Shifts of n nours the
work In many localities. ,h WBIfn .,' ' " . '
t on the night shift of 13 hour's the
scale will be 2.37.
The various Oregon City nnper mills
will, this morning, voluntarily put Into
erreci a scale or wages higher thnn
ever before paid on this Coast for
like employment, notwithstanding the
fact that their competitors In other
states on the Coast and In the Middle
West are paying less In every depart
ment than the rates heretofore In ef
fect amount to.
The manager of the Willamette
Company states that his people have
been working out many plans In this
coim-tlon, among thi tn being a Nome
HuiAling Association and an Immense
general merchandise store, but as the
merchants of the city through their
load lots.
At. Jennings Lodge Holds Important
Business Meeting Wednesday. i
An Important meeting of the Jen
nings Uidge Community Club was!
held at tho Huts conservatory e)'ed
neaday evening at which time a tele
phone system wits taken up for din !
ruaaloit, electric lights, new sidewalks
iiul the owning up of streets. As .
hern are so many becoming members
of this organization the matter of so- '
curing a meeting place will probably 1
be brought up. Mr. Hotz kindly fitted i
up quarters temporarily at his greoli-
iousu until other quarters could he
secured. I
about honest dealing, weights and
measures, upon the pnrt of a few who
In the past ore stated to have raised
prices' whenever the men have re
ceived higher wages; he has stated
to tho Knterprlse representative that
nothing will be done In the last men
tioned matter, at l?ast for the present.
although such a proposition, be
claims, would save considerable to the
Compnny's employes.
This new scale of wages amounts in
The alarm of fire rung out clear and
distinct about 3 o clock Thursday af-
now negotiating with officials of tho ternoon, after several months without
electric company to double track tho j an alarm or a flro. Tho flrcmon re-
llt... fr.tm l..,il.M t ... ......til.. .. .1 .
There ... f,,r,m,ri . .wi-i. u, i.!..., i ' i... ....... associations will no doubt do every
..Ins. n!: I,.,. ... ,.7n. "hln I,elr P" o rlng
ana the merchants of that place are 1 was found to bo In tho North Pole fish
now compelled to receive (heir mer- market, on tho river bank at the foot
cnnndise ss locul freight and are pro-; of Fifth street
blbllod from obtaining goods In car I When the firemen arrived upon the
scene Ihu market was one mass of
flame, tho blaze having been so fierce
that it etivcloied the whole Interior of
tho building In an Instunt's time
The fish mnrket was owned and
kept by Tom Drown and his son
Coorge Drown. Drown reports that be
had a pan of grease on the cook stove nmny Instances, especially to the low
In the rear of tho market and went pll,j nePt t0 an increase of over
away to lie gone a few minutes and u pcr cent Bd will bring Joy to the
iniu wnen no goi oacn ne lounu me homes 0f many fsmllles,
wnolo pan in a hiazo ana the names Th. mpn , denended unon tc
rear .ling up lowarus me ceiling. 1 ne now tnPr appreciation of tho effort'
fire was so hoi anil the Uliizo so nerce mAe i .hir behalf for more efficient
In Its efforts to lick up everything in Md many fo,owg cannpt found ,p
sight that he could do nothing to cx- ,ny olh,r pnper tnllllnR district, and
tlngiilsh the flames but had to be con- lhe mnnagers of all the mills herf
tent to turn in an alarm aud try to aro of one vore wncn lt to
save What llttto property was lying rec.immenitin iheir ..mnloves for hon
nbout loose. Ho did get his boats out ety falrmlndednesa. sobriety an."
but wus not nblo to save any or 1.1s bh man fhsrsetr. Hesides thlF
sti k of fish or the nets tnat nung up ,n6 nature of tMr worK keeps there
in the back room or tho marsci. tno in nPmM,r trim at all times for most
Bosrd of Directors Endorses th isius loss will total several hundred dollars, anv k(nd of athletics. Sickness, there
of wsrsnous Certificates. j ana iirown nau no insurance. fore, very seldom bothers those reg-
The hoard of directors of the Ore- 1 tma 10 ,no iullunK m,M ularly employed, a very good sign, al
Ron City Fruit 'and Produce fnlon I OUM 10 over two or tnree uuuarea B0 of prop,r ganitary conditions In
met nt Die rooms of tho Commercial 1 """'"V It was owned by F. S. Daker, BM(1 abollt tho an(g hPrei and )t B
Inn WeiliK.Hitiiv win. i..r. w.i.i. of tilsdstone, ana was on roiitea rnnnr..j th., twrtl . numher of
roil. Iwls. Kuppenheiidor, Dellok and ' Kroti!'J but Mr. Huker had some tools the ghlft empOy08 who are willing to
jizello present. As the manager was ln" '" "u 111 RW " 11 prove their physical condition by
out of the city several mutters were 1 or ""'P'8 numirea aoiinrs more. mpelnR the squared circle or on
put over for further discussion. Tho : 11 reimriea umi me ouumug m- tno mnti in lhfl morning after the long
sureu mn 1110 nruwu uuu ou ""'- shift, those who have seen fit to state
ance. ttiRt thev are on the verne of the
The Interest In road building In
Clackamas county grows as the days
go by. And the mora Ihn mi,M 1.
Studied the enali-r It I. i
past methods of spendlne thousands
of dollars without knowing what one
was doing, or where he wm comliis
out, Jias been a disastrous one. With
this in mind another Oregon City busi
ness man has "taken hi pen in hand"
and lii-Ilied a few lines as to how the
matter appeals to him. It will nav
you to read the communication, and
then consider Its strong points for a
few days to see If the writer Is not In
the right. It follows:
Editor Enterprise: Looking at the
matter of roadbullding from the busi
ness man's standpoint, I would say
If I bad 1150,000 to Invest In build
ing a wagon road, a railroad, a fac
tory, a mill, a business block or enter
prise of any kind that I did not thor
oughly understand myself or did not
have the time to give to the work,
providing I did understand It. I should
first look for a competent man to take
charge of the work. I would cheer
fully pay hJm a reasonable per cent
on my proposed investment for the
sake of knowing positively that I was
getting (be wor(h of my money.
If I could not find the competent
man or could not afford to pay hlx
price, I would keep my money. Nev
er, under any consideration, would I
expend It without the best obtainable
I would expect my superintendent
to save me money, not cost me mon-
Important Question is Thoroughly
Analyzed and Remedies Based
Upon Experience Ar
Aro the oad supervisors giving to
the people of the county results ln
roads of a durable nature, that will
Justify the County Court In Its taxa
tion nf the people, and acceptance of
the roads?
This is a question which I shall at
tempt to answer In my own way.
First, we have four rock crushers,
one road roller, about six road grad
ers, not an average of one wheel
scraper to each district, probably four
slips to each district, and one plow
per district.
Now with this equipment let ns see
what is the opportunity of the super
visor. Four crushers to 55 supervis
ors Is about one to 13. Allowing 120
days to be the time of actual work
gives nine days to each supervisor.
The crusher having on an average,
the capacity of 85 yards per day,
would give 765 yards of crushed rock.
This spread 12 feet wide, 15 inches
deep, would cover 765 yards of rosd
'n each district per working season.
Thus, It Is clearly visible tb.it the
ey; that Is, he should save me more ; equipment is not sumclcnt to allow
than I paid blm. . j "me for Kod work or proper results
Now. we have about 1150.000 m ex. I ror money spent,
pend on our county roads and I be-' Secondly, another cause of nnneces-
lleve it possible to hire a road eng sary expenditure is the lack of sys-
necr who could save us twice or three 1 lem- Heretofore, the system, if such
times his -salary: hecause rositlmild-' 't may be called, adopted by the
Ing today Is a profession or a science I County Court and the people of the
and no man is fully eaulnoed to nrac- ounty nas been:
tlce It unless he has been properly Recommend and appoint the super-
educated in that profession. visors to spend the money according
v 1 iittvtt rv i ,0 "is own ideas and those of a fe
'i 111c uKnvj uijipttyers 01 ine uisinci,
-egardless of the practical results.
The results of this system have been
so unsatisfactory that it Is now neces
sary that It be changed for something
I would recommend that the County
Court formulate plans for all roads to
be built in the county, whether rock
r gravel, and these plans be carried
out by the supervisors of the several
Ustricts, and for such roads built In
accordance with these plans, the
Tounty Court become responsible for
a space of five years.
If they are not willing to do this
let them appoint a man as general
"superintendent who has a practical
knowledge of roads, and can survey
and build roads. Let this man have
the supervision, of all roads to be con
structed ln thei; county, and let him
Saturday's Issue of the Morning
Enterprise contained an account of
the arrest of Melbourne Evans, on the
charge of stealing. When taken to
the Juvenile Court, trouble broke out ,niflMnrlQ . ,L rW
tT"SiZa.j!. le. f? "JSi " a supervisor is found who canno.
,h T" .u. t l..""T I follow his directions in a workmanlike
coneraVle ro gh hlnSnng I ' '1 8Unden' .
fo)l.ern- Pv.n. ,h. h.. i ,he PW" 10 rem0V8 Supervisor
.K ... ,,,"', '.: . .. " Hd select a man from said district
n iium iiiv iiui siaiicu, u arreau:u
first month's business showed up very
Tho hoard endorsed the matter of
ho Issue itf serllllcates and nluced
tho working out of tho details In the
anils of tho secretary, M. J. Ijizetlo.
It was discovered that ns the board
had ordered tho sale, of stock at 15 a
hare fur flo days, and February had
only contained 28 days, stock could bo
had for 5 till the close or business
today, but not after (hat date. There
are over an hundred members now and
he union s prospecui aro promising.
Surprise Party.
Miss Emma Cottwald. a nnull of the
Hurnl Dell school, wns given a sur
prise party by her many friends Fri
day eve, the occasion being her slx-
uentn birthday. Muny games were
enjoyed until the hour for supper nr-
rived. 'I he refreshment were Drovld-
ed by the young Indies at the head of
he Bffnlr. Tho birthday cako was a
very dainty und pleiiHlng article, being
garnished nnd decorated for (ho oc
casion by two of our popular cooKs
misb Emma received many dainty and
ppropiiniu presents from her young
After the fire had been extinguished
Tom Drown opened his cash urawer Tne hourg of nl)OP anl ghft work
and found tho six or seven dollura of ln futon., pe 11 hours duys nnd
rotitents a blackened mass, one or nmlnt Khts, and. as all will be
two nickles nnving neen meiieo. oy palj on Rn hou.Iy baslg n wllI be
the heat. All tho money was Mack- hllppy w(th t)ls Klle of wages and
cned Btid disfigured but It will not wl(h tho work belllB done nd already
prove a loss, loin urown lost a no completed for the prevention of accl
aim in Buuiuon io nis ier iu. dents. the mills in Oreiton City, not
(ieorge Drown n new overcoat and withstanding the unsatisfactory adver-
Mrs. Georgo Drown a hat and coal. .in nnr civ and county received
Mrs. Kowen end child were silting durK ,he last legislature are, accord
nt the fire a few minutes before tho 11R (0 le reporla 0 tno Laiior Com-
greiiso caiignt, nun nnu jusi mi nilsHloner, In better shape than ever
room when the maze siarteti. i ne sd ,hB Pndt0ns satisfactory to ev
sumo market wns visueu ny nre hooui pn tno mo(t Cxactlng.
three months ago.
The Commercial Club, lu all Its lit
erature, continues to recommend the
mills, and rightly, to people looking
West for opportunities In the way of
employment, and It will not be long
before tho effects of proper and truth
ful duta regarding conditions here will
correct tho wrong Impression given
the public generally in other sections.
Muy our Industries live long and pros
by Mr. Krum at Maxburg, near Ore
gon City. He had rented a saddle
horse from the Portland Riding Acade
my, and started out for Eastern Ore
gon with the avowed purpose of be
coming a cowboy. He rode, from Port
land to Oregon City, and struck out
east from there. Krum overtook him
before he had left Clackamas county.
Although he Is only 14, Evans has a
criminal record. He was charged on
February 15 last year with obtaining
$1.25 from H. Gordon's news stand
through false pretenses. He was ad
who is able to do said work according
to plans.
I wish to say In regard to the money
i spent in Road District No. 13 during
I the past twelve years, during which
i time I have been supervisor, the
greater part of the time, that I firmly
j believe one-third of the money spent
on cuts and grades has been spent
with no lasting benefit to the roads.
I If I had been working under the
supervision of a competent engineer
i the loss would have been but small
I but some part of this loss has been
I due to the lack of necessary machln
WHEN a man feels the necessity
" of being in two places at the same
time he goes to the nearest telephone
and sends his voice.
It is not exactly the same thing, but when a
man talks hundreds of miles in opposite directions
from the Bell Telephone, it is about as good.
In the daily use of the telephone a man trav
els all over town by wire in a few minutes. It is
just as easy to travel all over the state and other
states by means of the universal Long Distance
Service of the Bell System.
Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co.
Every Bell Telephone is the Canter of .'the System
Tuesday night (1. V. Metcalf, an old
farmer from out (iiesham way, left
tho Hodges feed barn bound for Wood
burn with his team. When ho loft
tho burn Metculf was considerably un
der t lie inlluenco of llipior and It was
remarked that he was In no condition
to Btnrt on a long Journey.
Wednesday morning Deputy Sheriff
Miles wns not lied that there was a
stray team standing nt tho side of tho
road nenr tho Pulp Station, with no
driver in sight and no one knowing to
whom It belonged. That officer nt
once went to tho scene and finally
brought tho team to town and lodged
it at tho sumo barn from which It
started out.
What has become of tho owner Is a
mystery thnt-tho police have not yet
solved. Tho horses stood nt tho road
side when found and tho report Is
that they hud stood there all night.
Thoro wus no sign of tho ownor, U.
W. Mutcnlf, or ns to his whereabouts
In the wagon was a bank hookshow
Ing deposits nt times und having his
niimo In such a way us to be un
mistakable. Considerable search was made dur
ing tho day but no cluo has yet been
found. It Is thought he foil from his
wagon but as ho wns some distance
from tho river It Is not thought he
could hnvo fnllen Into it. Where he
linn dlHiippenred to Is tho question that
is puzzling his friends. No word wns
received from him Wednesday by of
ficers ln this city.
Relief for illletz Settlers.
WASHINGTON. March 1. Senator
Chamberlain has secured a favorable
report from the public hinds commit
too on tho hill which paused the
llouso for tho relief of settlers on the
Slloti reservation.
Benton County Frultmen Combine.
C0KVALL1S, Or., Feb. 27. At a
meeting of tho Denton county fruit
growers in the commercial Lino
rooms, pluns were made for an asso
ciation similar to the Hood Klver com
bination, and a committee was ap
pointed to draw up articles of Incor
poration. This Is tho nrst movement
mndo by frp.lt men of this part of the
valley townrd organization, and It was
brought about by the unstable, condi
tion of the market and the refusal of
numerous smnll growers und fnrmers
to comply with the requirements of
the Insecticide law. it was shown thnt
whllo Denton county growers were
getting only 50 niul 75 cents a box for
choice apples, IJnii county was get
ting $1.75 and upwards for the sume
;ed a delinquent boy and subse- "7
nimntlti narnlml In A nell nf Inni uaa : J
stolen a hat worth $30 from Hoffman's '"8! ,1"
rs,rih ii,.m r. u ,. I had the opportunity to build a piece
n.'..i k .. .. - . i . I of road, according to my idea, which
Hied with his parents, at a32 Market , thnk' wilI be faatin But'on ac.
! count of the scarcity of crushers and
j rollers they were taken from me be-
; tore I naa time to mnstj it in a worn
i manlike manner.
I say once more, give us a chance
with a system, with tools to work
I with and you will see better results.
Debate at Eatacida Postponed.
The debate nt KstucBdn between (he
Oregon City anil the local High
schools has been postponed for one
week, nt tho request of tho debaters
from this city. That will give more
time for preparation on both sides,
Those willing to go should hnnd their
Iianies to Superintendent Tooze so
that they may be counted In an effort
to get a special car.
Children Cry
The regular animal nrntige County
Convention, for the County of Clack
amas, Is culled to conveno In he
County Court room nt Oregon City,
Oregon, on Tuesday, March 7th, 1911,
at 1:30 p. m. S'tld convention is
culled for tho purpose of electing five
Representatives to attend the next
Annual Session of tho Oregon Sfnte
Grunge to be held at Corvallls Muy
9 to 12, 1911.
County Deputy.
WASHINGTON, March 1 (Spl.)
Ry a vote of 4fi to 40 the Cnited States
Semite today attempts to uphold the
honor of one of its members. At that
there is a question ns to whether or
not Uirimer Is not condemned in the
eyes of the whole world.
After the vote was announced Pri
mer's friends hastened to congratu
late lit m. With such a narrow margin
in his favor there Is little short of
condemnation for his acts as seen by
even those closely associated wltb
Mark Prairie Supervisor Again Re
plies to Criticisms.
Iron Mountain Train Is Looted Within
City Limits.
ST. LOVIS. Mo., Feb. 2S. (Spl.)
Masked robbers held up an Iron Moun
tain train within tho city limits to
night and looted an express car. The
messenger wns bound and robbed.
There were two robbers Implicated.
It was a rich haul. They have not
been apprehendod.
parental Tactics.
worried parent Is sometimes
obliged to do something like this:
"Da, what is a transcendentalist?"
"Have you chained up the dog, as I
told you?" "Not yet, pa." "Well do
that, and when you come buck I will
tell you what a transcendentalist is."
Whllo Dobby was gone his astute par
ent dug the needed Information out of
dictionary. Dlimlnghnm Age-Her
In only three preceding years have
the losses from lire in the United
States nnd Canada been heavier than
In 1910, ona, of these being the year
of the great Chicago fire nnd the other
thnt of the earthquake and tire In Sun
Francisco. The uggregnto last yeur
reuched the enormous sum of $234,
470.050, an excess of more thnn $30,-
000,000 over the losses of 1909.
MARKS PRAIRIE, Feb. 27 (Editor
Enterprise) As you made several
misleading statements In your criti
cism of my letter in regard to the ap
pointment of a road engineer, I hope
you will be generous enough to allow
me space to enlighten you on some
of the statements I made. You say
there is no politics In this roaiv bots
business, and I ought to know Ijetto
than to make that stutcnii'iit.
I know what I am talking atKiut. I
have been active In politics In this
county for years, mid was ore of the
men who wns iu politics brfore th
editor of the Enterprise was barn.
This "road boss" scheme was hatched
by the "big four" of Oregon City ar.d
is a political scheme to pay oil a
political debt and to kill certain men
who will be out for office ut our next
You say Mr. Jaggar and D. R. Dim
ick are In favor of a road boss. Mr.
Dlmlck Informed me In person that
If a road engineer was appointed at
a big salary he would tender his resig.
nation as road supervisor and also
said he had been, requested to write
a letter in favor of a road boss but
refused to do so, as he would have
nothing to do regarding this matter.
Now, regarding Mr. Jaggar, Just a
few words. He has been at the pie
counter for several years, and anyone
who will look at his reports of money
spent will see that vast sums of mon
ey have been spent ln his district,
and 1 do not think he has wasted one
third of his road fund us the ex-judge
says. Surely If he Is an expert, why
has that Molalla rond cost this county
so much money. I wus informed by
ono of the best county commissioners
this county ever had that a railroad
from Oregon City to Molulla could
have been built for less than what
that road has cost Clnckamns County.
' I see you are still quoting Judge
blmlek's statements about one-third
of tho rond fund being wasted. This
statement is somewhat like another
statement that is before ino, "If I am
elected Judge I will put this county
out of debt and be doing business on
a cash basis. Taxation shall be re
duced or I shall resign." Wdho do
ellhorT He wns simply mistaken In
this statement, as he Is In that state
ment about one-third of the road fund
being wasted.
Now, Mr. Ediior, why do you not
publish some letters from some of tho
farmers of Clackamas County along
with (hose letters of "city people," 1
have received a score or more lettors
from the most prominent farmers of
this county thanking me for the stand
I have taken against this scheme of
graft, and some of them would make
tine reading for the Oregon City "hot
air club" to digest. It seems thnt
Oregon City wants to hog the whole
road fund to be used around Oregon
City. We have heard of the "Salem
hog," but Oregon City can show them
they are not "In It" when it cornea to
We aro well pleased that the Coun
ty Court can not be "bull do,ed" by a
lot of tax dodgers and the county far
mers will stay with the Court In turn
ing down this whole road Enelneer
Several communications on the road
question are found In this Issue of the
Enterprise. It Is the greatest econo
mic question, by all odds, In the
county. We have opened the columns .
of this paper for the purpose of en
couraging an Intelligent discussion of
the subject. While many artlclea have
appeared from prominent taxpayers In
favor of a more systematic plan of
road bulldlne, so far only Geo. B.
Oglesby, road supervisor of Marks
Prairie, has seen fit to endorse the
present slip-shod plan or lack of plan.
His second communication, while In
poor taste, Is found elsewhere In this
Issue. Again we insist on assuring
Mr. Oglesby, and all other supervisors
that, as far as this paper Is concerned
and as far as lt has any information
on the subject, there Is not the slight
est politics In the road building agita
lion. If Mr. Oglesby has any secret
Information from his long experience
in politics in this county, let him out
with It and tell who Is in this awful
political scheme. The question has
grown to such proportions that Insin
uations as to base designs, and "big
fours," and "tax dodgers," and such
stuff don't count. Let everybody come
out In the open. If we are getting
adequate results from the tremendous
sums of money poured on the roads
of this county, let some intelligent
man who knows the county as a whole
say so, and tell us when and where.
The road fund Is now ln debt over
$150,000.00 and the taxpayers of the
county are now paying In a special
levy of $ 18,000.00 to apply on this In
debtedness besides the very tidy sum
of $123,000.00 for expenditure- this
year. The largeness of the question
can be inferred from the sums actu
ally expended on the roads and brid
ges of the county in the last four
years, as follows:
1907 ..$101,088.31
1908 111,698.29
1909 I.. 107,536.43
1910 169.259.97
Total $489,603.00
There were $12,000.00 spent
bridges last year. Add special taxes
levied in the various road districts.
and we have far more than a half mil
lion dollars expended on the roads
alone in Clackamas County in the last "
four years. Now what would this vast
sum of money do If properly expend
ed? Let us see. It would, at $2500.00
mile construct 200 miles of first
class rock road and at 11250.00 per
mile, construct 400 miles of good
gravel road. Now let Mr. Oglesby, or
some one, tell us what we have got
to show for the more than $1,500,000
of hard coin put upon the roads of
this county since we went under the
cash road system In 1893. Mr. II. H.
Johnson, who was County Clerk for
four years, makes the total spent on
the roads during this period nearly
two million dollars, but in our dealt e
to be fair we have adopted a much
lower figure, and we are well within
the facts. In the face of this tremen
dous situation it is folly to try to
array the city against the country or
to pass slighting remarks against any
Individual or to cry politics. The tax
payers from the city and county want
to know where these great sums of
money are going and they are waking
p and taking notice that it Is not a
tax dodging proposition, but a tax
eating one, that appeals in a very di
rect way, just at this time especially,
o their own pocketbooks. Now, is
our political friend of many years, in
a position to criticise anybody over
much. He, himself, paid as taxes in
this county last year $6.77, and re
ceived as supervisor from the county
$221.62; and he and bis immediate
relatives received $451.14 out of .
$2'13.47 expended in his road district.
Now, In the next article of Mr.
Oglesby, let him include some more
of the f jod citizens of the county who
are reg.illng themselves at the "pie
Brlcker, of Oswego, Arrested
for Falling to Do 8o.
Charles Brlcker was arrested Tues
day at Oswego for failure to support
his wife, Mrs. Emma Brickor, and four
children. Mrs. Brlcker swore to the
complaint, and the warrant was
served by Sheriff Muss.
There Is ono man doing a year In
the county Jail at the present time for
the same offense
Have you overworked your n-srvous
system and caused troabb with your
kidneys and bladder? Hare yon pnlns
in loins, side, back and bladder? Have
you a flabby appearance of the face,
and under the eyes? A fpjquent desire
to pass urine? If so, Williams' Kidney
Fills will cure you Druggist, Price
50c. Williams Mfg. Co., Propn., Cleve
land, O. For sale by Huntley Jjros.
and Jones Drug Co.