Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 24, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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III thn Circuit Court of Din Hhilo of
Oregon, fur ClitnUutiittn County.
A. It, Morgan, l'litliilirr.
May Morgan, Defendant,
To Miiy Morgan, (tin iihovoumiimt tin
rniliiiil :
In lh Damn of tho stnto of Oregon
you 1110 hereby fiil rl lo appear mid
answer I ho lininplului fllml against
you In Mm nliovo entitled coiiho on or
beforo tin I III) iluy of March, lllli,
mill If you full no lo uppi'tir mid answer
fur want thiironf thu iilnlnlirr will up
ply lo Ilia I'ourt fur llin rullof pruytul
for In li'ir Hiild complaint, lo-wlt;
For ii ilni'rmi of this Court dissolving
I Im ttinrrlngn nml ritrt now existing
between plulnllff nml iliifniiiliiiil, nod
for rout nml illHliiirin'iiit'NlH herein
nml for such other mnl furtluir relief
nit limy lit equitable.
This summons In iulillnlnil by order
of lion, J. U. Campbell, Judgo of llin
Circuit Court of Mm Hlntu of Oregon
for C'Iik-Uhidiih Couuly for thn Fifth
Juillrlnl District, mndo on tho l'Jtli
tin y of Jnniinry, Itlll, mnl enlerod on
thn 20th ilny of .Inuimry, 11)11, mid
Mm tlina iironcrl liml for tho publication,
of thin aiimmiiii In six weeks lumln
iiIiik Friday, Jmiunry 27, 1911, mid
ending with thu Issue of March lOlh
Attorney for l'lnlntlff.
In Iho Circuit Court of thn Slato of
Oregon, for thn County of Cluck
Fraud It Troutlnr, Plaintiff,
Julia Troutlnr, Dcfonduut.
To Julia Troutlnr, Defendant above
In thn nmnn of thn Htnto of Oregon
you urn hereby roqurrinl lo appear nml
answer to III" com jtlitlnt filed against
you In thn nlxiva entitled Court and
oauan on or bnfora tho 11th (lay of
March. 1911, nml If you fall to no ap
pear aud answer, thn plaintiff will
apply lo thn Court for thn relief
prayed for In hl complaint, lo-wll
Kor dncrnn tllnnol vImk tha bonds of
matrimony now existing between thn
nbovo named plaintiff mid defendant
mid for mich other relief as to thn
Court mny stmin meet unci equitable
Thla summoni I published lipur-
rnianca of an ordnr of tho lion. J. U,
Campbell. Judgo of thn abovo entitled
Court. made on thn 19ih day of Jan
unry. 1911, and nnlnrnd on thn 20th
day of January. 1911. NpnelfyliiK that
thn aamn tin published for six con-
accutlvn wvnha mid ordering January
!7, 1911, a thn datn of tho Jlrxt pub
lication. T. 11. McDEVITT, Jr.
Attorney for I'lnliulff.
In thn Circuit Court of tho Slate of
Oregon for Clackama County.
K. II. Westnrdnhl. I'latntlff.
Ilcsala B Westcrdahl, IVi.f. ti Jimt.
To iwaitln K. WOHlordahl. abovo named
In thn tiling of thn Plain of Oregon,
you aro hereby required to aipnnr and
auawer the complaint filed agalnat you
In thn above named suit, on or Imforn
thn inih dny of March, 1911, antd datn
hnlnit Ihn expiration of six week! from
Iho flrat puhllcatlon of this aommoni.
and If you fall to appear or anwnr
rntlil complaint, for want thereof tho
plaintiff will apply to tho court for
tho relief prayed for In hli complaint,
Kor ft decree dissolving tho bond
of matrimony now ralatlnjt between
thn plnlntlff and defendant. Thla lum
mona la published hy order of lion.
It. II. Ilealln, Judge of thn County
Court, which order wa madn and on
ternd on thn Mrd day of January,
1911. and thn tlmn prescribed for
publication thereof la nix wneka. bo
glnnln with tho laaue of Krlduy, Jan
uary 27th, 1911, and continuing each
week thereafter to and Including thn
Irhiio of Friday. March 10th, 1911.
(iKO. C. llllOWNF.m
Attornny for l'lnlntlff.
In Iho Circuit Court of tho Pluto of
Oregon for ClacknmiiH County.
). Wcbitter, I'lalntlff,
Mary K. Wosjiter. Defendant
To- Mary K- Wnbatnr, ahovn
In tho iiamo of tho Stuto of Oro
eon. vou aro liornhy reiiulrnd to np-
pear and auawer thn complaint filed
against you In tho itbovo entitled Court
mid cuiisn on or before tho 11th day
of March, 1911. which Ih six weeka
nfler tho duto of thn flrat puhllcatlon
of thla aiimmona, to-wlt: Jmiuary 27,
1911, Hiild datn being tho day of tho
flrat puhllcatlon of thla aummona, mid
If you full o to nppear mid answer
Iho plaintiff will apply to tho Court
for tho relief prayed for In auch com
plaint, to-wlt: For n decree of thn
Court dlaaolvliifc tho bond of miitrl
mony now existing between you mid
tho plaintiff, and for anch other and
further relief na to thn Court may
Deem meet mid equitable.
Thla aummona la published by Iho
ordnr of tho lion. J. IT. Cnmpbell,
JiiiIko of tho nbovo entitled Court
mndo nnd entered on tho 2.1th day of
January, 1911.
Dnto flrat publication Jnnunry 27,
Date Inst publlciVlon March 10, 1911.
Atlorneya for l'lnlntlff.
Admlnlitra!ori Notice of Final
Notice la hereby nlvon, thnt tho un
deralitned, ndmlnlHtriitor of tho eatnto
of 101 hoi KiiIkM. hiia filed hlB final
account. In tho County Court of tho
Htnto of OroRon, for Clnclmmna Coun
ty, nnd Iho anld Court him fixed Foil
rimry 27th, 1911, nt 10 A. M., na Iho
tlmn when objections to anld account
will bo hoard.
All pernoim IntercHlod In snld state
urn hereby notified to fllo tholr ob
ject Ioiih to wild nccount, If any they
hnvo, In anld Court on or beforo snld
nnoiinio D. ELY,
Administrator aforcsnld.
Notice of Appointment of Admlnli
trator. Notlco Is horoby glvon that tho on
doislRnod has boon appointed by tho
Comity Court of Iho Hlilto of Oregon,
for ClnckiimiiH County, administrator
of tho Kstnto of John J. FoHinnrk, do
ceanod. All persons hnvlnit cliilma nRalnst
tho wild ostnto nro horoby notlflod to
prosont tho sumo duly vorlflod accord
ing to law nt the offlco of L. Stlpp,
In the Mnsonlo building In Oropon
City, Clncknmni Count y, Oregon, with
in hIx months from the date of tho
first publication of this notice.
Administrator aforesaid.
UVY 8TIPP, Attorney.
in llin Cliciilt Court of tbn Utula o
Oi'i'Kon for t'liicliiimiia County.
Mury II, IIioiihoii, I'lalntlff,
Kriink llroiiNoii, Dnfendiitil,
To Frank Ilroimon, IMifeiidiim:
In Iho inline of (ho Hlntu of Orn-
Hon you nro hnrehy rmiulred to lip
iear a nil miNwer Ihn compliiliit fllnd
iiKiilnnt ynti In tha nliovo entitled mill
on or liefnm Ihn 17th iluy of March
Mill, Hint Iii'Imk thn liiNt day pru
Hcrllied III llin order of publication of
thla aiiiiiiiiniia, unci If you full to np
pour mid nimwer aald complaint the
plaintiff will apply lo thn court for
Ihn relief Ihnrolfl played, to-wlt: A
decree, dlnnolvliiK Ilia liuirrliiKO con
tract now cxIhIIhk helwnen you nml
the piniiuirr.
Thla aiiiiiiiioim la pnlilUliecl In Iho
Orenon City Klllnrprlan, nnwapnper,
for hIx coiihcciiHvo weeka by order of
linn. J, If. Campbell, inn do on thn
Hint dny of Jnnunry, 1111 1, thn firm
publication heliiff on lha 3rd day of
Keliruary, 1911.
Attorney for l'lnlntlff.
Ill thn Circuit Court of tho fltnto of
Omiton for Clnckiima County.
A. W. lieldliiK, l'lnlntlff.
I'nrn lleldiliK, Defendant.
To Kurn lieldliiK, Defnndiint.
lit tho nmnn of thn Htutn of Oro-
cin. vou lira hereby roiinlred lo ftp-
pear and nnawnr Ihn complaint filed
agalnat you In Iho abnvo entitled airlt
on or beforo thn 17th day or siarcn,
mil. Ihnt bid n K tho Inat day pro
acrlbcd In Ihn order of publication of
I lila aiiuimoiia. and If you fall to ao
appear and anawcr anld complaint tho
nlnlntlff will apply to Iho court for
thn rnlbf Ihoreln praynd, to-wlt; A
decree (HhhoI vIiik thn marrlnKO con
tract now exlatlin botwoon you nnd
Dm plnlntlff.
Thla aiimmona In pulillahed for alx
conaecutlvo woeka In (ho OreKon City
Kntnrtirlno. newapnper, by order of
Hon. J. II. Campbell, mndo on the
jHlh day of January, 1911, Iho flrat
publication ImiIiik on tho 3rd day of
February, 1911.
8. II. HAimiNOTON.
Attorney for l'lnlntlff.
In tho Circuit Court of the Btnto of
Oregon for tho County of Clncka
una. Ida M. Cotirell, I'lalntlff,
va.' '
lohn K. Colt roll, Defendnnt.
Von aro hereby ordered and ro
iinlred to appear In tho abovo entitled
court and cauao on or beforo tho IKth
day of March. 1911. aald dale being
morn than nix weeka from tho dale
of Ihn flrnt publication of thla aum
mona, and nnawcr tho cmnpluliit ol
chn plaintiff filed In anld court and
cauao, and If you full lo ao appear
cind auawer, a decron will tin taken
iKalnat you for Ihn relief demanded
in aald complaint, to-wlt: A decree
IUhoIvIhk thn bonda of matrimony
now exIntliiK betweeu plnlntlff and
lefendniit and for tho enro and cua
lody of two minor children of plnln
i Iff and defendant, Mny I. Cottroll and
'ora C. Cotirell.
Thla aiimmona la published by ordo
.f Iho n-inornblo it. II. Ilunlle. Juditr
f thn County Court of Cliickamnf
"tmiity. Hinto of Orenon, duly made
mil enu red the 2nd day of Kehrunry
1911. Thn date of tho flrat ptihllcn
Ion hereof la February 3rd. 1911.
Attorney for I'lalntlff
In Iho Circuit Court of the btnil oi
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Frank lA I'ort, I'lalntlff,
Clnrlsaa U Tort, Defendant.
To Clnrlttsn Iji I'ort, above named
defendant :
In thn name of tho Stnto of Oregon,
vou aro hereby required to PPnr mid
answer tho complaint filed ngnlnat yon
In tho nbovo named suit, on or before
tbn loth day of March, 1911, snld dnlo
being Iho expiration of alx weeka from
thn firs publication of this numinous,
mid If you fall to nppcnr or answer
anld fomplKlnt. for wnni thereor Iho
plnlntlff will apply to tho court for
tho relief prnyed for In hla complaint,
For a decree dissolving tho bonda
of mulrlinony now existing between
thn plnlntlff and defendntit. Thla aum
mona Is published by order of Hon.
It. 11. llontle, Judge of the County
Court, which order wns mndo and en
tered on the 2Hrd dny of January, 1911,
and the tlmn prescribed for publica
tion thereof Is six weeks, beginning
with thn Irsiio of Friday, Jnnunry 27tn.
aud continuing each week thereafter
lo nnd Including tho Issuo of Friday.
Mnrch 10th, 1911.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In thn Circuit Court of tho Stnto of
Oregon for tho County of Clacka
mas. Ernest II. Hulls, I'lalntlff,
Esther Itul t n. Defendant.
To Father Hulls, Iho nbovo iiaiuot
. In thn name of tho Stnto of Oro
gun, you nro hereby required lo ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
ngiilnsl you In tho nbovo entitled suit
on or before tho 11th day of Mnrch.
1911, nnd If you full to so npimnr and
answer snld complaint, for want there
of tho plaintiff will apply to tho Court
for the relief prnyed for In anld com
plaint, to-wlt:
For n decree dissolving tho bonds
of matrimony heretofore and now. ox-
IstliiK between plaintiff and dofendant
unit for such other nnd further rollef
as lo Iho Court may seem meet nnd
This summons Is pulillsiieil by order
or the Hon. J. V. Campbell, JiiiIko of
thn abovo entitled Court, mndo on tho
2rlh dny of January, 1911, and entered
Ibis 2(llh day of Jnnunry, 1911. Tho
first publication of this summons ns
sol forth In snld order Is Jntvinry 27,
1911, nnd the Inst publication thereof,
tho 10th day of March, 1911.
Attorney for Plnlntlff.
Notice. "
In tho County Court of tho Stnto of
Oregon for tho County of Clnckn
inns. In tho mnttor of Iho estnto of F. A.
Williamson, Doconsed.
Notice Is horoby published and pro
claimed to all creditors and claimants
concerned, thnt the undersigned duly
appointed, qualified nnd anting admin
istratrix of tho Estnto of F, A. Wil
liamson, docensed, hnvo as said ad
ministratrix on tho 20th dny of Jan
uary, 1911, filed my' final account, the
same containing a dotnlled atntomont
of tho amount of all money nnd prop
erty rocolvcd nnd expended by me,
from whom received nnd to whorr
paid, nnd (he amount of money re
mnlning unexpended. The Hon. It. P
Itoutlo, County Judgo, hns appolnto
tho 4th day of Mnrch, 1911, at 2 o'clocl
P. M. for the hearing of objoctlona tt
anld flnnl account mid tha letllninoiit
thereof; unci dlinclcil thnt legal notice
be given thereof and published In Thn
Oregon City Kutnrprlxe, a wnokly
newspaper of gnuorul circulation pub
lished In Cliickiiiuna County, Oregon.
Haled Jnniinry 2ltll, 1911.
In Ihn County Court i,f tha Btuto of
Oregon for ( Inckainai County.
In tho mailer of tho estuia of William
Hammond, deceased,
To '1 hennas. A. Hammond and all other
persons Interested In tho estnto of
William Hammond, due-cased, drool
ing; Hy order of this Court, you are here
by (died mid required to appear be
foro tho Judge of Ihli Court at the
courtroom thereof lu Oregon City,
Cliicknmns County, Oregon, on or be
fore Tuesday, Iho 7th dny of March,
1911, nt 2:00 o'clock P. M. of said day
then and there In show cnusn. If any
you hnvo, why an order should not ho
mndo by thla Court licensing W. W,
Everhnrl. thn ndinlnlslrnlor herein, lo
sell thn following described real prop
erty belonging to said estnto.
An undivided onn-hulf interest in
mid to lyot 3 of lllock 2 of Molullu, ac
cording to tho duly recorded map and
pint I hereof ,
Witness Ihn Honornbln U. II, Penile,
Judge of the County Court of Clnek
amaa County, Oregon, with the anal
of anld Court nf fixed this 2Mb day or
Jnnunry, 1911.
Attcat: Judgo.
W. I MCIiVEY, County Clerk.
Hy I. M. Harrington, Deputy.
(Heal of County Court.)
In Iho County Court of the Btate of
Oregon for tho County of Ciacka
mna. as.
In thn Matter of tho Estate of John
Glower. Docensed.
To Amanda Olowcr, John II. Olownr.
William Olownr, Florence Glower,
children nnd heirs of snld deceased,
and to all others unknown, inter
rated In tho anld eilnte: In the
name of the Htnto of Oregon,
Vou, and each of you are horoby
cited to appear In the County Court
nt Clackamas County, Oregon, on or
before Tuesday, tho seventh day of
March, A. I).. 1911, at the hour of ten
o'clock. A. M.. of aald day, to show
cause. If any you have, why tho peti
tion filed herein, January 25th, 1911
by John llohrer, thn duly appointed
administrator of aald Estate, praying
for authority to sell the real property
f aald estate, or so much thoreof as
may bo necessary for tho boat Interest
if aald estate, which real property
lsked to ho sold la described In snld
letltlon, aa follows, to-wlt:
Tract Six, Plnehurat, and Tract One
f Subdivision Throe, Fir Grove, as
ier the miiy reenraea plan mereoi
'n the office of the recordor of con
veynncee of Clackmnni County, Ore-
To pay clnlma against aald estate
tnd ehnrgea and expenses of admlnli
ration, should not be granted In ac
ordnnco with tho piayer of anld pe
WHEREOF, you are hereby requlreo
o take duo notice.
WITNESS the official seal of aalc"
"ourt. thla 25th day of January, A.
it. b- nrcATiE,
County Judge
V. I. Ml'I,VEY, County Clerk.
ny I. M. llnrrlngton, Doputy..
'Soul of Clackamas County.)
The regular nnnunl Grange County
'invention, for tho County of Clack
inns, Is cnlled to convene In th
'ounty Court room at Oregon City
Iregon, on Tuesday, Mnrch 7th, 1911
t 1:30 p. m. Suld convention I'
nlled for tho jmrposo of electing flvt
tnpresenlntivea to attend the ner
vnnnnl Session of tho Oregon Stnt
range to he held at Corvnllls Ma;
i to 12, 1911.
The regular annual meeting of the
stockholders of the Clear Creek
Creamery Company will be held on
the third Monday of March, March 20,
1911, at 10 o'clock a. m at tho cream
ery. Stone, Oro. At this meeting flvo
directors, a swretary and a treasurer
will be elected for the ensuing year,
mid any other business transacted
which may properly come beforo It.
' W. P. KIRCH EM, President.
Executrix Notice.
Notice Is hereby given thnt the un
dersigned hns been appointed execu
trix of tho estate of Thomas Martin,
deceased; nil persons having claims
against said estate nre hereby notified
to present the snnio with propor
vouchers duly certified, according to
law, at the offlco of Geo. C. Hrownell.
nt Oregon City, Oregon, within six
months of tho dnte of tho publication
of this police.
Daled Februnrv 17th. 1911.
Executrix of the estate of Thomas
Martin, deceased.
Attorney for executrix.
In the Circuit Curt of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Grace R. Mclivln, l'lnlntlff,
Chniles Mclrvlu, Defendant.
To Charles Mclrvlu, nliovo named de
fendant: In ihu Nanio of Iho Stnto of Oregon:
You aro hereby required to nppear
mid answer thn complnliit filed against
you In tho nliovo entitled suit, on or
before the 12th day of March, 1911,
nnd If you full so to appear or answer
Iho plnlntlff will apply to the Court
for tho relief prayed for In the com
plaint, vhtch Is, that the marrlnge now
existing between you and tho plnlntlff
ho forever dissolved, and for such
other nnd further relief as to tho
Court mny seem Just and equltnbln.
This summons Is served upon you by
publication by order of Hie Hon. J. U.
Cnmpbell, Judgo of Hie nbovo entitled
Court, which order Is dated tho 24th
day of January, 1911. Tho dnte of the
first publication of this summons Is
tho 27th dny of Jnnunry, 1911, nnd
Iho last dato the 10th dny of March,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In tho Circuit Court of the Stnto of
Oregon, lu and for Clackamas
Gertrudo A. "Dowermnn, Plaintiff,
Edward R. rtowermnn, Jr., Defendant.
To Edward R. Howormun, Jr., Defen
dant: In tho Name of the Stnte of Ore
gon: You are hereby required to ap
pear and answer to the complnlnt
tiled against you In the above en-
titled suit, orr or before tho 1st day
of April, 1911, and If yon fall ao lo
appear or nnswor, plulnllff will apply
lo thn Court for (he relief, prayed for
In said complaint, to-wlt: A decree
severing and dissolving the bonds of
piatrlmony horoloforo and now exist
ing between tho plnlntlff nnd your
self, and for auch other mid further
relief In the pre in lues aa tho Court
mny deem Just and equitable.
Service of this summons Is mndo
upon you, by publication In pursu
uiicn of an ordnr of the Honorable
Jnmon V. Campbell, Circuit Judgo of
Cluckmiins County, Htnto of Oregon,
mucin on thn Kith dny of February,
1911, directing such implication In the
Oregon City Erflnrprlse, once a week,
for six consecutive weeks, the first
publication being February nth, 191 1,
nnd Iho lust being tho Mill day o
March, 1911.
Attorney for Plulnllff.
4II9-44I Chamber of Commerce Illdg.,
Portland, Oregon.
' Summoni.
In Iho Circuit Court of the Htnto of
Oregon, for tho County of Clnckn
inns. Win. Mulro, riulntlff,
Frnnk Gerrllz, II. W. Haddock and
Mrs. H. W. Haddock, his wife, Do
To Frn.iik Gorrltz, IL W. Haddock and
Mrs. H. W. Haddock, Dofendanla:
In tho Name of tho State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to a ri
pens und answer thn complaint filed
against you In the shove entitled suit,
on or beforo the 31st day of Marcn,
1911, anld dato being after tho expira
tion of six weeki from the Orst pub
lication of thla summons, and If you
fail lo apiMiur and answer snld com
plaint, for want thereof, plaintiff will
apply to the court for relief praynd
for In complaint, to-wlt: For a decree
foreclosing all your right title and
Interest In lota fifteen mid sixteen, In
block 27, In Oregon Iron and Steel
Co.'a First Addition lo tho Town of
Oswego, Or., for 1100.00 attorney's
fees, and costs and disbursements.
This summoni Is published by or
der of Hon. J. Campbell, Judge of
the abovo named court, which order
was made and entered on the Hth
day of February, 1911, and the time
prescribed for publication thereof Is
tlx weeka, beginning with the Issue
of Frlduy, February 17th, 1911, and
continuing each week thereafier to
md Including the Issuo of Friday,
March 31, 1911.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
nini. Walter S. Robinson, Plaintiff,
.aura Robinson, Defendant.
To lAim Robinson, the above named
In tho Namo of the Stnto of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
penr and answer tho complnlnt filed
against you In the above entitled lull
on or before tho 30th day of March
1911, said date being after the expira
lion of six weeks from the first puh
llcatlon of this summons, and If you
fnll to appear and answer said com
plnlnt for want thereof, the plaintiff
will apply to the court for the rellet
prayed for in his complaint, to-wlt:
For a decree dissolving the bonds of
matrimony now existing between the
plaintiff and defendant, and for the
care and custody of the minor chil
dren. This sufmons Is published by
the order of the Honorable J. U.
Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court
for tho County of Clackamas, State
of Oregon, which order was made and
entered on the Hth day of February,
1911. and the time prescribed for pub
lication thereof Is six weeks, begin
ning with the Issue of Friday, Febru
ary 17, 1911, and continuing each
week thereafter to and including the
Issue of Friday, Mnrch 31, 1911.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
21 Ainsnorth Illdg., Portland, Oregon.
In tho Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clnckamas County.
Lulu M. Shaw, riulntlff,
Frnnk W. Shaw. Defendant.
To Frank W. Sbnw, tho abovo named
In the nnme of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear mid answer the complnlnt filed
ngnlnst you In the above linmed suit,
on or before Hie Hist day of March.
1911, suid dato being the expiration
of six weeks from the first publication
of this summons, nnd if you fnil to
nppcnr or answer snld complnlnt, for
want thoreof the plnlntlff will apply
to the court for the relief prnyed for
In her comp!"lnt, to-wlt:
For a decree dissolving the bonds
of matrimony now existing between
the plnlntlff and defendant This
summons Is published by order of Hon.
J. I Cnmpbell. Judgo of the Circuit
Court, which order was made mid en
tered on the Kith dny of February,
1911, and Iho time prescribed or puli
llcatlon thereof is six weeks, begin
ning with the Issue of Friday, Febru
ary 1 Tt It and continuing euch week
thereafter to and including the Issue
of Friday, Mnrch 31st, 1911.
Attorney for plaintiff.
Notice of Registration.
In Iho Circuit Court of the State 'of
Oreson For Cliicknmns County.
In the mntter of the application of
Charles Hoist man to register the
title to a portion of lllock 5. in Os
wego, Clackamas County, Oregon,
described ns follows, to-wit: He
ginning on the street line 100 feet
south of the N. E. comer of Block
5, Oswegvi; thenco tracing snld
slroet lino south 60 feet; thence
west nt right angles to suld street
line 150 feet: thence north and par
allel with snld street 60 foet; thence
east 150 feet to the place of begin
ning, vs.
Chniles Scudding, as President of the
Hoard of Trustees of Trinity School,
a corporation, nnd the Trustees of
Trinity School, a corporation, and
all whom It may concern, Defend
ant s.
Thnt on the 'Joth dny of Februnry.
A. D., 1911. nn application wns filed
by Bald Charles lloratmun, In tie Cii
cult Court of Clackamas County, foi
Initial registration of the title to the
land above described.
Now. unless you nppear on or be
fore the 13th dny of March, 1911, and
show cause why such application shall
not be grnn'ed, the Bame will bo tnken
as confessed, and a decree will be
entered according to the prayor of the
application, and you will be forever
burred from disputing the same.
W. '' mi lvey, Clerk,
Notice of Registration.
In tho Circuit Court of the Htnte of
Oregon, For Clockamai County,
In thn mutter of the application of
Charles Horstmnn to register the
tide to Lots 9, 10 and 11 In lllock
3, In Oswego, Clackamas County,
Oregon, according to the pint there
of on llin In tho offlco of the Recor
der of Conveyance for said county,
Tualatin Itlver Navigation & Manu
facturing Company, a corporation,
Charles Scaddlng ns President of
the Hoard of Trustees of Trinity
School, a corporation, the Trustees
of Trinity School, a corporation,
Anna M. Crlchton, wlfo of E. W.
Chrlchton, and to all others whom
It niy concern, Defendants.
Thnt on the 20th dny of February,
A. D., 1911, an application was filed
by suld Charles Horstmnn, In the Cir
cuit Court of Cluckamns County, for
Initial registration of the title to the
land nbovo described.
Now, unless you appear on or be
foro the 31st dny of March, 1911, and
show cauao why such application shall
not bo granted, the same will be taken
as confessed, and a decree will be
entered according to the prayer of the
application, and you will he forever
barred from disputing the same.
W. L M L'LVEY, Clerk.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
- Oregon for Clackamas County.
M. A. Robinson, Plaintiff,
Mcllnda E. Robinson, Defendant.
To Mcllnda E. Robinson, the above
named defendant:
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you In the above entitled suit
on or before the 8th day of April, 1911,
suld date being after tho expiration of
six weeks from the first publication
of this summons, and if you fail to
appear and anawer aaid complaint, for
want thereof the plaintiff will apply to
the court for the relief prayed for In
his complaint, to-wlt: For a decree
dissolving tho bonds of matrimony
now existing between plaintiff and
defendant and for hla costs and dis
bursements In this suit. This sum
mons Is published by order of Hon
orable J. U.' Campbell, Judge of th
Clrcult Court, for the County of
Clackamas, State of Oregon, which
order was made and entered on the
17th day of February, 1911, and the
time prescribed for publication la six
weeks, beginning with the Issue o'
Friday, February 21, 1911, and con
tinuing each week thereafter to and
including the Issue of Friday, April
7. 1911.
Date of Orst publication of thla sum
mons, February 21. 1911.
207 Oak St., Portland, Ore
In the Circuit Court of the State ol
Oregon for Clackamas County.
John J. Kuntz, Plaintiff,
Ixiulse M. Kuntz, Defendant.
To Louise M. Kuntz, above named de
fendant: In tho name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint fllec
agninst you In the above named suit
on or beforo the 7th day of April, 1911;
suid date being the expiration of si;
weeks from the first publication ol
this summons, and If you fall to ap
pear or answer said complaint, foi
want thereof the plaintiff will apply
to the Court for the relief prayed foi
In his complaint, to-wlt:
For a decree dissolving me bonds
of matrimony now existing between
the plaintiff and defendant. This sum
mons is published by order or Hon.
J. I'. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit
Court, which order was made and
entered on the 16th day of February,
1911, and the time prescribed for pub
lication thereof Is six weeks, begin
ning with the Issue of Friday, Febru
ary 24, 1911. and continuing each
week thereafter to and Including the
Issuo of Friday, April 7, 1911.
Attorney for plaintiff.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice Is hereby given thnt the ub
derslgned administratrix of tho estate
of John Bowmann, deceased, has filet'
her final account herein with thf
County Clerk of Clnckamas County
Oregon, and the County Judge has Bet
Monday, the 20th day of March, 1911,
at the hour of 10:00 o'clock a. m. at
tho County Court room of said County
and Stnto as the time and place for
hearing objections to suid final ac
count and for the final settletr--ut of
said estate.
O. D. EHY,
Attorney for Administratrix. .
Administratrix Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed
as administratrix of the estate of
Daniel Snyder, deceased, and any and
all persons having clnlms against the
said estate must present them duly
verified to my attorneys, Dimick &
Dlmick. Oregon City, Oregon, within
six months from tho date of this no
tlco. Dated Februnrv 14th, 1911.
Attorneys for Administratrix.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, in and for Clackamas
George C. Buck. Plaintiff,
Maud A. Buck, Defendant.
To Maud A. Buck, Defendant:
In the Nnme of the Stnte of Ore
gon;- TOlt are nereiiy requireu to p
penr and answer to the complaint
filed against you Jn the above en
titled suit, on or before the 1st dny
of April, 1911, and If you fun so to
appear vr answer, plnlntlff will apply
lo the Court tor 1110 reuei pntyeu 101
In said complnlnt, to-wlt:
A decree, soverlng and dissolving
the bonds of matrimony neroioiore
nnd now existing between the plain
tiff and yourself, and for such other
and further relief in the premises as
tho Court may deem Just anu equit
Service of this summons is mane
upon you by publication, In pursunnce
of nn order of the Hon. James U.
Cnmpbell. Circuit Judge of Clnckumns
County, Stnte of Qregon, mnde on the
IKth duv or Feuruary, 1:111, uirecimi.
such publication In the Oregon City
Enterprise, once a week lor six con
secutive weeks, the first publication
being February 17th, 1911, and the
last being the 24in uay 01 aiureu,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Harvey E. Cross,
We have now moved to our permanent quarters In the Beaver
Building, Next to the Andresen Building.
Real Estate Abstracte Main Street,
Loam, Insurance, Oregon City, Ore.
In the" Circuit Court of the Stnte of
Oregon, for Clackamas County,
John Carlson, Plaintiff,
Josephine Theresa Curlson, Defen
dant. To Josephine Theresa Carlson, the
above nam?d defendant;
In the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
yon In the above entitled cause on or
before the 27th day of February, 1911,
and If you fall to so appear and
answer for want thereof the plaintiff
will apply to the Court for the relief
prayed for In her said complaint, to
wlt: For a decree of this Court dissolv
ing the marriage contract now exist
ing between plaintiff and defendant,
and for costs and disbursements here
in and for such other and further re
lief as may be equitable.
This summons Is published by or
der of Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of i
the Circuit Court of the State of Or-.
gon for Clackamas County for the
Fifth Judicial District, made and en
tered on the 10th day of January,
1911, and the time prescribed for the
publication of this summons la six
weeks beginning Friday, January 13,
1911, and ending with the Issue of
February 24, 191L
Attorney for Plaintiff.
lu the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Vorah Hereford, Plaintiff,
0. L. Hereford, Defendant
To O- L. Hereford, the above named
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you In the above entitled suit
on or before the expiration of six
weeka from the date of the first pub
lication of this summons, to-wit: on
or before the 24th day of February,
1911, and if you fail so to appear for
want thereof plainttff will apply to
the Court for the relief prayed for In
her complaint now on file herein,
wLtch is; that the bonds of matrl
mo y now existing between plaintiff
and defendant be dissolved upon the
grounds that the defendant has de
serted plaintiff, and for such other
and further relief as to the Court may
seem equitable.
This summons Is published by or
der of Hon. i. V. Campbell, Judge of
the above entitled Court made and
entered on January 9, 1911, directing
the first publication thereof to be
made on January 13th, 1911, and the
last publication on February 24th,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clack
amas. Stella M. McFarlane, Plaintiff,
Roy W. McFarlane, Defendant
In the name of the State of Oregon,
You, Roy W. McFarlane, are hereby
required to appear and answer the 1
complaint filed against you herein, on J
or before the 27th day of February. A. ! I
D-, 1911, and if you fall to appear or
answer said complaint on or before 1
said date, the plaintiff will apply to ;
the Court for the relief demanded In j
her complaint, to-wit: I
r-n- n iliuifu of thla Hnnnrflhle I
Court dissolving the bonds of matri
mony now existing between the plain
tiff and the defendant, that the cus
tody of their minor child, Clifford Al
len McFarlane, be awarded to the
plaintiff; that the defendant be re
quired to pay to the plaintiff the sum
of $15.00 per month for the support
and maintenance of said minor child,
that the defendant pay the costs and
disbursements of this suit, and for
such other and further relief as may
to the Court seem Just and meet In
the premises.
This summons Is served upon you
by publication thereof for six succes
sive weeks In the Oregon City Enter-
prise, a weekly newspaper of general (
circulation published in Oregon City,
County of Clackamas, State of Ore
gon, by order of the Honorable J. V. ,
Campbell, Judgo of the above entitled ;
Court, which order Is dated the Tenth
dav of Jnnunry, 1911.
Date of first publication, Januury j
13, 1911. Dnte of last publication,!
February 24th, 1911. j
C. H. DYE.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
C. T. Tooze,
Lawyer and Notary
Real Estate Bought and Sold.
Room 2, Beaver Bldg., Ore. City
Does some of best abstract
work in county. Is persistent
worker in curing defects in
Oregon City titles. Lists with
a leuding Portland firm all his
listed property. Handles choice
Portland real estate. General
Insurance agent. See him about
best life Insurance. With C. H.
Dye, S. W. 8th & Main, Oregon
City. Call afternoons. Both
The University and Bellevue Hos
pital Medical College, New York City.
Office practice mainly solicited.
The doctor continues the Eastern
custom of putting up his own pre
scriptions. Pacific, phone, Main 1581.
William Hammonti
associated with
George C. Brownell.
Legal Business Promptly
Oeutscher Advokat
Will practice In all courts, make
collections and settlements.
Office In Enterprise Building,
Oregon City, Oregon.
C D. a D. c.
Commercial, . Real Estate and
Probate our Specialties. Of
fice la First National Bank
Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
W. S. EDDY, V. Sn M. D. V.
Grsduite of the Ontario Veteri
nary College ol loronto, Canada,
and the McKillip School of
Surgery of Chicago, has located
at Oregon City and established aa t
oilier i. ine rasnion siaoies,
Seventh Stmt near Main.
Both Telephones
Farmers' 131 Man
Clackamas County
610 Chamber of Commerce,
Portland, Oregon.
Fall equipment of maps, plats,
abstract books and tax roila.
Agents for Clackamas County
Lands, Money Loaned, Titles
E. F. A F. B. RILEY,
Attorneys A Counsellor! at Law
We make a specialty of install
ing water systems and plumb
ing In the country. We carry
the Leader tanks and Stover en
gines. We have a full line of
Myers pumps and spray pumps.
Prices always lowest
720 Main St Oregon City
Phone 2682. I
......,.. ...........
a D. E B Y
Money loaned, abstract furkiib
4, land titles examined, estates
settled, general law business.
Over Bank of Oregon City.
wisp im
iiXi'iiaMn 1 11' i miiH'1
. . m '1 .jaw
Sfaaawewa at--;..' ,
I Famoui at home for B
1 Generatloni past; I
J Famoui now all over I
I the World. I
I For Bale by B