Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 17, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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s tmi la I iitg itv Rxxl on t Rrtta
ling (lie Sitraas alWkof
IYomolcs DiIiiinfKftfiil
ncss and '.Contains w&T
Opitim.Ydrphae iwrMucraL
Annfcfl Rcmcrfv forCVWiM
tion . Sour Stonuch.DiaiTtwJ
TacSimle Signature of
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
The measle patients In the east part
of town are reported convalescent.
The whistle of the logging engineers
Is again heard in the district of the
Schafer saw mill.
Master Charles Molman with his
father and mother went to see his
new cousin, of Mulino.
There will be a debate at tho high
school next Friday. February 17. The
subject is "Resolved, That trusts and
monopolies are a positive injury to
the people financially."
H. S. Ramsby, of Molalla, was In
town a few days ago.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Staudinger were
visitors at Mr. Colvin's Sunday.
C. A. Elliot was enjoying a pleasant
ride in his auto through this burg the
other day. He also traveled In Dickey
prairie on the same day. The roads
are quite muddy but he can get there
with a Ford.
Milton Chlndgren has been clearing
land for Mr. Holman. He seems to
like to make a big smoke when he
burns poles.
Judging from the size of the crowd
and the enthusiasm manifested at the
Socialist meeting Monday night we
are led to believe that the doctrine of
Socialism is taking a firm hold upon
the minds of the people of this vicin
ity. Mr. Wanhope proved to the en
tire satisfaction of the people that he
was a speaker of the first water In
whom no old party politician would,
dare to meet
Causes uneasy nights but if you will
use Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey it will
relieve In a few minutes. There is
nothing better. Guaranteed by all
dealers, and Geo. A. Harding, Drug
Hough weather today and it seems
as if our winter Is not yet over.
During the year just closed we think
out sec'ion of the country has kept ,
pace with any of the other sections
by way of improvement.
J. J. Hattan has built a new and
modern residence that is a credit to
himself and the community.
G. T. Watts has cleared quite a lit
tle piece of ground and has it about
ready for the plow.
J. G. Mumpower rebuilt his sawmill
and you can get anything in the lum
ber line now. This is quite a con
venience to the neighborhood.
Sheridan Lillie has built a new barn
and Is clearing some land for the com
ing season.
E. C. Hackett has fixed up the old
home place till he has quite u neat
home, and he has also cleared a new
tract to plow in the spring.
We expect to able to announce mor.t
any day that we have an abundance.
of oil here, and that from this forth
cil may be classed as one of the lead
ing resources of the county.
With oil in abundance and the Ogle
mines more fully developed what Is to
hinder Clackamas county from coining
to the front?
Our mads have be'-n much improved
the past season with V. E. Mumpower
as supervisor, and we look for con'in-u-
i improvements as he is reappointed
for this season.
G. E. Hayes Is expecting quite a run
at the park this ex-ason as this is a
great place for pleasure seekers dur
ing the summer months.
Fads for Weak Women
Nine-tenths of all the sickness of women is due to some derangement or dis
ease of the organs distinctly feminine. Such sickness can be cured is cured
every day by
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
It Makes Weak Women Strong,
Sick Women Well.
It acts directly on the organs effected and is at the same time a general restora
tive tonio lor the whole system. It cures female complaint right in the privacy
of home. It makes unnecessary the disagreeable questioning, examinations and
local treatment so universally insisted upon by doctors, aod so abhorrent to
every modest woman.
We shall not particularize here as to the symptoms of
those peculiar affections incident to women, but those
wanting full information as to their symptoms and
means of positive cure are referred to the People's Com
mon Sense Medical Adviser 10U8 pages, newly revised
and up-to-date Edition, sent free on receipt o( 21 one
cent stamps lo cover cost of mailing only; or, in cloth
binding for 31 stamps.
Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You llav
Always Bought
Bears tko
Thirty Ye
The Clackamas river is a great at
traction to most people as it is cer
tainly one of the most beautiful
streams in Oregon.
We have one of the best schools in
the county and our teachers are doing
good work. Miss Marshall has charge
of the higher grades and Miss Hanson
the lower. Roth are giving the best of
satisfaction so far as the writer has
been able to learn.
A surprise party met at home of
Mr. Boyer last Friday evening, and
all were pleasantly entertained during
the evening.
J. W. Bennett was appointed road
supervisor in district number two that
joins ours on the north and we are
looking for good results.
Mrs. Walter Mundhenke. got a
scratch on the finger that developed
into blood poisoning, but she Is on the
road to recovery now, we are glad to
Mrs. J. P. Davis was buried a week
aeo last Sunday. She was one of the
pioneers of this section, and wns great
ly respected by all. Her relatives and
friends have the heartfelt sympathy
of this neighborhood.
An occasional festive Chinook sal
mon is being caught, but they are very
scarce as yet and retailers charge 25
cents per pound, so this seems Ilk.'
"eating money." The only way to pro-
tect the salmon is to stop them fish- i
ing on the Columbia for a few scisons
and then they might stand a chance.
but until our legislators have the cour-,
age to take the bull by the horns and 1
do something we can expect nothlnc ;
but extermination, and that Is not far i
I Accused of Stealing.
I E. E. Chambeialn, of Clinton, Me.,
; boldly accuses Bucklen's Arnica Salve
j of stealing the sting from burns or
, scalds the pain from sores of all
i kinds the distress from bolls or piles.
"It robs cuts, corns, bruises, sprains
and injuries of their terror," he says.
..a3 a ntaing remedv Its equal don't
exst," onlv.25c at Jones Drug Co.
The grippe Is quite prevalent now.
There was; no school in Prof. Doo
ling's room this past week, owing to
the teachers' examination in Oregon
1 The Clear Creek Creamery Co. paid
off its patrons at "1 cents per pound
for butter fat, net for January.
The County Court has decided to
build a steel bridge across Clear Creek
at Fisher's Mill. We hope they will
get it up some time In the near future
as tnls mail business is not very pleas
ant. President Taft cannot understand
why farmers do not endorse his reci
procity measure. Well, talk is cheap,
but they will not endorse anything
detrimental to their own interests.
Tlie farmers know "which side of the
br'ad has butter on." Farmers have
to flirht for their rights. They have
tried for years to get the Parcels Post
and who is It prevents it? Merchants
who are so loud In its denunciation
can reap Its benefits too by Issuing a
catalogue and sending out to their
patrons. Many Portland firms do
x v. i
01 w
ft iu &U
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business this way and have for years, j cass has been and will for the pres
yet no mention is ever made of the j eMt ),e under the leadership of Rev.
fact. Jones Cash Store docs a big Hpics of the M. E. church,
mail order business. Meier & Frank j Marion Johnson Is the owner of a
Co. do too. It is In the sparsely sej.f.(1n w,(:h, though hardly ten months
tied Eastern Oregon country that th'i,i t,IH the scales at 800 pounds.
most benefit will be derived. It is all ;
a "bug-a-boo'' about ruining tho homo
merchants' trndo.
Sight Too Valuable
To bo neglected. Sutherland's Knglo
Rye Salvo will euro nny ens o( sore
eyes, granulated, lids, opthalmln or nny
Inflamed condition of I ho eyes. Pnln
loss mid harmless. SSo tuho nt nil
dealers and Dim. A. Harding, Druggist.
About one Inch of khow foil lioro
Inst Mondiiy.
Ed Hall hnd tlio misfortune of (tot
tlS P'ooo of wool In his oyo.
W. S. Corbet t mmlo a business trip
to Oregon (Mty last week.
Messrs. llottman and Arnuott tiok
a contract barking logs, for W. S. Gor
bolt. Clyde Fischer Is down with the
m-easlcs. '
Joo Kultlvan loft for Portland Mon
day. Mr. Robinson, of Jamos. who had
boon ll for soino tlmo. diod nl Ore
gon City Monday, and will bo burlod
at tlio Plx roiuotory at Colton, Wed
nesday tho 15th.
dust Gottburg was n business caller
In town last week.
Miss Hanoi Freeman, of F.lvvood.
snout ft day with drandmn Plx, at
Colton, last wook.
The cut which John Countryman re
ceived through a mlsllck of his no
on his knoo, turned out to bo quito
serious after all. Tho doctor has been
called twice.
J.iv Plx, of Shubol, was visiting
with' his mother, Mrs. Plx, at Colton,
last Sunday.
Kobort Puti caught a coon In one
of his traps last week.
E. Undstroni was butchering hogs
one day bust week.
Messrs. Wallace and Martin, of
Highland, were hauling hay to the
former's ranch In the foothills last
I'ncle Stromgreon did soino busi
ness at tho Colton store last Monday.
l S. Dix was at Clarkcs last week
to get some wheat from Clark Pros.
The directors of the Colton Cream
cry Company had a meeting Thurs
day and divided to establish a crenni
route in connection with- the Clear
Creek route.
Mr. W. K. Ilonney, who had been
quite 111, Is up, out and around again.
Peter Westburg made a trip to
Clarkes to get a wagon which ho pur
chased from Alex. Schorruhlc lately.
A King Who Left Home
set the world to talking, but Paul
i Mathulka, of Buffalo. N. V., says he
'alwavs KEEPS AT HOME the King
of all laxatives nr. King's New Life
Pills and that they're a blessing to
all his family. Cure constipation, head
ache, Indigestion, dyspepsia. Only 2jc
' nt Jones Drug Co.
j Wind, rain nnd snow la the order
of the day.
Will Jones Is vei-y 111 with a serious
cold at his home In Eldorndo.
Mrs. Fred Spangler and Mrs. Tom
1 Davis spent Friday with Mrs. Kate
i Mr. nnd Mrs. Bayne Howard spent
;a few days in Portland visiting with
; friends this week.
' -JV., S. Smith was hauling potatoes
to Oregon City last week for C. E.
Smith, which brought him a nice little
i sum of money.
i Miss Ethel Smith, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. C. E. Smith, was quite 111
i last week with a cold and lame neck.
1 Mrs. Cdell. of Mulino. has been
spending a few days visiting with old
friends at Clarkes. returning Saturday
and bringing her little granddatight.
home with her.
C. Smith is improving the looks of
his front vard bv nutting a nice wire
, ,i nj,in , it nlre cate.
c -p Howard is hnvlng lumber
hauiej an(1 j., petting ready to have a
h hou,e buiu as he ts KOng ,lto
the h0(, busI)(ss this Spring,
A)prt Moshberger and Harry Share
m jion(iay evening at C. E. Smith's,
siorie Jones went to Oregon City
Monday to meet his sister-in-law, Mrs.
Mary Jones and daughter who have
been spending a week visiting old
friends at St. Johns.
An attack of the grip Is often fol
lowed by a persistent cough, which to
manv proves a great annoyance.
Chamberlain's Couch Remedy has
been cured after all other remedies
had failed. Sold by all dealers.
The masquerade dance occurred
this Tuesday evening instead of Sat
urday as previously stated. Moral
Consult the calendar when making up
your items of news.
H.' T. Ijitham has bought the H.
Smith place near the sehoolhouse. He
is tearing down the olij house and will
repair It with a modern cottage.
Mrs. Harry Jennings, who has been
very low with pneumonia, is slowly
Mrs. Kuppenbender, nen Annie
Mooney, with her infant daughter, has
been spending some days with he
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moo
ney .
Mrs. Jane Davis, of Mllwauklo, and
Mrs. Morey. of Molalla, were guests
of Mrs. J. Ft.
Mrs. W. W
gram Sunday
of the death
Wortiale, of
Landea over Sunday.
. Smith received a t.ele
evenlng Informing her
of her brother, Henry
Charleston, West VI r-
The class for mission study will
meet In the Congregational church
on Friday evening at 7:30. This Is a
union meeting and has previously
been held in the M. E. church. The
owing to prevailing sickness and
Inclement weather, It. was Impossible
to carry out the program ns scheduled
for the School and Home club on
Thursday evening of last week. The
next day meeting will bo the time for
tho annual election of officers.
If troubled with indigestion, con
stipation, no appetite or feel bilious,
give Chamberlain's Stomach nnd Liver
Tablets a trial and you will bs pleased
with the result. These tablets invig
orate the stomach and liver and
strengthen the digestion. Sold by all
Hill Uoth visited Woodburn on
Cal. Wolfe visited Oregon City last
On Wednesday evening Mr. and
Mrs. Roth's hospitable homo was the
scene of a pleasant party In honor of
Miss Ella SclnilLz. Among those pres
ent were Mr. Chan. Mitchell and fam
Ily, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Miller, Mr.
Chris Christian and family, Mr.
Sohulti, I, N. Strubhnr nud family,
and Mr, ltnldwln.
Mrs. Phil, Graves Is recovering
from quite ft serious Illness.
Marshall Scramlln Is sucking pota
toes. Henry llerkons has very much Im
proved the looks of bis place by grub
bing out the fence along the road.
On Sunday Mr. ltnldwln received ft
pleasant visit from Mr. Fred Wallace,
of Mulluo.
Illchard Wright has been In Salem
for several days presenting the needs
of the country schools to tho law
makers. Mrs. drant Craves was a visitor nt
the high school last week.
Korost Punton. of Molnlla, who Is
attending tho Slate Cnlvorslty nt Eu
gene, passed through Macksburg on
his way homo fur the mid term vaca
tion, ntul paid our school n short
visit on Wednesday. f
A. A. Hnldwln nnd U N. Struhhiir
have put up a tine woven who fence
on tho line between their places.
Adolph dreenwood. who was work
ing on the Struhhar-dnldvviti fence,
was taken 111 on Friday and obliged
to quit work.
Miss Olga Seward, of Mulluo, Is
visiting her mother, Mrs. Seward, of
Ito you know that croup can be pre
vented? Give Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy ns soon as the child becomes
hoarse or oven after the croupy cough
appears and It will prevent the attack.
It Is also a certain cure for croup nud
has never been knowiy to fall. Sold
by all dealers.
There Is n night musical comedy nt
the hall. It will continue till Tuesday,
Feb. 14. They are having good at
tendance and it Is quite laughable.
Ijind buyers are getting quite num
erous In these parts lately.
Adolph Myers has put up ft neat
Thousands of Fruit Grow
ers Have Proven
Sp?ay Pumps
For You.
It's just off the press and shows the most popular sellers In
the Myera line, here In the Northwest. Also shows our Mitchell
and Mitchell Jr. Spray Outfits. We send this circular, together
with our Myers Spray Book, FREE.
Address Dept. C 3
The Northwest's Biggest
wire feme In front of his hotel.
Mrs. C.'i-er entertained her many
friends in the way of n birthday party
and dinner. The peculiar part of It
was that three of the guest's 'birthday
fume on the same day, the 10th of
v,.lo-ii;iri- Tlinso whose hlfthihiv no-
cured on that day were John Taylor,
Mrs. ,f. p. Miller and Mrs. Vonway
Guyer. A pleasant time was reported.
I Mrs. l.izir. Newton, of Oregon City,
! was out to her narent's, Mr. and Mrs.
J. P. Miller, last week. She brought
her two boys, who were taken down
with the measles.
Barton Jack Is quite a regular at
tendant at Sunday school when he
gets up In time.
i When You Feel
' discouraged, confused, nervous, t ired,
worried or ' despondent It is n sure
i sign you need Mott'a Nerverlne Pill.
; They renew the normal vigor nnd
' make life worth living, lie sure and
ask for Mott's Nerverine Pills. Price
, $1.00 bv druggists. Williams Mfg. Co.,
' Props.,' Cleveland, O. For sale by
i Huntley Urns, nnd Jones Drug Co.
.1. Ii. Falrcloiigh, of Ogle Mountain
mines, spent last week In Oregon City.
Mrs. Geo. Roberts and baby spent
Thursday of Inst week tho guest of
Mr. and Mrs. C. Dlekcy.
F. M. Darling drove to Mllwauklo
Thursday to get Jars for their green
house flowers,
Mrs. Lewellen Is able to be up ngnln
and her daughter, Mrs. Ida Cromer and
baby, have returned to their home In
Mrs. J. H. Knlrclough has tin attack
of In grippe.
Mrs. K, n. Parte Is on the sick list.
The Mountain View Improvement
Club met In regular session Inst Fri
day evening with J. K, Cnlavnn ns
president. The regular routine of
business was transacted. The ques
tion, "Resolved, Thnt tho Negro Has
More cause for Complaint From Treatment-of
Whites Than the Indian," was
debated. Speakers, J. Gorhott and .1.
K. Calavnn, affirmative, and Win.
Heard and Sam V. Francis, the nega
tive. The Judges decided the question
In favor of the negative. Tho special
program for Friday evening will ho
a question box. All naked to write
Mr. Simpson unit family of Cnneninh,
bought J. W. derber's property on
Hood street nnd moved In last week
Mr. Crawford bus been sick again
but Is Improving.
Mrs. Minnie Albright nud son, Carl,
spent last Thursday In Sollwood with
Cliff McConnoll. of Walla Walla,
Wash., was. the guest of J. M. Gilbert
nud family Saturday nnd Sunday, lie
went to polk county Monday to get n
baud of sheep.
Pled, Feb. 13. 1911, D. Robeson,
aged "'.I yenrs. 10 months, 20 days.
Interment In the cemetery nt Colton.
Mrs. N. M. Aldieilge la getting bet
ter slowly.
The meusles ,nro gelling quite n
start In this burg. Utile Charlie
Mason Is very sick. John Aldredge
and family have measles, nlso Mrs.
Oil's little baby.
W. d. Hall and wife. F. F. Currnn
nnd wife nud deo. Eveihart nnd wife
ntteuded the entertainment nt Clair
mom Inst Saturday evening nud re
port that It was fine and they were
well paid for their trip.
1m Jones, of Phllometh. Is visiting
i his mother. Mrs. J. P. Uoehl this week.
! Mrs. Uoehl Is able to sit up n little
I each day.
i Mrs. Mary Jones and daughter of
Eldorado, were In this burg Monday
ion their return from Portland where
You are not paying your good
money for something of un
known quality when you buy a
Myers Spray Pump. It's the
most popular and mot widely
used line of spray pumpe In the
rfbrthweit. Any user of theae
famous pumps will back our
tatement that EVERY MYERS
INVESTED. Your money's
worth and more.
They Help You
Raise Better Fruit
No question but what thor
ough spraying Is the secret of
successful fruit growing and
when your pump la a Myera
you are assured that no "pump
trouble" will Interfere and pre
vent you from spraying proper
ly. It's worth lota to know your
pump la absolutely dependable.
This security goes with every
Myers Pump. Yet they cost no
Implement and Vehicle House
they visited a week with Mr. Jones'
The Soclalhit club will meet nt fill
Mt. Hood street next Sunday tit two
o'clock p. m.
John Darling, Jr., who has been nt
Meyer & Frank's store In Portland,
Is at home this week on n vacation.
Mr. Leonard Sinclair, of Cams, Is
calling on old friends in this burg and
down town this week.
Mrs. It. J .Henley nnd son, Walter,
of Vancouver, I). C, nre visiting her
mother, Mrs. A. .. Hickman.
E. F. Glnlher has two acres of land
nearly nluirod for spring crop. That's
a good way for an old farmer to pass
Iho long winter months. Tnko out n
stump occasionally, keep a lire nag
ging away, saw Into stovewood the
wood that, will hum in a stove, and
lo and behold! when spring arrives,
a couple of ticres of cleared land are
ready to contribute their share of life
giving elements to the general fund.
Orlando 'Fellows, of Highland, pur
chased a cow of John Heft.
Mrs. R. Glnlher visited with Mr.
nnd Mrs. Frank Grossmlller last Hun
day afternoon.
David Moehtiko nnd family have
moved to C. Mttralt's where Dave Is
clearing land.
Charley Kleiner nnd Miss Mary
Hollfan were married last Saturday.
They have many friends who wish
them success In Ihelr new venture.
Walter Shubel Is sick with measles.
A largo number of relatives spent
the afternoon nt Henry Hettman'g today.
i i-iii,.,i- turn received a Him 'f'
gnu from tho Fast yesterday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. r. inn wium " -Oregon
City Friday.
UK,, Dufry Is selling lino olovor
h",i'..- l. iiini.iii visited Mrs. IC. K.
tlliilher one day tho pnsl week.
A number of our young um"
to Clarkes last night to help emu
mcmoVttlo the HU'n.1 anniversary of
Ahrnhhm Lincoln, nnd report n vet)
soelablo Unto. A" honor to Um'ob .
Our nation's guide. let "
more and mure of bis ideas nnd la bm
to put Into goiernntonliil practice,
more of his Intentions.
Have von overworked your nervous
svslem and caused trouble with your
kidnevH nnd bbuld- l ? Hnv '' P;lll,
! b.lns. side, bark and bladder? Have
v,i a llnbbv appearance of I ho face.
nnd under ll e? A frequent , es o
to puss urine? If so, Williams KIH
Pills will cute you hniKKit. J H -Mc.
Williams Mfg Co . f ops . Hove
Inn. 1. O. For sale by Huntley Urns
and Jones Prug Co.
Wo have had variable weather "luce
tho h mil of tho 'month, cotnn.i.uly
culled ground hog day, which H n
brlcht sunny day.
Well e feel wo can stand six weeks
of winter In the month of February
better than any oilier month In Iho
Families about hero are all ItnptoN
K from colds and grip, and begin
to look on the brlchl side again
Mrs. Powell Is stilt very III with n
trained nurse In atleuiluiu'o. but hope
are entertained for her recovery sim
Mrs. Klllgsi-n stayed Hh her ll
week nnd Mrs N.-mlc go.-s every dav
Ibis week nud help about the work
Mr. Powell has n very bad rough
Mr. SchatU spent an hour or two at
Mr Gage's Sunday afternoon.
Mr Gages oldest daughter was
home a few .lavs insisting her mm her
Mr Aertn. out of the kindness of
his heart, took In runaway sailor
ho staved with him li or N weeks
l... ,.f ...iliiins 15 but never
having lived upon a (arm ho could do
but vi-rv little. A while ago ho put
his extra belongings In a sack ami
threw them out of the window nt
chore time and made off with himself
lie need not have run away, they said,
as Ibev were glad to hae him go
A man lisdf some land to clear on
what is locnllv known lis the New
bauer place, and lived with, bis wife
mid child In fhm-k. One day lie
sawed down a trw and ll fell across
his hbanly demolishing about every
thing It ns nearly night and Mr
Francis cloin. liig to (xiss found them
by a camp lire waiting for morning,
nnd It had begun to rain. He was
keeping batch III his little house about
a half mile ay but was on his w:iy
to Tualatin to bo gone a few davs so
sent them lip to the shelter 'f his
roof nnd Hie comfort of bis bed. niul
hen he returned be fixed n number
bed and lilted the man Tbete Is u
Good Snmnrltnn for you.
We were ple.ised to read In tho En
terprise Hint a movement had been
started to have our distributing oftlce
lit Oreg Mi City, and hope the edorl
will succeed.
At the piesetit time the Pally En
terprise gets here next day mid letter
until the same
Mr. Senile has I ll having sore
Gus Gchhardt, who bought out one
of the agents selling the WalUns
'remedies, spices, extracts, etc, ran
the business two weehs when be glad
ly sold back to the same man. Gus
"says this going Into houses mi, I nsklng
people to buy something that perhaps
they do not want Isn't In his lino, lie
Is ii boss carpenter and feels more
comfortable with a saw In his hand
Mattle peters, who hud the illph
Gloria, Is heller but the family Is silll
under quarantine.
Mr. Nussliuiitii went to Clackatiins
after giant powder for himself and
neighbor, Mr. Gage, and we will soon
bear some Fourth o' July as stump
llv skyward.
Thirty Years Together.
Thirty years of association - think
of It. How the merit of a good thing
stands out In that tline-or the worth
lessness of ll bad one. Ho there's no
guesswork In Ibis evidence of Thus
Arris, Concord. Mich , who writes: "I
have used Pr. King's New plscnverv
for IP) year, and It's the best cough
and cold cure I ever used" Onto II
finds entrance In a home you rnti'l
pry It out. Many famllli H have used
It forty years. It's lb" luoiit Infallible
throat anil lung medicine on enrth.
t'tieqimlcd for lagrippe. usllinia. hay
fever, croup, quinsy or sore lungs.
Price fine. $ I. tin. Ttlal bottle free
Guaranteed by Jones Drug Co.
Miss Helen Murray spout smne davs
last week vlslllng at the homo of Mr,
and Mrs. Ch'i. Tooe. of Gladstone.
Mrs. Aubrey Woods returned from
.Oregon f 'it y on Friday, where she hud
been attending the teachers' exainlua
Potato raisers from Han Jose, Cal..
were In Wllsonvlllo Inst Monday, buy
ing fancy seed potatoes.
Eva and Mae linker spent Saliinlny
and Sunday at homo.
Mrs. Morris Young had ipilte a siege
of la grippe last week.
Prof, llelhume, of the local school,
attended the touchers' examinations
In Oregon (ily last week.
Alison Maker returned from a hip
lo the county seat last Friday.
Mr. I'iwry was In Wllsonv.llle on
business Thursday and Friday of hint
Ira finely went to Newberg on Mon
day, returning Hie same day.
John Unison spent some lime in
Portland last week on real estate busi
ness. Ken I eslnte business Is getting live
ly In our village since fair weal her.
The high winds of Monday Iwisied
Iho telephone wires again, and nirst
people on the line were cul off from
cent nil.
Mrs. Chaliipiiky, who has beep very
III, Is Improving slowly under the
splendid nursing of her sister, Miss
The buyer for the Hunt hern Oregon
Commission Co. wns In Wlhioiiville
for Home days last week buying pota
toes. , Henry Ileckmnii was Inslalled as
president of Iho M .11. A. lodge al the
llrst meeting In January. Mr, deck
man has been n very enthusiast If
member, nud will doubtless keep IIiIm
growing lodge up to a high degree of
excellence. Mr. Darby was Installed
ns secretary, nnd his splendid busi
ness ability, makes hltn well fitted for
the position,
Jako Peters, Mrs. Jjiwrmirn, Mrs
Young, Mrs. parby, Walt linker nnd
his family of boys have been among
tho resilient near our village afflicted
wlih tho grip-
Many Wllsonfllln poopln wero In
nltondanco nt tho funornl of Melnt
Pclom nnd Henry EHlKsotl at Stafford
Inst wook.
Tho Hi. Valentino Hall, given by tho
members of tho dancing club, nt the,
M, H. A. hall n Haturdny evening,
wns much enjoyed by Ihoso whit nl
tended A road ntoelliiK for district No, 33
wns held In th Plensnul Hill school
house on Tuesday afternoon nt I wo
o'clock to dlseuHM Iho best way nf
building rends to nccoinmoduln (hit
raimors of Iho community.
Melnl K. Peters, who died nt (ho
family homo nl Stafford last Ttuuulay
evening, w11 "N" ""' Progressiva
Geriiinii fnrmorH, who with their en
ergy and "kill hnvo been nuch grent
factor In Iho ilovolopinonl of this
country. H wan Iho father of our
hlghlv respected townsman, Jalin
Peiers, nud to this noblo son, ns well
ai to tho widow nnd other meniber
of the family, wo intend our heart
felt sympathy III their sail bereave
Henry Klllgson, who died on last
Tuesday morning nt Hlnfford of quick
consumption, wns nlvvaya greatly ad
mired by hi host of friend on no
count of hi happy, jovial disposition,
Tho funeral wn largely ntioiuled by
the numerous friend of the deceHcd
and lh M I' A. lodge of Wilson,
yllle attended In n body, performing
the ritualistic work of tho order In
n very credltablo manlier. Iho floral
offerings were numerous and hand
some, paying tribute In tho memory
of one beloved by hi tunny friends.
Wllsonvlllt Hotelmsn Not Insane.
W. II Ijiwreiii-o, n hotel proprietor
of Wllsotivillo, wn roleiinml by Judge
dentin Monday nftorniMin, after mi
ejamlnalloti for hi lixaulty. Uw
noun wn arrested ll'll complillut of
A ll Thltt, a Wllsonvlllo butcher,
Pr. It. S. Mount conducted tho eiauil
lllltloll. HARMONY.
Ht. Valentino' day wn celebrated
at the homo of Mr. and Mr F. M.
Ambler on last Saturday night. The
evening till plennulilly Npelit III
games and mule, after which refresh,
un lit were served. At a Into hour nil
departed for their different homes,
nnd esirted a good tlmo. Those
picnciit weie; Mr. nnd Mr. Ambler,
Mr. nnd Mr I. U Clarke, Mlr
Una nnd M'Tvlii Ambler, pearl Clark,
lln-el Thomas ami llnbla Kniilie;
Mesni Mllo nnd Wendell Ambler,
Harold Kemp. Walter Knulie, liny
oily. Will ;;trnm:e, ICHinn nnd George
Raleigh Millard ha returned from
a v lull to hi mother,
The young pcopla gavii lb" comedy,
That Rascal Pat," nt tho Grange hall,
l.i-nl. lu l Thursday entiling
Cull llattln hi purchased a team.
The road boss has men nt work
-leaning out the old gravel pit.
Matgarct Alexander, who sprained
lo-r unkle a muplo of weeka ago, la
able to be up nud u round,
The protracted meeting, which
weio to have b-un !al Wednesday
night, have been post polled for oinii
time on account of o many luting
the tiieaib and tho gtlp.
K. KllcnninHh, from Portland, w
ill to visit bis mother Inst week
Mr. Welllaufer lost a horsn last
They hud a masquerade bull Itl the
Grnuge hall for Ulii-oln birthday.
W. t! Klletisinllll n III town lust
K. Klietismllh went buck to Port
land Inst Friday.
titto lloffntetier had a runaway
lam week.
Mrs. Nicholas and family are Tlsll
Ing wlih her parent. Mr. nnd Mr.
Mr and Mr. ,Mu t son visited with
Mr. nnd Mr U-e last Sunday,
We bud quite a wind storm last Sun
day. (Julio n number of tree fell In
this vicinity.
We nre glad to hear Hint Crainlutn
Athey Is nlile to he up once morn.
The sniprlne parly un ,ltay Itnsh
bnuiii hint H iturday, hi I'.ltti birthday,
win a grand success Tho young
I (oil h pl iye, giitiies and some nf the
j older ones pl.ivcil cards until 12
o'clock, then there was a grand
i spread, which every one eiiloycil most
lo an llv, mid nt I o clock, bidding
; their host goodnight, returned lo their
hotni'H, all declaring tie y hud u fine
1 1 1 in.-. Those piesetit were Mr. and
I Mi. Arthur llorlnnd. Mvrtlo llorliind,
jlvii lloihitid, Walter !iuiiind, Mr. and
Mis. Ch'irles Ijirson, Mrs. John Wan
l.er, Nlmla Van'ier. Gludvs Wanker,
M.il.le W.inker, Vorn Hhabber, Miss
Colin and Joe Siiiuble, Violet Pcliilne,
Mr. nnd Mrs, Charles Fogies mid son,
Mr. Miller, Mr. FetnletM, I'll lea Athey,
Harry llorlnnd, Minn Atinn Schroder,
Miss Malum Schroder, U'tllo Schro
der, l.libly Schroder, Itny Schroder,
Wl 1 1 i n mi Elwooil, l.uclll Fogies, all of
Tualatin Meadows.
Card of Thanks,
We wish lo extetnl our hoirtfeU
thanks to I hone who assisted us dur
Ing our recent licreavemeiit, and for
the hcaiillful flowers.
Even Plumber
tins his specialty. Ours Is prompt nnd
satisfactory work, Nowhero In town
enn you find such high grade goods,
first class workmanship nnd prompt
sorvlco combined wlih such
na we aro now offering. All plumb
era' Httppllns cmstnnlly on hand.
Tinning, Hot Alt f-'mndoiis ard
Hop pipes. Ail Kindt of Job
bing and Spraying Material.
814 Main St. Phont 2664.