Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 10, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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In tho Circuit ftotirt (if thn Hlnlo of
Oregon, fur Cluiiknniii County,
A. It. Murium, I'luiiillff,
May MoiKiui, jM'fpiiilnnt.
Tu Mny M'H'kiui, Hi ii iiluivn nimn-il d
In tint name nf Difl Htiito or orou
you urn hiirnliy requited in niincur iiik
iiimwrr Ihn ciiiiiiiliilnt filed uuiiliint
you III Ihn above, entitled cmmn mi or
hefurn Iim Dili dity (if Mnrrh.
nnd If you full mo lo iippunr unit answer
for wnnt thereof h nliilii! I ,'f will n
ply to I ho Court for Ihn relief prnyod
fur in her kaiii I'oniiiinliii, to-wlt:
Kor n decree of thl Court iIInmoIvIm
Iho iniirrlnKK t'oiiirni't now oxlntliig
between pliilnilff ttl-.a drfeiiiliint, un
for rosin unit dlMhuriiniiioiil herd
unit for mu ll other mill further roll'
n limy tin niiilliililn.
Th In mnnmuim In published hy oritur
of lion, J. II, fniiiphtill, Juilga of th
t'lrnilt Court of the Hluto of Oregon
for Clnrkninn County for Ihn Klfth
.luillrliil lllnlrli't, iniiiln on thn I ill
dny of Juminry, Hill, mid ctitorod on
ihn '.'mil iluy of .liiniiiiry, l'JIl, mnl
Ihn time pri'Nerlhed for thn puhllrntltii
of UiIh minimum) lit h) x week begin
iiIiik Krlilny, Jnnunry 27, 1011, nml
muling wild thn Inmin of March Ulili
T. M, Mi lUCVlTT, Jr
Attorney for I'htlnilff,
In Ihn Clri'iilt Court of tl.j Hlnln of
Oregon, for tho County of Clark
Kruin-lN IC. Troiillnr, I'luliKlff,
Julia Troiitler, Defendant.
Tu JuIIk Troutler, Defendant above
In thn nnmo of I tin Hlnln of Oregon
you urn hereby required to appear mid
answer to thn roiiiiliilut Mini agnliiM
you In tho nbovo untitled Court mnl
rnuiin on or before the Itlh iluy of
March, till I, mul If you full to no p-
lHMr mnl answer, Ihn plaintiff will
apply to thn Court for thu relief
prayed fur In hi romilulut, to-wll:
Kor A il'i-nm illnmiWIiiK Ihn Ixiiutii of
mnlrlmoiiy now nxlHlliig between tho
nhove nnmeil plaintiff nml defendant
nml for mii'li oilier relief n i tho
Court limy eom meet mul fniiillnhtn
Thin Hiiiiimonii U published In pur-
minui'n of nil order nf Ihn lion. J. IT.
Campbell, JuiIko of Ihn nltovn entitled
Court, mniln on thn 19th iluy of Jun
unry, 1911, mul entered on ihn 2mh
- ilnv of January, 1911, specifying thnt
Ihn union tin pnbllnh'-il for six run.
Berullve weeks nml ordering Jnnunry
17. 1911, thn (In in of thn flmt pull
Attorney for Plnliulff.
In Ihn Circuit Court of Ihn Hlnln of
Oregon for Clnrhnnw County,
K, II. Weileriliilll, I'lnltllirr.
IlnMln B Wnnlnrilnhl, iwfciidunt.
To tli'imln K Wi'Hlcrilnhl, above nnmeil
In thn ninm of thn Htnln of Oregon.
ymi urn hereby required lo spHnr mid
answer thn coiiiptnlul flleil against yon
III llm ulmvo limited mill, on or before
thn inth tiny of March, 1911, milil ditto
being thn niplrntloti of nil week from
the flmt imlilU ttl Ion of thl summons.
nml If you full to appear or mmwer
mild roiiiplnhit, for want thereof thn
plaintiff will apply to tho court for
llm relief prayed for In III romplnliil,
For decree dliuiolvlng tho bond
of matrimony now existing between
thn plnlntlff mul ilerendnnl. Ihli sum
mon l published hy order of Hon.
It. 11. Ilenlle, Judge of thn County
Court, whlrh ordnr in made nnd en
tered on thn Mrd dny of Jnnunry,
1911. nnd Ihn tlmn prescribed for
publication tlmrnof In nix wneki, be
Itlnnlnic with Ihn Issuo of Krldny, Jnn
unry 27th, 1911, mid ronllnuliiK enrh
week therenfler to and InrluilliiK tho
Innuo of Krldny, Mnrrh lnih. 1911.
. (!KO. C. imOWVKU
Atlornny for rlnlnllff.
In thn Clrrult Court of thn Htulo of
Oregon fur Clni-knmua County.
I), Wnlmlnr, rlnlnllff,
Mary K. Wnlmler, Iinfendnnt.
To Mnry K. Wolmtnr, nhovn nnmnd
In thn immn of the Btnto of Oro
gon, you arn hnrnby rnnulrcd lo ap
penr and aimwer tho ooiniilnlnt filed
annlnm yon In thn nlmvo enlllled Court
mul muBo on or beforo tho I lib iluy
of Marrh, 1911, whlrh l bIx week
nfler thn ditto of thn flmt puhllrntlon
of i hlii aunimona, ttvwlt: Jnnunry 27,
1911, wild tluln beliiK llm tiny or tno
flrnt nulillrnllon of thin aunimonn, anu
If you fall ho lo nppenr nnd Bnnwer
tho plnlntlff will apply n inn tuiin
for thn relief prnyod for In auch com
philnt, to-wlt: Kor n tlrrrno of thn
Court dUHolvhiK thn lioiula of matri
mony now rxInlliiK between you and
tho plnlntlff. nml for nnrh other and
further relief n to Ihn Court mny
m-em moot and cijultnliln.
Thin Htimmonn l puhllHlind by thn
order of thn lion, J. 17. Campbell,
JiiiIro of thn nbovo entitled Court
nmiln and entered on thn 2Mh dny of
Jnnunry, 1911.
Ditto flmt publication Jnnunry 27,
imtft Inst puhllrntlon March 10, 1011.
Al.T.KN ft MIT I. KEY.
Attorneys for I'lnlntlff.
In Ihn Circuit Court of Ihn Hlnlo of
ori'Mon for Cliickiinms County.
Mnry i, llroiiNuii, i'lnlntlff,
Kriinli IlioiiNon, Defeiiitnnt.
To KiiiiiIi HrniiKiiii, iM'feiiitinit:
In Ihn liaiiin of Ihn Hlnlo of Orn.
Hon you lire hnrehy rnuulreil lo nil
penr mid answer Ihn coinpliiliit fllnd
iiKiilust you In Iho abovn eiitltled suit
on or licforn Ihn 17lh dny of March,
19II, Hint beliiK tho IiimI dny prn
srrllied In thn order of publication of
i hi un in iiidiik, and If you full to ap.
penr nml answer sulil couipluliit the
liliiliitlff will apply lo thn court for
Ihn riillnf (herein prayed, to-wll: A
decree dlssnlvliiK Ihn mitrrliiKn con
tract now nxlNtliiK livlwmin you and
llm plitlulirr.
This Miiiiunniis Is iiutillithnd In tho
()riKon City Kiilorprliio, iiewspuper,
for six ponsecutlvo wonlia by oritur of
lion. J. U. Cnmphell, inudn on thn
Hint dny nf Jnnunry, 1011, thn first
piilillciillon beliiK on thn Mrd day of
Kehrunry, 1011,
H. n. IlAItltlNflTON,
AHornny for rlnlnllff.
tu Ihn Circuit Court of thn Hinto of
OrcKmi for Clackamas (Touniy.
A. W. IHlilliiK, rmlntlff.
Kuril lleldliiK, Defnudnnt,
To Kuril lleldliiK. llefiuidiilit.
In Ihn li ii ii i ii of tho Hlnln of Oro-
Koii. you arn hereby rnitilrii to ap
pear and nnswer Ihn complnlut fllnd
bkiiIii"! ynii In thn nbovo nittlilnd suit
on or beforo thn 17lh dny of March,
1911. Hint beliiK Ihn lust dny pro
scribed In Iho order of publlcnllon of
this summons, and If you full to so
npiieitr and nnswer sulil complaint tho
tiliilnilff will apply to tno court mr
Iho relief therein prnyed, to-wlt: A
lecren dissolving thn mnrrliiKo con-
irnrt now Mtlsllnn bnlween you ana
thn plnliillff.
This mimutoiis Is puhllMhed for six
rniiHcrnllvn wneks In Ihn OrnKon (.uy
IClilerpiliie. liewspiiper, by order of
itmi. J. IT. Cnmtibell. miido on iho
?Ht!i dnv if Jununry. 1911, thn first
nubllciillon beliiK on thn Hrd dny of
Kebruitry, 1911.
n- ii. iiiMtiti.ii i
Attorney for rlnlnllff.
sulil final account and the settlement
I hereof; mnl directed that IokiiI notlro
bn Riven I hereof and puhllHlind In Thu
oreuoii city Kiilorprlso, a woolily
newspaiier nf Kotinrnl clrculullon pub'
lislieil in Clacknnitts Coiinly, OreKon
l in ted jununry 2i:ti, lilll.
Ill thn Ciiunly Court of tho State of
oickiiii for ( lucliumuH Couuiy,
In Iho unit i r of Iho cntiilo of Wllllitin
llnuimond, diicvusei).
To Thulium A. Iluiiimond and ull oilier
persons Interested In t Iim rstulu of
Wllllnm llnuimond, deceased, (iront
Hy order of Oil Court, you aro here
by died nnd reiiulrod to appear lio-
fnrn Ihn JiuIko of this Court at tho
courtroom thereof In Oregon City,
Clitckiiinas County, Oregon, on or bo
fnrn Tuesday, Iho 7th dny of March,
1011, at 2:00 o'clock I', M. of anld dity
then and there to show cause, If any
you havn, why an order should not lm
matin by this (Joint licensing VV. W.
ICverhnrl, tho ndmlnlslralor herein, to
sell thn following described real prop
erly hcloiiKliiK to said estnlo.
All undivided one-half Interest In
mid to I a1 3 of lllock 2 of Molalln, ac
cording lo tho duly recorded map and
plat thereof.
W'lluess tho Ilotiornblo n. H. Ilentlo,
JiiiIko of iho County Court of Cluck
minis County, Orenon, with the seal
of suld Court affixed this 20th iluy or
January, 1011.
n. n. DKATire,
Attest; JudKO.
W. I MUI.VKY, County Clerk.
Hy I. M. Harrington, Deputy.
(Heal of County Court.)
Admlnlitrator't Notice of Final
Notice In hereby islvnn, thnt the un
dtusinnnil, nilmlnlHlrntor nf tho estate
of Rlhnl KnlRht. has filed hl final
ncrounl. In tho County Court nf the
Htalo nf OrcKtm, fur ClitcUnmns Coun
ty, nnd tho anld Court baa fixed Kob
r'uury 27th, 1011, at 10 A. M., as the
tlmn when object Inn to Bald account
will bo honrd.
All person Interested In nld estate
nrn hereby notified to file tholr ob
jections to suld nccomit. If nny they
.have, In said Court on or hofnro anld
nrconoR a ei.y,
AdmlnlHtrnlor nforesnltl.
Notice of Appointment of Admlnli
trator. Notlro Ih hereby Riven thnt tho un
demisted hita been appolnlod by tho
County Court of tho Hlale of OroRon.
for CluclmmnH County, administrator
nf tho lCHtulo of John J. Kosmurk, do-
All persons hnvliiR clulm nKalnst
thn anld ealnto aro hnrohy notified to
proflont Iho anmo duly verified accord
ing to law at tho offlco of L. Stlpp,
lu Ihn Masonic building In Oregon
City. Clncknmaa County, Oregon, with
in nlx months from tho dale of the
flmt publication of thin notice.
Administrator aforesaid.
UVY BTIPP, Attorney.
In thn Circuit Court of Ihn male 01
Orctfiin fur Iho County of ( Inckn
bin M. Cotlrell, 1'lnliilirr,
Inhil K. Collrell, Mefentlant, .
You are hereby ordered and rn
. . . - ... ....,11.1
piireu lo appeur tu tne union ii
imrt mid i-niiso on or beiorn llm ism
itav of Mnrrh. 1911. said Unto neitiK
morn than six weeks from the date
r the first oiibllciiiliin of this sum
minis, and answer the complaint of
lm plain! Iff filed In said court nml
nunc, nnd If yoll fall lo HO appear
nd answer, a decree will be tuken
Kitlnst you for the relief demnndod
II Mil Id cotiiiiliiliit. to-wll: A decree
llsHulvltig thu bonds of matrimony
low existing iii'iween piiiiiuui ou
leleiidanl and for thn earn and rtts
ilv of two minor children of plain
Iff and defendant, May 1. Coltrnll and
us C. Cotlrell.
This sumnioiii Is published by ordnr
f Ihn lliinorabln 11. II. Itcalle, Jiulgc
f Ihn County Court of Clackamas
imniv. Hintn of Oregon, amy mane
nd entered Ihn 2nd day of l-ebrnary
1911 Tim tlntn or iim nisi puunm
linn hereof Is Keoruary .int. iimi.
Attorney for l'lalntlff.
In thn Circuit Court or me M'tio oi
Oregon for Clnrknmas County.
Krnnk U Tort, l'lalntlff,
Clnrlssn Iji Port, nefentinni.
To Clarissa Iji Port, above named
defendnnt :
In ihn nnmo of tho Slate of Oregon,
vou arn hereby reoulrrd to appear anu
answer lite complaint filed against you
In thn abnvo named suit, on or before
tho inth dny of Mnrrh, 1911, anitt ante
Iiik thn explrullon of six wceaa irom
llm first pulillrnllon or mis siimmniiB,
nd If you full to appear or answer
nlil romn In nt. lor want tnereor ino
plnlntltf will nppiy io tno rami ui
o relief prnyett tor in nis cnmpiaint,
Kor a decreo dissolving the bonus
of matrimony now existing noiween
he plnlntlff nnd defendnnt. Thl sum
mons Is published by order of lion.
It. 11. Itentle, Jutlgo of tne county
onrt, which order was made and en
roll on thn 23rd day of January, 1911,
and the tlmn prescribed for publlca-
Ion thereof la nlx weeks, beginning
llh tho Isstio of Krldny. Junuary 27th,
nnd runt Inning c("h week thereafter
and Including tho Issuo of Krldny,
March 10th. 1911.
Attorney for Plnlntlff.
In the Circuit Court of the Stnte of
Oregon for tho County of Clacku
mas. Krneat II. Hulls, plaintiff,
Bather lliittn, llrfendant.
To ICslher lliitta, tho above mimed
In tho namo of tho State of Ore
gon, yon are hereby required to ap
pear nnd answer thn complnlut filed
uguliiHt you In tho above entitled gull
on or before tho 11th dny of March,
1911, ami If you full to ho appear and
answer Bald complaint, for want thoro
of thn plnlntlff will apply to the Court
for tho tellef prayed for In said com
plaint, to-wlt:
Kor a tlocreo dlMsolvliig tho bonds
of matrimony heretofore and now ex
lallng between plaintiff ami defendant
nnd for such other and further relief
as to Iho Court may acorn moot and
This summons la published by order
of thn Hon. J. U. Cumpboll, Judge of
Iho nbovo enlllled Court, mndo on tho
2Mh tiny of Jnnunry, 1911, nnd entered
UiIh 2(th day of Jununry, 1911. Tho
first publlcnllon of UiIh summons ns
set forth In said order is January 27.
1911, nnd tho last publication thereof,
tho 10th day of March, 1011.
Attorney for Plnlntlff.
Notice. "
In tho County Court of tho State of
Oregon for the County of Clackn
mas. In tho matter of tho oHtnto of F. A.
Williamson, Deceased.
No! Ire Is hereby published, and pro
claimed lo all creditors and claimants
concerned, that the untlorslgnod duly
appointed, qualified nml acting admin
istratrix of the Kstnto of V. A. Wil
liamson, deceased, huvo as said ad
ministratrix on tho 2(llh tiny of 'mi
liary, 1011, filed my final account, tho
sumo contiilitlng n detailed stutemont
of tho amount of nil money and prop
crly received nnd expended by mo,
from whom received, and to whom
paid, nnd Iho amount of money re
maining unexpended. The Hon. R. D.
Ilenlle. County Judge, has appointed
(ho 4th day of March, 1011, nt 2 o'clock
P. M. for the hearing of objections to
In Ihn County Court nf tho Btnto of
Oregon for tho County of Clacka
mas. as. '
In the Matter of the Estate of John
fllower. Dot-wised,
To Amnndn Ol'iwer, John H. Olower,
William (Jlowor, Florence (ilower,
children and heir of Bald deceased
and to all others unknown, Inter
ested In the anld estate: In the
nnmo of Iho Htato of Oregon,
You, and each of you are hereby
cited to nppenr In the County Court
of Clnckninaa County, Oregon,' on or
before Tucsduy, tho seventh day of
March, A. I).. 1911. at the hour of ten
o'clock. A. M., of said dny, to allow
cuuse, If any you have, why tho peti
tion filed herein. January 25th, 1911.
by John Ilohrer, tho duly appointed
administrator of said Estate, praying
for authority to Bell the real property
of said estate, or so much thereof as
may tin necesmiry for the best Interest
of said estate, which real property,
naked to be sold Is described In Bnld
petition, ns follows, to-wlt:
Trart Six, Plnehurst, and Tract One
of Huhdlvlslon Three, Hr Orove, as
per tho duly recorded plat thereof
In the offlco of the recorder of con
veyances nf Clneljnmns County, Ore
To pay chums against mid estate,
nnd charge and expense of adminis
tration, should not be granted In ac
enrdnnco with tho prayer of Bald pe
WIIEHKOP, you are horeby required
to take dun notice.
WITNESS the offlclnl seal of Bald
Court, thl 25th day of Jnnunry, A.
IX, 1911.
K. n- P.EATIE.
County Judge.
W. U MtTLVEY. County Clerk.
Hy I. M. Harrington, Deputy.
(Seal nf Clackama County.)
Notice of Registration.
In thu Circuit Court of the fltntn of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
In the matter of tho application nf It
ft. Carlson and Jenoriua H. Carlson
hi wlfo, lo register the tltlo to thn
H. H of the 8. E. of Hectlon 18
Twp, 2 B., It. 1 E. of Willamette
Mnrlillun, Cluckntiia County, Oro
Ilon:ilo Dnyeiis, a minor, Lena Doy
en, a minor, C. 1.. Hchmldt, Guar
dian of Dennis Doyens, a minor, and
1-ena DnyeiiB, a minor, and Mary
Ixryen Hchwlngler, nnd all to whom
It may concern, Defendants.
Thnt on the I7th day of January, A.
I)., lllll, an iip)."cutlon was filed by
suld It It. Carlson and Jonoqua 8.
Carlson, hi wife, In the Circuit Court
of Clackama County, for Initial regis
tration of tho tltlo of tho lurid above
described. ,
Now, miles you appear on or he-
fore the 3rd dny of March, A. D., 1911,
mid show causa why such application
shall not ho granted, the anme will be
taken aa confessed, and a decree will
be entered according to the prayer of
the application, and you will be for
ever burred from disputing the same.
Attorney for Applicants, 439-441 Cham
ber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon.
W. I, MIILVEY, Clerk,
lly I. M. Harrington, Deputy Clerk.
Notice to Creditor.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned ha been duly appointed by
the County Court of the Stnte of Ore
gon for Clnrknmas eounly, administra
tor of tho ostnte of Effle Moncrlcf.
decousod. All persons having claims
against said estnte are hereby re
quired to present them to me properly
verified, as by law required, at the
office of Whcolock ft WllllnniB, suite
733 Mnrqunin Pulldlng, Portland, Ore
gon, within Mix months from the date
Dated this 13th day of January, 1011.
Administrator of the estate; of Effle,
Monrrlef, deceased.
Attorney for Administrator.
In the Circuit Court of the Stnte of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
ma a.
Willis D. Clark, Plaintiff,
Ioln Clark, Defendant.
To I ami In Clark, the above named
In tho name nf the State of
Oregon, you aro hereby required to
nppour and answer tho complaint filed
ngulnst you In the nhove entiled suit,
on or before the Inst day of the time
prescribed In tho order of publication
to-wll: on or before the 4th duy of
Kebrtmry, 1911, nnd If you full to bo
appear nnd answer, plnlntlff will ap
ply lo the Coflrt for tho relief demand
ed In the complaint filed herein
against you, to-wlt, for a decree din
solving the bonds of matrimony now
existing between the plaintiff and
yourself nnd for such other and fur
tluir relief aa to tho Court may seom
eqtlltablo and Just.
This summons Is served upon you
bv publication thereof for a period of
ix (onsecutlvn weeks In the Oregon
City Enterprise, n weekly newspaper
of general circulation, published In
Cliicknmns County, Oregon. In pur
suance to nn order of the Circuit
Jutlgo for Clnckamns County duly
made on tho llilli day or December,
The date of tho first publication
thereof Is tho 23rd day of December,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Cbtcknmn County.
Olive Muhoney, Plaintiff,
Arthur Mahoncy, Defendant.
To Athur Mahoncy, above named
In tho name of thn stnte of Oregon,
you aro hereby required to appear and
answer tho complaint filed against
you in the above named suit, on or
beforo the 17th day of Kcb., 1911, aald
dato being the expiration of six week
from the first publlcnllon of this sum
mons, and If you full lo appear or
answer said cnmpiaint, fur want there
of the plaintiff will apply lo the court
for tho relief prayed for In her com
plaint, to-wlt:
Kor a docreo dissolving the bonds
of matrimony now existing between
the plaintiff and defendnnt This
summon Is published by qrder of
Ion. J. U. Campbell, Judge or tne
Circuit Court, which order wa made
and entered on the 30lh day of Dec.,
910, and the time prescribed for pub
lication thereof Is six weeks, begin
ning with tho Issue of Krldny, Jan.
Gth, 1911, and continuing each week
thereafter to and Including the Issue
of Krlday, Fob. 17th, 1911.
Attorney for Plnlntlff.
In the Circuit Court nf the Stnte of
Oregon for Clackama County.
Jessie Hleveuson, l'lalntlff,
. , ,
Jamea Stevenson, .Defendant.
To Jame Stevenson, the above named
In the mime of the Stnte of Ore
gon yon are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
ngulnnt you In the above entitled suit
within six week from the day of Jan
uary 0, 1011. whlrh I the date of the
first publication of this summons, and
If you fail to appear and nnswor, the
I'lnlntlff will apply to tho Court for
the relief demanded In the complaint,
to-wll: Kor a decreo forever dissolv
ing tho bonds of matrimony existing
between you and anld plaintiff, and
for tho resloratloa of her formor name
of Jesslo Miller and for her cost and
disbursement In this suit and for
such other relief as to the Court
seems meet and Just.
This summons Is published hy order
of the Hon. 3. V. Campbell, Judge of
the Circuit. Court, State of Oregon
for the County of Clackama, and aald
summon wits made and dated the
5th day of January, 1911, directing
that said publication be made In the
Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly
nnwspapcr of general circulation pub
lished at Oregon City, Clacknmns
County, Oregon, and that said publi
cation be made once a week for six
consecutive weeks, the date of first
publication of this summon being
January C, 1911, and the date of last
publication of thl summons Febru
ary 17, 1911.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Harvey E. Cro. William Hammontj
We have now moved to our permanent quarters In the Beaver
Building. Next to th Andresen Building.
Real Estate Abstract! Main Street,'
Loans, Insurance. Oregon City, Ore-
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Elva Btrlngham, plaintiff,
0. N. Strlngham, Defendant.
To O. N. Btrlngham, the above
named defendant:
In the nnmo of the state of Oregon,
you are hereby commanded to appear
In tho above entitled Court and cause
on or beforo the 18th day of Kebruary,
1911, and answer the complaint filed
ngaliiBt you In the said Court and
cause, and for want of an answer the
plnlntlff will apply to the Court for
the relief demanded in her complaint,
to-wlt: for a decree of divorce dissol
ving the bonds of matrimony now ex
isting between plnlntlff and defendant
and for such other and further relief
as prayed for In her complaint.
This summons Is published by an
order of tho Honorable Grant P.. Dim-
mlck. Judge of the County Court of
Clackamas County, made and entered
on Iho 30th dny of December, 1910.
Dato of first publication Jonuary
C, 1911.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clackamas.
I. N. Cleaver, Plaintiff, .
Ota. V. Cleaver, Defendant
To Ota. V. Cleavor, the above named
In the nnme of the state of Oregon,
you nro hereby required to fippear and
anawer the complaint filed against
you In the above entitled suit on or
before the expiration of six weeks
from the dnte of the first publication
of this summons, to-wlt: on or before
I the 17th day of Keb., 1911, and If you
full so to appear for want tnereor,
plaintiff will apply to the Court for
tho rollef prnyed for In his complaint
now on fllo heroin, which Is: that the
bonds of matrimony now existing be
tween plnlntlff and defendnnt be dis
solved, upon the grounds that the de
fendant has deserted plaintiff, and
for such other and further relief as to
the Court niny seem equitable.
This summons Js published by order
of Hon. J. IT. Campbell, Judge of the
nbovo entitled Court, made and en
tered on December 30, 1910, directing
the first publication thereof to be
made on Jan. ft. 1911, and the last
publication on Kehrunry 17, 1011.
Attorney for Plnlntlff.
In the Circuit Court of the Stuto of
Oregon for Clnckamns County.
Gructi It. Melrvln, Plaintiff,
Charles Melrvln, Dofendunt.
To Chnrles Melrvln, above nnmed de
fendant: In Iho Namo of tho State of Oregon:
You nre hereby required to appenr
nnd answer tho complaint filed against
you in the nhove entitled suit on or
before tho 12th day of March, 1911,
nnd If you fall bo to nppenr or nnswor
Iho plaintiff will apply to the Court
for tho relief prnyed for In the com
plnlut, which Is, that the ninrrlugo now
existing between you nnd the plaintiff
be forever dissolved, nnd for such
other, and .further relief as to the
Court mny seem Just and equitable.
This summons Is served upon you by
publlcnllon by order of the Hon. J. U.
Campbell, Judge of the above entitled
Court, which order Is dated the 2-lth
day of January, 1011. The date of the
first publication of this summons Is
the 27th day of January, 1011, nnd
tho Inst date the 10th day of Mnrch,
Attorney for Plulntlff.
In the Circuit Court of tho State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Leona Charters, plaintiff,' t
R- E. Charters, Defendant
To R. E. Charters, above named de
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint fifed
against you In the above named suit,
on or before the 17th day of Kebru
ary, 1911, suld date being the expira
tion of ilx weeks from the first pub
lication of this summons, and if you
full to appear or answer aald com
plaint, for want thereof the plaintiff
will apply to the Court for the relief
prayed for In her complaint, to-wlt:
Kor a decree dissolving the bonds
of matrimony now existing between
the plaintiff and defendant. This sum
mons Is published by order of Hon.
U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit
Court, wh ch order was made and
entered on the 5th day of January.
1911, and the time prescribed for pub
lication thereof is six weeks, begin
nlng with the Issue of Krlday, Janu
nry C. 1911, and continuing each week
thereafter to and Including the Issue
of Krlday, Kebruary 17, 1911.
Attorney for plaintiff.
trlct and entered on the 12th day of
January, 1911, and the time prescribed
for the publication of this summons
Is six week beginning Krlday, Jan
uary 13th, 1311, and ending with the
Issuo of Kebruary 17th, 1911.
Dated January 12th, 1911.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
WM. M. 8T0NE,
associated with
George C. Browned.
Legal Business Promptly At
tended to.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Vorah Hereford; Plaintiff,
(1. L. Hereford, Defendant.
To G- L. Hereford, the above named
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you In the above entitled suit
on or before the expiration of six
week from the date of the first pub
lication of this summons, to-wlt: on
ir before the 24th day of Kebruary,
1911, and If you fail so to appear for
want thereof plaintiff will apDlv to
the Court for the relief prayed for-ln
her complaint now on file herein,
.. . V. ! . Y. 1 .. . . v. .. . . v. A v. .1 .. . a
" iiii.li in. luai luu uuuua ui main- 0
many now existing between Dlalntlff I
ind defendant be dissolved upon the ' ?
grounds that the defendant has de-l I
serted Dlalntlff. and for such other '
and further relief as to the Court may .
seem equuauie. 1
This summons Is published by or- '
der of Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of ,
the above entitled Court made and
entered on January 9, 1911, directing
the first publication thereof to be I
made on January 13th, 1911, and the i
last publication on Kebruary 21th, '
19U. I
Attorney for Plaintiff.
I U'flEN
Deutscher Advokat
Will practice In all court, make
collection and settlement.
Office In Enterprise Building,
Oregor City, Oregon.
Commercial, Real Estate and
Probate our Specialties. Of
fice in First National Bank
Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
W. S. EDDY. V.rM. D. V.
Graduite of the Ontario Veteri
nary College ut loronto, Canada,
and the McKillip School of
Surgery of Chicago, boa located
'. Oregon City and established ao
office at The Fashion Stables,
Seventh Street near Main.
Both Telephones
Farmers' 132 Man 1311
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice la hereby given that the un
dersigned as administrator of the es
tate of John Olson, deceased, has
filed his final report as such admin
Istrutor and the Court has set Keb
ruary 20th, 1911, at the hour of 10
o'clock A. M at the courtroom o
said court as the time and place for
settling the suid estate and for the
hearing of objections thereto.
Dated, January 12th. 1911.
Administrator of the Estate of John
Olson, deceased.
Attorney for Estate.
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned as executrix of the estate
of Mary A. Lyon, deceased, has filed
her final report as such executrix
with the County Court of Clackamas
County, Oregon, and the Court has
set Monday, the 20th day of Febru
ary, 1911, at the hour of ten o'clock
A. M., at the courtroom of said Court
as the time and place for settling the
Bald estate and for the bearing of ob
jections thereto.
Dated, January 12th, 1911.
Executrix of the Estate of Mary A.
Lyon, deceased.
Attorney for Executrix.
lu the Circuit C'ourf of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Maud I Davis, Plaintiff,
Brighton Davis, Defendant.
To Brighton Davis, the abovo-named
In the name of the Stale of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
nnswer the complaint filed against
you In the above entitled suit, on or
before the 17th dny of Kebruary, 1911,
snld dnto being after the expiration
of six weeks from the first publication
of this summons, and If you tall to
appear and nnswor said complaint, for
want, thereof 1 lie piniiuur win uppiy
to tho Court for the relief prayed for
In her complaint, to-wlt:
Kor a decree dissolving the bonds
of matrimony now existing between
the plaintiff nnd defendant ana: tor
the caro and custody of the minor
children. This summons is pumisncu
by the order of Honorable J. U. Camp
bell, Judgo of tne circuit court ior
Iho County of Clackamas, stnto 01
Oregon, which order was made and
entered 011 the 5th . day of January.
1911, nn3 tho time prescribed for pub
lication thereof Is six weeks, begin
ning with the issue of Krldny, Janu
ary Cth, 19U, and continuing each
week thereafter to and Including the
Issue of Krlday, February 17th, 1911.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
513 Henry Bldg-, Portlaud, Ore.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clnckamas County.
John Carlson, plaintiff,
Josephine Theresa Carlson, Defen
To Josephine Theresa Carlson, the
above nnmed defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you In the above entitled cause on or
beforo the 27th day of February, 1911,
and if you fail to so appear and
answer for want thereof the plaintiff
will apply to the Court for the relief
praved for In her said complaint, to
wlt: Kor a decree of this Court dissolv
ing the marriage contract now exist
ing between plaintiff and defendant,
and for costs and disbursements here
in and for such other and further re
lief as may be equitable.
This summons is published by or
der of Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of
the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon for Clnckamns County for the
Fifth Judicial District, made and en
tered on tho 10th day of Jnnunry,
1911. and the time prescribed for the
publication of this summons Is six
weeks beginning Friday, January 13.
1911. and ending with tho issue of
Kebruary 24, 1911.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clacknmos County.
Margunrlette A. Reed, Plaintiff,
Frank W. Reed, Defendant.
To Krnnk W. Reed, the above named
In the name of the State of Ore
gon you are hereby required to ap
penr and answer the complaint filed
against you In the above entitled
cuuse on or before the 27th day of
Kebrunry, 1011, and If you fail to ap
pear and answer for want thereof the
plaintiff will apply to the Court for
the relief prayed for in her said com
plaint, to-wlt:
For a decree of this court dissolv
ing the marriage contract now exist
ing between plnlntlff and defendnnt.
and for such other and further relief
as may bo equitable. ;
This summons is published by or
der of Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge
of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the Fifth Judicial Dls-
Notice of Administrator's Sale of Real
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clack
amas. In the Matter of the Estate of Per-
mella Mathews, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that pursu
ant to an order of sale made and en
tered In the above entitled Court and
cause on the 11th day of January, '
1911. the undersigned administrator 1
of the Estate of Permella Mathews, ;
deceased, will from and after the 10th J
day of February, 1911, proceed to sell t
iho Vpi li nf thn Knnthpasf V. and .'
the North V. of the Southwest U of
Section 28. T. 3 S. R. 4 East of W
M. containing 160 acres less about 1C ! J.,. SM&e.a
acres, situated in tiacKumua couuiy,
Oregon, at private sale at 513 Henry
Bldg., Portland, Oregon. The said
property will be sold for one-half cash
balance payable on or before the ex
piration of three years.
First publication, January 13th,
Administrator of the Estate of Per
mella Mathews, deceased.
1 ?
Clackamas County
510 Chamber of Commerce,
Portland, Oregcn.
Full equipment of maps, plat,
abstract books and tax rolls.
Agents for Clackamas County
Lands, Money Loaned, Title
E. F. A F. B. RILEY,
Attorneys A Counsellors at Law
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of -Clackamas.
Stella SI. McFarlane, Plaintiff,
Roy W. McFarlane, Defendant.
In the name of the State of Oregon,
You, Roy W. McFarlane, are hereby I
required to appear and answer tne
complaint filed against you herein, on
or before the 27th day of February, A.
D , 1911, and If you fail to appear or
answer said complaint on or before
said date, the plaintiff will apply to
the Court for the relief demanded In
her complaint, to-wlt:
For a decree of this Honorable
Court dissolving the bonds of matri
mony now existing between the plain- j
tiff and the defendant, that tne cus
tody of their minor child, Clifford Al
len McFar nne. be awaraea to tne
plaintiff; that the defendant be re-j
quired to pay to the plaintiff the sum 1
of $15.00 per month for the support
nd maintenance of said minor cnua, 1
that the defendant pay the costs and ;
disbursements of this suit, and for j
such other and further relief as may 1
to the Court seem just and meet in
the premises.
This summons is served upon you i
bv publication thereof for six succes
sive weeks in the Oregon City Enter
prise, a weekly newspaper of general j
circulation published In Oregon City,
County of Clackamas. State of Ore-
gon, by order of the Honorame j. u.
Campbell, Judge of the above entitled
Court, which order is dated the Tenth
day of January, 1911.
Date of first publication, januury
13, 1911. Date of last puDiicatiou,
February 24th, 1911.
U. H. Ulb
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Wind Mill
lie Ranis
mps and Hydra
Phon 2682.
Oregon City,
u. u.
Attorney-at-Law .
Honey loaned, abstracts furkiih
H, land titles examined, estates
settled, general law business.
Over Bank of Oregon City.
tfflHtfBWfcMHlfckjfaWBIlftQ'lKSSSfr 1
C. T. Tooze,
Lawyer and Notary
Real Estate Bought and Sold.
Room 2. Beaver Bldg., Ore. City
Does some of best abstract .
work in county. Is persistent
worker In .curing defects in
Oregon City titles. Lists with
a leading Portland firm all his
listed property. Handles choice
Portland real estate. General
Insurance agent. See him about
best life insurance. With C. H.
Dye, S. W. Sth & Main, Oregon
City. Call afternoons. Both
.... ...
.attl-.ejfl.q ,. J.-' :j iL' uLZuAil
nJw.t-w:ii(;td.wt:,,tY.-.iS i2?fJMnr
, a j i v. -1 Q STTi .
mm n
The University and Bellevue Hos
pital Medical College, New York City.
Office practice . mainly solicited.
The doctor continues the Eastern
custom of putting" up his own pre
scriptions. Pacific phone, Main 1581.'
1 Sv
M Vest Sft M-i
! K.iM!lJliaLL-M-''
-m 'Mr-
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