Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 10, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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ra 1 m -mm I 1
I Milwaukee and Northwestern Clackamas
Till" (iKVlMIIIIHlIlt Will I'Nlllllllllh II U.
H, Collection h(H Hi tlltl ItlllllHI'Ctlllll (if
till) liiiln, Oi.-koii oily anil HiimiyHliln
roads, on dm comer wlieiu Diuicitil
MeNlcliol mill , u dark Itva In lliir
inony illHirici, when carrier, l iimi 2
limn Mllwuiiklu mill cirilor 1 fnim
Clacluiiiin. run Ocliungo inn 11 which
will kIv til liuinl nno liny quicker
service In every case, will Im mi
niiiioiliilliui i iiniilii (raveling
through IllHII.
MIIwiiiiI.i.i t'niiiimirclul Clul) will
liold it smoker Friday evening, Fob.
Id. In coiinccllou wllll Him aiimkttr u
K"tl'l III minis Inciting will llU hold fur
I Im iiirnmn of iIIhi'uhhIiik tint rhiiltcr
Tim ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 it I iiicctliiu of (ha stock-
l.. .i.i ..... . . 'K'
. i . . " "K '"I"" i"'"1 I'11"'" "II. Their
Mllwaukle. win linhl mill Hit) offliuTH ,(,k.I toucher li.ul rend Turn Hi.wyer
una illriH tiim wero ro uI.h I.mI ly lo them and thny tried lo follow hi.
Ulliililmoii. vol.t. example. 'Hi,, boys nt t iiiiiin Im worse
Now In III., tlnio for nil fironroHHlvulfor their ixirl. ti o, hut several of
cIIUciih of Mllwittikli. lo linn ii iimi j ihn ,cii look severe colds from Hie
glvn Ihn charter iiiiiciidiitonu nil th I iiipn.iirv mid soaking they received,
support they possibly run. Improva- j. n. urnhiim Hon, onu of our
iii.hi U mt needed mill niiiKt ho Iimi or! firms, hnvo purchased n now wuitnti
Ihn hew cniiiera will pas. iii Mllwmik-1 n, go on flu, rout.., which will help llm
li mid nettle In otik Grove. ,rv,.r ,, ,,.( deal iim Iho rofidii uro In
i inn loin." I no eioeiiou mm .viou- u hitil com It loll
MeArlhur, and Mr.. 1 1 II Ion. Ihn grand
mot Iht, Thoso present worn Mary
III'", Killlli nilffllli, KrmiriH f Jrirrlt Ii.
(lluilyH McCully, Alum UiwIm, Amihcll.i
i"iim, Harriot i;ililiorn, Holvln Dentil
hoii, Inuhollt, MeArlhur, Tommy tlrn
Imni, Kiiyinoiul Hitler. Vorn Johns.
Cornelius Hinln, Knuml lighter, Hurry
rums, umnioiii nun i.imiHoy MrArlhnr,
Hiilnnliiy evening iiljo.it o'clock It
t.'liort rn iiki In Unit two hoyN, iikiI
II Mini 10 your, children of prominent
citizens, worn IohI, A posse wns hoiii
out In nil direction through tin, down.
Iioiir of ruin. Tim hunt continue! till
iiflr II o'clock, When tlm soiillilmuiiil
cur ciiiiin In tin, hoyN not off uml start
ml homo uml when ihcy told thulr
"lory duly hud run tiway mid hud
Kliiil.ul for Him CoiinI hul when dark
ness overtook them limy .lucl.led home
day, Fob, It U of vital Importance
lo Mllwiiulilu Mint Ihn filial verdict
Atiuhvllo Well In ! k wltll tiniHllltlH.
Mr. mid Mm. Murphy spent Haliir
limn will uman either progress-or a ilnv ami Hun.lnv with ihlr .l,.,u.,ir
Ntmid Htlll. If your urn In luvor ol Mih. V. WhIIn mid family..
prtiRruNii volo for th ntii.nidiimnlN, Ifj School Notei.
).iu Bin Kiiiliifled with Ihn mini ami Tho Oak (Irov.) ncIioo! Iiiin hecn or
inlrn wo Imvo now yon want to voii ! Snnvi Into a ConnrcHN. Tim iiiiIIh
Hinm down, il)f .r,)f, ittif lcr nro netltiK nil tlm Hon-
Nlimly tniiiiilierN of Itiu Portland at,., nml Mr. Ilerrv. ,..,,.11. n.n
Tut n r,ln knvi, a flno eiiinrluliiii I reiieenlnllv,N. Tlio ontlru chii
nmi niiiuniiiy vv.miiiik; ilmir '.rciHeN
wnre (trcutly niir.rli.ted hy lnrK
midlelicn. Mjh. WIIhoii and MInh
Knit Riirn 1 NMlucllon In (lurmau
Molll wn carefully dial, led nmt fed
tlicy went out to lh ori'luird. Kvery
trie wiin n friend, uml n I rue filenij.
too, for none otli.'r would unromplnlri'
KornlKn MlNHloniiry noclely of tho M. M"1 '"r''lH'' ' f,ll "''! tlieio
K. cintrcli which wiin ni'llKhtrully en- t" collcno.
leiliilni'il nt Iho homo of Mr. TIiikIo
in (llndHloim,
Mr. (iodfrcy.-of Ht. Julirm, win out
Id (IiIh piacu UiIm week mid Ih con
lumplmliiK liulldlng on h Ih properly
Mr. mid Min. (Jiin Wiimhlad.t, of
Mclilriiiti, have Held Ih.ilr pretty lit i lo
"lxik how pnpn' liwn cnrliig for
tlmin," crli'il (Jliidyi. "Ho'n wound
tvery nne with ciirnntalk to kwcp lb
rnlilillN nml inl.e from nawlnK them.
I'd ncvur Ihouiilil f HmL"
"Hv'n (Iu!iik-uII lie inn to help im,
even If he rnn't give un the mniiey,"
homo hut urn Kind to liner thny hiivu "'I Mnlml. "I omi;lline wonder If
lioucht iidlolnliiK the Myron srann- oukIh not to "'ay hero mid licln
I'"""". hlin end uiommlv eo they wouldn't
Mr. Mc(!ov.,rn, of Hpoknno, will Im here to work eo hard. Then think of
ii MicHt of IiIh hrolher, Mr. HiikIi Mo- the nice Hiltik'N they could buy with
(lovorn, for Homo tlino iind Incldnn- .. ...,... ,.. ,1M ..
tally In takliiK In Iho Impl.imnnt dual
cin timi'tlnn,
Children Ory
(ilady looked eerlouii. "I never
thoiiKlit of It lluit way," elm cmfeiwd.
"It'l K n"d 11 3 them ahuiit It.
Olndye we thinking of Hint olt;ht two
ynnrN liofore when ehe and Mollle hnd
ninde that dmiiernte epurt lo cntch the
tinkling NlflxhlK-lle that ewined ever
Jum lieyoml tlmlr rencli JcITn
thought were of the two rosy cheek
h) glrle who hnd ulm.mt frlKhleneil
him out of on apple tree once and en
pechilly of the one who could never
keep Hint nnnily lock of bnir out of
her eye.
At liiNt they turned and etnrted down
the long loH toward home, ijiailjn
could keep mill no lorijer, end In i tie
pure Joy of eltnply being alive Mie lift.
ed her clear voice in the rollicking
meiiHiire of e college noun
Jeff followed with the Mlnnewitn
ong, end then tn they turned In el ttie
gate both Joined In a lower, midiler
tone In the gniiid old tune of "Home.
Sweet Home
Their filher ehook bin head decided Thon tbpf """I'M T th "Id hllcb.
repreHenlN Iho Hint., of Oregon
Hknlley wiin electod (iovertuir.
Iiwell rugnt Iiiih chmm.-d from tho
Portland Ncliool In our echoo! end Ihn
wuicii wue louiliy uncorinl; thu ludleN Nevimtli gradii.
then favor, d Him ainllenco with n huiik Muriel Unicom In aualn In echooi
in hngiiHii. ino net pro. oe.iN w.-ie after nn almenCK of eeveral dny.
in no unci rnr mo uoyN ruin nun
thn gymnuNlum
Tlm TurtmiN havit allowed tlmlr In
Urui tiir, prof, (iene, to cfnno on Wed-
liiiN.lity eveiiliiKN mid IiihI rm I the
clniNcN of tlm KyniuaNliim. 'Iho chili
Iim. ii iiii'inliemliip of thirty hoyN. luni
Moinli.y evening tlm Mollmri mid
Tett.'lielN' Clllh preavlited Ilia II") n'
('lull n iiieillcluo bull. They nru innro
than pleimed with thla new tciiluri.'
mid will certainly enjoy It.
.Mlltttttikln (iraiigo met Frli'" even
lug. It.-Kulnr rout I no of hiiU.. and
Itilllatloti of tlurn raiidlilaioN. Tuu
lecture hour waa a .IIncunhIoii on ru"
mid i (me culliuo which wiih mi Juler
oNtltig nml liiHtructlvn 1,-hkiiii o all
preaent. Konea Nhould bo plalll.'d III
cliuiiica unit nut prouiUcuouNly.
The men f the Mllwaukle (irntiKo
will give n NHlllng mnlrli jiinl lumkel
him-In I nt (iratign Hnll KMilny evotiliiK,
K'.'b. IT, Ml K o'clock. Klrat mid lecouil
prlieN for Hie beat NpellerN, and a crni
milnllun (irUe for Ihn poorciil Mpeller,
end grand prlo to tho buly whom,
banket ella til the lilchmt prlio. The
i uminliti e In chiirKo In (', II, Hiiuhoii,
K. W. Ilumiell mid ChaN. Knw1I. Ad
in ! Mil, hi ii mi, & ceniN. Cvery ludy
will bring u hunket. Hut out your
nM'llliig biKikN ami nl inly.
School Notet.
The midterm imuluatlon took
place hml week. Tlm only promotion
were below Iho Ulh griidn. There
will be two dlvlitloiia, thn first ami
Necoiid. Heveial of Hit, hlglier grndu
puptlN wmn leiniiruhly iiriunuted.
Women of Woodcraft held mi Inter
t'Htlng iiieeiliig IiihI Krlday evcnlnc
Nine ciiinlldaleN wero given Hio eeo
ret work. Ket'ii.nhliieUlN Wero Nerved
and a good time hnd by nil prcHvnt.
Mr. and MrN. (irlrxell, of Portlmul,
nhiiI .Hi i ml ay wiih Mm. Kile Maple.
MrN. Muggle Jiiliitmui hnN been quite
Nick with lagrlppe.
liinac Mullen In Nick III tlio Hellwood
li.iHiillal wiih typhoid fever.
Wo regret vory much- that HiihIc
tlnrn.'N la no better.
U-ater llnrluw In Improving alowiy
from IiIh nccldelil.
Henry I'hllllpN la much better end
iiii N l he out again nooii.
Uiiliert llnlliile bad Ih.i iiilnr.irtuiio
tn g. l n piece of ktcel III IiIh left cmi
Mr. Ili.llalti In under tho inie of a
nih-cIiiIIhi In I'oiiland and In Nufferlng
very miii li u.l:i.
Dr. Tovtiiley Iiun aeveral pulletit In
Iho Portland hnapltitlH which takON a
good part of IiIh time.
MrN. Iliuiiiell In .pillo Hick but Im
proving. ('. II. HmiHoti wiin In Oak (irov on
IiiihIiichn WedtieHilay.
Wiirreu Knight mid wifo wero Port
land vtHltor TitcHdny evening.
Church Notei.
Kvatigi'llcal church, K. linili'liaugh
pnittor. Sunday ni IiooI, I . : :to n. in.,
Kred Ilergeimlro miperlnletidcnt. Her
vIc.'n 1 1 : by tlm' pantor. Y. P. A ,
nt 7 p. m. MlHHltmary program lit
charge of Women'H MlHaloiiary HiH-lety
at p. in. TqiirhorH' Training Tiion
day evctilngN. Prayer tneellng Wed
neailay evening. Choir practice Tlmra
dily evening.
Iloud'a chlckeliN.
Mr. White, who Iiiin been on tho
MrN. Hi een entertained her hIkUt
mid a lady frl.iud TliurNday at Hrhool.
lie warned In Hum. Herd tho voice
of thnHrt lnlcrcHled In vonr woiriirn
and do your trading nt thn U and U ;,l,'k ,H' ' l,,,l,ur wook
Comntinr Ouk llrovo. ! '''' ImvldNoll. of Maplo :
Church Notei. , lintiKlit MrN. WunTlilade'e pretty cot
M. K. church-Sunday Ncliool 10 a. , ,HB
m. Hervlcea 1 1 a. in., by llov, W. It.
Allen. Kvenlng Hei vic e by piialnr I Attack Like Tlgere.
It.iv. Henry Hpola 7: 31) p. til. H pot-la I 1 in fk-hnnu to keen tho blood nurc
uiiiHic. All ror.iinity invttua. ,i. i,h. r,,r,, .!,. .n.ri, hiu.b
ly when they broached the auhject to
bltn. "Ktny out of ecbool!" be cried
"Of con rue not, glrllee Mother mid
MELDRUM. I are too proiia or our college glrle lo
think or Niicti a thing for a moment
Mre. KmmoiiN, from Portland, wne Aren't we. mother?"
a pleiiHanl caller m the homo of Mre. Mre Hundere nodded a auillltie a a.
W. M. tiardimr. eenl. and ll.e irlrla were anlUM...! f,,r
Tlm PaNllttm club met nt tho home the time at leant. Thev w,.r uu,
of MrN. Hun WamhluilN and thny r- young to reullr.e what the lonellneH of
ported they had tt very pkmiant tlm... tMr m,.llt., ., t(J ,,,
Horh of thu ladl.iN proHiiit wero called ,,.,..
upon lo imili.) a Hpeech, but ItiHtoad ,,, ,' . . ,, ...
Ihey r-cltod poem, .hoy had learned " ' J '!, "l8"
when thry wero chll.lreti. A nlco wl""" 5"u"'" rl'"" "I' ,lle
luti. li wiin erved and Hioho preHotit r"utJ " 'v"'7- '''"' i" "1 half
w.-io MrN. (MuirlcN Moran, Mre. (Jnuit. at m i'"" 1"B '."idera for him.
Min. Charley HarrlH, Mre. Krnnk l"dya bad prwllcted. He wa a
Powora, MrN. Alex Hill, Mra. Victor man now and no alrong and n.'lf re-
KrlckNou, MrN. O. A. Kreytug, Mm. (1. 1 Hunt that (jludy-N wua almoat afraid
K. ll' iithmnn, Min. While, Mre. W. M. of bltn. c
(iiirdner, MrN. MoirU, MrN. J. K. Sec- "That curl haan't lenrn.il to keep
ley mid Min. Hun Wumblad. 0t 0f ynur Vc vet. Iiiin lir he crlwl
Mra. (Irace, of Oregon City, and i. .,,,.,.,,,,,.. r, ,.A
Mra. Onidner Hpent a vory pleiunnt i,n . ,h..t ..,.ui
day with Mra. PhlllpN, of Portland. M. ,'. .. ' ' ' "
Mr. Molton at Kern Itldgu la very . J... . '.
tc i anin oinuya - nere iho i a ining nootit
Kn.nei.n,, miiat hHve been verv him. 70U ,ullt uni"" cnang.il Hlme I anw
gry for th-y atolo eight of Mr. Harry Jou ,"t- Vou "' different
"I'm aorry." anld Jeff contritely.
"I'm not." Nhe replied promptly.
1'eln HavldNon, of Maplo Uin, Iiiin "Ifa-lt'a a change for Hie lietter."
Jen laughed heartily. "I'm glad to
hear It." be an Id. "There wiin Iiiin of
room for liiiirovement. Hut how about
youraelf? There whhii'i rinuii for you
to grow min-b prettier, but"-
Glnil.v Nhook her wavy head Im-
! tferniN Iiki, tltfera. Itnf nftnn mrini I nnll..,t,lt l ilun-. ,li,.i,..l.i v. .11
ItegMlar aew lng meeting at IbohoitHr fllHt , ,n flghtora are were more Nenalhle '.hat. the" n-t of
v.. Ar.iiNiroog 1 numuay overcome. Then aeo plmplea. bollH. ,he tM.va" .be .ld !!, ,l
j eczema, Niill rhenm mid aore. mitltliily Ke , Bt the unlveraltyy
1 mill Htrenmh and nnontitn fntL 1'hla . ...
Aalhma ' .. . . . . . Jen n ince in up w iin ei iiiu.H nnm.
........ . .. ........ "There couldti t be anything that
if Min. I
In a dlHlre-Hlng dUeaH.,. Dr. Ilell'a reg,.lnte atomnch. liver mid kldneva C.''1
Plne riiMloliey rellev.-N ulm.mt t. ... . I1(),K()n, f thfl . . . hl,v would milt
nro the host hlmxl purifier," write. C
T. lluilhan. of Tracy, Calif., "I have
ever found. They ninko rich, red
Mtn 111 1 y . Wu giinrniitea It to give mil
me belter." he aald
"There". Nomethlng In the air there
that (Ilia a fellow with ambition, with
1 den I re to do aomethlng north while
There win much lutereat mniilfi-Htcil (-0
at tlm meeting of the JeuiilngN Lodge
Coiniininlty Club which met on Ken-
rimy nt Mr. lieu a grccuhniiHe
Thirty three application were hatuli d
In for iiiemlierHhlp, which niakea nn :
oigniiliitloii of over fifty inemhi ru, nil ,
of whl'h lire ilitbUNlUHtR over the
work taken up. Very favorable re j
M,riH worn heard from tlio chalrinen '
of the vi.rlnuH commlttccN and John
Jelililug waa niHiliited lo Nee thai ,
our llckclN over iho O. W. P. read
JennliigN Iji'Iko liiHteud of JounliigH '
a they have recently herolofore. Mr.
Chaa. ItlHley, of Oak drove, and Mr.
W. Haheitnan, of Hranls Piinn,' were
vlnltora and both t bene gentlemen be-:
cmim inetiilierN on WodneHdiiy, n.
Ihey nro property holdera In HiIh com-'
niutiliy. ;
The Thuraday nflertioon aewlug
club will tne.it nt Iho lionm of Hie
MIhhc. Kllen mid Mildred Hurt on
February HI h. ;
Mr. Will Klnley relumed from j
Salem on Wedneaday ovenlng. j
Ml km Kalher Holden, or SellwiKid. I
enjoyed a two daya" visit with her
grandpa. Mr. l Wilcox. I
Mr. ChnN. KlruiHo wiin a ImihIiiohm J
rnller In Portland on Krlday. i
MrN. II. II. KnimoiiN culled on
blood, Ntrong nervc-N and build un your ' "f"1" tnttry that It Ik the aplrlt of
heultji. Try them. Due nt Jonea Drug epportunlty iirglng u to put up our
doom to lie knocked on.
Apple Trees j
l Story of F arm
L(t t
f Cowyrkhl, 1010, by American t
I Pceai A(Klatlon J
"And did yon hold yours opT ank
ti lilmlys.
Jeff nt down on the fence. "1 don't
like to talk about uiyclf." he ald.
"but I know you won't think I'm do
ing It 10 iMIIIHt."
"Of con me not." Hlndja interrupt
ed. "Tell me about It."
"It'a nothing much I've been work
ing on nn oration ever iltn-e I in mil
to eelinol nlmoMt The university ron
teet waa held n week tH-fnre the clo-e
of the term, and I wna choen dele
gate to Hie atnte coiiteat "
"Hood!" exclaimed Hladra. holding
out ber hand. "1 gueaa you opened
your door."
"And I believe can make the foot
ing poet and nl Nllent egnln. each
loath to break the Hpcll of tender
rniiinork-N that the old wing hnd called
"You mu.t le getting cold." anld
Jeff at In.t, leaping lo Hie ground and
helping Hledya to the big Hut atone
that atood by the gnu-poet.
Khe looked like a queen aa ahe atood
tbere In the perfect oeiiuly of her
young girlhood, with the allvery moon
iigui glinting through her wavy
Jeff atlll held txith ber hand, nn he
mid, i ouve nlwnya ix-va a true
friend to uie. haven't you. (Hndy.r
"I've alwny tried to Im." ahe an
awered. "Km -but plene don't any
anything to make me anything leaa.
"Tben enn't-can'l you tie anything
more'" There wa a lime ciitcb In
hla voice.
She ahok ner li.-nd andly
Kor eeveral momenta they mood arm
again under the kjn-ii of ib:il great
white alienee Then lllndya gently
drew nnny tier liiiinN
"(inodhy. JelT." tie anld
He km kill hark ill tier over hla annul
der na he led Mollle away to the bnro
She waa atlll atiiiullug there, her fig
ure ahurjily ouillii.il iignloat the win
ter aky When he came hack ahe
waa gone, but ahe had left a picture
In bla metiiorv that did not fade away
for ninny a day.
(To be continued.)
"We Prove It"
Why waste time and money experi
menting with greasy salves and
lotions, trying to drive the eczema
germ from btneath the skin when the
Huntley Bros. Co. Drug Store guaran
tees ZKMO. a clean liquid preparatot.
for external use to rid the skin of the
perm life that causes the trouble?
One application will relieve the Itch
tng and often times one bottle Is suf
ficient to qure a minor case of
eczema. ,
In over 2,000 towns and cities in
America, the lending druggist has the
agency for ZEMO and he will tell you
of the marvelous cures made by this
clean, simple treatment' ZEMO si
recognized as the cleanest and most
popular treatment for eczema, pim
ples, dandruff and all other forms of
skin or scalp affections whether on In
fant or grown person. Will you try a
bottleon our recommendation?
Huntley Bros. Co. Drug Store,
pT $525 Piano
7th and Center Sts. Orecon Cltv. fW.
o t ' .
Eva I, and J. U Swank to H. If. K. J. and v.mma n.n... . i- m
?.''""'?!' '.'.'V'.2, amf 3' Mock f" '"' 1 "d 2, block 2, Pleasant"
Mllwaukle Park; $10. IJttlo Homes No. 3- tlOft
Eastern Investment Co. to heirs of i K- A. and Cella E. Chapman to M.
John Hrock, northwest quarter of : S- Hwidnow, 20 acres, section 1. town!
northwest rpiarter, section 36, town- ship 5 south, range 1 east; 10.
ship l south, range 4 east; quitclaim. V. A. and Cella E. Chapman to
Hcmnn A. and Edn E. Ie to r.rnmel Alathea M. Day, 10 acres, section 28.
It. Mack, CO-100 acre, between sections townshP 5 "th, range 1 east; $10.
and ?,, township 3 south, range 1 rcnie anu uee Meyers to I. and H.
cast; $120. 1 aKao. enxl half of east half, section
James W. Curl to Myra Curl. 5.18 ! ' ,p 2 aoUt'1' ranKfi 9 ea9,':
acres, section 'ih, township 1 south
range 3 east; quitclaim.
A. L. and Agnes M. Veazlo to Kd-
ward Hlrstel, 2 acres, section 8, town
ship 2 south, range 2 east; If 10.
Heaton H. and Susannah Roley to
Hilda Tooze to E- D. Barto, IoU 8,
9, 10, and 11, block 1, C. T. Tooze ad
dition to Oregon City; $100.
William P. and Emily Jane Herman
to Cains W. Herman, 100 acres, section
20, township 5 south, range 2 east;
Guy D. Roley, east half of southwest I correction.
quarter of northwest quarter, section I James McPh. and Rbeuby Jane Rob-
22, township 4 south, range 2 east;
Ouy D. and Grace Roley to Heaton
If. Koley, west half of southwest quar-
Inson to Ida M. Pease, lots 11 and 12.
block 5, Gladstone; $300.
Dan and Nellie Lyons to H. E. Cross,
lots 3, 4, 5 and 6,. block 145, and lots
ter of northwest quarter, section 22, ! 3. 4 and 6, block 124, Oregon City
township 4 south, range 2 east; $10.
The following transfers of real es
tate were filed Saturday In the office
of County Recorder L E. Williams:
Gottfried and Minna Nothnagel to
Olof Rodliin, strip of land in section
34. township 1 south, range 3 east;
Elmer L. and Ida M. Walker to
Frank E. Cockerllne, 10 acres, Able
Mai toon donation land claim, township
3 south, range 3 east; $750.
T. u and Kate L. Charman to Carl
Francis-Anderson, lots 9 and 10, block
Weslynn; $300.
W. B. Hart to Bertha M. Hart, lot
O .1 , -J. ,,, . . , .1 .
4U, mm uuuililu lo jeilllllla LAJUKr.
John R. and Elsie B. Oatfleld to AI
bert J. and Lena Groben, lot 14, and
north half lot 15, Concord Heights;
T. J. Ingllsh to Mary Stubbe, 554
acres, section 22, township 3 south,
range 4 east; $1.
Henry and Matilda Voss to Fred W.
Schamburg, 20 acres, section 5, town
ship 3 south, range 1 west; $1200.
Edith O. Edwards to William Beard,
lots 12 and 1?, block 15, Gladstone;
C. and Agnes Schuebel to Tony De-
.iaueo ana Charlie Bugelll, tract in
lownsmp 3 south, range 2 east: $2000.
quitclaim. Axel Vester to Alma C. Brownell,
S. S. and Charlotte Palmer to Rob- 10 acres, township 2 south, ranee 1
ert J. l.'pton, 4 interest, east half of east; $10,000.
southwest ouarter. section 11. town-1 William M. and Sarah A. Smith tn
ship 4 south, range 3 east, except 3 1 John W. Loder, part lots 1 and 2, block
acres; $1. 184. north of the north line of Archl-
Geo. T. and Emellne Jane Hoffman bald McKinley donation land claim:
to Mt. Hood Ry. & Power Co.. right to t $1-
construct tunnel over north half of i E. J. to W. E. Quinn, lot 13, block
south half, section 10, township -1 , 3, Mount Pleasant addition to Oreeon
south, range 5 east; $125.
C. E. Larson to ML Hood Ry. &
Power Co-, 3.7 acres, section 4, town
Fhlp 2 south, range 5 east; $200.
Mattle Pickens and L. W. Tlce to
City; 1250.
T. Leonard and Kate Charman to
Bridget C. Chambers, lots 10, H and
12. block 3, Weslyn; $300.
L. E. and Ada L. Bentley to W. R.
Mt. Hood Ry. & Power Co.. richt to Allen, south fractional half of north-
-i !
(Continued From Last Woek.)
HE girls did mil ace Jeff before
lliev left He wa working
through 'the summer on a farm
up In Mlnneaotn and hurt not
been home since be first went away a
friends at Hie UkU.i recently a nil ' year before. An occasional letter told
nimlo a trip to Oregon City on Friday. ' them that he was enjoying hla school
Mrs. J. P. Klnley mid MIhn Anna work and getting along much better
Flnley. of Portland, spent Thursday than he bad dared to hope for. but that
with William Flnley nml ininiiy. WM
niii'iiu' cottage-iif V. U Hnberinan mid j Olndys and Mabel put Into their col
will occupy It at onc.i. j "'' 'rk all Hie energy Hh which
MIhn H.'HHle Huberts entertained a j their live young nnlie were charged
number of her lit t lo friends on Sat- ami enjoyed It 1 m t;i. ii -!- The other
unlay afternoon from (wo until four girl were nut ul nil "Htm-k up." but
nl hr lioine. Hume of various kinds I j,,,, happy. I iihv glrlN like iliem
were plnyed and MIhn Ellen Hin t as- , m.v,t. nml ihey imide frleiidx easily
slsteil Mrs. Honoris 111 serving r. -.i.-a..- j 0l(,l , , ,,,,. ,, o(T
meiits. A milliner or mo uhr iw 1...1.1.11.. ,
. ... ...... .,1... II. ..,!.. nlninn . " 1 "" 1 "" T",. 'V I"".'
llieinneriMi iiiih .hib """""" i ,,,..,,, , ,i,.. ,11,1 i, .. .. :i
..I.I .... Il.n urniib n.1,1 IlieV I "
" , J, ' .,,. ., ..r ..,, Ulcntly that before the ili-st lerm vvUi H
prcHcnted her with sotno vory prony i t
..... . . n.. til...' I. .11. ....ill ...nil.. ,1... ....... I J"
ball team next fall." Jeff went ou
was a substitute this year"
'.MiiIm'I doesn't like fmt hull." anld
Glndya. "bill I d' To his- those bis
Strung fell.iws t'.iiileiidini: tr i lit
ChllUl'lllllsllll II always siM.nis In me
like a real Untie lnn-inl . just a piny
one. I wish I eoiilil see ymi pi.-iv
Jeff." j
'Mnylie you can " he nnsn-eretl i
We are to piny the Iowa uuivcrMtt '
at Iowa City nest Tbunksivuig. I
Thomas Graham, of Alberln, Can
nda, arrived Friday evening and sur
nrlHcd ills brother, J. II. (iralimn. Mr
tlrnhiini will visit his brother and
family for Nonin time. TIiIh Is IiIh
first trln to Oregon.
Mrs. L. E. Armstrong; was a city
visitor Friday.
Mrs. Frank Miihou and two sons,
i f Portland, spent Wednesday with
Mis. .1. II. (irnhnm nml family.
J. 0. Stiiiitii nnd family moved to
Oieiion City Friday. Wo tiro more
than sorry to l.w the family, and
wo wlHh thnm success In their new
home, mid Mr. Hlnats in his offlco ns
I). iiii.v Sheriff.
Monday evening the Hclinnlmales of
Itetiny Stunts gnve, him a tareweti
iuii-iv Thn ovniilliK was plniiHiintly
snci't In gallics, lefreshmonts bolng
served by Mis. SlnalH.
Tuesday after school Iho girl school
nintcN of Kslher StantH spent a pleas
ant hour nt her linmo, planning and
discussing Esther's new homo nnd
school mutes In Oregon City. Tho
u,.i,,,.,i limes two iKi.i.l scholars In
itennv nnd 'Jstlier HtantH. nnd
wImIi .thnm success In their
Ladle.' Aid.
Tho UidleB' Aid met at thu homo
of M is. Gen. filimk Thursday nflor
noon. There wero eight ladles pres
ent. A comforter wns Hod, mid ii
pleasant hour spout. Mrs. Shork
Burvnd rofroshmonlii In honor of Mrs.
I O SlimlH' departuro, Tho society
presented Mrs. Btnnta with a silver
berry spoon nnd a himdkorchlof. Mrs.
atimls has lioen a faithful worker
nnd tlio society wl" fool lior ansonce
BI"SiRtsfrdny nflotnoon Mrs. J. H. Mo
Arthur's twins, Isabella and Rnnsom,
gave a party In lionor of tholr eighth
birthday. Games amf muslo made the
time pass too quickly. Refreshments
were served by their mothor, Mrs.
little gifts and birthday curds. Those
who came In to spend the afternoon
were Iho Misses Anna Hester, Gladys
Caldwell, Helen Sccley, Naomi Wil
cox, Ettn Strain, Mary, Jno ud Doris
Palnton, Ituth Cook, Ruth Truscott.
and Fanny Smith of Oregon City.
Miss Eileen Dill, who has spent the
piiKt month with her sister, Mrs. Cal
vin Morse, lias returned to her home
In Yamhill.
Mr. and Mrs. llrlchley, who hnvo
visited for some weeks with Mr. I.
Shonufleld and wife, left for Hood
Itlver on Friday nnd lifter n short
visit there will solum to tholr home.
In Ohio.
Mr. nnd Miss Miller nre enjoying
a visit from their father who rwontly
nrrlved from Montana,
Mr. O. A. Shaver Is again nblo to
be about after helng .confined for
sotno days with n severo nttiiok of
tho quinsy.
Dr. W. S. Kddy, of Oregon City,
wns at the UhIko on Tuesday, mak
ing a professional cull.
Tho Pastlmo Club, of Meldruin, met
nt thn homo of Mrs. Gns. Wnmblnd
on Monday afternoon. Tho hosloss
served dainty lefreshmonts. Thoso
present wero Mosdmnns Gardner, Fro
tag, Sucle.v. Powers, HrlcUson, Harris,
Morso. Grant, (1111. While, Jieiunmnii.
Moran and Miss Scripture.
Mr. nnd Mrs. York, of Montana,
wero vlHltlng at Mr. mid Mrs. Morse's
Inst week.
Mrs. L. Wilcox nnd Mrs. (Jeo. worse
nnd Miss Scripture nttonuou mo
over they hnd both iniiile the le.nn
Hut, lifter all. Ihey were Kind when"
the lerm was over nml they ciuid go
home for a four wi-eki viiiailnn It
was good to gel hick to Hie Utile farm
borne on.-e mure mid doubly good lo
see the dear old father Mini mother
ll was lonely ill home these days
with boll) the girls gone, but Mr. nnd
Mrs. Smidi'i's bore ll iiiii'.iiiipliiiinn;:l.v
"We've got un call to worry, mmli
er," mild Mr Sunder, one evening
"It's lonesome, bill H a a whole lot lo
have girls ynu i-ini depend on And
then It'll be viii-nllnn In. two weeks,'
he iidd.-d, nnd Ills wife echoed lili.
And when the girls, a little taller, a
little Ntrulghier but nut quite so rosy.
came rushing In In Hie Hiune old breezy
way well, the old house took ou a
new Joyousness
"If you girls don't keep still nnd go
to bed," said Mr. Sunders some time
within an hour or two after the clock
struck II. "I'll want to puck .up and
start for college myself."
Word was received In this city Wed
nesday of the death In Stevensvllle
Montana, of F. W. Howard, a former
resident of this city. Nothing of Mr.
Howard 8 sickness was known until
the announcement came of his death
He died Tuesday, January 31.
When here Mr. Howard was in the
grocery business on Seventh street,
on the hill. He lived In Oregon City
i two or three years and was well and
favorably known. He was 61 years of
: age and leaves a wife, six children
w ho are married and away from home
and two children still living at home
at the time of his decease. Mr. How-
i ard was a deacon in the Baptist church
here when living in this city.
While it Is often Impossible to pre
vent an accident. It Is never impos
sible to be prepared It is not beyond
any one's purse. Invest 25 cents In
a bottle, of Chamberlain's Liniment
and you are prepared for sprains,
bruises and like Injuries. Sold by all
"QOOtinT JEfP."
If I make the team will yon
C C I IB CZ Tntrowthafln-
w . . 1 m J w nuwera and
m moat 1 1 1 M-tni i.
r VftfraUliloa, plant tha beat
aMKm. harry'a hmhii ara tssit
iNwauoaiiter navor nil in rialu
or ouallly. '1 lift immii ardon-
ara anil fhrraiira averywhpra
know Frrry'a aaMatotxiUia
nlirhcat itanuaru n quallgr
yn auainiHi. f ur aaia
varywuaia. '
I rtUT'S N1S4 laaul
The next morning ns Mr Sunders "' l1"1 w"tPb as P'y?"
wns Rtiirtlng oul lo Hie barn lo milk
he met Gladys coming In with a brim
inlng pull In either baud
"Just to show you I lindn'l forgotten
how." Nhe said, with a iniigli. "It's
such fun tn be hoiue again."
Mabel was already up and getting
breakfast, and if Home of the cnlies
were burned It wasn't because of cure
less cooking, but rather Indicated tier
proficiency us n tire builder
After breakfast Gladys went out lo
the burn mid hud n long inlk with
Mollle, mid It Mollle didn't understand
all the secrets she was told it wasn't
because she diilu'l listen iiitenilvely
Then Mnhel cnine out. mid they hitch
ed up to the . inter, unit Mollle look
them up hill mid down at a puce Hint
nl n lie the NlelghbellH llugle merrily
They laughed rentl'ilscnutly hi each
familiar road mid tield It seemed as
If they had beeu sway for years in
stead of only for one nhort term
When they reached home uguln and
Gladys nodded.
"Then I'll make Hie team.' said Jeff
con tiilem ly, holding out his hand. "Is
It a bargain?"
Gladys shook her hands gravely. "1
ought to be a pntrlot to my own
state." she snlil. "Hut, all the same, 1
hope you win "
'How is Mollle?" Jeff asked after be
hnd helped Gladys bring another bas
ket of corn from the crib. "Don't you
suppose she would like a moonlight
"I don't know of anything that
would suit ber better," Gladys an
swered, "or her mistress either," she
added, with a roguish laugb.
It was a perfect evening The white
drifts of newly fallen suow glistened
tn the radiant montillght The horses'
feet made hardly a sound, aud tbey
seemed to be utmost flying through the
frosty air It wns like a sacrilege to
break the silence of tbnt glorious De
cember night by linking, and they rode
on without a word for a long time.
Walter P. and Maria L. Crane to
William U Crane, 16 acres, section
30, township 3 south, range 4 east;
Frank and Rose Z. Mulkey to A. H.
nnd Josephine Mulkey. lots 1 and 2,
block 49. Gladstone; $100.
Edward and Stella Kentrat to Har
riet M. Evans et al., 40 acres, section
1, township 4 south, range 1 east; $10.
The Shaw Fear Co. to Amy L.
E'.lckson, east lot 14, Boardman's
addition to Jennings Lodge; $10.
Oregon Swedish Colonization Co. to
C. G. nnd Amanda Johnson, south half
of northeast quarter, and north half
of southeast quarter, section G, town
shin 5 south, range 3 east, 100 acres;
Dave and Clara Catto to G. H. Hisel,
tract on Sixteenth street In Oregon
City; $750.
H. S. C. Phelps et al to John M. and
Jentilo Evans, 40 acres, northeast
quarter, section 1, township 4 south,
range 1 enst; quitclaim.
John A- and Anna Stoll to Geo. H.
Bruckninn, 15 acres, section 1, town
ship 2 south, range 2 east; $2300.
Hertha M. and O. A. Pace to Tappin
R. Swezey, 97 42 acres, secilon 5, town
ship 3 south, range 3 east; $1.
Ixiuls Blanche! to Bessie Blnnchet,
lots 1. 2, 17 nnd 18, block 26, Milwauk
le Park; quitclaim.
Ijiwrence and Bridget Mitchell to
C. C. Shaw and A. S. Locke, northeast
quarter section 10, township 4 south,
range 5 east, 160 acres; $10.
J. W. Mill to E. D. Olds, land in Oak
Grovet $5.
John V. and Grace E. Loder to C.
Schuebl. rnrt of Ezra Fisher donation
land claim; $10.
Hilda Tooze to Jessie Rechner, lots
1 and 2, block 2, C. T. Tooze addition
to Oregon City; $250.
E. O. and Emma Wlcklund to A. V.
and Helena WicKlund, 24.28 acres,
section 10, township 2 south, range 2
east; $10-
Arthur L. Kuehl and Anna L. Kuehl
to Charles W. Bigham, tract in the
Kuehlh tract; $1.
construct tunnel over north half of
south half of southwest quarter, north
half of southwest quarter of southeast
quarter, section 10, township 2 south,
range 5 east; $50.
Edward W. Gillam to Benjamin F.
Fisk, undivided half of southeast quar
ter of southeast quarter, section 36,
township 2 south, range 4 east, and 15
acres off south side of northeast quar
ter of southeast quarter, section 36
township 2 south, range 4 east; 55
acres; $1250.
Otto Eberle to Benjamin Fisk, south
west quarter of southeast quarter,
southeast quarter of southwest quar
ter, section 36, township 2 south, range
4 east, SO acres; 14000.
John W. and Grace E. Loder to A.
B. Hughes, lots 1 and 2, block 1, West
Gladstone; $1.
O. A. Cheney to Hazel Tooze, lot 8,
block 13. Oregon City; $10.
Charles and Clarasa Moran to Elmer
A. Osmon, lots 2 and 3, north half lot
4. north half lot 17.1ots IS and 19,
block 2, Falrview addition to Oregon
City; quitclaim.
George C. and Elizabeth Ely to
Charles Moran, los 2. 3, 4, 5. 6, 15.
16, 17, 18 and 19, block 2, Falrview
addition to Oregon City; quitclaim.
James M. and Nora Heckart to
Charles Moran, lots
16, 17. IS. and 19, block 2, Fairvlew
addition to Oregon City; quitclaim.
Raymond and Awilda Dickey to O.
W. and Annie L. Robbins, 5 acres,
William Bunton donation land claim;
west quarter, section '31. townshtD 5
south, range 2 east, 70.55 acres; also
northeast quarter of northeast quar
ter, section 30, township 5 south,
range I east, 60 acres; $3250.
Litclnda and C. B. Bunnell to Jamea
A. Bunnell, strip of land In Oak Grove,
40 acres; $2600.
Orilla Ann and .J. A. Dowllng to
James A. Bunnell, one-sixth Interest
to Bunnel estate at Oak Grove, being
40 acres in Crow donation land claim:
Land Titles Examined.
Abstract, of Title Made.
Office over Bank of Oregon City.
Thirty Year. Together.
Thirty years of association think
of it. How the merit of a good thing
stands out in that time or the worth
les'sness of a bad one. So there's no
guesswork in this evidence of Thos.
Arris, Concord, Mich., who writes: "I
have used Dr. King's New Discovery
for 30 years, and it's the best cough
and cold cure I ever used." Once it
finds enfrnncA In a hnma v.... Man'
3' ' 5, 6- 15Pry it out. Many families have used
tt forty years. It s the most infallible
throat and lung medicine on earth.
I'nequaled for lagrippe, asthma, hay
fever, croup, quinsy or sore lungs.
Price 50c, $1.00. Trial bottle free.
Guaranteed by Jones Drug Co.
The First State Bank of Milwaukee
at Milwaukle, In the State of Oregon, at the close of business January 7th,
Loans and discounts J41.614.23
Overdrafts, secured and un
secured 42.07
Bonds, securities, etc 6,937.26
Banking house, furniture,
and fixtures 13.5S7.45
Due from approved reserve
banks 10,559.52
Checks and other cash items 20.00
Cash on hand 3,528.69
Total $70,289.22
Capital stock paid in $25,000.00
Undivided profits, less ex
penses and taxes paid 1,255.78
Individual deposits subject
to check 38,383.31
Demand certificates of de
Posit 811.48
Time certificates of deposit 3,942.07
Certified checks 181.15
Cashier's checks outstanding 1,900.90
Savings deposits 4,808.93
Total $76,289.22
STATE OF OREGON, County of Clackamas, ss.
I. A. L. Bolstad, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear
that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
A. L. BOLSTAD, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day of January, 1911.
CORRECT Attest: Justice Of tllA PPIICA
The Best
The Best
The Lowest
Tfce Sqgarest