Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 03, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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In lliii Circuit emit of dm Hindi
Oregon, fur ('liiclminiin County.
A. it. miiikkii, iMiiiniirr.
Mny Morgan, Defendant,
To M ii y Morgan, (ho nhovn-nnmcil (1
rniiiiiiiii ;
III llio mi inn of Dm Hluto or Oregon
you inn Hornby requited to appear mi
answer Urn com pin I lit rilml iiKiiliiHt
1 1 1 1 III Mil' IllMIVII I'lll II It'll riltlHIl (Ml I
hnfiiro llio lllli ilny of March, tin
unit If von full mi to appear mill answer
fur vi u ii t llii'innf tint plaintiff will n
ply to llio Court fur Ihn relief pmytti
toi' III her Miilil roiiiiiliiliit, to-wll:
''or it docmo of lliln t'mirt iIIknoIvIiik
llio iimirliiKo rnnlruci now painting
In'! wnnii plaintiff unit ilnfi'iiiliiiit, nil
for i'iihIh iiml illiihui'somniit horn!
uiul for Miirli oilii'r mill further roll
am limy lin eqiillnhli'.
Thin Niiiuinoim In published liy onli
of Hon. .1. II. ChmiiiIm'II, Judge of id
Circuit Court, of thn Kliitu of Oicgt
for Cliirkiiiiiiu f 'mini y for Hut Flft
Jinlliliil lil.ilrli'l, iniiili' on thn lilt
tin v of .Intimity, ItHI, mill entered on
tlm '.'mil iluy of .luuiinry, till I, itml
Dm 1 1 mo iirxHiTllifil for tho inililli'itilon
of llim nummiuiM h nix weeks begin
plug Friday, January 27, ItHI, mi
nnilhiK wllll llio Intnio of March loth
Atiormiy for Plaintiff
In Hid Clri'iilt Coiirl of tlm Hlnln o
Oregon, for tlm County of Clark
Frum-ln K. Troiitlnr, plaintiff,
Julln Trniiiler, Di'fi'iiitiiut.
To Julln Truiitli'r, Defendant nbov
In Hi" tin in i' of tlm Htntn of OroKon
on nio hereby ri'iiilri'il to n i i x'li r nml
nntiwcr to tlm t-nmpliilnt filed nifulns
you In I uliovn viiilHcil Court iiih
minim on or before Ihn llth ilny o
March, mil. nml If you full to no up.
penr unit answer, thn iliilntl(f will
npply to tli Court for tlm r 1 1
prayed for In bin roinplnlnl. to-wlt
For it ii'cro'iliHovliiK Ihn homln n
nmtrlnioliy now cxlmlng between tlm
above iimiii'il plaintiff nml ili'foiiitiitit
mnl for Hiicli otlii'r relief mi to thn
Court mnv iiwni meet mnl eqnlmbln
Thin nilmmonn U published III bur-
milium of nil order of the Hon. J H
Cnmpbcll, JiiiIko of Dm nhovn entlllei'
(.'inirl, tnmli' on I ho 9th day jif Jnn
iinry. 1!HI, mill entered on thn 20th
ilny of Jnnunry, lull, specifying tlm
tlm nniim ln iulilliili"'l for nix con
not-utlv weekn mnl ordering Janunry
?7, 101 1, a tli dntn of thn firm pule
Unit Ion.
Attornny for linlnUff,
In thn Ctn-iilt Court of thn Stnto of
Ori'Kon for (inckiitnnn Comity.
K. II. Wentordithl, Plaintiff,
Ili.mil' I" WfHti'rilnlil. IVfeiulnnt.
To u.o K Wnnli'riliilil, nbovo named
iti'ti'iiilmit : . .
In tlm nmno ofilie Kliite of Ori'Kon,
vim nro hereby required to npimnr mnl
ntmwcr thn rmiiiliilnt Med ngnlnnl yon
In the above ttnnmit mill, on or lii'for
llio iuh ilny of Mn re It. CHI, mtlil date
lii'lnit the expiration of nix weeks from
llii' flrnt piilillrntlon of thU miuimotiH,
nml If you full to npimnr or answer
milil romplnliit, for wnnt thereof ttto
plaintiff will apply tlm court for
tlm ri-llrf prnyod for In liln romptmnt
to wit:
for k decree ilUmilvliiK thn IioiiiIn
of nmtrlmotiy now i-xluilnu Imtwi'pn
thn plnlutlff mnl ii'fnilnt. Hill um
nniim Ii pulillnlii'il hy ont.-r of Hon
It. . Ili'iiHi', JuiIko of tlm County
Court, whlrh onlur n mmlo nnd mi
I.Ti'il on thn 2nl tiny yf Janunry,
1011. nml tli Hinn iin-nrrlln-a fur
piihllrnllon thoroof In x wrrltH, Ik
KlnnliiK with thn Iwiun of Krlihy. Jnn-
iinry I7,tli, l!ll, mnl rontlliiilnK imrli
wii'V jflmrnnftor to mnl InrluilliiR tho
Imtun of Krlilny, Mun h loth. 1911.
Attornny for 1'liilntlff
In tlm Circuit Court of tho Htnto of
Ori'Kon for ('liu-dnmiin County.
I), Wvlintnr, IMnlntltf,
Mary K. Wi'lmlor, Iirfi'inliint.
To Miiry K. Wolmtor, uhovo nntnod
di'fi'nilnnt :
In tlm imnm of tho HUto of Ore
Ron, you nro hornby rogiilrod to no
pi'iir mnl RtiHWiT Hip complaint flloil
nKiilnit you In thn nhovo rntltloil Court
nml rniiHo on or hcforo tho llth "lay
of March, 11)11. which l lx wcokn
lift or tlm tin to of tho firm piilillrntlon
of thin Htimnionii. to-wlt: Jnminry 27.
lllll, milil tlnto lining tho ilny of thn
flrnt piihllrnllon of thin iiimmonn, nml
If you fall " l uproar mnl annwnr
tho plnlutlff will apply to tho Court
for tho rnllcf prnycil for In nurh com
plaint, lo-wlt; Kor n ilncroo of tho
Court (IIbhoIvIiir tlm lioniln of ninlrl
mony now otlHtliiK hotwocn you nml
thn plnlutlff. nml for mich ollmr ami
further relief an to tho Court may
Hoom moot nml rqiiltnhlo.
Thin minitnonn In publlHlioil liy tho
onlcr of tho lion. J. XI Cnmplioll,
Jnilun of tho nhovo I'titlllnil Court
mailn and filtered on tho 2.rih day of
January. 1!H1.
Diijn flrnt puhllcntlon jnnunry n,
Dnlo hint puhllcntlon Mnrch in, 1911.
Attornoyn for IMnlntlff.
Admlnlitrntor'i Notice of Final
Notion In hnrohy slvon, Hint tho tin
diTHlKncd, ndmlnlHlrntor of tho oninto
of Kthol KnlKht, hnn filed hla flnnl
ncconnt, In tho County Court of the
Stale of oroKon, for ClacUnmns Coun
ty, nnd the mild Court hns f(jed Kol
niurv 271 h. 1911. 1" A. M., nn tho
tlnio when ohjnctlonn to wild account
will ho hoard.
All pernotiR Inlerofllod In snld ontnto
nro hemhy notified to fllo tholr oh
jectlonn to nald nccnunt, If nny they
hnvn, In nalil Court on or before mild
orconan n. va.y,
AdmlnlHtrntor nforoHiild.
Notice of Appointment of Adminis
trator. Notlcn la horohy given that tho un
dersigned hnn been appointed by tho
County Court of thn Hlato of Oregon,
for ClacknmitH County, nilmlnlBtrntor
of the Kntato of John J. Fosmttrk, de
ceased. All pernonn having claims ngnlnnt
tho mild oHtnto nre hereby notified to
present tho mimo (Inly verified accord
ing to law nt tho offlco of U Stlpp,
In tho Miinonln building In Orogon
City, Clncknmnn County, Oregon, with
in nig monthn from the ditto of the
first publication of this notlco.
Administrator aforosald.
IJVY STirP, Attorney.
In Ihn circuit Court of tlm Hlnln of
Oieitoii for tho County of CMimkn-
Urni'Ht H, llntlii, iiliitlff.
Kiilher I lul In, Dernnilalit.
in cniimr iiuiiM, inn uliovn iiliinii
Hi Hi n nit in o of tho Hlato of Oro-
Ktui, you urn Imreliy roijiiliml to up.
pear Him miHWer Ihn coiuiiliilut film
itmilliHl you In thn uliovn eiillllod null
mi or liefnin tho lllli day of March
1IH1, nml If you fall lo no nppour nml
aiiHwor h ii 1 1 1 complaint, for want tltnru.
or inn plulnnrr will npply to tho Court
tor llm inlli'f priiyctl for In nulil com
plaint, to-wll;
Kor n ilccrcii iIIhhoIvIiih tlm bonilit
of inali'liiiiiiiy hernloforo mid now o
InlliiK holwi'i'ii plalullfr mid tlofi'tidaii
ami for Much oilier nnd furl her roll)
ii H to thn Court may nenui nieot mill
TIiIm niiiiiiiioiih In puhliHliml hy onlcr
of Hi" Hon. ,1. If, fmnplioll, JiiiIkii of
Hm nliovo I'lilllled Court, inniln on the
lil.lli tiny (if .liiuuiiry, IUI1, mid citlen
Ii I M :'i;ih iluy of .liiiiiinry, Mill. Tho
llrnl pulillcalloii of thin mimmmiH nn
hkI forth In mild order In January 27,
llill, nml the pint pulilli'iillon thereof,
thn I nib tiny of Murcli, llill.
Allorney for l'lnllitlff.
Ill Ihn County Court of Ihn Hlnln of
Ort'Hon for tho County of Clacku
In Ihn tnnllnr of tho enllito of K. A
WllllniilHou. )ecnaed.
Notlcn In hereby pulillnhetl nut) pro-
i.laliiied lo nil creilllorN nnd cIiiIiiiiiiiIm
oncerucil, I hill ihn iiinlitinlitni'il duly
iipptiliiti'tl, ipialilled nnd ucHiik ndiulii
Kiniirix of tlm Kutnta of K. A. Wl
lltiiiiHon, di'ci'iiHcil, It ii vn uh mt Id ml
mliilnlriiirli on thn 2Mh day of Jnn
limy, filed my flnul account, the
nniim roiilaluliiK a tletallnd ntntitiuent
if the ii mount of nil money mid plop
Hy "received Itml nxpcmled by me,
loin whom iccelvcil nml to whom
mid, ntld Hm mnoiiiit t,f iiionny re
iniilnliiK iiiiexiicn.tcil. Tlm Hon. It. I)
ll'titro, Coinily JinlKe, hint Uiiolntei
Ii" 4(h day of .March. 191 1, at 2 o'clock
'. M. fur the lii'iirliiit of oblectUuiH to
mild final account nud tho Hcttlotncul
Imri-of; nml illrecti'd Hint Icmtl notice
ie Klvell Iheretif mid pllblliilietl III The
ihkoii City KntnrprlHn, a weekly
iieUHpapcr of Kcimrnl clrculalloii puh-
lieu in ciiichiiiiiiih (mint y, Ori'Kon.
Ilalctl Jiiliuiiry L'l.lh, 1911.
the County Court of Hit) fltnto of
Oickoii for Clnckaiunn County.
II the Hinder of Ihn cnluttt of William
1 1 ti ill tin mil. tlecnniteil.
To TlmiintH A. Ilnmmonit nml nil other
pnrnoim llileren(ed III the entiito of
W'llllnin 1 1 ii mi iiioii tl, dcfe lined, Creel
Iiik: Hy order of thin Court, you nre hero
y riled nml retiilreil to nppenr bn
ire Ihn JiiiIko of thin Court lit tho
courtroom thereof In OroKon City,
'InckninnH County, Ori'Kon. on or bn-
in' Tuemlny, thn "th day of March,
till, nt 2:00 o'clock I'. M. of nald ilny
hen mid there to nhow mono. If any
on hnvn, why nn order nhould not ho
niniln by thin Court HcennlnK W. V.
Cverhnrt, tho nil m In Im rnl or herein, to
nell tlm followliiK dencrlbed real pro
erly lieloiiKlliK to mild nntntn.
An lllldlvlitcd one-hlllf Interont 111
ml to lit H of lllock 2 of Molalln, nc-
rordliiK to the duly recorded map mid
pint thnroof.
Wllnenn tho Honorable It. II. Ithntln.
utlito of tho County Court of Clnrk
mnn County, Ori'Kon, with tho noal
f mid Court affixed thin :Clh dny of
Jiitiunry. 1911.
n. ii. ukatih,
Atlcnt: JiiiIko.
W. U MCI.VKY. County Clerk. ,
Hy U M. llarrliiKtoti, Poputy.
Seal of County Court.)
ii tho Circuit Court of tho Stnto of
Oregon, Kor Cliickniunn County,
niilo J. l'errlll, I'liillitlff,
nch H. 1'errlll, Hnfetidnnt.
l HiiKh H. l'errlll, nliovo niimod do-
femlant :
In tho mi mo of the State of Oregon
You nro hnrohy reiulreti to nppenr
ml nimwer thn romplaint filed
ncnliiKt you in tho iiimivo enttiioti
'ourt nud cniino, on or boforo tho 4th
day of February, 1911, ami if you full
to nppenr or answer Heroin, Unit
hilntlff will npply to the Court for
n relief pmvet for In tho complaint.
hlch In an follown: For a decree of
bin Court forever dlsnolvlnff the war-
a lie now exIntliiK hetwoou you nnd
ho plaintiff, nnd nwnrdliiK tho euro
mnl riiHtody of Hm followInK children,
i-wlt, KiiKt'iie IVrrlll, llarrlett Tor-
III nnd William l'errlll to the plnlu
tlff. nnd for muh other and further
lief n to I ho Court mny noom junt
ml einiltable.
-Thin niiinniiuin In nerved upon you
bv publication hy order of thn Hon.
U. Cnniphell, JiiiIko of tho nbovo
iitltled Court, which order In dntod
tho 2'Jd day of Iiecemiier, mnl. too
date of tho first publication of thU
miinnioiiK. In tho 2Ilil day of Heroin
her. 1910.
Attorney for l'lnllitlff.
thn Circuit Court of llio Stnto ot
Oregon for Clnckniiins County-
aco 11. Mclivln, I'lalntlff,
arlen Mclrvlu, Defendant.
o Charles Mclrvln, nhovo named de
llio Name of tho Stnto of Oregon:
You nro hereby required to appear
ml annwer the complaint filed ngnlnst
oil In tho nhovo entitled null on or
fore the l'.'lh day of March, 1911.
ml If you ran no to appear m niiHwei-
hn nliilntlff will apply h tho court
for tho relief prayed for In tho oom-
lalnt, which In, that tho marriage now
Istlng between you and tho planum
forever dissolved, nnd for sucii
her nnd further roller as to too
ourt may seem Just nml equitamo.
Thin nuninionn s served upon you liy
publication by order of tho Hon. J. IT.
Cnniphell, Jutluo of tlio nbovo entitled
Court, which order In dntod tho 2-lth
day of Jnnunry, 1911. Tho dale of the
flrnt publication of this summona la
tho 27th day of Jnnunry, 1011. nnd
thn hint dnto tho 10th day of March,
Attornoy for I'liillitlff.
In tho County Court of tho Stnto of
Oregon for tho County of Clncka
num. nn.
In tho Mnttor of the Entato of John
Glower, Decensed.
To Amanda Glower, John II. Olowor,
William Glower, Floronco Glower,
children nnd heirs of said deceased,
nnd to nil otliem unknown, Inter
ested In the snld entnto: In the
nmno of tho Stnto of Oregon,
You, and each of you aro horoby
cited to nppenr In the County Court
of Clnckiiman County, (Jreuon, on or
liefnrn Tuemlay, the neventh dny of
March, A. I), Kill, nt tho hour of tun
o'clock, A. M., of milil day, to nhow
cnunn, If nny you hnvo, why tho pell
Hon filed hnrnln. Jniiiinry 2!ith. 1IH1
by John Hohror, thn duly appointed
iiiliiiliiliitrntor of until Kntntn, prnylnK
Tor iiiilhorlty to null Ihn renl property
of mild entitle, or no much tlternof nn
mny ho nnronnnry for llio bniil, Interont
of mild nntiitn, which real pmnnrty,
milled 'to hn nold In dencrlbnd In mild
petition, nn follown, to-wlt:
Tract Hlx, rliiehurHt, nnd Trnct Olio,
of Hiibdlvliilon Thron, Kir (irovn, an
per tlm duly recorded iilnln t hereof
In tho officii of tlm' rocordor of con
veynncen of Cliiekiunim Coutily, Oro
To pay claluin iinaliint nald entnlo,
nml charKi'M nml oxpenneN of nilmlnln
1 1 nl Ion, nhould pot hn Krantnd In ac
cordance with tho prayer of nald pe
WIMIItKOK, you aro horohy renulrnd
to taint nun notice.
WITNHHH tho official annl of nnld
Cuiirt, thin 2filh day of Janunry, A.
I)., mil.
County JudKO
W. U MHIAMCY. County C'lork.
Hy I. M. Ilarrlimton, Doputy.
(Bnnl of Cluckitninn Counlyj '
Notice to Crtdltorn.
Notice In hereby ulven thnt tho nn-
ilernlKiied hnn been duly appointed by
Ihn County Court of the Htato of Ore-
Hon for clnckiiman county, lulmlnlmrn-
lor of thn nnliito of Kfflo Moticrlef.
ilcrciiHeil. All pernonn havlliu cliilmH
IiKiiliiHt nald I'Nlntn lire herohy ro.
ipilri'il to prenent them to mo properly
verified, tin hy law required, at the
offlco of Wheelock A WllllnniH, nolle
7:!.'l .Mtir'iuiun HtillilliiK, I'ortlaml, Ore.
iton, within nix month" from tho date
Dated I liln Kith day of Janunry, 1911.
AdiiilnlHtralor of the entjito of Kfflo
Molierltr, ileceiiMeo.
Attorney for AdinlnlNlrntor.
In llio Circuit Court of tho State of
Oret;on, for the County of C'lucka
man. Wtllla I). Clark, I'lulutlff,
l'oln Clnrk, lH'femlant.
To lA'itla Clark, tho uhovo named
In tho nmno of the State of
Oregon, you nro hereby required to
appear and nnnwer tho complaint filed
11 Kit 1 11 m t you In thn above entiled null,
oil or before the Innt day of tho time
prescribed In llio order of publication.
to-wlt: 011 or boforo the 4th day of
February, 1911, and If you fall to no
nppenr nnd answer, plaintiff will ap
ply to tho Court for tho relief demand
ed in tho comjiliiltil filed heroin
ncnlnst .you, to-wlt, for a decree dla-
nolvliiK the bonds of matrimony now
(xIhiIiik between tho plnlutlff and
yourself nnd for nucli other and fur
thur relief un to tho Court mny seem
uultnlilo mid just.
Thin HiimiuiMin In nerved upon you
hy pulillcutloti thereof for a period of
six ouiHeciitlve woeka In the Oregon
City Kiilcrprlae. ft weekly newnpapor
of Ki'iicrul circulation, published in
Chicknman County, OroKon. In pur
suance to an order of the Circuit
JiiiIko for Clncknmnn County duly
tniiilo mi the Kith dny of Iiecemiier,
The ditto of the first puhllcntlon
thereof In tho 2:ird dny of Iloceinbor,
Attornoy for I'lulnilff.
Notice of Registration.
In thn Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for tho County of Clacka
ninn. tu tho matter of tho application of It
It. Carlson and Jenoqua S. Carlson,
bin wife, to reglnter tho title to the
H. y, of tho 8. K. i of Section IS,
Twp. 2 8., It. C E. of Wlllnmeito
Meridian, Clackamas County, Ore
goll. vs.
Ilomilo Doyotm, n minor, Lena Doy
ens, a minor, C. L. Schmidt, Guiir
. (Hun of ltcnnle Doyenn, a minor, and
I run Doyenn, a minor, nnd Mary
Doyens Schwlpglor, nnd all to whom
It jnn concern, Defendants.
That on the 17thvdrty of January A.
IV, 1911, an application wag filed by
snld It. R. Carlson nnd Jenoqua 8.
Carlson, hla wife, In the Circuit Court
of ClacUmniis County, for Initial regis
tration of the tli lo of the land above
Now, unless you nppenr on or be
fore tho 3rd day of March. A. D., 1011.
nnd nhow cnunn why nuch Application
shall not bo granted, tho Biitno will he
taken nn confessed, and a decreo will
ho entered according to tho prayer of
tho application, nnd you will bo fur
ever barred from disputing tho anine.
AHorney for Applicants. 439-4U Cham
ber of Commerce, Portland. Oregon.
W. I, Ml'LVEY, Clerk,
Ilv I. M. Harrington, Deputy Clerk.
Notice of Guardian's Sale of Real Es
tate. Notlco Is hereby given that tho un
dersigned will sell at prlvato aalo for
cash In bund a one-ninth (1-9) Inter
est In tho following described prop
erty, towlt:
Tho east half of the northeast quar
ter of section 15. T. 3 S., R. 4 E. of
llio Willamette Meridian In Clncka
mns County, Oregon: said 1-9 Interest
comprising nil" the interest of Ernest
Marshall, a minor, therein. This nnlo
In nnido by vlrtuo of nn order of the
County Court of tho State of Oregon,
for Clackamas County, In the mnttor
of tho guardianship of said Ernest
Marshall, a minor. Snld snlo will be
held on and after the 28th day of Jan
uary, 1911, and offers and bids for
said IntoreRt In snld land will be re
ceived at tho Estncnda Stato Bank, In
Eslncndn, Clnckniiins County, Oregon,
nud sale will bo mmlo for ensh In
hand to tho highest bidder therefor.
Guardian of AforosnUl.
In tho Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Ollvo Mahnney, plaintiff,
Arthur Mahoney, Defendant.
To Athur Mahoney, nbovo named
In the name of tho stnto of Oregon,
you nro horohy required to appear and
nnswor the complaint filed against
you In tho nbovo named ult, on or
hcforo tho 17th tiny of Feb., 1911, said
dato being tho expiration of six weeks
from the first publication of this sum
mons, and If you fall to appear or
answer Bald complaint, for wnnt there
of tho plaintiff will apply to the court
for the relief prayed for In her com
plaint, to-wlt:
For a docrve dissolving tho bonds
of mntrimony now existing botweon
tho plaintiff and dufomliint. This
ntiuiinoiin In pulilliiheil by order of
Hon. J. If, Ciimphnll, JuiIku of tho
Circuit Court, which order win mado
uiul enleri'd on tho tilth day of Hoc.,
1910, and the time prescribed for puli
llcalloii I hereof In lx' wenkn, bogln
nliiK wild the Issue of Friday, jar;,
fit h, 1911, and continuing each week
thereafter to and including tho Ihhuo
of Friday, Fob. 17th, llill.
Attornoy for I'lalntlff.
In tho Circuit Court of the Blato of
Oregon, for ClnckamnH County.
Kl vn strliiKhmn, I'lalntlff,
O. N. HtrltiKham, Defendant.
To O. N. HlrltiKhttni, tho above
mimed defendant:
In tho name of the ntato of Oregon,
you aro hnrohy commanded to appear
In tho nbovo untitled Court nnd ciiune
oil or before tho 18lh day of February
1911, and answer tho complaint filed
HKnlnnt you in tho nald Court mid
cnunn, and for want of an answer the
plaintiff will apply lo Hie Court for
the relief demanded In her complaint,
to-wlt: for a decree of divorce dissol
ving the bonda of matrimony row ex
Isllng between plaintiff and dcfcnilnnt
and for such ollmr and further relief
an prayed for In her complaint.
Thla summons In published hy an
order of tho Honorable Ornnt H. Dim
mirk, Judge of the Coutily Court of
Clackamas County, nindu nnd entered
on the finth day of December, 1910,
Date of first publication January
0. 1911.
JAY H. i;i'TON.
' Attorney for I'lalntlff-
In the Circuit Court of the Rlate of
Oregon, for tho County of Clacka
mnn. I. N. Cleaver, I'lalntlff,
Ola. V, Cleaver, Defendant.
To Ota. V. Cleaver, the above named
In tho mime of the stale of Oregon,
you aro hereby renulrcd to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you In the above entitled stilt oh or
before the expiration of six weeks
from the date of the first publication
of thin summons, to-wlt: on or before
tho 17th dny of Feb., 1911, and if you
fall io to appear for want thereof,
plaintiff will apply to the Court for
tho relief prnyed for In his complaint
now on fllo herein, which la: that the
bondn of matrimony now exintlng be-
ween i'liillitlff and defendant be dis
solved, upon the grounds that the de
fendant has deserted plaintiff, and
for nuch other nnd further relief an to
he Court may norm equitable.
Thin Btimmona in published by order
of Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judgo of the
above entitled Court, made and en-
ered on December 30, 1910, directing
tho first publication thereof to be
made on Jnn- C. 1911. and tho innt
publication on February 17, 1911.
UE(. r . liltlfr;,
Attorney for Plaintiff-
n the Matter of the Estate and Guar
dianship of Mlghclls Hurley and
Robert Hurley, minors.
In the Nnme of tho State of Oregon:
To Mnry E. Hurley and C. I. Stafford:
You "nnd each of ynu are hereby re
quired to appear In the County Court
of the Stato of Oregon for Clackamas
County at the Court House of said
county in urrKoii voy wn .noiiuajr im--
20th day of Ftb., 1911, at 10 0 clock
A. M. nnd Bhow cnuse. If any you have
why a license should not bo granted
to Mary E. Bifley. guardian of the
person nnd estnte of Mlgneiia Hurley
and Robert Bnrley, minors, to sell the
undivided 4 Interest of said minors
subject to the dower Interest of Mary
E. Hurley, widow of F. J- Burley, de
censed, in, and to tho following de
scribed renl estnte situated in Clacka
mns County. Oregon, to-wit: Lot 0,
block 37. Oregon City, Oregon.
All of tho above Is required by order
of said Court made and entered on
tho 30th day of December. 1910, In
the matter of the estato and guardian
shin of Mlghells Burley and Robert
Burley, minors nnd directed to you as
next of kin of said minors and as per
sona Interested In said described prop
erty. This citation and order is or.
tiered published In the Oregon City
Knternrise published In Clackamas
County and to bo published 4 weeks;
the first publication to be January 6,
1911, and the last publication January
27. 1911.
Hy orur of Grant B. Dlmlck, Coun
tv Judge, attest F. V. Greenman,
Bv B. A. Sleight, Deputy.
(SEAL) County Court.
In tho Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Maud L. Davis, rinintlff,
Brighton Davis, Defendant.
To Brighton Davis, tho nbove-nanied
In tho name of the Stato of Oregon
you nro hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you In the above entitled suit, on or
before the 17th dny of February, 1911,
snld dnto being after the expiration
of six weeks from tho first publication
of this Bunimoiis, nnd If you fall to
appear end answer snld complaint, for
want thereof the plaintiff will apply
to tho Court for tho relief prayed for
In her complaint, to-wlt:
For a decree dissolving the bonds
of matrimony now existing between
the plaintiff nnd defendnnt and for
the care and custody of the minor
children. This summons la published
by tho order of Honorable J. U. Camp
bell, Judge of the Circuit Court for
the County of Clackamas, State of
Oregon, which order was mado and
entered on the 51 li day of January,
1911, and the tlmo prescribed for pub
lication thereof is six weeks, begin
ning with the Issue of Friday, Janu
nry fith, 1911, nnd continuing each
week thereafter to and Including the
Issue of Friday, February 17th, 1911.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
513 Henry BldR., Portland, Ore.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Jesato Stevenson, Plaintiff,
James Stevenson, Defendant.
To James Stevenson, the above named
In the name of the State of Ore
gon you are hereby required to ap
pear nnd answer tho complaint filed
agninst you In tho above entitled suit
within six woeks from the day of Jan
unry 6, 1911, which Is the date of the
.first publication of this summons, and
If you fall to appear and answer, the
I'lulnilff will apply to the Court for
the relief demanded In tho complaint
to-wlt: For a decree forever dlsaolr
log tho bonds of matrimony cxlntlng
between you and nald plaintiff, and
for the restoration of her former name
of Jessie Miller nnd for her costs and
disbursements In thin suit and for
such oilier relief as lo the Court
snemn meet and Junt.
Thin summons In published by order
of the Hon. J. IJ. Campbell, Judge of
tho Circuit Court, Btale of Oregon,
for the County of Clackamas, and said
summons wan mode ami dated the
SHi day of January, 1911, directing
that said publication bo made in the
Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly
newspaper of general circulation pub
lished at Oregon City, Clackamas
County, Oregon, and that mild publi
cation bo made once a week for aix
consecutive wenkn, the date of flrnt
publication of thin summons being
January C, 1911, and the dulo of last
publication of thin summons Febru
ary 17, 1911.
Attorney for I'lalntlff.
In tho Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
I'oi,a Charters, I'lulnilff, t
It- K. Charter, Defendant.
To It. K. Charters, above named de
fendant: In the name of the State of 'Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and annwer the complaint filed
against you In the above named suit,
on or before the 17th day of Febru
ary, 1911, nald date being the expira
tion of nix weekn from tho first pub
lication of thin summons, and If you
fall to appear or answer nald com
plaint, for want thereof tho plaintiff
will apply to the Court for the relief
prayed for In her complaint, to-wll:
ror a decree dissolving the bonds
of matrimony now existing between
the plaintiff and defendant. This sum
mons Is published by order of Hon.
J. L Campbell, Judge of the Circuit
Court, wt. eh order was made and
entered on the 5th day of January.
1911, und the time prescribed for pub
lication thereof la six weeks, begin
ning with the issue of Friday, Janu
ary fi, 1911, and continuing each week
thereafter to and including the issue
of Friday, February 17, 1911.
Attorney for plaintiff.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice la hereby given that the un
dersigned administrator of the estate
of Oreen W. Mayfleld, deceased, has
filed In the County Court, Clackamaa
County, Oregon, bis final account as
such administrator of auch estate and
that .Monday, the Gth day of Febru
ary, 1911, at the hour of 10 o'clock A-
M. hits been fixed hy the said Court
aa tho time for hearing all the objec
tions to said report and the settle
ment thereof.
Attorneys for Administrator.
Administrator of the estate of Green
W. Mayfleld, deceased.
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned as administrator of the es
tate of John Olson, deceased, has
filed his final report as such admin
istrator and the Court has aet Feb
ruary 20th, 1911, at the hour of 10
o'clock A- M., at the courtroom of
said court as the time and place for
1 8ettllnR the Mld e8taHs and for the
hearing of objections thereto.
Dated, January 12th, 1911.
Administrator of the Estate of John
Olson, decensed.
Attorney for Estate.
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned aa executrix of the estate
of .Mary A. Lyon, deceased, has filed
her final report as such executrix,
with the County Court of Clackamas
County, Oregon, and Hie Court has
set Monday, the 20th Bay of Febru
ary, 1911, at the hour of ten o'clock
A. M., at the courtroom of said Court
his the time and place for Bettllng the
snld estate and for the hearing of ob
jections thereto.
Dated, January 12th. 1911.
Executrix of the Estate of .Mary A.
Lvon, deceased.
Attorney for Executrix.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
John Carlson, Plaintiff,
Josephine Theresa Carlson. Defen
To Josephine Theresa Carlson, the
above named defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you In the above entitled cause on or
before the 27th day of February, 1911.
and if you fal to so appear and
answer for wnnt thereof the plaintiff
will apply to the Court for the relief
prayed for In her said complaint, to-
For a decree of this Court dissolv
ing the mnrrlnge contract now exist
Ine between plaintiff and defendant,
and for costs and disbursements here
in and for such other and further re
lief as may be equitable.
This summons Is published by or
der of Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of
the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon for f lackamas County for the
Fifth Judicial District, made and en
tered on - the 10th day of January,
1911, nnd the time prescribed for the
publication of this summons is six
weeks beginning Friday, January 13.
1911, and ending with the Issue of
February 24, 1911.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In tho Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Marguarlette A. Reed, Plaintiff,
Frank W. Reed, Defendant.
To Frank W. Seed, the above named
In the name of the State of Ore
gon you are hereby requtreu 10 ap
pear am answer the complaint nieu
against you In the above entitled
cause on or before the 27th day of
February, 1911, nnd if you fall to ap
pear and answer for wnnt thereof the
plaintiff will apply to the Court for
the relief prayed for In hor said com
plaint, to-wit:
For a decreo of this court absolv
ing the marriage contract now exist
ing between plaintiff and defendant,
and for such other and further relief
as may be equitable.
This summona is published by or
der of Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge
of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the Fifth Judicial Dls-
Hrvy E. Croat. William Hammomi
W havt now moved to our permanent quarteri In tha Beaver
Building. Next to the Andreten Building.
Real Eitatt Abstracts Main 8trtt,
Loans, Inturanca. Oregon City, Oct.
trlct and entered on the 12th day of
January, 1911, and the time prescribed
ror the publication of thin summons
I nix weekn beginning Friday, Jan
uary 13th, 1911, and ending with the
Issue of February 17th, 191 L
Dated January 12th, 1911.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Vorah Hereford, Plaintiff,
O. I Hereford, Defendant.
To O- L. Hereford, the above named
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer tbe complaint filed
against you In the above entitled suit
on or before the expiration of six
weeks from the date of the first pub
lication of this summons, to-wlt: on
or before the 2ttb 'day of February,
1911, and if you fall so to appear for,
want thereof plaintiff will apply to
tho Court for the relief prayed for In
ber complaint now on file herein,
which Is: that the bonds of matrt-i
mony now existing between plaintiff '
and defendant be dissolved upon the
grounds that the defendant has de-;
Burted plaintiff, and for such other '
and further relief as to the Court may ',
seem equitable. I
This summons is published by or-'
der of Hon. 'J. U. Campbell, Judge of
the above entitled Court, made and ;
entered on January 9, 1911, directing'
the first publication thereof to be I
made on January 13th, 1911, and the ,
last publication on February 2(tb,
1911. I
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Notice of Administrator's Sale of Real
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clack
amas. In the Matter of the Estate of Per-
mella Mathews, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that pursu
ant to an order of sale made and en
tered in tbe above entitled Court and
cause on tbe llth day of January,
1911, the undersigned administrator
of the Estate of Permella Mathews,
deceased, will from and after the 10th
day of February, 1911. proceed to sell
tbe West Vi of the Southeast 4 and !
the North y, of the Southwest of.
Section 28, T. 3 S. R. 4 East of W.
M. containing 1C0 acres less about 10
acres, situated in Clackamas County,
Oregon, at private sale at 513 Henry
Bldg.. Portland, Oregon. The said
property will be sold for one-half cash
balance payable on or before the ex
piration of three years.
First publication, January 13th,
Administrator of the Estate of Per
melia Mathews, deceased.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clack
amas. Stella M. McFarlane, Plaintiff,
Roy W. McFarlane, Defendant.
In the name of the State of Oregon,
You. Roy W. McFarlane, are hereby
required 10 appear ana answer me
complaint filed against you herein, on
or before the 27th day of February, A.
D . 1911, and if you fail to appear or
answer said complaint on or before
said date, the plaintiff will apply to
the Court for the relief demanded in
her complaint, to-wlt:
For a decree of this Honorable
Court dissolving the bonds of matri
mony now existing between the plain
tiff and the defendant, that the cus
tody of their minor child, Clifford Al
len McFarlane, be awarded to tbe
Dlalntiff: that the defendant be re
quired to pay to the plaintiff the sum
of $15.00 per month for the support
and maintenance of said minor child,
that the defendant pay the costs and
disbursements of this suit, and for
such other and further relief as may
to the Court seem Just and meet In
the premises.
Th s summons is served upon you
bv nublicatlon thereof for six succes
sive weeks in the Oregon City Enter
prise, a weekly newspaper of general
circulation published in Oregon City,
County of Clackamas, State of Ore
irnn hv order of the Honorable J. U.
Campbell, Judge of the above entitled
Court, which order is aaiea me 1 emu
day of January, 1911.
Date of first publication, January
13, 1911. Date of last publication,
February 24th, 1911.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
C. T. Toor.e.
Lawyer and Notary
Real Estate Bought and Sold.
Room 2, Beaver Bldg., Ore. City
Does some of best abstract
work In county. Is persistent
worker in curing defects in
Oregon City titles. Lists with
a leading Portland firm all his
listed property. Handles choice
Portland real estate. General
Insurance agent. See him about
best life Insurance. With C. H.
Dye, S. W. 8th & Main, Oregon
City. Call afternoons. Both
The University and Bellevue Hos
pital Medical College, New York City.
Otflce practice mainly solicited.
The doctor continues the Eastern
custom of putting up his own pre
scriptions. Pacific phone. Main 1581.
associated with
George C. Brownell.
Legal Business Promptly
Dtuttcher Advokat
Will practice In all courts, make
collections and settlements.
Office . la Enterprise Building,
Oregon City, Oregon.
C. D. A
Commercial, Real Estate and
Probate our Specialties Of
lice In First National Bank
Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
W. S. EDDY, V, 5., M. D. V.
Gra.lii'te of tbe Ontario Veteri
nary College ul loron to, Canada,
and the H.Killip School of
Surgery of Chicago, baa located
at Oregon City and established an
office tt The Fashion Stable,
Seventh Street near Main.
Both Telephones
Farmers' 13 Man
Clackamas County
510 Chamber of Commerce,
Portland, Oregon.
Full equipment of maps, plats,
abstract books and tax rolls.
Agents for Clackamas County
Lands, Money Loaned, Titles
E. F. A F. B. RILEY,
Attorneys A Counsellor! at Law
Wind Mills.
He Rams
mpt and Hydras
Phoos 2C82.
Oregon City,
I O. ' D.
Money loaned, abstracts furiush
4, land titles examined, estates
settled, general law business.
Over Bank of Oregon City.
flaw ' - f 'SI -W. Mtt
11. . lv, . j.7
irtrr, Vis T --r .
ny . -:y .
-4. VV'lfv.
.rf;M '
Good Health, Fine Digestion,
Strong Nerves, and Hearty
Good Humor come from the
moderate use cf HARPER
Buy HARPER from
km) 1