OREGON CITY ENTKItPJtME, FIJI DAY, FEBIIUARY 3, 1911. Milwaukee and Northwestern Clackamas MILWAUKIB., 'I'lic Mllwnulilii Giiiiiko In. Id IIh regit Inr nil day tuiMillliu HiiMinliiy, ,11111111117 SI, with mvoriil mouilu'i ini'Htiiit, A film illniii'i" was spreml u( Lee (urn work In lliu uriiirniuiii with u tU ciimiiIoii 1111 I ho iiiiiiiidmoiit (if Ihn City Chillier. Tim election will I aim pturo February ID, All proneiil fnvoiod tho 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 v 11 1 1 1 1 llllllll. Net iiiotiili thii k 111 11 k will dUeusii roses mill rutin cult urn. Mm. Maggie. Johnson wait an (110 K"ii CMy vlalliir Tiii'Miliiy, IClllllllt Itlllll'I'lH Willi llMH ItOOII Hlllll Willi III" iiiiuiiiIim Ih Improving, Three. kIiIh of Urn Knickerbocker faiiilly urn down with Ih" scarlet fever. MiirKitrnt HoliiiriN In nlmoiit from School oil nrriiiint of sliimoHH, Francis Johnson In confined m her IllltllO Willi timllllltl. Mm. (no. A ( wi 11 id mh linnii Hnrlnim ly III lull In iiiui'h hull it nt I11 Mt ri'iiort. Ili'iuy Phillips Ih mill ciiiifliu.il In III" linnii.. Mm. I'lil I It jm Muted thin nu n ii 1 1) it "In' wiih nfrnld uf piiitiimiinln Selling III' MulhrrH nml Tcuclinrit CI11I1 will nil favor tlm Mnhirltey hill ami nru aiuiou fill' II tu pas. (in Ihn Mill uf February tlm Mil- wiiniiin Ciiiiiinmcliil Club wTTT glvo ft miunier, Women s Work Chili mot lit Ihn In ' "f Mrs. MukxIii JnliiiHun Wed nesday. Owing to Ihn hail weather 11 vnry miiiiiII iiiinilinr wnm present. Kli'i'lloil of offleoiH resulted ns fol io wh ; President, Miss Kiln Itiiwln; vice president, Mm, Aililna I'uriilliiH; Hocioliiry, Mm, H. V, dwelling; (reus. UN'i-, Mm. A. I CiiHto. Next regular molding Fohruuiy 8II1, All InlercHlliig incclliig of tlm Moth ers' nml Tmiclmm' Chili whs linhl TliiirMiay"nrtnriioo;i, A good attend lim n. A "hurl pr kih m wiih rendered liy Ihn pupils of llm school. 'Ihn club will give a piny llm middle of Fob- 1 inn y nun 1111 inn procmum win go to tlm k'IiiiiiinIiiiii. Tlm I'ortliinil Turn Vereln will give 1111 nihil. tin mill. 1 111ln1111.nl nt ihn city Hull Hiilnrihiy evening, February 4th. Forty voices will ho hniinl In tho chorus Tlm Turners nro k1 vlriK Urn I'lilniliilniui'iit through tlin iiffortii of Mayor Hlrnlh, nliKiilulnly froo for Ihn lianlllll'. Mayor it it d Mrs Klrnlli, Mm. Max Kin JolitiHon nml MIhh I.. A I linn liltnml r tlm Turners' witnrliilntiin'tit nt tliu lolllg Hunter Monthly evening. Church Notei. Kviingetlriil church, K. itudohniigh, lliitilor. ICvhiikhIIniIi! services will coiitliuin ovnr Hiinilny. Tlm l)uy of I'raynr for missions will Itn observed nnxt Sunday. Y. I', A. nt 7 p. 111. Service nt N p ni. All lire wnlconm. OAK GROVE. Itinnt TIiuihiIiiv nflnriiiMin nt llm m liool I ,Mfi f ()l0 tl,y (.t, MI( Ky itotinn 111111 uini'iimi 11m gymnasium, Tlm club presented II11) hoys Willi IH linan bags. They liavn iurcllnNml a punching linn nml fi 0 inn nml urn 1 111 proving tlm gymnasium llllln hy llllln, Mr. Ilnff Inn l"t tlm nuitriict for n flvn room houso In jv uihlltlon, Tlm". l-'untu In building n liniino for l'HlIn Hallow on llm river. Ural i-Kliiln Ih looking up noverul iitrlni it t o ItHikliiK for properly, Wn Kin u bright fulnin for Mllwiitiklo. Tlm Knight nml I milieu of Security luive several nppllrntloli nml expect to ln ItiKiniliiK In. font limit, F, I.. Maple, Mm Miiiti nml two daughter of H'illiiylili', spent Tucdny nvt'iilnit with Mm. Kiln Mnpln, iiiotlinr of F. K. Mnpln. Tlm Cluirlrr AiiininltnontH nro In llm prliilt-m' linmlH, nnij will hn inallnil li'll llaVH Itnfnrii till' nlnctlmi, wlllrll t:il,iH ilnco ('lirimry 13. Tlm MHunuMit Cnnimnrclal Cluh hi" unlit llmlr folilnm to tltn prnnH utnl n pin I lo Iiuvp tlimii rnntty for illntrllni Hon In n fnw ihiyi). .Iii.Iko Ki'Ikh i..nl WnilncHilny In I'orllaiiil oil nfflchil liiiHllicun. TIioh Tnln w.ih nil Dnk (irovo vlnlt or Wi'iliinmlay. Mr. Ton m in phtiuilnn to mpnlr llm front of (). 'llm!nr'i nlorn htillilliiK nml nliliiiKi' U10 nliow w liitlnw n. A frnn Inclinn will hn kImmi hy II C .Ion. , of I'orihtml, on ititnilclpiil KOVniiiiiiniit In tlm clly hull Krlilny rv Wnl.lnr lit hi I101110 on Coiirlfmy uvnmin, .liiiiiinry 20Hi, TIiono prnnnnl with Knto nml Mary Hlnln, Kilmi Hi huhurl, IIII1I11 Hlroiimr, ICIhIii Hknlly, Jaiimn lli'fly, IrvliiK llaimoii, Alfred I.IvIiikhIoii, Arlliur KiJilnflnr, Itolmrt CtiiiKrlff nml Ktlwln Hchiilmrt. Duket Ball. Clirlxfluii UrollmrH Athletic Chili I mi 111 ihifnnliiil tlm (ink (irov nonlor nthlnllc chili tfiim Hntnrdiiy, .fitniinry 2H, III Crnnii'H hull, Kcora M Z'J. JENNINQ8 LODGE. (lah lirovti liuprovitinniit Ahhih-Iii-! Hon will mnnt Knlirunry M In (irnnn' linll. Toplcn for . iliciilon nti ! Kiinl'iilloii nml ruiiHtructlon of a fair 1 ItllllillllK. Hl'lliR your frlntidn. Oak (irovn imtilor I111111 dcfcalnd tho llawihoiiin AMilntlc Cluh (nam Mon day nvniililK In Crnnn'H hall. Kcorn M 17. Tlmrn wiih 11 laiKii niinnilmico nt tlm Mpnclul mnnlliiK of tlm JniinhiKH Coiiiiiiunlly ( hid on January 2-r. Th" nnw cluh had llm plniiMiir" of Ihn p-cKi-ncn of four promlliniit limn of tlm Ori'Kon Clly Coiiiinnrclnl Cluh, who Kiivit I hnni KiicouriiKntiiniit III Ihnlr nnw orK-inlzullon. 'I hn coin liilttno of Ihn On-Kon City Cluh wiih I'OIII pOHnll Of Ml'HHm. I Htll'P, 0. I-. HdK"H, T. I'. Ilandiill nml Harry J)iti Iir. Tlm following commit tni-H wnro np pollitnil; for hotter trlnphoim Hnrvlcn, J. A. .IoIiiihoii, II. ('. I'll I n 1 1 111 nml A. V. Huhhi-II; clnctrlc llnhlH, . I). Nnw nil, CIiiih. Undiiiond, A. (I. McKiirlaim; fur liiiprovniimnt of nldnwnll(j(, MrniarH, Cook, ItoHH nml AriiiHliiil; for linitnr ilialniiKi', Mi-chih, (Inorun Hluivnr, Tliounmoii nml Will Hohh, Much In- tnrniit Ih hnlnu numlf'-Hfi-d hy Ml tlin iiii-iiihcm, nml n nuiuhnr morn hIkiii-i! llm nppllciiilon lilutikH for incmlmr- Bhlp Tlin next llinclliiK will lie linlil on WndiinKiluy, K'd runry 1, lit 7:.'I1. Mm. llnvliiM, of Willntnntln, wuh tt vlHlior nt tlm II. C. I'liliiton hoinn on Krhlny nml Hiilurdny of hint week. MIhh Cnrrln Kcrlpture Hpmil IuhI wenk with Mr. nml Mm HIIiih Hcrlp- lurn In (imnon City. A wnddliiK of Homo Inlnrnat to lilK" FoIIih wiih llmt of Itohnrt J. HlnlnhniiH nml MIsm Innji U Crnvattn, which took place on Hatiirdiiy even hiK, Jnnnirry 21. nt llm U K. HK)oimr houin In Portland. The hrldo Ih widl ami favornhly known Imm, linvlnic j Hpmil Ihn hiHt two NiiuimnrH with Mr. 'iiiul Mm. T. J- SpiMincr. of IhU place. 1 tc. ..1...1 .. xiw r'U'.lM Viiu. Hiimiy-.d.- Itrhtniln tnnm ,lnfn.., tlin - ,h- Rln without Oak (irovn Junior K'tim Mondn rvmi- , . . .,,, II,. In llr I l.t.ll U.i,.,,al,tn Urt,.r '" " l:il. Mr. K'l JohtiHoil hnn hnmi conflnnd ... . ,.. .. 1, 1 ...1.,.. -.ill. ri,,.,,. Mm. John Hlnlny ..iitcrlalnnt nt din-' 1 " '"V":' ". '.CJ imr Tucdny In honor of Mr. nml Mm. ! r"r " 'V' r",'. ' V .,., .loin, L.ualmiii. of HHKlmiw. Mich, i Mr- ,M ( S,m " 'l Other KimalH wnrn Mr. nml Mrn, M,;" lh" ' "." " n,r ,':rM MchoU. of -or.lml. Mr. nml Mr. 'aynr i.,.'.'lt.K will 1m- h;-ld nn ijiialmaii I nvi. Tlmi'Hilny for Xnnlllo. "L 1 ' I. . ' . . Jnlili lllalnv unit mill VIi-ImI- Hlmlil i 'IK HI I . -I". minin limn III Ciillfornla nml thin In tlm 1 flint vIhIi 10 Imr hIkIit In five yearn. Mr. nml Mm. CIMioiik and family re moved to Vancouver, WnnlilliKtmi. on Krlilny. Thny were accompanied hy Mm. IIokiiii. who inilknH tier noinn Mr. C. I), lioardimin In i-nliiK, January 27. Thin In n iimi,i.lmi 1 Hmurday nt Hen Hldu looUlim after ; ,,'","'r' ""'7' . ....,,,. their niiminnr collimo. ; ,,ln" , . Karl Si.Hnr I.i.h n n. vere nttnek of ! f,,r " f"w ,U' vlH" wl,h B" ""'1' pn in-iiln. ! lirt'Hhuni. Oi .-i;on Ir J. II. nnd Mm. McArUiur re- MIhh KIHk. ii.li.lHl. r i.f the Advent ti.n.nil houm Momlav uftnr nevrnl , ''"'tl"" rl.ur. h of lllll-horo ( lenon. diiyn' vIhIi with tlm Doctor'n hrother, 1 vIhIiIiik h.r nlnt-r. Mm. l-.rlckHi.n. V..ll..v VcArihur rt lll.lt.-cf ' nenr Mel.lrum. MIHH Mim ii ih npem Wnnli. Church Notet. M. K. rhiirci--Siimhty ncltool nt It) n. in. I'machlni? nt 11 a in., hy pai tor. Dev. Hmiry Hpnln. I Jltllen'AItt twin n Htierlul u-orW lltt-nl. In.; 'I'll 111-M11 11 v iifti.miuin nl ih,. hnmi. wlili Imr tlauiilitnr. Mm. f.lhhoiiH Arnin,:. !. in 11.0 romidetnil for llm of Mm. J H. Smith. j While we nlia I i.iikh t iih lanii y ver Mm t.uy White nml on Hpeiit , iniicii. wo wimi 111cm -o m .n.-u Timndny In I'ortliuid with Mm. Wlilln n lure home nml hope they yet will ile mollinr. Mm. Unwell. ' clde to hulhl on their ncreaKO nt thin (ico. K. Nolicn nml wife nre.nvelv- place. In romjinlulailitiiH on the l.lrth of n i Mr. Wnldron. of Iowa, pnrchnned iii t t . .. 11 11 tl..n.l uml liittlllltL'U Hah'iil thin week lo llhk for nn nppnv I """ uaiiKliinr etiiienuay. January . an acre 011 . ........ - " . 7 ;;m. nvemic, 01 Mr. nn ..u. II. C. Wnrri'ii hnn n nevero rnno of In n very fine locution nnd nun nearly Krlppc. I fifty hearliiK fruit trees nml Hinall K, J. Moore In nhlo to ho out nKalu i vlnnn. Tlm consideration wiih tl.Hin. ' . . t Im 1 inrf .n 1 .1... r.. ii... nil nun iiiiunr inn iiocioi n cure. 1 .mih. 11. 11. r.iuiii.iB 'i'. .'if- fare hef.ue the llnllron.l ConimlKMl.m. Mlern Wimdmen of America refill-1 Ih.rnnH intended the Womeiri Chili Ircull nml Htnle Supreme Couit. hut ) r nieeniiR 1 u-nuiiy evcmiiK. : mecnnis in iimnon .11, ... . . .......... 1.. railroad company np ih .l to llm I M"- W' " IMI-lnnon. of Pine al-!Mm. ItanieH. who wnn H renldent of There '" . r:iiern iiri'Kon, nrriveu 1 uemiiiy ( Hoiinliini lor lourieen je.tin. ami win ntiemi n wi'ek wnn imr mint. ! )ioit talk on tne iinwniinii ittianu, Mm. Ada Cosk'rlff of Courtney Btiitlon. ; which wan very Interesting. Minn Ivy. of Courtney avenue, In, jip,, willlnm Itonn, of Orchard, hIowIv ImprovliiB under the rare of n ' WanhliiKton, -rnme over to rare for health expert, Mm. Little, of Hood j ,,,r Hon who wuh III for n few days. Hlver. j Him an accompanied hy her daiiKli- The t)al drove Junior l.nKket hall j ler Kilnn. whn him recently returned Icaiii defeated the Young Men's Jew-; from n school In Vancouver. B. C. lilt team of l'nrtlaml. Wednendav ov-: Mr. J. A. Soenhe. of Newport. In ciilng. Janmiry L'5. Ill Creen's linll. I upenilliiR n few days lit tho IMno Score 2.S-1I. llookliiK niter hln lninlimnH imerenis that each lilnl every one In ih eply In tcicnteil In. Ciuiie nml hrlnn one or mom pemoun with you. , Hpeclul coinmlttne of the Council BP pointed hy Mayor Hlrlh, with War inn KiiU-hl nn chairman, In pmparluit n new llcennn ordlliaiice for Mil. till. In. Tlm prciienl ti',11.) Ilretine for naliMitin will he Itn reiiHi-il to ahout fsno or fin. , mi l pool r.M.mn will he unvernly ri-K'ilated. Mllwntikhi han two biIimiiih nml th" pollry of tlm luliiiliiltitrntlon In not to Kin nt any new llcennen nnd to lurreiiMi the llceline fee nnnclal election to he held Kehruary 4th in mil. mil Hie new clly chnrter to tt vote Mavtir Strelh ami Henry LoetlliiK rcpreenllliK Mllwaukle. will gt) to prlntlon to employ counsel to iirnue llm npprnl of the faro cane which the Portland H-Ulway Lluht ft I'ower Com- p.inv tins taken lo the Supreme Court. hlrllidny Thumilny evening 'In tlm OroiiKii Hull. Holutlvnn wnrn prnnnnt - fifty-slit In nil. 1 The Miles society met, nt tho home of Mrs. A. J. Monk Thursday. Arthur Mi.'Vey and John lloyo Imvo moved Into I'rosner's nmall shack. MIhh Uiln i'et tlnK" r has heen III tlm hint week. Tlm Wouiflti's Cluh tnit nt tho home of Mrs. (!ruy WednnHday. A delicious lunch wan served. MELDRUM. There wan a pleamiut surprlnn on Mr. nml Mrs. Bono In their pretty huiilfnlow. They spent 11 very pleas ant ovcnhifr with K'lines nnd cards, llefrcshmenln wenf served during the evening nnd nil the gueHts rnnirtcd thnt they had a vnry pleasant time. Tlm guents were, Mm. (iwlno and her three ihuiKlitem, from Walla Walla; ilm. Rose Nehren, Mrs. Klva Blnglo terry, Mm. (J. H. Howell, Mr. Itnuilall. Mr, nml Mrs. V. M. 'lardner, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. E. Heeley, Mr. nnd Mrs. Cnld well, Mr. and Mrs. Linn Wninhlad, Mr. nnd Mrs. Van Hoyirm, Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Mornn, MIhh Kthlo (ireen, Minn Marjorle Myern, Mlns Jonln Cun an, Mlns Mnud Mornn, Krank llnrn Ion, K. V. Caldwell arid Carl Nnhrnn. Thero were exnetly thirty people In cluding Mr. nnd Mm. Hone. Mr. luls Hnlghinmi. of Raonnore, Wanli,, wan vIhHIiik hln parents for a nhort time, fin returned to his homo Monday evening. Mr. Arthor Erleknon Is stopping home nt his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Victor Krlckson. He Is on his way to Alaska for a stay of about four months nnd mayhe longer. Mr. and Mrs. I, 11. Miller spent a few days In Hellwood with their daugh ter, Mrs. Clyde Plr.kered. There whs a surprint! party on Os car nnd Arthur Krlcknon Monday ev ening. They spent the evening In game such as five hundred and pedro. The guents wore all old schoolmates that had moved to Portland. Those present were, Mlns Tllllo Thomoun, Mlns Snrnh Thomoun, Miss Cora Jng- ger, Mlns Vlda (iraham, Mlns (:. K. Kills. Mm. Annie Eans. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jnmes KusscJ, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Krlrkson, Mr, f- It. (iraham, Mr. Dew- y ThomoiiH. Mr. Iltooks. Mr. Oscar Krlckson and Mr. Artlu-.r Krlckson. Some of the ladles of Alehirum met on Tuesday afteriuwin nt the home of Mm. William Curdimr, of that place. and organized a cluh. which will he called tho 'I'lintline Cluh." Officers were elected after the organization wan porfiTted and are ns follows: President Mrs. Charles Moran; vice- president. Mrs. Crant; secretary, Mrs. Charles Harris; treasurer, Mrs. Powers. After t ho himlness was trans acted and plans made for the future It was decided to have the meetings of tlm cluh on Monday afternoon of each week, these nn-nllngB to he held at iho home of each niemher. Mrs. (inrdner served a luncheon to the following: Mrs. J. K. S"eley, Mrs. Alex (illl. Mrs. Cliarlc- Moran, Mrs. Powers, Mrs. firotit, Mrs. Heitman. Mm. Krlcknon, .Mrs. 0. E. Ereymg Mrs. P. G. Wamblad, and Mrs. Chan. Harris. Mr. and Mrs. U II. Miller, who have linen making their home at Metdrum for the pint four years, have disposed of their property Interests here and on Wednesday moved to Sellwood to make their future homo. Mrs. J. E. Soeley, of this place, went to Portland on business Mon day afternoon. ( the railroad company apt fulled Stales Supreme Court Is no money avnllattlo to handle Mil wailkle's nlilo of the ease hofore the Supreme Court and the Slate will he linked to nppropilale fitmin for the purpone M. K. Moffltt Ih contemplating hullilltig on the fi.H'tlon of a lot next to the piiitofflce. Small frontage hut etiremely good locution. This would nlml out travel to nml from the hIiIii lb, ami pulp mill vln Homer Miillnn'n. W, It Kennedy has moved IiIh faiii lly to I'lilty, Oregon. Where In Ihn dog mnrnhnl that he don't take In noiite of the worthless doi:n running nt largo Hint dirty up the front doom of tlm storm nnd iul lle pliteit, walling for their manlern to come out. None of them have tngn on -wlmt'ii the line of law If not en forced. lie careful how you vote on the niiieiiilinenl. No one has necn a copy of II yet mill It Is a good Idea not lo vole for a cat In n hag not knowing how It In worded. Mrs, W, II. Edwards In hack from 11 trip through Idaho and WnnhliiKtmi with her liuuhaml, the genial travel Unit man. Wouldn't It he a good Idea to give your "hlg" orders for stumped en vnlopnn to your local posiffleo and the hum 1 1 orders to Portland. Just reverse the mutter uml In this way boost your own locality. Think 11 over. It. K Lee Injured his eye quite serloimly Backing lime thin week. It. V. Atixlnr bus completed a log limine on his properly nd'oliilng S. M. Welilu i'. neat nml unliiim In appear- num. Too linn it I'm t eour 1110 sire"' car line. It would Bell In a Jiff'. yn. Kiln Maple spent Wednesday In Portland. Sin-v Humes Ih still In llm St. Vin cent Hospital nnd In n very rrltlcnl condition. Miss Humes underwent three operations for npendli'ltlH. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Ilediliwny, from UiwlHton, Idaho, nro vlstllng Mrs. J. E. Elkln. Mr. Hethiway will sotUe In Portland. Mr. nnd Mm. Vi, A. Hanson returned home Saturday. Mr. ll itimn went to Knrgo. North Dakota, on business nnd Mm. Hansen visited her slHlor nt Lyle Washington. Cnriol Howard has nereptod a 1oh tlon ns news ngent on tho Southern Pnelflo, train- J. A. Snyder was In OroRon Clly Wednesday on IiiihIiicbb. While Leslie Harlow was giving or ders to lila men through tlu elevator Hlinft from the sixth floor of one of the largo InilldlnKs In Portland Tues day irfteiiioon, n descending elevator lilt him on tho heiid and cut IiIh face In sevenil places, Mr. Harlow saw tho shadow of tlin i'lovator and got back JiisMn time to nvold a serious uccldent. One ' of Mlhvniikio's prominent young men, Jnines I-00 Duffy, wuin married at tho homo of tho bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Max Wlltllngor, 111 Wnukon, Iowa, lo Miss Mario Mar golin Winilnger. At home nt Sun nybrook Enrin, Gaston, Qrenon, after March 15. 1911. Mayor fitrnlb, Herman landing nnd Judgo Kelso spoilt Tuesday at Salem vlalllng with the legislature. Thoy Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR A CANBY, NEW ERA AND SOUTHERN CLACKAMAS CANBY. Mrs. Art Inn Kuelil Is quite sick I hero. Ho reports that his son rtnur with la grippe. 'ban accepted a very fine position with A ard was received from Iio Von-one of the business houses of Hint iterha from Angeles, Oil., stating ; place. the weather wan fine. j Mrs. tilndys Watson and two chll- Hiunl Hood, of Portland, spent the dren, of Seaside, nro having a de week end with Uxy M. (irahnni. illghtful visit with her parents. P. 0 Arthur C.riiliam In once more nhlo Newell, and also with her grand to 1m up nml nroimd hut not nhlo to i mother. Mrs Lucy Newell, resume hln dutlcB In the store. Mrs. L. Wilcox was a Portland allies' Sewing Circle will meet nt! shopper on Wednesday. Hie homo of Mrs. V. Clark Thursday, j The ninny friends here of Master Bushel ball Kiimo Saturday evening. I Harold Pratt were pained to hoar of January J8 In Green's linll between ! the accident which befell blm when the Oak (irovo Senior chili team nnd i be was thrown from his pony on his the Christian Brothers Athletic Cluh of Portland. Mrs, liuls Brandt received a letter from her sun Italph, who Is serving In tho army. In tho Philippines Ralph reports they nro working nnd Im proving the Islamls all tlm tlmo. He Is well ami only 17 moro months to servo. Grandpa Rowley Is quite sick at tho homo of his daughter, Mrs. 11- Itlley. Geo. Brmvnell ,of Oregon Clly, has purchased ten acres of land JuhI across from his homo at Concord sta tion. Mrs. V. Itlley nnd Miss Coiilhurn, were Portland visitors Wednesday. Mrs. Price received word that hor grandson was quite slelt. John Smith Is at home sick with la grippe. Karl nnd Unlh Sutler' are Improv ing slowly. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Brotojo were visiting In Portland Tuesday evening. School Notet. Mr. Todd, the vice-president of the Willamette Cnlvcrslly, gnvo a splen did lecture Monday ovenlni? In the church for' tho bmioflt of tho school children. Superintendent Gary paid tho school a visit Monday. Tho graduating class la studying hard for tho Juno examinations-with IB pupils In tbo chins. One hundred and twolve pupils are enrolled, dally iilteiidnnco, 105; per cent of uttondnnro, 93. Surprise Party. A surprise party was given Wftltor Th conlldtnce Iclt by farmer and Itardcncri ia Ferm i Sccdt to-d.ir would hive been Impossible to Icel In I any teedi two tenre ol yeara so. We have made 1 I science ol teed I growing. alwayi do I exactly what you I expect ol them. For lite everywhere. fElirs Mil SEED I tmtlU Free on requetL D. M. rittR V CO, Datrolt, Mleh. wny to canny oil Siiuinmy nun te cehed a broken wrist. At present ho Is vlHltlng bis giaiulparonls in Ore gon Clly, while nursing the broken arm. A vi-rv pleasant surprise party wna tendered Mr. and Mrs. U'hman at their home In Kast Jennings Uid-e on Saturday evening, the occasion being Mr. Lelunnn's birthday anniver sary. About twenty couples were present and the evening was pleasant ly p . st In dancing. Delicious refresh menu were served. Miss Lillian Westerflehl has b,cen Mm gi" -t of the Misses Ethel nnd Kern Hurt for n few days mid called on other schoolmates before hor re turn homo. .Mr. au.l Mis. C. A. llodsea are re. Juicing over a hnhy girl, which ar rived at their homo on Saturday even ing, January 28. Mnstor Nowton Strain entertained n number of his little friends at his homo on Tuesday evening, from four till six, when It was bis tenth birth day anniversary. Checkers and other games were enjoyed nml Mrs. Strain served dollcloua refreshments to Her schel Meredith, Donald McFarlano, Harry Slndeil, Charles Uynn, Arthur Robert s. Glenn Russell, Wlllard Slo cirmvClydo nnd Frank Jones and Har old Pratt, from Canby. Mr. P. D. Newell accompanied his daughter, Mrs. Watson, to Portland on Tuesday, where she will visit a short tlmo with Mr. Edwin Nevvoll, and family, before returning to her homo nt Seaside Messrs, G. I). Boardmnn, Chna. Red mond, Hugh McGovern and Mrg. T. C. Rice wero business callers ai the county sent on Wcdnosdny. Mr. Crampton, of Portland, was looking after his business Intorosts at this plnro on Wednesday. OSWEGO NOTES. Mr. Hugh Vox Is quite sick with a cold, Mr. 0- Vr. Pressor bought a horse l-nnd bu(,'!?y from I H. Wilson. Miss Ethol Baker Is Improving rap idly from her serious Illness. Mrs.J. Bull has a new little baby girl. Mr. Hoadilck celebrated his 90th Three of Canity's business men W. H. Unlr. Jerry Baty and Kred M. Roth attended the Elk lodge on Kriday night, tlm Overland stopping here and thus allowing them to return that nlKht. K. W. Wehnior, one of Marksbnrg's prosperous farmers, was In town Sat urday attending to business. Mrs. O. M. Ausve has been quite ill during the past week. H. H. Eccles spent Saturday and Sunday at Portland vlslUng friends. Geo. Allen, bookkeeper for Shafer Lumber Co.. of Molalla, was In Canby Saturday attending to business. Mr. Wiggins, of tho firm. Broughton & Wiggins piling Co., of Portland, was in Canby Kriday and purchased a car of lumber of Jos. Adklns. Rev. Joslyn nnd wife mado a visit to Portland Saturday. Rev. Joslyn Is erecting a new barn on his place here and is also making other extensive Im provements. W. H Mandervllle is pelting out plans for a fine cottage. Adklns Lum ber Co. has tho contract to furnish the lumber. Messrs. M. J. l,ee and B. Roy Lee went to Portland on business Satur day. E. W. Cherrlngton, who has resided In Canby since last summer, has ac cepted a government position at Salem at a niilary of $'.K1 per month and most of his living expenses furnished. Mr. Cheri lngton will niovo his family there In a few days. Canby regrets the loss of this enterprising young man nnd fools sure that he will, with credit, fill tho position to which the Governor has nsslgned him. W. B. Saltmarsh took 'his family with him Saturday to Portland to look over their new home for which they traded a few days ago. It la a very beautiful place located in Piedmont. J. U Combs has gone to Salem on business. M. Holland accepted the position as foreman of the Dalen ranch, south of town. U B. Graham, who is associated with M. J. Io and his brother, Roy Lee, Ib now In Seattle, Wash., on busl noss and expects to he gone for sever al days. Prof. T. J- Gill went to Oregon City Saturday nnd will visit there with friends over Sunday. Warren Baty moved his household effects to Molalla Saturday. He has c u 1 art at luring with the Shafer Lumber Co., of that place. 'The house vacated by Warren Baty nid funlly hns been rented by F. C. Wlrfs, who will take possession on or be'"-e tho first of February. The Canby Canal Company Is hav ing extensive sign painting done on the front and side of the building oc cupied by them. They are also hav ing large signs painted near the rail road track. E. D. Robinson, a resident of Canby, has accepted a position with the Can by Canal Company as tholr engineer and surveyor. Mr. Vandorveer. of Seattle, was here last week looking over the country J with a view ol making Investments here. Ho think that the opportuni ties found hero are second to no othor place which tin ha visited. Rev. C. I Creosy ha been making dally trip to Halnm (hi week attend ing to hln m hool work there and alno attending tho I'tiion Kvnngellntlc ser vice In tho tabernacle here. Rev. Greeny I also among the number of those who are having the grip. HI eye are giving Mm considerable trouble. high school were held Thursday nnd Kriday; several were unable to take them on account of sickness. M. J. lyee made a huslnen trip to Hnlein Thursday. J. R Newton left Suturday for Port land on business. - Mr. U D. Ewlng returned to Lyle, Wash., after a two week visit with her parent, Mr. and Mr. H. A. Lee. Ralph Knight, who ha been serious ly III, I reported some bolter at this timo. Jan. Smith, from Macksburg, spent Saturday In town. Hattlo Hutchinson, of Portland, npniit the Sabbath with b'.r mother here. J. A, Cobb I quite sick. Ho ha c vnry severe attack of pneumonia. His many friends hopo that the physician may hastily gain the mastery of the dlseane. Mr. Chas. Roth ha been visiting Imr mother at Aurora. John Eld returned Kriday night from Portland, where he had been for 1 he greater part of the past week rep resenting tho hardware firm of Sands- ness, Son & Co. at a meeting of the Stnte Hardware Association. While there Mr. Eld purchased a large supply of farm Implement which will arrive In a short time . After February 15 the city marshal! Hays no mnrcy will be shown tho dogs of Canby that may be found without the license tag. The meetings In tho tabernacle coc ducted by Rev. R. E. Johnson and Har ry K. Storm, singer, have been draw ing large and appreciative audience It Is not yet decided If tho meetings will close this coming Sabbath or not, but It I expected that they will con tinue for another week. List of letters uncalled for In the n'.stofflco at Canby, Ore., for the week ending January 14: J. R. Gribble, A D. Hall, Dr. L. L Scoffield, Mrs. A. T. Shoemake. January 2-: Mrs. E!or enco Armstrong, Mr. Wallace. In call ing for any of tho above mall, please nay advertised. Adam Knight, P. M Harry E. Stoors and wife, who were here assisting Evangelist R. E. John son in conducting tho union meetings at the large tabernacle, returned Mon day to Chicago, where Mr. Storr Is engaged at he Moody Institute. During the meeting up to iho pres ent time there have been about sixty who took a stand for Christ and who will doubtless become affiliated with one or nnother of the churches of this place. Rev. Johnson's 3 o'clock service Inst Sabbath wan largely attended and his address on the "Saloon" will long he remembered. Many of his Illus trations and comparison were the nine as those used by Hilly Sunday in bis address at Oregon City last fall. These meetings which will have! been in progress fyr live weeks are costing the citizens of Canby about f sim, but li can never be estimated In dollars and cents the benefits de rived from them. All of these ex penses have been met except about ,j"ii, we are told, and that this amount will doubtless be secured this week before the meetings close. The ex penses were more than the committee had anticipated as they had expected that the transportation charges of the workers as- well as the Evangelist would be from North Yakima lns;ead of Chicago and It was also expected that they would, go from this place and bold similar meetings elsewhere, in which case tho return transporta tion would have been assumed by the other place. F- F. Hannah Is busy packing up his household goods. .He is planning to leave Canby, since he has sold out his business Interests here, but has not as yet decided on a definite loca tion. J. L. Combs and L. L. Tuft spent the last day of January at the capi tal. I. Heln sold his farm south of town to Geo. L. Winzler, of Echo, con sideration Jj.500. Mr. Winzler will arrive In a short time with his family nnd take possession. . John R. Newton made a business trip to Oregon City Monday. Mr. and Mrs. aiulerzee, who have been running the Brandes farm, north of town, have resigned the position which is now filled by a man and his family who have Just arrived from Holland. W. C. Repass, from Portland, was In Canby on business Tuesday. W. H. Shenefield, from Portland, spends every Saturday at Canby, hav ing secured office quarters above the printing office. Ralph Knight, who has been dan gerously ill with pneumonia nt a Port land hospital, is reported much better. J. A. Cobb, who has a severe attack of pneumonia," is reported much im proved. His brother from Roseburg made him a visit this week- J. R. Newton has hauled a new piece of machinery for his pump to his ranch which will enablo him to secure the best possible results from his deep well. V. S. Maple Is again on the streets after his long seise of Illness. Every one is glad to see his smiling face again. Messrs. Mack and Butterfield are preparing to Incorporate and get busy publishing their unique and beautiful Flower Map. We understand that a small amount of stock can be pur chased. Jus. Adklns has purchased the lum ber In the tabernacle, having bought the building as it stands. He will be given possession after Sabbath's ser vices. Owing to the services In the taber nacle there will bo no church services In the various churches Sabbath, ex cept Sabbath school, which service Is In session at 9:30 a. m- This an nouncement does not Include the ser vices In the German Evangelical church. The program for services in the tabernacle is ns follows: Every ev ening at 7:30; Sabbath a. m. at 10:30; Sabbath p. m. at 3:00; Sabbath p. m. at 7:30. Everyouo Is cordially Invited. I WrZ I $525 Piano j BMffiF0R ONLY JUST ONE LEFT MUST HAVE THE ROOM FOR NEW PIANOS COMING IN. A. H. STURGES 7th and Center Sts. Oregon City, Ore. EASTERN CLACKAMAS FIRWOOD. SANDY. The regular monthly meeting of the Road Supervisor Chag. Krebs I Mt, Hood Fruit Growers Association i busy With a crew of men opening the was held Saturday afternoon at Kir-j new road south from Sandy. Thl wood hall. Several of the member j will open up a fine country and also who reside In Portland and Cottrell , give a more direct route from Sandy were present. An active Interest wa to Dover and Eagle Creek, manifested In the fruit growing of this I Vic Kosberg has moved to the Pet nectlon. A committee of three," name-1 erson place. ly. A. J. Morrison, of Dover, J. H. George Wolf take charge of the Phlpps. Cottrell, and E. D. Hart, Fir-' Sandy Hotel a It new owner, "Dad" wood, were appointed to provide pro- j Hart, who formerly had charge of It gram for the meeting. Effort will i will probably open up a restaurant be made to secure speaker from the j In the Douglas building. 0. A. C. for every second meeting. I I. o. O. F. I-odge ha placed car Thls will make the meetings more in-; pet on It floor. structlve. Every person at all Inter- Sandy will have one of the best ested In fruit growing should attend social affair that has ever taken these meetings and take an active place here on February 11 at 7:30 p. 1, art- j m., when all of the best of talent of One of the main subject given out ; Sandy will be heard at Junker's hall, for the coming grange meeting at I nd all the prettiest girl will bring Sandy Saturday, Feb. 11. is "The Rural big artistic baskets filled wfth the Schools." The questions to be j most delicious lunch to be sold at answered and discussed are. a fol-' auction for the benefit of the Sandy lows: - j Commercial Club publicity fund, and ' What are the requirement of a I ,hus npln a Rood and, worthy cause good teacher? 1 ln bringing Sandy to the front as a c, , , , , 1 desirable country to locate In. Should the personal appearance af-; 1 feet In any way the choosing of a ! teacher? DOVER. Who is responsible for children ! Harry Morrison was out from Port fighting on the- way to and from : land Saturday and Sunday. bc'100' ! William Berghouse Is In Portland Are the eight grades sufficient for I this week, a boy who intends to be a fanner? Miss Mollle Ahnert left for Portland . What are the mental requirements Monday, where she will enter High necessary for a man to hold the office School. of School Director? I '"r- Rna Mrs- wolf leave Dover this i-i.... i- i.i .. , 1 week to take possession or the Sandy bat Is your idea of corporal pun- t, 1 j i u, ,u . ,,.. hotel and saloon, which they recently IM"nenl' I purchased. Can alt children be governed with- , Mrs Ahnert and dnmrhter MIm r..l. out corporal punishment? , ne visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bews This is an Interesting subject and , Sunday. as the lecture hour at 2 p. m. is open 1 Jim Wolf will have charge of bis to the public a large attendance is ex-' father's farm this year. pected. i Mr. Carver is on bis ranch at pres- A number of Flrwood young people ent- attended the farewell party at Geo.' Mr. ana .Mrs. woir gave a lareweil Wolfs Saturday evening. Mr. Wolf Pa"y saiuruay evening. has bought the hotel at Sandy and it is hoped by his many friends and neighbors that he will be successful in his new undertaking. Little Ernest Hart, of Montavllla, U spending a week on the ranch. Mrs. A. Malar spent a few days at Lusted's last week visiting her moth er. A. Bronoll, of Portland, visited over Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. E. Reed. M. Walton, of Portland, was looVing after business Interests In this sect; n of the country last week. Harvey Kehras, of Sandy, spent Sunday with friends in Hrwood. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Hart were Dover visitors Sunday. Ray Clark went to Molalla last week to look after his farm. Mrs. EAGLE CREEK. H- G. Huntington returned home from Spokane last week, where she had been visiting with her son, Carl Huntington, for the past three months. Miss Rosa Mochnke went to Oregon City the latter part of last week. Mr. Strauss, a sawmill man, who lives near Sandy, took dinner with Dick Gibson Friday. He was out look ing for milch cows. He wanted about fifteen. Ed and Miss Bina Donglass started for Molalla Tuesday morning; got down the road a short distance when they found the buggy tongue was broken, so they returned home and got another buggy. We hope they get to Molalla safely. pneumonia, and was buried at Zion day anniversary. The day was very cemetery Thursday. The family are ' pleasantly spent and will be long re new comers here. membered by those present. His Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burgoyne, of j many friends wish him many more Montana, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bur-; such happy birthdays, goyne, of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar ; Mr. and Mrs. Dodds and Geo. Lazelle Huigoyne, of Forest Grove, and Miss attended Warner grange last Satur Carrle Burgoyne, of Portland, were 1 day at New Era. the guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ! wunm wv itim i.i J. Burgoyne a couple of days last week. ; frienil8 ,a8t sun(lay. He at De time m.-m.i.u.iui.iT m ci.cuuuing pen-; Hved ln ths neighborhood but now re turn to change a short piece of the si(es in .Monrovia, Cal. New Era and Brown's school house 1 . , . , road I -A"Br so mucn rain, snow, ana sun- P." H. Mead has built himself a ! 8J?ine we arf 8,1 Blad " lsn-t aa bai 83 stump puller which does good service 1 .thp5r have lu ,he Eastern states, as on his new farm north of here. i 11 never S?ts very cold here or stays Miss Ethel Rief spent several days ormy very long. We all think Ore last week with her sister, Lottie, of i Kn ls ooa enoBh tor us. Portland. Mr- Caldwell is still improving his Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bradtl, of Canby, . Plaee wl,n new buildings, spent Sunday with relatives here. 1 The 8011001 18 progressing nicely Mrs. H. P. Wink speut Sunday with j with Miss McDonald as teacher. Mrs. A. Kocher. of Canby. I c- E- Swick Is Improving his farm Newt Crlteser had the misfortune i b pulling out the stumps. Mr. Nash to mash one of his thumbs very badly 18 helping him. with a sledge a couple of weeks ago- George Schrlner Is making several The Hoffman twins spent a couple Improvements on his place. It looks of days with friends in Portland last I "ke 'be people of Twilight have be week. t Kin to make thingr look prosperous. Mrs. P. H. Mead Is on the sick list 1 1 hope we all will be proud to say, again. j "Why. yes. we live at Twilight," and Frank Rief, of Portland, ls a fre-1 will know that It Is In Clackamas quent visitor here of late. TWILIGHT. C. E. Swick visited the school one day last week and was very favorably Impressed with the school under the able management of Miss McDonald. Lazelle B. Melndl, of Portland, is making his grandparents a week's vis it during his mid-winter term vaca tion, at Mountain Ash farm. Miss Anna Wilehart was visiting her sister, Mrs. James Hylton, last Tues day. Through the efforts of the literary society many needed wants have been added to Twilight hall. Miss Lessie McDonald was a guest last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Dodds, to a dinner given in honor of W. A. Dodd's 6Gth birth- County. The literary society will meet again Saturday night at the hall. All look forward to the coming meeting as the evening Is most enjoyably spent by all that attend. Mr. and Mrs. Lazelle attended the whist party at Mr. Harvey's Wednes day night and spent a very pleasant ' ovening. Mrs. Hoopes was calling on her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Myers, Sunday. Mr. Myers Is quite feeble. He ls In his- 82nd year. Mr. Harvey Is cutting wood. He must be looking for some more snow. We hope he will not have to be bothered with it for a quite a long while, now. Grandpa Hylton Is trimming his fruit trees and expects to have some choice apples this fall. NEW ERA. Frank Knlser died at the home of his son William cn the west side of the river, Tuesday, of pneumonia, and was hurled In the Catholic cemetery here Thursday. Deceased was about 80 years old and leaves two sons, John and William, nnd a host of friendB. Mr. Kaiser has been a resident of this place about 30 yaars. A three months old baby died at Doernbecher' mill Tuesday, also of DENTAL ECONOMY Yoa will lose money if yoa do not have as do yoer dental work. A competition for cheapness and not for excellence of workmanship is the most frequent and certain cause ol the rapid decay and entire de struction of the teeth, good looks and health. Look after the little cavities then there will be no large ones nor tooth ache. DR. L. L. PICKENS, Dentist DR. G. A. BROWN, Associate BOTH PHONES WIINHARD BUILDING