Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 03, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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(inglJic SiiUKUisanJlic-fcii
Promotes Dii-slionfVr rful
rtcss ami IfcjiIORlains nrtiii
OiHum.M.irphur wrMaiiL
Awrfrfi Remedy for(wsfta
lion. Sour Storjch.liUrriiw
ncss ami Loss or MJXP.
Fac SiinSt Si$narur of
For Irfnnfg nnd Children. ,
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
W Ul !:'!
of the Molalla that passes Ms ranch.
Those bridges fared badly In Iho re
cent rain.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Joss Hopplor have
(time to housekeeping In their new
The wheat crop at Maoksburg Is
looking wonderfully well.
The pupils of tho Maeksburg high
school are preparing to celebrate
Washington's birthday by an appro
priate and Interesting order of exor
cises Mr, Coffin, professor of music, ha
recovered from a short Illness nml has
returned to Ms class In thu high
school building.
The signs of spring aro In the air
In the Maekslmrg portion of the Will
amette valley. Tho swelling buds, the
lengthening grass and the twitter of
Among nil the legislators not oven , neer, having come hero with Iter par , havoc wllh the lelepliono wire lust
"Church'' has Introduced a hill to pro-joins when about two yearn of ago. week, anil talking over the wires was
teet the churches from "Impostor." Mrs. huvls was M years, one tnoulli like a metlly of tin-can Hoieiindea. for
A "peculiar people" (hat claim to and a few d,s old nt tho time of her n time, hut ihe repairs were made na
speak where tho New Testament I death, and a alrong Spiritualist. Fun-' quickly as possible liy those having
speaks nml re silent where said ornl was held Sunday, January 22, ut thmgo or the dlffet out lines.
Scriptures are silent, have gono a step I the house, services being conducted! Mr. Chnlupsky sold the small house
further In fixing up the deed to their j by Mrs, Condon, of Portland, who Is on tho Rround adjacent to his spacious
church property ami have "spoken" j a Spiritualist minister, Although o dwelling a few days ago to some pal
where the New Testament Is silent ; many denominations were present It tics from Oswego, w Iio will come here
and now cannot place a bell In their was carried on with duo respect to the to reside.
church steeple, without violating the family. Interment was In the Chicks IM Hanoi's young folks hud a dan
terms of their deed; so now Ihe inouov j mas cemetery. Mrs. Pavls requested dug patty In ihelr hop house on Frl
"r puroiiasing wif cuurcu . lno certain, sours to be sung by Mis ;day cvcuIiir.
Ruby Ailatus, tract In section 82, town,
ship 3 Mouth, hoik" 3 east ; ).
F. K, Johnson lo I1'. N. ami II, 10,
Luploli, lot 7. Fielding Tract; l,
Heirs of James and l.yillu Uirklii
to I'liu n KiirIo, 1HIIII acres, township
(1 south, latiRe 1! cast; quitclaim,
Karl Nelson to H, II .lleese, acre,
Philander I ce tv u ('.; im.
tlscar U Henncs lo H. II. Itecse, part
acre philander l.ee I) I, t, section ,1,1,
touiiHhlpll south, ratiKU I; fl'JOO.
A. C MulheWH lo T. I. UiukIiIIii,
Interest cfi lots Mlnlhortl Addition.
bell must be relumed to t.te subscrlh-1 1 Hunter, but as It was Impossible! The trustees of the WIImouvIIIo , Portland; l
ers; nottiliiR llko fixltiR thlnits up r(hm1 for her to be there on account of her rchool had a meetliiR lately nnd tie-! A. IC. Malltfwa In T. I. NiURhlln, t),
and stiMtis. Idauuhler being sick, the Sunnyalde elded to put a nejy floor In the schisd Interest 12 lots Mlulhorn Addition,
Mr. llllss. Miss Ttllie and K. K. : quartette rendered Ihem very nicelv. bulhlliiK. ! Portland; II.
lirt purchased lots In South Molalla , ,v husband, one son, six daiiRhlers. j John Unison sold some properly at tleo, Scbrlbler to Jidin II. Puylalrt,
last week. hotI on two sisters anil one brother , TlgnrdsvllU), on Monday lo luvls Kill- i bits ft nml II, block (1, Oregon Iron A
Mrs. Nancy Kugle has been quite 111 m-.i i..r uiw vin n.uu n i... ,.,ui.ii,.n,,i. i.,.inn I 'r.tiii ' ui.,.,i ('.,. i.miil.h i,. n.n n
birds all seem harbingers of an early for several days. ';.i,i., ,.. ii .,,., t,i :'n... ti!.. ii...hu" in tirnunii I a.i.ii.. 1 i..,t..u 1.. 1 u-,..'..i
nnd pnductlvo season. Miss Oladys Iooncy Is recoverltiR I n,ril pr-s-esslon was lengthy. She ' fltv. which Is kept mi bv the Women's ! ..-i tract' K. OuK drove. U aero:'
. ... I )!" s,ov,'r" ""k onsllltis. K(MM wllllin ,,Wn( ,,,,,,1 of, flubs at the county seal, was mil. li 10.111
A King Who Left Horn. Hill w beat looks ..splendid .the vol ; kll(nrKM ,,, ,,, KnK, i i,.recliited by one of our vllli.go lesl-1 .;dward Courlols lo James Sargent,
v"S;- Paul, unte,.r oats lookl.. ;.s If they had! 8llrh ,, , ,,, ,,, ( , lloi,k wmw,r Adi
X athulka, of Putfalo N. V. says he bwii slightly struck. Wl,,k , , 1.1,,mim,l-ot, ,or i0 ycnri, wtlv , ,., ,, f.,. frry nt Wll- I Oregon flly; I0.
a ways KKKPS AT Hi MK the King Miss Anna (! pson. who has reccn ly 8wni brM dangerous and ; sonvlile? Aren t we on the best road 1 f, M Corv to Arlhur I. Ill, I, ,,n,l
of all Uixatlves-lir. Kings New Life retumcl from Missouri, paid the folks ,,. .......... ,.f,w..i Vll, i.-.i nt, i,...., ,,.,..... i".tv .....I the fanliol? w 1. ,,., , l.
and that they're a blessing to, at home a visit last Sunday. j xion.lav l,..,kl..L. Tl... M...l,o.llt church Is holding ! l-,. ' 1 V.. jl t,;M
ut ih,ii i..-t,i,.i .u M,,i . 11... v 11 tv w 1 w .. .........!.. ... . u
aigni too vsiusuis 1 ; rmitlt4 Johnson . w ho has been vei v Imll 1.1 lil.-b all are cotillallv Invlled ,,,i, 1.. iiu j , r. I.l.u.i. I ir.
' all his family. Cure constipation, head
ache, Indigestion, dyspepsia. Only
IV L ! i I , ri .r ..f It, :,t,'k- ' n 1 ,,r Ml prospecting for oil In the Stone ; ,lr, , Ui B,umn , Molalla: l.
at Jones l'rug Co.
Kyo Salvo will euro any case of sore
MOUNTAIN VIEW. jeyes, granulated lids, oithttlmla or any j
, luflnmeil condition of Ihe eyes. Pain-!
J. A. Hodges nnd family have moved less and harmless, :'.'' a tube at nil i
out to a house near ljtourelte bridge dealers and lioo. A. Harding, Prugglst.
on the Highland road.
J. V. C.crber, of Portland, was
transacting business In this vicinity
last week,
The water In the Mill Creek has i
writing. region bus been eagerly watched by ; v pvrharl to IV S. Herman.
Alex Hunter came homo Friday from many residents of our county, and part Hugh ilordon . . C, No, 4ii; 110.
Portland after having tho east taken the news of the tool on the way j August pedersoii to Win K. Mo
off from his leg, from the oily regions or California ! mi,i,,h. mirth half soiitheam quarter
Mr. nml Mrs. Cooke are getting hi cms to bring along an oil contagion, B,,i'tlon ;!l .low unlilp ;i smith, range B
much better. In which people who are most eon-i ,,,,! , f w)t
scrvallve find themselves deeply In-j .v,',,,,,, Mr , w wilkhiN ol
MARQUAM. jterested Nor Is Stone the only leg-1 Bl.M, ,,(; ,
Ion of Clackamas which is n.'ing stir T .nlhniu lo V. K. Itaiich, soiUh
Tliirly Yea
Mrs. .1, P. Hidings has been very 1 red up by Ihe oll iiian, but we nte mr Mnrshriebl ll.'lon.
sick during the past week. I liable lo have some of the exclleinctil j ;,,diiloiio Ileal late Association
Mr. and Mrs. Ilnrton Jack called at ' right here at Wllsonvllle. About one ,,, ... ... k,., t, l m 7 mid N and imrt
iiim!.- iviio. ,,., .,,.,- - ii..,t.... O.....I,... . .O.i v.. II ll.,,it.ir mill tils ... . i . ... ... .., . . . .
Will There are about T50 cords of bolts : C n V . ' 1 . ... ' . ..V ..in i 1 . .." '. ". " ""'
....... inn, mm ,',' Kiiiii, in limn Y.i'i.111" n , r p nceiey in riaiig r. Aililiews,
clerking In the store of K.J. Hidings ; , m, In Corral Creek dlnlrlct, ,,.,tl Swnfford 1 C,, section
for tho past three years, has resigned about two miles from our village, ill ' . (wnshlp X range 2 east. It ncres;
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
M 0
IT: P I"
Miss Gortlo Shubel has about rccov
ered from her recent Illness.
R. Glnther purchased some wheat
from C. Hornschuh, and oats from E.
F. Glnther one day last week.
The fences that were destroyed by
the various fires last summer, have
all been replaced br better ones.
Will Dolbow is working for Ed Hett
man. of Clarkes.
A number of our young people at
tended the dance at Clarkes Saturday
night and reported a very pleasant
time. j
' Everybody Is expecting a square
deal from our new road supervisor.
Mr. and Sirs. Moser are the proud 1
parents of another baby boy.
John Barret passed through here
one one day last week looking for
beef, mutton, etc.
Julia Masslnger Is home for a short
Zllla Kirbrson was taken to Glad
stone one day last week where the
doctor removed adenoid growths from
ber throat.
Mr. Weidner. of BeaTer Creek,
bought a beef cow from E- F. Glnther
Will Hettman, of Colton, is at his
mother's home here, putting on the
finishing touches on her new house.
James Beeson has rented Pete Hub
er's place.
Mr. Shepard is hauling lumber to
Oregon City for Mr. Cumins. Mr.
Babcock is also hauling lumber.
Mr. Massinger has bought a band
Fred Fisher and Fred Heft have
gone to Canada to look up some land.
Mrs. C. Hornschuh and daughter,
Lydia. visited with Mrs. C. Hettman
this afternoon.
The Rev. J. H. Quinn. of Oregon
City, was burled at the Miller ceme
tery. Quite a number of his old
neighbors and friends attended tho
Mrs. Gartvtt, of Mt. Angel, was vis- been higher this winter than for the
iting her father. It. C. Robeson, last past 10 years. While the water was
'week. - high Chester (lorbett and a crow of
' Mrs. J. P. Khnll Is confined to her 'men were busy floating shingle holts.
bed this week. Her two suns.
H. nnd A. U Jones, visited her Sun- In tho creek now, and as soon as the
Jav. i water raises again the last drlv will
Lv , TSrS ! M,, Mrs. W. K. ,.oncy and ll'' nor 'w' ' r''f!U'Ml !'' 'll,r',.",'T I v'v0- ""."'
,with her sister. Mrs. Ada Jennings. Idiugh.cr. Nellie, were visiting with ' ""m ' ' , ' ' ',,1,"", M"
I J. F. and Vimo Oulnn went to Mt llramltna nix last Sunday ,llsV Jott,.u' Mlirlmlm wll, ,
Angel last week, Thursday, to attend' Mr. Anderson, of l niton was a! . ,,..,,' .. MrM T
the burial of their father. liev. J. II business visitor at Klwood last Sat- " 'P " Snltnla) u mm Mm. I.
'Quinn I-""". Hriiv J. IVrake with her mother, Mrs liar
! m""." Hattlo Merrill spent Thursday I Hurt tlottl.urg. who has been l..vvn . 'vJl-M vrUoVmt 'V n'ura inker of
iand Friday of last week In Portland with the measlc,. Is able to bo tip '- j ,'r,Bk;r;
visiting with her children nml around ngnlu. Aiimsvuie ore. visit. . I s.itiir.lav n nl
i Mrs Schoth 11 1 M l Mullard were W. K. llonney transacted business "V - -h thir .mrlo nnd aunt. Mr.
visiting Mrs. Warner on J Q. Adams a. ttre gon City tas, w.,-k 1 ... SHver-
, street last week. Wednesday. Mrs, -Mr. Peterson ami suns nro una) .. .... ....
; . ... i . .ii i . ci.,i,in.. ii. i,,,,,,.,,!, ton this week to resume her studies
U Warner Is quite poorlv this winter, slas-hlng for Mr. Johnson. , rii,
Mlghles Hurlcv. of Center street. Hex Gordon was summoned to Es- , "" " ",, , 1 , K' , . . .
. . c ".in.), .1 .ni. ..h..r.. Ms brnih..r M Kcho Ijirklns returns each
spcii last Saturday among playmates aadJ last week, where his brother , , l(,rt,
J h'S, of Pleasant avenue, I J. J Jones, who left Mr Highland. ' "endlng the llkh School
j. n r-i!. ii ., , ," , m.i.l m-i In Imi Vc.tii..s,l,.v on ae- Perrv Adams, of Portlaud, and Mr
r, r,-1 .e vUieks:u n, l ,. , ,hi Jvj .wriRW. or mim. m i
with Ralph Grove last month, Is now count of the snow. !..' ,, ,,
working in Sellwood. Jot Carlson Is doing some plowing ; Mnrqunin '""t
Mrs. J. Knotts, of Mullno. was the ' for B. Erlcksnn on the l.ludell place, j
nuest of Mrs V M Itnrlins Siimlav K. Un.lstrom was tuisy nauiing n iy A lew nniiuies ueiay in inwun
nlcht. ' a few days Inst week
' strong thnt It was noil, eiu.ie io iims" ,rimnl1) ,.,,, )3 ,.,. f tlar( ft -
men wlio were mu us. u in us pi.-.n- j WI.H, qusi'ter of soulln ast qiinrter, sec
lent brealh. persons Interested had ,),, ,.,ni,, south, range 4
the shale examined, and although ex- rnH, ,,.,.rlng right of way; r,u0.
p.,rts differed In opinion as to Us, ,:r investment Co. in II K.
value, Hi,, oilman has ionnce.l upon Xoi,!,,, soutlieiiHt quarter of southwest
It and an offer for a cae of Mr. , ,UI,rt,.r section :m, lowiishlp 1 snulh,
WikmI's property lias boen the result , range a east; hit I, section M, town.
It Is not certain lit this time whether I H),li 7 s Ii, King.. :t east; southwest
Mr. Woods will nccept Ihe propusl- ; ,,.,rr H,-tloii :l , ionhlp 3 south,
lion, but if be should do so. nil tango 7 oast; northeast quarler of
hope he may strike a Uikevlew ! southwest quarter and south half of
gusher. , southwest quarler, section 7. mid
j north. -ant quarter of northwest quar
ter, section IS, toHiishlp 4 south, ralign
i east; lots I uu.l 1', Pleasant l.lttlo
Superintendent G,iry and Dr. Tn.1,1 j """ N- I lot t Pl-anut Mlllo
were speakers nt the school house last Homes Nn 1 1 timber only on east 70
Tiiesdav sens of mirth half of northeast qtisr-
.er, ne.-tioii , o!wiuii i soillll,
I) r. Rnhoson who has l.een serinns- Itolilnson brothers, of James, were or time It takes to go ror a nocior,
ly ill the past week. Is Improving. He called to Oregon City last week on i often proves dangerous. Tho safest
still has a pain in his 2liest which account of the serious Illness of their; way Is to keep Chamlrlaln's Cough
keeps him very weak. ; father. ; Uemedv In the house, ami at the first
- Kit Confer ha.l the niiirortiino to! Illnle Warner, who had been away Indication of croup glvo tho child a
cut his thumb w hile splitting wood visiting w ith friends and relatives at , dose. Pleasant to take and always
XteiiMlea iiiut urln are rairllitf In this
some cases of croup, oven tho length .,lr i range east; l
rt . . . t i, n , vitv .tiJ. iin.ii.u w .Hie oi'.i.iiiii: nir.n. i n -
Rev. Mayes went to Molalla Sunday , Mow, morn,n- Thc arlor dress0ll Portland, has returned.
to preach
Miss Doll Marquam goes to Silver-
ton to school the first of February
cures. Sold by all dealers.
the wound and he Is getting along' Mr. ana Mrs. can stromgreon wore;
fjIie. business callers at Colton Monday, j
i w n....... ....... ii...,- i ... t.- Our traimerS nre dolne rather stow I
... n , , . ,- ... .). in,, h in ' ....'a (i. ... ----
v isa .ora uarxn nas res.gnea ner M ,8 coa 0 -uane gtrt,p has business lately.
bought property of C. Tooze and w ill
position as one of the clerks In F. J
Riding's store, and Miss Mabel Miller,
of Teajiel Creek, has been secured.
Clarence Thomas Is also working In
the store.
George Zlellnskl moved from Salem,
The report has been made that E. having bought tho Mllstead plare here.
build, next summer.
Undstrom has sold his farm.
arrived at this place on tho Steamer
Mrs. llontmnn was taken lo the St. I ''.eastern investment i o. 10 n r..
Vincent's Hospital and operated upnn. i wrtliweni quarter or souiiiwe.t
but under the conditions Is slowly ,. . quarter, section !T, township 1 south,
proving , range ,1 east; lots 3 and 1, block
Arlelgh Millard, from Seattle, Is lots 3 mid 1, block If'. Oregon
her., visliln will. relatives and 'lly; lots I ami 2, hhsk III. Oregon
I'll); southeast quarter of northeast
The hop yard Is surveyed Into lots ' Johnny Countryman, wntto logging Oregon with housenoi.i gmsis tne ji.iii
and ninny lots sold. ! fr s- Gorbctt last Monday, Mil i- of this month. Ho has two children
r. .i n , tied from a hi suit had thn misfor to nHil tn our schisil.
r, , . . . .., .ma. ..illnle. .mi ul ei , .ii,.--- ---c ............ -
Omer Marquam cut his hand while Snr.,-W3ter aro vlnltine her naronts 1 '' of cutting his foot with his ax. j Mrs. Will Chritcher Is reported sick
tllt f in v snnn ' ' " i... .i .... I ...
inn not seriously. i Willi pneumonin,
Mr. and Mrs. Ulrt I.eoson, of High-1 S. Carpenter has moved Into his new
splitting wood
Misses Myrtle and Laura Baker, of
Mr. and Mrs. Lewellen this week
II.,...'.... f,...l,n.l n l..l..tln
Amsville. Marlon County, have been - V,.V,7" V ,j , " J Z t T
i.i,i. Ill .i.i. i i n i. ,,. visiting his brother Georce luesdav.
visiting with their uncle, I. D. Larklns ThSM.,nfain vi in,..v..A,
Club met in reeular session last Frl-
for a few days.
,u,u . ,, .,,o,i day evening with J. E. Calaran In the
While it Is often Impossible to pre- .,i. t. .,....!.,- .... u .
u . i. i i chair. The regular roi t ne of busl-
vent an acc dent. It Is never impos- , , . A .. , ,
Mrs! aw. h a'fine pram'
Intnl. called on the former's father ! home the Zisik place
at Colton last week. j The Moehnke saw mill has steam up
1.'. S. Itlx was tho proud discoverer again having been burned down lasi
of a hen's nest containing two eggs ' fnl. Mr. Moehnke has Installed a
last Saturday. hundred horso power cnglno and nil
; up to date machinery and expects to
Mr. Pollock and family have moved quarter, section 36, township ii smith.
Into Mr Kllton's house. I rang.. east; noniienst quarter, or-
Mrs. Ilatllu had a phono Installed M"" ' township 4 south, rang.. 3
III hV house Saturday. jeast; II
Robert Uoseiian. who has been up I " IJ'1'"' Harinou to W. K.
to Sheridan visiting with Ills parents"'"1 w H Harmon, html In township
has returned. "' tann '
Qulie a iiumlier fr.im hero attended ! ''' A Huiiimerflel.l to l.llllun
the s.H-lnl lit Nltchlm last Saturday runner. i".i cu nil ncre. section
hrunlrail n a Inu'u
bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment r..' -.,',.
and you are prepared for sprains , nl;inVhe Merrii,. de'bate-"Res'oived.
bruises and like Injuries. Sold by all That slnR,e Tax ,g M n
dealers. .. . . .. . .
i h ziitiii o.iairm ui jaAii.li... j .aj (4'-
audience was present. Popcorn and
peanuts were served to those present
at the close of the meeting, and danc-
If troubled with Indigestion, con- he turning out, lumiier for his cus-
Instrumental stlpation, no appetite or feel bilious, turners within a week.
give Chamberlain's Stomach nnd IJver i I -co ljirson has returneu nomo rrom
Tablets a trial and you w ill be pleased Rig Rend. Wash., where ho has. been
with the result. These tablets Invlg- spending his vacation. Mr. Larson Is
orate the slemnch nnd liver and employed as clerk In Harris' grocery
strengthen the digestion. Sold by all, store In Oregon City,
dealers. I ('has. Kanney Is building a new
, , woven wire fence around his 3 aero
! tract In the north end of tho place.
Do you know that croup can be pre
vented? Give Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy as soon as the child becomes
hoarse or even after the croupy cough
appears and It will prevent the attack.
It is also a certain cure for croup and
hai r,ever been known to fail. Sold
by all dealers.
Mrs. Stella Greaves is visiting her
folks at Clarkes her better half is
in Seattle.
ia n!.l.l.. I .... .. n. LI. .....
r. aivuuuit nml uueui uib iwai in , in . i-j,.!.., i ,ii ,i,iii,
recently-found her dead In the barn Mmbers,from aairmnnt uterarv So:
one morning ,e( w present an(1 an had a fine
Mr. Kohl has a cow on the sick list. (jmg
The good family cow Is something
hard to replace. !
The "Harding Hustlers" played ' , An, a,,ack of ,he rlP ls of,pn
their nlav. 'Butternut's Bride." at Iowed a Persistent cough, which to
Springwat'er Saturday night to a ' nmny l'roves a great annoyance, t Portland, has regained her health so
crowded house - v. namnenatn s Cough
Alfred Moshbcrger and Merle Jones
were the guests of Sidney Smith on
Sund iv ! T,,c ""' followed by such nn mi-
' Mrs." Maple, who recently under- ' uw"-Iur of rain, succeeded by
went a serious surgical operation In mllil weather, has given nlmos every-
ono bad colds, la grippe and kindred
neme.lv has .h U ,.i.l m .om h,,n,o ,..H , diseases. I inruiy n House nui lias sick
Tf tho nartv'whn Introduced hill been cured after all other remedies Mr. Manlo brought her home Sun-! 0,1, " .mre for, and doctors are
' . v. .1 h..j c.u 1 1 ' ... ..... i. I rnniiin.t Ihsiir- hnrvftHt.
for a hotel Inspector would Just amend , u l'"'KU- J"'u " "eaiers.
It and prohibit landlords from allow-; -Ing
bed bugs to roam at large after MEADOWBROOK.
sunset it Is probable It would pass.
Do the county commissioners Imag-
Mr. Robinson and Mr. Johnson, of
Ine the farmers are so green they do l anby, were surveying the J. W. Stan-
not know which they want a road dinger property, which was recently
engineer or a high salaried official to sold. They also were running some
work In the Interest of the "sporting lines on the R. R. Cooper plare, for
class" of Portland, who want an auto Irrigation ditches or railroads, I don't
road across the state and expect to know which, as tbey were nut very
null thp w-not river the farmers' eves'' PYnlirft
We are not as green as we look! Mr. and Mrs. Charles Colvln were moving when tho weather becomes . ened with lung fever.
K- o nil ,.ln uaa her um . rCIIIIIIIK UlC.r liunen.
ling face again and to have her back! Of thoso who have been tinner n
with us physician s care tyr some nine ...e
Mrs.' Ed Karse, who was so very ! M. Ben Alhey, Mrs. William Sclnt
111, Is much better at this writing. I H"ry Kligsen who nro.nl.out the
Will and A. L. Jones, of Eldorado, Bamo. with slight Improvement.
..nt to nrecon Cltv to see their! Otto I'eters Is Improving slowly.
mihr n. Kh Is verv 111 with a ser-! Melnt Peters Is no betler
ious cold. -
The Cnnis literary society held n
very Interesting meeting January 27.
The subject for deluilo was, "Resolved
That War Produces More Misery Than
Intemperance." The Judges decided
III favor of tho negative. The sub-J.-ct
for debute February 3 Is "Re
solved. That There Is More Pleasure
In Pursuit Than Possession." The de
baters nre; Affirmative, A. Thomas
and Chaa. Casio; negative, J. I Ash
Ion ami Al Moshlierger. Tho society
will glvo a pl social after the debate
Everybody Invited.
But Ha Doesn't Live In Oregon City,
Nor Read the Enterprna.
...... ..... ......
Mrs. Kate Groucher has bought a having taken a severe com
little home In Mullno near her sister. ; Mrs. Turner was burled.
v.-., in ,..i i. -,.nt...ninttnir i Miss Effio Grace has been threat-
A man In Connecticut gnvo a doctor
a specialist In catarrh, to cure
hlAi of this common, yet most ob
noxious disease.
The specialist gave him a lint lie of
medicine nnd told him to use It.
Tho fool took IhO medicine homo,
took one dose, put It on a shelf ami
made no furl her effort to follow In
structions. Three months later, with tho tncill-
Helen Ruble In quite III In bed from j ' '" '"' ,('''' f'1'"''1
11 1 .... . .. r I. r. r 11... Htu-fi ul Ml u'tm n fi.u..- that hit
towio.hlp J soiilh, rniige I east; ,;ml.
t lileb and Moreno K, Perry to
ElUatieth A lllalrdell, IS ncres, sec
linn IC, township : smith, tango I
east; agreement.
James M. Uiwelllng to Mt. Hood
Ij.ii, I Co., north loiir of southwest
I quarter, section tow nship 1 smith.
rniige S east, except aetes nnd a
M fisit strip, conveying f.' acres; fl.
O. I). Slid Jennie K Ml, y to It J.
Moore, L'fiij acres of II. II. Jackson
dotialloti laud claim, section 7. town
ship Ii south, range 2 east; ll.Y'H
K M. RockwcxMl to John 1. Ilurgesa,
tract In Oregon City; II.
John L and S. L Hurgl-M to K M.
ItockwisHl, nortlienst quarter, tract 37,
Oak Grove, 1 acres; II
Samuel K. and Pauline E. Hnirls to
K. J. Kpooner. lots 1 nnd 2, block 2.
Pleasant Lit Ho Homes No. 3; I in".
Land Titles Examined.
Abstracts of Tills Made.
Offlco over Rank of Oregon City
sometimes. G. B- Dlmlck told the ; visitors of Mr. and Mrs. 11. C.
truth when he said much of the money acker Sunday.
She could not
pleasant teach .vioiiiiiij um. .m "
C. E. Smith Is a busy man these took her place for thai ! day In tho
Is smiandered. The Influence of the Mr. and Mrs. Haltih itnlman nrl son davs sacking potatoes, and the price ' school room, mil .yiish i i .. '.,..
C,.crot Urn vn.inir nf,nlp nf I r, 1 nnrf .., .,..,lo,.,. C-l , ,. ,i, . .... , I (., .,,,.. u,ll ,,n hlu f,i,e 111 llIT (lilt OS tllO HCXt Hay.
uirn-.u. i.. ioiikc io fi,"i-,iifi u,,,i nu.iii: oiiiiiunw i. uai 1KB HJIIH UlllllUr Ul II1C residence I'lninih nuiiii; u 1 ,, .,..r t. i ,ti r.ul
Clarkes attended the debate at High-. may be In store for some and their of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Cooper Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Howard's daugh- i Two prospective scholars nppt n
land Saturday nlcht and reported a pet measures when It comes to a vote Mrs. Standlnger. Edna and Willis, j tor and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- In our neighborhood last week, a gin
very interesting time. 'show-down. The single tax hooters were callers In the evening icrt Summers, have been tho guests at Smn Moser's, Til' sdny, and on , r rt-
There was a wrestling match at the , get well paid for their talk In that Mrs. O. T. Kav Is staying with her of the Howards tho last two weeks, j day. a much desired boy, nt Adoipti
Groosemiller place Sunday between , Hue. What we ruralists want is bet-, daughter. Mrs. C. L Standlnger of I Mr- and Mrs. U. J. Helvey and ! ix lkar's, making the loth at .tir.
Griffith and Pary. The first two falls ler roads leading to the markets and East Meadowbrook. The whole fain- 'children have been enjoying a visit , Mosers, and the second at AHoipn
were won by Pary wltn tne crotcn ; better rural schools. It is like paying ny s down with the measles. with a niece and two little children j Demur s.
hold and the the third was won by rent now when tax paying time comes ; John Henslev head sawver for thn of Mrs. Helvey. who camo down from Prospective home-seekers
GrlffiUi with the toe hold. around. ' Schafer Lumber Co . has iov.l hi ! Mitrnuam last week. 'Watch Stafford grow.
Mr. suinvan. tne roan supervisor, family from Portland , Into the rest
laid rails last Saturday. Croup dence formerly occupied by John Al
Mr. Bottemiller had a lame horse, j Causes uneasy nights hut if you will len on Water street.
It stepped on a nan. use Dr. Hells Pint-Tar-Honey it will, Roy Donegan, of Canbv. was in town
bet t er
Mr. Bual was In town last week i relieve In a few minutes. There is Saturday transantlne business for n.-itv
Friday. ' nothing better Guaranteed by all , Hros.
dealers, and Geo. A. Harding, Drug
Ilaly Bros have a force of men cut
ting piling and have established enmp
at the Moon sawmill.
v.- ...! u.,i.,o iri f,,.. Wnuh. ! Wo hear that when the county uoe-
.hi, anil 1 1 1 . 111:1,13 i.,ii. ..it ........ .... --- -
ItiKton Monday. John Helvey and j tor came nt a rush call to seo an out
n.lfn ii- II I 1 - - tn anna a Knit t a U' Pf k rn 11 n Ktoiuilnif at Fred Baker's, he
c u.,,11 . i.a.b a l,in,l of riotntoea found him snllttlllg wood. Ho had been
to Orignn City Tuesday. In thc habit of drinking a number of
ellpS or Strong COliew. jneie,.
vised him to take less and ho would
Willie Mclntyre Is Intending to
leave Wednesday.
Elmer Lee butchered hogs.
Mr. Bottemiller was grubbing
stumps and his dog killed two grave
diggers last week. I Mrs. J. J. Gibson visited her mother
Hual Bros, are plowing on their new ! at Macksburg Sunday.
arm. I Sol. Strubahr, with the help of Geo tinn was, "Resolved, -That Ihe State
Look for the ground hog on Feb. 2. ( Walsh and Mr. Greenwood, Is grub- of Oregon should adopt the Henrv
Ed Mclntyre was on the sick list. ! ,ing his ranch at a pace that promises George System of Single Tax vs. Proti-
Mr. and Mrs. George Clark have to make It literally blossom, as the erty Tax." The debaters were R. P. ,,- , , , v,rnnirl , I he says, llko 77,
moved. 'rose, the comine season. : c.ner and Herman rhln.le-ren nf. ! e "e cal.-I uDon to chronlclo the ,
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Card (;eo. Walsh has been making most firmatlve side, and P. O. Chlnd'gren IT I ''"" 8"u" 8 " ' '"'
a son. effective bridge renalrs on the branch an ir,lh t.i .,i i.i.. Th. Hamantha Davis, who passed to a bet-
not get so nervous.
Mr. Cage, hnuled three loads of nul
lum) from his cow barn last week,
A Beautiful Woman
Musi have a beautiful skin. Dr. Hell's
Antiseptic Salve removeB pimples,
Mr. Alton tnatj. a l.nulniiu. Irln r. II i. I.. .1... . .1 vn,,,.l. ,,(
" " I lilacs lieailH, cnaS Uliu ..uihiiu.-nn, . ----- , . l,.mI,
Barlow Friday. !al-i ,i. t,m Tmooil. Trv It nn , and in coming out of Ihe basement
ti, iioi.-j.o o. .i. i,ih 0..h,n.i I.'. . .....j.' leroiL-lit hln foot and fell out headlong,
..... ,....., . ,,.- ,h .. Ktiuraiiiee. i.,eo. a. ihmuiuk, ii us-..' , " . ,,, have
l Ills nose nun iiuwiM in-- --
I turned blue, although ho did not know
I he hit his face at nil, but It Jarred
him up generally, anil muxes nun ic-i,
; a success In every respect. The ques-1 gist.
debate was opened by R. P. Cooper,
t r l:id Thursday, January 19th after
The itomich Ii Jrer fsetor in "life, liberty and the pur
suit of hippineai" thin moit people sre aware. I'airiolum
cn withatind hunrr but not dyspepsia. The confirmed dys
peptic "ii fit for treuon, stratagems and spoils. " The man
who Koes to the front lor hit country with a weak stomach
will be weak soldier aod a fault finder.
A sound atomach make for ood citizenahip at well as for
health and happiness.
Diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion sod
nutrition sre promptly and permanently cured by the use of
It builds up tb boar with sound lltta and
tolld muscle.
The dealer who offert a substitute for tho "Discovery" is
only seeking to make the little more profit realized on the
sale of less meritorious preparations.
l)r. Pierce't Common Senae Medical Adviser ii sent fret
on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send
21 one-cent stamps for the paper covered book, or 31 stamps
for the cloth bound. Address World's Dispensary Medical
Association, R. V. Pierce, M. I)., President, Buffalo, N. Y.
n il.., 111.. L'l.n lana on nlll .lift.
,.11.....,. .... Tl...... Ir.t ... . . ... n II' II l illllll.-Hl. nun H " ! l'i"
I luilim.-il liy IU.IJ!J IlOIIII'.ll Oil ine.
I negative, and the Judges deciding one ...-rrr. r -r:
, for the affirmative and two for the
negative. At Ihe close of the debate
, the subject was opened to the house
Farmers Attention!
for discussion and the firing soon be
came general along tbe line, and when
the smoke settled It wfls decided that
It he sent to the legislature with In
structions that the State of Oregon
wish to adopt single tax. '
Get your horses under
shelter while in the city
Our school Is doing good work this
winter under the Instructions of Prof.
Owen, Mrs. Jay and- Miss Lay.
There was Joint Installation at Mo
lalla Grange No. 310,. last Saturday,
caused by Mrs. Mackrcll appearing on
the scene with her Juveniles during
lecture hour.
Robbins Brothers attended the re
tailers' convention and auto show last j
week, when the half dozen clerks had
full charge and lined themselves up 1
for a picture representing "forsaken."
farmers Feed Stable'
Does a general livery and feed
business at reasonable prices.
Nice clean stalls with expert
prof. Bel Inline went, to Portland on
Saturday. ....
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heoly, of Mo
lalla, visited their son Sherman, lust
Norman Say and son Harold went
to Portland on Monday.
Mrs. Chalupsky has been very 111,
but Is now somewhat Improved.
Robt. Zumwalt visited relatives In
this vicinity last. week.
John Butson was In Portland Mon
day on business.
Mrs. Ed Baker spent a couplo of
days In Portland tho first of the
Real estate deals have been rather
numerous lately near our village.
Mrs. Elmer Jones returned from tho
Rose City on Monday, where she vis
ited friends.
A baby boy arrived nt tho home of
Mr. and Mrs. While, of L'nlon dlatrlct
on Tuesday, the 24lh of January.
The bridge In front of Cbns, Eider's
old place, known as the Eplnr bridge,
Is still out of repair.
Tho late winds and rains played
thnt the specialist was a fake; that he
had paid him $.'il and still had catarrh.
HYOMICI (proiiounci. It Hlgh-oine)
won't cure catarrh If y'll don't breathe
It; It will If you breathe It regularly.
Furthermore, you don't need to give
a catarrh spt-clallst $.'iil lo cure you
of catarrh, for the specialist Is yet to
ho born who can wrlie a betler pro
scription than HYOMKI.
Ilnnlley Bros.' Co., nml druggists
everywhere, guarantee HVOMKI to
euro ralnrrh or money back. A com
plete oiilfit which consists of a bottle
of HVO.MEI, a bard rubber Inhaler
and simple Instructions for use costs
only $ 1 .00. Separate bodies of IIVO
MICI, If afterwards needed, cost hut GO
0------ ..o
Oregon City People Can Tell You Why
It Ii So.
The following transfers of real os
tale wero filed yesterday III the office
of County Recorder U IC Williams:
Amos .1. nnd Cathnrlno IjiIs tn Hen
ry and Millie Nofzlger, north half of
west half of northeast quarter, section
I, township 6 south, rnngo 1 east;
August Koulgshofcn to Jonas M.
Will, 11.22 ncres, township 4 south,
range 1 east ; $100.
E. II. nml Emella Burgbnrdt to K
Rylander and Carl O. Inrsoii, G5.8K ne
res, sections 11 and Hi, township 1!
south, range :i east; $2.r14.t!tl.
O. O. and Ada A- Rnnk to Jnines M.
and Mary N. Valentino, (fast half of
northeast quarter, section 2, township
3 south, range 2 cast; $0000.
Warren D. and Klla R. Hathaway
J. II. Graham and Helen M. Falling et
al to John R. Outfield, 120.1a acres
township 2 soulh, rnnge 1 oust; quit
Isaac. A. Mlley to A. .1. ami Kate
I.als, 17.8:i acres, between sections 2.ri,
2ft, 110, and 31, township 4 south:
w. H. Soltzer lo Catherine Goiicher.
1.81 acres, suctions IC and 17, township
4 south, range 2 east; llolli).
Mary K. Mayflcle, ot 111 lo L. W.
Warner, 135 acres and a 20 foot strip,
between sections 27 nnd 34, township
8 south, range 3 eust; $4500.
James nnd Ruby Adams to Carl
Koolh, tract in section 22, township 2
south, range 2 east; $1,
Carl and Ilantia Booth to James and
llonn's Kidney Pills euro Hie causo
of disease, ami that Is why the cures
aro always lusting. This remedy
strengthens and tones up the kljfucy
helping them to drive out of the body
the 11, pild poisons Hint cnuso back
ache, headache nnd distressing kid
ney and urinary complaints. Oregon
City peoijle testify to permanent cures.
James Wilkinson, sol Fourteenth
St., Oregon City, Or..., says: " hud
backache anil pulnji In my loins and
could not sleep well at night. There
was a stlffm-ss In my limbs and other
symptoms of kidney trouble were III
evidence. Ruing ndvbied lo try I Hum's
Kidney Pills. I did so and was grati
fied by ihelr promptness In relieving
inc. Although I ntu In my seventieth
year, I inn hale and hearty, and 1 glve
Honu's Kidney pills the credit."
For sale by all dealers. Price BO
cents. Foster-Mllbtiru Co.. Iluffalo.
Now York, solo agents for tho 1,'nlled
Remember tho nilino Hoan's and
take no oilier.
Even Plumber
has his specially. Ours Is prompt nnd
satisfactory work. Nowhere In town
can you find such high grado goods,
first clans workmanshlti and nrnmnt
sorvlco combined with such
as we are now offering. All plumb.
era supplies constant Iv on h,i
Tinning, Hot Air Furnaces and
Hop pipes. All Kinds of .Job
bing and Spraying Material.
914 Main St. phona 2BS4.