Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 20, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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- fLt- T3 i. - Idangor of tomntation.- They can thon
WrCgOn IW J-JUCrpnit ; 1)? w astray wl(h atffioulty and only
I through tho alii or evils tnni are sun-
fln and ww-orl with n vrllrrr hv RiV
BROD,E' Emor "a KUDM,ner-:cloty or rstom-a class of evils that
Published Every Friday
Entered at Oregon City, Or., Post
ofllce as second-class ni titer.
Subscription Rates:
One Year $1.60
dlx Months T6
Trial Subscription, Two Months .25
! prosent stale of society.
! The young man or woman who Is
always free with a helping hand does
not come In the way of so ninny evils
to lompt him: he is too busy to drift,
and It la drifting that loads towards
Subscriber, will find tho date nf ex. Idle sin the class of sin that starts
plratlon BUmped on their papers fob the thoughtless young Into ways thai
lowing their name. If last payment ts : iM,t ROn(ly towards the evils they will
Advertising Rates on application: morrow m t0 havc n sllvory
Ing. Then chivalrous attention to
' those who need a helping hand calls
, forlh the best there Is In one brines
There Is no other point In or about
Portland that Is a more picturesque
spot than Oregon City the enterpris
ing little city at the foot of Willamette
Kails. The second oldest settlement
of any consequence In the State It
has continued to progress slowly
sometimes, perhaps until today It is
of much consequence and growing ma
terially In commercial and political
importance among the cities of Ore
There Is much to make Givgon Ciiy
to the surface naturally the latent
strength within. The demon of wrong
rarely approaches a young person
who is In the ecstatic condition of a
i good deed just performed.
So, anxious father or mother, teach
your son or daughter chivalry and
, "first aid to those needing," if you
! would make them strong men and
: women if you would place them with
: out the power of many of Wio tempta
Itlons In this life. The young man or
i woman w ho enters whole hearted In-
thp mnKt nirf iirosmtf) RtMit in this site.
tlon. Not onlr has it the prettiest 10 ,he s',lrit of hcl" ,0 thoso ln nooJ
falls to be found In the northwest ;pf Persou;" wrT,ce wHI soon show "
country hut with its sheer blurts, its marked dr'!W of moral strensth Bnd
romantic 'mountain peaks, its sloping ; thilt SPt st
hillsides and its deep-dipping valleys , as ,0 tho Per pf ,he Evit 0,,e ln
It has much of beauty and variety to Ule case ot those ou love
charm the eye and "please the romance ' - --- -
of those who will but stop to look at ARE YOU A COMPANION TO YOUR
the vista presented from any one of; SON?
an hundred points of vantage. people who manifest an Interest In
On either side of the beautiful Wil- tnolr boys need have little fear of
lamette river are to be found hundreds ,heir becoming drunkards. In most
of pretty, picturesque and vista-open- caSt,s it ls the son8 ot nion wh.0 are
ing buildlug sites on which to erect a too bus. taking money to give any
handsome home. While many have tme to tn(, hpvSi wno pet ilUo had
taken advantage of the opportunity to hamtSi anti seemingly know no better,
do so in the past, and while we do The must have something to do
now have many comfortable homes to and f his thoughts are not turnej m
add to the natural beauty of the site )he right dire0tion. his mind is not
as a whole, still there are yet many upipj wilh something better, he
opportunities Mr more elaborate and ,s certain , ddft lnt0 troubIe. And
handsome .homes in this picturesque w? use the wor(J drift adv,sedty. for
vlding Oregon with permanently built
highways. These adopted, tho way
will be opened to a greater and broad
er development of this stale than has
ever before boon possible. Public duty
suggests the serving of the need In
effective and unselfish wa.
The day is not far distant when Ore-
It Is through drifting that most young
people find themselves into trouble
gon City will be the most sought after . m Mt
building site around Portland. Easy
of access to her citizens, close at the
Rose City's door to those who wish to
live here aud do business in Portland,
it is only a question of quick transpor
tation, ease and safety in conveyance
to lead many Portland business men
to come here to reside.
When once the electric railway shall
have double tracked its line to Port
land, added an express train service
How many men take the time to be
companions to their sons; how many
women take the same steps with their
daughters? In what other way than
that of companionship can you hope
to win so complete confidence that
your children will try and do that
which years of experience has taught
you was best? Faith in companions
does much for the young people; why
not make yourself the most trusted
The fight In Congress on cvnaorva
tlontion Is growing warmer day by
day. To a man who covets the public
domain it Is a terrible crime to see
an aggressive President like Roose
velt lock tho doors against him. And
If he was the only one to consider It
would be a crime to lock the doors
against him. Hut nun who will
stop aud think cannot but admit that
if we are wise we will not base our
actions on this generation only, but
on what Is to bo the good of this and
succeeding generations. If conserva
tion will be for the pod of present
and future generations then conser
vation Is a good thing. If it will
simply nnnov those who are living
now. and want to make a "stake,"
then conservation Is an error. The
general public can be trusted to settle
this question correctly If It will only
stop to consider It before making de
cision. The American people never
make a mistake except when they de
cide a question off hand. This Is why
such men as Roosevelt wish to have
the people stop and think; that was
Roosevelt's reason for withdrawing
so much of the public domain from
public entry as he did ho wanted to
give tho people time to stop and
think, believing if they did so they
would settle the question rightly.
things warm at Salem tlila winter In ! ''' oad through tho county
ih .....ft...- i -in.i,.. ......1-1 ,.i I f " ' I" 'o l"voloped n nature roi-
. , jtnlnly Intended it should be. Hut
iiachniuiu county uepumu-.uiH sal vvllll(, ,nt,,10 ,,, nro ,,, m,.vw)
pretty hind on Jioncnnim at tlu No-! all other ought not to bo neglected.
veinber election. IWs ho not see 1 live on tho John It. Uwl road,
,....1 ,...1 tr.ii.hln la l.t l f Hi" """'ll If " tllO UHlll! croH
Hie people In this county waul?
road running between thexo two pll.e.
Wo resident of the road have nkod
time after time Hint our road bo tin
The Steel Trust may be willing to : proved-not given the mime treatment
pay Its president bis salary of $150, I ho two pikes, bill given some little
000 while he Junket In Kurope. Tho "'i'"'' " "'i f '",
. i ... . , , , . .,, , , ! ly Court.
,..,.- .v.,., ,, , ,. K lu. ,,, So f,ir ,,,, K ,m ,, ,, f01.
paid If the trust will lake lit K.ilary Us. We ate Bitting patiently by, pay-
from its legitimate profits mid not add : lug our tne wllli duo regularity, and
it to tho price of steel sold to coiihuiii-j w" w,,"' I""' 10 N''" "io Court wake
.. i lMj . i up nnu turn us optic, m our mreeiioii
i Then wo will offer up prayer for (lie
neaun ot tue rourt linn lor an mo
Tho day for taking the vote In the I "Little Court" too.
Senate on the Lorlmrr bribery chnriie ! Certainly our cross country road Is
has not been set. Kilen.l of honest , '"'I-'"''"'! one and we would like
meth.Hls are deternilned to press tlie;,, nlv t)1r ,,.,,, ,lllv ln1hmwt,
matter to Issue at an early dato. There with Hie "Power that lie" they bmild
Is no good ran come of putting It off at once send their petition up to the
from time to time; settle It out of I "none, underscoring tho fact that we
are goon, pniieni, loiig-sunei ing nut
sometime our legs will get over the
trace If we are not given couldoia-
The fact the late Senator Klkln was ; tlon.
an micomnromlsliii: i.rotectlonlst I no i M" "'e Urd bles tho new Court
hand, and at once.
evidence that the n stent I right; It'
and enable hlui to cast hi opH'' l
the illl-.t.-llon of our mml IlkeWiNO
simply an Indleniion that the Senator , ,,,, tho ,,0,mly ,)1M.K,,t ,i to the
was persistent In doing what ho set ' 'extent of making us a good road,
out to do. 1UDOS.
The average boy or girl wishes to
tn its om.inmpnt and established a
thirty-minute schedule-which are all of companion.?
n.Ann tho nncsi hi HtlOS nf A Hnilhlp
track svstem-little time will then do right; it is only those whose minds
need be'lost in going and coming aud have en ln some ? Poisone1 wh
Oregon Citv will feel the added lm- t0 do wronS- and
petus which such conditions will give. SIrIs loi driftiDK- and 11 is tbos
nren Citv already has a fine water 'r hora there shou,d Krave ""n-
works STstem. gives good electric cem. And where you find a young
lighting service, has fairlv adequate man or wom:in driftinS ou can hark
sewer service and has already awak-. ha ,0 8 father or mo,her- or tb,
ened to the needs of further street w "r indifferent or too busy mak
improvements. What we already have i"B money or social conquests to give
insures to us that it is only a question Hie necessary saving attention. It
of time until we shall be able to get matters not what your attitude to
other things that we need, things wards the evils in your community,
which will warrant to those who come you have a personal responsibility to
here to live that the city will soon your son or daughter and you cannot
have all the necessary .improvements pay the personal debt by public har
to make a comfortable and prosperous rangue or effort to reach out and aid
community. lhe public at large. Your first duty
The new high school well on to- Is to your own offspring, and you best
wards completion gives every assur- attend to that, before you try to save
ance of good things to come in the your neighbor's children. And your
educational field, while the determina- boy or girl saved may mean an easy
tion to establish a public library shows conquest of others that associate with
that the people of this handsome little them.
city intend that lis citizens shall enjoy ' . .
all the good things of this life. PULLING FOR GOOD ROADS.
Rah for picturesque Oregon City; The Good Roa(js cause deserves
long may she live and prosperous may spport and success. The announced
There Is unnecessary worry because
the new postal bank at Klamath Falls
has not taken all the depositors from
the other banks because there are
but nine depositors so far. In some
cities the local banks are very strong
and have the confidence of the peo
ple. Where that Is the case, there I
no reason why people should withdraw
their deposits and rush with them to
the new bank. There are many banks
who not only have the confidence of
the people, but that justly deserve It
This" is true with the banks of this
city; but that does not argue that the
postal "banks may not prove a good
Institution, or that they may not have
a work to do. Truth Is. that with
postal banks established there will be
a greater incentive on the part of peo
ple owning bank stocks to see to It
that their officers are more careful In
the safe-guarding of the depositors'
interests, and with this accomplished
the postal banks will have done a
good work. i
t-?ttlfnr Put ert.rlrt.t Wtt u-itnt til nk
The proposed bill to transfer the',,,,,, (lul,Bton through your Korum of
collection of taxes fiom tho sheriff to the People column: Why I It that
the treasurer met with indefinite post-1 1'")' r' Klvon work on tho road In-
Ponomont In the Senate Tuesday. Kvl-! rau, ' , " ' 1
, ...... tlon lo boy having employment, but
dently the Senators believe In letting W, w0 i,nvo , wishing to work,
well euough alono. ! ami taxpayer at that, why I It that
they are told there I no work for
them and boy who do not pay taxes
To please as many readers as possl-
are kept at work? It la not fair to
ble as often a posslbto-atnylng with- cu,., ,, or ,ul wh,, ,,ro
in the limit of reason Is tho aim of ' work to give out to pas It to boy
Knterprise writers. I who pay no taxe.
Thinks Clackamas Fruits Are Great.
Kditor Knterprise: When I first
fame into this country I was told that
Clackamas county was all O. K. for
M.iyor Would Like to See Rlve
Dut'eville Spanned.
Oregon City. Jan. 11. I ! 1 1 .
Mr. Win. K. Purdy. llutlevllle, Oregon
t.. ........ i?!,.. . HU. u-ll.t
...L ,,,,.1 ... I . t I ."J . fit,. . 111.) ...Illllltll "llll
, J . , . ' , I h ""T,"" the condition of the Willamette, river
. In ' h ""ld '7d"' and the bank on both lde at and
.'L I' ,- V- ,":Lt h '"f"n","; llut.evlll... where (he couu.le, of
little flavor and that they would not
, ... h.,.7 I . i, . near llutlevlll... where (he countle.i of
. was handed out that you could M , r,acknnll Vum, ,nvr
. V, . . .B,.T',;!,,.,,,,'.U ""7. h"di close connection with the river n.
Well, I have spent several week
In the country around Oregon City and
find that things are not so blue a
were represented I have gone Into
a dozen orchards since the middle of
October and picked fruit from the
this point, and have a Joint Interest In
the construction of a bridge over the
Wlllameite river at (hi point. I
know that the people of these roim
tie and (he public near till bil.kn
think that It would be a great Lijkll-'
utility and benefit. I believe that the
best method of procedure would be by
, . . , , . ('n. lilt', 11,. 1U M . n.r.iiit ,' ' j
rees and also from the ground and , , ((f , u.KlH,,lllw , nmh.
W u,V.1 w'V',P ".' ,',";":,ro.Vf ,V1" the conntle above named lo pro-
One millionaire, Jos. Pels, soap
manufacturer, admits that he did not
get his millions honestly and Is giv
ing them away in an effort to ease
his conscience. No man can get to
be worth a million In a lifetime and
do it with Justice to other men. Put
the system under which we are all
working makes it possible for a man
to accumulate a million without being
dishonest. The system Is wrong, as
any man who will stop to think, must
concede. But so long as the system
Is in vogue, a man Is not to be Judged
too severely who profits by It. Still,
on the other hand, a man who really
rleties. Result Is. I think the Clacka
mas county apples are the best flav
ored apple I have eaten in Oregon.
And in many ruses the fruit sampled
hits not been fruit that was given any
care but was fruit where the tree
had been sadly neglected and even
the fruit itself was sieckled and knot
ty. Hut in nearly every caso the flav
or was there and I was agreeably sur
prised at what I found.
Seems to me it Is up to the people
of Clackamas county to get Into the
push and begin to produce the best
fruits in the State. You can raise as
many varieties as any county In tho
State, the fruit grows nearly as large
and where care Is given tho trees and
the fruit It will bo found a free from
spot and blemish.
Clackamns county can raise fruit
coed In the const met lou of a bridge at
this point, and I can no reason
why I ho U-glNlature should hesitate
for one moment in giving this aiithorl.
ty. It would be cheaper for tho three
counties to construct the bridge jointly
than for one or two to undertake It
I earnestly hope that you will meet
with success in convincing the Leg
islature that this their duly, Imh-iiiish
I personally know that the public
would earnestly Indorse and approve
of audi a course and that (hey would
be In favor of a bridge at this point.
Sincerely yours.
No Exterior Orifice Provided By Na
ture and Child Taken to 8t.
Vincent's Hospital for
Absolutely Pure
Tho ony baklttff ftowtfoi
ittsrta front Royal Grapo
Ci-onnt of Tartar
lr. C. A. Htuail, of this city, and
III. A. K. Hockey, father and Hon,
Pin t laud, performed n delli iite mid
unusual operation on tho twit-day old i al i rL-tli
mm of Mr. and Mi. K A, Itlver. of I NOftlUP.i, KO LlHIB FhOSpn3I3
Sixth street, Wednesday.
The child wa but two day old at I
time of operation and I seeinliiKly on '
tho road to recovery. Tho easo I a
peculiar one. This I tho fifth child
bom to Mr. aud Mr. Itlver, and Is
the first one to live. All before have i
been stillborn, of abnoiiuiil presenta
tion, and mi Instance ha thorn been
an opportunity lo save life, ItiHtru-
incuts wero necessary In (he ca of!
till youngster; all have been buy.
The little fellow was born without
a rectal orifice. Tills wiih not noticed
by the nurse, and )r. Stuart was no
busy with the mother after the deliv
ery that ho did not note It llll ho came
to examine the little follow (he next
day. Thl made iicrcitry an opera
tion--child two day old and ho wa dured In lhe State Senate Tuesday, by
at once taken to SI. Vincent' hospital, : Stale Senator W. A. Uliiilck:
Portland, the Pis. Hockey called In to For an Act to define and limit the
assist, and tho work wa done Ihu ec hour of labor constituting a day'
Following I n copy of a bill Intro-
oud day. 1
When tho operation wa performed j
It was found that there was no pro- j
(ruslon and Ihu outer orifice wa
closed and no chance fur life a con-,
work, for certain laborer and me-
chntilc and other workmen em
ployed In certain mechanical or
manufacturing estahllnhinenls. and
fixing a penalty for It violation,
(Continued from page I.)
with as near the flavor tf the fruits should not be allowed to hold mem-
of the K'ist as any section In tho West. .rB back from joining Ihu association,
Then why not begin to plan to make ; neither should difference n to who
(his section of the State as noted for H to bo manager or even member of
Its products as has become the Hood the board of directors. The men cho
river country? All that Is needed 1 ; on are certain to do the best within
for the people who wish to raise fruit . them, and harmony la essential to
wants to bs thoroughly honest should j to get together and plan to do If. I success even more than brilliancy as
Join In the effort to correct the sys-! What Is needed is caro In select- j business manipulator. The way to
. , . .,,. ...m ing varieties It may take several s-a. ; success has been blazed by other or-
tem. And while with a co. rect s stem . ,o gptte ,i)Wn Q whnt () nm, ,,y n Hlly f ,
in vogue one could not pile up money . f()r ths S(,cnna concerted effort to , method that led lo hucccss there Is
so high as now, he would be happier secure choice stock, proper care In , no reason why wonderful romilt may
himself, and be able to make others I cultivation and then once good fruit j not crown the effort of tho Clacka-
has been produced a rename associa-; ma union from the outset,
'ion for the marketing of the same, j "
,1, lnsruT.lon0ofareaengacd 'in ', RAILWAY TRAFFIC IS INTERRUPTED
raising fruits and for the sale of It j (Continued from page 1)
in it.i rwuiini i.n ...it ,....,. t iii. r.
happy, and that ls about all there is
to life when reduced to the last analy
sis. 1 , .11 .
In the face of the fact that pub-
dltloh existed. It wa necessary to He It enncled by tho I'oopl" of til"
make an Incision, pick up the exlrem- : . . .
Ity of the bowel, carry l( lo the outer ,. ., ..... , i,.ii,i,
oiiflcu and now up tho wound In such j '
a manlier that surgl. ul skill would ".", "i -"'
remedy the defect of nature. Thl Section 1. F.lght Imuran hall con
was acrompllshed by the physician lllute a day work for all workmen.
In the ruse and present Indications are laborer, mechanic and oilier person
that nature I to be satisfied with the now employed, or who may hereafter
attempt of (he physician and accept be employed, III or al t anv niunn-
what hn been done In tho cane and fat-luring or mechanical institution
permit the child lo llvo and pnmpcr. employing lulxir, except In ritse of
The operation Is rare, and u fur u extraordinary emergency, Involving
known ha never proven successful the protection of property or human
Portland physicians have manifested life
great Interest In the outcome and will Section 2 Any employ, r lu shall
watch for result with more than or- r..m,r nllv .,ts,.ii employed In nny
dlnary Interest. niamifiiclurliii: esliibllnhiueni. where
Till I pel hap the youngest patient i.ti,rl H are eiunloved to work In any
on which a capital operation has been Bm., ,,!,. ,,.,,( ,., ,, mi,rn
periorineii in itie nisiory oi ino mm- t,an elht hour In any duv or Iweiuy
I'ltal. four hour, except as In this t pro
Mother ami child are doing well at v,,.,i , overseer. iierlnl.nd
Mil time, and hope nro entertained ,,h f, tr tun n or agent of sui li cuiploy
of the ultimate recovery of both. If ri i, m violate any of the pruvi.
they do survive ll will bo n feather In ( ,,ls u.l. shall he domed guilty
the cap of the local physician. ( misdemeanor, and iiui c uivlc-
tlon thereof, shall be punlsh'-d by B
,, . -,,r. ,..., fine of not less (ban (Iftv dollar, nor
" - !:r it: r
Section 7. Whenever any work I , hundred day, or by Is.lli such fine
done under lhe provision of this net ; and Imprisonment,
other than by contract. cltUeii of (he; ....n,,,, x yMt ,., .1U y
county shall be given preference a pv , ,. manufacturing or mei-hatil-far
a I reasonably possible. nl ,mini,m u actively ronlliiui. In
Section . Any c ily which do. ,,, ,11M,. ,,-i, tPV nt .
not lake ndvatitago of the provisions KMK1.ti .luring twenty-two hour or
of (hi act during (he year I9I1 may ,, of nny nii,,,Br ,v. and provld
use il entlro allotment under (hi net ,hllf HhM nniy Blllly , . (.
during tho year l'JI2. and In (hut eveiil ,tl(, Huch employee a are
(tie worK or coiniruriion snail procee.i ,,, ,,,,, ,rB (t.r hour of labor
in and about machinery operating
twenty-two hour or more, on each or
any calendar day.
Section t. Justice of lhe peace
shall have c imciirreiit Jurisdiction ov
er any of the offense mentioned In
this at I.
Introduced In (be Senate Jan. 17,
lished analysis of receipts and expen-
she be
yea rs.
throughout her increasing
In these days when there are many-
open pitfalls into which the young ways an Investment
intention of the Oregon flood Roads
Association to promote and energize
campaigns for the making of a good
roads system in each county can have
only practical benefits for the people
of the counties. Good roads are al-
They are never
the 'fruit itself. After raising go ,1 ', ""' ;'i!lcfl Jtitn this city about 9
fruit, in abundance, then the selling of! o'clock. It cunt get lo Portland a
ditures in railway operation show a If. at a fair price mean prosperity for , lnPSU nr" P '"'en, dui ii is
bigger rate of profit In the operation all engaged in the business, and it is o - , "
me wen rcguiaicu association inai can 7 :
and will accomplish that fact for all
who are members
be No. I.'l, Instead of the Simula Lim
people unwarily stumble many anx- a loss. The point is well taken that
lous parents are on the lookout fof by issuing bonds to meet the cost" of
a never-failing recipe that once ap- construction the Improved highways
plied will ensure the saving of the themselves pay, In use, both principal
young man or woman. There is none and interest by means of Increased
that will never fail, but there" are property values and accelerated de-
. those which are better than others. ; velopment of all kinds. The thought
To teach a boy chivalry will, in of giving work to men out of work,
many cases, strengthen him wonder making them producers and wealth
fully in self-reliance. The boy or girl builders for the community instead
that early learns to look to the good of burdens, should not be forgotten,
of others has within self an element The utilization of convict labor In road
of uplift that makes for personal making from city, county and state
strength not to be belittled. A young prisons will remove another burden,
man or woman who forms the habit There is, In short, presented now for
of being free with personal aid to acceptance of the Oregon legislature
those who need It soon, acquires a a series of measures that together
self reliance that puts them out of constitute an effective plan for pro
of the railways now than ever before,
still railway, manipulators continue to
clamor for an increase in rates. Take
the water out of the railway stockB
of the country which has no business
in the total assets, and which must ,h. , ,h. i,.t eouriiles In i Cluckama. which promise the 8- P,
be eliminated before fair computation 1 , he world and want to tell you people i r,'l,lllr department much work. No
iruius can g(-i 10 1 oruiiuu iruui ueie
until t hut la done.
I rtnn't own ,.n ..ere nf land In Tlnck- ' ' '"I" ' ! "lHl evening.
amas county, or In any other county rr"'" Portland, turned back when at
In the State, so It Is easy to see I bavo the shops.
no axe to grind -I have simply found i There Is a washout al Haskell, near
can be made and the result of rail
way operation will show a good pet
cent of profit, and as large a per cent
as even the more clamorous would
have the face to ask. The public Is
entitled to all the facts when one sets
up a clamor for more.
of It.
The checks which you hand to others in payment of
your obligations, finally come to the bank and are charged
to your account.
When the bank cancels your check It is of value only
to yourself. Its value consists in its proof that you paid
the party whose name Is on the face and on the back, the
amount specified.
The check Is your record of the transaction, indis
putable proof of payment worth the amount written on
its face should you ever be asked to pay the bill a second
time, or should any dispute arise over your payment-
The Bank of Ofegon City
The Coroner's jury sitting in the
case of Mrs. Gordon's death at Candy,
suggests greater caution on the part
of the railway people. This Is anoth
er case of locking the barn after lhe
horse has been stolen. Not that the
Coroner or his jury Is to blame; but
If the railway people have been operat
ing their trains too fast through the
village, why has not the matter
been corrected by the village before
some one Is made a sacrifice to the
Sees Beauty In Our Rolling Acres- '
Editor Enterprise: I see some vis
itor from the East has been saying n :
good word for tho fruit raised In 1
I Clac kamas county. I am recently out ;
from the East, with an eye. to see all
that Is to be seen and enjoy all that
Children Cry
Is to bo enjoyed. Well, I have seen City Superintendent Tooze Will Again
mucn mat is pleasant in iook upon nui , Head Popular School,
one thing that Interests me greatly, city Superintendent of School V.
and that bails me to think nf the en- j, a. Tooze, with (he cooperation of
Joyrnent of unborn generations, is the principals A. C. Freel, of tho Harclay,
rolling nature of your country. j and N. W. Howlnnd, of Iho Easthain
Some day thin country is all to be m,uKi wui conduct a summer nor
cleared, so to speak, and when thm mal school In this city after the close
day comes you will have one of the ;f the present school year In June,
handsomest sect ions of country that The h,.kkIoiih will be held at Iho Par
lies out of doors. Your lands are roll-: ry imiidlng, and tho board of school
Ing to a degree that promises variety ! director Thursday night granted 'to
forever. The rolling nature promises , Sunerinlendent. Tooze tho use of the
good drainage, a very essential finality building. I-nst Hummers normal wal
when one receives so much ra'n. I he very successful to teachers, several
hills and valleys differ In degree of j scre coming hero from various sec
warmth and seclusion from winds and j tlons of Clackamas County and ru-
The Oregon City Fruit and Produce frosts, making climatic conditions also ,nunTng about two months while; tak-
I vary. 1 run variety 01 ciimiinc conui- ng the course.
1 Hons rnav he evnerienced on tho same i
W'AVIt I , . 1 1" '
....... nii:irif-r u,,f-Tififi ann nw...f. iiv inn
a provided by section four of this net
until tt'.n.niMi shad have been expended.
Section H. Whenever th construc
tion of any ronil under the provisions
of thin act shall have been hexun dur
ing the year I It 1 1 uch construction
shall proceed until completion without
reference to whether It shall be com-
idet.-d In thai year mid the same
course shall bo pursued a to work o ,JI1' hy W. A. Uliiilck.
begun In lhe year 1!H2. Any county '
which doe not lake advantage of Ho-
provision of this act before Iho end Ends Winter' Troubles,
of Iho year shall forfeit all right To many, winter I a season of
to any of tho money appropriated by trouble. The frost bitten toes and
till net. tinners, chapped hands ami lip, chll-
Mains,- cold-sores, red and rough
He Never Cot His Money skins, prove thl. Hut such trouble
back. Sutherland' Kagle E-e Salve fly before llucklen' Arnica Salve. A
cured bis eye and be did not want
ll. Palnlcs and harmless, ;;,(- at all
dealer and (Jen. A. llniMIng, lung.
O. C. 1.ATOURETTK President,
trial Convinces (irealest lo-lil.-r of
Hums, polls, pile. Cut, Sore, Drill
se. Kceinn and Sprain. Only We
at .lone Drug Co.
K. J. MEYER. CMhltif
CAPITAL, IS0.0O0.uu.
Transacts a tnrsl Banking Buslnese. Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M
Dements Best
I 'nion has been launched and Is get
ting up a good head of steam
you Joined It, fruit raiser and farmer?
Things may not all be done Just as you
would do them perhaps not always as
well but what of that? There are
good men at Its head, and it promises
to do well for Its members, and every
farmer should do bis mite towards Its
ultimate success.
j It Is easy for an areoplane to drop
explosives into an inoffensive city, but
suppose the flty decides to "drop up"
a few projectiles Into the machinery
! of the areoplane? The success of the
j two methods have yet to be tried out,
1 but It Is certain that the city is not
i intending to sit Idly by while the areo
1 plane man does Just as he sees fit.
! r
j Senator Uowerman, who was defeat-
ed for Governor, pmmlseH to keep
same Individual.
The variety In acencry and climate
are no more marked than are tho dif-ferenc-i-H
In soil. That means that n
iiom may raise a wide variety of edi
bles In this case varying from straw
berries to mammoth pears In the line
of fruits, and from flax to premium
taking potatoes If ho have an aversion
in Iruits.
There Is no other corner of the
globe win-re man can have as great a
variety within himself as In Oregon,
and no spot in tho 8tate wnere no can j
he more seeluslve and still enjoy bo
many of the briuntieH of nature. Sure
ly lhe fjlver of Gifts was bounteous
when he lavished his gifts In passing
over your State.
dntlatry on the J'adllo CoMt U M0M hm.
W h.ro built rip our rnpnutlou on It. Vm. ran
pnil on iptalily and rnmit i-t baluo- p.inlr..
mm wniwf now muoB you buy.
1 "i nnnu Plat ni
Dridw wurb frir oa.
A Good Crosstown Road.
Kditor Knterprise: The subscriber
In pleased In see the good work that
Ih being done on the Highland and
Molalla roads, for we certainly need a
irn tialrnni la
A one ,lar ff itralred.
.Jjl'alnlaM oitrez-tloe.
- ' '' cv 1 l,rlJe work ! order.
, 'j,rV J CenielUtiee Irae,
" ( MirCrmn $5.00
W"Cv- ,'',?''. 22htrMa.Tewth4.00
1.7 r.-gg. j OeMBUhiat 1.00
'fi" i J Enimtl fillinn 1.00
J pin.i 5.00
1B.,I O.JD..LLu
puim 7.50
Ba.W.e.Wll.raMmieiMuieit Pllalaaa titr'tln .60
ll luej maaiana m nrrun HIT nithui
All work fullr a-.inrnnteed fer fifteen yean.
Wise Dental Co., Inc.
Painless Dentists
Filtlnc Building. Third and Wash InilQn. PORTLAND, OK.
OfUoe lemri: 11. Il uif. fa. leaeei, IU1
IllHi laaall'V' 4 'T-1
Offlcfl Both Phono 22 nonld.mco Phone Main 2G2
Pioneer Transfer Co.
Established 1805 Sucessor to C. N. Oreeninan
Ilat.es Reasonable, Daggage Stored 3 Days Freu of Charge
Agency for the celebrated MT. HOOD BEER
Careful of Your Property
One of ihe secrets of our success
in the Baggage and Transler Business
Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moving
Williams Bros. Transfer Co.
Phones, Office 1121, Residence 1833 525 Main Street