OinWON CITY KNTJOIll'JllHW, .KIM DAY, JANUARY 13, 1011. CANBy AND SOUTHERN CLACKAMAS CANDY. M'linliy Tuesday loottliiK ufler kiiiiki (if 1 " i Ills Intoicitis hero, Sim. I toil CliirK, or KohoImiik, who ! V. C. Illllliighn if m Mix Hlx Ho- hail horn vImIIIiik hr parent, Mr, pmtmiitil Mom, miiiln a IiiihIiiohh trip unci Mm. William KiiIkIiI, hihI family, In (IhiviiIm on Tutmdny, returned In her liniiiii oil Friday muni-1 Mm. C, Uml, vImIIoiI her itmlhiir, u , . !Ml'H- Carpenter, of Atirnrii, on Tuns- i 'iii tit nii'ini nilliuiuiima- mill Willi iljliy, iinliii mi accident in school on Mon day Hlii', in tuny wlili miiiiiu oilier hiIiooI clillilniii, worn pluyliiK Mr. mill Mih, I I). Wulkor Nptml New Year's Imy In Portland, 1 1 lit I it K 1 1 1 K 1 1 1 , wl'il llllH hl'llll III III Hie game nf "crack the wllln." when IiIn home fill I tilt I III Hf fuli WlltllfM lillU n" iieiivny in win grouiin, initio- an i veil lii.rn friini Wonilliiirn, ncenm ruling lier Hlioiililer. pitnlod l,y IiIn wile, mill tlioy uri) ut i e w. i ,, i. ii. w inoi in i nil the hum,, f MrH, H. T, Flalier inline or MrH. Wlllliim KiiIkIiI Friday, Mih. W. C. Clink, who Iiiih been Hkk .iniiiiiuy 1,1, at 2M0 o clock, lor tin. pimt iwo wecka, Ih nliln to lie ,ii in. lieorgti Ivimmilrliig mm Willi nm uKltln an nrclileiil n few evoiiliiKa nun, w lille m. .1. !. Iiiih purchiiHod u liiinilHuiuii Ding ii ipiiii. ii lump, wnieii mimi was new plmio for ItU linniii. Mr Holm, iihiiik. Him wnieii iiiih linen piueeu on of t,i, cly m t I . Iiiih iiIho purchased n hiiiiiii imnii rinse in liiinu, wiih it plum,. Mr, lloko I n miloiiilld muni- '' 'ver nun mil mini inn iinii I.. ti . ntnl him charge of tint music hi hIio wiih making, slightly InirnlliK 1U Dm liiticrniit'lc, Willi MIhh Wiiiik iih Iter liprnil IIINii I'llilKIII rue, Hill MIH. pliinlHI. Kennelling hooii extinguished I ho fire, Mm. M .1. I,ee lilnl MrH. K. K. preventing n rtilunliiiiliu. Mm. Ken- llrinlil went lo Portland Mnnihiy, mill IliK reei'iilly met with miollier lie- where lltey Hpent III liny, elitellt. Willie oil Iter way III I In) barn she fell, striking heavily on I ho hard TWILIGHT, ground, mill hail JilHt recovered, J .Morgan, who Iiiih charge of the mIiin ,;, y nnxlUt, of I'orlliinil, vis ible III lliu 1 1 1 K Hlx Uepiiilinelil Klnre, t,., (, Uiz,, k W'edneH Hpenl Hiinilny In I'orlliinil, diiy Charles llooglltim left fur Vlilieoll. 'fit rmiiuim hnrnclitif k rliler piiHHiul ver. Wimh.. hint week, whom lie will through r ,urK Wednesday nun n vIhII relailvi'H and friend". I IIK Ml lliailll anil William Porter, who ( tit Illurlt liml tint InUfui Unto lenlile in Hie hi mill pint or ( iinliy, nut , IIIU ,, ,) lU flMlt wh work. titimlng foimldcritlilo iuiIho hy Hliimp ,,K n,,, im(,r , blunting, even HhnolliiK III the neigh- - , lhkt hoi IiiI kIvuii by the bur's feiiroH. IJloiary Hot-lot y IiihI Huliirilay ovtin- M. ,1. I...e tnnile a IiiihIiii'hh trip to ,K W1IM ,, ,.,.,.,,. Iiiiih Hm liilly mill Portland lit hi week, rliiani'liilly. MIhh Inei Unimex, of I'orllunil, v I 'I'wIIIkIiI Hi'hoot Ih progressing nice- lleil lit the Huell homo hint week. Iv miller (he u I I mmiiiKeiiielit of MIhh Mr. (inning, wife uliil children, of MeDoimld. SiiipiH.He. vUlleil nt (hi) home of Mr. 'NIH'' ""''X Mf'oiJ Ih MpeiiilliiK n utnl Mrn. IioiikIiih nml wllh oilier of f, w ' ''i'"iili wllh frlendn. their frlemlH ri Hy. Mf". Hehrellier wiih u Kiieat of .ii i j. m. iiiiih iiihi ciiimiay MUh Alli'e liny Inn expectH til iuioii vIhII relutlveH In KcIhii, WiihIi. lien. jizi.le ami M. J. Luello nt- CANBY HORSEMEN GREATLY PLEASED The union ineellliK held In Hid liilierimrle me very well utlendeil, Hervlren it tn held every evenliij; nt ?::tn oVIoi k, neept on Monday. ti. A Cohh, of I'lirllnnil, wiih III lelideil I'liiiiollit CruiiKii III Mllwiiilklc Wediiemlay. TRAINERS FROM ABROAD WRIT ING FOR TRAINING QUAR TERS IN THAT CITY. Ilkn real wo borne for nnrn, and I bey Htirely bnvo n rlKhl to be iih (hey urn by Hiich tioled nlren ,IH (, ni IiiihIi, Tidal Vav, H'-ii Keul, hiiiI tho Kreat 1'olork. Mr. Ky!n Ih iiIho thn owner of I hut kooiI p.n nr KIiik Honl, which lie Iiiih nent to Noilh yuklnm by Ibn reipient of thn hreedern l here . ii i i 1 iHiini tt fin ii "V"0 "... " Pre- HtroetH u few dayg limt week, Mr. pnr.,1 by Mr HebiiHtl,; .he ,! yllkl. h ,,, , nm Inilner, for lh ll Htakon iil-xt t,H vicinity lately year. K. U'ooiIh of Indep-nilenco, ,r. 8- KamHi,y'wni. In town Monday Ore Iiiih neveral l.ei.d f K,)rt pron- ttt)kn(? ,, roa. Mr. Kamfll W.H pectn he h prepnrli.K for cum- JllHt Uum ,he , rfmH of Mtlt,. ' , ' ." '.' . , '. , "mwm Ho noticed thn dlffnrcneo In that nee. HIIIIHOM ly lOIIIOI", in IDOKIMft- llllf! niOHt n completo wreck of the entire biilldliiK, Fortunately thore wan noiio of thn family nt homo. J. W. Htnuillnuer han mild hi ranch In u Heultlo party. Mr. HtandliiKnr t-xpeciH to Improve bl moiinluln ranch and will move to It thin fall. M. J. Ie, of (,'anby, wn on onr and will he a hard one to brat HiIh year. Mr. WimiiIh liaa a Rrecn trotter by- Mcf'liwky Wanwrlidit he thlnka GROUNDS NOT IN GOOD CONDITION Local Honomcn May Inilat That Re quired Improvement! In Track and Buildings Be Made. I ion nml In Mendowbrook. The Iy brothers sre operating a Rtcain Hhovol excavating for the Hcha- far Lnmlinp Cn m ... ...mK ever iiappeneil, I,,,., ,()nKKWrlll hai, niv(;li Imo the klnij pin of hi Hiable Ih the two,nw fat frrn,;riy occupied by Mr. year old Kohert AmbiiHli by H. Am- Nf,,.ey. on Water afreet. b.iHli. behMiKll.K to Mr M. ItobliiH of . c, otl.r an(l wfe H,H,n, Hlin. atiby Thin colt ban had llilln work dHy on the Calvin ranch, but hIiowh all Incllnailen of be a Mr. UYi of Ul0 uickl,y Pralro WHH hlKh cIiihh hoiHO. Mr. U It. I.,ey d,l( ,)11Hm.HB ln ,ow Mon,a Ih worklUK a couple of Kr.'en hornen , Tho Htll,ay 0,)jri(1 , , 8im. and they are doltiK fin.,. 1 lie Vuunhan riay wth K(K)( attendanoe after a limn, huve three head they are pre- ihree-montlm1 rent. parliiK for the racea thin year. Mr. Get In On the Ground Floor ARE YOU STOCKING UP AT OUR CLEARANCE SALE PRICES? WE CAN ONLY MENTION A CANIIY. .lull, fl. (Hnecliil Tim bowmen of candy iiro rocelvliii ,r":'" ,w",!r., .."! " " ,m(ii...,..i.u l..ti..u a . , im-ii miori uihiim:ii inline ...... m, M'i.m imiiii nm nifioeii irom different parlH of Hie country Impilr- IHK aiioiil t'auliy iin ii traluliiK uuar- I..IU I. II, ...... ..I... i. if .ii tun kivit iiiui-ii eneniir- iurf i, 0i..w,.,i i.iu , IIUI'I t IIH the truck nml ,r,.,wlM ""- " "-' k.. rnn , ,,, I , u. . " . leailltiK the flrat eveiH!iKlitln of a r reil llronker, tne laieiited young writer fur the Hural Hplrlt, Ih the proud owner of iloniiie Antrlan, the In thene parlH. Ilonnln wiih aiartert nt the fair, HI rtpokiuin, a full mile, which Ih a lilt in over hlH dlHtunco. Hut never- 03WEGO REGULAT-S SALOONS. Mutt Clote at 9 O'clock and Pay $600 a Year License. OSWKfJO, Or., .Inn. 9. At. the laHt ineetlni? of tho City Council an ordi nance wan tirenented Kovcrnlne Ha- Iooiih. The main feat urea are to have no. In kihmI ahape , a-commodaie 7; ;, only one r,K,m with an open front, to hX":;rl,1:.l!L:''"i.,in,l,K,,r ,",,,"r; mm tlllllly Mild (IiIiikh will III) (irruiiK"(l u When It W hp 11 n'rlr-k nnrl the ,. ' '"r" l I',"". u,,"",""1,- part of the HeHon7 but Kred Hiiccecd- l",r,Ke f"! ,s p",rcd al r'00 8 year- ,, ii c V- . , ! I" -ovlncln her ut Kpokmie, and ,A "r-n-r aaioon naa neen run- ; .. i. i. . , : y "' ny hort di- "? ". ...r. "r '7. ?.ea"; KrouiulH will he the blit wlnler uuar lera In Hie future. The few Iioihii. men wintering; here are more than lileuKi-d iih the climate and hoII can be found no oilier place In Oregon. K. C. Kyle of rerrydale, Oreitou Ih hern Willi about 5 heud of thn fluent tuiice racen on the valley circuit, Hon- nlo would have been a Mg money winner. When You See the Bell On the bottle you have our guarantee bred home in ftnuon, Includlim u0. """ '"' ar'' Kotilna; the I.eHt counh . 'hklA..l.lbd.tlfea t In tl,.lltll . ly llrmid, the urent lliree-yeitr-old hy Tidal Wave, Hint worked it mile Iiihi year III 2: Id. Mr Kvln hn i.vi,riil oltH be Ih klvltiK their early Ichwiiis ITukkihi at the Irot mid pace, and they look i and cold remedy. Or. IIi II'h I'lne Tar- lloney hHH mlllioiiH of HUtUfled uaerg. At nil dealer and Ceo. A. IlardinK, JENNINGS LODGE. 'I Milwaukee and Northwestern Clackamas MILWAUKIE' , turned hnmn Friday after api-ndlim I'll" holldiiya with her molliur, Mih. It ieo. Maple returned to Celllo Krl-1 Scott. imy tniiriiiiiK. M rn. John Kent mid i. a. iiuimon iriv rriiiuy mr miuiu iiniieur, or rarkilace, ntlemleil the iiiihoiii on iiiininenii. ,ir. iiiiiihiiii en-lliranne uieelliii; WediieHilay perm in in. koiiii leu iiayn. W. II Crunk, of I'oitliind, hH taken on K. K t'oiik'H mihIioii In Ihn City llrtiK Store, Mr. and Mr. McKarlune, of Marnli- field, were dinner guttata of Mr. and Mra. tjeo. .MnrHe on Sunday. Tho Mc Kurlaiie'H have purchaaed acreage ad JoliiliiK the ramp grounds and while tifi.nti i-liitr In Imllfl U'ill r,niiin- Iho Mrn. Little, of Portland, will Kve latwnlnx cotuiKe. n home talk on Health W.Miiiedny The many friendH of Mr. mid Mm. lifliTliooti at the Inline of Mrn lvv nf n . i .i . , .... I, . , . II. II. rlllllluo nvii- inuanru lu nt-c Mrn. I fin I Courtney avenue. , .,,.., .,. ,. a..,..lnv. h..v ,.. ,hfl T he hiiiiie of I,, ft. Iliizun nt Silver : dav at their home at HiIh place. Slirlnif't IimiL flm 'r.i..u,i.... .,.-....1.... ..... ... ; . . .. Mra J t' i.'lkln I,., i ii, ., , . ' ' i-'i-iiiii ma. iioriiKcnucn preucnea at l ie ,uHln,.H T ii h lav ' ! 7',m "r,'""!'"" M7" ""z"n mul Chapel on Sunday, and the church waa W. A TlireHher wiih an Or-K.,,, ! !i ? ," .T". ?Z " X T'li.L'".' !!!! "'"..orUhly filled by people who en- i - "' .Mi""!, iih- loved me sermon irom sec. Lor. a-ia. At the liiHtallatlnn of new officers ('.. H. Nixon was elected prealdcnt of the City Council. T. R. Cllnefelter. At. A. Coon and C. If. Nixon were elected for two years and J. W, Thom aa, W. W. Todd and C. B. Hall for one ; year. j A snecla! election of the citizen will be called In the near future for ; the purnoiie of deciding whether or net a saloon nhall be licensed here. 1 On January 5. a daiiKhter was born to the wife of John Ball, and on the : following day a aon wag born to the wife of J. Dow. FEW ITEMS HERE. 35e and 40e Combs 25e 25c Violet Ammonia 15c 65c Combs 34c All Bibles 20';' off 15c Nail BriiHhcB 10c 25c Itexal playing Cards.,, ,19c 20'r. On All Nail Brushes. 35e Fancy Buck Cards ,20c 50e Cloth Brushes 34e 25c Saratoga Cards 15c 25c Cloth Brushes 18c $1.75 Croklnole Boards, .. .$1.35 25c C- C. Pills 15c j375 Crokinole Archnrena 15c Talcum Powder 2 for 15e Boards $2.75 25c Mann's Medicated Soap 18c n , ,., , , ' f " All game boards reduced. 25c Toilet Soap 18c $1.00 American Watches. .. .75c PROTECT YOUR FACE Wash Cloths at Half Price from the winter winds. Special Here are some bargains bought cut price on face creama this direct from the makers. n"mlh- 10c Lace Knit Wash Cloths 40c LlHters Cream 25c ll ; e ea- 50c Per doze" ... , , 25c Turkish Bath Wool Cloths 25c Theatrical Cream 15e 2 for 35c 35e Massage Cream 19c 15c Sponge Wash Cloth 2 for 15c . Huntley Bros, Co. The Rexall Druggists Oregon City EASTERN CLACKAMAS TRY THIS. DOVER. School began January 8. W. H. Blood, of Parkplace, Is the teacher. He will move his family to Dover and occupy Mrs. Kltzmiller's house. Mrs. Bews returned Saturday froni Portland. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Howlett. FIRWOOD. W. J. Wlrtj, of Sandy, will lecture Miss Alice Berghouse entertained a tne'wood hall, Sunday, January Two Minute Cure for Cold in Head ; It Is Curing Thousands Daily, and . number of her friends Friday evening. 1 '., f ' ft' Saves Time and Money. i Mr. Moxley la building a fence for . G- M' Howe ,s visiting her C,et a howl three quarters full uf ' B. F. Hart. 1 aauKnter at St. JohnB. boiling water, and a towel. i Guy Woodle was an Oregon City!. Mls8 Mamie Halght, who is teach- Pour Into the water a teaspoonful 1 visitor last week. 1 Bl luse, spent aaturaay I City visitor TiifHilay of HYOMEI (pronounced Hlgh-o-me). I Put your head over the bowl and cover both head and bowl with towel. Breathe the vapor that arises for EAGLE CREEK. i . . . . ijw Mr. and Mrs. llermuii Welmter huve I 1 1,., rt.i, ,.,,.) i. t. .1,.. 1 "o. me Alter this service communion was 11.1...1 i. . . . . ' i " and Sunday with Jennie LeGrande. J. C. Smith has gone to Portland for a few weeks.' Clarence C'assldy has returned to the Columbia River, after visiting his muted back from KaturaUu. At hint lr Club, Saturday evening was Mrs Mary Walker, who Iiiih been a grand hiuvch Hoclally nml flnati III for Home tliiie. Ih Improving. dally. The proceeds, which went Mr. and Mrn. K. II. Klnert are rt-j:t, will , used to buy apparatus for " , relvliii: roiiKratulutloiiH on the birth Hie l viiintmtttirt " f 11 llltle diiliKliler. iMirn .Iniiuiiry 2,j 1'omoun clackmiiiiH County Gntime Mother mid daughter doing nicely. nml Mllwatikle (iiniige will hold ihelr wotiteli or Wooiiirull will give tt ion Jh covered by liiHuranre HilinlnlHtcred hy the presiding elder, Church Notet. , The Sunday school has a bright out- M. 12. Church--Sunday school 10 A.' look for 1911. Doris Puluton. Harry M mrvlcis II A. SI. hy W. It. Allen, ami Mildred Sluden havinc brouaiit services nt 7:;id P. SI. by the Hie most new pupils during the pre- pastor. Itev. Henry Spela. , vIoiih year, were awarded the prizes. uiiiies aiii regular linslness meet-' given by Mrs. Flora II .Heekner. The weather has heen verv rllnn. Iwo minutes, and nresto' vnnr head i-. a j Is a. clear as a bell, and the tight, i L J,7. L " A . 'L " ; " f?T fr'ends and relatives. ness in the chest Is gone. 00k' a though TBht h. soTe ' -..W?J heavy 1 lrunl lue nospuai in fomana, wnere sue nas oeen ior a jew aayg. 1 Mr nnrl tra T U t-io--rt-A nAn t . I I 1 1 - - M - IIUCUIUID OUCUd Tho U'inn Klour n . enjoy breathing Hyomel. You'll feel , "" Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and V . 1. 1 ., 111.- 1, . n V 1. .. ,-vutiuiiK line 11 iu uicaiv up a ucavj 'SHOW cold, cure sore throat or drive away Quite a a cough. It's a pleasant cure. You'll i niht that windstorm was. last Sunday lltlK We. Hlluv III Craime Hull ' " " Hock Hoclal Jiiliuiti v 2iith. the nriH-eedH I a ri ,. ,in,n..r .1 ,, Mrs. H SI. Arthur. at once its soothing, healing and ben eflclal effects at is passes over the to be ued lo asms! one of the rhur-1 Mothers' and Ton-hern' Club held a tor liielnlierH, whoHe iliiiiKhter ban I Hiierlul nteetliii; Frliluv nfl,.rin,o H'-ii he clith favoiH the gymiiasliiin and ..i,Mnu ni iiic inline ,tir. aim aim. Itei-u, Ul rurtuiliu, in....l lt,n.j M.t.nnn en , liiiiauicu niiu 11 m 1 oitu uiiii 111 nii. jv spent Sunday with the C. P. Morse ceDtg bott)e at druregtg everv. where. Ash Huntley Bros. Co. for been quite. Ill, Admission free; frcHhnifiHH served by tho Utile. City CoiiiH-il met Tueaday evening, Inth, rtiulliie of liiiKlneHH, all IiIIIh 11 1 lowed The Slnyor'H annual leim" km ve the Inaiiclal report of Ibn year. Total rerelptH I.V',J.H8; dlHliurHif nienm l.f.'I'i nil; bitlunrtt on hand Jnn unry I. lllll, flKIIN!. The .Mayor niiiiouiii-ril they would stiuid by what they favored previous to Hie election CimimlttceH iipiKiliited: Fluani'O. W. F. Uliniaii. J. K. KiiIhd, Warren KiiIkIiI: health mid pliitiililng, fhtis T. Siocktoll. W. F U'hmaii, Witrien KiiIkIiI; Htrt'ot and public property, .1. It. Kelso, Warren Knight, W. F. l-limnu; light and wnier. Chan. T. SliH-kloil, U'liman, J It. Kelno; nillce mid llieiise, J. It. Kelsn, ClinH. T. HtiM'kton. A. II. Uiwllng itcted iih ict-iTtlltig secrelnry pro tern. On 1110 lion the linn of the city hall was 1I0- wlll Hiiiport lt,: In the near future the club will give a play mid tho pro reedH will go for the Hoys' Cluli. Dancing Party. Tint Krml quartette will give 11 iiiiih ipierade bull January I (t la, Saturday evening. While Jim Kahler and Guy HoGolla were httlclilng nt Sir. DeGolia's ulitro 1 In the mouiitaliiH. east of fherryvllle, nml the ground was covered with I snow, 11 liirgn wild cnt came to the lulled to the mothers' nml tetirhers' 1 Htchen door and wiih shot, making club to give a play for II111 benellt 01: the seeoiid one In three davH Ohildren Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A OAK GROVE. School Notes. i family. Seven new pupils have entered the! Heal estate has been quite active extra 00tte Hyomel Inhalent Ht-ntHii Hince January ihi. 'iiiiring ine past wees, evemi piui;t.-i The number of pupils enrolled Is of property having exchanged hands. lo'J, with a percentage of attendance Mr. Crnmpton, recently from the East, of haa purchased an acre on the County Several pupils are absent on ac- Koad noith of Jennings avenue. Men count of severe colds and other alck- are at work clearing the land, and ness, ; w(rk w ill begin at once on a house, Twelve new chairs huve been added with all modern Improvements. Mr. FOR SALE One Poland China Boar. 2 years old, priced until February 1st at $-",. Ralph Holman, Slullno, R. F. D. No. 1. iiei e uuu iuk luwit 01 r.agie ureeK, ' breaking It. and cutting off communl- i Have yu neard about the hat con cations from the outside world. 1 ,est at the Ffrood hall, January 21? .Mrs. E. E Pease, who haa been vis- 1)0 yu know the men ere going to iting In California for sometime. re- trlm tne x'nnets? Did you ever see turned to her brother, Mr. Hunting- j a wear a nat trimmed by a man? ton. home last week. 1 Voa t yu want to kno what the Miss Lenora Chapman, of Pendle-! Pr,ze J?r the best trimmed hat will ton. is the euest of her sister. Mrs. DeT Then attend the contest; all are WANTED Old Rubbers, Copper and Brass, for which I pay highest price. J. H. Mattley, Seventh Street. lo tho different rooms for the use of and Sirs. Crampiim are nicely located VANTED To buy Oregon Beaver or the gymuiiHluni, Following Judges and clerks for the special election In Kelt runry were appointed: K, II. Ijn-hler lnn Miihh nnd l-eo Shllldler judges, A. C. IiivIh and Umi Johnson clerkn. The third miliual meeting of the sti ckholderH of the First Hlule lUiuk of Mllwuukle wuh held In the office of tho bunk Junuiiry ID, Tuesday eve illiig The remirt of the presldenl showed Hint tho bank wuh doing 11 conservative but prosperous business. A dividend of Heven -r rent could of been declnred, but It was deemed expedient to carry thu net earnings iih undivided profltH. ly iinnnlmouH vote the board of dlructors were re elected for until her year The Mllwuukle. Coinmerrlul Club regular meeting Friday evening, Jan unry 13. Several questions of Inter est will nrobulily comti up for coiisld eratlon. FlrHt to try and reduce our liiHiirniice rule; Hecoiul, hotter fir protection; third, discussion of our churler nnieiiiliiientH. rcvory euiieii interested in these iintiHllons Hhould make a special endeavor lo be pres ent and give his views on tho differ ent IIIICHllOIIH. S. A. Thomas, of Portland, has pur ihnsed Iho MHwmtklu prlntery of W. II Thrasher. Mr. Thomiis will do all kinds of local work and will start a weekly about February lHt Church Notet, Evangelical church, Itev. E. Undo bnugh, pnslor. Sutidny school 10:30, John tiruslo Hunt., 11:110 Commiinlon seivlci'H, conducted by II. 15. Horns, rhucli, presiding elder. Evening ser vice K P. M eviingellstic meeting. Y. P. A. al 7 I'. M. The evnngollHtlc n,.,.,iini.u will continue all week. C. II. Hart, song lender. Then. Doe. iirreHted Monday, De cember 2111 Ii for buying liquor for three boys, plead guilty to tho charge and wits hound over to 1110 grauu jury who took up the chho and found a truo bill lie watt then lukcn before the judge and fined IMO. Being hlH first ofieneu mo juugu paron-u mm on hlH good behavior. Win. Aldersoii wiih charged with stealing wood from Geo. Alwnod. lie was examined before Judge Kelso and placed under flit) bond for hla Bp ponrnnco. Tho grand Jury took i 1 no cuho mid found a trim hill. He plead not guilty to the charge and stood trial. Tho jury returned a ver dict of gulltv. They placed a fine of & and costs. Ho Ih now paying his fine with twelve und 0110 half days in tho county Jail. Mrs. Judge KoIho Is alck with ton hIIIHh. , . Thursday, Judge KoIho whs In Oro- gon City. , , .. Mr Held, our cobblor, rocolvod the mil news of the death of his aon, n young mini of 22 yearn, In Pennsylvania- ' Mrs. Bockor and three children, re- The firm of Vunordatrnnd nnd Mas- lerson bus Hold Ihelr stock mid busl ticna to J Umlsay, of Monmouth, Oregon, .Mr. Mndsity lakes poKHesslon right away and hopes to meet all of I In! old rustoineiH and many new tinea. Mrs. Uuilsay will he here In about ten days, when the futility will settle here permanently. Mrs, M. Warren nnd MIhh Sully Warren were Oregon City visitors Wednesday. The men working for tho govern ment measuring the river from Oregon City to Portlnnd are camped ut Oak Grovo. Mm. Gertrude Kliehl wuh In Oregon City Tuesday on business. The Onk Grove Improvement Asso- elation met Thursday evening In Green's hall, John Itlsley presiding. Miss 1-cxy Graham rcHlgncd as secre tary and J. I). Butler was elected to Nil tho vacancy. Owing to tho run down ronldtion of the association the advisory board will hold a meeting In a few dnys nnd reorganize. K. C. Warren wub In Oregon City on business Friday morning. John 1oder, of Oregon City, atend- ed the - Improvement Association Thursday evening nnd gave a good tiddresH to thu few present. Mrs. DoGolln and Mrs. Payne left Friday morning for tho DeGolla ranch near Chorryvlllo. Sirs. J. A. Kuks Ih home from the hospital. Sunday ScIiihiI Imard will hold a meeting Slomlny night. The hoard of trustees of the M. E. church will meet Wednesday evening. Oak Grove Literary Club moots Tuesday evonlng In Vosbnrg'a Hall. Special music and duet by Miss Ken nedy nnd Mr. Hire. Miss Lewis, oi- glllllKt, The Slock law goes Into effect Jnn-1 urn y 20. I ho coiiHtuiiio and juatico of pence havo tho power to pmsocute. First offense, $10 fine, anil $20 fine for ench offense thereafter. Dr- nnd Mrs. Kohls returned home Monday morning after sovoral weeks In California. Mrs. I VII tne returned home Wed nesday from Albany, where slio has boon visiting hor father. L. VI 1 1 00 spent a few days with his brother In Tho Hallos before Christ- mas. II. G. Starkweather was In Portland Saturday on business. Mrs. Kuelil's niece from Minnesota, md Mrs. Spencer of Portland, spent Monday with Mrs. Al Wet.ler of Courtney. Miss Kellx returned home Tuesday nftor Hovernl weoks' vlalt In Albany and Wooilburn. Tho SiinnyHlde hrlgudo hnsUotlmll team tlofented tho Oak Grove team Slomlny evening In Croon's Hull. Thu score wna 20 to 13. Mrs. M. I Moody wnB in Orouon City on biiHluosa Mondny. visitors. j for the present In the house formerly SI. W. A. held their regular meet- occupied by the Beckuer family;G. D. lug Tuesday evening. Boardman has purchased Bn acre from 11... .i.l..lA ri..i. I 1 . f . tin.. .1..- .i....- nimnii; vmu nun ,vi rs. n. i nil nam a , .tn. mm ii p. ii"- T,r nc-Mivn for PTnnrlpnced auto been reorganized and will meet reg-, ce Rice have sold the store and half 1LDirIiCi, -v. h. P w J ularly and practice huHkcthall. acre to Mr. Winters; C. P. .Morse and Sirs. J. H. Graham was a Portland Miss Stable have Invested in some visitor Wednesday. ' property east of the car line; Sir. . jwurner. of Kansas, nnd Sir. SIcFar- EAST MT. SCOTT. 'und' nave al9 liurcnased ai'reuKe at A meeting was held In the school j Tn'n'u.kei- held at the Betz green house of Hist. No. 99 at this plnco. A , ,1IlllaA Wednesday evening of last other rare gold coins. Inquire S. D. Kiger. 33 Sladison Park apart ments, Portland, Ore. men is greater every day. We will teach you In our own shop, in two weeks, to drive and care for ail makes of cars. Practical, thorough and complete Instruction day or evening. Angelus Auto Academy, office, 32CH Washington St., room 4 IS. Portland. Oregon. R. B. Gibson. Sir. and Sirs. Roll Douglass, of Boyd, Oregon, who have been visiting at the home of Roll's mother, Mra. Viola Douglass, for the past two weeks, left .Monday morning for their borne In Eastern Oregon. welcome. The Klrwood and Dover Telephone Co. holds its annual meeting Satur day evening at 8 P. SI., January 14. SI. Walton has a crew of twenty men busy grading roads and clearing land on his ranch, preparatory to sec- 'Mulual Forlety of Neighbors and week, was attended by about 25 of nemm, to he Known as t ie "Mat Mwi men, and g(X)u Mt. Scott Go.l Roads Club," was or- ,mo Wlg Temrlci, PHII! were made ganged with a charter membership for n I)lirnmnent organization of an of J': . , ,.....'! Improvement Club at a meeting, which This club was organized for tho pur- ,n(J )0e1 called for Thllrs!ay evening, pose ui uiiMimuiK geimnii iiiii-rfis 01 Jnnuurv j2,n, at the same place. the community, and more especially that of "Good Ito'ids." J. J. HmiilerHon was dieted presi dent. C. F. Zlnser. sc?rotury and Irons urer, let every community, be It greitt or small full Into lino and let the good work move right along. toa A OA BED WILL, agent for La dles' Home Journal, Saturday Ev ening Post, Oregon City Enterprise, all periodicals. Special rate on Woman's Home Companion and SIcQlure's, $2 for the two. tf DEUTSCHE R VEREIN OF ORE- HERE IS A REMEDY THAT WILL CURE ECZEMA "We Prova It" Hugh Reeves, a former resident of n pit. meets second Saturday after- thls vicinity, but now of Hood River. noon eacn month at Knapp's ball was a pleusant culler last week. Af- t winter and In Schnoerr's Park, ter deposing of his property interests wuiamdte. in Summer. Gus Schnoerr, here, Sir. and Sirs. Reeves and fain- pre.ident; Rudolph Seller, secretary. Ily returned lo Illinois, and after spending throe months in their na- TIMP ADH tlve state, thought Oregon was the 111 I L. LrtKli best of all. and decided to locate at 0 w p DIVISION Hood River, Arrive eg U-ave Arrive C. D. Slocni has sold his home and Between Portland and Oregon City Why wnate tlmo and money export- no acre "f l'",d t0 AuK,,8t Aa,rnee',a 1 " nientlng with greasy salves and arrlval from Kansa8- lr- S1- lotlons. trying to drlvo the eczema ''" wil1 Klve I"1"01' Ma; 2 germ from btneath tho skin when the Ml McGovern. who nas been n,.nti,.v. nr..- im n,n ai ........... Ill for several weeks, Is receiving tees ZE.MO. a clean liquid preparatoi. treatment from Dr. Wiggins, of Port- for external use to rid the skin of tin """I- wh-h Is proving very benefl- germ life that causes the trouble? cml' , ... .... ,,.j- One application will relieve tho Itch Mis. Eileen Dill, of Yamhill, arrl edf Itig and often times one bottlo Is suf- lst wppkv aml nT? m . tlclent to cure a minor case 0f ''h h" sislor, Mrs. Ca vlu Morse. ec.ema. Mr- a,ld M- I,rench,y- of 01,1' In over 2.000 town's and cities In a,' a l,eSfin, vl8',inK ,w',hc,lMr8' America, the leading druggist has the llrenchley's sister. Sirs. Isiah Shene- agency for ZEMO and he will tell you "' Mr. and Jlra Preachley have of tho marvelous cureB made by this 8l'rt some time In California and will clean, simple treatment. ZEMO si visit other places of Interest before recognized at the clouncst and most """' Sirs. R. B. Gibson. Sliss Lenora I ting out forty acres of fruit trees in Chapman and Miss Rosa Stoehnke j the spring. No. 8556. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The First National Bank of Oregon City At Oregon City, in the State of Oregon, at the Close of Business, Jan uary 7th, 1911. RESOURCES j LIABILITIES Loans and Discounts $105,534.05 Capital sto.k paid In $ 50,000.00 Overdrafts, secured and un- Surplus fund 1,637.37 secured 1.C48 05 Undivided Profits, less Ex- C. S. Bonds to secure clr- 1 penses and Taxes paid.. 2,977.47 culatlon 12,500.00 j National Bank Notes out Bonds. Secnrlties, etc 73,849.09 standing 1,940.00 Banking house. Furniture Individual deposits subject and Fixtures 15.000.00 to check 215,004.89 Due from National Banks Demand certificates of de- 1. - S s a. t popular treatment for eczema, pirn Sirs. Hunt nnd SIlss Hunt, of Hood pies, dandruff and nil other forms of "lvpr- we,e visitors of Sir. and Sirs. skin or Hcalp affections whether on In fant or grown person. Will you try a bottleon our recommendation? Huntley Bros. Co, Drug Store. A. H. STURGES 7th and Center Sis. Oregon City, Ore. FURNITURE PianosOrgons A full line of Columbia Graphophones ' and Records A full line of Singer Sewing Machines utxm which we will give very good terms. We also exchange sewing machines and repair. Sewing Machines of all makes. If you want to get a new machine call and see us. A nice line of Go-Carts from $6.50 up. Heardmnn this week and were also calling on other Hood River frleuds, who ere now located here among them. Sirs. F. C. Rice, Sir. and Sirs. A. A. Clongh. SIlss Irene SlcCown, of Portland, was a week-end visitor at the hotre of SIlss Slorse and. also was a guest nt the home of hi'r uncle, Judge Mel drum. Mr. nnd Sirs. Clyde Plckard, of Sell wood, spent Sunday at the home of the letter's parents, Mr. and Sirs. L. B. Miller, at SleMnim. Mr. and Sirs. Jack Hampton, who uncut December In Portlnnd. have re turned to their pottage at this place. Sirs. Downing was an Oregon City visitor on Tuesday. The Downlugs have rented their cottage and will re turn to Portland. Vvllsa Sillier enjoyed a visit from her brother, of nresham, on Monday.. Sir. nnd Mrs. Jesse Strain enter tained a number of their Oregon City frlonds at dinner un Sunday. Covers wore laid for ton. , ! 4.00 6 30 7.IH) 7 30 8.00 8.30 9 00 9.30 1 0 00 1030 6.27 7.22 7.52 8.22 8 52 9.52 10.22 1052 11.22 11 00 I 11.52 11.30 I 12.22 12.no 12.30 1.00 1.30 2.00 2.30 3 00 3.30 4 00 4.30 5.00 5 30 6.00 6.30 7.00 7 30 S on 8.30 9 00 5.40 7.30 s.OO 8.30 9.00 9.30 ! 10.00 10.30 11.00 11.30 12.00 12.30 1.00 1.30 2.00 2.30 3.00 3.30 4.00 4.30 5.00 5.30 6.00 C.30 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30 8.55 9.25 9.55 12.52 1.22 1.52 2 22 253 3.22 332 4 22 4.52 5.22 552 6.22 6.52 7.22 7.52 8.22 8.52 9.22 52 0.30 1 10.22 1 10.25 10.33 10.37 10 00 I 10.52 10.55 I 10.03 10.07 10.30 I 11.22 1 11.25 II 11.3311.37 1 1.00 I 1 1.52 1 11.5R ! 11.03 I 11.07 11.59 11.30 1 12.22 1 12.25 1 12.33 '12.37 . . . . 12.00 I 12 4C 1 12.50 I 11.55 11.57 I ... , I H 12.50 '12.55 I To .Mllwaukle only. Trains for Falrvlew, Troutdale 5.401 5.45 6.201 6.26 6.501 6.57 7.30 7.37 8.00 I 8.0 8.30 9.00 9.30 10.00 10.30 11.00 11.30 12.00 12.30 1.00 1.30 2.00 2.30 3.00 3.30 4.00 4.30 5.00 5.30 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30 9.03 I 8.37 9.07 9.37 10.07 10.37 11.07 11.37 12.07 12.37 1.07 1.03 2.07 2.37 3.07 3.37 4.07 437 5.07 5.37 6.07 6.37 7.07 7.37 8.07 8.37 9.07 6.45 720 7.50 8.30 9.00 iftio 10.30 11.00 11.30 11.59 12.30 1.00 1.30 2.00 2.30 3.00 3.30 4 00 4.30 5.00 6.30 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30 9 00 9.30 10.00 11.00 11.00 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is not a common, every day cough mixture. It la a meritorious remedy for all the nrp.hm. llorlne. Eagle Creek. Eata troublesome and dangerous compllca- cia anJ fazadero aud Intermediate tlonB resulting from cold in the head, piniS. thront, chest or lungs. Sold by all 7:15- x8:02. 9:05. xl0:05. 1:05 dealers. s:05. x4:05. 5:05. x6:05. 7:05 '8:05. '11:35. ME ADO WB ROOK. For Gresham. x Gresham. Falrvlew and Troutdale The high winds Sunday night blew NOTE: Cars leave East Water and a large tree across Charley Shaw's Morrison streets 5 minutes later than house on Mullno avenue, making al- scheduled from First and Alder Sts (not reserve agents) S37.18 Due from State and Private Banks and Bankers, Trust Companies, and Savings Banks 952 30 Due from approved Reserve Agents 34,545.36 Checks and other Cash Items 6,179.65 Notes of other National Banks 1.980.00 Fractional Paper Currency, Nickels and Cents - 448.92 Lawful Sloney Reserve In Bank, viz: Specie $38,053.65 Legal-tender Notes 3,220.00 41,273.65 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (57c of circula tion) - 625.00 posit . . 23.S13.52 Total $295,373.! Total $295,373.25 I State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss: I, F. J. Meyer, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above "statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. 3 F. J. MEYER, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before ma this 10th day of January, 1911. J. F. CLARK, Notary Public. Correct Attest: D. C. LATOURETTE, C. D. LATOCRETTE, SI. D. LATOURETTE, Directors. No. 172- REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE BANK OF OREGON CITY at Oregon City in the State of Oregon, AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS JANUARY 7th, 1911. Resources. ! Liabilities. Loans and discounts $162,427.13 Capital stock paid in $ 50,000.00 Overdrafts, secured and un- Surplus fund 50,000.00 secured 3,892.35 . undivided profits, less ex- Bonds, securities, etc 392.647.88 penses and taxes paid... 13,390.90 Banking house, furniture 'Individual depos- and fixtures 31,931.63 : Its subject to Other real estate owned. .. 922.45 check $553,280.04 Due from ap- Demand certlfl- proved reserve " cates of deposit 97,393.53 banks $286,066.32 Time certificates Checks and other 1 of deposit .... 121,378.33 cash items 951.60 Savings deposits 79,599.85 851,651.75 Cash on hand... 86,903.29 373,921.21 Reserved for taxes 700.00 Total $965,742 65 Total $965,74265. State of Oregon. County of Clnckamas, ss. I, E. G. Caufielil, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true- to the best of my knowledge and belief. E. Q. CAUFIELD, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of January, 1911. E. H. COOPER, Notary Public. CORRECT Attest: CHARLES H. CAUFIELD, GEO. A. HARDING. T. L. CHARMAN, Directors. SEAL