Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 06, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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A. D. Paddock, druggist, went to
Portland on business Tuesday morning
returning on the evening train.
Fred Howard went to Oregon City
on important business Tuesday.
Mrs. James Evans, who recently
moved from this city to Portland, was
In this city visiting her son, Wilson,
and attending "to property matters.
M, J. Le went to Portland on busi
ness Tuesday morning.
Mrs. R. S. Coe, who has been visit
ing with her son, Robert S. Coe, and
family in Portland, returned home
Tuesday morning. Mrs. Coe Bpent
Christmas and New Year's day In
Wlllard Knight, who with his wife
visited with relatives In this cltv last
week, and who returned to his home
at Woodburn, is very HI, and his con
dition for several days has been seri
Mrs. Summerfield Is very ill and her
condition is serious. Owing to the
serious Illness, the church bolls In
that vicinity are not being rung when
services are being held. Mrs. Sum-
merfield's Illness Is due to nervous
Charles Hougham, who has been 111
with la grippe for several days, is Im
proving. Mrs. S. T. Fisher Is ill at her home
with tonsilitls. Her daughter, Mrs.
Bair, who has been suffering with this
malady. Is improving, as well as the
latter s little child.
Mr. and Mrs. James Frirear, who
reside near Oregon City, have been
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Thomas, of this city, and have re
turned to their home.
Miss Mary Barbur, of Oregon City,
who has been the guest of Mrs. George
Ogle, has returned to Oregon City.
Miss Rachel Spencer, of Needy, af
ter visiting with friends in this city,
left for Oregon City Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Pell Clark, of Roseburg, who
Is visiting with relatives in this city,
and Mrs. Ed. Bradtl went to Wood-
bum Monday evening, where t (un
called on their cousin, Willard Knight,
who is very 111 at that place.
Miss Edna Hutchinson went to Au
rora Saturday afternoon, and was
among the Canby people to attend the
dancing party to be given by the Au
rora Band, and which proved to be
such a success.
Among those who visited Woodburn
Sunday afternoon were the Misses
Mildred and Florence Wang. Miss
Helen Graham. Roy Lee and Emll
Miss Florence Wang, primary teach
er of the Canemah school, who hm
been spending the holidays with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. Wang, of
this city, has returned to Oregon City.
Professor and Mrs. T. J. Gary and
son. of Willamette, spent Saturday
and Sunday in this city as the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. C. Wang.
Mr. and Mrs. Mart Robbing enter
tained at dinner on New Year's after
noon, Mrs. Cassie Evans and N. S.
Young, and Monday evening Mr. and
Mrs. Woods, formerly of Salem, but
now of this city, were entertained
by Mr. and Mrs. Robbins.
Miss Edna Hutchinson, of this city,
accompanied by Mrs. Margaret Hig
inbothem, of Aurora, were in Wood
burn Sunday.
Miss Mabel Tackleson, formerly a
resident of this city, who has been a
guest at the home of Mrs. C. C. Hutch
inson for several days, has returned
to her home at Washougal, Wash.
Roy Knight, S- T. Fisher and Roy
Burdette left Saturday for Celilo, Ore
gon, and will work for the railroad
company, being members of the steam C. Bates.
shovel crew. The steam shovel
been operating at Woodburn.
The Ladles' Aid Society of the M.
R. church met Wednesday afternoon.
The meeting was called earlier than
usual so as to permit the members to
attend the services at the Tabernacle,
that being conducted by Rev. Johns
ton. F. Patch, who has until recently,
been connected with the J. J. Sands
ness. Son & Company, has taken a
position with the A. Kooher store.
Mr- Patch was connected with this
latter business about a your ago, and
was In Mr. Kocher's employ for about
eight years.
Miss Roslyn Robbins, of Portland,
is spending the holidays w ith her par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Mart Robbins, of
this city.
Mr. anil Mrs. S. J. Vaughan and two
children, who have been spending the
holidays with the former's relatives
at Molalla, have returned to their
home here.
Mrs. n. R. Gunther and daughter.
Edna, of Portland, who arrived In
this city last Wednesday, returned to
their homo Friday. While in this citv
they visited with the former's mother,
Mrs. Kate Holzman.
Miss Esther Holzman was among
the Portland visitors Wednesday of
this week.
The moving picture show programs
are drawing crowds. Mr. Mallory,
proprietor, has taken special pains in
selecting good pictures that are no
doubt appreciated by the general pub
lic. The admission price has been
reduced from 20 cents to 15, and child
ren lo cents.
S. Lindsey, the horseman, is visit
ing at the home of William Vaushan
at Molalla.
Or. Murdy, the popular dentist of
this city, was among the Portland
visitors Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Newhall, of Hood Riv
er, after being the guests for several
days of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Newton,
have returned home.
L. H. Tuft, who has been 111 for sev
eral days, has recovered, and is now
able to be at work.
George nilbertson. one of the prom
inent residents of Barlow, was lu this
city Tuesday, and while here was the!
guest of his friend. J. J. Sandsness, of
the firm of Sandsness, Son & Com
pany. D. Danielson, of Boise, Idaho, has
arrived in Canby with his wife and
children, and are to make this their
home. Mr. Danielson has rented the
John Slmms residence. The family
will probably purchase property as
soon as they find something suitable.
Miss Fay Vie Theer, of Portland,
who has been the guest of Miss Anna
Krueger, of this city, has returned
to her home.
Mrs. L T. Battin went to Oregon
City Wednesday to purchase new
Will Hutchman. a resident of this
city about 15 years ago, was In this
city this week, visiting with friends,
and looking for a location. He is at
present making bis home In Yanihlll
County. Since his departure from
this city he has noted many changes.
Never before has he noticed a town
to build up with modern homes In
such a short time as Canby. The
buildings now being constructed are
all of modern structure.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bates left on
the steamer Monday afternoon for
San Francisco, and from that place
they will go to Los Angeles, probably
to make their future home. They re
cently arrived In this city from Hood
River, and while here were the guests
of the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Miss Ora Lee returned from Port
land Monday night, after visiting with
friends for several days.
Handsome Calendars Given by Busi
ness Houses.
Some of the most attractive calen
dars ever gotten out by the business
men of this city, are those of this
year, and many of the homes of the
county are adorned with them, as
some are deserving of handsimo
frames. Among those who have dis
tributed to their friends and patrons
are J. J. Sandsness, Son & Company,
their calendar being "Heart's lVslre."
photographed from life and hand-cot-orod.
published by the Osborne Com
pany. A special mounting Is given
the picture by the use of papers of
rich shades and texture, yielding a
finished effect of real decorative value
and unique distinction. W, II. l.ueke
has for Ills subject In the calendar
line, and which there has been a largo
demand for, Is entitled "Flora." This
Is of photographic print, colored by
hand, and those receiving same read
ily appreciate the effect of rare soft
ness and beauty that has been secured
by this blending of two nrts lu the
making of the calendar. The colors
are lavender and green. "Where
I.ove Abides" and "I'Knvn Vpon the
Suwanne River." are the titles of the
handsome calendars that have been
gotten out by A Kocher. The former
is the work by the great painter, Al
bert Herter. A. N. A., and shows a
most comfortable home with the moth
er and two little children gathered In
the living room, awaiting the time of
the return of ha father. The little
girl has fallen asleep beside her
blocks, while the baby is nestled In
Its mother's arms. The latter pic
ture Is from the original painting by
Edwin Uunasuro, and Is the work of
the Osborne Company. The river at
Branford, Florida, at sunset mirrored
in the waters, and adjoining the ro
mantic charm of the place Itself, Is
where this great nrtlst has painted
this picture from, and shows where
the old time Southern ferryman man
ages his ferry In his own peculiar way.
I'tuier no circumstances will he take
a party across during stormy weather
or beyond a certain reasonable hour
In the evening, unless it chance to be
a lady, who can always appeal to his
southern chivalry with success. The
colors are rich.
W. H. Pair has gotten out an ap
propriate calendar for his business
and Is entitled "The Harvest Time,"
and attractive young women in field
during harvest time, and bearing a
sheaf of wheat. The Canby Bank &
Trust Company has gotten out two
very pretty calendars, one entitled
"Final Authority." by one of the fam
ous painters, and the other "The
Three Friends." The latter Is of a
woodland scene, and where three of
the giants of the forest are being cut
by the axmen- A new arrival to Can
by, and from where these trees are
unknown to the settlers, stated Tues
day that this was one of the greatest
calendars gotten out in Canby, and
those who have never seen trees of
that dimension grow, would appre
ciate a picture of this kind. A. D,
Paddock, the druggist, is distributing
calendars to his patrons and friends
and is entitled "The Homestead," from
a painting by Edwin Lamasure. The
colors are rich and shows an old
farm house with Its shade trees and
a picturesque roadway leading to It.
Mrs. L. T. Batten has been distribut
ing calendars from the Vienna Bakery
at Woodburn. These were- of wom
en's heads, and as there was such a
demand for them the supply was soon
exhausted. Cobb & Dillingham are
distributing pretty souvenir plates
The Cheapest Form
of Lighting
on 250 Watt Size for
Short Time Only
Portland Railway, Light
and Power Company
Alder Street, at Seventh
bearing the picture of a comely young
woman and hor sweetheart, while Doc
Minor is send nit out attractive nle-
tmvs. bearing game sacks filled with
game and two small children trying
u cnicn a glimpse of what Is con
tallied therein.
Meetings Well Attended.
The meetings that are being con
ducted by Rev. Robert Johnston and
assistants of MlnneaHlls. Minn., In
the big tabernacle that was construct
ed opposite the City Hotel, are being
largely attended. A chorus of trained
voices Is one of the attractions. The
meetings are held every night of the
week, except Mondays. On Sunday
there will be union meetings of the
Methodist, Christian and Norwegian
Lutheran churches, no services being
conducted In those churches on Sun
day as long as these meetings are be
ing held In the tabernacle. Mr,
Stoores Is In rharge of the choir, and
Miss Ulllan Wang is acting as pianist
The tabernacle has a seating ca
pacity of fiOO people, and was built by
some of the men of this city, who do
nated their work, and completed It In
four days, after being started.
Fine Work on Exhibit.
What Is attracting no little nllcii
tlon In the store of A. Kocher Is the
mounting of several birds Including
the native and Chinese pheasants, a
quail and one mink. The work was
done by Roy Mundee, and well may
this young mnn be proud of his skill
lu which manner ho hns mounted
these. They are enclosed In glass
cases, and a background formed of
bright colored stone and grasses, mak
them most attractive. These are to
be sold by chance, and many num
bers have already noeu disposed of.
New House Under Construction.
Anoher modern home Is being con
structed near this city, making one of
the many that have been constructed
here during the past few months. V.
G. Uintb. employed by the Corvallls
Creamery Company as hauler of
cream. Is building a six room house,
and almost completed. When Mr.
lamb purchased the 22 acre farm an
old building was used as a residence,
but this has been demolished, and the
new one built In Its place.
Cream Arriving Daily at Creamery,
Much cream has ar Ived at the cream
ery during the past few days, and
which has necessitated the manager,
J. C. Kauplsch to put in many extra
hours to get out the butter for which
there Is a large demand. Uist week
the output was over 3900 pounds, and
from all Indications so far this wi-ek.
this number will be much greater
Since the establishing of this plant
in Canbv much satisfaction Is felt
amonc mnnv of the dairymen, and
saves them the trouble of shipping It
to Portland. Heretofore they were
obliged to bring It to Canby and ship
It themselves, while now the cream
haulers call at their homes for It.
Mrs- M. J. Lee Entertains.
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Leo entertained
their relatives and a few intimate
friends at their home Tuesday even
ing. Among the amusements of the
evening was the managerlo game
This caused much amusement. Delic
ious refreshments were served during
the evening. The home of Mr. and
Mrs. Lee was made very attractive by
the decorations appropriate for the
holiday season.
Present were Mr. nnd Mrs. W. H.
Bair. Mr. and Mrs. J. I.ee Kckcrsnn
Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Knight. Mr. nnd
Mrs. D. C. Clark, of Roseburg, Miss
Frances Cobb, Miss Alma Knight, Miss
Jesle Knight; Messrs. Arthur Knight
B. Roy Lee.
Watch Party Given.
A watch party was given at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bradtl Sat
urday night, at which time the new
year was given a Joyous welcome, and
the old year bidden adieu. The house
was artistically decorated with ever
greens and Cnrlstmas bells. The ev
ening was devoted to gui'sslng con
tests and music, and followed by a
Those Invited were Mr. and Mrs. A.
H. Knight. Mr and Mrs. L p. Walker,
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Baty, Mr. and Mrs.
J. Lee Eckerson. Mr. and Mrs. W. 11.
Bair, Mr. and Mrs. E. E Bradtl. Mr.
and Mrs!, d. G. Clark. Mr. and Mrs.
O. R. Mack, Mr and Mrs. Charles
Roth. Miss Ora Ie, Miss Josle Knight.
Mis Alma Knight. Miss Verna Porter,
Miss Florence Stoddard. Roy I.eo,
Arthur Knight. H. Eccles. I, Ii. Gor-
ham, of Seattle, and Fred Roth.
Letter List.
The following is a list of letters re
maining In the Canby postoffice for
the month of December ending Dec
ember 31:
Aug Han. Jos. E. Barbow, Edna
Dutch, I S. Fletcher, W. S. Elliott
Mrs. M. Hickman. Oscar Ingram, Theo
dore Kopper, Max Milkr, Andresttl
Perkusle, John Scoggan, Mrs. Tuga
Sagll, J. I, Waite, Mrs. Reta Rivers,
A. P. Challrat, package.
When called for please state dnte
when advertised.
Canal Company Moves Office.
The Canby Canal Company, which
has been occupying the building at
the rear of the Canby Bank & Trust
Company building, has moved Its
headquarters to the Evans building,
recently vacated by Mrs. James Ev
ans. The real estate office In con
nection In charge of Eccles & Lee Is
still In the building formerly occupied
by the Canal.
Socialists Hold Meeting
The Socialist society, recently or
ganized In this city, will meet at Bar
low In the hall on Sunday aftenioon
Business of Imiiortance will bo dls
cussed. On Sunday, January 15, the
convention will be held, and many
speakers will be present. The meet
ing will be held from 10 o'clock till 4
p. m. nnd a hot dinner will be served
at noon by the women of the soeloty.
Dillard Buys Land
Carl Dilard has purchased, through
the Canby Realty Company, CO acres
of land from the property owned by
Frank E. Dodge and Charles Kenk
night. Mr. Dillard will have this land
Irrigated and put Into garden truck.
J. L. Combs Has New Variety of Poppy
J. L. Combs, who lives In this city,
has poppy blooms on his place that
are attracting no little attention. The
seeds were purchased from Salem
and planted by Mr. Combs. They
are now blooming, the color of which
Is green, and Mr. Combs says that as
long as he Is an Irishman, and the
flowers are Irish, they will continue
to bloom until St. Patrick's Day. I he
flowers are blooming In the yard, and
considered to be quite a curio.
The marriage of Miss TUIIe Hulras,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles C.
Hulras, of this city, and Mr. Fred
Howard, was solemnized In tills city
Wednesday afternooa at 2 o'clock.
The Impressive marriage ceremony
was performed by Rev. C. L. Creesy,
at the Methodist Episcopal church, In
the presence of the relatives of the
contracting parties.
The bride was becomingly attired
After the ceremony I he bridal parly
repaired to the home of the bride's
parents, where a wedding supper was
Mr. and Mrs. Howard are well known
yvniiig people of (his city, the latter
having resided here most of her life.
while the former hns resided hero for
about, five years. They have a host
of friends who extend to them their
best wishes and congratulations. They
will go Immediately to housekeeping
in this city.
Officers Installed.
The officers of the Rebekah lodge
were Installed by Mvs. Uiura Hair, D,
D. P., Installing officer Tuesday even
nig 111 tile Knight hall- There was n
good attendance, and following the
business session n stumor was served
and enjoyed by iw-pToscnt.
Tim followlngnro the officers In
stalled: N. tl Mary Kllner; V. II.,
Ella Kocher; R. S.. A. II. Knight; F.
S.. Carrie Seaton: treasurer. L T.
Itntteu; R. S N. tl., Ida Knight; ward
en, Hessle Mack; conductor, Isahelle
Bates; R. S, V. G., Ora Wllkorson; I
tl.. J. D. Wllkerson; O. ., J; Ue Kck
Canby Market Report.
The following quotations are given
by Gordon Bros. Co.
Eggs. :tSo a dor.cn.
Butter liOflfi'i'io roll.
PoultryHens, tTc; springs, 17c;
old roosters, lie; ducks, 20c; geese,
He; turkeys, 20c; young roosters, I lie
Mohair. ;i0c. Wool, per pound. I.e.
Veal 0 to too lbs., l2Wr; lt0 Id
130 lbs., lie; taft to 1(15 lbs.. 84 If !-io.
Pork-Blockers. 1 1 So; inn to 22'i
lbs. lie; 225 to :IS0 lbs., lOUc.
I. aid, 17c.
Hides Green, (io; salted, 7c.
Cabbage, per 100 lbs., $1; mi aloes.
per ion lhs 11.10.
Oats, per ton, 127.50.
Wheat, per bushel, $1.
0 hay. $13.50; clover hay, $11;
timothy, $l(i. ,
Honey, per lh 20c.
Bacon, per lb., 20c; ham, per lb..
Chlttliu bark. ,4c per lb.
Beans Small w-blto, 6c per lb;
large white, 5e per lb..
loblen Mf flour $1.35; Supreme spe
lal hard wheat, $1.25; bluestem flour.
$l.35iff I.C5.
Beets, per sack, $1.35,
Sweet potatoes, 5c lb.
Onions, per cwt.. $1.00.
First growth fir. 4ft.. $3. 00.
Second growth fir. 4 ft. - SO,
Dupont Hercules, Mumping I'owr
der. $i'i 00 per box.
Officers of Society Deliver Addresses
and Fine Program Is Rendered
Elaborate New Year's Din.
nor Berved,
Dr. Bell's Antlieptic Salve
Is good for anything for which a salve
Is Indicated such as pimples, black
heads, sores, chaps, ulcers, sunburn
and all skin affections. 25c at all
dealers and Geo. A. Harding, Drug
Mr. Petinell, living near Mackshurg
enme to town Saturday and tied up
his team. Something scared them
and they ran nway, and broke the
double trees. The neck yoke came
down, running the pole Into the
ground. They were not cansht until
they got to the foot of Oakley Hill
Wood Andrews, who works lu Port
land, was home over Sunday.
Mrs. Myrtle Martin and children,
of Klamath Falls, are visiting friends
this week. She was formerly a Bar
tow girl. Miss Myrtle Ramsby.
Mrs. Pat Molloy went to Gervula to
spend New Years with her mother
Mrs. Ogle nnd son spent Sunday
with her son In Aurora.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Snyder, of Port
land, who have been visiting here
with friends, went to Hubbard Sun
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy never
dlsapMilnls those who use It for ob
stinate roughs, colds and Irritations
of the throat and lungs. It stands mi
rivalled ns a remedy for all throat
and lung diseases. Sold by all deal
Twilight Uterary Society will give
a social next Saturday evening In the
hall. A musical nnd literary program
Is being prepared by the committee.
Ladles bring your baskets. Gentle
men do not forget to bring something
to buy them.
Mrs. Caldwell's mother, Mrs. Shin
all, of Vancouver, II. C, Is making her
an extended visit.
Attorney Fred J. Melndl, of Port
land, and family and D. I). Martin, of
Gladstone, wero the guests at the
home of G. M. I-nzello New Year's
Miss McDonald Is now Installed as
teacher In Twilight school, as Miss
Ilrodie resigned to accept a better po
Mrs. Harvey has returned homo af
ter a visit with relatives in Mil 1 1 no.
Mrs. Nash nnd children and Mrs.
Swlck and children spent Now Year's
day with Mr. and Mrs. Hoops In Mt.
MrB. Goo. Schrolner and Mrs. Hoy
lan are suffering with severe colds.
Some one stole a horse fruit! Tom
Holland last Monday evening but un
der mysterious circumstances the
horse was turned looso nnd Tom had
little troublo In finding him.
Children Cry
A very ploasant evening was spent
nt the homo of Mr. and Mrs, H. L.
Scheer December 29 In honor of the
1.1th birthday of tholr daughter. Miss
Pearl. Tho decorations wore very
beautiful, and wero very artistically
arranged. The evening was spent In
games and music, after which refresh
ments were served and tho guests
started for their respective homes.
Thoso present were Mrs. D. I Boylnn
and children, Mrs. Flora Swlck and
children, Mrs. Ella Nash and child
ren, Raymond Crltcsnr, Chas. Hetting
er, Albert and Edwin Mead ana K. t;.
Meier. All wished tho young lady
many happy returns of the day.
Mr. and Mrs.- D. L Boylan and fam
ily were guests at tho homo of Mr.
H. L. Scheer, last Sunday. A bounti
ful dinner was spread and served.
Ono of the most pleasant occasions
oi rcw years pay in tins cilv was
the niiiiual cole Iiiiitlon of Chrlslyias
of I he Deiit-.H'lie Vercln, at Knann's
Hall, Sunday evening. Tho hull was
decorated wtlti festoons of evergreen
and American niul Geriuaii flags, with
banner of old Erin, typical of the
coming union of the German and Irish
societies lu America. The Christinas
tree was laden with Hie fruit of the
season. The Oregon I'lly orchestra
rendered excellent music, and about
500 representatives of I hn Column
people of (his county assembled and
hail full enjoyment. The following
programme was well rendered:
Opening millions, President tiuslav
Sehiiorr; pliino and violin duet. Oscar
Woodfltl mid Georgle Kleuisetl; tab
leau, Rock of Ages; recllatlon, Gertie
Schwab; vocal solo, Muster Sehlef;
recitation, Lena Kalieau; mum, Mia.
Ilopp mid Mis, Sehlef; recitation, Gus
Schnorr, ,lr ; reading, "Tho Two Or
phans," Mrs. Chris lliiiiiiniii; vocal
solo, Agnes Petold; recitation. Her
man Huso; pliino duet, Joe (indke and
Oscar WoodMn; tableau, "The Months
of i ho Year," with I'liilstinas and
h'alher Time, 1 1 boys; tins Schnorr.
,lr , Garfield SchwitlU and Phil
Schnorr then appeared as messen
gers from Germany, in an airship.
Ice I'roslilont Kleiiiseii delivered an
eloipient address, followed by Frank
llusch and R. pet cold.
Santa Clans then appeared on lh
scene mid distributed Iho gifts from
the Christ maa tree to the boys and
girls. President Schnorr, III nil elo
quent millions, presented the incinlicis
of the various committees, eucli with
an elaborate tapestry picture, worked
lu silk and done lu Germany by blind
At the close of the presentation, all
sat down to an elaborate German New
Year's dinner, nnd Iho rest of the ev
ening wa.i pleasantly spent In games,
and a social hour was passed. Ev
erybody was happy and a royal Rood
Hum was enjoyed. Tho Vereln will
hold Its regular meeting next Sunday
IC. 11. nnd May Balibltt Ressler to
T. Kguchl, "1.54 acres of sections
nnd 2(1. township 2 south, range
ast; $10.
Byron J. nnd May I. Sanford to
John I .oil or, lot C of block 2. County
Addition to Oregon City; $.'.uo.
J ). nnd Mary tjofgrcn to J. II. nnd
Daisy lloffinelsler, 40 acres of sec
t Ion 3, township 2 south, range 3
east; l.VHiu.
N. A. nnd I.urn A. Rodliim to KdwUi
Nelson, southwest quarter of north
west quarter of section 2.H, township I
south, range 3 east ; $10.
K. and L C. Nuttall to Vincent
Julcnco, lot 7 of block ft. GreeiiMint
Addition to Oregon City; $l2oo.
Gilbert mid Fauna Joiisrud to (). F.
uud Flora II. Plum, east half of east
half of section 'J. township 2 south,
range 5 east; $SN00.
Ora F. and Flora II- Plum to Archie
nnd Doe Myers, ltlo acres of section 9,
township 2 south .range 5 east; $10.
Northern pacific Hallway Company
to John T. Durker, southwest quarter
of section 22, township ti south, range
3 east; $.120.
Frieda VaiiCuren to II. Jackson et
al, 8S acres of section ;i:i, township 2
south, range I east; $1.
Conrad I'rlester to Charles A. F.
'rlester, easterly half of lot 4, and
lot 5 of block 19. Falls View Addition
to Oregon City; $1.
loli n W. and Grace IC. I -oil or to Con
rad I'rlester, lot 4 of block IS, Fnlls
View Addition to Oregon City; $1.
liouls lllmler lo Point Hornier, lot
II of block 51, (llailsloiin; $250.
Faiuilo Yoilnr lo t). Miller niul Kiln
Miller, 10 acres of section I, township
& south, range I went; $hlilil.
Martha (', ami Atlanta Corey Knight,
5 acres of section IS, lowiiHlilp 4 south,
range 2 cast ; $1,
II. A. Gist mid A. K, Piilmqiilst lo
A. Meyers, 21 OS acres of section 211,
township I soiilh, range 4 east; $;000,
A. and Dee Meyers to Fiiknshlrii
T111111U, 2 1. OS neres of seel Ion 2H,
township I soiilh, ruiiHo 4 etisl; $20011,
George . and II. W. Pension to IC.
IO. Kllloll, land lu section XI, township
3 soiilh, laiige 4 cast ; $1.
Clinton W. mid Luceiia (). Kern lo
Mount Hood Hotel Company, Kill ne
res of section 5, towniihlp 3 south,
rilllRii 7 east ; $51100.
Frank K. uud Mary F, Patton In
Fiona II Hloir, 214 acres of section tl,
township 2 south, range I ensl; $10,
A. I. and J. H. Illi'lie, et 11 1 to Or
inel It. Mack, lot 4 of block 4, Cniiby:
$ ion.
Sol N SIrehliiir to George l Walch.
20 acres of section 3(1. township 4
soiilh, range I east ; $025.
John Slelnhniisen nnd Aiinn Htoln-
liauseii n Clarence IC. Bushiiug, lots
15 and III of block 2il, Mllwniikln Park:
O. A and Milan 8. Palmer lo Will
iam II. and Sarah Boring, nurlli half
of tract I, Pnlmer's Addition lo llor
lng; II,
J. S. Martin and Itchocen M, Mnrllti
lo Thomas mid Catherine Fox, lots
uud 10 of block 33, (irei-on Iron A
Sleel Company's First Addition; $1.
Slate of Oregon to W. J. Hchmniicli,
Wi'M half of aoulhwost quarter of sec
tion il, township 7 smith, riiugn 4
east, coiilalnlng Ml acres: $200.
Mary A. Hurley to Josephine Shew.
twin, land In ( lai liiiiuas ( oinitv; $10.
Joseph M . niul l-.'inin II Thomas to
O, II, Scott. (10 acres of section tl.
township 2 south, range 5 east; $10,-
Oregon Really Company lu J. IC.
Carter, laud in section 22, township
4 south, range 4 ensl; $10,
"ICIla II. niul James Worlhliiglon In
II. Jorlsrh, lot 7 of block 10, South
Oswego; $175.
John o nnd Charlotte Hot It to P.lln
It. Thomas, lots 5 mid il of block I,
Roths VhlHIoii to Canby; $l.'i0.
Frank J Springer lo Ja-nei A. Cobb,
lots 8 and II of block IK, Cnnliv; $2S5
James A. and Lillian M. Cohb to
John IC. Schneider, bus 5 mid tl '
block IS, lot li of block IS. t'niibv: $.'S,',.
II. C. Heighten to Minnie llelghton,
lots 2 mid 3 of block 2, Junker's Ad
dition to Sandy; $1.
Miles Mcl'oiitiell ct nl to M. HiikI
muni mid S TanliiiotH, iiorlhhalf of
northwest quarter of section 5, town
ship 3 south, range I west; also one
half ncre of section 5. township 3
south, range west; I2"0U.
Sandy U1111I Company to 'J. It. Dutk.
can, Tract "IC," First Addition lir
Sandy: $:I50
Jnme nnd Sarah IC Kouke to G.
C. Ilrownell. lot 5 of block llrt, On-
gon City; $150.
IC. F. mid Martha Riley to S. A.
Mollner. bos 17 and 1.4 of block 13.
Mlullioru Addition to Portland; S !.
Charles IC. mid Agnes N. Walt In
Charles N. Wnlt, 20 ncre of section
33. township 3 soiitli, range I cast :
also 10 acres of section 34, township
3 south, range I ensl; $1.
Charles N Wnlt to Charles K. Wnlt,
40 acres of section 33, township 3
south, rnngn I enst; $1.
Kven A. liie lo lli-ret .10 acres
of soil Ion 15, township 5 sou III, range
1 east; $1.
George nnd Clara K. Gill lo It. C.
nnd loiilsn J. Wuilo. 6 acres of sec
tions 5 nnd G, township 3 south, range
3 east; $10.
Robert nnd Kiln Flnley to Gortrndit
F. Collins, 3 ncres of George Aber
nethy D. L ('., township 3 south, range
2 east; also I acre of township 2
south, rnnge 2 east; $350.
Ijirkln nud Nuncy A Bull to Hen
ry A- Hull, north half of lot l In sec
tion I, township 2 south, riinr.o 1 east;
Land Title Examined.
Abitracta of Title Made.
OfTlcs over Hank of Oregon City.
Ends Winter Trouble!.
To many, winter Is n season of
trouble. The frost bitten toes and
fingers, rhnpped hands and lips, chil
blains, cold-sores, red and rough
skins, prove I his. But such troubles
fly before lliicklen's Arnica Salve. A
trial convinces. Greatest healer of
Burns, Boils, piles, Cuts, Sores, Brui
ses, lCfzcum nnd Sprains. Only 25c
at Jones Drug Co.
D. O. LATOURETTE President.
P. J. MEYER. CashlM
CAPITAL, SO,000.00.
Transacts a 0nral Banking Business.
Open from 9 A. M. to I P. M
In a traveling suit, with hat to match.
State or Ohio. Citt or Toledo, I
FllAKK J. CIIKSXT mAki onth Hint hft II imiIat
partm-r of thn nnn of F. J. f.'iier.v A Co., doing
oijAlni. In Oil) City of Tnlfflo. f.'mintv nri hi.ij.
f'irrwiil. anil Hint an Id firm will ny Ilia an in of
v,.,r. iii'j-iuiu-.i, jji.i,ahm lor i.at-li ana i-vnry
cane of Catahmh Ihnt cannot to cured Oy tue uae of
Hall's Cataniii cuhb.
Rwom to bnfora nwi and aiilHwritw.rt m n M.nM
tliia cm day ol December, A. U 1 .
1 a. w. (ii.eahon.
sal Notary Public,
llall'l Catarrh dim la tnhnn lnrai,M f . ,.
directly noon thn blood anil muroua aurlaoea of llm
yatcin. Send forteatlinonlnla. tree.
.. ' IIKNEV CO., Toledo, O,
Hold by all nnmlata. The,
Take Haifa Family piiia for conatlpatlon.
OITlce Both Phonea 22
Rosldonce Phone Main 2024
Pioneer Transfer Co.
Established 1805
Sucessor to C. N. Qreonman
Rates Reasonable, Baggage Stared 3 Days Free of Char
Agency for the celebrated MT. HOOD BEER
CarefuJ of Your Property
One of the secrets of our success
in the Baggage and Transfer Business
Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moving
Williams Bros. Transfer Co.
Phones, Office 1121, Residence 1833 525 Main Street