Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 23, 1910, Page 8, Image 8

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At t he Inst regular meeting of the
Milwaukio Commercial Chili the re
port submitted by the committees ap
pointed to suggest amendments for
tbe revision of the city charter, was
excepted, and the Commercial Club
placed Itself on record as favoring the
amendments suhmltted and pledged
themselves to work for the amend
ment. Every citizen of Mllwauklo has a
duty to perform, namely, to study the
charter amendment and convince him
self that thev are Just what is needed
at the present time. Work for the
n. Imil. ,n nmi hnln itrn niluanUln nut
of the mud.
Hcllo fellow citizens! How do you
like our streets? lio you think they
need improvement! If you do there
is one wav to help make the improve-
ment. Vote for the charter amend-!
The citizens of Mtlwaukta appro-; the Concord school having the honor
elate verv much tho Improvement luff heing the first entertained by the
our Interurban car service which ha- hand, and tho band wishes to think
been brought about by the fact the the R' people of Concord and their
Oregon Citv cars are again crossing teacher for the royal reception re
Hawthorne bridge. Instead of making , eeived at their hands. After playing
the loop at Second and Alder they '?w selections and listening to a
now go around bv wav of Second and I very pleasing and entertaining exer
Stark ' icise the hand returned to Oak Grove
' The council met Pec. 15 and levied ' and l,lllod for our home school. Our
i mill i,v f.,r tha M,,in,T v,r- .Ur. little girls' band deserves great rrcd-
niinwort il hills ,im.ni' rin n.-
count of sickness Mayor Streib was
not present.
The young people of Milwaukio
ave called a meeting for Thursday
ight In order to get the. city council
i.n,i -in.. -,r Miiuantlo ,,r
n,l .ii7un. f xt...,.l.-lo
room to be used as a cvmnasium
lu connection with the free reading
Mrs. Hicks, Mrs. Downing and Mrs. evf'l'i"!-' ""r. Nothing
Arnold met at the home of Sirs. I. succeed f c3 '" e
S. Mullin Wednesday and audited the everybody will help o make the band
books of the Women of Woodcraft. 1 a SYS as U, .!" be 8 " toT,
A Christmas tree and entertainment firovf nd there are only about
will be given Christmas Eve in Wood- '" or f ve other little girls hands
man Hall bv the Women of Wood- in the I nited htates.
craft Word has been received from our
A.H. Powlingand family will spend o!d triJ- - ,T- '?
Christmas with Mrs. Rowling s par- ipS on his claim ill Idaho, that he s
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hoard of pleased with hit prize and sciu
Sell wood records to all and wishes everybody
Bid Roberts, the famous boxer and a ,err- X?,14S and Hil,D' N:w Year
blacksmith, is suffering with several "e don 1 care l men ion an
boils on his arm. Bid is unable to names but, wo ar honored with a
attend to business and is visiting his sp"ner iio can beat any body of
fr0Ilds 1 his age a hundred yard dash.
Henrr Phillips is recovering from ' "r Pul,ic schoo,s are cIos,ed fo,r
injuries inflicted on election night. the holidays owning again Jan 3.
Phillips and Wm. Shindler had an al-!e lsh ' ,our H"le f"lks a M,'f
tercation over the election contest , T Mnas and Happy .New 1 ears,
and Phillips charges that Shindler' Mrs. Lucy Walker of HilstH.ro. s
knocked him down and otherwise visiting her niece Mrs. G. H. fetark
abused him. The doctor found a rih weather. Mrs. a kers husband took
broken and that other injuries had . P a .claim adjoining the Risley prop
been Inflicted. Shindler was put un- erty in lo..
der $100 bond i Ed Masterson and S. C. Alexander
A. C. Arnold, of Oak Grove, and ' Sumla-V af"?moon at West more-
Mayor Streib attended the good roads and looklnS at some property,
convention in Portland. I 'rs- Henry Schuffler was a Port-
A. L. Bolstad was in Oak Grove ! Ind visitor Monday.
Wednesday and Thursday afternoons ' Mr. and Mrs. Alf Allen, of Rls e,
on business ' sPenl Thursday evening with Mrs.
Mavor Streib is out to his farm at i AI1,?n'8 aister In Portland.
Cedar Mills for a few days. j Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brant received
xiiia.,i,i. h. n Wiwisto mrirtN a letter from their daughter, Mrs. A.
and will have a full line of turkeys. !
chickens and fancy meats for the holi-
R. E. Lee and wife are visiting at farm nenr Central Valley N Y
Beveriv. Wash., for the holidays. Mis- John Farman of Central s
Joseph Pobbins is spending the Wash., is spending a few days with
winter st Corning, Cal. i her brother, S. C. Alexander and fami-
The new residence of Mrs. C. 1 ! ' . , .
Punning is nearing completion. John Oatfield returned home Satur-
W. B. Morand has purchased a farm ' ay after two weeks absence in Wash
at Waldport, on the Alsia Bay in Un- 'nRton and southern Oregon on husi
coin county. ness.
Mrs. W. H. Edwards is home from: Mrs. John Risley s sick at. her
Toledo Ohio . home near Risley station.
School Notes. ne o G- Balcom's horses died Sua-
School closed Tuesday. Exercises da' evening,
were held by the primary classes. Arthur Graham Is slowly recover-
Ins from a severe attack of Inilam-
institute at the Jefferson high school
lnX,aJ: ...
on account of sickness. I
Carl Carlson has quit school. '
Leslie Nichols has pneumonia. f
Christmas in the Churches.
.1 u .:n vi,i .ui
ucrmaa m. e. enuiuu u nuiu iueir ,
Christmas tree and -xercises Dec.!
-4archbUh will hold a!
Christmas service and tree Christmas ! Terry and another daughter of Mrs.
Eve at 8 o'clock. ..... i Hurley's are living there af present.
Milwaukie Grange. I Mrs. Geo. Harris, of Spokane,
The Milwaukio Grange held its ! Wash., is visiting friends and relatives
regular meeting Saturday. Routine here,
business was the order of the morn- Church Notes,
fng. At noon all enjoyed a splendid I Dec. 24th, Christmas Eve, the Sun
dinner After noon the election of day school will give a cantatta in con
officers took place with the following nection with a Christmas tree. Every
duly elected: Mrs. C. Pralius, mast--one invited.
er- .1 W James, overseer; Mrs. M. M. E. church Sunday school, 10
A.' Johnson, lecturer; T. R. A. Sell-j a. in.. Mrs. J. H. McArthur, superin
wood, chaplain; Mrs. Ella Maple, re- tendent; services 11 a. m. by the pas
cording secretary; Miss Kate Casto, , tor. Rev. Henry Speia.
financial secretary; 0. F. Naef, treas-1 Ladles' Aid adjourned until after
urer; C. B. Hanson, steward; E. W.
Bunnell, assistant steward: Miss Ella
Rov Ladv. assistant steward; Alfred
r-.ortoon fraio fcpener- Mrs. Jennie
Pavis pomona; Mrs. Flora Robbins, ! cises. The teachers prepared a treat
flora-' Mrs. H. M. Anderson, ceres; I for the children in the form of Santa
J R,' Kelso, executive committeeman. ! Claus with bags of candy and nuts.
Committees were appointed to pre-. The teachers will attend the three
pare entertainment for Clackamaa days session of the Institute at the
County Pomona Grange the second , Jefferson high school In Portland
Wednesday In January. After which they will go to their
Rev Father Berthold, who has had homes for the holidays,
charge of the Milwaukie Catholic I Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Woerndle, of
thurch the past three years, has been Courtney avenue, are receiving the
appointed rector of St. Joseph Catho-! congratulations of friends on the birth
lie church in Portland. He preached : of a son Dec. 15.
his farewell sermon last Sunday. The 1 Mrs. Walter Terwilllger and son
Father was well liked by his congre-1 Albert, of Portland, Bpent Sunday
gatlon and they will miss him very j with Mrs. E. C. Warren,
much All wish him success in his Miss Louise Fallensbee, of Port
large and new field. It is not known land, is visiting Mrs. Olds and Mrs.
at this writing who will fill the va- Harris.
Mrs. Mary Walker is sick with pneu
mo nla.
Mrs W.s.er Sellwood is ill with
pneumonia at the Sellwood hospital.
N. E. Moffit, who had asthma, has
a relapse and is very 111.
Judge Kelso has been out of the
city for several days the past week
on official business.
Evangelical church Sunday school,
10-uO a. m., John Grasle, superintendent-
services 11:30 a. m. by pastor,
Rev E. Radebaugh. Subject lefison
on Xuias. Y. P. A. at 7 p. m. Evange
listic services at 8 p. m. Special
evangelistic services for two weeks
or more beginning New Years night.
Mr Hart will lead the singing. Teach-
Spifella Corsets
Boned with Indestructable
Stay. Made to measure
Guaranteed Perfect Fit.
For Information
Phone 2732, Oregon City j
and Northwestern
era training Tuesday evenings; pray
er meeting, Wednesday evening ;chdi
practice Thursday evening.
Highest Grade Men's Wear,
The shop of the handsome windows.
Three forty-four Washington street.,
Between Seventh and Park, Portland.
Ruby, daughter of H. II. Stark
weather, Is recovering from a severe
attack of bronchial pneumonia.
1 Miss Kthllne Risley returned home
from tne Oregon i nivorsity witn a
iseere case of poison oak. Miss RIs-
'ley is "inch improved and will remain
' home till nfter the holidavs with her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Risley,
! of N'aef station.
The Oak Grove girls hand made
j their first debut in public Tuesday'.!
It for the .itvauceiiient they have
made under the direction of Prof.
PriseoU. The girls have taken only
te. logons an y , e t mo
mer mPS our 1,t,bi,,lJ
"teru.n J 'T.T
eral summer evening
er.u suiiimer rimuis vxnn-vi . .
Moody, the manager, has
given her
band mid
.ractice to
time to the success of the
i. oK.-ava tr..ciiif nt Kftn.l tir:
Lincoln Hart. Mrs. Hart states they
; are ail well and that Mr. Hart Is sun-
erimenaeni 01 nis urumci o oiuti.
" "
i'atWh has gone to Kirby,
southern Oregon, to work at the car-
penter trade. .
W. Miller and family, of Portland
formerly of Oak Grove, paid a visit
tn nlH frfpnrls Riinnav.
Mrs. M. A. Hurley and Mrs. Pease
irtf frtnr(o ovnnmv trt Rnpnd inn 1
winter.- Coronado'caL Mrs, Fred i
,tne nonuays.
ocnoui nuicv.
School closed Tuesday till Jan. 3.
liacn room neiu us v.nriHimiis exer-
uasKei Ban.
The Oak Grove Bchool team was de
feated by the Attlschson Amateur
Athletic Club team December 17th In
Green's hall. Score 21 to 20. The
school team Is practicing regular two
evenings a week and expect several
more good games in the near future.
L. E. Bentley and family have gone
to Woodburn and Marquam to spend
the holidays with relatives and friends.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
The Christmas spirit seems to pre
vail throughout the Lodge. Many of
tbe matrons have profited by the con
sumers' league motto to shop early
and did their Christmas shopping
early In the month. And the fond
fathers have been getting the Xmas
trees ready to put in place on the
night before Christmas, while the
nMor lmva tmvn cnthorArl thA mlftfla
toe and Oregon grape and the maid - ij
, . , ,. , O. H. Sawtell 0.00
ens are busily hanging the holly and ,.,,,
Christmas bells In the windows and ; L,uo b.OO
otherwise decorating the homes fortico, A. Wolf , ,. 15.0t
tbe Christmas festival and as on the James Smith 3.0il
first Christmas when the angel came
saving. Hehold. 1 bring yon good tld -
ings of great jov, which shall bo to
all people."
John Richards, of Oregon City, was
looking after his properly Interests
the first of the week at this place,
The annual aquatic event of the
Multnomah club will bring a large
number out us sixty already have en-
torod for the .Christmas plunge ami
is of special interest to the Lodge
folks as the S. T. llritten cup, which
was nut mi for the last year's swim.
and Is to be won twice In order to bo-
como the permanent property of tho
coniesiiuu. n. uin".-. ............
firms have also donated prlies.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, of Northern
Michigan, spent a few days of last
week with their lieiee, .Mrs, v. 1.1. v ...
Morse, and departed on Saturday for
a visit with Mr. nn Mrs. Pill, at
Yamhill. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson will
remain in urogon mini nuei m- n.-.-i-
Festival next June, wnicn ium mi"
Will Slt'IlU UU linn
villa before rvturnlne to their home
at Traverse City, Mich.
.Mr. and Mrs. Katoii. of South Da -
kota, and Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Smith,
of Oregon City, visited with tho ;
tor s daughter and family. Mr. and
Mrs. Jess Strain.
Miss Mildred Hart was a caller at
lh J"' T S i-U m over
I'li.ll x 1. tr sUey wil
the parental home on Mitniay.
. . , ....
'return home on Tliursuay aim win or
I accompanied home by Gloti Seeley.
who will visit with his grand parents
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Morse spent
Sunday In Portland, the guests of Ed-,
ward Slorse and family.
Walter Heckner made a flying call
at the Lodge on Wed.ies.lay of last
week. He Is nicety located on a small
r-im-h near Meadowhrook, where he
and his wile win ioiiow u..r....
Mrs. Galloway, who has spent U
vear with her friend. Mrs. Tniscott.
departed on Wednesday by way of
the southern route for her home In
Pes Moines. Iowa.
.. . ... 11 ji....Kirt...l
Mrs. Mary Hurley and daughter.
Jlrs Carrie Pease, nave soiu uieir
prettv little home at Risley, and do -
parted for Coronado Iteaidi. Cal., the
first of the week. They will make
.1. .;- tl..ira n Knra l r t ltirl(.V'S !
I m tine 11V tl
daughter. Mrs. Fred Terry, "a former
resident of Jennings Lodge, now re -
... r. . I .11 lm
.miss imicKiimu. 01 Aiuu., a..u
Shenefield, of Portland, have beeu
recent visitors at the Islah Shene
field home.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Clough will
spend Christmas with friends at New
berg, Oregon .
The fixtures for the new post of
fice have been installed at t)e L. G.
Miller store and will be known as the
Jennings post office, the Lodge being
Mr. Shenefield has built a new
fence around his home, added cement
walks and beautified his grounds in
other ways.
Mrs. Klrmse has been confined to
her home for some time and a consul
tation of Oregon City physicians has
been held.
The school meeting was not very
largely attended on Saturday evening,
rtonamho. 1?th A tar nf 3 mills WHS
levied, two and eight-tenths for bond.D. C- Yoder
Interest and one and two-tenths tor
Mrs. Ed Roethe has been 111 for
some time with heart trouble. Pr.
Mount, of Oregon City, was called to
their home last week.
Mrs. E. Powning has fully recov
ered from tvphold and was at their
cottage at the Lodge last week. Mr.
Pow ning Is also able to be out again
but they expect to spend the remain
der of the winter at Sellwood.
Mr and Mrs. Roney, of Nehalem.
were Tuesday callers at the P. P.
vou-pII hnmo
Newell home.
-Mis. v. U.
Mrs. C. P. Slocum was an Oregon
City shopper on .tesday
I Jlr. Curtis Miller enjoyed a visit
from his brother and family of Gresh
am on Sunday.
(Continued From Page 3.)
Wm. Lucke 3.00
H. C. C.llmore 9.00
Howard Eccles 6.00
Geo. Koehler 6.00
Claud Baty 6.00
Ivan Dimick 3.00
A. D. Paddock 3.00
P. J. Colman 3.00
J. S. Dick 3.00
W. B. Reynolds 3.00
W. T. Johnson 3.00
Fred Roadarmel 3.00
Sam Roake 7.00
Willis Imel COO
J. W. Bennett COO
F. M. Foster 3.00
Orville C. Johnson 3.00
A. Mather 6.00
R. B. Holcomb 6.00
Frank Talbert 0.00
W. E. Welch i 6.00
Thomas Brown 13.00
D. W. Douglas C00
Chas. A. King 3.00
O. G. Mclntyre 6.00
L. Ware C00
T. F. McCabe 3.00
Max Telford 9.20
I H. Feaster 9.20
A. H. Flnnegan 9.20
IaVb Mav 0 on
M. J. Lazelle 9.00 . Aug Splinter 10.00
W. B. Lawton 9.00 'John Gaffney 10.00
A. C. Warner 9.00 W. F. Harris ; 10.00
W. B. Stokes 5.00 jW. T. Hartnell 10.00
Paul Dunn 3.00) School Dint. 27 20
W. A. Proctor 3.00 R. H. Snodgrass 9.00
James Bell 12.00
S. Andrews C.OO
T. B. Milan COO
Bert Jonsrud 9.00
G. F. Ruegg 3.00
Albon Melnlg 3.00
Marion Bortana 3.00
E. F. Bruns COO
W.V.Rogers C.OO
R. E- Jarl 6.00
Casper Junker 2.50
A. W. Cooke ., 12.75
W. R. Dallas 12.75
E- E. Cox 10.75
H. Bock 12.75
John Mullonhoff 12.75 ; John Kaiser 9.00
J. C. Elliott 12.75:0. S. Randall 9.00
- H' Hoffmelster 12.75
J. Hanlowood '....:", . 0.00
J. PcShMor 0.00
W. P, Roberta 11.00
W. Ilradley 0.00
v K .
i ' . 1 -""K' 3.
. J,",, J- 3.
j Henry Olthena J,
j a. 11. Harnett 10
; j Trulllnger V
j ,' ' 1 "''M'r 3.
' J- Jml, T.
, H. S. Gibson 3,
A. R Alspangh
s s wilson
' '
3 0,1
3 0l(
t nil
Goo. Judd
Homer Glover
C. Krlgbaum 0.00
U. u. Pnlmatcer 0.00
, R. T. Pnvla 13.00
1 ' '
J- R 6.00
fTen 1 rawrord 13.00
u. r, warner o.l'O
;s R Wooster A nil
J. K. Ely 6.0,1
Chas, Dubois
1 ,. J. Darling
j, 0 rtoswell
, r..Unn
Hn,ia Taulsen
Frank Ahnert
A. H. Miller .
I Wll
; Henry Schmidt 6.00
ter Rath 13.00
illlnm Held 6.00
.... .
; (.nrisi Johnson e 00
Q H Webster S 00
H Calkins 300
John Pen I son
c. A. Frost
' j e. Salisbury
1 ..
H. U Hull
W. F. Schooler
. .
R, M, McGetchlo 3.00
KVptl Ballev 1 Oil
' 3.00
K. J. Noblo 0.00
G. E. Hallowell 0.00
Trenton Vedder COO
T. V. Gnnlf . k no
... m '
...vv. 4..
1 Fred Gerber 9.00
Philip Kohl 9 0.
A. J. Johnston 9.00
, Frank P. Wilson . 9.00
P. W. Rlebhoff 9.00
; jiariln)i; Grange 3.00
G. W. Atwood 10.4)
Dan Gaffney 9.00
August Kanne 9.00
C. E .Battln 9.00
M. E. Gaffney 9.00
C. G. Millard 9.00
W. A. Gnrner 9.0)
Harmony Sch. Plst 3.00
Frank Shute 12.00
J. T. Grace 9 00
B. Sullivan 9.00
E. Lelchtwels 10.50
W. H. Wettlaufor 9.00
Ferris Mayfleld 9.00
D. A. Miller 9.00
Bud Thompson . .' 15.40
A. Hardlsty 9.00
J. N. Stanton 10.50
G. W. Owlngs r. 9.00
T r. Vi 9 no
c .,
r. .ii. ?miuuu v."'
G. W. Scramlln 9.00
Frank Kraxborger 9.00
J. K. Grlbble 12.20
A. D .Grlbble 9.00
A. M. Condlt 9.00
O. H. Wright 9.00
J. B. Mitts ...
G. W. Scramlln
M. S. Hungate
H. S. Ramsby
P. C. Miller ..
J. R. Cole ....
; 3.00
, 3.00
Raymond Dickey 3.00
W. W. Everhart 3.00
W. H. Engle : C.OO
Geo. J .Case 3.00
Lloyd Shaver 3.00
R. r Holman ' 3.00
H. N. Everhart 8.20
H. L. Vaughan 3.00
r. n..i. 1 nn
U, U IVO ..
School District 35 3.00
filil.wlln- 4 KO '
A. H. Dowllng 3.00
Geo. A. Taylor 3.00
r a ruin 3.00
N. B. Harvey
o nn
3 00
A. J. Walker
J. A. Keck 9 00
O. Wisslnger 3.00
Chas. H. Cotinsell 3.00
A. Hansen 3.00
L. Harlow , 3.00
0. L. Oliver 3.00
Milwaukie 5.00
J. T. Drake 9.00
Harry Barth 900
D. R. Hubbard 9.00
Burton Jack 900
0. Hammond H-"0
C. J. Bentley 9.00
J. C. Marquam '. 9.00
M. E. Hall 4 00
Henry Henrlcl U-00
0. M .Kunzman 10.00
L. Mautz 10.00
D. L. Trulllnger , -0
A. L. Larklns 9.00
Geo. Crook 12 00
! j. L. Garde 9.00
;J. T. Evans 9.00
Claude Ashby 11.40
i. I. S. Yoder 9.00
: T. 3. Ogle 9 0,)
R. 1. Garrett 9.00
j C. R. Noblltt 12.C0
C. E. Miller 9.00
H. A. Wolfer 9.00
A. C. Thompson 9.00
'school Dim. 40 6-0ft
D. McArthur 10.20
M. Huiras t 9.00
Wm. lloovdt POO
II. It. Kastiunn 9.00
Frank Knglo
Warner Orange , .
R. 8. MoUugMIn
P. T. Ontftold ...
John V. Risley ..
P. P. IKovr ...
K. Rot ho
, a.oo
, . 11.00
, 13.40
, 9.00
M. U Hlgglua 0.00
Olio Naef
II. 11. Wan on
J. W. tlraslo ,,
It. Q, Starkweather 9.00
II. Thlessen
T. R. Worthliigton
K. C. Warren ....
Levi Stehmnn ....
I. V. Bridges
Krotl Krlckson , , ,
M. M. McGeehan 0.00
a- v- ,"l
t- -i iwii.,.' !' 1
r. M. Pnrllnir I.. 3
t opor
r- J- ""
0 00
K. II. Cooper
K'r ,xi"
P. C. Kly
C. 0. liorlimd
A. Waldorf ...
J. P. Cook ....
Win. Pyer
11. W. Knottier
11. W. Pressor
P. K. Piivldson
Jos. lllekticr . .
w u n-ll......
" ""
(" Et Uomn
W" W Tl,,IJ
K. 11. Hawk
N. K. Davidson .
Oswego Grange
S. M. Kelso ...
M. C. Young ...
K. L. Ilurker ...
Win. Todd 9.00
W. P. Young . .
( I. Cnllilns .
N. O. Say 9.00
J. W. Nightengale
V. C. Scott 13.00
.J.I. Sharp fl.00
Scott Carter ....
Frank Gray ....
Geo. W. Wills ..
P. M. lloyles ....
F. W. McLenrnn
Frank' Millard 12.00
John Stormer .
W. W. Tucker
J. A. Held ....
C. M. Folsom .,
J. W. Marrs ...
School plst. 24
C. W. Arnett ..,
J. P. Davis ....
J. II. Ilollolleu
E. Oolschlnger 9.00
N. Lelcht
Adolf Stoll ....
C. F. Zlnzer ....
7.. Elllgsen
J. L. Kruso
W .3. Sharp ...
O. P. Bhnrp ...
0. F. Aden ....
W. Kollermeler
Geo. C. Peters 12.S0
School PUtrlct 301
C. P. F. Wilson ....
Sidney Graham
W. U Whllo
M. N. Crlsell
R. H. Crlsell
F. J. Poison
I. A. Mlley
School District lid
W. M. Slono
Louis Funk
James Hoyden ...
August Hubert CnO
A. M. Klrchem
Geo; C. Armstrong 11.10
U S. Tenny
School District 14 .'.
O. F. Horton . '.
D. C. Howell
Geo. Do 'lock
Frank Cnpen 3.00
, ' rnvc8 ""
W. R. Ream . . . .
J. W. Draper ' b.Oo
K-A- J,'kon
! " liordlne
I J- A- R"am, Jr.
K. A. ix'ignion
i P. R. L. & P. Co
Fruit Inspector.
A. J. Lewis $ 18.00
. S,
A D. Hungate 10.00
Hud Thompson 9.00
Paul Dunn 14.00
Harry Gray 5.00
Wm. Gardner 3.00
S. A. D. Hungate 15.00
S. A. D. Hungate 9.00
Courier $ 74.70
Board of Health.
C. H. Dauchy $ 35.75
8calp Bounty.
H. W. McMillan $ 5.00
N. H. Smith 1.50
P. M. Boyles 2.00
W. J. Faubian 3.50
County Poor.
C. R. Thorpe & Co $ 10.80
County Court.
G. B. Dlmlck $ 9.25
Road Damages.
U E. Belflls $125.00
J. W. Eby 20.00
J. P. Davis $125.00
In the matter of the petition of G.
M. Groshong and others for a county
road. Ordered that viewers meet at
the place of beginning of said road
on the day of December, IfllO.
In the matter of the petition of
Paul R. Melnlg nnd others for a
county road. Ordered that vlawers
meet at place of beginning of said
road on the . day of Deconiber,
In the matter of (lie petition of R.
Kaiser and others for a county road.
Art Calendar for 1011
This calendar la from an original
pallilliiK by Alexander Pope; 1111 iuiIh
tlcally cnloind. llthoKiapli from hU fa
mous dog picture, "lteliieved," which
leprcHviitH a netter dug lu llio mi of
li'tiievhig 11 Chinese pheanaiij.
Wu liitvo been to coiiHldernblo ex
peiiHit lu mocuI'Iiik llieno Art Calotidiira
and would like emii of'our ciistoiin-iM
to Hiciiro one for their bunion,
As they tiro too largo In send by
mall wu would ask that you Mildly
call nt the sloro mid g"t one. Wo
would suggest that you roiuo early un
our supply In limited, and flint come
flrat nerved.
The Automobile and Sporting' Goods Man
Ordered laid over mil II the January
term of this conn.
.11 the matter of town pints of Con
cord Heights, West Addition to Lynn
Cemetery, Wilson Acres, McNiughlln
and tileiiniorlo Park. Ordered Unit
each of said plats bo and (he same Is
hereby approved.
In the matter of the Incorporation
of town of Glailstouo. Ordered that
the election for the purpte of Incor
poration mid election of imitlliipul of
ficers be held oil the 21th (lay of
December, 1310.
In the mailer of the petition of J.
W.- Roots and others of Boring for
county aid for a destltutn faintly at
Boring. Ordered that J. W. Roots
priM-urn such nsslHtunce, such as nurso
hire, medlcliiu, clothing and faid and
charge samo to. ClacknuuiM County.
In tho matter of the Helben road.
Ordered that said petitioner have an
extension of 'JO dnya within which to
pay the damages against said road.
In tho mailer of the vacation of a
portion of the Keth Auh(ji road. Or
dered that all that Hirtlon of said
road which lies between the lartnllill,
not Included In the description of a
deed heretofore made bo and the samo
Is hereby vacated.
In tho mntter of damages allowed
the owners of land through which the.
Hnnff In road passe. Ordered that
warrant Issue on the general fund, 111
favor of U K. Belflls. Cashier of the
P.lii(-ada Statu Hunk, in the sum of
In tho matter of the petition of J.
P. Davis for medical attendance and
Frank Bosch
Furniture and Hardware
"The Adrian" Wite Fence
Tied with "The Tie That Binds"
Users of wire fence have como to tho. conclusion Hint the require
ments absolutely nocessary for a good fetico are elasticity In tho
lino wires, stiffness and rigidity In tho stays, and a lock or tie that
holds firmly.
By reason of special attention to lis construction, tho wire used
In our fence Is neither too hard nor too soft, but JiiHt enough points
carbon lo give It strength and elasticity. Tho who is thoroughly
galvnui.ed, and each and every biindlo of who woven Into our fence
Is Inspected and approved before It Is allowed to go to the machines.
Our slay, or upright wire, Is one continuous wire from the top
to the bottom, and Is of tho sumo quality nnd Kiiagu as tho Intur
niodlute Hue wires.
Tho method of tying tho slny or upright wire to the line wire is
whore wo differ materially from other makes of fence, ami we wore
tho first to apply this principle In tho manufacture of wire fence.
Our Idiot Is a LONG oval loop, with tho two ends returning towards
the slay, forming twojioolis. iiy having this long, oval loop It per
mits us to put a LONG bond In tho lino wlro, thus preserving the full
strength of tho wire. We bellevo this to be one of the vital points
In the manufacture of nny wire fenco. Most miinufacturora of wire
fence are compelled to put a short kink in tho lino wire, owing to
tho shortness of their lock, and each and every short kink you put
In any wlro wonkens the wire.
Aguln, we construct our lock of tho samo hard, Bprlng stool wlro
that Is used In tho line and stny wire, Wo positively DO NOT uho a
softer wire for our knot thun tho lino nnd Btays,
It Is not necessary to anchor our fence betwoon poHts liocaiise
when proporly stretched the rigid stay provents a hog or nny other
small animal from going undor our fence unloss they ruiso the whole
fenco, and with the fenco well slupled to tho posts, this thoy cannot
, We do not use half-sized wlro In any of our stylos. Tho prlco of
n wire fonco depends on the quality of the wire and tho weight of
tho fence per rod.
Tho llfo of a wlro fonco depends on the qunllly of tho who, the
galvanizing, the size of the wire nnd the method of tying tho wires
together so they WJLL NOT SLIP or In any way Injure tho wires In
the fence.
We have a fence that embodies all of these qualities' and wo guar
antee every rod of fence we put out.
r .. v
Jk. J.-. V" -
T X T 'Ha
id . At,,
MAVIirArTfiar n
Made or the best hard steel wire, thoroughly oulvanized. The lucks will not slip,
they are not driven down on the mre.h'ence not a wire is injured. 16 crossbars
10 llio rod. The heaviesi woven wire standard (arm tence cn Hip. market.-
medicines for Injuries received Wlilln
working for ClnrkamiiN County 011 11
hrlditc, Ordered (hat a warrant Ixniio
In favor of said petitioner for tho hiiiii
of 1125.110.
In tho matter of tho claim of J. W.
1 ICIiy for payment of dnmiigo by rea
son of Mcnlterlng debris, stum pit, logs
and other matter taken from a public
highway and deHislted on his land.
Ordered that a warrant Isaon In favor
of petitioner lu the sum of 2i.no In
payment of huiiic.
In the matter of the application of
the George Telephone Co. for a tele
phono franchise. Ordered that mild
petition bo mid Is granted, subject to
regulations and orders of thin court
In tho mntter of Churl on White nnd
others hauling heavy loads of rord
wood over public highway. Oidertnl
that Charles White, Ills ngeuis nod
Horvauts reuse hauling cord wood on
said road, except that the weight of
all cordwiHid lieri'iifter hauled by said
Charle White, his agents, mid wr
vnnts shall not exceed tho lawful
In tho mutter of tho noliey turned
over to school district numbered 45
that should have been turned over to
Road District 21. Ordered that the
sum of IP.7.88 b transferred from
school district 45 to road district 21.
In tho mutter of official bond of tho
Sheriff and County Treasurer elect
Ordered that the official bond of
Ernst T. Ma, as SherUf of Clacka
mas County shall be $10,000.00. and
that tho official bond of J, A. Turts
as County Treasurer shall ho .0,m0.
J L-S r. A J. 11
,.1 1 . . r. , UK v
Anoi.ii .nj...in . ..